Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20171021 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20171021

happening tonight, growing tensions some areas school districts acts of racism sparking serious schools concerns. thanks for joining us tonight at washington township hoy school students are trying to put their worries aside. and come together for homecomi homecoming. that's where we find fox 29's joanne pileggi with more on the story. joanne. >> reporter: they did put their concerns aside, and homecoming night here at washington township high in south jersey is one for the history books. there were no problems. there were no incidents much that's day after a student led protest after someone posted racist comments on social media. ♪ >> reporter: a beautiful night for football and if there was any lingering tension over racist message on social media, you couldn't tell here at the homecoming game at washington township high. >> like we add dreft it. people saw that we were upset about it. so we got our point across. >> peopl in the school really took offense to it and as you can see that's why we had to protest because just people need to like calm down with like the bad languages we use now days. >> reporter: school officials in south jersey called an emergency meeting last night after a fight broke out at the sprawling high school a fight precipitated by a social media message using the n word. students involved were disciplined and administrators encouraged student leaders to discuss the incident at a meeting. >> i'm glad there's awareness being brought it to. i think that's where it starts with awareness. >> reporter: there have been two other incidents in high schools in the area recently that exposed what many are calling racial incentive have the. at coatesville high, the cross country team was punished for hanging a black doll in their locker room. students held a massive sit in there today while the case was being investigated as a hate crime. elsewhere, middle school students in quakertown were caught throwing rocks at a bus and shou shouting racial slurs n opposing team after ahoy school football game two week ago. back here in washington township, students say it's not the first racial charged incident, and they and parents hope the exposure might actually help. >> it's very cliche but he will fan in the room it's there. but now hopefully with, you know, with all the media pub his sizing it hopefully something will be done about it. >> reporter: students and parents saying to me tonight why can't everyone just get along? now they had extra security here tonight. it was not needed. by the way washington township lost the homecoming game tonight to cher low row key high school. back to you dawn. >> joanne, thank you investigate say it's taken them 20 years but they have finally zeroed in on a major gambling operation in philadelphia. this family business according to police was raking in the dough. police say 66-year-old gary creagh and his son, daughter, brother and cousin ran a citywide numbers scheme operated out of 40 different locations across philadelphia. the operation was highly organized and located in unmarked buildings throughout the city. typically in low-income neighborhoods. most of the people who placed bets at these locations according to police were on a fixed income. >> the operation run by gary creagh, sr., generated millions of dollars of elicit profits. >> this criminal enterprise was really a thorn in philadelphia police department' citywide advice's side. >> creagh was released on $250,000 bail. his attorney says he will fight these charges. this man behind bars in chester county tonight accused of shooting at his own brother. police in west white land township say 59-year-old jesse pet tis punched his brother and said he'd have him killed. this was last sunday. he was arrested and freed on bail but two days later, police say, he return to his brother's house and shot at him and missed. he face as long list of charges. tonight the philadelphia 76ers are honoring young girl who was the victim of a terrible tragedy. see nanny ward had her right leg amputated after it was severed by a train back in june. she later lost her left leg to an if he can. but rather than let it get her down she faced the challenges head on. and tonight to honor her fighting spirit the 76ers gave siena a very special honor tonight during their game again the boston celtics. fox 29's shawnette wilson was there when it all happened and joins live from the wells fargo center with more. i love this story, shawnette. >> reporter: dawn, you remember see nanny had this accident back in june. she was released from the hospital in august, ton night the sixers honored her for her dedication to her recovery. 1284 old see nanny ward flashes her dimpled smile at center court receiving the 76ers strong kid of the game award. and a personalized jersey from markelle fultz during tonight's home opener. >> the sixers gave her vip treatment for her progress after losing both of her legs from train accident in june. >> i just try to stay positive. and not try to think about what happened but think about the future. >> reporter: tonight she enjoyed getting a bag of sixers paraphernalia and a meet and greet with the dance team. dancing has been her love since she was two years old. being at the game tonight is one of many things she enjoys since being released from the hospital august 16th. >> miss school. i just fill my time doing fun things. in the hospital i couldn't do nothing really. >> her mother natasha says community support has helped a lot during see nanny's recovery. >> when i told you she would be honored today. she was excited. she was like i'm a celebrity. >> she has therapy and doing everything she has to do to get prepared for prosthetics one of many reasons the sixers wanted to honor her. >> showing perseverance, determination and overcoming challenge whatever that maybe. see nanny truly exemplifies that energy and courage. >> reporter: tonight is more special because it's her first time going to a sixers game. her mother is proud. >> just watching her seeing her like just work through everything that she has to work through has made me strong. i can't show no weakness because she is not showing any weakness. >> reporter: and dawn, i said this at 10:00 o'clock. but see nanny told me she really wasn't a basketball fan before tonight. i have a feeling the sixers have earned new fan even though they lost they certainly rolled out the red carpet for her tonight. >> absolutely. i love it. thanks, shawnette. a man who is devoted his life to protecting the public makes history in big way in delaware. david fleming's life has been one of purpose. he spent a quarter century in law enforcement rising to the commander of the narcotics task force. he's the father of nine and grandfather of five and now fleming is the first african-american general of delaware's army national guard. new castle where he was promoted today he spoke about what got him to where he is today. >> move heaven and earth to get to where you want to go. and if somebody is in front of you, either tell them to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. >> the barriers are lifted, that there is no ceiling, that the sky is the limit. >> fleming will lead the entire delaware army national guard which exists of 1600 service members. deputies in florida taking down a man for child porn but what they found in his home extremely alarming. arsenal of weapons, bombs, even maps and photos of local schools. our chris o'connell has more. nothing abnormal. nothing that would nag anything. >> reporter: stunned neighbors in florida reaction to go a deputy say was stock piled behind the door of the home of 24-year-old randall drake. depth piece arrived to his home he shares with his parents to make a bust for child porn. instead in his bedroom they found a trophy of weapons. ten high capacity rivals, eight hand guns, two shot guns, cross bowes, thousands of rounds of ammunition and three homemade bombs. >> those bombs and that silencer and 2300 rounds of ammunition, he could do some serious damage. >> reporter: what troubles deputies the most they found aerial maim tree of two nearby schools and a water treatment plant along with a note talking about bloody revenge. >> i do feel for the parents. i can imagine being in this situation especially with your son and definitely a state if not some sort of national microscope on you now. >> reporter: neighbors who didn't want to be identified say they're having trouble believing the quiet 24-year-old is accused of having such a secret arsenal of weapons. >> but until there's more details, i think it's too early to jump to conclusions or be worried. i think we'll be cautious. >> reporter: as investigators try figure out why the man they call a sleeper may have been stockpiling weapons, he is now been released from jail on a $20,000 bond. but he's now been temporarily committed to a mental health facility. chris o'connell, fox 29 news. a robber pick the wrong target a man fights back after a gun is pointed right at him and police say his reaction left a noticeable mark. 74-year-old man walking for miles a day on very special mission to find a kidney for his wife. his message that's capturing drivers attention. a buff average temperatures for now but by the middle and latter part of next week, get ready for another cool push of some fall air. how chilly it gets coming up. >> special celebration tonight for one of america' most preves tips universities it was the 180th gala for chaney university. located in delaware county and founded in 1837 it is the country's oldest institution of hiring learning for african-american. joyce evans was the emcee for the big even. a ten tease spent the evening bracing the schools 180 years of history. ♪ robber picks the wrong man to tar g philadelphia police say a gunman walked up to guy on page street back on octobe october 9th and yell give me everything you have. the robbers pistol whipped the victim. the victim fought back buying the robber in the face. the gun goes off and hits the victim in the leg. he was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. tonight police are still looki g for that robber. well this guy was creeping neighbors out in rittenhouse. he was seen on roofs taking pictures. tonight police say he is in custody. investigators started searching for him after noticing the guy sneaking on to the dorchester condo roofs on monday and the sonesta hotel last month. at the dorchester, police say he cut the wire to a door leading to the roof. police have not yet released his name or motive for his bizarre behavior. well the weather today was absolutely perfect for a combined effort to spruce up a philadelphia housing community. the pennsylvania horticultural society and td bank employees planning trees and shrubs at the aura civic house in kensington. it was all part of td tree days. td bang's community based program that nurtures and expands you are bar forest green spaces and low to moderate income neighborhoods. >> trees are super important for our communities. they help to build safer communities by planting trees and caring for trees neighbors are working together to really get to know their neighbors and feel more connected to their communities. >> the program's volunteers planned more than 285,000 trees in shrubs in canada, the united and uk and lucks zen boring since 2010. 74-year-old man is walking for miles a day on a mission to find a kidney donor for his wi wife. úwearing a sandwich board and it's gaining the attention of drivers and thousands of others online. fox's kirsten nunez has the story. i don't walk real fast. >> reporter: with every step he takes, and every car that passes, wayne winters gets closer to his goal. >> i'm trying to get a kidney for my wife. my wife has stage five kidney failure. she's on dialysis and she doesn't like it. it's horrible. >> reporter: wayne found the love of his life 26 years ago. now he's on the search to find her a kidney. while deanne undergoes dialysis. >> it's really hard today because this is the worst i've ever seen her. >> reporter: way says he felt helpless watching deanne suffer. >> i felt like i needeed to something. >> reporter: wayne got the idea of sandwich board after seeing another man online that did the same thing and got national attention. >> i thought i can do this. >> reporter: so with new suit and new shoes, wayne hit the streets. >> look at this road how busy it is. i don't know which way to face. i just walk up and down. >> reporter: red letters spell out the plea for his wife and the hundreds of people in utah also in need of a kidney. rush hour is his favorite time. >> they slow down and look at my sign. [ laughter ] >> they can't go home in hurry. i feel like i'm doing the right thing. it feels good to be out here. >> reporter: on the first day wayne had a man stop saying he would see if he was a match for deanne. >> deanne i think we have a chance of getting i was skid knee. >> reporter: until it's for sure, wayne will keep searching. winters says he's overwhelmed with all of the support and hopefully his wife will find a kidney. one of philadelphia's most popular attractions has a big birthday coming up. reading terminal market is turning 125 years old next year. organizers have a year of festivities planned to mark the occasion. it all begins on february 22nd of next year which is the mark's official birthday. guests will be taken back in time to the year the market opened. >> it will be 1893 day at the mark a day which we transport the public back to what the grand opening of this grand building would have looked like bicycles, victorian decor. >> the market also has some new technology coming in a few weeks including an app which will a customers to order for pick up. in your health, it turns out teenagers are getting a lot less sleep. the culprit, yeah, technology. new stunned found four out of ten teenagers slept less than seven hours night that's up 17% from 2,009 and the more time they spend on their devices during the day, the less sleep they got at night. sleep experts say teens need at least nine hours of sleep a night to be productive during the day. and check this out fireworks lighting up the sky it's home coming at washington township high. certainly a gorgeous night to be outside and it looks like we've got a great weekend ahead. meteorologist scott williams here with your weekend forecast. and we're liking it scott. >> absolutely, dawn. today was a perfect ten. it look like your saturday even sunday wall to wall sunshine out there. a few mr. high clouds streaming overhead especially by sunday then monday movely cloudy skies but the rain will hold off until tuesday. so winning upcoming weekend. fall festivals, events, walks, yard sales looking pretty good. tuesday showers and by the middle part of next week a fall front will bring some chilly air. but in the meantime, high pressure it's prominent and dominant right now. that's allowing for the clear skies. it will cool down overnight tonight. light jackets and sweaters first thing tomorrow morning. but those temperatures will soar. right now we're looking at 52 degrees in allentown. 50 in pottstown. 52 in millville. low 60s still in dover. so overnight low temperatures north and west low 40s and allentown we're looking right around 51 degrees in philadelphia and wildwood. with the clear skies, we have a new moon. we're talking about a meteor shower tonight. scattered meteors out there. really after midnight until about dawn it peaks overnight. 20 to 30 meteors no equipment needed just get out away from those city lights and look up. really anywhere. 77 degrees the high temperature tomorrow. philadelphia low 70s in the poconos. great for leap peeping. 74 in dover along with wildwood. so beautiful weather area wide throughout the upcoming weekend. that high pressure shifts off to the east early next week. mostly cloudy skies. on monday, but staying dry for tailgating, dry for the eagles game but that front and that rain overnight monday into tuesday likely as we look at the computer models now running the clock we're dry through monday but watch what happens by 2:00 p.m. about a tenth of an inch and then before all is said and done likely about half an inch of rainfall by tuesday night. the weather authority seven day forecast 77 degrees for tomorrow. beautiful weather for the walk to end alzheimer's in wilmington. 76 degrees on sunday. 77 the high on monday. then those showers and cooler temperatures, 64 degrees by wednesday. upper 50's right around 60 as we move toward next thursday. high temperatures next friday only in the low 60s. back over to you. sean bell. >> scott, the 76ers couldn't get it done at home to today. zero and two but no need to panic. they're okay. they played two really good teams but there is something i saw that they need to address asap. i'll let you know what that is next in my sports commentary. ♪ sean bell takes on couple glaring problems for the sixers this season. his commentary in 15 seconds. ♪ the sixers took another l today but it's early they're only zero two and lost two really good teams they shouldn't stress out. there is one big problem i saw today. i see around the league a lot lately. big men acting like they're guards. stop it. get down low, get in the pink and going to work. it's cool to be able to shoot threes once in awhile if you're 7-foot or taller, get off that thee point line. you're not kevin durant. to night joel embiid went zero for six from downtown and he just chilled out there for the entire game. only counseled thee times he posted up and actually made a move. that's a problem. it's even more problem brett brown didn't actually force him to go down low and that's why jahlil okafor isn't getting any burn right now. because brown they don't do anything to match that skill set to help that out to make people go down low. i saw brook lopez of the lakers last night acting like he was kobe bryant the biggs in this league stop acting like small guys. be bigs. get down low and go to work. dawn? >> all right, thank you sean. a bagel worth a thousand dollars or at least that's what the restaurant says. take look at this breakfast it comes topped with white truffle cream cheese, go chi berry infused riesling jam and gold leaf of course. it's sold at the weston new york hotel in times square with the purpose of helping others 100% of proceeds will go to holy apostle soup kitchen new yok's largest emergency food program. >> wow. >> good cause but a pricey bagel. >> better eat all that bagel. >> that did do it for tonight at 11:00. have a great night. we're back here at 7am for "good day philadelphia" weekend. scott will have great looking weekend forecast when he sees you tomorrow morning. announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: ok, lonzo ball made his big debut at the lakers game last night. triple b's, bellies, bo and billionaires. clippers-lakers, e home team. >> home team, lonzo ball'sig debut did not go swimmingly. harvey: tell me all about it. >> the nba's best defender was on lonzo ball last ht. >> excuses, good excuses. >> charles doesn't support ack people. [laughter] >> o.j. simpson isne step closer to being back on the road because he's getting his driver's license. so we've got photos of him at the d.m.v. taking his written test. the best question is when you hear the siren or see the flashing lights in the emergen vehicle, you must -- >> book a trip to chicago immediately. >> jason momoa and ber heard are onhe

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Jersey , Millville , Pennsylvania , United States , Dover , Coatesville , Delaware County , Philadelphia , Washington , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Quakertown , Allentown , Canada , Pottstown , America , Joanne Pileggi , Brook Lopez , Sean Bell , David Fleming , Joyce Evans , Randall Drake , Sean Bell Scott , Fox Kirsten Nunez ,

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Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20171021 :

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20171021

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happening tonight, growing tensions some areas school districts acts of racism sparking serious schools concerns. thanks for joining us tonight at washington township hoy school students are trying to put their worries aside. and come together for homecomi homecoming. that's where we find fox 29's joanne pileggi with more on the story. joanne. >> reporter: they did put their concerns aside, and homecoming night here at washington township high in south jersey is one for the history books. there were no problems. there were no incidents much that's day after a student led protest after someone posted racist comments on social media. ♪ >> reporter: a beautiful night for football and if there was any lingering tension over racist message on social media, you couldn't tell here at the homecoming game at washington township high. >> like we add dreft it. people saw that we were upset about it. so we got our point across. >> peopl in the school really took offense to it and as you can see that's why we had to protest because just people need to like calm down with like the bad languages we use now days. >> reporter: school officials in south jersey called an emergency meeting last night after a fight broke out at the sprawling high school a fight precipitated by a social media message using the n word. students involved were disciplined and administrators encouraged student leaders to discuss the incident at a meeting. >> i'm glad there's awareness being brought it to. i think that's where it starts with awareness. >> reporter: there have been two other incidents in high schools in the area recently that exposed what many are calling racial incentive have the. at coatesville high, the cross country team was punished for hanging a black doll in their locker room. students held a massive sit in there today while the case was being investigated as a hate crime. elsewhere, middle school students in quakertown were caught throwing rocks at a bus and shou shouting racial slurs n opposing team after ahoy school football game two week ago. back here in washington township, students say it's not the first racial charged incident, and they and parents hope the exposure might actually help. >> it's very cliche but he will fan in the room it's there. but now hopefully with, you know, with all the media pub his sizing it hopefully something will be done about it. >> reporter: students and parents saying to me tonight why can't everyone just get along? now they had extra security here tonight. it was not needed. by the way washington township lost the homecoming game tonight to cher low row key high school. back to you dawn. >> joanne, thank you investigate say it's taken them 20 years but they have finally zeroed in on a major gambling operation in philadelphia. this family business according to police was raking in the dough. police say 66-year-old gary creagh and his son, daughter, brother and cousin ran a citywide numbers scheme operated out of 40 different locations across philadelphia. the operation was highly organized and located in unmarked buildings throughout the city. typically in low-income neighborhoods. most of the people who placed bets at these locations according to police were on a fixed income. >> the operation run by gary creagh, sr., generated millions of dollars of elicit profits. >> this criminal enterprise was really a thorn in philadelphia police department' citywide advice's side. >> creagh was released on $250,000 bail. his attorney says he will fight these charges. this man behind bars in chester county tonight accused of shooting at his own brother. police in west white land township say 59-year-old jesse pet tis punched his brother and said he'd have him killed. this was last sunday. he was arrested and freed on bail but two days later, police say, he return to his brother's house and shot at him and missed. he face as long list of charges. tonight the philadelphia 76ers are honoring young girl who was the victim of a terrible tragedy. see nanny ward had her right leg amputated after it was severed by a train back in june. she later lost her left leg to an if he can. but rather than let it get her down she faced the challenges head on. and tonight to honor her fighting spirit the 76ers gave siena a very special honor tonight during their game again the boston celtics. fox 29's shawnette wilson was there when it all happened and joins live from the wells fargo center with more. i love this story, shawnette. >> reporter: dawn, you remember see nanny had this accident back in june. she was released from the hospital in august, ton night the sixers honored her for her dedication to her recovery. 1284 old see nanny ward flashes her dimpled smile at center court receiving the 76ers strong kid of the game award. and a personalized jersey from markelle fultz during tonight's home opener. >> the sixers gave her vip treatment for her progress after losing both of her legs from train accident in june. >> i just try to stay positive. and not try to think about what happened but think about the future. >> reporter: tonight she enjoyed getting a bag of sixers paraphernalia and a meet and greet with the dance team. dancing has been her love since she was two years old. being at the game tonight is one of many things she enjoys since being released from the hospital august 16th. >> miss school. i just fill my time doing fun things. in the hospital i couldn't do nothing really. >> her mother natasha says community support has helped a lot during see nanny's recovery. >> when i told you she would be honored today. she was excited. she was like i'm a celebrity. >> she has therapy and doing everything she has to do to get prepared for prosthetics one of many reasons the sixers wanted to honor her. >> showing perseverance, determination and overcoming challenge whatever that maybe. see nanny truly exemplifies that energy and courage. >> reporter: tonight is more special because it's her first time going to a sixers game. her mother is proud. >> just watching her seeing her like just work through everything that she has to work through has made me strong. i can't show no weakness because she is not showing any weakness. >> reporter: and dawn, i said this at 10:00 o'clock. but see nanny told me she really wasn't a basketball fan before tonight. i have a feeling the sixers have earned new fan even though they lost they certainly rolled out the red carpet for her tonight. >> absolutely. i love it. thanks, shawnette. a man who is devoted his life to protecting the public makes history in big way in delaware. david fleming's life has been one of purpose. he spent a quarter century in law enforcement rising to the commander of the narcotics task force. he's the father of nine and grandfather of five and now fleming is the first african-american general of delaware's army national guard. new castle where he was promoted today he spoke about what got him to where he is today. >> move heaven and earth to get to where you want to go. and if somebody is in front of you, either tell them to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. >> the barriers are lifted, that there is no ceiling, that the sky is the limit. >> fleming will lead the entire delaware army national guard which exists of 1600 service members. deputies in florida taking down a man for child porn but what they found in his home extremely alarming. arsenal of weapons, bombs, even maps and photos of local schools. our chris o'connell has more. nothing abnormal. nothing that would nag anything. >> reporter: stunned neighbors in florida reaction to go a deputy say was stock piled behind the door of the home of 24-year-old randall drake. depth piece arrived to his home he shares with his parents to make a bust for child porn. instead in his bedroom they found a trophy of weapons. ten high capacity rivals, eight hand guns, two shot guns, cross bowes, thousands of rounds of ammunition and three homemade bombs. >> those bombs and that silencer and 2300 rounds of ammunition, he could do some serious damage. >> reporter: what troubles deputies the most they found aerial maim tree of two nearby schools and a water treatment plant along with a note talking about bloody revenge. >> i do feel for the parents. i can imagine being in this situation especially with your son and definitely a state if not some sort of national microscope on you now. >> reporter: neighbors who didn't want to be identified say they're having trouble believing the quiet 24-year-old is accused of having such a secret arsenal of weapons. >> but until there's more details, i think it's too early to jump to conclusions or be worried. i think we'll be cautious. >> reporter: as investigators try figure out why the man they call a sleeper may have been stockpiling weapons, he is now been released from jail on a $20,000 bond. but he's now been temporarily committed to a mental health facility. chris o'connell, fox 29 news. a robber pick the wrong target a man fights back after a gun is pointed right at him and police say his reaction left a noticeable mark. 74-year-old man walking for miles a day on very special mission to find a kidney for his wife. his message that's capturing drivers attention. a buff average temperatures for now but by the middle and latter part of next week, get ready for another cool push of some fall air. how chilly it gets coming up. >> special celebration tonight for one of america' most preves tips universities it was the 180th gala for chaney university. located in delaware county and founded in 1837 it is the country's oldest institution of hiring learning for african-american. joyce evans was the emcee for the big even. a ten tease spent the evening bracing the schools 180 years of history. ♪ robber picks the wrong man to tar g philadelphia police say a gunman walked up to guy on page street back on octobe october 9th and yell give me everything you have. the robbers pistol whipped the victim. the victim fought back buying the robber in the face. the gun goes off and hits the victim in the leg. he was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. tonight police are still looki g for that robber. well this guy was creeping neighbors out in rittenhouse. he was seen on roofs taking pictures. tonight police say he is in custody. investigators started searching for him after noticing the guy sneaking on to the dorchester condo roofs on monday and the sonesta hotel last month. at the dorchester, police say he cut the wire to a door leading to the roof. police have not yet released his name or motive for his bizarre behavior. well the weather today was absolutely perfect for a combined effort to spruce up a philadelphia housing community. the pennsylvania horticultural society and td bank employees planning trees and shrubs at the aura civic house in kensington. it was all part of td tree days. td bang's community based program that nurtures and expands you are bar forest green spaces and low to moderate income neighborhoods. >> trees are super important for our communities. they help to build safer communities by planting trees and caring for trees neighbors are working together to really get to know their neighbors and feel more connected to their communities. >> the program's volunteers planned more than 285,000 trees in shrubs in canada, the united and uk and lucks zen boring since 2010. 74-year-old man is walking for miles a day on a mission to find a kidney donor for his wi wife. úwearing a sandwich board and it's gaining the attention of drivers and thousands of others online. fox's kirsten nunez has the story. i don't walk real fast. >> reporter: with every step he takes, and every car that passes, wayne winters gets closer to his goal. >> i'm trying to get a kidney for my wife. my wife has stage five kidney failure. she's on dialysis and she doesn't like it. it's horrible. >> reporter: wayne found the love of his life 26 years ago. now he's on the search to find her a kidney. while deanne undergoes dialysis. >> it's really hard today because this is the worst i've ever seen her. >> reporter: way says he felt helpless watching deanne suffer. >> i felt like i needeed to something. >> reporter: wayne got the idea of sandwich board after seeing another man online that did the same thing and got national attention. >> i thought i can do this. >> reporter: so with new suit and new shoes, wayne hit the streets. >> look at this road how busy it is. i don't know which way to face. i just walk up and down. >> reporter: red letters spell out the plea for his wife and the hundreds of people in utah also in need of a kidney. rush hour is his favorite time. >> they slow down and look at my sign. [ laughter ] >> they can't go home in hurry. i feel like i'm doing the right thing. it feels good to be out here. >> reporter: on the first day wayne had a man stop saying he would see if he was a match for deanne. >> deanne i think we have a chance of getting i was skid knee. >> reporter: until it's for sure, wayne will keep searching. winters says he's overwhelmed with all of the support and hopefully his wife will find a kidney. one of philadelphia's most popular attractions has a big birthday coming up. reading terminal market is turning 125 years old next year. organizers have a year of festivities planned to mark the occasion. it all begins on february 22nd of next year which is the mark's official birthday. guests will be taken back in time to the year the market opened. >> it will be 1893 day at the mark a day which we transport the public back to what the grand opening of this grand building would have looked like bicycles, victorian decor. >> the market also has some new technology coming in a few weeks including an app which will a customers to order for pick up. in your health, it turns out teenagers are getting a lot less sleep. the culprit, yeah, technology. new stunned found four out of ten teenagers slept less than seven hours night that's up 17% from 2,009 and the more time they spend on their devices during the day, the less sleep they got at night. sleep experts say teens need at least nine hours of sleep a night to be productive during the day. and check this out fireworks lighting up the sky it's home coming at washington township high. certainly a gorgeous night to be outside and it looks like we've got a great weekend ahead. meteorologist scott williams here with your weekend forecast. and we're liking it scott. >> absolutely, dawn. today was a perfect ten. it look like your saturday even sunday wall to wall sunshine out there. a few mr. high clouds streaming overhead especially by sunday then monday movely cloudy skies but the rain will hold off until tuesday. so winning upcoming weekend. fall festivals, events, walks, yard sales looking pretty good. tuesday showers and by the middle part of next week a fall front will bring some chilly air. but in the meantime, high pressure it's prominent and dominant right now. that's allowing for the clear skies. it will cool down overnight tonight. light jackets and sweaters first thing tomorrow morning. but those temperatures will soar. right now we're looking at 52 degrees in allentown. 50 in pottstown. 52 in millville. low 60s still in dover. so overnight low temperatures north and west low 40s and allentown we're looking right around 51 degrees in philadelphia and wildwood. with the clear skies, we have a new moon. we're talking about a meteor shower tonight. scattered meteors out there. really after midnight until about dawn it peaks overnight. 20 to 30 meteors no equipment needed just get out away from those city lights and look up. really anywhere. 77 degrees the high temperature tomorrow. philadelphia low 70s in the poconos. great for leap peeping. 74 in dover along with wildwood. so beautiful weather area wide throughout the upcoming weekend. that high pressure shifts off to the east early next week. mostly cloudy skies. on monday, but staying dry for tailgating, dry for the eagles game but that front and that rain overnight monday into tuesday likely as we look at the computer models now running the clock we're dry through monday but watch what happens by 2:00 p.m. about a tenth of an inch and then before all is said and done likely about half an inch of rainfall by tuesday night. the weather authority seven day forecast 77 degrees for tomorrow. beautiful weather for the walk to end alzheimer's in wilmington. 76 degrees on sunday. 77 the high on monday. then those showers and cooler temperatures, 64 degrees by wednesday. upper 50's right around 60 as we move toward next thursday. high temperatures next friday only in the low 60s. back over to you. sean bell. >> scott, the 76ers couldn't get it done at home to today. zero and two but no need to panic. they're okay. they played two really good teams but there is something i saw that they need to address asap. i'll let you know what that is next in my sports commentary. ♪ sean bell takes on couple glaring problems for the sixers this season. his commentary in 15 seconds. ♪ the sixers took another l today but it's early they're only zero two and lost two really good teams they shouldn't stress out. there is one big problem i saw today. i see around the league a lot lately. big men acting like they're guards. stop it. get down low, get in the pink and going to work. it's cool to be able to shoot threes once in awhile if you're 7-foot or taller, get off that thee point line. you're not kevin durant. to night joel embiid went zero for six from downtown and he just chilled out there for the entire game. only counseled thee times he posted up and actually made a move. that's a problem. it's even more problem brett brown didn't actually force him to go down low and that's why jahlil okafor isn't getting any burn right now. because brown they don't do anything to match that skill set to help that out to make people go down low. i saw brook lopez of the lakers last night acting like he was kobe bryant the biggs in this league stop acting like small guys. be bigs. get down low and go to work. dawn? >> all right, thank you sean. a bagel worth a thousand dollars or at least that's what the restaurant says. take look at this breakfast it comes topped with white truffle cream cheese, go chi berry infused riesling jam and gold leaf of course. it's sold at the weston new york hotel in times square with the purpose of helping others 100% of proceeds will go to holy apostle soup kitchen new yok's largest emergency food program. >> wow. >> good cause but a pricey bagel. >> better eat all that bagel. >> that did do it for tonight at 11:00. have a great night. we're back here at 7am for "good day philadelphia" weekend. scott will have great looking weekend forecast when he sees you tomorrow morning. announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: ok, lonzo ball made his big debut at the lakers game last night. triple b's, bellies, bo and billionaires. clippers-lakers, e home team. >> home team, lonzo ball'sig debut did not go swimmingly. harvey: tell me all about it. >> the nba's best defender was on lonzo ball last ht. >> excuses, good excuses. >> charles doesn't support ack people. [laughter] >> o.j. simpson isne step closer to being back on the road because he's getting his driver's license. so we've got photos of him at the d.m.v. taking his written test. the best question is when you hear the siren or see the flashing lights in the emergen vehicle, you must -- >> book a trip to chicago immediately. >> jason momoa and ber heard are onhe

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