It is brutal. You are blue. Now you are black. Black and blue. Hi, lauren. Hi. Happy new year. Happy new year to you. Listen to this if you want a successful 2018 with a new honey or your, significant other. Dont listen to mike. That is the first step. The second one is, we have some steps you need to follow to make sure 2018 is finally the year for you and your love okay. I think that is great. Right about now our mummers parade is starting, so it is happening, they are marching, they are dancing their their golden slippers and horns putting on a show for Delaware Valley and beyond. Okay. Is that last year. That last year. Not live this year but we will hopefully have a live picture. I mean, i just saw some bear arms there. Yes. Well, every year people do but i think we will have a lot of stockings and tights we will put up a live picture. Well, how frozen feathers, yes, frozen sequence but we have the second moment the right to bear arms. Yes. No matter how cold it is. Yes. Wow. Okay. So, it is my turn. Yes. Okay. Dont forget hand warmers, i brought mine with me. If you dont have any, mike will show you how to make some a lot of them are sold out, this is a life safer, when i went and did the super bowl, sheneille and i went up there for a week we stood in times square. Coldest i have ever been in my life. The thing that saved my feet and my hands, you crack them stick them in your pants and shoes. Sue gave me these. They are really effective. If you dont have them because they are sold out but there is a chemistry professor at temple who showed us how to make our own. It is stuff you have got around the house. Lots of people have resolution toss get in better shape, join the gym, whatever, eat properly, get a good work out. But there is a new york city gym that has something new. It is called exercising, completely, naked. So, i am just showing you generic up there but where will happies hansons, rihanna and big name people. Yes, people will get name and do personal training. There will be sessions, one just for men. It starts on thursday. And then one for women. And heres, whatever, we will have those for both. They say it will make you more wear of your body. Im sure that is true. It gives you unrestrict movement. I think you would be so selfconscious. You know, i dont know. They have nude yoga as well. Heres the thing they will let you do nude colored underwear but that defeats the whole point. Yes, right. I dont want to see. That i dont want all that stuff happening. How would you even, you dont want to stretch or lean out or do any of those things. Normally if i take a class like this im in the last row because i know i dont want women looking at me how uncoordinated i am. Im not going back row on this one. I will be right up front. I will not be in that class it is just stupid. Yes it is publicity stunt. People will go there. There was some kind of a science to it. There is in restriction, no spandex or anything, you know, just supposedly breathe better yes. Or naked. You cannot when people bend over and you get all these parts in your face. I dont want to look at these parts. With nothing covering them. Yes. What if high between. Everyone grooms differently you will be exposed to a lot of things that you might in the want to see. Get on your yoga matt. How about some grooming. So, if you want to try that it is up in new york, but it might spread around america. All right. We all have heard of the saying opposite attract, right umhmm. Yes. I always thought that was kind of true. I have a 10enscy toned up with something who is just the exact opposite of me. Smart, quiet,. Personable. Humble. Yes. He is going to hit me. Were only joking. Experts say and maybe this isnt best thing to do a relationship expert and marriage counselor, who happens to live in new york city while opposite may actual a track, initially. Yep. Overtime, it will be more of a problem because too much difference, could start to wear on the romantic side of this bond. I agree. Experts recommend Pay Attention to the differences, even at the beginning stage of your relationship and then imagine, 10 years down the road, 15, 20 years those differences thaw find so charming may become annoying. Yes. Yes. It is interesting because yeah, i think i dated every different kind of person. It was interesting to me different kind of people but more you have in common the truly more you have in common. It is a short exchange. Is what most opposite guy you ever dated. I dont know, i date add lot have people, different background, cultures, experiences and stuff and ages how about a really quiet man. That was not one of them. No. You dont like the strong silent type, do you . Not that opposite. Now brian, your husband, he is strong. He is so loud my whole family is so loud. He is loud. He is so loud, we were having, im ice skating were four kid and the babys having this melt down because he didnt want to go ice skating. He doesnt like the cold. I look over and skating so happy, im thinking im Dorothy Hamill and is there ke len smashed up against whatever that importanttition is called ice skating rink. Yeah, the board. Screaming his head off. He is freaking out. I dont want to do. What is brian doing. Holding kelen. Yes. I dont know what to do. He is looking at me, looking at him. So, opposite attract at first. They do track but sometimes it goodies to have things, more you have in common the more you have in common and that helps you out in the long run when times get tough. I disagree. What is your, do you have a type. Most different type of guy i ever went on a date with was one that karen hooked me up with. How did it go. It was terrible. It was great. It was horrible. He might watch this show so ill tell you later. He doesnt watch. They had nothing in common. It wasnt her husband. It was one of his friend is one of your husbands friends. Karen went to high school with him. Oh, he is so nice. He was in high school. This is afterward. He is so fun. Was it any good at all, was it fun at all. No, it was entertaining but not all. He acted out in the beginning of that movie, Denzel Washington about 99 times on the day, and then final gamey dont know this movie. When i is in the cockpit flight is that the name of it with Denzel Washington. He is a drunk pilot. Yes, he was acting this out in the beginning. Last time he dit, he knock the table over, water flew over. Were you laughing at the first few times he dit. No, because i hadnt seen movie. So at that time you stop re inacting it because i had no idea what to expect. Yes. Then he said you can get whatever you like tonight. I will pay for it. Well, thank you. His other line was you are a really, pretty black girl or Something Like that, black woman. He brought up your race. I was said karen hepp. Is he a white guy. Yes. A white lawyer on the main line. There are a hundred of those. What is his name. I dont remember. Dont say it, karen. I wont im sure it is fine do you think opposite attract. Do you think they attract or not. They attract but it causes problems later. I probably agree with that but i go right for the opposite. I know what you are saying about the commonality, that helps but if you are too different. Yeah, yeah. It is a disaster. You have relatioship advice for us for 2018. That was it. I got some more. Okay. When you find the one, how can you make your relationship last longer . I pride myself in giving love advice. Yes. Okay. It works out almost never. Happily married couples revealed their secrets dover lasting love. Do you want to go with the first one, number one. Argue to understand, not to win. That is the biggest challenge, mike and i, we have had this discussion. We do every fight. You dont always have to be right. This is advice she has given me over the years. Yes. Good advice, though. It is not always about right or wrong. It is hard though when you know you are right and you just to have say, you know, you are right. Im wrong. Im wrong. Whens pol guises, he said im sorry. Im sorry, i dont know what im sorry for but im sorry. Yeah, dont do that. Yeah, no, dont do that. Creativity is key. Find new ways to make your Partners Life better, in ways that could not have thought of themselves. I did see that, it was numb one on the relationship, book i was reading. A good loved one is someone who will make your life easier being creative. I think that is great. If you can maintain that, i feel like we did that the in the beginning and once you have kids. I tend to go one thing i have done for my poor husband to make him more creative. He is busy. Does laundry count, making dinner count. Some people expected some people think it is a nice add on. Yeah. Like some guys accept my wife does my laundry makes my lunch. Im so lucky she makes me lunch, does my laundry. Do something creative today when you get home. Not like that. Mike, you go right there. I didnt say that. I did not go there. Lauren, number three. You have to always respect your spouse and marriage so do not take jabs and low blows when things getting youly and you have fights. I did get uncomfortable out with married people and have you met my ball and chain. Oh, no. That is uncomfortable. Heres the misses, heres my better half, that is positive. That is positive. Heres my best friend. My old lady. I hate that. Yes. I hate that. Old lady. I have to ask my old lady. I try to do that heres my current wife. Well, i do that a lot. Future exwife. He called his wife the first lady, turf ask the first lady. I like that. My first lady. Yes. Lie that. Oh, barf. Does anything stand out to you about a photo we will put up now. Here we go. We will put this picture up. Beyonce recently posted this picture on her web site. What do you see that is weird. Their face and there is no person. Her feet hanging out of the buttocks of the security gar. Someone was standing there. Either that or assuming the position. Was that blue ivy. He is either, pooping a child, or delivering. Delivering. Push. She wanted this picture taken of only her so she put blue ivy behind this guy in the corner, while the elevator there. Is that why he is leaning like that. In a elevator, and, behind. Elevator operators. Yes, rena. You know, visit the arena sometimes. And tiffany, i think tiffany and company they have elevator operators. Really. Yes. Yes. Yes, diamond. Is that it. I wanted to see because what happens in that picture weird way to crop it. Was that original one that picture of that with the girl because that was the original, why would you crop that Security Guard in if you didnt want him to be in it. I think that is supposed to be artistic like elevator, operator kind of old school and here i am. She didnt realize her kid legs were hanging out of her butt. She has never taken a picture where she didnt realize, it. Blue ivy, those sneakers are rocking. They are tiny it could be kanye. No, that is jayz. Another black man. Yes, another black man. Listen, alex. Sorry, sheneille. So people are upset that she pushed her kid aside for a picture of herself. Maybe she wants to protect her kid. She has blue ivy out all the time. The criticism is it is all about me. Let me shove my kid over there im glamorous. That was the mom shaping behind it. I dont know, what you see when you see that. You seen the new thing on instagram, it is your best nine. Yes. You take a bunch of instagram picture over year and instagram will put your thing in and they will give you the most liked pictures that you had over a year, the top nine pictures that got the most likes. Did you do yours yet. I did mine. How dit turnout. I cannot show it, i cant in the powe it. The nine people that i know, one is in jail, one is no longer with us, one is in trouble. I have not heard from her in a while. It wasnt just the ball that dropped, where is doctor mike, it wasnt just the ball that dropped on live tv last night, maria menunes and her fiance kevin, they got married i didnt know that. On live tv, watch this. It is just so cool, when no one wanted us together 20 years ago and new were here, it is a whole other story and my parents are here, and knowing that they have been about to see this and love you so much. Yes, i love you too. I love you so much. Oh, my gosh, i necessity her and shes one of the nicest people, yes. They tried to kiss but their lips got locked together because it was so cold. Is that a zit on his face. No, a microphone. Yes. The belt is no good. Yes. They did a mash up with a picture of olivia pope, in the same outfit. Olivia pope has this coat. Exactly. We used it earlier. So funny. People putting it on twitter. They have been together. Her mom has a Health Struggles , her mom and dad were bet there she had, you may remember a benign brain tumor taken out. She had to quit her show. She had to retire from that. Stage four as a matter of fact. The mom. Hers was benign but she is doing great, she looks amazing and coming there last night. Why didnt people want them together, before i forget that lets find out some stuff because shes healthy now. Yes. Could not be nicer. I had no idea she was with this guy 20 years. When he proposed people were shock because they didnt think they would be together. Normally people dont want them together when is there a vast age difference. Lets find out how old he is. Could do you that, samantha. He is 39. He didnt look age inappropriate man. What is age inappropriate. Whatever, they are both still alive, they look fine to me. My parents are, 10 years apart. My parents were eight years apart. My husband and i are 11 years apart. Yes. He is 51 thirtynine. It could have been that. No. The fact that he was in prison that time. Im going to look it up. Let them just in love. Wait this one got my attention over weekend, thank you. You saw Star Wars Film as so many of you did, because it made millions of dollar and biggest grossing movie over last three weekends. You saw kyla ren short list,. Who is that. Ren, he is bad guy of the film. Of the film. Yes. Just take a look. Heres all you need to know wow. So, john marries imitating what the character looks like but makes it easier if we show what kyla ren looks like. He started this challenge. People started joining in. So is this costume or something, in star wars. Yes, exactly. You have to find some high waisted pants. And take shirt less pictures and say the kyla ren challenge. Do we have any others. Yes. No. Heres something we just need to stop in 2018, that was taken in 2017. Lets stop with the challenges , just take a year off. I agreey dont mind shirt less men challenges. Keep those coming. See all of the rest of the good looking images. Hoist kyla ren. He is like the bad guy. Samantha is working on getting the picture, is that right, sam. I dent like star wars. I agree i cant get into it a lot of people love it i dont think the film has anything to do with working the computer there, samantha. It is hans solo son. Is she with two sons. It is her son and she is train bay luke skywalker, dark vader. Who is this. Oh, for the love. You have to google the challenge. The point to see him with the shirt off. But he is clothed. Closed or clothed. He is clothed. You didnt say that first time, he is closed. He closed. The library. I went to the library but it was closed. He is clothed. All right. He was cloaked. Technically got it. I will read this one. Brr it is cold out there. Go ahead. Wow, it is cold out there. Dont forget your hand warmers i thought you were going to say wow, there it is. Wow, split is, my fingers and my toes just fell off. I dont have these. And they are sold out. So we will make our own hand warmers. Out of what. This should be a disaster. But a Temple University, im not sure why we are showing a dark alley. They are cold. It is cold video, and dark will i, he will teach us how to make hand el broke, homeless, selling my body to get high, locked up, a slave to heroin that was my life. Married, a homeowner, a professional, recovering and thriving thats my life now. I got help. You can too. New years means a new day for those struggling with addiction. Dont suffer. Dont wait. Choose help. Call 844 reachnj or visit reachnj. Gov okay. I dare you, i dare to you do it again. I dare you. I was like. I was than the listening, stop it, it is cold out there this morning. You were very cold. I was. So i got these and you dont. You have hand warmers, going to the parade today, youve got to have hand warmers. Let let me move this out of the way. This is after 10 hours of heat with the hand warmer. Yours will be in 30 minutes well listen it is something it is a project to do with your kid instead of making slime and huge mess do something that is useful and try to do this. Making your own hand warmers. Thinks a chemistry professor at Temple University , i found this on, philly. Com. His name is robert levis i believe, not levis, but what you need is just within of these sandwich bags, right. Um many. Stuff you throw on your sidewalk. Ice melt. Right. I dont know if you are supposed to touch that or not. You put that in there. Yes. That is all right. Just to that, perfect. Okay. Then put an equal part, they say of what . Of water,. So equal parts. Good lord. I dont know we may have to get a garden. Is that equal. That is more. Now what does he say, it is supposed to keep you warm. You dont put it in the microwave or anything. No, activate itself. It is supposed to help you for 30 minutes to an hour. Is it getting warm. I need more ice or whatever it is called, ice melt. It is calcium chloride. Yes, calcium chloride. Is that on the periodic table. Of elements it is called salt. Sit warm. It is salt. Na, ni, okay. My brother, tom, he just texted me. He said i see you are on the air again. Again. He was watching, he is watching on line. Hi, tom. Hi tom. Nuclear physics. Karen, yours is leaking. Awesome. Im in the feeling anything yet. Maybe it just takes sometime. Lets kill sometime by watching dave kinchen. This is not a good idea. You get outside with bear hand. Did we read this ride. Did you read resume right this is so cold you would be worse off. I just looked at it. I took chemistry in high school. I told you. Lets get to dave kinchen. He is with the mummers. It is cold. They are getting ready to fire up here, center city, they are gathered ready to fire up here, center city, they are gathered ready to start marching more after iand i like these awardwinning cheddar puffs. First place. Both events . Booyah were an awards family. Youll like them both but love our price. Awardwinning organic cheddar puffs from aldi. Simply smarter shopping. All right, mike is on a rant now because im reading twitter. You had new update for why maria, so the update is that they, being her family, didnt want them together because shes from a strong greek family, hes from italian family, so her family disown her for awhile, eventually they got over t hashtag lovewins. Another person weighed in, saying, well, if you dot math she was 19 and he was 31. Oh, yes, back then that probably was issue. Oh, 19 and three; i mean, little ifee. Probably makes parents un comfortable. They live in alabama . No, they live in kansas. Al