Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20180102 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20180102

and 20 degrees in millville this is what it feels like. bone-chilling cold with westerly winds eight is the wind chill in reading. four below in the poconos. it only feels like 13 in wildwood. so this is what's going to happen. we have a developing area of low pressure. it becomes a nor'easter moves up the eastern seaboard. we have winter storm watches posposted from northern florida right into maine. you know it's cold and this is a strong storm when that happens. it will continue toward the northeast. so we're talking about the heaviest snow down the shore. the snow begins tomorrow night. goes through thursday. heaviest snow at the shore three to 6-inches possibly more depending on the track. least snow in the pennsylvania suburbs. but we will see some and that snow will be ending by thursday night. after that, wicked winds and brutal wind chills much it's one-two punch lucy we'll talk more about that coming you. >> sounds like we got a lot to talk about. thank you much, kathy. skyfox in salem county a garage caught on fire. the detached garage is on the 600 block of upper neck grove in pitts grove township. fire broke out just past 1:30. smoke and steam billowing out of the thing as firefighters were to gain control of those flames. luckily nobody is hurt. bitter cold means water main breaks, right? we're dealing with quite a few. skyfox over conshohocken where a 30-inch main broke. it is impacting residents and nearly a dozen towns. spanning montgomery, chester, and delaware counties. about two dozen customers in lower merion still have no water as repairs continue. it burst around 9:30 this morning on the unit block of bala company minute go road. water main problems in moorestown behind traffic problems tonight. westbound lane of kings highway is still closed at pleasant avenue -- pleasant valley avenue after the main broke this morning. the water as you can imagine in these temperatures turned into a sheet of ice. town officials hope to have this road back open by around 6:30 this evening. to northeast philadelphia, folks are cleaning up mud and water and ice after a big water main break overnight. it is impacted dozens of homes. our dawn timmeney is live in the neighborhood with more. dawn? >> reporter: well, lucy, certainly not something you want to wake up to in the middle of a bitter cold winter night. water gushing everywhere. but that was the harsh reality for residents here in the far northeast. >> i woke up 3am and water rushing into my basement. mud, water. >> reporter: tom garris wades through several inches of mud and water. the mess left behind in his finished basement after an 8-inch water main burst on the 12,000 block of minute den street in northeast philadelphia early this morning. >> i thought it was the toilet running or a sink. i came downstairs there was a foot of water in my basement. >> that's where the water line. >> reporter: neighbor janet heard a loud bank and then all of a sudden water came rushing down her driveway and into her home like a raging river. >> the water was just coming in. i mean it was pouring. coming up from the ground. just there was nothing to do. >> reporter: whole downstairs now soggy and covered in mud. >> water line came up to here. so actually just missed going into the washer and drier. >> reporter: christina berger not as lucky. >> i had to replace my washer and drier. my heater has damage. all of my stuff in my base system wet. so who knows? >> reporter: take a look at these driveways several taking a real beating and are no longer usable. tom garris says his cadillac won't start. and fears it's a goner. >> this one was sitting too far low in the water built up pretty quick and the mud came up. >> reporter: water department crews on scene all day long working in brutally cold conditions trying keep warm and remain the main. 125 homes losing water service. a handful have no heat. >> i may go and stay in a hoe toll to tonight. stay warm. >> reporter: obviously, not the way this neighborhood was hoping to start the new year. >> i can't shower. i'm all filthy with mud. you can see i got mud all over me. so i don't know what we're going to do. >> reporter: certainly not fu fun. water department crews are still here on the scene. you can see the fire in the background as they try to stay warm. and get service up and running their hoping to have the water on shortly. the water department tells me that they are dealing with all kinds of breaks like this every day in these brutal cold temperatures and is asking for the public's patience as it does it's very best to get service to restored all affected across the city of philadelphia. lucy. >> let's hope it happens soon. a big challenge. thank you dawn. brutal winter temperatures are putting heating systems to the test all across the area. that includes school buildings. bruce gordon is live in upper darby where a chilly building, chilly is probably an under statement, mixed with apparent school clothing policy has some kids and parents grumbling. bruce? >> reporter: yeah, lucy, the beverly hills middle school behind me was built back in 1930, and like lots of older buildings, keeping it warm during the winter months cannot be an easy job. but an eighth grader tells me she's most concerned that school officials won't let her battle that chilly temperature inside in the most obvious of ways. >> afternoon dismissal at beverly hills middle school. the kids sixth, seventh and eighth graders were bundled up for side temperatures in the teens with a wind chill even lower. but 14-year-old annika maynard stayed home on this day. home with her grandmother in a philadelphia row house doing her best to stay warm. >> what has you home from scho school? >> the temperature at school. i knew it was going to be cold. i didn't want to go to cool year not allowed to wear hoodies or jackets in school. >> reporter: that's right. annika and several other students confirm the heat at beverly hills isn't working properly. has worked consistently for some time, and says annika when temperatures plumetted just before the holiday break, chilly students were told they could not wear coats or hoodies inside the building. >> some kids were total told to take off their hoodies if they didn't they were sent to the discipline center you get a detention. >> reporter: after numerous requests for comment an explanation the upper darby school district released a statement tuesday afternoon acknowledging the that quote a limited number of classrooms were colder than others because of malfunctionin malfunctioningn their venting systems. district did not specifically address my questions about the coat and hoodie policy prior to the break. except to say "students were permitted to wear coats today in the building if they felt it necessary. annika's grandmother says that should have been policy from the start. >> they don't have to have their hoodies on and walk around the school on their heads. recognize that's cold and let them kids be warm so that they can get their work done. >> reporter: in a statement the district says they are in the process of repairing and replacing those heater motors to get the school back to some level. uniform comfort. no time frame on when that work will be complete. so we go on as usual apparently according to that statement the kids will be allowed to wear coats and hoodies that kind of thing inside if necessary. we'll keep an eye on it much lucy. >> makes sense now, doesn't it? >> thank you very much, bruce n prospect park a busted pipe gave students at interboro high school a day off. high school students and pre k students got today off but that the district has yet to announce if they're returning to school tomorrow. of course, we'll let you know when we find out. gloucester county, the first day back to school at williamstown high school was more exciting than anticipated. a sprinkler leak forced vac ways while the fire marshal and crews work on the pipe the students waited at nearby middle school. they eventually that head back to class. we official vol several new city leaders in philadelphia. more than 20 elected officials took the oath of office today including the new district attorney. jeff cole was there. joins us live in stewed eighty seven jeff. >> reporter: lucy, in philadelphia even the most joyous of events can a bear knuckles feel when it did when mayor kenney implied donald trump wanted to be a dictator. phil it's has a new da and some of his supporters are already making demands. ♪ >> reporter: gospel music filled verizon hall with a new district attorney, controller and judges had come to take the oath. theme of justice for all held swag. >> we will there stab for all time that black lives do matter. [ applause ] >> reporter: the star a traction was larry krasner the life long civil rights attorney who was elected da by arguing the criminal justice system victimize the poor and minority. >> i will support -- >> sworn in by his wife a city judge with one of his two sons holding a bible he choked up when speaking of second chances for the accused. >> take your time. >> he was asked how he'd halt philly soaring murder rate? >> da's office has to stop pointing and they got to start participating i'm looking forward work wig the police department of way we can to address the spike in homicides. >> reporter: row beck baby reinhardt is a veteran of city government who brought her seven-year-old daughter to the inauguration as philly's spending watch dog reinhardt says she's dig into the troubled parking authority an agency mandated to provide some funding to city schools. >> it's unbelievable that the parking authority has such horrible financial management and waste at a time when our schools need every dollar. ♪ >> reporter: the newly minted politiciapoliticians thought thd be a honeymoon they were mistaken. >> worry not starting 2018 with this kind of stuff. >> if we don't get any results, we are going to shut everything down. >> reporter: activist loudly demanded action on what they claim are unjustified police shootings that took their grievances to the lobby and later the middle of south broad. krasner says he won't duck. >> we have to look at the evidence and follow the evidence fairly. >> reporter: da krasner says save injection sites for heroin users safe lives and he supports them. he says he'll have more to say soon on top level staffs. we'll have more at 6:00. jeff cole fox 29 news. lucy. >> that's controversial thing in and of itself. thank you jeff. bar room brawl arc bright fight broke out at a bucks county bar. police say the employees tried to break it up end up attacked. joyce? >> reporter: well, everybody is doing whatever they can to stay warm these days. imagine walking into a place where ice cold air is blasting from el: broke, homeless, selling my body to get high, locked up, a slave to heroin - that was my life. married, a homeowner, a professional, recovering and thriving - that's my life now. i got help. you can too. new years means a new day for those struggling with addiction. don't suffer. don't wait. choose help. call 844 reachnj or visit ♪ >> teenagers recovering tonight after a gunman shot him a half dozen times in north philadelphia. police say the 19-year-old was walking late last night on the 2300 block of glenwood avenue after getting shot he was able to make it to a nearby house where the people there called 911 for help. he's in the hospital. he's stable. police are searching for the person who shot him. could it caught on camera in bucks county for men inside a bar not a big deal but it's what police say they did that has them hot on their trail. the men were inside big ed's bar on december 10th when one got into an argument with the bartender much police say the man head then punched the bartender started a fight between the four men and employees that were trying to get them out of the bar. one of the men slammed a bottle into the head of an employee and another swung a pool queue at the other employees. all four men took off in separate cars. the search is on in east germantown for two people involved in drive die shooting police say a tan buick rolled up to man an woman and two people in that car shot them. the victims both in their 20's are stable. call police if you know anything. one senior center in philadelphia the folks who live there can't seem to escape the cold and they're inside. fox 29's joyce evans joins us live in the studio. joyce, you spoke way few of those people just struggling to stay warm. >> reporter: actualy a lot of those people, lucy. we've been staying it every day if you don't have to go out, don't. but we didn't know exactly what to say to all the senior citizens who have called us the past few days. from one germantown complex telling us, they're freezing inside their homes. >> it's not right that we have to live in such conditions as senior citizens. >> reporter: tough for anybody according to long heim time residents of germantown house. >> i am cold. my apartment stays cold. >> reporter: the past few days, so brutal, that bundled up residents piled into the building's lobby to talk about taking action. >> what are the reasons we're down here for. >> heat we need some heat. >> so unfair. i lived my life, worked my life,. >> that's right. >> raised my family, took care of my kids. this is my time and i'm sick and tired. >> bill sturgis invited us inside his apartment. to feel for ourselves. it was warm but -- >> it seems like the hurt only works when they want it to work. >> it's random says his home health aid elena. >> constant thing. with no heat. little heat. today we actually got some heat that is a miracle. otherwise the oven goes on i wasn'tly tight to keep us warm. >> at night we freeze in here. >> reporter: they showed me what appears to be the biggest culprit. out in the hallways. >> full blast up here. full blast. there's another vent down there. >> that's where all this cold air. >> reporter: pha officials say these vents draw fresh air from outside and in the wintertime, a built in heater is designed to warm that air. not today. >> that's blowing right on his wall here. this wall a cold. >> yup, this is where the -- where his clothes would be. this is nothing. the second and third floor you're going to feel like you're outside with no sun. >> reporter: and resident council president beatrice johnson says neighbors try everything to block out the cold blast from the hallway still their water barely heats up so they take chances leaving their ovens. >> this is the names of all the apartments. >> nobody wants to hear it p. >> reporter: they swallowed their pride and called us. >> this the only thing we had left to do. we've been begging and crying to everybody for heat. >> reporter: the philadelphia housing authority has responded to us saying a crew went out this afternoon and found the extreme cold was preventing the heaters inside those ventilation fans from warming the air. so they turned the fans off. but we just check back with the residents and they say only some of the fans are off. some are still blowing full force. as for the heaters inside the apartments, pha says they found nothing wrong with the building's heating system. but they are now overriding their energy saving feature in light of the extreme weather. lucy? >> sounds like a wise idea the there. >> yes. >> thank you, joyce. skyfox over logan township, new jersey. that's where police say a dump truck and a pickup truck crashed sending one person to the hospital. sky fox over the scene on rout route 322 near route 130. just before 9:00 this morning. we do not know the condition of the person in the hospital. all roads are now back open tonight. the person is in the hospital after crashing white marsh township montgomery coun county. garbage truck overturned on aegis mill road near johns lane. skyfox over that scene around 10:30 this morning. and again, we do not know how the person in the hospital is doing in that one. ♪ the eagles headed back practice tomorrow as they pry pair for first game of the playoffs in two weeks. and doug pederson has a message for fans. our kristen rodgers joins us now with what he had to say. kristen? >> lucy, doug pederson wants to be clear. nick foles is the starter for the eagles team. so any talk about quarterback controversy, that can be put to bed. peter pederson has taken the last few days to go back through film of foles from 2013 then with the rams, the chiefs, what foles was able to succeed at then is in the eagles system. so they're saying they'll dust off those plays and work on it this week and until then foles has to embrace this is his team. >> bottom line he has to. he's the guy now, and but it's not, again, it goes back to what i mentioned earlier. he doesn't have to feel the weight of the entire team. this is a team sport, and we got to play great defense obviously and special teams have got to own up to their jobs and then offensively, um, we just have to be better all around. >> and coming up ahead in sports how pederson is handling practice this bye week before the eagles start game planning, plus the latest on the eagles assistants that may be looked at for other head coaching jobs. lucy? >> all right. thank you very much, kristen. frightening wake-up call in new york city. flames shot out of an apartment building sending people running for safety. a man drove his car off a peer at a marina. luckily for him the coast guard just happened to be right there. ♪ iand i like these award-winning cheddar puffs. first place. both events? booyah! we're an awards family. you'll like them both but love our price. award-winning organic 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andrews marina in panama city. as luck would have a coast guard cutter was refueling in the area. members of its crew got right to work broke one of the car windows and rescued the man. it happened saturday but the video just cupping out much police say the driver most likely had some type of medical emergency. he is now at a hospital. nearly two dozen people are hurt including a firefighter after flames tour through an apartment building in new york city. fire engulfed the building in the bronx early this morning sending thick smoke into the sky. fire officials say it started in a furniture store on the first floor and it spread very quickly. a woman who escaped described the ordeal. >> it was like 6:00 o'clock my mom told mow there was fire. she just said that we had to get out and we were getting ready for school. so she just said get all your stuff, anything that you really want because the building next to us the apartment next to us was full of fire. >> all of the victims should be okay. of course just days ago another fire in the bronx killed 12 people. back here at home new castle county police arrest add teen accused of selling all kinds of drugs. when police arrested 19-year-old brian steiger from wilmington they rounded up more than 10 grams of crack, dozens of bags of heroin and other drugs. they also seized guns and hundreds of dollars. investigators say steiger told& drugs throughout county and as you might imagine he faces a long list of charges. the search is on for dozens of inmates who escaped brazilian jail during a prison riot. at least nine inmates have died. more than a dozen are hurt. local media says that the rival gangs at the prison started the violence and set mattresses on fire yesterday. more than 100 inmates have escaped so. only a third as of now captured. riots are not uncommon in brazil's prisons which are severely overcrowded and under staffed. youtube star logan paul is under fire after posting a video online of a body. the video appeared to show a body hanging in a japanese forest known for being a spot where people kill themselves. paul is known for various pranks. he's taken the post down and apologized on twitter saying he wanted to raise awareness about suicide. possibly save lives. critics say his giggling and joking about the body was offensive. japan's per capita suicide rate among the highest in the world. coming up preventing terror tax. a new step new york city is ta taking to keep people safe. giving up alcohol alcohol for january 1 of your possible new year's resolutions? it might take more than a month for anyone to see a difference. and we're going see a big difference in the weather front real soon. kathy. >> we are. we're still talking about that brawl cold but tracking a nor'easter. that will impact all of us with snow and also wicked wind. more on that plus your s remember our special night? abdominal pain... ...and diarrhea. but it's my anniversary. aw. sorry. we've got other plans. your 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breaking news right now. a fire at a car dealership in jenkintown, montgomery county. sky fox live right now over it and you can see all kinds of work going on right there. firefighters on the roof. fire started just before 5:00 near fairway and rydell roads right now no injuries reported. in new york city mayor bill deblasio and nypd commissioner o'neal announced big steps to protect people from terror attack. permanent bollards or posts that you see will go up in times square and other high profile areas. the barriers will not only try to prevent terror attacks but help protect people on sidewalks from cars and trucks that may and try and drive down as happened recently in the past. halloween day there was a terror tack where the person used a rental truck to plow down people and bicyclists along a busy bike path. eight people died. 11 others were hurt in that. now to a tragic story out of new jersey. teenaged boy accused of gunning down his family on new year's eve and today he was in court. >> lucy now new jersey shore town long branch is shaken along with family and friends after a quadruple homicide involving three of the teen's family members. a horrifying quadruple murder on the jersey shore. >> it's terribly tragic incident. >> reporter: a 16-year-old suspect accused of shooting and killing his family members inside the family's long branch, new jersey, home just before midnight on new year's eve. >> suspect has been taken into custody. he's a 16-year-old mail. and the deceased individuals are his two parents, his sister and family friend who lived at the residence. >> reporter: prosecutors say the teen fatally shot his mom. 42-year-old linda company low gee. his dad 44-year-old stephen and his sister 18-year-old brittany as well as family friend who lived at the home. 70-year-old mary schultz. the 911 call came in 11:43 p.m. from inside the home. the suspect's older brother and grandfather managed to escape the home unharmed. >> the weapon was legally owned and registered to a family member. report roar the suspect is currently being held in youth detention facility. >> we will be charging this individual with four counts of murder and one count of possession of a weapon for unlawful purpose. at this point in time our investigation we believe it's allege that semi-automatic rival was used. >> reporter: a neighbor says the 16-year-old suspect had special needs and was cared for by his mother. they describe him as being quote fully functional and comprehended what we were sayi saying. >> cousin describes that teen as having learning dissables but they say they've always known him as being quote a good kid. tragedy, lucy. >> surely is. thank you much iain. weather is dominating the headlines across the country from texas to canada wind chill advisories and freeze alerts in effect. with schools closed and many commuters opting to work from home. authorities blame the arctic blast for at least nine deaths so far over the past week. health officials are issue frost bite warnings saying it can happen in a few minutes with temperatures this low. >> know your elements. make sure that if you getting cold you better just go inside and make -- if you're getting tingling, fingers or toes, you need to go inside. >> the frigid temperatures are expected to continue nationwide through the weekend. of course, we are feeling the chill right here at home as we take live look at doylestown, bucks county. and now snow is going to be thrown into the mix big time across the delaware valley. the question is how much we'll see. kathy's forecast just 15 seconds away. in weather we're talking about that frigid air continui continuing. those wind chills being brutal and now we have winter storm watches posted through long island down the jersey shore inland and also southerly parts of delaware into virginia and the carolinas. no one along the coast is going to escape this. begins tomorrow night at about 9:00 o'clock continues through thursday evening for obviously accumulating snow. in this area, we're talking about three to 6-inches close to the coast. outside it's cold. nothing has changed. temperatures still well below freezing. 23 degrees. the wind chill is 11. wind out of the west at 14 miles an hour. temperatures in the 20s and the teens today. but wind chills in the single numbers. and below zero in the poconos. four below. it feels like ten in millville. nine in trenton. eight in reading and om five in allentown. that cold air is going to continue. we see that magenta and other arctic invasion comes our way through the week and into the weekend. but then slowly late saturday into sunday we'll slowly see that retreat, and we'll see somewhat milder air moving in at least getting to freezing by the beginning of next week. overnight tonight, low temperatures in the teens and the single numbers. eight in allentown eight in pottstown eight in reading. 13 in philadelphia. and in millville, 12. we're just not used to this kind of cold. during the day tomorrow, temperatures warming to the lower 30s. close to freezing. sunny and cold. a few clouds late. southwest winds becoming southeasterly and that's all ahead of a storm. a very powerful nor'easter that we continue to track forming just to the north of the baham bahamas. it's moving toward the northeast and over the next couple of days it will intensify. these winds associated with it are going to be unbelievable. more like a tropical system in intensity because we're talking about 50, 60, 70 miles an hour winds offshore for us about 35 to 45 miles an hour gusts for your thursday. you can see snow from the panhandle of florida all the way up through the carolinas and into maine and nova scotia. s were eye we look at this hour by hour by tomorrow night at 10:00 o'clock, you can see the snow moving in down the shore. with a little bit of a mix. but it's definitely cold enough to see all snow with this and by thursday morning at 6am you see that northwesterly cut off through allentown and pottstown and wilmington. to the north and west, it's going to be interesting to see if the poconos see anything and then after 6:00 a.m. the storm pulls away the snow moves offshore and lifts toward the north and the east into new england and you see that strong west northwesterly wind and by thursday evening, it's pretty much out of here. so how much? well, right now it look like three to 6-inches through south jersey and into delaware where we have the warning. one to 3-inches through the i-95 corridor and our adjacent suburb as you go farther away to the north and west less than an inch of snow. our far northern and western suburbs lehigh valley and poconos. your seven day forecast, keeping an ion that nor'easter with those brutal winds. wind chills around ten below friday morning. the same for saturday morning. chilly sunday. finally above freezing monday and tuesday. we're talking about morning rain and snow monday. maybe some freezing rain on tuesday. i don't know what's worse. freezing rain or 18, luce glee freezing rain is always bad. i hate the roads when it's like that. tough driving all right. thank you very much, kathy. you bet. big admission from country music super star carrie underwood weeks after a bad fall. underwood is now telling fans she's not going to your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 1,300 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. verizon doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. verizon, no way. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your 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have died within 60 days of receiving their prescriptions. music super star carrie underwood when they fell at her home in november it was a lotes worse. she caulk about her broken wrist back then. she had to have 40 to 50 stitches in her face. she called the injury gruesome. she sent a letter to her fan club telling fans she may not look exactly the same underwood hasn't said had she'll be back in public again. but she'll inning studio next week. hopefully all will be well. >> coming up, we've heard of kevlar vests protecting police officers but could the material now actually ,000 in america last year. we need to stand up and say enough. the only way this problem is going to be solved is if we raise our voices. choose help over helplessness, hope over hopelessness. make sure that the lives we've lost will not have been lost in vain. addiction is a disease. when you ask for help, help is there for you. the great emperor trekking a hundred miles inland to their breeding grounds. except for these two fellows. this time next year, we're gonna be sitting on an egg. i think we're getting close! make a u-turn... u-turn? recalculating... man, we are never gonna breed. just give it a second. you will arrive in 92 days. nah, nuh-uh. nope, nope, nope. you know who i'm gonna follow? my instincts. as long as gps can still get you lost, you can count on geico saving folks money. i'm breeding, man. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ fox 29 tracking big-time winter weather. live look at allentown lehigh county on this frigid tuesday night with nor'easter taking aim at our area. kathy's keeping a close eye on the snow's path and we'll have much more coming up at 6:00. president trump is laying out his foreign priorities in series of new year's tweets. including support of demonstrations in iran where more than 20 protesters have died. fox's caroline shively is in washington with more. >> reporter: president trump is slamming two long-time enemies and a sometimes friend iran, north korea and more surprisingly pakistan. anti government protesters in iran taking to the streets and president trump taking to twitter to back them up. calling the iranian regime brutal and corrupt. and warning that the us is wat watching. iran's khomeini responded by saying protests were being stirred up by his country's quote enemies usually hot its shorthand for the us now that the trump administration is calling on iran to unblock instagram and other social media that protesters are using to organize. >> when a nation clamps down on social media or websites or google or news sites, we ask the question, what are you afraid of? >> reporter: president trump also focusing on north korea's nuclear program tweeting, rocket man now wants to talk to south korea for first time. perhaps that is good news. perhaps not. we will see. >> north korea can talk with anyone they want. but the us is not going to recognize it or acknowledge it until they agree to ban the nuclear weapons that they have. >> reporter: all this follows the president's new year's tweet slamming pakistan saying the us has fuelly foolishly given pakistan more than $33 billion in aid over the last 15 years and they've given us nothing about lies and deceit. >> we know that pakistan can do more to fight terrorism and we want them to step up don that. >> reporter: taking a tough stance with pakistan comes with some risk. pakistan serve as the main u.s. land supply route into afghanistan to support war efforts. in washington, caroline shively, fox 29 news. developing right now, the longest serving republican in the senate or rin hatch is retiring. he spent more than 40 years in the mitt cal game but says he now wants to spend more time with his family. he's 83 years old and has been a major force in helping get the tack bill through congress and on to the president's desk. he passed more than 670050 bills in a law over the course of his time in the senate. 1800s the can i cry what go west, young man new study from moving company shows americans are still moving west. 12 parts of the northeast and midwest are losing people. united van lines tracks customers state to state migration patterns and three of the top four destinations states are oregon, idaho and nevada. at the other end of the spectr spectrum, is illinois which had the highest% of outbound moves followed by new jersey, new york connecticut and kansas. well, with a new year comes new laws. fox's jonathan hunt takes look at some of them and how they impact us. >> reporter: almost everyone could be affected by these laws in some way or another. and if you're a gun owner arc pot smoker or a minimum wage worker the changes will have a very significant effect. california is the latest state to legalize recreational marijuana. with business brisk yesterday at this santa ana store. while the long-term impact of the law is still hazy, growers are expecting an economic boom. the state will be making a lot of money by taxing sales heavi heavily, and anyone over 21 can now light up. provided they don't do it while driving or riding in a car. and big changes, too, for gu owners here in california. they'll no longer be a able to buy ammunition online and have it shipped to their home. and anyone convicted of a hate crime will be prohibited from possessing a gun for ten years. the minimum wage will be going up here in new york as well and several other states across the nation. tennessee now saying college which is not exclude speakers based on opposition by othe otho what they might say. a move legal experts say is in line with federal law. >> the supreme court has always said that the answer to speech that you don't like is more speech. not a restriction on speech. >> reporter: finally, illinois has declared august 4th barrack obama day and while i'm very honored share the with the former president, in my house, august 4th will always be my birthday. in los angeles, jonathan hunt, fox news. police depths are taking extreme measures to protect their officers in this new age of ambush attacks. last year, 17 officers lost their lives in those ambush chute you shootings. noel newton shows us how one department is something true new to keep its officers safe. >> reporter: just south of way dough lies the town of hewitt population 14,000. leading the police department is a man whose career took him to much dangerous places. >> people have gone into police departments and i've seen where they shot them up or tacked neeble my personal experience we had the subject come in and damage and break windows, and try to assault employees i always carried that with me if i ever had the opportunity to build a facility, we were going to make sure that our employees were safe and it was very difficult for anybody to just come in and attack us um, just out of the blue. >> reporter: in 2014, chief jim devlin got that chance. helping to construct a facility built to be buffer against bad intentions. >> if there were an attack or if something did happen or take place within our facility, there's enough time that the employees can just get out. and be safe. >> reporter: the walls are made of kevlar material. the same thing lining devlin's ballistic vest. >> inside it look pretty standard like a sheetrock wall. but behind it is compressed kevlar. it's a building material. that our contractor found and what we did, we shaped it and put night the walls. report roar on the outside of the kevlar is a thick concrete shield. should a vehicle make it past large boulders in the flower bed or metal bollards around the entrance the walls will stop it. a lot of thought went into the windows as well. the glass is bullet resistant. you can see the thickness of the glass up here where the receptionist sit. the reception area is the only place you'll find a clear view of an employee. all other windows are placed high above officer's desks. >> we like that idea because that way if there were somebody out there, you know, they just can't see you through the glass and take out the glass and attack that way. report roar the safety enhancements go on and front expanded steal around the walls of the evidence room to controlled access to every entry point win the building. >> i think 20 years ago, you know, this was a wish that agencies had that they could do something like this. just to have that protect. now it's becoming a reality. >> reporter: the reality of ambush attacks and 2016 it was dallas near devlin's last police department. prior to that, austin and this past black friday, heys county deputies were tacked. >> they're getting close sr. and closer. >> reporter: should trouble strike in this small town devlin has insured his officers will at least have a fighting chance. >> there's no true 100% measure that will keep somebody from getting into the facility. i mean the reality it is if they really want to get in, they'll get in. we just try to slow them down as much as we can. >> reporter: know he will newton, fox news. >> you know the saying what happens in vegas stays in vegas not with this crew. meet the stars of fox pro tip: giant has great prices on produce. raspberries for john... strawberries for amy... what's a jicama? thanks! amazing produce prices. only at giant. grandma in johannesburg south africa staying fit by doing that right there. my goodness gracious. women are between 75 and 80 years old and taking cardio and boxing classes. good for them. hitting the punching bag, challenging each other insider the ring. the women say all this not only keeps them physically active, but socially active which is of course a win/win. the tech age generated several new words which you can now find in the dictionary like gif and bite is in terra bite versus biting into a piece of pie. that whole gism f thing is controversial too. apparently it's creator pronounces it gif the standard pronunciation is gism f this next word may be one of the stranger words the word dogo may officially become part of the english language. dog internet speak for dog specifically cute and photogenic dogs making funny expressions. dogo has become so popular dictionary standard bearers miriam webster have taken notice. there you go. what happens in vegas stays in vegas until now. fox's claudia cowan gives us a sneak peek of la to vegas which premieres tonight on fox 2 fox . i'd like to welcome you on jackpot airlines flight 1610 service to lot of wages. >> reporter: new fox comedy la to vegas follows the colorful crew and passengers of jackpot air a budget carrier that only flys between los angeles and sin city. >> ♪ >> reporter: cast says this sitcom is different. >> this is so much than i matched imagined it would. >> the outrageousness comes from the fact you're going behind the curtain of what could happen otter ribble airline. on like a really like non safety conscious non hr conscious airline. >> we have so much fun. and we laugh all the time. and it's just this weird cast of actors being weird cast of characters. and i think that really shows. >> i think the envelope is pushed right up to the edge. i think it's super fun because of that. >> got dressed in the terminal again, didn't you. >> what happens in vegas doesn't always stay there. the cast says some of the story lines are hitting close to home. >> sometimes i wonder if they heard me tell a story and then put it in. i must have told them that because that sounds very familiar. >> over these nine years, you're going to see everything that's happened to me but it will take nine years. >> no, i can't tell you those stories. you're just going to have to watch and be like kim has done that. you just have to know. >> i thought i was going to be a dancer. >> oh my god, is that how crazy i sound. >> if you happen to see kim matula at a casino don't call her over. >> don't let me near you when you're gambling. the second i walk up you'll start losing it's happened several times. >> if i can't have fun with my passengers why am i here. >> to fly the plane. >> claudia cowan, fox news. you can watch premier of la to vegas tonight at 9:00 followed by all new episode of the mick and stick around for fox 29 news at 10:00. iain page is here with fox 29 news at 6:00. the cold weather looks like it's here to stay for the near future and it's causing chaos from broken water mains to people bundled up inside their homes without heat and if that's not enough, snow could be on the way. your fox 29 winter wet authority tracking it all at 6:00. ♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. the brutal and even dangerous cold everywhere you look out there tonight. here's ive picture from doylestown and in bucks county the big chill and winter storm watch issued for parts of our area is our top story right now at 6:00. thanks for joining us. i'm iain page dawn timmeney is live in northeast philadelphia where people are coping with major water main break. bruce gordon is in upper darby where students and parents say their school is just too cold but let's get begin were to tonight with kathy orr tracking this cold an nor'easter. kathy. >> yes, we talk about it last night, right, iain. talking about winter storm watch that is already been posted for south jersey and delaware. it happens tomorrow night. but the national weather service put out this watch because the storm looks like it's going to be definitely impacting us and that watch continues through thursday for accumulating snow. wind chills still mainly in the single numbers below zero in the poconos. five below so that bone-chilling cold continues. we have watches for snow because it's so cold everywhere. so with this we're talking about snow moving in tomorrow night. through thursday. the heaviest snow is definitely going to be at the shore. right now the forecast three to 6-inches there. the least amount of snow in our pennsylvania suburbs as we're farther away from the coast. and that snow will be out of here by thursday night. we have the snow totals coming up with new information coming into the weather center. vile that for in you just a few minutes. >> all right. kathy. look forward to that, thank you. there's been quiet a few water main breaks in our area. skyfox over conshohocken where a 30-inch main broke. that's impacting people in nearly a dozen towns. spanning montgomery, chester and delaware counties about two dozen customers lower merion still have no water as repairs are still underway there. it burst around 9:30 this morning on the unit block

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Conshohocken , Pennsylvania , United States , Millville , Nevada , Delaware , California , Montgomery County , New York , Germantown , Panama City , , Panama , Allentown , Trenton , Japan , Center City , Texas , Iran , Washington , Philadelphia , Florida , Illinois , Virginia , Oregon , Pakistan , Merion , Jersey , Maine , Tennessee , New Jersey , Idaho , Whitemarsh , North Korea , Salem County , Kansas , America , Iranian , Fox Jonathan , Peter Pederson , Joyce Evans , Los Angeles , Kristen Rodgers , Larry Krasner , Fox Caroline Shively , Jeff Cole , Doug Pederson , Fox Claudia Cowan , Claudia Cowan , Noel Newton , Jeff Cole Fox , Bruce Gordon , Mary Schultz , Kathy Orr , Logan Paul ,

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Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20180102 :

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20180102

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and 20 degrees in millville this is what it feels like. bone-chilling cold with westerly winds eight is the wind chill in reading. four below in the poconos. it only feels like 13 in wildwood. so this is what's going to happen. we have a developing area of low pressure. it becomes a nor'easter moves up the eastern seaboard. we have winter storm watches posposted from northern florida right into maine. you know it's cold and this is a strong storm when that happens. it will continue toward the northeast. so we're talking about the heaviest snow down the shore. the snow begins tomorrow night. goes through thursday. heaviest snow at the shore three to 6-inches possibly more depending on the track. least snow in the pennsylvania suburbs. but we will see some and that snow will be ending by thursday night. after that, wicked winds and brutal wind chills much it's one-two punch lucy we'll talk more about that coming you. >> sounds like we got a lot to talk about. thank you much, kathy. skyfox in salem county a garage caught on fire. the detached garage is on the 600 block of upper neck grove in pitts grove township. fire broke out just past 1:30. smoke and steam billowing out of the thing as firefighters were to gain control of those flames. luckily nobody is hurt. bitter cold means water main breaks, right? we're dealing with quite a few. skyfox over conshohocken where a 30-inch main broke. it is impacting residents and nearly a dozen towns. spanning montgomery, chester, and delaware counties. about two dozen customers in lower merion still have no water as repairs continue. it burst around 9:30 this morning on the unit block of bala company minute go road. water main problems in moorestown behind traffic problems tonight. westbound lane of kings highway is still closed at pleasant avenue -- pleasant valley avenue after the main broke this morning. the water as you can imagine in these temperatures turned into a sheet of ice. town officials hope to have this road back open by around 6:30 this evening. to northeast philadelphia, folks are cleaning up mud and water and ice after a big water main break overnight. it is impacted dozens of homes. our dawn timmeney is live in the neighborhood with more. dawn? >> reporter: well, lucy, certainly not something you want to wake up to in the middle of a bitter cold winter night. water gushing everywhere. but that was the harsh reality for residents here in the far northeast. >> i woke up 3am and water rushing into my basement. mud, water. >> reporter: tom garris wades through several inches of mud and water. the mess left behind in his finished basement after an 8-inch water main burst on the 12,000 block of minute den street in northeast philadelphia early this morning. >> i thought it was the toilet running or a sink. i came downstairs there was a foot of water in my basement. >> that's where the water line. >> reporter: neighbor janet heard a loud bank and then all of a sudden water came rushing down her driveway and into her home like a raging river. >> the water was just coming in. i mean it was pouring. coming up from the ground. just there was nothing to do. >> reporter: whole downstairs now soggy and covered in mud. >> water line came up to here. so actually just missed going into the washer and drier. >> reporter: christina berger not as lucky. >> i had to replace my washer and drier. my heater has damage. all of my stuff in my base system wet. so who knows? >> reporter: take a look at these driveways several taking a real beating and are no longer usable. tom garris says his cadillac won't start. and fears it's a goner. >> this one was sitting too far low in the water built up pretty quick and the mud came up. >> reporter: water department crews on scene all day long working in brutally cold conditions trying keep warm and remain the main. 125 homes losing water service. a handful have no heat. >> i may go and stay in a hoe toll to tonight. stay warm. >> reporter: obviously, not the way this neighborhood was hoping to start the new year. >> i can't shower. i'm all filthy with mud. you can see i got mud all over me. so i don't know what we're going to do. >> reporter: certainly not fu fun. water department crews are still here on the scene. you can see the fire in the background as they try to stay warm. and get service up and running their hoping to have the water on shortly. the water department tells me that they are dealing with all kinds of breaks like this every day in these brutal cold temperatures and is asking for the public's patience as it does it's very best to get service to restored all affected across the city of philadelphia. lucy. >> let's hope it happens soon. a big challenge. thank you dawn. brutal winter temperatures are putting heating systems to the test all across the area. that includes school buildings. bruce gordon is live in upper darby where a chilly building, chilly is probably an under statement, mixed with apparent school clothing policy has some kids and parents grumbling. bruce? >> reporter: yeah, lucy, the beverly hills middle school behind me was built back in 1930, and like lots of older buildings, keeping it warm during the winter months cannot be an easy job. but an eighth grader tells me she's most concerned that school officials won't let her battle that chilly temperature inside in the most obvious of ways. >> afternoon dismissal at beverly hills middle school. the kids sixth, seventh and eighth graders were bundled up for side temperatures in the teens with a wind chill even lower. but 14-year-old annika maynard stayed home on this day. home with her grandmother in a philadelphia row house doing her best to stay warm. >> what has you home from scho school? >> the temperature at school. i knew it was going to be cold. i didn't want to go to cool year not allowed to wear hoodies or jackets in school. >> reporter: that's right. annika and several other students confirm the heat at beverly hills isn't working properly. has worked consistently for some time, and says annika when temperatures plumetted just before the holiday break, chilly students were told they could not wear coats or hoodies inside the building. >> some kids were total told to take off their hoodies if they didn't they were sent to the discipline center you get a detention. >> reporter: after numerous requests for comment an explanation the upper darby school district released a statement tuesday afternoon acknowledging the that quote a limited number of classrooms were colder than others because of malfunctionin malfunctioningn their venting systems. district did not specifically address my questions about the coat and hoodie policy prior to the break. except to say "students were permitted to wear coats today in the building if they felt it necessary. annika's grandmother says that should have been policy from the start. >> they don't have to have their hoodies on and walk around the school on their heads. recognize that's cold and let them kids be warm so that they can get their work done. >> reporter: in a statement the district says they are in the process of repairing and replacing those heater motors to get the school back to some level. uniform comfort. no time frame on when that work will be complete. so we go on as usual apparently according to that statement the kids will be allowed to wear coats and hoodies that kind of thing inside if necessary. we'll keep an eye on it much lucy. >> makes sense now, doesn't it? >> thank you very much, bruce n prospect park a busted pipe gave students at interboro high school a day off. high school students and pre k students got today off but that the district has yet to announce if they're returning to school tomorrow. of course, we'll let you know when we find out. gloucester county, the first day back to school at williamstown high school was more exciting than anticipated. a sprinkler leak forced vac ways while the fire marshal and crews work on the pipe the students waited at nearby middle school. they eventually that head back to class. we official vol several new city leaders in philadelphia. more than 20 elected officials took the oath of office today including the new district attorney. jeff cole was there. joins us live in stewed eighty seven jeff. >> reporter: lucy, in philadelphia even the most joyous of events can a bear knuckles feel when it did when mayor kenney implied donald trump wanted to be a dictator. phil it's has a new da and some of his supporters are already making demands. ♪ >> reporter: gospel music filled verizon hall with a new district attorney, controller and judges had come to take the oath. theme of justice for all held swag. >> we will there stab for all time that black lives do matter. [ applause ] >> reporter: the star a traction was larry krasner the life long civil rights attorney who was elected da by arguing the criminal justice system victimize the poor and minority. >> i will support -- >> sworn in by his wife a city judge with one of his two sons holding a bible he choked up when speaking of second chances for the accused. >> take your time. >> he was asked how he'd halt philly soaring murder rate? >> da's office has to stop pointing and they got to start participating i'm looking forward work wig the police department of way we can to address the spike in homicides. >> reporter: row beck baby reinhardt is a veteran of city government who brought her seven-year-old daughter to the inauguration as philly's spending watch dog reinhardt says she's dig into the troubled parking authority an agency mandated to provide some funding to city schools. >> it's unbelievable that the parking authority has such horrible financial management and waste at a time when our schools need every dollar. ♪ >> reporter: the newly minted politiciapoliticians thought thd be a honeymoon they were mistaken. >> worry not starting 2018 with this kind of stuff. >> if we don't get any results, we are going to shut everything down. >> reporter: activist loudly demanded action on what they claim are unjustified police shootings that took their grievances to the lobby and later the middle of south broad. krasner says he won't duck. >> we have to look at the evidence and follow the evidence fairly. >> reporter: da krasner says save injection sites for heroin users safe lives and he supports them. he says he'll have more to say soon on top level staffs. we'll have more at 6:00. jeff cole fox 29 news. lucy. >> that's controversial thing in and of itself. thank you jeff. bar room brawl arc bright fight broke out at a bucks county bar. police say the employees tried to break it up end up attacked. joyce? >> reporter: well, everybody is doing whatever they can to stay warm these days. imagine walking into a place where ice cold air is blasting from el: broke, homeless, selling my body to get high, locked up, a slave to heroin - that was my life. married, a homeowner, a professional, recovering and thriving - that's my life now. i got help. you can too. new years means a new day for those struggling with addiction. don't suffer. don't wait. choose help. call 844 reachnj or visit ♪ >> teenagers recovering tonight after a gunman shot him a half dozen times in north philadelphia. police say the 19-year-old was walking late last night on the 2300 block of glenwood avenue after getting shot he was able to make it to a nearby house where the people there called 911 for help. he's in the hospital. he's stable. police are searching for the person who shot him. could it caught on camera in bucks county for men inside a bar not a big deal but it's what police say they did that has them hot on their trail. the men were inside big ed's bar on december 10th when one got into an argument with the bartender much police say the man head then punched the bartender started a fight between the four men and employees that were trying to get them out of the bar. one of the men slammed a bottle into the head of an employee and another swung a pool queue at the other employees. all four men took off in separate cars. the search is on in east germantown for two people involved in drive die shooting police say a tan buick rolled up to man an woman and two people in that car shot them. the victims both in their 20's are stable. call police if you know anything. one senior center in philadelphia the folks who live there can't seem to escape the cold and they're inside. fox 29's joyce evans joins us live in the studio. joyce, you spoke way few of those people just struggling to stay warm. >> reporter: actualy a lot of those people, lucy. we've been staying it every day if you don't have to go out, don't. but we didn't know exactly what to say to all the senior citizens who have called us the past few days. from one germantown complex telling us, they're freezing inside their homes. >> it's not right that we have to live in such conditions as senior citizens. >> reporter: tough for anybody according to long heim time residents of germantown house. >> i am cold. my apartment stays cold. >> reporter: the past few days, so brutal, that bundled up residents piled into the building's lobby to talk about taking action. >> what are the reasons we're down here for. >> heat we need some heat. >> so unfair. i lived my life, worked my life,. >> that's right. >> raised my family, took care of my kids. this is my time and i'm sick and tired. >> bill sturgis invited us inside his apartment. to feel for ourselves. it was warm but -- >> it seems like the hurt only works when they want it to work. >> it's random says his home health aid elena. >> constant thing. with no heat. little heat. today we actually got some heat that is a miracle. otherwise the oven goes on i wasn'tly tight to keep us warm. >> at night we freeze in here. >> reporter: they showed me what appears to be the biggest culprit. out in the hallways. >> full blast up here. full blast. there's another vent down there. >> that's where all this cold air. >> reporter: pha officials say these vents draw fresh air from outside and in the wintertime, a built in heater is designed to warm that air. not today. >> that's blowing right on his wall here. this wall a cold. >> yup, this is where the -- where his clothes would be. this is nothing. the second and third floor you're going to feel like you're outside with no sun. >> reporter: and resident council president beatrice johnson says neighbors try everything to block out the cold blast from the hallway still their water barely heats up so they take chances leaving their ovens. >> this is the names of all the apartments. >> nobody wants to hear it p. >> reporter: they swallowed their pride and called us. >> this the only thing we had left to do. we've been begging and crying to everybody for heat. >> reporter: the philadelphia housing authority has responded to us saying a crew went out this afternoon and found the extreme cold was preventing the heaters inside those ventilation fans from warming the air. so they turned the fans off. but we just check back with the residents and they say only some of the fans are off. some are still blowing full force. as for the heaters inside the apartments, pha says they found nothing wrong with the building's heating system. but they are now overriding their energy saving feature in light of the extreme weather. lucy? >> sounds like a wise idea the there. >> yes. >> thank you, joyce. skyfox over logan township, new jersey. that's where police say a dump truck and a pickup truck crashed sending one person to the hospital. sky fox over the scene on rout route 322 near route 130. just before 9:00 this morning. we do not know the condition of the person in the hospital. all roads are now back open tonight. the person is in the hospital after crashing white marsh township montgomery coun county. garbage truck overturned on aegis mill road near johns lane. skyfox over that scene around 10:30 this morning. and again, we do not know how the person in the hospital is doing in that one. ♪ the eagles headed back practice tomorrow as they pry pair for first game of the playoffs in two weeks. and doug pederson has a message for fans. our kristen rodgers joins us now with what he had to say. kristen? >> lucy, doug pederson wants to be clear. nick foles is the starter for the eagles team. so any talk about quarterback controversy, that can be put to bed. peter pederson has taken the last few days to go back through film of foles from 2013 then with the rams, the chiefs, what foles was able to succeed at then is in the eagles system. so they're saying they'll dust off those plays and work on it this week and until then foles has to embrace this is his team. >> bottom line he has to. he's the guy now, and but it's not, again, it goes back to what i mentioned earlier. he doesn't have to feel the weight of the entire team. this is a team sport, and we got to play great defense obviously and special teams have got to own up to their jobs and then offensively, um, we just have to be better all around. >> and coming up ahead in sports how pederson is handling practice this bye week before the eagles start game planning, plus the latest on the eagles assistants that may be looked at for other head coaching jobs. lucy? >> all right. thank you very much, kristen. frightening wake-up call in new york city. flames shot out of an apartment building sending people running for safety. a man drove his car off a peer at a marina. luckily for him the coast guard just happened to be right there. ♪ iand i like these award-winning cheddar puffs. first place. both events? booyah! we're an awards family. you'll like them both but love our price. award-winning organic cheddar puffs from aldi. simply smarter shopping. i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. it's not the wake up call guests at one hotel were expecting. smoke billowed high into the sky over frozen northern illinois. grizzly jack's grand beary sort evacuated early this morning. no one is hurt. firefighters got the flames under control in just a couple of hours. a close call for an elderly driver in florida. the us coast guard rescued an 89-year-old man after he drove straight into the water at saint andrews marina in panama city. as luck would have a coast guard cutter was refueling in the area. members of its crew got right to work broke one of the car windows and rescued the man. it happened saturday but the video just cupping out much police say the driver most likely had some type of medical emergency. he is now at a hospital. nearly two dozen people are hurt including a firefighter after flames tour through an apartment building in new york city. fire engulfed the building in the bronx early this morning sending thick smoke into the sky. fire officials say it started in a furniture store on the first floor and it spread very quickly. a woman who escaped described the ordeal. >> it was like 6:00 o'clock my mom told mow there was fire. she just said that we had to get out and we were getting ready for school. so she just said get all your stuff, anything that you really want because the building next to us the apartment next to us was full of fire. >> all of the victims should be okay. of course just days ago another fire in the bronx killed 12 people. back here at home new castle county police arrest add teen accused of selling all kinds of drugs. when police arrested 19-year-old brian steiger from wilmington they rounded up more than 10 grams of crack, dozens of bags of heroin and other drugs. they also seized guns and hundreds of dollars. investigators say steiger told& drugs throughout county and as you might imagine he faces a long list of charges. the search is on for dozens of inmates who escaped brazilian jail during a prison riot. at least nine inmates have died. more than a dozen are hurt. local media says that the rival gangs at the prison started the violence and set mattresses on fire yesterday. more than 100 inmates have escaped so. only a third as of now captured. riots are not uncommon in brazil's prisons which are severely overcrowded and under staffed. youtube star logan paul is under fire after posting a video online of a body. the video appeared to show a body hanging in a japanese forest known for being a spot where people kill themselves. paul is known for various pranks. he's taken the post down and apologized on twitter saying he wanted to raise awareness about suicide. possibly save lives. critics say his giggling and joking about the body was offensive. japan's per capita suicide rate among the highest in the world. coming up preventing terror tax. a new step new york city is ta taking to keep people safe. giving up alcohol alcohol for january 1 of your possible new year's resolutions? it might take more than a month for anyone to see a difference. and we're going see a big difference in the weather front real soon. kathy. >> we are. we're still talking about that brawl cold but tracking a nor'easter. that will impact all of us with snow and also wicked wind. more on that plus your s remember our special night? abdominal pain... ...and diarrhea. but it's my anniversary. aw. sorry. we've got other plans. your recurring, unpredictable abdominal pain and diarrhea... ...may be irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, or ibs-d. you've tried over-the-counter treatments and lifestyle changes, but ibs-d can be really frustrating. talk to your doctor about viberzi,... ...a different way to treat ibs-d. viberzi is a prescription medication you take every day that helps proactively manage... ...both abdominal pain and diarrhea at the same time. so you stay ahead of your symptoms. viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. do not take viberzi if you have no gallbladder, have pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, long-lasting or severe constipation, or a bowel or gallbladder blockage. pancreatitis may occur and can lead to hospitalization and death. if you are taking viberzi,... should not take medicines that cause constipation. the most common side effects of viberzi... ...include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. stay ahead of ibs-d with viberzi. .♪ following breaking news right now. a fire at a car dealership in jenkintown, montgomery county. sky fox live right now over it and you can see all kinds of work going on right there. firefighters on the roof. fire started just before 5:00 near fairway and rydell roads right now no injuries reported. in new york city mayor bill deblasio and nypd commissioner o'neal announced big steps to protect people from terror attack. permanent bollards or posts that you see will go up in times square and other high profile areas. the barriers will not only try to prevent terror attacks but help protect people on sidewalks from cars and trucks that may and try and drive down as happened recently in the past. halloween day there was a terror tack where the person used a rental truck to plow down people and bicyclists along a busy bike path. eight people died. 11 others were hurt in that. now to a tragic story out of new jersey. teenaged boy accused of gunning down his family on new year's eve and today he was in court. >> lucy now new jersey shore town long branch is shaken along with family and friends after a quadruple homicide involving three of the teen's family members. a horrifying quadruple murder on the jersey shore. >> it's terribly tragic incident. >> reporter: a 16-year-old suspect accused of shooting and killing his family members inside the family's long branch, new jersey, home just before midnight on new year's eve. >> suspect has been taken into custody. he's a 16-year-old mail. and the deceased individuals are his two parents, his sister and family friend who lived at the residence. >> reporter: prosecutors say the teen fatally shot his mom. 42-year-old linda company low gee. his dad 44-year-old stephen and his sister 18-year-old brittany as well as family friend who lived at the home. 70-year-old mary schultz. the 911 call came in 11:43 p.m. from inside the home. the suspect's older brother and grandfather managed to escape the home unharmed. >> the weapon was legally owned and registered to a family member. report roar the suspect is currently being held in youth detention facility. >> we will be charging this individual with four counts of murder and one count of possession of a weapon for unlawful purpose. at this point in time our investigation we believe it's allege that semi-automatic rival was used. >> reporter: a neighbor says the 16-year-old suspect had special needs and was cared for by his mother. they describe him as being quote fully functional and comprehended what we were sayi saying. >> cousin describes that teen as having learning dissables but they say they've always known him as being quote a good kid. tragedy, lucy. >> surely is. thank you much iain. weather is dominating the headlines across the country from texas to canada wind chill advisories and freeze alerts in effect. with schools closed and many commuters opting to work from home. authorities blame the arctic blast for at least nine deaths so far over the past week. health officials are issue frost bite warnings saying it can happen in a few minutes with temperatures this low. >> know your elements. make sure that if you getting cold you better just go inside and make -- if you're getting tingling, fingers or toes, you need to go inside. >> the frigid temperatures are expected to continue nationwide through the weekend. of course, we are feeling the chill right here at home as we take live look at doylestown, bucks county. and now snow is going to be thrown into the mix big time across the delaware valley. the question is how much we'll see. kathy's forecast just 15 seconds away. in weather we're talking about that frigid air continui continuing. those wind chills being brutal and now we have winter storm watches posted through long island down the jersey shore inland and also southerly parts of delaware into virginia and the carolinas. no one along the coast is going to escape this. begins tomorrow night at about 9:00 o'clock continues through thursday evening for obviously accumulating snow. in this area, we're talking about three to 6-inches close to the coast. outside it's cold. nothing has changed. temperatures still well below freezing. 23 degrees. the wind chill is 11. wind out of the west at 14 miles an hour. temperatures in the 20s and the teens today. but wind chills in the single numbers. and below zero in the poconos. four below. it feels like ten in millville. nine in trenton. eight in reading and om five in allentown. that cold air is going to continue. we see that magenta and other arctic invasion comes our way through the week and into the weekend. but then slowly late saturday into sunday we'll slowly see that retreat, and we'll see somewhat milder air moving in at least getting to freezing by the beginning of next week. overnight tonight, low temperatures in the teens and the single numbers. eight in allentown eight in pottstown eight in reading. 13 in philadelphia. and in millville, 12. we're just not used to this kind of cold. during the day tomorrow, temperatures warming to the lower 30s. close to freezing. sunny and cold. a few clouds late. southwest winds becoming southeasterly and that's all ahead of a storm. a very powerful nor'easter that we continue to track forming just to the north of the baham bahamas. it's moving toward the northeast and over the next couple of days it will intensify. these winds associated with it are going to be unbelievable. more like a tropical system in intensity because we're talking about 50, 60, 70 miles an hour winds offshore for us about 35 to 45 miles an hour gusts for your thursday. you can see snow from the panhandle of florida all the way up through the carolinas and into maine and nova scotia. s were eye we look at this hour by hour by tomorrow night at 10:00 o'clock, you can see the snow moving in down the shore. with a little bit of a mix. but it's definitely cold enough to see all snow with this and by thursday morning at 6am you see that northwesterly cut off through allentown and pottstown and wilmington. to the north and west, it's going to be interesting to see if the poconos see anything and then after 6:00 a.m. the storm pulls away the snow moves offshore and lifts toward the north and the east into new england and you see that strong west northwesterly wind and by thursday evening, it's pretty much out of here. so how much? well, right now it look like three to 6-inches through south jersey and into delaware where we have the warning. one to 3-inches through the i-95 corridor and our adjacent suburb as you go farther away to the north and west less than an inch of snow. our far northern and western suburbs lehigh valley and poconos. your seven day forecast, keeping an ion that nor'easter with those brutal winds. wind chills around ten below friday morning. the same for saturday morning. chilly sunday. finally above freezing monday and tuesday. we're talking about morning rain and snow monday. maybe some freezing rain on tuesday. i don't know what's worse. freezing rain or 18, luce glee freezing rain is always bad. i hate the roads when it's like that. tough driving all right. thank you very much, kathy. you bet. big admission from country music super star carrie underwood weeks after a bad fall. underwood is now telling fans she's not going to your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 1,300 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. verizon doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. verizon, no way. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your 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have died within 60 days of receiving their prescriptions. music super star carrie underwood when they fell at her home in november it was a lotes worse. she caulk about her broken wrist back then. she had to have 40 to 50 stitches in her face. she called the injury gruesome. she sent a letter to her fan club telling fans she may not look exactly the same underwood hasn't said had she'll be back in public again. but she'll inning studio next week. hopefully all will be well. >> coming up, we've heard of kevlar vests protecting police officers but could the material now actually ,000 in america last year. we need to stand up and say enough. the only way this problem is going to be solved is if we raise our voices. choose help over helplessness, hope over hopelessness. make sure that the lives we've lost will not have been lost in vain. addiction is a disease. when you ask for help, help is there for you. the great emperor trekking a hundred miles inland to their breeding grounds. except for these two fellows. this time next year, we're gonna be sitting on an egg. i think we're getting close! make a u-turn... u-turn? recalculating... man, we are never gonna breed. just give it a second. you will arrive in 92 days. nah, nuh-uh. nope, nope, nope. you know who i'm gonna follow? my instincts. as long as gps can still get you lost, you can count on geico saving folks money. i'm breeding, man. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ fox 29 tracking big-time winter weather. live look at allentown lehigh county on this frigid tuesday night with nor'easter taking aim at our area. kathy's keeping a close eye on the snow's path and we'll have much more coming up at 6:00. president trump is laying out his foreign priorities in series of new year's tweets. including support of demonstrations in iran where more than 20 protesters have died. fox's caroline shively is in washington with more. >> reporter: president trump is slamming two long-time enemies and a sometimes friend iran, north korea and more surprisingly pakistan. anti government protesters in iran taking to the streets and president trump taking to twitter to back them up. calling the iranian regime brutal and corrupt. and warning that the us is wat watching. iran's khomeini responded by saying protests were being stirred up by his country's quote enemies usually hot its shorthand for the us now that the trump administration is calling on iran to unblock instagram and other social media that protesters are using to organize. >> when a nation clamps down on social media or websites or google or news sites, we ask the question, what are you afraid of? >> reporter: president trump also focusing on north korea's nuclear program tweeting, rocket man now wants to talk to south korea for first time. perhaps that is good news. perhaps not. we will see. >> north korea can talk with anyone they want. but the us is not going to recognize it or acknowledge it until they agree to ban the nuclear weapons that they have. >> reporter: all this follows the president's new year's tweet slamming pakistan saying the us has fuelly foolishly given pakistan more than $33 billion in aid over the last 15 years and they've given us nothing about lies and deceit. >> we know that pakistan can do more to fight terrorism and we want them to step up don that. >> reporter: taking a tough stance with pakistan comes with some risk. pakistan serve as the main u.s. land supply route into afghanistan to support war efforts. in washington, caroline shively, fox 29 news. developing right now, the longest serving republican in the senate or rin hatch is retiring. he spent more than 40 years in the mitt cal game but says he now wants to spend more time with his family. he's 83 years old and has been a major force in helping get the tack bill through congress and on to the president's desk. he passed more than 670050 bills in a law over the course of his time in the senate. 1800s the can i cry what go west, young man new study from moving company shows americans are still moving west. 12 parts of the northeast and midwest are losing people. united van lines tracks customers state to state migration patterns and three of the top four destinations states are oregon, idaho and nevada. at the other end of the spectr spectrum, is illinois which had the highest% of outbound moves followed by new jersey, new york connecticut and kansas. well, with a new year comes new laws. fox's jonathan hunt takes look at some of them and how they impact us. >> reporter: almost everyone could be affected by these laws in some way or another. and if you're a gun owner arc pot smoker or a minimum wage worker the changes will have a very significant effect. california is the latest state to legalize recreational marijuana. with business brisk yesterday at this santa ana store. while the long-term impact of the law is still hazy, growers are expecting an economic boom. the state will be making a lot of money by taxing sales heavi heavily, and anyone over 21 can now light up. provided they don't do it while driving or riding in a car. and big changes, too, for gu owners here in california. they'll no longer be a able to buy ammunition online and have it shipped to their home. and anyone convicted of a hate crime will be prohibited from possessing a gun for ten years. the minimum wage will be going up here in new york as well and several other states across the nation. tennessee now saying college which is not exclude speakers based on opposition by othe otho what they might say. a move legal experts say is in line with federal law. >> the supreme court has always said that the answer to speech that you don't like is more speech. not a restriction on speech. >> reporter: finally, illinois has declared august 4th barrack obama day and while i'm very honored share the with the former president, in my house, august 4th will always be my birthday. in los angeles, jonathan hunt, fox news. police depths are taking extreme measures to protect their officers in this new age of ambush attacks. last year, 17 officers lost their lives in those ambush chute you shootings. noel newton shows us how one department is something true new to keep its officers safe. >> reporter: just south of way dough lies the town of hewitt population 14,000. leading the police department is a man whose career took him to much dangerous places. >> people have gone into police departments and i've seen where they shot them up or tacked neeble my personal experience we had the subject come in and damage and break windows, and try to assault employees i always carried that with me if i ever had the opportunity to build a facility, we were going to make sure that our employees were safe and it was very difficult for anybody to just come in and attack us um, just out of the blue. >> reporter: in 2014, chief jim devlin got that chance. helping to construct a facility built to be buffer against bad intentions. >> if there were an attack or if something did happen or take place within our facility, there's enough time that the employees can just get out. and be safe. >> reporter: the walls are made of kevlar material. the same thing lining devlin's ballistic vest. >> inside it look pretty standard like a sheetrock wall. but behind it is compressed kevlar. it's a building material. that our contractor found and what we did, we shaped it and put night the walls. report roar on the outside of the kevlar is a thick concrete shield. should a vehicle make it past large boulders in the flower bed or metal bollards around the entrance the walls will stop it. a lot of thought went into the windows as well. the glass is bullet resistant. you can see the thickness of the glass up here where the receptionist sit. the reception area is the only place you'll find a clear view of an employee. all other windows are placed high above officer's desks. >> we like that idea because that way if there were somebody out there, you know, they just can't see you through the glass and take out the glass and attack that way. report roar the safety enhancements go on and front expanded steal around the walls of the evidence room to controlled access to every entry point win the building. >> i think 20 years ago, you know, this was a wish that agencies had that they could do something like this. just to have that protect. now it's becoming a reality. >> reporter: the reality of ambush attacks and 2016 it was dallas near devlin's last police department. prior to that, austin and this past black friday, heys county deputies were tacked. >> they're getting close sr. and closer. >> reporter: should trouble strike in this small town devlin has insured his officers will at least have a fighting chance. >> there's no true 100% measure that will keep somebody from getting into the facility. i mean the reality it is if they really want to get in, they'll get in. we just try to slow them down as much as we can. >> reporter: know he will newton, fox news. >> you know the saying what happens in vegas stays in vegas not with this crew. meet the stars of fox pro tip: giant has great prices on produce. raspberries for john... strawberries for amy... what's a jicama? thanks! amazing produce prices. only at giant. grandma in johannesburg south africa staying fit by doing that right there. my goodness gracious. women are between 75 and 80 years old and taking cardio and boxing classes. good for them. hitting the punching bag, challenging each other insider the ring. the women say all this not only keeps them physically active, but socially active which is of course a win/win. the tech age generated several new words which you can now find in the dictionary like gif and bite is in terra bite versus biting into a piece of pie. that whole gism f thing is controversial too. apparently it's creator pronounces it gif the standard pronunciation is gism f this next word may be one of the stranger words the word dogo may officially become part of the english language. dog internet speak for dog specifically cute and photogenic dogs making funny expressions. dogo has become so popular dictionary standard bearers miriam webster have taken notice. there you go. what happens in vegas stays in vegas until now. fox's claudia cowan gives us a sneak peek of la to vegas which premieres tonight on fox 2 fox . i'd like to welcome you on jackpot airlines flight 1610 service to lot of wages. >> reporter: new fox comedy la to vegas follows the colorful crew and passengers of jackpot air a budget carrier that only flys between los angeles and sin city. >> ♪ >> reporter: cast says this sitcom is different. >> this is so much than i matched imagined it would. >> the outrageousness comes from the fact you're going behind the curtain of what could happen otter ribble airline. on like a really like non safety conscious non hr conscious airline. >> we have so much fun. and we laugh all the time. and it's just this weird cast of actors being weird cast of characters. and i think that really shows. >> i think the envelope is pushed right up to the edge. i think it's super fun because of that. >> got dressed in the terminal again, didn't you. >> what happens in vegas doesn't always stay there. the cast says some of the story lines are hitting close to home. >> sometimes i wonder if they heard me tell a story and then put it in. i must have told them that because that sounds very familiar. >> over these nine years, you're going to see everything that's happened to me but it will take nine years. >> no, i can't tell you those stories. you're just going to have to watch and be like kim has done that. you just have to know. >> i thought i was going to be a dancer. >> oh my god, is that how crazy i sound. >> if you happen to see kim matula at a casino don't call her over. >> don't let me near you when you're gambling. the second i walk up you'll start losing it's happened several times. >> if i can't have fun with my passengers why am i here. >> to fly the plane. >> claudia cowan, fox news. you can watch premier of la to vegas tonight at 9:00 followed by all new episode of the mick and stick around for fox 29 news at 10:00. iain page is here with fox 29 news at 6:00. the cold weather looks like it's here to stay for the near future and it's causing chaos from broken water mains to people bundled up inside their homes without heat and if that's not enough, snow could be on the way. your fox 29 winter wet authority tracking it all at 6:00. ♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. the brutal and even dangerous cold everywhere you look out there tonight. here's ive picture from doylestown and in bucks county the big chill and winter storm watch issued for parts of our area is our top story right now at 6:00. thanks for joining us. i'm iain page dawn timmeney is live in northeast philadelphia where people are coping with major water main break. bruce gordon is in upper darby where students and parents say their school is just too cold but let's get begin were to tonight with kathy orr tracking this cold an nor'easter. kathy. >> yes, we talk about it last night, right, iain. talking about winter storm watch that is already been posted for south jersey and delaware. it happens tomorrow night. but the national weather service put out this watch because the storm looks like it's going to be definitely impacting us and that watch continues through thursday for accumulating snow. wind chills still mainly in the single numbers below zero in the poconos. five below so that bone-chilling cold continues. we have watches for snow because it's so cold everywhere. so with this we're talking about snow moving in tomorrow night. through thursday. the heaviest snow is definitely going to be at the shore. right now the forecast three to 6-inches there. the least amount of snow in our pennsylvania suburbs as we're farther away from the coast. and that snow will be out of here by thursday night. we have the snow totals coming up with new information coming into the weather center. vile that for in you just a few minutes. >> all right. kathy. look forward to that, thank you. there's been quiet a few water main breaks in our area. skyfox over conshohocken where a 30-inch main broke. that's impacting people in nearly a dozen towns. spanning montgomery, chester and delaware counties about two dozen customers lower merion still have no water as repairs are still underway there. it burst around 9:30 this morning on the unit block

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Conshohocken , Pennsylvania , United States , Millville , Nevada , Delaware , California , Montgomery County , New York , Germantown , Panama City , , Panama , Allentown , Trenton , Japan , Center City , Texas , Iran , Washington , Philadelphia , Florida , Illinois , Virginia , Oregon , Pakistan , Merion , Jersey , Maine , Tennessee , New Jersey , Idaho , Whitemarsh , North Korea , Salem County , Kansas , America , Iranian , Fox Jonathan , Peter Pederson , Joyce Evans , Los Angeles , Kristen Rodgers , Larry Krasner , Fox Caroline Shively , Jeff Cole , Doug Pederson , Fox Claudia Cowan , Claudia Cowan , Noel Newton , Jeff Cole Fox , Bruce Gordon , Mary Schultz , Kathy Orr , Logan Paul ,

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