Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20180123 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20180123

breaking. >> i'm pretty lucky guy to be married to the woman i'm married to and that was why when i had the conversation with this woman i expressed right from the outset that i am happily married man. that i have no interest in a relationship. >> reporter: the married father of three says he's speaking because the other side broke a confidentiality agreement they both signed. asked if he'll quit and asked about the demand by house speaker ryan that he pay back taxpayers, meehan says -- >> if they believe that somehow i have committed some sexual harassment, then i'm prepared to pay that money back. >> reporter: why can't you just pay it back any way? why should taxpayers pay pay for any of this. >> taxpayers pay for the work of employees and they pay severances to employees each and every day. >> reporter: now meehan is being investigated by the ethics committee that is a panel that he sat on he's now on it any more. he says that he removed himself from it. now, the attorney for the former aid who i spoke to today says that meehan has violated an agreement that they both signed that they would not talk about this case. she says that she is considering legal act v meehan also says this. that someone representing the former aid contacted his campaign asking for money when the answer was no, says meehan, formal complaint was made against him. the attorney for the former aid would not speak to that. live in media, delaware county, jeff cole, fox 29 news. >> excellent direct questions. i know you're digging deeper. jeff cole, thank you. >> breaking news. montgomery county mother and her boyfriend charged in the death of her four-year-old little boy. montgomery county prosecutors say at a their smith was beaten to death after spilling his breakfast cereal at their abington township home yesterday. 19-year-old lisa smith and 26-year-old keith king right there facing aggravated assault and criminal attempted murder among other charges. police were called to the house around 6:00 o'clock yesterday evening and tajir was pronounced dead at abington hospital. bail for both set at half million dollars. now to a developing story out of kentucky where two students were killed and more than a dozen other people were injured in a school shooting. it happened this morning at the marshall county high school. that is southwest in the state. police say the shooter a 15-year-old boy armed with a handgun. a boy an girl were killed. 17 other people injured. 12 of them had gunshot wounds. now the suspect was taken into custody. police have no reason to believe anyone else was involved in the shooting. checking in with your fox 29 weather authority as we look live doylestown, good evening, to you. what a difference a couple of hours make here. kathy orr joining us with a look at the forecast the that second half repeat y, please. >> unbelievable, right. >> yeah. >> beautiful day yesterday. temperature wise. another one today. 62 degrees. a few showers moving offshore skies are clearing but some snow in central pa. we're not going to see that but we will see the cold. reading picked up over an inch of rain. allentown close to it. atlantic city .80 of an inch over half an inch in doylestown. philadelphia .40 of an inch the same in wilmington the rain is outta here. but the warmth is going to be leaving us as well. old city philadelphia looking pretty dry. still mild, 54 in the city. but look to the west. allentown 49. reading and lancaster 46. so that cooler air coming in from the west and overnight tonight, it's going to be cold. low temperatures in the 30s and the 20s in the poconos. but it's going to feel colder with the wind. so we are tal talking about it staying pretty windy over the next couple of days. wind chills will be a factor they're going to be back and weekend rain not snow as we end the month of january. already. we'll take a look at what february has in store and have your seven day forecast coming up. >> hopefully better thing on the way. kathy, thank you. >> the countdown to super bowl lii continues and philadelphia's first fan waying in on the big game. mayor jim kenney was asked today about eagles fans and the behavior he hopes can be avoid avoided. >> i'm not a big fan of the knuckle head behavior, um, i don't -- i don't like it. i don't think it's good for the city, um, you know, it's hard -- it's hard to police it, um, some of the things i saw on video over the weekend not pleasant. shouldn't not happen. but that does not represent anywhere near the majority of our fans. >> so the mayor says he's cheering on the birds 100 10% as you see people lined up to get the merchandise the nfc championship merchandise and they're of course going to line up once again for the super bowl merchandise. when asked though if he would be going to minnesota to see the birds in person, he said probably not. all over the delaware valley eagles fans are debate showing i break my bank and buy tickets to the big game? our bruce gordon in studio to surprise me with some tickets, no, i'm just kidding. [ laughter ] >> tick prices are actually moving in the right direction, right. >> absolutely, thomas. not exact al bargain but the factors that push prices down are starting to align. your best bet as a fan might be to wait a bit before making your decision. eagles! >> okay so the post n if c championship euphoria has worn off and you're now thinking clearly about a trip to minneapolis. will your tickets break the bang? well, maybe dent it but things have actually gotten better says jamie downs of wanamaker entertainment group in center city. >> i think lasalle plays penn at lasalle. >> they've been player in the secondary ticket game for 60 years. the market has turned in favor of the buyer recently. within the last six or eight hours. >> reporter: a midday look at stub dub confirmed that. nosebleed seats at us bank stadium could be had for about 3500 bucks a piece. on monday those same seats ran five grant. and the best seats were also down a couple thousand dollars a piece. what's happening? well, for starters, eagles and patriots season ticket holders now know whether they won their respective lotteries and thus have access to seats at face value. >> these are likely folks who may be found out they won the lottery they have access to the tickets but figured they could do better by selling them than using them? >> correct. minnesota in february. not a fun place to be, right? >> reporter: so the ticket supply is up and the demand, well, think about what goes into that factor. >> we've seen a huge spike in hotel prices, um, flights out of philly are almost, um, pretty much can find them. >> reporter: for those staying on the ground, it's an 18 or 19 hour drive from center city philadelphia to u.s. bank. still season ticket lottery winners have a face value ticket in hand and that's not a bad position to be in. >> it's a gold mine. it's like a lottery ticket. do you use it to, um, have the experience and maybe the 50% chance they win or do you use it to, um,. >> done night cash. >> turn it into cash. >> reporter: actually very interesting choice. see the birds in person or sell your seats and use that money to pay maybe for next year's season tickets and one quick clean trance act. thomas, i don't know about you i might be tempted to sell. >> you might have a buyer right here. will you do ten year payment plan? >> there's premium for your thomas. >> in that case i'll pass. bruce gordon tonight. thank you. keep it right here to fox 29 news. we'll have much more on the sioux super bowl bound eagles over the next 90 minutes tonig tonight. over in new jersey, governor phil murphy signing orders to review the state's medical marijuana program. now the new jersey department of health and board of medical examiners will review the existing program over the next 60 days. the goal to eliminate barriers to access for patients who suffer from an illness that can be treated with medical marijuana. right now n limits marijuana prescriptions to people who have certain state approved conditions. we understand that no program is going to be perfect. and the program is still knew to the state. um, we like to look at the positive in things so we would always say, although there's a lot of improvements that need to be made, we're fortunate that we live in a state where jake could utilize medical marijuana. >> more than 15,000 people enrolled in the program right now have access to only five dispensaries in operation in the state. five people are behind bars tonight after police say they turned an abandoned house into a meth lab. delaware state police say around 9:30 last night the governor's task force unit found all five suspects right here in abandoned home on the 9,000 block of canterbury road. when inside they found an active meth lab in one of the bedrooms. so david sharp, marlena cloner, joshua wilson, mary pritchard and brandy, face multiple charges such as drug dealing, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and a list of other charges. the 86-year-old woman who plead guilty of robbing a philadelphia bank has been placed on probation. police say the 86-year-old who uses a walker attempted to rob the td bank in university city with a revolver back in november. police you see he is cored her out of the bank and she plead guilty on charges such as simple assault, robbery an list of other charges. she now faces one year probati probation. emergency crews in alaska on high alert after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake strikes off kodiak island. everyone on the island was told to evacuate either drive inland or find the highest point they could. bowie near the epicenter registered a 30 food high wave 15 miles deep and it lasted about one minute caused minimal damage. states on the west coast, canada down to hawaii were all under a tsunami watch for several hours after the quake. still ahead here at 6:00, a sink hole swallowing parts of a philly street, and it's not the first time this has happened. neighbors having to deal with a big mess. we'll make a mess out of the patriots, right, chris ten. >> that's the goal. eagles defense is going to have their hands full with tom brady and the patriots in two weeks. coming up hear howdy fence seive coordinator james schwartz says the birds should game plan for ♪ women come back. we're following breaking news right now. this is coming out of delaware counsel tie. look at this mess. skyfox over the scene of an overturned tractor trailer. this all happened around 5:30 near the intersection this is scott way and governor prince boulevard in tinicum township. now it's unclear if anyone is injured at this time and what may have caused the crash but as you can see, still a very active scene as they're not only dealing with overturned tractor trailer but a spill as well. as soon as we learn more, we of course will let you know. another crazy scene. a large sink hole opens up on boston street. this is in fishtown. crews have been working since the giant hole began taking down the street yesterday. our joyce evans spoke with some neighbors who say this isn't the first time sing hole they've had on their street. >> there are a lot of weary residents around this neighborhood and since we actually saw this hole opening up in the street yesterday, check it out. a lot of progress actually has been made. but neighbors around here say that they think that this is just part of an on-going problem in this fishtown neighborhood underground. a lot of digging going on outside on the 2300 block of boston street, and inside sean ward's basement. >> i got a lot of work ahead of me. >> reporter: accompanying of mud and watery mains. >> i would imagine probably 50% loss. we'll be able to salvage what we can and soldier on with it. >> reporter: it could be worse says sean ward but his neighbors say shouldn't be happening again. almost one year to the day. >> and the next block up heading west had a major cave in about a year and a half ago where they had to replace a lot of -- i hope you guys got that. >> yup. >> reporter: we got the collapse in progress as water department inspectors and neighbors watch it sink and grow and collapse some more. >> the water came up the street actually lifted up and then collapsed down. >> reporter: water department officials say the main below did break. but they're not sure if something wept wrong before that like a defective sewer pipe from somebody's house. hollowing out the ground below. causing the street to collapse and break the main. that's why they flushed dye through to see where it goes. no answer on that yet. they say the rain hasn't helped. >> everything is going to cave in. i'm not a happy camper. i'm not a happy camper. i got 40 years in this neighborhood. >> reporter: now city officials tell us they're showing no record of multiple locations of collapse or compromise in this immediate neighborhood but they say if neighbors are seeing things and their concerned about them, they should give them a call as soon as possibe. in fishtown, joyce evans fox 29 news. back to you. >> joyce, thank you back to your fox 29 weather authority now. let's take a live look down the shore. even though we're having those warmer temperatures certainly not a beach day out there. soon enough, though. colder temperatures they're returning bet but kathy orr has some positive news for in you 15 seconds. all right. beautiful night across the delaware valley with temperatures in the 40s, the 50s after making it into the 60s on the parkway looking good. the average high 40 degrees philadelphia 22 degrees above normal for this time of year. wilmington 63. philadelphia 62. 60s in atlantic city and trent trenton. reading and allentown in the upper 50s. right now we have that westerly wind. you can see that blue contour. that's where the cooler air is already made it in. pottstown 47. allentown 49. 39 in the poconos. 54 in philadelphia and 52 in millville. we'll take a look at ultimate doppler the rain is gone but air cold enough in williamsport and state college to see some snow moving in. that's going to go to the north. we zone don't have to worry about that it will be cold and talking about wind chills again. look at the whole northern half of the country you can draw a line from the mid atlantic all the way to the west. teens international falls. 20s in the northern plains. 36 in st. louis. 60 in dallas but it is going to be colder there tonight. so the chilly air is coming. next couple of days we'll be talking about wind chill as well. temperatures tomorrow 20 degrees cooler than today. because we are going to go back to normal. so as we look ahead a little bit of wind tomorrow morning will make it feel like it's in the 20s in the poconos it will feel like it's in the single numbers. and then even by the day on thursday, still a little bit of wind. the wind chill in the poconos zero look to the north and west. feel like 17 in pottstown. 16 in allentown. 14 in lancaster. and only 17 in millville. so overnight tonight lows in the 30s for the most part. in the poconos we'll see lows in the 20s. wind chills tomorrow morning once again in the 20s and the teens. by the afternoon, lots of sun deep blue sky low humidity and seasonal. the high temperature 44. but gusty winds will make it feel colder. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority, thursday 39. friday 41. saturday warming up again. by sunday in the upper 50s. but more rain monday 48 and turning cooler tuesday mostly sunny the high temperature 39. so what about that first week of february? guess what? this is 14 day outlook. cooler than average in the northern plains. we have a world series to play out there. above average on the east coast and in fact well above average. a really good chance of seeing above average temperatures in the delaware valley and up and down the i-95 corridor even into florida. so that's good news for the month of february. thomas, we'll send it back to you. thomas a lot of my friends are saying you look a lot like a-rod. you get that a lot? >> you mentioned the world series. hopefully the phillies will make too. [ laughter ] >> it's not a good thing when you live in this town and you look like a-rod. i get enough people coming up and giving i was peace of their mind. i'll take it. kathy, thank you. >> all right. look at this right here. this is a schoolbus sliding on icy roads this morning in massachusetts. some heart pounding moments there it did collide with that vehicle. we're being told, though, no one on board the schoolbus or that vehicle no one was injured. some heart pounding moments and about 12 days kristen we'll have more heart pounding moments. >> a lot. i feel like everyone's heart is still racing eagles will tall task of taking down tom brady in the super bowl. coming up how the birds are planning torque, start to game plan for the five-time super bowl champion plus the interesting story behind why doug pederson ran that this winter in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 1,300 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. i'm a small business, but i have big dreams, and big plans. so how can i make the efforts of 8 employees, feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes. just like that. like everything. the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done, dream more, dream faster, and above all, now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. can afford to dream gig. ♪ in the least shocking news the post season the eagles underdogs again. just how they like it but how much sweeter would this epidemicking for the story be if the birds dethrone the patriots and lane johnson said pretty boy tom brady. the eagles know how good of a quarterback tom brady is. so how do the eagles start game planning for one of the best quarterbacks to ever play? defensive coordinator jim schwartz says you have to prepare for the and tire patriots offense but y, brady is by far the biggest challenge. >> anybody defined by wins particularly quarterback he has a lot of them, and then you can just go one layer up, um, you know defined by championships and he has a lot of those. >> he's got lot of them. eagles offensive coordinator frank reich says doug pederson's mentality for the nfl championship was to be aggressive but not reckless. no more so was that evident with the flee flicker touchdown from foles to smith. do you that come about? >> i think he just had an instinct and he was just committed to being aggressive. trust in nick. trust in our players. when we practiced it during the week, it looked okay. it doesn't look particularly that good. um, but that's the thing. he was just bold. he was aggressive now. >> doug pederson all about being aggressive. eagles super fan mike trout obviously back in the birds in the super bowl we know how he feels about them being underdo underdogs. he was rocking that dog mask at the linc on sunday his prediction for minneapolis, eagles beat the patriots 31-24. plan accordingly eagles fans the birds are wearing their midnight green jersey for the super bowl. patriots will wear their white jerseys. now 12 of the last 13 super bowl winners worn white the only other team to win it the packers wore green. just like the eagles. >> so -- >> with most things in life, stats don't matter. >> i'm just saying they're some good luck some and good mojo. >> and green. >> wearing green. >> the one team. >> the one team. >> 12 other teams. >> underdogs against the current kings of football dethroning them. >> we got this kristen. >> it all works. >> midnight green. that does it for us here at 6:00. page six is coming up next. kathy orr, kristen, rodgers, i'm thomas drayton. have a wonderful night. we'll see you again at 10:00. ♪ right now on "page six" tv, who says harry styles should be the next james bond? when was bill cosby spotted giving a rare public performance? where was bella thorn kibcked ot for smoking pot? where did charlie rose have a secret meeting with a priest? all the answers now on "page six" tv. welcome to "page six" tv, i'm john fugelsang here with today's top stories. harry styles had his breakout role in "dunkirk" which scored eight oscar nominations and could be up for one of hollywood's most coveted roles. james bond. here's to talk about it, our stars, shaken and stirred about this move, car lotion greer, elizabeth wagmeister, and h

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Atlantic City , New Jersey , United States , Kentucky , Alaska , Allentown , Pennsylvania , Tinicum , New York , Hawaii , Dallas , Texas , Pottstown , Williamsport , Philadelphia , Millville , Delaware , Delaware County , Jersey , Montgomery County , Minnesota , America , Kathy Orr , Tom Brady , Jeff Cole , Doug Pederson , James Schwartz , Lisa Smith , Bruce Gordon , Joshua Wilson , Keith King , Joyce Evans , Jim Kenney , Joyce Evans Fox ,

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Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20180123 :

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20180123

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breaking. >> i'm pretty lucky guy to be married to the woman i'm married to and that was why when i had the conversation with this woman i expressed right from the outset that i am happily married man. that i have no interest in a relationship. >> reporter: the married father of three says he's speaking because the other side broke a confidentiality agreement they both signed. asked if he'll quit and asked about the demand by house speaker ryan that he pay back taxpayers, meehan says -- >> if they believe that somehow i have committed some sexual harassment, then i'm prepared to pay that money back. >> reporter: why can't you just pay it back any way? why should taxpayers pay pay for any of this. >> taxpayers pay for the work of employees and they pay severances to employees each and every day. >> reporter: now meehan is being investigated by the ethics committee that is a panel that he sat on he's now on it any more. he says that he removed himself from it. now, the attorney for the former aid who i spoke to today says that meehan has violated an agreement that they both signed that they would not talk about this case. she says that she is considering legal act v meehan also says this. that someone representing the former aid contacted his campaign asking for money when the answer was no, says meehan, formal complaint was made against him. the attorney for the former aid would not speak to that. live in media, delaware county, jeff cole, fox 29 news. >> excellent direct questions. i know you're digging deeper. jeff cole, thank you. >> breaking news. montgomery county mother and her boyfriend charged in the death of her four-year-old little boy. montgomery county prosecutors say at a their smith was beaten to death after spilling his breakfast cereal at their abington township home yesterday. 19-year-old lisa smith and 26-year-old keith king right there facing aggravated assault and criminal attempted murder among other charges. police were called to the house around 6:00 o'clock yesterday evening and tajir was pronounced dead at abington hospital. bail for both set at half million dollars. now to a developing story out of kentucky where two students were killed and more than a dozen other people were injured in a school shooting. it happened this morning at the marshall county high school. that is southwest in the state. police say the shooter a 15-year-old boy armed with a handgun. a boy an girl were killed. 17 other people injured. 12 of them had gunshot wounds. now the suspect was taken into custody. police have no reason to believe anyone else was involved in the shooting. checking in with your fox 29 weather authority as we look live doylestown, good evening, to you. what a difference a couple of hours make here. kathy orr joining us with a look at the forecast the that second half repeat y, please. >> unbelievable, right. >> yeah. >> beautiful day yesterday. temperature wise. another one today. 62 degrees. a few showers moving offshore skies are clearing but some snow in central pa. we're not going to see that but we will see the cold. reading picked up over an inch of rain. allentown close to it. atlantic city .80 of an inch over half an inch in doylestown. philadelphia .40 of an inch the same in wilmington the rain is outta here. but the warmth is going to be leaving us as well. old city philadelphia looking pretty dry. still mild, 54 in the city. but look to the west. allentown 49. reading and lancaster 46. so that cooler air coming in from the west and overnight tonight, it's going to be cold. low temperatures in the 30s and the 20s in the poconos. but it's going to feel colder with the wind. so we are tal talking about it staying pretty windy over the next couple of days. wind chills will be a factor they're going to be back and weekend rain not snow as we end the month of january. already. we'll take a look at what february has in store and have your seven day forecast coming up. >> hopefully better thing on the way. kathy, thank you. >> the countdown to super bowl lii continues and philadelphia's first fan waying in on the big game. mayor jim kenney was asked today about eagles fans and the behavior he hopes can be avoid avoided. >> i'm not a big fan of the knuckle head behavior, um, i don't -- i don't like it. i don't think it's good for the city, um, you know, it's hard -- it's hard to police it, um, some of the things i saw on video over the weekend not pleasant. shouldn't not happen. but that does not represent anywhere near the majority of our fans. >> so the mayor says he's cheering on the birds 100 10% as you see people lined up to get the merchandise the nfc championship merchandise and they're of course going to line up once again for the super bowl merchandise. when asked though if he would be going to minnesota to see the birds in person, he said probably not. all over the delaware valley eagles fans are debate showing i break my bank and buy tickets to the big game? our bruce gordon in studio to surprise me with some tickets, no, i'm just kidding. [ laughter ] >> tick prices are actually moving in the right direction, right. >> absolutely, thomas. not exact al bargain but the factors that push prices down are starting to align. your best bet as a fan might be to wait a bit before making your decision. eagles! >> okay so the post n if c championship euphoria has worn off and you're now thinking clearly about a trip to minneapolis. will your tickets break the bang? well, maybe dent it but things have actually gotten better says jamie downs of wanamaker entertainment group in center city. >> i think lasalle plays penn at lasalle. >> they've been player in the secondary ticket game for 60 years. the market has turned in favor of the buyer recently. within the last six or eight hours. >> reporter: a midday look at stub dub confirmed that. nosebleed seats at us bank stadium could be had for about 3500 bucks a piece. on monday those same seats ran five grant. and the best seats were also down a couple thousand dollars a piece. what's happening? well, for starters, eagles and patriots season ticket holders now know whether they won their respective lotteries and thus have access to seats at face value. >> these are likely folks who may be found out they won the lottery they have access to the tickets but figured they could do better by selling them than using them? >> correct. minnesota in february. not a fun place to be, right? >> reporter: so the ticket supply is up and the demand, well, think about what goes into that factor. >> we've seen a huge spike in hotel prices, um, flights out of philly are almost, um, pretty much can find them. >> reporter: for those staying on the ground, it's an 18 or 19 hour drive from center city philadelphia to u.s. bank. still season ticket lottery winners have a face value ticket in hand and that's not a bad position to be in. >> it's a gold mine. it's like a lottery ticket. do you use it to, um, have the experience and maybe the 50% chance they win or do you use it to, um,. >> done night cash. >> turn it into cash. >> reporter: actually very interesting choice. see the birds in person or sell your seats and use that money to pay maybe for next year's season tickets and one quick clean trance act. thomas, i don't know about you i might be tempted to sell. >> you might have a buyer right here. will you do ten year payment plan? >> there's premium for your thomas. >> in that case i'll pass. bruce gordon tonight. thank you. keep it right here to fox 29 news. we'll have much more on the sioux super bowl bound eagles over the next 90 minutes tonig tonight. over in new jersey, governor phil murphy signing orders to review the state's medical marijuana program. now the new jersey department of health and board of medical examiners will review the existing program over the next 60 days. the goal to eliminate barriers to access for patients who suffer from an illness that can be treated with medical marijuana. right now n limits marijuana prescriptions to people who have certain state approved conditions. we understand that no program is going to be perfect. and the program is still knew to the state. um, we like to look at the positive in things so we would always say, although there's a lot of improvements that need to be made, we're fortunate that we live in a state where jake could utilize medical marijuana. >> more than 15,000 people enrolled in the program right now have access to only five dispensaries in operation in the state. five people are behind bars tonight after police say they turned an abandoned house into a meth lab. delaware state police say around 9:30 last night the governor's task force unit found all five suspects right here in abandoned home on the 9,000 block of canterbury road. when inside they found an active meth lab in one of the bedrooms. so david sharp, marlena cloner, joshua wilson, mary pritchard and brandy, face multiple charges such as drug dealing, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and a list of other charges. the 86-year-old woman who plead guilty of robbing a philadelphia bank has been placed on probation. police say the 86-year-old who uses a walker attempted to rob the td bank in university city with a revolver back in november. police you see he is cored her out of the bank and she plead guilty on charges such as simple assault, robbery an list of other charges. she now faces one year probati probation. emergency crews in alaska on high alert after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake strikes off kodiak island. everyone on the island was told to evacuate either drive inland or find the highest point they could. bowie near the epicenter registered a 30 food high wave 15 miles deep and it lasted about one minute caused minimal damage. states on the west coast, canada down to hawaii were all under a tsunami watch for several hours after the quake. still ahead here at 6:00, a sink hole swallowing parts of a philly street, and it's not the first time this has happened. neighbors having to deal with a big mess. we'll make a mess out of the patriots, right, chris ten. >> that's the goal. eagles defense is going to have their hands full with tom brady and the patriots in two weeks. coming up hear howdy fence seive coordinator james schwartz says the birds should game plan for ♪ women come back. we're following breaking news right now. this is coming out of delaware counsel tie. look at this mess. skyfox over the scene of an overturned tractor trailer. this all happened around 5:30 near the intersection this is scott way and governor prince boulevard in tinicum township. now it's unclear if anyone is injured at this time and what may have caused the crash but as you can see, still a very active scene as they're not only dealing with overturned tractor trailer but a spill as well. as soon as we learn more, we of course will let you know. another crazy scene. a large sink hole opens up on boston street. this is in fishtown. crews have been working since the giant hole began taking down the street yesterday. our joyce evans spoke with some neighbors who say this isn't the first time sing hole they've had on their street. >> there are a lot of weary residents around this neighborhood and since we actually saw this hole opening up in the street yesterday, check it out. a lot of progress actually has been made. but neighbors around here say that they think that this is just part of an on-going problem in this fishtown neighborhood underground. a lot of digging going on outside on the 2300 block of boston street, and inside sean ward's basement. >> i got a lot of work ahead of me. >> reporter: accompanying of mud and watery mains. >> i would imagine probably 50% loss. we'll be able to salvage what we can and soldier on with it. >> reporter: it could be worse says sean ward but his neighbors say shouldn't be happening again. almost one year to the day. >> and the next block up heading west had a major cave in about a year and a half ago where they had to replace a lot of -- i hope you guys got that. >> yup. >> reporter: we got the collapse in progress as water department inspectors and neighbors watch it sink and grow and collapse some more. >> the water came up the street actually lifted up and then collapsed down. >> reporter: water department officials say the main below did break. but they're not sure if something wept wrong before that like a defective sewer pipe from somebody's house. hollowing out the ground below. causing the street to collapse and break the main. that's why they flushed dye through to see where it goes. no answer on that yet. they say the rain hasn't helped. >> everything is going to cave in. i'm not a happy camper. i'm not a happy camper. i got 40 years in this neighborhood. >> reporter: now city officials tell us they're showing no record of multiple locations of collapse or compromise in this immediate neighborhood but they say if neighbors are seeing things and their concerned about them, they should give them a call as soon as possibe. in fishtown, joyce evans fox 29 news. back to you. >> joyce, thank you back to your fox 29 weather authority now. let's take a live look down the shore. even though we're having those warmer temperatures certainly not a beach day out there. soon enough, though. colder temperatures they're returning bet but kathy orr has some positive news for in you 15 seconds. all right. beautiful night across the delaware valley with temperatures in the 40s, the 50s after making it into the 60s on the parkway looking good. the average high 40 degrees philadelphia 22 degrees above normal for this time of year. wilmington 63. philadelphia 62. 60s in atlantic city and trent trenton. reading and allentown in the upper 50s. right now we have that westerly wind. you can see that blue contour. that's where the cooler air is already made it in. pottstown 47. allentown 49. 39 in the poconos. 54 in philadelphia and 52 in millville. we'll take a look at ultimate doppler the rain is gone but air cold enough in williamsport and state college to see some snow moving in. that's going to go to the north. we zone don't have to worry about that it will be cold and talking about wind chills again. look at the whole northern half of the country you can draw a line from the mid atlantic all the way to the west. teens international falls. 20s in the northern plains. 36 in st. louis. 60 in dallas but it is going to be colder there tonight. so the chilly air is coming. next couple of days we'll be talking about wind chill as well. temperatures tomorrow 20 degrees cooler than today. because we are going to go back to normal. so as we look ahead a little bit of wind tomorrow morning will make it feel like it's in the 20s in the poconos it will feel like it's in the single numbers. and then even by the day on thursday, still a little bit of wind. the wind chill in the poconos zero look to the north and west. feel like 17 in pottstown. 16 in allentown. 14 in lancaster. and only 17 in millville. so overnight tonight lows in the 30s for the most part. in the poconos we'll see lows in the 20s. wind chills tomorrow morning once again in the 20s and the teens. by the afternoon, lots of sun deep blue sky low humidity and seasonal. the high temperature 44. but gusty winds will make it feel colder. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority, thursday 39. friday 41. saturday warming up again. by sunday in the upper 50s. but more rain monday 48 and turning cooler tuesday mostly sunny the high temperature 39. so what about that first week of february? guess what? this is 14 day outlook. cooler than average in the northern plains. we have a world series to play out there. above average on the east coast and in fact well above average. a really good chance of seeing above average temperatures in the delaware valley and up and down the i-95 corridor even into florida. so that's good news for the month of february. thomas, we'll send it back to you. thomas a lot of my friends are saying you look a lot like a-rod. you get that a lot? >> you mentioned the world series. hopefully the phillies will make too. [ laughter ] >> it's not a good thing when you live in this town and you look like a-rod. i get enough people coming up and giving i was peace of their mind. i'll take it. kathy, thank you. >> all right. look at this right here. this is a schoolbus sliding on icy roads this morning in massachusetts. some heart pounding moments there it did collide with that vehicle. we're being told, though, no one on board the schoolbus or that vehicle no one was injured. some heart pounding moments and about 12 days kristen we'll have more heart pounding moments. >> a lot. i feel like everyone's heart is still racing eagles will tall task of taking down tom brady in the super bowl. coming up how the birds are planning torque, start to game plan for the five-time super bowl champion plus the interesting story behind why doug pederson ran that this winter in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 1,300 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. i'm a small business, but i have big dreams, and big plans. so how can i make the efforts of 8 employees, feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes. just like that. like everything. the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done, dream more, dream faster, and above all, now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. can afford to dream gig. ♪ in the least shocking news the post season the eagles underdogs again. just how they like it but how much sweeter would this epidemicking for the story be if the birds dethrone the patriots and lane johnson said pretty boy tom brady. the eagles know how good of a quarterback tom brady is. so how do the eagles start game planning for one of the best quarterbacks to ever play? defensive coordinator jim schwartz says you have to prepare for the and tire patriots offense but y, brady is by far the biggest challenge. >> anybody defined by wins particularly quarterback he has a lot of them, and then you can just go one layer up, um, you know defined by championships and he has a lot of those. >> he's got lot of them. eagles offensive coordinator frank reich says doug pederson's mentality for the nfl championship was to be aggressive but not reckless. no more so was that evident with the flee flicker touchdown from foles to smith. do you that come about? >> i think he just had an instinct and he was just committed to being aggressive. trust in nick. trust in our players. when we practiced it during the week, it looked okay. it doesn't look particularly that good. um, but that's the thing. he was just bold. he was aggressive now. >> doug pederson all about being aggressive. eagles super fan mike trout obviously back in the birds in the super bowl we know how he feels about them being underdo underdogs. he was rocking that dog mask at the linc on sunday his prediction for minneapolis, eagles beat the patriots 31-24. plan accordingly eagles fans the birds are wearing their midnight green jersey for the super bowl. patriots will wear their white jerseys. now 12 of the last 13 super bowl winners worn white the only other team to win it the packers wore green. just like the eagles. >> so -- >> with most things in life, stats don't matter. >> i'm just saying they're some good luck some and good mojo. >> and green. >> wearing green. >> the one team. >> the one team. >> 12 other teams. >> underdogs against the current kings of football dethroning them. >> we got this kristen. >> it all works. >> midnight green. that does it for us here at 6:00. page six is coming up next. kathy orr, kristen, rodgers, i'm thomas drayton. have a wonderful night. we'll see you again at 10:00. ♪ right now on "page six" tv, who says harry styles should be the next james bond? when was bill cosby spotted giving a rare public performance? where was bella thorn kibcked ot for smoking pot? where did charlie rose have a secret meeting with a priest? all the answers now on "page six" tv. welcome to "page six" tv, i'm john fugelsang here with today's top stories. harry styles had his breakout role in "dunkirk" which scored eight oscar nominations and could be up for one of hollywood's most coveted roles. james bond. here's to talk about it, our stars, shaken and stirred about this move, car lotion greer, elizabeth wagmeister, and h

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