Transcripts For WTXF Chasing News 20180104 :

Transcripts For WTXF Chasing News 20180104

through the five burroughs of new york and the hudson valley. winter weather advisory to the northwest and see a couple of inches of snow. the morning commute is going tab mess not because of the snow but because of the wind i will have a detailed look at the within try forecast coming up later on. bill? bill: thank you, dan. all right. i with president to check win ashley johnson who is at the salt mountain in new jersey. salt crews get ready to make the roads passible. ashley, what do you got for us? reporter: bill, just look at this mountain of salt behind me. the ocean county road department says here out of the river garage. 4,000 tons of rock salt on hand which is expected to be put to god use with the massive winter storm known as a bomb cyclone on the way. the national weather service issued a winter storm warning from 9:00 p.m. wednesday through 7:00 p.m. thursday and for coastal new jersey and eastern long island with the half foot of snow or more in the forecast. ocean county has hundreds of trucks on standby. >> we have seven garages. so i have 175 guys that will be out tonight in the bridge department and the road department and the vehicle service comes in to maintain any thing that we break during the storm. >> new york city and the surrounding area are under a winter storm watch with three to six inch of snow predicted. in ocean county, trucks are loading up with salt. officials say one good thing, that there is already a lot of salt still on the road interests the snow new year's weekend so this time around, they don't have to pretreat the roads with grime. people were out making a last minute dash at homes. >> the most important item for us was wood starters for our wood burning stove. don't need milk. don't need food but the wood burning stove. reporter: power out apps are anticipated with winds gusting up to 50 miles per hour so people want to make sure that they have a backup plan in place if that happens. in toms river, i am ashley johnson, reporting for "chasing news." bill: that time of year, the state of the state in new york state. the state of the address cliff delivered by governor cuomo today. lots to talk about. political corruption trial financial woance the mta, i am sure it all came up in today's speech. >> you are obviously not the script writer, bill t. this is optimistic as governor cuomo's state of the state address. 2017 was tough year by any measure. but then, as you know, a wish list, and he went off to say the good things that they have done. all the good things they hope to do in 2018. as you point out. listen, this is going to be a make-or-break year in many ways for governor cuomo, and facing abillion deficit. be offered about the tax then of course, you mentioned the upcoming corruption charges. if governor cuomo wants to run for the white house in 2020 he has to survive 2018. let me ask this you with the tone of the speech today. very easy to point out a couple of positives, poe, then ignore the big negatives, but do you think will be a credible call length against him. do you feel about the speech he was positioning himself to fend off that account. >> challenge for the white house. challenge for november? obviously, first thing is first. he is running for re-election. some people in his own party are not happy about how he has gone the mid toll appease the current incentive. of course, public happy about the direction of the state give in the gun control and the minimum wage. with that said, many observers analyst and pundits will be listening to crews and listening to crews about what the governor was saying on the national front and this is all about trump 2018 certainly ap 2018 probably as well. sit is interesting couple of years in politic and certainly interesting year in new york. bill: thank you, job. bill: take a look at the photos. these get tows were taken by someone who is saying they are a member of isis. and we are everywhere. we are here. clearly meant to be somewhat disturbing and unsettling to americans looking at picture of someone wearing an isis head bnd and isis sim billions on the phone taken at one world trade center front of the museum. are they real? is the question that a lot of law enforcement officials are now asking. i want to bring in the expert. he is former fbi special agent and counterterrorism expert welcome back to chasing news. how are you. reporter: good to one all. >> real or not zil when you took at willing lact the photos? >> obviously it is real. even if the percent is joking around, you got remember what terrorism is. it is the use of violence, intimidation and coherrings for the political aim, right? so if there are throughout trying to intimidate people by thighs pictures then i think, even if this is a joke and the person has nothing to do with it. it is still an effective picture cause terror in people. it is real. now? whether it is first a real operative. that is another question. >> right away, they came out ap said there is no credible threat related to this. as i understand it. there have been nearly 100 since/11 foiled by homeland see core tape our law in enforce. what do knows cred can threat mean? >> it means poll tegses are trying to get people to go about their dally bus ses instead of saying that, though. they said no credible or specific threats. i am here to tell you there is credible threats in new york city and specific against new york city. i don't know why they keep saying that. what they should be doing is saying this is what the person is wearing if you see something like this around a museum or some coon of a location in new york city. notify authorities immediately. keep your head. don't go about a back to the phone. like around. that is what they howled be saying. bill: we are at the next level. the face was blurred. we don't know who exactly took it. but even if it were a joke. you would think they want to be able to eye dpt ni person and see something and say something. be somebody might know who the guys. >> right. you know, gain. i think who may have first got in the picture print it whether it be the ap and whether it came from. they may be concerned it may be yober age person thanks the only reason i could think that is blurred other than it makes no sense to me whatsoever. >> ok. always god talk to you. be safe. bill: thank you. let's bring in the a plus panel to talk about it. antwan is with us the executive director. thank you, bill. bill: district attorney. always good have you on the show. good you have. we'll start with you. >> look at this. i understand the concern but i think we are way beyond that. we'll see who the people are. if that is a prank, it should not be tolerate. on the other side, i is a real potential threat, somewhat unset like. which think we need make sure that we are not of what terrorist with president us to do which is be fearful. divide each other. not communicate with each other. we need to start looking at isis and looking at the beginning. we would not have eye office we did not go to iraq and destabilize the country. more importantly, what this is country doing about individuals in saudi arabiaed a well as the syrian government who have been supporting isis and expansion: bill: saudi arabia is one of the staunchest allies on the war on terror like jordan. think that i is part of what fueled the anti-muslim sentiments that we label all the countries instead of the terrorists. >> actually, the individuals. bill: let me ask this you. well, going into new york? i well, look i live in new york. everyone there is resilient. you want to feel safe. my opinion of this guy, if this is a prank, this is terrible. if it is like yelling fire in a crowded theater. is in citing violence. it is in citing a riot. bill: are liberal as to quick to blame politics? we can talk all day about iraq and the war in the mild east. i sis is here. they are aggressive. they hate america and want to hurt us. >> i don't think the end answer is to blim anyone. too quick to blame one thing or another thing. i think all issues contribute to this kind of as a total think,s. and i think at this time is really important to strike a balance in everything that we do t. that mans being aware of those around you and not being alarming. it meaps go going about your life. >> why this disconnect? going about our life we forget thatp mend maybe it is time, pose people like to whether they are under age nor or not. >> well, i do. >> it is a person. >> nut into a public forum. there is no reason why this picture. >> that is right. that is right. >> but you see, though, that this is happens when for example the press is more fearful of things because it will bankrupt them than doing the right thing. bill: go after the bad guys. that is what we need do. all right. >> we need lawsuit world. jo gotten anywhere. we got a lot more show comele up four tonight. as you know the trammic murder of a family in long branch on mu area he eve at the hands of a 16-year-old son, a lot of questions where, the main oneeas. dan zarrow will have details on the first major storm of the new year. snow, wind, and freezing temperature. dan: bill, our first snowfall of 2018 going to be a duey. tonight into tomorrow, travel is going to almost impossible at times due to heavy snow. i will have the timing ang the total forecast. everything you need to know, coming up. bill: welcome back to "chasing news." i am bill spadea. as you people inning overnight. a huge snowstorm, wind, freezing temperatures, snow, how. we'll see when morning comes, buy tell you, your commute is going to be rough. dan zarrow will have details. but first, i want to check in with allison gormley is at the courthouse in monmouth county as 16-year-old stands accused of killing his family on new year's eve. a lot of questions, especially why. allison, what do you got? >> reporter: there wearing wednesday morning in monmouth county, new jersey. for the long branch team accused of killing the family members few you're eve. 16-year-old scott was charged with four counts can of murder in the deaths of his parents 44-year-old stephon and 42 year old linda. his sister 16-year-old brittany and then 70-year-old family friend mary schultz. the hearing was us ons to day when a media outlet requested it be open to the public. the judge did he nied that request. while the suspect is a juve still into, the prosecutors plan to try him as an adult. we spoke with dr. kathleen heidi, the author of why kids still parent. >> what makes this case particularly unusual is that several family members were slain including two parents, so it is very, very rare event. >> friends and family say scott is autistic. the authorities say that his brother, steven jr., is grandfather, then another family friend escaped the hem unharmed the family members were shot multiple times with assault rifle shortly before midnight authorities said. 1:00 the semi-automatic weapon was registered to someone who was in the home. there is no word on a motive yet. reporting for "chasing news." i am allison gorm my. bill: thank you, allison. ok. let's bring back the a plus panel. we'll start with you. you and pri talking off air. you worked with autistic kids. a lot of things jump out at this. at what point, you know, everybody say, kids are fine. kids are ok. friendly and nice. then who knows what happened? >> yeah. i used to work with them. i know parents make so much sacrifice to spend time and develop their kids and reading the kiss. what i want to focus on is if there was no gun present. the family would be alive. i am not saying that. >> no. no. it is not a gun control issue. it is what do we do in cases where you have mental illness, and you have levels of development to issues, and you have a gun in the home. what do we do? what safety measures do we take to show up protection? >> you know, you got situations in japan, the u.k., germany, where people have multiple people have been knifed and stabbed to death. you make the same argument about a kitchen knife. then u.k. they have. >> well, look. you have to say what was done with the gun in the home to make sure it can't fall into the hands of a kid. that is certainly an issue. in the case, we don't really know what happened. was this a domestic dispute. there is a defense he didn't have the compass toy yun stearn the consequence of the action. what other factors. >> well, beyond that. well, somebody with autistic kid should be discriminated against with their second amendment rights? >> ok. it is not discrimination if you are not talking about a class of people that have the right to have equal treatment when you have people with mental health issues. people of certainages. there is a number of reasons to say yeah, right. >> well, we don't know enough about autism to go done the bath of wrap one deserves the right to be normalized? we know enough about mental issue and developmental issue. i think what we are in denial of us taking the safety precautions that every home needs to take with having gun on the home with somebody with the challenges. it is a practical situation that could have been resolved and we had the safety "m*a s*h " sures. >> well, that is the effect. >> right. weal tooned out over the next couple of days. it is important. we'll find out. >> not every child has the same mental ability. bill: well that was my point. can't paint with a broad brush. all right. we got to leave it there. in just a week, governor elect are murphies spending the time stilling out the new cabinet-making appointees. today he made a big announce. a former obama administration policy adviser is going to head out human serviceses the state's largest department. we wanted to talk a little bit about what this transition means for you at home. woe got somebody who has been through a couple. lieutenant governor women gaun dag know. you got a democratic administration taking over from a republican one. were you in on the opposite side of 200 the first lieutenant governor in the state's history. what did you go through in 200. >> well, think, people need know how hard this transition team is work. i mean, they are work around the clock. eight days a week. they work on christmas. they work on new year's. they work very hard to get their arms and wrap their arms around this. you know, governor-elect murphy has to do a budget. he has got get the cabinet members in place as soon as possible to start working on this budget. so i think they are working around the clock. think i they are trying to find the best possible candidate no matter what the party affiliation is. that is what we did in 200. i know are not following the appointees closely. the individuals. >> right. >> right. >> is it another fill out a political agenda or do you have the government experts coming in? i am the expert in the. i am the expert in that. >> well, a question you have to ask murphy's team. know what we did in '03. we kept some of the governor's appointees like who was the head of human services or what was human services at the time. then, some of that. then we kept some like murphy is doing. then, we had to create the office of lieutenant governor and what is he going to do. where is he going to sit. you have met with smear dy. i have d. i had the pleas sure of meeting with them. >> no. come on. come on. no. we have known each other forages s. they were popping a w. see. we'll not do that. no. i just met with the 34th secretary of state. governor elect announced he would be proposing her to the senate the ju -- ry he committee and i met with her awile to talk about the great things. met with lge to see ap let her know why we did certain things and how i may do something different when she is elected or when she is sworn in. so it has been a very none contentious trip to make. >> one piece of advice from the new lieutenant give for coming in. do you tell us? >> what do i tell her. what did i tell her. am still not telling you. bill: fair enough. all right. >> people wanted to know what the governor in a talked about. i never told them any of that. why. why would i start that. the next lieutenant governor will improve noon. >> so first lieutenant governor when does the book come out. that is a good question. that is a good question. think about the fun things that is right in the book. let me know a few things. happy new year. let's bring back the a plus panel to break it town. all right. will tell you guys. i don't know if it is breaking it down. it didn't seem controversial. well, i will say. let me start with you. it seems to me that everything the governor-elect is doing police call posturing next step. what do you think? well, i think so. i think, actually, he is ambitious. you know, the campaign. i think him being here and really pubbly but i had issue with her during the campaign. i think she went little too far in the sanctuary poll sane think ittainerred the reputation because everybody likes her and you went ahead. >> what do you think. i mean, that aside to how the campaign was running. this is as smooth as you get with people who are on complete opposite sides. yeah. we heard kim say the transition team is working really, really hard and it shows does it bug you a little bit. i want to see it. i missed a day when they were popping the w's of the keyboard. because they should want the state to succeed this hois they are going to succeed. transition is a major part of the continuity of the government and the stit and i think they cannot they are good-for-nothing. well who is ready to be governor p. what does that mean? anybody who has never done it before. what are they going to do to be ready t. they get. they work hard. they focus. they do it. with open mind toward what everybody has. i think he is hit with reality check when you walk in there and you realize a lot of ambition and tempered with the real think check. ok, thanks, guys. ged sue. ok. thank you. thank you. let's check in with meteorologist dan zarrow a look at the weather. dan: the technical definition of a blizzard has nothing to do with the snowfall. is about the heavy snow plus the fierce wind gusts reducing visibility. travel during tomorrow morning's commute is going to be treacherous if not impossible. here is the setup. coastal storm system. a powerful one of them the center of which is going to stay off the coast and the center of the storm to see the heavy snow bands and we'll see ten plus inches of snow perhaps for tonight and into tomorrow. the less the snow impact will be for the jersey turnpike and for the five burroughs and the hudson valley more like four to six inches then northwestern new jersey and the catskills about two inches of snow. this is still al very delicate forecast. all about the track. where the heavy snow band is set up and that is going to dictate how much snow. let's break down the time line four. today's snow showers will spread in by 4:00 a.m. and we'll be going and those temperatures are in country mid 20 he oar so and talking about snow and rain getting in the way of this forecast. tomorrow morning, it is going to be a mess. pretty much no matter where you are. you may or may not see the technical blizzard criteria but it is going to be slippery for sure. then, be safe out there. i am meteorologist dan zarrow. june, dan. all right. stay right there. we got a lot more chasing news coming found are you. we'll chase the headlines including the president lashing out at the former senior advisor bill: welcome back to "chasing news." i am bill spadea. we got headlines tonight including president trump telephone lashing out at the former top adviser steve been none for a tell-all book that is coming out soon. >> steve bannon has lost his mind. president trump said of the one time chief strag is in a statement released about the trump whited house. the president said he had nothing to do with him or his presidency. he was quoted in side of the trump white house and saying that trump never expected to within the 2016 presidential race. firefighters and new york were called out after a fire break out wednesday in a small structure near the home of bill and hillary clinton. investigators say they received a call around 3:00 and no word of what sparked the fire or if anyone was home at the time. there are no reports of any in requires. there are not many 93-year-olds showing up for the first dy ton the job. world war ii vet wan sworn in as mayor on tuesday. last november. he offset the incumbent mayor winning the election by 300 vote and the first election for public office and that is lack at the headlines we're chasing today. bill: all right. stay safe tonight. happy new year. get ready for more snow. because it is coming. it is going to be a rough commute tomorrow. live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. brutal winter storm bringing stinging winds and plenty of snow. ocean city, new jersey, just one of the areas tonight under a blizzard warning and here's live look at atlantic city right now where the snow is coming down already. the biggest concern, of course, the more rush. more than 100 schools already closed including the district of philadelphia just take look at the bottom your screen for the latest on that. now, a snow emergency for the city of philadelphia kicking off in just an hour. so you know what that mean. park cars have to be moved from those snow emergency routes and if your trash is supposed to be picked up tomorrow, you'll have to hang on to that until next week. thanks for joining us tonight at 11:00. i'm iain page. this winter storm already slamming the southeast. it's a bomb cyclone. so what does that

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New York , United States , Cape May , New Jersey , Japan , Ocean County , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Toms River , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Monmouth County , Jordan , Ocean City , Germany , Jersey , Iraq , Atlantic City , Saudi Arabia , America , Saudi , Isis Sim , Steve Bannon , Hillary Clinton , Steven Jr , Mary Schultz ,

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Transcripts For WTXF Chasing News 20180104 :

Transcripts For WTXF Chasing News 20180104

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through the five burroughs of new york and the hudson valley. winter weather advisory to the northwest and see a couple of inches of snow. the morning commute is going tab mess not because of the snow but because of the wind i will have a detailed look at the within try forecast coming up later on. bill? bill: thank you, dan. all right. i with president to check win ashley johnson who is at the salt mountain in new jersey. salt crews get ready to make the roads passible. ashley, what do you got for us? reporter: bill, just look at this mountain of salt behind me. the ocean county road department says here out of the river garage. 4,000 tons of rock salt on hand which is expected to be put to god use with the massive winter storm known as a bomb cyclone on the way. the national weather service issued a winter storm warning from 9:00 p.m. wednesday through 7:00 p.m. thursday and for coastal new jersey and eastern long island with the half foot of snow or more in the forecast. ocean county has hundreds of trucks on standby. >> we have seven garages. so i have 175 guys that will be out tonight in the bridge department and the road department and the vehicle service comes in to maintain any thing that we break during the storm. >> new york city and the surrounding area are under a winter storm watch with three to six inch of snow predicted. in ocean county, trucks are loading up with salt. officials say one good thing, that there is already a lot of salt still on the road interests the snow new year's weekend so this time around, they don't have to pretreat the roads with grime. people were out making a last minute dash at homes. >> the most important item for us was wood starters for our wood burning stove. don't need milk. don't need food but the wood burning stove. reporter: power out apps are anticipated with winds gusting up to 50 miles per hour so people want to make sure that they have a backup plan in place if that happens. in toms river, i am ashley johnson, reporting for "chasing news." bill: that time of year, the state of the state in new york state. the state of the address cliff delivered by governor cuomo today. lots to talk about. political corruption trial financial woance the mta, i am sure it all came up in today's speech. >> you are obviously not the script writer, bill t. this is optimistic as governor cuomo's state of the state address. 2017 was tough year by any measure. but then, as you know, a wish list, and he went off to say the good things that they have done. all the good things they hope to do in 2018. as you point out. listen, this is going to be a make-or-break year in many ways for governor cuomo, and facing abillion deficit. be offered about the tax then of course, you mentioned the upcoming corruption charges. if governor cuomo wants to run for the white house in 2020 he has to survive 2018. let me ask this you with the tone of the speech today. very easy to point out a couple of positives, poe, then ignore the big negatives, but do you think will be a credible call length against him. do you feel about the speech he was positioning himself to fend off that account. >> challenge for the white house. challenge for november? obviously, first thing is first. he is running for re-election. some people in his own party are not happy about how he has gone the mid toll appease the current incentive. of course, public happy about the direction of the state give in the gun control and the minimum wage. with that said, many observers analyst and pundits will be listening to crews and listening to crews about what the governor was saying on the national front and this is all about trump 2018 certainly ap 2018 probably as well. sit is interesting couple of years in politic and certainly interesting year in new york. bill: thank you, job. bill: take a look at the photos. these get tows were taken by someone who is saying they are a member of isis. and we are everywhere. we are here. clearly meant to be somewhat disturbing and unsettling to americans looking at picture of someone wearing an isis head bnd and isis sim billions on the phone taken at one world trade center front of the museum. are they real? is the question that a lot of law enforcement officials are now asking. i want to bring in the expert. he is former fbi special agent and counterterrorism expert welcome back to chasing news. how are you. reporter: good to one all. >> real or not zil when you took at willing lact the photos? >> obviously it is real. even if the percent is joking around, you got remember what terrorism is. it is the use of violence, intimidation and coherrings for the political aim, right? so if there are throughout trying to intimidate people by thighs pictures then i think, even if this is a joke and the person has nothing to do with it. it is still an effective picture cause terror in people. it is real. now? whether it is first a real operative. that is another question. >> right away, they came out ap said there is no credible threat related to this. as i understand it. there have been nearly 100 since/11 foiled by homeland see core tape our law in enforce. what do knows cred can threat mean? >> it means poll tegses are trying to get people to go about their dally bus ses instead of saying that, though. they said no credible or specific threats. i am here to tell you there is credible threats in new york city and specific against new york city. i don't know why they keep saying that. what they should be doing is saying this is what the person is wearing if you see something like this around a museum or some coon of a location in new york city. notify authorities immediately. keep your head. don't go about a back to the phone. like around. that is what they howled be saying. bill: we are at the next level. the face was blurred. we don't know who exactly took it. but even if it were a joke. you would think they want to be able to eye dpt ni person and see something and say something. be somebody might know who the guys. >> right. you know, gain. i think who may have first got in the picture print it whether it be the ap and whether it came from. they may be concerned it may be yober age person thanks the only reason i could think that is blurred other than it makes no sense to me whatsoever. >> ok. always god talk to you. be safe. bill: thank you. let's bring in the a plus panel to talk about it. antwan is with us the executive director. thank you, bill. bill: district attorney. always good have you on the show. good you have. we'll start with you. >> look at this. i understand the concern but i think we are way beyond that. we'll see who the people are. if that is a prank, it should not be tolerate. on the other side, i is a real potential threat, somewhat unset like. which think we need make sure that we are not of what terrorist with president us to do which is be fearful. divide each other. not communicate with each other. we need to start looking at isis and looking at the beginning. we would not have eye office we did not go to iraq and destabilize the country. more importantly, what this is country doing about individuals in saudi arabiaed a well as the syrian government who have been supporting isis and expansion: bill: saudi arabia is one of the staunchest allies on the war on terror like jordan. think that i is part of what fueled the anti-muslim sentiments that we label all the countries instead of the terrorists. >> actually, the individuals. bill: let me ask this you. well, going into new york? i well, look i live in new york. everyone there is resilient. you want to feel safe. my opinion of this guy, if this is a prank, this is terrible. if it is like yelling fire in a crowded theater. is in citing violence. it is in citing a riot. bill: are liberal as to quick to blame politics? we can talk all day about iraq and the war in the mild east. i sis is here. they are aggressive. they hate america and want to hurt us. >> i don't think the end answer is to blim anyone. too quick to blame one thing or another thing. i think all issues contribute to this kind of as a total think,s. and i think at this time is really important to strike a balance in everything that we do t. that mans being aware of those around you and not being alarming. it meaps go going about your life. >> why this disconnect? going about our life we forget thatp mend maybe it is time, pose people like to whether they are under age nor or not. >> well, i do. >> it is a person. >> nut into a public forum. there is no reason why this picture. >> that is right. that is right. >> but you see, though, that this is happens when for example the press is more fearful of things because it will bankrupt them than doing the right thing. bill: go after the bad guys. that is what we need do. all right. >> we need lawsuit world. jo gotten anywhere. we got a lot more show comele up four tonight. as you know the trammic murder of a family in long branch on mu area he eve at the hands of a 16-year-old son, a lot of questions where, the main oneeas. dan zarrow will have details on the first major storm of the new year. snow, wind, and freezing temperature. dan: bill, our first snowfall of 2018 going to be a duey. tonight into tomorrow, travel is going to almost impossible at times due to heavy snow. i will have the timing ang the total forecast. everything you need to know, coming up. bill: welcome back to "chasing news." i am bill spadea. as you people inning overnight. a huge snowstorm, wind, freezing temperatures, snow, how. we'll see when morning comes, buy tell you, your commute is going to be rough. dan zarrow will have details. but first, i want to check in with allison gormley is at the courthouse in monmouth county as 16-year-old stands accused of killing his family on new year's eve. a lot of questions, especially why. allison, what do you got? >> reporter: there wearing wednesday morning in monmouth county, new jersey. for the long branch team accused of killing the family members few you're eve. 16-year-old scott was charged with four counts can of murder in the deaths of his parents 44-year-old stephon and 42 year old linda. his sister 16-year-old brittany and then 70-year-old family friend mary schultz. the hearing was us ons to day when a media outlet requested it be open to the public. the judge did he nied that request. while the suspect is a juve still into, the prosecutors plan to try him as an adult. we spoke with dr. kathleen heidi, the author of why kids still parent. >> what makes this case particularly unusual is that several family members were slain including two parents, so it is very, very rare event. >> friends and family say scott is autistic. the authorities say that his brother, steven jr., is grandfather, then another family friend escaped the hem unharmed the family members were shot multiple times with assault rifle shortly before midnight authorities said. 1:00 the semi-automatic weapon was registered to someone who was in the home. there is no word on a motive yet. reporting for "chasing news." i am allison gorm my. bill: thank you, allison. ok. let's bring back the a plus panel. we'll start with you. you and pri talking off air. you worked with autistic kids. a lot of things jump out at this. at what point, you know, everybody say, kids are fine. kids are ok. friendly and nice. then who knows what happened? >> yeah. i used to work with them. i know parents make so much sacrifice to spend time and develop their kids and reading the kiss. what i want to focus on is if there was no gun present. the family would be alive. i am not saying that. >> no. no. it is not a gun control issue. it is what do we do in cases where you have mental illness, and you have levels of development to issues, and you have a gun in the home. what do we do? what safety measures do we take to show up protection? >> you know, you got situations in japan, the u.k., germany, where people have multiple people have been knifed and stabbed to death. you make the same argument about a kitchen knife. then u.k. they have. >> well, look. you have to say what was done with the gun in the home to make sure it can't fall into the hands of a kid. that is certainly an issue. in the case, we don't really know what happened. was this a domestic dispute. there is a defense he didn't have the compass toy yun stearn the consequence of the action. what other factors. >> well, beyond that. well, somebody with autistic kid should be discriminated against with their second amendment rights? >> ok. it is not discrimination if you are not talking about a class of people that have the right to have equal treatment when you have people with mental health issues. people of certainages. there is a number of reasons to say yeah, right. >> well, we don't know enough about autism to go done the bath of wrap one deserves the right to be normalized? we know enough about mental issue and developmental issue. i think what we are in denial of us taking the safety precautions that every home needs to take with having gun on the home with somebody with the challenges. it is a practical situation that could have been resolved and we had the safety "m*a s*h " sures. >> well, that is the effect. >> right. weal tooned out over the next couple of days. it is important. we'll find out. >> not every child has the same mental ability. bill: well that was my point. can't paint with a broad brush. all right. we got to leave it there. in just a week, governor elect are murphies spending the time stilling out the new cabinet-making appointees. today he made a big announce. a former obama administration policy adviser is going to head out human serviceses the state's largest department. we wanted to talk a little bit about what this transition means for you at home. woe got somebody who has been through a couple. lieutenant governor women gaun dag know. you got a democratic administration taking over from a republican one. were you in on the opposite side of 200 the first lieutenant governor in the state's history. what did you go through in 200. >> well, think, people need know how hard this transition team is work. i mean, they are work around the clock. eight days a week. they work on christmas. they work on new year's. they work very hard to get their arms and wrap their arms around this. you know, governor-elect murphy has to do a budget. he has got get the cabinet members in place as soon as possible to start working on this budget. so i think they are working around the clock. think i they are trying to find the best possible candidate no matter what the party affiliation is. that is what we did in 200. i know are not following the appointees closely. the individuals. >> right. >> right. >> is it another fill out a political agenda or do you have the government experts coming in? i am the expert in the. i am the expert in that. >> well, a question you have to ask murphy's team. know what we did in '03. we kept some of the governor's appointees like who was the head of human services or what was human services at the time. then, some of that. then we kept some like murphy is doing. then, we had to create the office of lieutenant governor and what is he going to do. where is he going to sit. you have met with smear dy. i have d. i had the pleas sure of meeting with them. >> no. come on. come on. no. we have known each other forages s. they were popping a w. see. we'll not do that. no. i just met with the 34th secretary of state. governor elect announced he would be proposing her to the senate the ju -- ry he committee and i met with her awile to talk about the great things. met with lge to see ap let her know why we did certain things and how i may do something different when she is elected or when she is sworn in. so it has been a very none contentious trip to make. >> one piece of advice from the new lieutenant give for coming in. do you tell us? >> what do i tell her. what did i tell her. am still not telling you. bill: fair enough. all right. >> people wanted to know what the governor in a talked about. i never told them any of that. why. why would i start that. the next lieutenant governor will improve noon. >> so first lieutenant governor when does the book come out. that is a good question. that is a good question. think about the fun things that is right in the book. let me know a few things. happy new year. let's bring back the a plus panel to break it town. all right. will tell you guys. i don't know if it is breaking it down. it didn't seem controversial. well, i will say. let me start with you. it seems to me that everything the governor-elect is doing police call posturing next step. what do you think? well, i think so. i think, actually, he is ambitious. you know, the campaign. i think him being here and really pubbly but i had issue with her during the campaign. i think she went little too far in the sanctuary poll sane think ittainerred the reputation because everybody likes her and you went ahead. >> what do you think. i mean, that aside to how the campaign was running. this is as smooth as you get with people who are on complete opposite sides. yeah. we heard kim say the transition team is working really, really hard and it shows does it bug you a little bit. i want to see it. i missed a day when they were popping the w's of the keyboard. because they should want the state to succeed this hois they are going to succeed. transition is a major part of the continuity of the government and the stit and i think they cannot they are good-for-nothing. well who is ready to be governor p. what does that mean? anybody who has never done it before. what are they going to do to be ready t. they get. they work hard. they focus. they do it. with open mind toward what everybody has. i think he is hit with reality check when you walk in there and you realize a lot of ambition and tempered with the real think check. ok, thanks, guys. ged sue. ok. thank you. thank you. let's check in with meteorologist dan zarrow a look at the weather. dan: the technical definition of a blizzard has nothing to do with the snowfall. is about the heavy snow plus the fierce wind gusts reducing visibility. travel during tomorrow morning's commute is going to be treacherous if not impossible. here is the setup. coastal storm system. a powerful one of them the center of which is going to stay off the coast and the center of the storm to see the heavy snow bands and we'll see ten plus inches of snow perhaps for tonight and into tomorrow. the less the snow impact will be for the jersey turnpike and for the five burroughs and the hudson valley more like four to six inches then northwestern new jersey and the catskills about two inches of snow. this is still al very delicate forecast. all about the track. where the heavy snow band is set up and that is going to dictate how much snow. let's break down the time line four. today's snow showers will spread in by 4:00 a.m. and we'll be going and those temperatures are in country mid 20 he oar so and talking about snow and rain getting in the way of this forecast. tomorrow morning, it is going to be a mess. pretty much no matter where you are. you may or may not see the technical blizzard criteria but it is going to be slippery for sure. then, be safe out there. i am meteorologist dan zarrow. june, dan. all right. stay right there. we got a lot more chasing news coming found are you. we'll chase the headlines including the president lashing out at the former senior advisor bill: welcome back to "chasing news." i am bill spadea. we got headlines tonight including president trump telephone lashing out at the former top adviser steve been none for a tell-all book that is coming out soon. >> steve bannon has lost his mind. president trump said of the one time chief strag is in a statement released about the trump whited house. the president said he had nothing to do with him or his presidency. he was quoted in side of the trump white house and saying that trump never expected to within the 2016 presidential race. firefighters and new york were called out after a fire break out wednesday in a small structure near the home of bill and hillary clinton. investigators say they received a call around 3:00 and no word of what sparked the fire or if anyone was home at the time. there are no reports of any in requires. there are not many 93-year-olds showing up for the first dy ton the job. world war ii vet wan sworn in as mayor on tuesday. last november. he offset the incumbent mayor winning the election by 300 vote and the first election for public office and that is lack at the headlines we're chasing today. bill: all right. stay safe tonight. happy new year. get ready for more snow. because it is coming. it is going to be a rough commute tomorrow. live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. brutal winter storm bringing stinging winds and plenty of snow. ocean city, new jersey, just one of the areas tonight under a blizzard warning and here's live look at atlantic city right now where the snow is coming down already. the biggest concern, of course, the more rush. more than 100 schools already closed including the district of philadelphia just take look at the bottom your screen for the latest on that. now, a snow emergency for the city of philadelphia kicking off in just an hour. so you know what that mean. park cars have to be moved from those snow emergency routes and if your trash is supposed to be picked up tomorrow, you'll have to hang on to that until next week. thanks for joining us tonight at 11:00. i'm iain page. this winter storm already slamming the southeast. it's a bomb cyclone. so what does that

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