Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20180130 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20180130

but hay at least it's not as cold as it is in minnesota. soup bowl 526 days away. let's go. >> now fox 29 news at ten. breaking news. new jersey transit light rail train and car have collided in palmyra. skyfox live over the scene. this is race street it happened little more than half hour ago. we do not have any word of injuries as of yet. we will bring it to you as the news warrants. this is amazing. less than one week, this feels like those few days before christmas when you can't concentrate on really anything else and much like christmas we're all hoping saint nick delivers. here we are. six more days. i'm lucy noland. everyone in minnesota now. the eagles got there yesterday. patriots arrived today and look at their plane. flash she. perhaps little obnoxious those vince lombardi trophy on the tale. at least we'll keeping them from repaint the plane. no sixth trophy for the belicheck/brady bunch. you know who else is in minnesota? fox 29. yup. we go there. we went there. we are there. team coverage all the way. chris o'connell spent the day checking out the nfl experience and seeing what fun is in store for fans but let's begin with kristen rodgers live in st. paul. kristen? >> hey, lucy. yes, i'm live here outside the xcel energy center helping for opening night of the super bowl. in the past usually it's supposed to be about our first chance to talk with the eagles and patriots really it has back media frenzy we tried to give a little taste of what tonight has been like. >> some of the questions were okay. like this one to former eagle eric row. >> like i know i used to play for them but i want to get back at them. no. we got to prepare for them. >> a wall around tom brady. so we did the next best thing. >> how many times have you heard the name tom brady tonight? >> do you have a counter going. >> i don't have a counter going but probably up there. >> then the crazy questions started to come out. >> who is there. >> interrupting cow. >> interrupting cow. >> moo. >> i don't think he's going to laugh at that one. >> then it went from bad to ridiculous. >> we tried to bring a little bit of austria every year to the super bowl especially to the media day, and so we decided this year to go with the later hose zen. they're beautiful and of course we have american football in us a via as well therefore i brought the original austrian team football jersey. >> this is perfect combination of austria and america together. >> that's what i thought. >> you guys, i made a new austrian friend. he was so nice works for austrian tv. media frenzy is continuing behind me as the eagles are getting set to talk right now. we'll have more for you coming up later in the show. chris oh com though we were talking with a lot of players. he saw some of the media frenzy as well. awed chance to seat fan experience. >> most of the focus behind us on the players tonight at opening night formally media night. but really the rest of the week is devoted to the fans. events not only in minneapolis here in st. paul, yes, six days before the super bowl even happens eagles green has invaded the twin cities. for fans it's the games before the game. minneapolis convention center is home to the super bowl fan experience, a massive inn doo nfl playground. fans can see super bowl rings of past, throw a pass, run the 40 and get to run the combine drills. >> what's this like for an eagles fan? >> this is awesome. >> you're giddy. >> i am grid deem it's been so long, and just to be here and experience all of this. >> reporter: most of the attractions are free and open to the public but don't forget to bring your wallet. you'll want to bring home some super swag. >> this is the shirt the birds are going to be wearing tonight opening night. check this out. they're also going to be wearing this tonight. the wind breaker. that's a player's only price right there. >> call them the unofficial minnesota eagles fan club. jim steven james never new each other before they all moved to minnesota from philly. >> what's it like having your team here? >> it's fantastic. >> it's fantastic. >> reporter: what's the vibe out here. >> it's ban long week. little crazy. >> one of the biggest attractions the vince lombardi trophy. fans have been waiting three hours just to get a little glimpse of this thing but don't worry you won't have to wait. philly on monday. >> that's the birds trophy, baby. go eagles much that's ours. you're going down brady. >> did you know this is how an nfl football begins? first it's zone, then stretched, filled inflated and laced up and then 48 game balls are sent to each super bowl team. >> it's just one of many fan based events as the countdown to the super bowl now six days aw away. >> dilly dilly here comes phil philly. >> reporter: and i just got in from when the patriots and eagles were announced because there's fans in there on media night thousands of item when the patriots and tom brady were announced, lots of cheers. eagles were announced, boos all over the place except for one guy chanting e-a-g-l-e-s. i heard him. we're here. we'll be here until we bring them to trophy, lucy. >> i can't believe it. seriously? they were cheering for the patriots there in minneapolis and everybody is booing us. >> they were. >> what the heck is wrong with them? >> well got the video to prove it. >> holy cow. unbelievable. all right. we're just going to make some fans real quick real soon. sunday. it will happen. we've got you covered all week live from the twin cities good day with you in the mornings and we're with you each and every night at 5:00, 6:00, 10:00 and 11:00. let's look outside back in our own city ben franklin parkway all lit up in eagles green, of course. are you ready for a little bit of snow because the morning commute could get messy. all right, kathy, what's happening? >> we're talking about a little bit of the rain through south jersey and delaware. but this is what we're watching. this right here is a clipper it's a fast-moving area of low pressure not a lot of moisture and it's going bring light snow tomorrow morning. 41 still in philadelphia. the ground is warm everywhere above freezing with the exception of the poconos. so it's going to be a wet slushy snow. winds out of the northeast 12 in millville in physical at about eight. so this is what we have. hour by hour we have a coastally low pulling out maybe a few snow showers push back toward the shore this is what we're talking about after 8:00 o'clock pushing toward philadelphia. maybe late morning by the time it gets there. and squall moving through and even at 5:00 o'clock lingering showers through south jersey. how much, about a coating to an inch possible. that's just about it but it doesn't come at a really good time. coming up we'll talk more about the snow details. watching more snow for friday. and of course your super bowl weekend forecast coming up. >> big forecast. >> oh yeah. >> thank you much, kathy. developing story out of south philadelphia where just about 15 hours after police say a man tried to mow down people with his car a lot of questions remain unanswered. off duty cop stopped him down by shooting him and killing him. police are trying to figure out why the man in the car without a state plates did what did he. our dave kinchen has been following this story all day live now at philadelphia police headquarters. dave? >> reporter: lucy, tonight there's an active investigation underway after a morning drive arc morning rush hour turned frightefrightening with ear radk driving and -- err erratic driving and gunfire. >> it was sort of like pop pop pop pop pop pop. >> maybe ten shots that went off. >> reporter: that's how many shots witnesses here at broad and bigler in south philadelphia this morning. and philly police say they came from the gun of an off duty detective who had just confront add man driving his honda accused of running people down. >> to be honest with you the way it happened i wasn't sure if it was firework. >> the gunfire killed the suspect but the number of shots from a department issued gun that gives police commissioner richard ross pause. >> there are some concerns because of the way the shots were fired and the positioning and things like that, but at this time, i'm just being very candid about the fact that we do have some concerns about the discharge. >> reporter: investigators say it all went down around 7:30am when the driver of the honda was reported to be driving erratically. cops say he struck one perp and intended target who suffered minor injuries. a good samaritan blocked the suspect when the off duty officer got involved in a struggle that grew violent as the bad guy allegedly tried to disarm the cop. >> spinning each other around and around and at some point in time, there are multiple discharge glass suspect was killed. police say he was a 31-year-old man from virginia though the car he was driving had maryland plates. cops don't know why he was in philadelphia. we're told that the suspect was not armed in many case. minor injuries went to the officer. the off duty officer, and the person hit by the car. back to you. >> all right, thank you much, dave. to reading now where someone killed four young men in house. police say they cannot remember a time when this many people ended up shot at one time in the city. our brad sattin is live in reading and brad, police are still looking for the killer. >> reporter: that is true. we're here at the reading police department the search goes on. no arrests at this point. police do think that these victims were targeted the general public is not in any danger but as you can imagine, people tonight want answers. >> prayers and memorials balloons and candles. too familiar a scene any more as community tries to come to terms with this shocking crime. >> we cannot remember any time in recent history where this many people were shot at one time. >> reporter: just before 7:00 sunday night four men were each shot repeatedly inside this first floor apartment here on south third street in reading. by the time police arrived, three were dead, the fourth died at reading hospital. photos of the men were posted across the street all the men in their early 20s jar lynn tejada, juan rodriguez, josh santos and fourth man not named. iris was a close friend of one of them. >> you call him and he was there. he had no questions asked. no questions asked at all. like he drilled in my son's head stay off the streets. the streets aren't for you and he made sure my son was good. he made sure my daughter was good. every tame time they came over they made think my kids happy and now they're not here. >> some hugged one another and shed tears. >> people want to do something. they want to -- kind of like walking around aim leslie and just don't know what to do. so i think prayer is very helpful for drawing people together and focusing for at least little bit. >> reporter: community wants answers much police are committed to finding them. >> we're prepared to ex spend an awful lot of resources to figure out who did this and why they did it. >> reporter: with one or more gunmen still out there a heavy police presence here will continue. >> it's not fair. it's not right. why do you take four people's lives? for what? >> they didn't make anything better. you made everything ten times worse. >> reporter: police tonight are asking any witnesses to come forward. they are also scowering video surveillance footage hoping lucy to identify a suspect. >> hopefully they do very soon. thank you, brad. rush hour ruined. one downed utility pole meant a lot of people called work and say said hey, i'm late. in the heart of new york giants country, a sick little boy became an eagles fan. chalk it up to the power of kindsness. bruce g ♪ eagles! >> i love those opens. so fun. in sports there's always the chance of a miracle the injured player returning to win the ga game. the big come back from certain defeat. but a sick young boy from a new york family full of diehard giants fans becoming the eagles biggest booster. could it only happen in philly. and only our bruce gordon can tell the story. >> philadelphia fans are definitely the toughest i've seen. >> just across the street from lincoln financial field, dan and maureen mulvey of chester, new york, visit philadelphia for the first time since the death of their beloved son. >> fly eagles fly. >> danny was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia when he was just four years old. >> it's absolutely devastating. you just can't believe it. you try to live your life a certain way and then you hear it's your child and you just can't believe it. >> for the next 16 years, danny and his parents would make the three-hour drive from chester to children's hospital of philadelphia. maybe 100 visits in all. >> the health care there was absolutely phenomenal the best. >> it was during those treatments that danny began getting visits from members of the eagles. lots of visits from lots of players and coaches. >> it's just beautiful. you know, it's just giving back and that's what it's all about. >> got to visit their training facility where star players and alums signed autographs and posed for pictures. in a family full of diehard giants fans, danny mulvey became the birds biggest booster. >> oh, i knew it was going to -- it was going to kill me dad, and i knew my husband was going to be upset about it, but, you know to, each his own. >> last september 24th danny watched his final eagles game against who else the giants. new york led late and his doting big sister alicia was loving it. >> everyone is like be nice. your brother, he's dying. i was like no, it's joins/eagles man. we have to keep the tradition going. >> then as time expired, jake elliot hit a 61-yard miracle field goal to win it for the eagles. >> it's good! >> i just looked at him and he pick his head up. he was so weak. he pick his head up and he flipped me off but i won't do that on camera. but yeah. >> this is the g rated version of that exchange. [ laughter ] >> i was happy that he was alive to see that. >> danny passed away eight days later. at the age of 20. >> but before he died, he was made an honorary member of of the u.s. army. he inn sister on standing for his oath. >> challenge coin was created with a phrase that embodied his all too short life. faith, family, friends. that coin was at the linc when the eagles won the nfc championship game and will be in us bank stadium in minneapolis for super bowl lii. >> come this sunday, um, the eagles are going to have a special angel in their huddle, and he may even trade his angel wings for some eagles wings. >> reporter: we will see. come sunday much of the town of chester, new york, right there in the heart of giants country will be lit up in eagles green put aside for moment at least their usual hatred of the eagles for their love of the young man who taught them about as it says on the coin, faith, family and friends. lucy i've got my coin i'll be hanging on it to while i'm watching the game. >> 100%. who says you can only have one set of wink. he can have angels wings and eagles wing. let's hope it happens on sunday. >> you got it. >> thank you. montgomery county now. police say hit-and-run driver has killed a father of two. you saw it as breaking news here last night at 10:00. it shut down the eastbound lanes of inter 9876 but that's so minor compared to what happened. tonight jennifer joyce shows us how the community is coming together for the family the man left behind. >> reporter: 32-year-old michael house of boyertown a husband and father of two young boys didn't make it home from work last night. >> it's a sad day many. >> reporter: owner of k and s towing in haverford steve says house was out on call towing a car along the schuylkill expressway near the belmont avenue exit when he was clipped and killed by a hit-and-run drive. >> he was getting ready to bench the car on to the deck he wasn't actually so close to the wall from my understanding he couldn't get to the controls on the passenger side of the truck. so he had to stand on that side of the truck. it was real tight shoulder. >> reporter: state police arrested 35-year-old emmanuel him with vehicular homicide.rge- doxy had nothing to stay to our cameras at the state police belmont barrack but house's co-workers at k and s had lot to share. >> i've been crying since 4:15 this morning. >> he was nice gay guy it's clay shaye to say but every day he come in to work he had a big smile on his face. >> steve received calls from towing companies across the country offering their condolence. >> this happens every day unfortunately. nobody ever hears about it. >> oh, my god. >> last week the hamilton township, new jersey, police department shared this video of one of their officers jumping out of the way of a passing car. the employees of k and s towing are firmly reminding drivers to pay attention to the roadway and obey the law. >> please, everybody, just move over. just slow down, you know, the lights are on for a reason. my heart goes out to his family. it's a tragic loss. >> reporter: there is fop riser set up for mychal house's wife and two young sons. if you'd like to contribute, you can go stop by any bryn mawr trust bank and ask about the house children memorial fund. you can also find additional information on k and s towing's facebook page. reporting from the state police belmont barracks, i'm jennifer joyce, fox 29 news. ♪ happening right now patco riders have wait a bit longer for there ride a tonight a train took out electrical pole. one big mess this morning though during the morning are you rush. trains are running on adjusted schedule through tomorrow morning. train was headed east near the ferry avenue station when right on 5:30 it hit electrical pole. conrail train had hit that pole that was leaning near adjacent tracks. four people have if i nor injuries. patco is hoping to have trains running about every ten minutes during tomorrow morning's rush hour. ♪ still ahead, you never know who you're going to run into at the super bowl. man, does chris have a story to tell about buying an eagles shirt. and after the nfc championship, some woke up to this, their cars spray painted green. tonight, fox 29 is getting results. welcome back. our clipper moving three western pa right now impactingsing us tomorrow morning and friday another fast moving area of low pressure will be moving in but temperatures will be borderline still there's another chance of snow. we'll talk more about it coming up. all right, thank you very much, kathy. a lot of good out of a bad situation in north philadelphia. our joyce evans reported on cars spray painted with green after the eagles won the nfc championship last week. after her report so many people stepped up to the plate to help those vandalized it's heart warming. joyce has tonight's installment of happy. >> spray it on, wait like 15, 20 seconds and wipe. >> reporter: spraying, rubbing -- >> just little bit of elbow grease and the right cleaner. >> reporter: more rubbing and spraying. >> will it come all the way out. >> yeah. oh yeah. a couple thick spots takes awhile. >> reporter: joy wall stands by looking at what's happening to her blue nissan. pretty much the same way she look a week ago. >> someone's fun turned to something bad for me. >> reporter: eagles fans celebrating philadelphia capturing the nfc championship decided a coating of eagles green spray paint on other people's cars was a good idea. >> not really the way to do it. there's a million ways to celebrate. this isn't one of them. >> reporter: joe cleary was so angry hearing what happened to a single mom still in college and working full time he called our fox 29 news desk before we even finish the report. >> why did you decide to come out don this? >> just because it's the right thing to do. >> reporter: he's got the right kind of business and the warm heart to do it. >> got to help out every once in while we're just doing our part. >> reporter: he and ryan came the extra mile about 50 miles from buck county to north philly to clean joy's nissan and any other cars spray painted green near the 1500 block of 16th street. >> that's a big deal for me, and i'm happy. >> reporter: couple there are folks like this. >> no. i'm shocked. it's just nice to see that people recognize the fact that i'm still in school and i have daughter and i'm just trying to make it out here and it's hard to kind of go through something like that and have to give out more money because it's so expensive. >> reporter: thanks to joe and ryan joy's car was clear of green in about an hour. >> i'm going to come and give you a hug. i'm so happy. >> don't worry about it. >> express my gratitude and thank you and i really appreciate it. >> no worries. i mean it's what should be done any way, you know, we got to take care of eve other. >> reporter: joy thanked another fox 29 viewer who paid for her rental car while she couldn't drive hers. temple university police say that they're still looking for the ones who trashed her car and the others it but they say they'll have plan in place for super bowl bowl sunday to protect the campus and surrounding communities. joy will be watching the game and cheering the eagles on again but she's parking her car some place else. joyce evans fox 29 news. you didn't go to the super bowl if you didn't bring home some super bowl swag. wait until you hear about the 400-dollar wind breaker. i'm chris o'connell in minnesota coming up. i'll show it to you. >> man that's good swag. all right. thank you chris. tomorrow night president trauma system back in front of congress ready to give his state of the system back in front of congress ready to give his state of the union or this winter system back in front of congress readyin the state with morethe union or ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here. e-a-g-l-e-s e-a-g-l-e-s! >> ♪ we're less than a week away from the birds facing the patriots in the super bowl. fox 29's chris o'connell live in st. paul, minnesota talking to fans who cannot wait for the showdown chris i'm still flabbergasted that we didn't get many cheers when they were introduced. >> reporter: um aisle i'm really not surprised at all. we're in minute money he we beat them pretty bad last week they're still bitter. i can tell when you it comes to fans coming out here, there are fans eagle fans who live here but the smatterings of them are now starting to get here. if you're coming from philly, you better bring your wallet. gout your ticket. you got your hotel room. but make sure you got your super bowl swag. we went into the nfl shop. tons of offerings out there. everywhere you look there's super bowl lii merchandise and they're literally making new stuff every single day. and it is pricey. one of the must haves if you got the money the players collection super bowl wind breaker will set you back $425. and we ran into a guy who said he couldn't afford it but he was shopping at the nfc experience here. he lives here but he's going to be watching the super bowl back in philly. i'm assuming you're going to the game sunday. >> unfortunately i'm not. i'm chummily flying out sunday morning. i couldn't get tickets and unfortunately they're so expensive at this point. >> you're going back to philly for the game? >> i'm flying back to philly to watch the game at a big party with my brother who's birthday is actually sunday, too, it's going to be whole bunch of us watching in philly. >> reporter: see nothing better than watching that game with family. now, coming up the eagles are literally inside the xcel energy center here in st. paul as we speak. speaking to the media. kristen rodgers got all of it coming up in just a few minutes. wait until you hear what they got to say about the super bowl. lucy? >> cannot wait. thank you much, chris. enjoy. you got to wonder what in the world are radio sports guy was thinking what he called tom brady's little girl and we do mean little had the new england patriots quarterback cutting short a radio interview today. >> you know it's very disappoint hug hear that certainly with my daughter or any child, um, you know, they certainly don't deserve that. officer i'll obviously evaluate whether i want to come on this show again. i really don't have much to say this morning. >> that's fine. that's tollly fine. >> maybe i'll speak with you guys some other time. >> have good day. >> all right, tom, to you. >> he hung up. weei alex reamer called had brady's five-year-old daughter an ant before ant he threw in an expletive that rhymes with kiss in his remark on thursday. the station has since indefinitely suspended him. cheering on the eagles in supporting a good cause, that's what super bowl week should be all about the fact of the matter is both eagles players and fans have stepped up in big ways to support various charities during the birds play off run and today another local business showed bill anderson its products celebrating quarterback nick foles and how it's helping philadelphia students for goodness sake. >> reporter: listen any real eagles fan fans know we're crazy about our team. sometimes that passion is empowering. sometimes it creates a questionable reputation. but this time, it's empowered businesses and people to donate nearly a million dollars to the philadelphia schools. >> does it mean anything to you they're doing it also for charity? >> absolutely. 100%. >> reporter: eagles run to super bowl inspired people in many ways. chris long donated his entire salary to char r lane johnson t-shirt sales were donated and now many businesses are following suit including philadelphia's latest phenomen phenomenon. >> looking for the new rianne any mated brand. support the eagles. >> we got into the super bowl we wanted to charity company something to be a part of the excitement in philadelphia for this. >> coffee roasters called their signature blend foles jers100% philadelphian and put it on their shelves and website with no idea how quickly would it take off. >> we row leased it on friday it's been a big success. >> pretty crazy. we were thinking maybe, you know, sell about 200 of them. >> they sold thee times that. i was there with them as they tried meet the demand of in person and online orders. eagles mania resulting in sales isn't unusual but what we cool is that when faced with by far their biggest seller they didn't decide to personally benefit. >> we didn't really feel right taking the profits from this. this is more like a philadelphia community kind of thing. so want to give it back. >> reporter: how is that for something to add to our philadelphia reputation national media. >> all this stuff is going. >> reporter: businesses putting in extra work to fill the demand of a product going viral and benefits will go entirely to the fund for the school district of philadelphia. >> the school needs it. we don't have any interest necessarily capita capitalizingf this. being part of the excitement and given it back to filly. >> as we all purchase our steve nears and memorabilia maybe take a second to buy something that will actually help our communities for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ we've got you covered all week. live from the twin cities good day is with you in the mornings and we're with you each night at 5:00, 6:00, 10:00 and 11:00. we're tracking a developing story. andrew mccabe the deputy director of fbi has resign. sources are telling fox mccabe will stay on the fbi payroll until he's eligible to retire with full benefits in march basically he's effectively taken vacation until retirement. the 22 year fbi veteran got caught up in the middle of o on-going tension between the white house and the bureau. president trump is targeted him again and again in his tweets. he was james comey's top deputy. the president fired fbi director comey last year as the bureau investigated possible collusion between his campaign and russia. that led to the appointment of special counsel robert mueller. so the house intelligence committee is also investigating. republicans on the committee have voted to release a classified memo they've yet to do they just vote to do it it appears to show improper use of surveillance by the fbi and the justice department in the russia investigation. many republicans pushing for its release suggest that some of the justice department and fbi have conspired against the president. democrats are not happy about the memo which they say omits crucial facts in the gop should not selectively release it. president trump now has five days to decide if he wants that information to go public. this is one of those things that just makes you go whoops? check out this tweet from senator marco rubio. it reads address to the congress on the state of the uniom. >> the house sergeant of arms who prints the ticks confirm the misprint. not that we needed it confirmed and said it's corrected. fox 29 will bring you president trump's first state of union live tomorrow night starting at 9:00. stay tuned for fox 29 news at 10:00 whenever that may be. look at this. handcuffed, hauled away in a police car the suspect is seven years old and this isn't a joke and then just another night, another car stopped for local cop until wait for it -- >> issue freshner anything hanging from the mirror that is not put on that bite excuse me everyone! paul? paul? this is three million dollar mega multiplier the new game from the pennsylvania lottery with top prizes of three million dollars! three million dollars! did you win? i don't know. i'm so excited about it. this could be a big winner! just had to share. carry on. sometimes the moments before you scratch are as exciting as the moments you do. keep on scratchin'! new tv, new speakers, netflix. this is going to be the place for binge watching, ladies. is it, ladies? don't get me wrong, you have killer tech mrs. d, but you still don't have fios. ok? fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, literally engineered for streaming. good advice. i've also got some ideas on a better cereal selection, which i will keep to myself. experience netflix on the 100% fiber-optic network made for streaming switch to fios and get a year of netflix on us with a two-year agreement. anything hanging from the mirror not put on that by the vehicle manufacturer. county five to 24. give me an ambulance here asap. >> pennsville officer's alive despite nearly getting slammed into during a traffic stop. he was talking to the driver you heard him when another car hit his patrol car which then hit the car he had stopped. the officer and the driver are both okay. now the driver of the other car however has serious injuries. caught on camera in in order. seven-year-old taken away in handcuffs. taken away in handcuffs accused of attacking his teacher. a teacher took the boy out of cafeteria because the teacher said he was playing with his food. the teacher also says that he then punched her and fought with her until they both fell which is when he pulled her hair. he ended up at the principal's office. school police say they handcuffed him to prevent him from hurting anyone else. his parents agree with the suspension but say those handcuffs, well, they went too far. all right. kathy, it's january of course. so we got little snow in the forecast. >> we got a little snow, lucy. we're talking about snow moving in with a clipper. it's in western pa right now during the morning rush at least part of it we'll be seeing snow moving in from the west. we'll talk about that and another chance for snow by the end of the breaking news out of delaware county. skyfox live over the scene of a deadly shooting. this is chester. happened it right around 10:00 in the 2600 block of schwartz street. all we know right now aside from that location is that one person is indeed dead. we are working to gather more details. we'll have it as it comes on in. ♪ live look at the xcel energy center in st. paul, minnesota inside super bowl media night. outside it's just cold. live reports on fox 29 news at 11:00. you hear us say we go there. where exactly do we? how about enemy territory as in ground zero as in home in the of the evil empire to dreaded place we call new england. scary organ sun effects would be good there. we've got hank flynn for light hearted fun much here's hank. >> it's hank. a lot of the fox 29 folks are in minneapolis. not me. i'm on the new jersey turnpike headed north into the belly of the beast new england. my take is, i'm going to find eagles fans there and i might even find out little something about what makes the hated patriots tick. >> the boss says go, i go. off i went up the new jersey turnpike past metlife stadium giants are playing golf. through new york all the way to the end of long island to the cross sound ferry where i ran into marvin bell. he knows who he loves. >> me? i love philly. got to love fill all day hands down. >> who is going to win. >> it will be a good one. >> yeah. not a win. >> by that point it was time to board the boat. i figure there had to be pats fans around but what about the people who love the jets giants who they rooting for. >> i worked my way up on the bridge to quiz the captain and crew. >> i think new england will find a way to cheat their way to victory. >> gerard wallace is a dallas fan rooting to philly to drop ten bucks on new england. what, a skipper captain bill fritz died in the patriots and he enjoyed the championship run. >> it's been great. they seem to, you know, nail biters all the games they start off slow and then have to win it in the last few minutes. >> sir, i'll ask you a loaded question. how does it feel knowing that the team you're root fog is a great big pack of cheater. >> i don't believe that. [ laughter ] >> i can throw you off my boat right now. [ laughter ] >> i didn't wait to find out. the guys had worked to bite look of things we were pulling into new london connecticut in fact we were docking. i cranked up the car and drove it on to dry land. new england. >> thank you, have a good one. i'm in it now. the heart of darkness and enemy territory i'll be here all week and got a few things working get me on social media if you know anybody i ought to talk to. super bowl lii years in. it's part of our psyche now. i'm going to get to the bottom of it. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ hop back outside life look at allentown tack bowing the possibility of not just one chance of snow but two. you're probably asking when. your answer 15 seconds away. so we have a coastal low off the coast that's slowly pulling away and still seeing moisture especially down the shore and through south jersey some wet snowflakes mixing in with that rain especially as you head toward the coastal sections but philadelphia to the north and west dry waiting for that clipper to be moving in from the west. right now temperatures above freezing everywhere with the exception of the poconos. so we need to kyle down. this is going to be a wet snow that's not going to be accumulating right away because it's going to be pretty much borderline freezing. cold air to the northern plains. minute miss only 13 where chris o'connell of course and kristen rodgers is right now. in philadelphia 41 degrees. so we'll take it hour by hour. we're watching the snow to the west. this is the clipper moving in. after 7:00 a.m. more like nine, ten moving into philadelphia. almost likes a squall line and then more throughout the afternoon to slow things down right into the afternoon commute and by 5:00 o'clock moving into south jersey. not a lot of moisture with this particular system. so we're really only talking about couple tenths of an inch in trenton of half an inch to an inch of snow possible with this because of the lack of moisture associated with it so overnight tonight temperatures around freezing in philadelphia. 29 in allentown and pottstown. 23 in the poconos. tomorrow we see that light snow and then it gives way to partly sunny skies outside those squalls but winds gusting to about 25 miles an hour keeping it cool with temperatures in the 30s. on your seven day forecast. 36 for wednesday. thursday mostly cloudy noor 50. groundhog day another chance of rain mixing with wet snow in the morning. see what punxsutawney phil has to say. saturday mostly sunny. snow chance sunday, super bowl sunday 39 and by monday partly sunny and 34 degrees. so what about super bowl weekend here in philadelphia? saturday freezing. by sunday some snow possibly mixing with rain with temperatures once again above freezing at thirty nine degrees. but in minneapolis, it's going to be much colder. kristen rodgers is in st. paul game time temperature around six with below zero wind chills as everybody heads into the stadium, kristen. >> kathy, i'm not about that. we're at a cool eight here right now but inside things got hot for opening night. hear what the eagles had to say coming up next. ttp://>[a5df] your nissan sports wrap on fox 29. e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> the flyers they're showing their support for the eagles. pretty fitting considering the eagles were inside of the xcel energy center today where the minnesota wild play. now, tonight was opening night for the nfl formerly called media night because that's exactly what this is. this is a media frenzy. the eagles all parade out. there's over 5,000 credentialed media members here for the super bowl. there's costumes and crazy questions and speaking of questions, our tom srendenschek want to do accident eagles players and wanted to know what the crazy yesterday and weirdest question they got all season. >> um, how much eagles team going to lose to atlanta by? >> that kind of stuck in your crawl a little bit, didn't it? >> it did. but then again it didn't. >> what happened if things didn't go the way you expected them to go? you saw what happened. it didn't go according to plan. two i probably say when people sauteed do we think we have a chance? yes, we have chance. >> worst question you've he have been asked? >> worst question i've ever been asked? media hasn't slipped up on me. >> it's ban good year. >> it's been a good year. >> don't end it now. >> yeah. >> the worst question i've he have been asked? >> is it this one? >> i think so. dzhokhar mon for the patriots delaware kid he actually grew up miami toll dolphins fan because his man got him a dan marino jersey and he like the color. his entire family all eagles fans. he knows exactly what this fan base is about. >> all eagles i wouldn't expect them to do anything less but to thai true to being eagles fans. you know how eagles fans are. as loyal as any fan base out there. they're going to rock with their team no matter what. through the good, the bad, the medium, they're going to always be there. chanting that eagles chant. and that's majority of my family members. >> okay. let's talk about the sixers for a second. joel em belled did not play tonight because he played last night again that load management. let's go to the fourth quarter sixers down ten. yannis gets an open look. he is going to sing the three. he finished with 31 points, 18 rebounds, sixers lose 107-95. opening night of the super bowl formerly called media night. that's exactly what this is this is a media frenzy and eagles talk so much about putting away and not focusing on any of those distractions to declutter this week it's hard but this sets the tone because this is going to be one wild ride here in minnesota. luce gee. >> i'm just hoping for blow out on sunday. i don't want a close game at a all. blow out eagles take it all. >> very one sided. >> um-hmm. >> i'm too nervous otherwise. >> last game was good. >> yeah it was. perfect. >> that does it for us at 10:00. we've got you cover on the other side of the break with fox 29 news at 11:00. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. live look at wilmington. our eyes on the skies. we have got snow in our forecast. we'll get to in just a minute. you know what else flys besides snowflakes? eagles. of course eagles fly, right? they have flown to minnesota. in week they'll fly home with vince lombardi trophy. we are sure hoping. we are amped tour super bowl l lii. thank you for joining us at 11:00. i'm lucy noland. can you tell we're excited about we're excited and we're just here in phil. imagine being in minnesota. that's where we find our chris o'connell. chris, is it electric there? >> reporter: it's starting to get there. opening night for super bowl week now in the books. this is used to be called media night where players get a chance to come out and talk to the media. more of an informal kin

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Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20180130

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but hay at least it's not as cold as it is in minnesota. soup bowl 526 days away. let's go. >> now fox 29 news at ten. breaking news. new jersey transit light rail train and car have collided in palmyra. skyfox live over the scene. this is race street it happened little more than half hour ago. we do not have any word of injuries as of yet. we will bring it to you as the news warrants. this is amazing. less than one week, this feels like those few days before christmas when you can't concentrate on really anything else and much like christmas we're all hoping saint nick delivers. here we are. six more days. i'm lucy noland. everyone in minnesota now. the eagles got there yesterday. patriots arrived today and look at their plane. flash she. perhaps little obnoxious those vince lombardi trophy on the tale. at least we'll keeping them from repaint the plane. no sixth trophy for the belicheck/brady bunch. you know who else is in minnesota? fox 29. yup. we go there. we went there. we are there. team coverage all the way. chris o'connell spent the day checking out the nfl experience and seeing what fun is in store for fans but let's begin with kristen rodgers live in st. paul. kristen? >> hey, lucy. yes, i'm live here outside the xcel energy center helping for opening night of the super bowl. in the past usually it's supposed to be about our first chance to talk with the eagles and patriots really it has back media frenzy we tried to give a little taste of what tonight has been like. >> some of the questions were okay. like this one to former eagle eric row. >> like i know i used to play for them but i want to get back at them. no. we got to prepare for them. >> a wall around tom brady. so we did the next best thing. >> how many times have you heard the name tom brady tonight? >> do you have a counter going. >> i don't have a counter going but probably up there. >> then the crazy questions started to come out. >> who is there. >> interrupting cow. >> interrupting cow. >> moo. >> i don't think he's going to laugh at that one. >> then it went from bad to ridiculous. >> we tried to bring a little bit of austria every year to the super bowl especially to the media day, and so we decided this year to go with the later hose zen. they're beautiful and of course we have american football in us a via as well therefore i brought the original austrian team football jersey. >> this is perfect combination of austria and america together. >> that's what i thought. >> you guys, i made a new austrian friend. he was so nice works for austrian tv. media frenzy is continuing behind me as the eagles are getting set to talk right now. we'll have more for you coming up later in the show. chris oh com though we were talking with a lot of players. he saw some of the media frenzy as well. awed chance to seat fan experience. >> most of the focus behind us on the players tonight at opening night formally media night. but really the rest of the week is devoted to the fans. events not only in minneapolis here in st. paul, yes, six days before the super bowl even happens eagles green has invaded the twin cities. for fans it's the games before the game. minneapolis convention center is home to the super bowl fan experience, a massive inn doo nfl playground. fans can see super bowl rings of past, throw a pass, run the 40 and get to run the combine drills. >> what's this like for an eagles fan? >> this is awesome. >> you're giddy. >> i am grid deem it's been so long, and just to be here and experience all of this. >> reporter: most of the attractions are free and open to the public but don't forget to bring your wallet. you'll want to bring home some super swag. >> this is the shirt the birds are going to be wearing tonight opening night. check this out. they're also going to be wearing this tonight. the wind breaker. that's a player's only price right there. >> call them the unofficial minnesota eagles fan club. jim steven james never new each other before they all moved to minnesota from philly. >> what's it like having your team here? >> it's fantastic. >> it's fantastic. >> reporter: what's the vibe out here. >> it's ban long week. little crazy. >> one of the biggest attractions the vince lombardi trophy. fans have been waiting three hours just to get a little glimpse of this thing but don't worry you won't have to wait. philly on monday. >> that's the birds trophy, baby. go eagles much that's ours. you're going down brady. >> did you know this is how an nfl football begins? first it's zone, then stretched, filled inflated and laced up and then 48 game balls are sent to each super bowl team. >> it's just one of many fan based events as the countdown to the super bowl now six days aw away. >> dilly dilly here comes phil philly. >> reporter: and i just got in from when the patriots and eagles were announced because there's fans in there on media night thousands of item when the patriots and tom brady were announced, lots of cheers. eagles were announced, boos all over the place except for one guy chanting e-a-g-l-e-s. i heard him. we're here. we'll be here until we bring them to trophy, lucy. >> i can't believe it. seriously? they were cheering for the patriots there in minneapolis and everybody is booing us. >> they were. >> what the heck is wrong with them? >> well got the video to prove it. >> holy cow. unbelievable. all right. we're just going to make some fans real quick real soon. sunday. it will happen. we've got you covered all week live from the twin cities good day with you in the mornings and we're with you each and every night at 5:00, 6:00, 10:00 and 11:00. let's look outside back in our own city ben franklin parkway all lit up in eagles green, of course. are you ready for a little bit of snow because the morning commute could get messy. all right, kathy, what's happening? >> we're talking about a little bit of the rain through south jersey and delaware. but this is what we're watching. this right here is a clipper it's a fast-moving area of low pressure not a lot of moisture and it's going bring light snow tomorrow morning. 41 still in philadelphia. the ground is warm everywhere above freezing with the exception of the poconos. so it's going to be a wet slushy snow. winds out of the northeast 12 in millville in physical at about eight. so this is what we have. hour by hour we have a coastally low pulling out maybe a few snow showers push back toward the shore this is what we're talking about after 8:00 o'clock pushing toward philadelphia. maybe late morning by the time it gets there. and squall moving through and even at 5:00 o'clock lingering showers through south jersey. how much, about a coating to an inch possible. that's just about it but it doesn't come at a really good time. coming up we'll talk more about the snow details. watching more snow for friday. and of course your super bowl weekend forecast coming up. >> big forecast. >> oh yeah. >> thank you much, kathy. developing story out of south philadelphia where just about 15 hours after police say a man tried to mow down people with his car a lot of questions remain unanswered. off duty cop stopped him down by shooting him and killing him. police are trying to figure out why the man in the car without a state plates did what did he. our dave kinchen has been following this story all day live now at philadelphia police headquarters. dave? >> reporter: lucy, tonight there's an active investigation underway after a morning drive arc morning rush hour turned frightefrightening with ear radk driving and -- err erratic driving and gunfire. >> it was sort of like pop pop pop pop pop pop. >> maybe ten shots that went off. >> reporter: that's how many shots witnesses here at broad and bigler in south philadelphia this morning. and philly police say they came from the gun of an off duty detective who had just confront add man driving his honda accused of running people down. >> to be honest with you the way it happened i wasn't sure if it was firework. >> the gunfire killed the suspect but the number of shots from a department issued gun that gives police commissioner richard ross pause. >> there are some concerns because of the way the shots were fired and the positioning and things like that, but at this time, i'm just being very candid about the fact that we do have some concerns about the discharge. >> reporter: investigators say it all went down around 7:30am when the driver of the honda was reported to be driving erratically. cops say he struck one perp and intended target who suffered minor injuries. a good samaritan blocked the suspect when the off duty officer got involved in a struggle that grew violent as the bad guy allegedly tried to disarm the cop. >> spinning each other around and around and at some point in time, there are multiple discharge glass suspect was killed. police say he was a 31-year-old man from virginia though the car he was driving had maryland plates. cops don't know why he was in philadelphia. we're told that the suspect was not armed in many case. minor injuries went to the officer. the off duty officer, and the person hit by the car. back to you. >> all right, thank you much, dave. to reading now where someone killed four young men in house. police say they cannot remember a time when this many people ended up shot at one time in the city. our brad sattin is live in reading and brad, police are still looking for the killer. >> reporter: that is true. we're here at the reading police department the search goes on. no arrests at this point. police do think that these victims were targeted the general public is not in any danger but as you can imagine, people tonight want answers. >> prayers and memorials balloons and candles. too familiar a scene any more as community tries to come to terms with this shocking crime. >> we cannot remember any time in recent history where this many people were shot at one time. >> reporter: just before 7:00 sunday night four men were each shot repeatedly inside this first floor apartment here on south third street in reading. by the time police arrived, three were dead, the fourth died at reading hospital. photos of the men were posted across the street all the men in their early 20s jar lynn tejada, juan rodriguez, josh santos and fourth man not named. iris was a close friend of one of them. >> you call him and he was there. he had no questions asked. no questions asked at all. like he drilled in my son's head stay off the streets. the streets aren't for you and he made sure my son was good. he made sure my daughter was good. every tame time they came over they made think my kids happy and now they're not here. >> some hugged one another and shed tears. >> people want to do something. they want to -- kind of like walking around aim leslie and just don't know what to do. so i think prayer is very helpful for drawing people together and focusing for at least little bit. >> reporter: community wants answers much police are committed to finding them. >> we're prepared to ex spend an awful lot of resources to figure out who did this and why they did it. >> reporter: with one or more gunmen still out there a heavy police presence here will continue. >> it's not fair. it's not right. why do you take four people's lives? for what? >> they didn't make anything better. you made everything ten times worse. >> reporter: police tonight are asking any witnesses to come forward. they are also scowering video surveillance footage hoping lucy to identify a suspect. >> hopefully they do very soon. thank you, brad. rush hour ruined. one downed utility pole meant a lot of people called work and say said hey, i'm late. in the heart of new york giants country, a sick little boy became an eagles fan. chalk it up to the power of kindsness. bruce g ♪ eagles! >> i love those opens. so fun. in sports there's always the chance of a miracle the injured player returning to win the ga game. the big come back from certain defeat. but a sick young boy from a new york family full of diehard giants fans becoming the eagles biggest booster. could it only happen in philly. and only our bruce gordon can tell the story. >> philadelphia fans are definitely the toughest i've seen. >> just across the street from lincoln financial field, dan and maureen mulvey of chester, new york, visit philadelphia for the first time since the death of their beloved son. >> fly eagles fly. >> danny was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia when he was just four years old. >> it's absolutely devastating. you just can't believe it. you try to live your life a certain way and then you hear it's your child and you just can't believe it. >> for the next 16 years, danny and his parents would make the three-hour drive from chester to children's hospital of philadelphia. maybe 100 visits in all. >> the health care there was absolutely phenomenal the best. >> it was during those treatments that danny began getting visits from members of the eagles. lots of visits from lots of players and coaches. >> it's just beautiful. you know, it's just giving back and that's what it's all about. >> got to visit their training facility where star players and alums signed autographs and posed for pictures. in a family full of diehard giants fans, danny mulvey became the birds biggest booster. >> oh, i knew it was going to -- it was going to kill me dad, and i knew my husband was going to be upset about it, but, you know to, each his own. >> last september 24th danny watched his final eagles game against who else the giants. new york led late and his doting big sister alicia was loving it. >> everyone is like be nice. your brother, he's dying. i was like no, it's joins/eagles man. we have to keep the tradition going. >> then as time expired, jake elliot hit a 61-yard miracle field goal to win it for the eagles. >> it's good! >> i just looked at him and he pick his head up. he was so weak. he pick his head up and he flipped me off but i won't do that on camera. but yeah. >> this is the g rated version of that exchange. [ laughter ] >> i was happy that he was alive to see that. >> danny passed away eight days later. at the age of 20. >> but before he died, he was made an honorary member of of the u.s. army. he inn sister on standing for his oath. >> challenge coin was created with a phrase that embodied his all too short life. faith, family, friends. that coin was at the linc when the eagles won the nfc championship game and will be in us bank stadium in minneapolis for super bowl lii. >> come this sunday, um, the eagles are going to have a special angel in their huddle, and he may even trade his angel wings for some eagles wings. >> reporter: we will see. come sunday much of the town of chester, new york, right there in the heart of giants country will be lit up in eagles green put aside for moment at least their usual hatred of the eagles for their love of the young man who taught them about as it says on the coin, faith, family and friends. lucy i've got my coin i'll be hanging on it to while i'm watching the game. >> 100%. who says you can only have one set of wink. he can have angels wings and eagles wing. let's hope it happens on sunday. >> you got it. >> thank you. montgomery county now. police say hit-and-run driver has killed a father of two. you saw it as breaking news here last night at 10:00. it shut down the eastbound lanes of inter 9876 but that's so minor compared to what happened. tonight jennifer joyce shows us how the community is coming together for the family the man left behind. >> reporter: 32-year-old michael house of boyertown a husband and father of two young boys didn't make it home from work last night. >> it's a sad day many. >> reporter: owner of k and s towing in haverford steve says house was out on call towing a car along the schuylkill expressway near the belmont avenue exit when he was clipped and killed by a hit-and-run drive. >> he was getting ready to bench the car on to the deck he wasn't actually so close to the wall from my understanding he couldn't get to the controls on the passenger side of the truck. so he had to stand on that side of the truck. it was real tight shoulder. >> reporter: state police arrested 35-year-old emmanuel him with vehicular homicide.rge- doxy had nothing to stay to our cameras at the state police belmont barrack but house's co-workers at k and s had lot to share. >> i've been crying since 4:15 this morning. >> he was nice gay guy it's clay shaye to say but every day he come in to work he had a big smile on his face. >> steve received calls from towing companies across the country offering their condolence. >> this happens every day unfortunately. nobody ever hears about it. >> oh, my god. >> last week the hamilton township, new jersey, police department shared this video of one of their officers jumping out of the way of a passing car. the employees of k and s towing are firmly reminding drivers to pay attention to the roadway and obey the law. >> please, everybody, just move over. just slow down, you know, the lights are on for a reason. my heart goes out to his family. it's a tragic loss. >> reporter: there is fop riser set up for mychal house's wife and two young sons. if you'd like to contribute, you can go stop by any bryn mawr trust bank and ask about the house children memorial fund. you can also find additional information on k and s towing's facebook page. reporting from the state police belmont barracks, i'm jennifer joyce, fox 29 news. ♪ happening right now patco riders have wait a bit longer for there ride a tonight a train took out electrical pole. one big mess this morning though during the morning are you rush. trains are running on adjusted schedule through tomorrow morning. train was headed east near the ferry avenue station when right on 5:30 it hit electrical pole. conrail train had hit that pole that was leaning near adjacent tracks. four people have if i nor injuries. patco is hoping to have trains running about every ten minutes during tomorrow morning's rush hour. ♪ still ahead, you never know who you're going to run into at the super bowl. man, does chris have a story to tell about buying an eagles shirt. and after the nfc championship, some woke up to this, their cars spray painted green. tonight, fox 29 is getting results. welcome back. our clipper moving three western pa right now impactingsing us tomorrow morning and friday another fast moving area of low pressure will be moving in but temperatures will be borderline still there's another chance of snow. we'll talk more about it coming up. all right, thank you very much, kathy. a lot of good out of a bad situation in north philadelphia. our joyce evans reported on cars spray painted with green after the eagles won the nfc championship last week. after her report so many people stepped up to the plate to help those vandalized it's heart warming. joyce has tonight's installment of happy. >> spray it on, wait like 15, 20 seconds and wipe. >> reporter: spraying, rubbing -- >> just little bit of elbow grease and the right cleaner. >> reporter: more rubbing and spraying. >> will it come all the way out. >> yeah. oh yeah. a couple thick spots takes awhile. >> reporter: joy wall stands by looking at what's happening to her blue nissan. pretty much the same way she look a week ago. >> someone's fun turned to something bad for me. >> reporter: eagles fans celebrating philadelphia capturing the nfc championship decided a coating of eagles green spray paint on other people's cars was a good idea. >> not really the way to do it. there's a million ways to celebrate. this isn't one of them. >> reporter: joe cleary was so angry hearing what happened to a single mom still in college and working full time he called our fox 29 news desk before we even finish the report. >> why did you decide to come out don this? >> just because it's the right thing to do. >> reporter: he's got the right kind of business and the warm heart to do it. >> got to help out every once in while we're just doing our part. >> reporter: he and ryan came the extra mile about 50 miles from buck county to north philly to clean joy's nissan and any other cars spray painted green near the 1500 block of 16th street. >> that's a big deal for me, and i'm happy. >> reporter: couple there are folks like this. >> no. i'm shocked. it's just nice to see that people recognize the fact that i'm still in school and i have daughter and i'm just trying to make it out here and it's hard to kind of go through something like that and have to give out more money because it's so expensive. >> reporter: thanks to joe and ryan joy's car was clear of green in about an hour. >> i'm going to come and give you a hug. i'm so happy. >> don't worry about it. >> express my gratitude and thank you and i really appreciate it. >> no worries. i mean it's what should be done any way, you know, we got to take care of eve other. >> reporter: joy thanked another fox 29 viewer who paid for her rental car while she couldn't drive hers. temple university police say that they're still looking for the ones who trashed her car and the others it but they say they'll have plan in place for super bowl bowl sunday to protect the campus and surrounding communities. joy will be watching the game and cheering the eagles on again but she's parking her car some place else. joyce evans fox 29 news. you didn't go to the super bowl if you didn't bring home some super bowl swag. wait until you hear about the 400-dollar wind breaker. i'm chris o'connell in minnesota coming up. i'll show it to you. >> man that's good swag. all right. thank you chris. tomorrow night president trauma system back in front of congress ready to give his state of the system back in front of congress ready to give his state of the union or this winter system back in front of congress readyin the state with morethe union or ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here. e-a-g-l-e-s e-a-g-l-e-s! >> ♪ we're less than a week away from the birds facing the patriots in the super bowl. fox 29's chris o'connell live in st. paul, minnesota talking to fans who cannot wait for the showdown chris i'm still flabbergasted that we didn't get many cheers when they were introduced. >> reporter: um aisle i'm really not surprised at all. we're in minute money he we beat them pretty bad last week they're still bitter. i can tell when you it comes to fans coming out here, there are fans eagle fans who live here but the smatterings of them are now starting to get here. if you're coming from philly, you better bring your wallet. gout your ticket. you got your hotel room. but make sure you got your super bowl swag. we went into the nfl shop. tons of offerings out there. everywhere you look there's super bowl lii merchandise and they're literally making new stuff every single day. and it is pricey. one of the must haves if you got the money the players collection super bowl wind breaker will set you back $425. and we ran into a guy who said he couldn't afford it but he was shopping at the nfc experience here. he lives here but he's going to be watching the super bowl back in philly. i'm assuming you're going to the game sunday. >> unfortunately i'm not. i'm chummily flying out sunday morning. i couldn't get tickets and unfortunately they're so expensive at this point. >> you're going back to philly for the game? >> i'm flying back to philly to watch the game at a big party with my brother who's birthday is actually sunday, too, it's going to be whole bunch of us watching in philly. >> reporter: see nothing better than watching that game with family. now, coming up the eagles are literally inside the xcel energy center here in st. paul as we speak. speaking to the media. kristen rodgers got all of it coming up in just a few minutes. wait until you hear what they got to say about the super bowl. lucy? >> cannot wait. thank you much, chris. enjoy. you got to wonder what in the world are radio sports guy was thinking what he called tom brady's little girl and we do mean little had the new england patriots quarterback cutting short a radio interview today. >> you know it's very disappoint hug hear that certainly with my daughter or any child, um, you know, they certainly don't deserve that. officer i'll obviously evaluate whether i want to come on this show again. i really don't have much to say this morning. >> that's fine. that's tollly fine. >> maybe i'll speak with you guys some other time. >> have good day. >> all right, tom, to you. >> he hung up. weei alex reamer called had brady's five-year-old daughter an ant before ant he threw in an expletive that rhymes with kiss in his remark on thursday. the station has since indefinitely suspended him. cheering on the eagles in supporting a good cause, that's what super bowl week should be all about the fact of the matter is both eagles players and fans have stepped up in big ways to support various charities during the birds play off run and today another local business showed bill anderson its products celebrating quarterback nick foles and how it's helping philadelphia students for goodness sake. >> reporter: listen any real eagles fan fans know we're crazy about our team. sometimes that passion is empowering. sometimes it creates a questionable reputation. but this time, it's empowered businesses and people to donate nearly a million dollars to the philadelphia schools. >> does it mean anything to you they're doing it also for charity? >> absolutely. 100%. >> reporter: eagles run to super bowl inspired people in many ways. chris long donated his entire salary to char r lane johnson t-shirt sales were donated and now many businesses are following suit including philadelphia's latest phenomen phenomenon. >> looking for the new rianne any mated brand. support the eagles. >> we got into the super bowl we wanted to charity company something to be a part of the excitement in philadelphia for this. >> coffee roasters called their signature blend foles jers100% philadelphian and put it on their shelves and website with no idea how quickly would it take off. >> we row leased it on friday it's been a big success. >> pretty crazy. we were thinking maybe, you know, sell about 200 of them. >> they sold thee times that. i was there with them as they tried meet the demand of in person and online orders. eagles mania resulting in sales isn't unusual but what we cool is that when faced with by far their biggest seller they didn't decide to personally benefit. >> we didn't really feel right taking the profits from this. this is more like a philadelphia community kind of thing. so want to give it back. >> reporter: how is that for something to add to our philadelphia reputation national media. >> all this stuff is going. >> reporter: businesses putting in extra work to fill the demand of a product going viral and benefits will go entirely to the fund for the school district of philadelphia. >> the school needs it. we don't have any interest necessarily capita capitalizingf this. being part of the excitement and given it back to filly. >> as we all purchase our steve nears and memorabilia maybe take a second to buy something that will actually help our communities for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ we've got you covered all week. live from the twin cities good day is with you in the mornings and we're with you each night at 5:00, 6:00, 10:00 and 11:00. we're tracking a developing story. andrew mccabe the deputy director of fbi has resign. sources are telling fox mccabe will stay on the fbi payroll until he's eligible to retire with full benefits in march basically he's effectively taken vacation until retirement. the 22 year fbi veteran got caught up in the middle of o on-going tension between the white house and the bureau. president trump is targeted him again and again in his tweets. he was james comey's top deputy. the president fired fbi director comey last year as the bureau investigated possible collusion between his campaign and russia. that led to the appointment of special counsel robert mueller. so the house intelligence committee is also investigating. republicans on the committee have voted to release a classified memo they've yet to do they just vote to do it it appears to show improper use of surveillance by the fbi and the justice department in the russia investigation. many republicans pushing for its release suggest that some of the justice department and fbi have conspired against the president. democrats are not happy about the memo which they say omits crucial facts in the gop should not selectively release it. president trump now has five days to decide if he wants that information to go public. this is one of those things that just makes you go whoops? check out this tweet from senator marco rubio. it reads address to the congress on the state of the uniom. >> the house sergeant of arms who prints the ticks confirm the misprint. not that we needed it confirmed and said it's corrected. fox 29 will bring you president trump's first state of union live tomorrow night starting at 9:00. stay tuned for fox 29 news at 10:00 whenever that may be. look at this. handcuffed, hauled away in a police car the suspect is seven years old and this isn't a joke and then just another night, another car stopped for local cop until wait for it -- >> issue freshner anything hanging from the mirror that is not put on that bite excuse me everyone! paul? paul? this is three million dollar mega multiplier the new game from the pennsylvania lottery with top prizes of three million dollars! three million dollars! did you win? i don't know. i'm so excited about it. this could be a big winner! just had to share. carry on. sometimes the moments before you scratch are as exciting as the moments you do. keep on scratchin'! new tv, new speakers, netflix. this is going to be the place for binge watching, ladies. is it, ladies? don't get me wrong, you have killer tech mrs. d, but you still don't have fios. ok? fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, literally engineered for streaming. good advice. i've also got some ideas on a better cereal selection, which i will keep to myself. experience netflix on the 100% fiber-optic network made for streaming switch to fios and get a year of netflix on us with a two-year agreement. anything hanging from the mirror not put on that by the vehicle manufacturer. county five to 24. give me an ambulance here asap. >> pennsville officer's alive despite nearly getting slammed into during a traffic stop. he was talking to the driver you heard him when another car hit his patrol car which then hit the car he had stopped. the officer and the driver are both okay. now the driver of the other car however has serious injuries. caught on camera in in order. seven-year-old taken away in handcuffs. taken away in handcuffs accused of attacking his teacher. a teacher took the boy out of cafeteria because the teacher said he was playing with his food. the teacher also says that he then punched her and fought with her until they both fell which is when he pulled her hair. he ended up at the principal's office. school police say they handcuffed him to prevent him from hurting anyone else. his parents agree with the suspension but say those handcuffs, well, they went too far. all right. kathy, it's january of course. so we got little snow in the forecast. >> we got a little snow, lucy. we're talking about snow moving in with a clipper. it's in western pa right now during the morning rush at least part of it we'll be seeing snow moving in from the west. we'll talk about that and another chance for snow by the end of the breaking news out of delaware county. skyfox live over the scene of a deadly shooting. this is chester. happened it right around 10:00 in the 2600 block of schwartz street. all we know right now aside from that location is that one person is indeed dead. we are working to gather more details. we'll have it as it comes on in. ♪ live look at the xcel energy center in st. paul, minnesota inside super bowl media night. outside it's just cold. live reports on fox 29 news at 11:00. you hear us say we go there. where exactly do we? how about enemy territory as in ground zero as in home in the of the evil empire to dreaded place we call new england. scary organ sun effects would be good there. we've got hank flynn for light hearted fun much here's hank. >> it's hank. a lot of the fox 29 folks are in minneapolis. not me. i'm on the new jersey turnpike headed north into the belly of the beast new england. my take is, i'm going to find eagles fans there and i might even find out little something about what makes the hated patriots tick. >> the boss says go, i go. off i went up the new jersey turnpike past metlife stadium giants are playing golf. through new york all the way to the end of long island to the cross sound ferry where i ran into marvin bell. he knows who he loves. >> me? i love philly. got to love fill all day hands down. >> who is going to win. >> it will be a good one. >> yeah. not a win. >> by that point it was time to board the boat. i figure there had to be pats fans around but what about the people who love the jets giants who they rooting for. >> i worked my way up on the bridge to quiz the captain and crew. >> i think new england will find a way to cheat their way to victory. >> gerard wallace is a dallas fan rooting to philly to drop ten bucks on new england. what, a skipper captain bill fritz died in the patriots and he enjoyed the championship run. >> it's been great. they seem to, you know, nail biters all the games they start off slow and then have to win it in the last few minutes. >> sir, i'll ask you a loaded question. how does it feel knowing that the team you're root fog is a great big pack of cheater. >> i don't believe that. [ laughter ] >> i can throw you off my boat right now. [ laughter ] >> i didn't wait to find out. the guys had worked to bite look of things we were pulling into new london connecticut in fact we were docking. i cranked up the car and drove it on to dry land. new england. >> thank you, have a good one. i'm in it now. the heart of darkness and enemy territory i'll be here all week and got a few things working get me on social media if you know anybody i ought to talk to. super bowl lii years in. it's part of our psyche now. i'm going to get to the bottom of it. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ hop back outside life look at allentown tack bowing the possibility of not just one chance of snow but two. you're probably asking when. your answer 15 seconds away. so we have a coastal low off the coast that's slowly pulling away and still seeing moisture especially down the shore and through south jersey some wet snowflakes mixing in with that rain especially as you head toward the coastal sections but philadelphia to the north and west dry waiting for that clipper to be moving in from the west. right now temperatures above freezing everywhere with the exception of the poconos. so we need to kyle down. this is going to be a wet snow that's not going to be accumulating right away because it's going to be pretty much borderline freezing. cold air to the northern plains. minute miss only 13 where chris o'connell of course and kristen rodgers is right now. in philadelphia 41 degrees. so we'll take it hour by hour. we're watching the snow to the west. this is the clipper moving in. after 7:00 a.m. more like nine, ten moving into philadelphia. almost likes a squall line and then more throughout the afternoon to slow things down right into the afternoon commute and by 5:00 o'clock moving into south jersey. not a lot of moisture with this particular system. so we're really only talking about couple tenths of an inch in trenton of half an inch to an inch of snow possible with this because of the lack of moisture associated with it so overnight tonight temperatures around freezing in philadelphia. 29 in allentown and pottstown. 23 in the poconos. tomorrow we see that light snow and then it gives way to partly sunny skies outside those squalls but winds gusting to about 25 miles an hour keeping it cool with temperatures in the 30s. on your seven day forecast. 36 for wednesday. thursday mostly cloudy noor 50. groundhog day another chance of rain mixing with wet snow in the morning. see what punxsutawney phil has to say. saturday mostly sunny. snow chance sunday, super bowl sunday 39 and by monday partly sunny and 34 degrees. so what about super bowl weekend here in philadelphia? saturday freezing. by sunday some snow possibly mixing with rain with temperatures once again above freezing at thirty nine degrees. but in minneapolis, it's going to be much colder. kristen rodgers is in st. paul game time temperature around six with below zero wind chills as everybody heads into the stadium, kristen. >> kathy, i'm not about that. we're at a cool eight here right now but inside things got hot for opening night. hear what the eagles had to say coming up next. ttp://>[a5df] your nissan sports wrap on fox 29. e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> the flyers they're showing their support for the eagles. pretty fitting considering the eagles were inside of the xcel energy center today where the minnesota wild play. now, tonight was opening night for the nfl formerly called media night because that's exactly what this is. this is a media frenzy. the eagles all parade out. there's over 5,000 credentialed media members here for the super bowl. there's costumes and crazy questions and speaking of questions, our tom srendenschek want to do accident eagles players and wanted to know what the crazy yesterday and weirdest question they got all season. >> um, how much eagles team going to lose to atlanta by? >> that kind of stuck in your crawl a little bit, didn't it? >> it did. but then again it didn't. >> what happened if things didn't go the way you expected them to go? you saw what happened. it didn't go according to plan. two i probably say when people sauteed do we think we have a chance? yes, we have chance. >> worst question you've he have been asked? >> worst question i've ever been asked? media hasn't slipped up on me. >> it's ban good year. >> it's been a good year. >> don't end it now. >> yeah. >> the worst question i've he have been asked? >> is it this one? >> i think so. dzhokhar mon for the patriots delaware kid he actually grew up miami toll dolphins fan because his man got him a dan marino jersey and he like the color. his entire family all eagles fans. he knows exactly what this fan base is about. >> all eagles i wouldn't expect them to do anything less but to thai true to being eagles fans. you know how eagles fans are. as loyal as any fan base out there. they're going to rock with their team no matter what. through the good, the bad, the medium, they're going to always be there. chanting that eagles chant. and that's majority of my family members. >> okay. let's talk about the sixers for a second. joel em belled did not play tonight because he played last night again that load management. let's go to the fourth quarter sixers down ten. yannis gets an open look. he is going to sing the three. he finished with 31 points, 18 rebounds, sixers lose 107-95. opening night of the super bowl formerly called media night. that's exactly what this is this is a media frenzy and eagles talk so much about putting away and not focusing on any of those distractions to declutter this week it's hard but this sets the tone because this is going to be one wild ride here in minnesota. luce gee. >> i'm just hoping for blow out on sunday. i don't want a close game at a all. blow out eagles take it all. >> very one sided. >> um-hmm. >> i'm too nervous otherwise. >> last game was good. >> yeah it was. perfect. >> that does it for us at 10:00. we've got you cover on the other side of the break with fox 29 news at 11:00. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. live look at wilmington. our eyes on the skies. we have got snow in our forecast. we'll get to in just a minute. you know what else flys besides snowflakes? eagles. of course eagles fly, right? they have flown to minnesota. in week they'll fly home with vince lombardi trophy. we are sure hoping. we are amped tour super bowl l lii. thank you for joining us at 11:00. i'm lucy noland. can you tell we're excited about we're excited and we're just here in phil. imagine being in minnesota. that's where we find our chris o'connell. chris, is it electric there? >> reporter: it's starting to get there. opening night for super bowl week now in the books. this is used to be called media night where players get a chance to come out and talk to the media. more of an informal kin

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