Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 6A 20171018 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 6A 20171018

mural. >> can you do one on the signed of our building? >> we have a live camera here at fourth and market if you want to see him. he's put up big giant piece of black plywood. well, he put up plywood, paint philadelphia black, but see the bricks there? >> yes? >> the side of our building is going -- oh, so we need your help. he says he'll do any animal you want. what animal should we put on the side of our building? >> skunk? >> skunk? >> what animal would go with fox. >> almost leap or? >> slot. >> slot? hey, sue, welcome back, how are you feeling. >> i'm okay. would it be too obvious to say fox? it is an animal. >> well, sure, get on twitter everybody, suggest an animal. >> welshing that's mine. >> okay. >> and i'm sticking to it. it is a nine. that's mine too. yes, it is looking like pretty good weather day today on this national chocolate cupcake day. temperatures in the 30's, 40's, right now, bus stop buddy has the nice warm fleece on, and even some gloves. if you're going to be outside for awhile, it might not be a bad idea. flyers won last night. wear a hat. little bit after breeze out there, as you can see, 48 degrees, 7:15 is our sunrise time, southwesterly winds at 7 miles an hour, and it is all about the temperature this morning, the shock was yesterday, when you walk out the door and temperatures were in the 30's, 40's, and we've got 39 in millville. forty-five in rehoboth beach. thirty-three in ross weighing owe lake, pretty close to freezing, 37 pottstown. do have frost advisory, we'll show now few minutes, 71 degrees should be the high temperature today, oh, it will be a good looking autumn afternoon. we will tell you how long this weather pattern will last coming up. bob kelly, hi,. >> hey sue, welcome back, now go sit down and zip your tea and put the cough drop back in. >> 62:02 -- 6:02. accident approaching route 202, the guys were in the left lane just kind of everyone gotten over to the side here. police aren't even out here yet. again, it is westbound, approaching king of prussia. so we start to see some delays pop there. in new jersey, 295, southbound, watch for an accident right near route 30. which is the white horse pike. that's going to slow folks down coming in from cherry hill. hello to fishtown. ninety-five on the right. school buses headed southbound. and there is the northbound new stretch of roadway that everybody's using. and the onramp from girard avenue to head north is now open. and some volume here on the freeway, headlight headed in towards philadelphia. looking good at the airport. and mass transit, running with though delays. mike and alex back over to you. >> i'm afraid we have to start the same way we do a lot of days. fatal stabbing in the west oaklane section of the city overnight. a 43 year old plan was found lying in the front steps of a home on the 6400 block of west 65th avenue. police say the steak knife was still lodged in the victim's back. police are questioning witnesses who were in the area at the time. but right now, they don't have a suspect or a motive in the crime. >> coming up on 6:04, popular recreation center in south philly, is suddenly shutdown. >> yes, all the sudden city officials say the century old building may not be safe. >> so, steve keeley is at the vare recreation center more on what's going on there, steve? >> well, look how big this place is, just to start, you're looking athen tire city block, and that's not counting all of the ball fields, and the playgrounds, out back, to take up few acres. huge both physically, responsibly, for this south philly neighborhood, a gathering spot for generations for both kids, and adults, who also have programs here. and a sudden shut-down friday after an outside structural engineering company hired by the city's rec department said it is showing it age with severe, severe problems, that have compromised the big buildings integrity. >> it is actually good place for kids to go and have fun, they even help with you your homework. >> it has been a lot of good things in that community center. so, it is, you know, unfortunate, that this has happened. >> we just don't have an unlimited amount of revenue that we can allocate toward, you know, toward thing like this, toward needs like this, and, unfortunately, over time, that adds up, and situations like this happen. >> well, all of those outside ball fields and playgrounds are going to stay open, alex, mike, the sitly try to relocate all of the inside programs to other parks and rec centers, still, not known yet, though, which ones and how far away mom and dad will have to take the kids or even if they're able to take the kids, and, if not, how will the kids get there? a lot of still unanswered questions. >> at love them. all right, steve, thank you for. that will look up there. >> what's that on the roof? >> it is a plane. no, it is a principal, principal long. >> principal long? bucks county principal woke up this morning not in his bed. no, look at him, from overnight. that's his view yesterday afternoon, when he went up to the roof of the school. he slept there. he's still there. why? >> so lauren johnson is at newtown middle school. why is he on the roof, lauren? >> there he is, still up there. >> here's the short answer, guys, it is hurricane harvey, out in texas, the longer answer is think kindness. campaign by the council rock school district here where newtown middle school is, to think outside the box. and do something kind for other people. well, this kindness stretching all the way to texas, and it is not over yet. so you guys have signed, sealed, delivered $8,000 check. that's what sent you up there? >> that's correct. $8,000 went to the pto at wolf elementary school. for them to use as they seed their needs are at this current time. because the needs are always changing. >> and principal long, you're not done yet. you say you want the help to continue. >> no, no, we're not done at all. this is all year process. so our next step would be to, again, following the direction out with our connection with pto and jasmin russell the teacher down at wolf elementary, coats, gifts around the holidays, possibly turkeys around thanksgiving, meals, so it is all open right now, but it is an ongoing process, yes. >> this is a lesson your student won't never be able to learn in a book. what do you think the lifeless on is that they've take ann way from this? >> again, i think small acts, doesn't have to be big act every kindness can change a person's life for that one moment. so if you get an opportunity to do something kind for somebody, take it. >> last night you decided i'm going to have some barbeque for texas, cheese steak for philly. you went to bed around 10:30, it is chilly outside. how was your night? >> great night. good night. hey, listen, colds night are better night sleeping for me. >> at least not raining, right? >> not raining. i'm not the mailman, i wouldn't deliver in the rain, i would have postponed but it was a god night to sleep, thank you. >> what time will the kids start coming to school? >> kids arrive around 73 the principal said i'll stay there until the last bus pulls around 8:00. so we'll be here. >> so he's been up there a long time. >> does he have a heater up there? >> 2:30 p.m. yesterday. >> does very a heater? >> no heater, he's braving the colds. >> i'm doing the running man. >> he's like there is i've seen him jump up and down trying to stay warm. >> i love it. >> that's great. >> it is a good one. >> kids love tan we're helping meme down in texas, as well. >> it is wonderful. 6:08. >> the sixers began new season tonight. who is ready? >> i'm red. >> i yes, many fans are hoping that this is it. they hope that this is the beginning after new era of sixers basketball. is the process finally over? is it the time is now? >> where is ben simmons, markelle fultz, both will make their nba debut tonight. of course, joel embiid will be on the floor, in a regular season game for the first time since january. although he will have limited minute. >> he's been very vocal about how he feels about that. >> he didn't like it. by the way, our free agent, jj reddick, he's ready to go, reddick is ready. and contributing players, like dario czar i can, and robert covington, had cover story yesterday in the paper, and sixers fans have plenty to be hopeful for. the sixers play the wizards in d.c. tonight at 7:00. >> and then, on friday, we have our home opener against the boston celtics. but if you are watchig last night, my gosh, see the calves play the celtics? what a start for boston. >> this injury oh, gosh so hard to see. the gordon hayward, he broke his ankle, and just in a horrible way. and a lot of people were just so upset by it, because he's one of their stars, he just got to boston. >> that's right. >> and then to have this happen, in like the first five minutes of the game. >> that's right. i don't know that the bone came through the skin. but people were shocked, players were -- had their head in their hands. >> because it was the way his foot was turned, it was just not, not right. >> so the players reaction, i mean, cleveland did win the game, 102 to 99. what their new, the new -- >> kyree? >> kyree had the last second shot and he miss t the game was played in cleveland, matter of fact. >> so you know he wanted to proof cleveland wrong, put it in their face then he missed. >> they booed him relentlessly. so anyway, boston celtics in for our home opener without one of their big stars now. nfl players, owners, executives, meeting in new york city, talking over an issue that has people on both sides of course boiling mad. what malcolm jenkins, our philadelphia eagle, had to say about the first meeting, regarding anthem protests. after 8 years of chris christie, is kim guadagno the change new jersey really needs? guadagno is christie's hand-picked successor. says she's "proud to be part of the christie administration." guadagno was chris christie's right hand as our schools came under attack, critical services were underfunded, and our credit rating was downgraded...11 times. from the bridge to the beach, we've seen it all, and we've had enough. kim guadagno isn't the change we need. >> police rolled up, look at them! that set the women off. they started kicking the front door, look, throwing things around. >> and now this is whether it goat really rough! look at this. >> the officer became involved. pepper spray, you know, brought out. >> listen to this. >> oh -- >> at 1.1 of the offenders pick up bottles of lighter fluid and start sprague it all over the store. with a lighter threatened to burn down the store. >> bombs away. >> yes. >> so one of them actually accused the awning willing at one of the officer at the scene. both eventually taken into custody, they face laundry list of charges. >> laundry list of charges, at least they have laundry detergent for those charges. i believe that's what she was throwing, wasn't it? laundry detergent? >> lighter fluid, society a -- soda, all kinds of things. >> not what anyone in california wanted to hear. another wilds fire, wild fire. can i not say the word wild fire. fire that's wild. burning in wine country. yes, another one popped up. and update on the effort to try to get this one under control. >> 6:16, frost advisory in effect for 9:00 for the following count its, ocean, half of burlington, atlantic, cumberland. notice on the map where the pine barons are, that's where you have good chance every seeing scattered frost this morning. let's check the temperatures. we have 30's in pottstown. we have 43 degrees in mount pocono. it is only 39 in millville to start your day. forty in vineland. forty-one voorhees, 43 moorestown, sea isle city, good morning, it is 48 degrees. brr. yes, little jacket wet they are morning, high pressure in control, though, this is going to be our weather maker for the next couple of days, in fact, probably through the weekends. but as it moves off shore, it will allow slightly milder temperatures, to move in, so if you liked yesterday, you're going to like today and the next couple every days even more. so, there is really nothing to show you on radar. let's talk about what happened already before we talk about what's going to happen. average hi, 66 degrees, we were below average yesterday with the high of 61. today, we gain 10 degrees. seventy-one. and lower 70s again tomorrow. then that warming trends continues into the weekend. mid 70s, on saturday and sunday, and we have our altzheimer's walk in wilmington, delaware, saturday morning. and the weather just about perfect, for that. next chance every rain not until it is time for the eagles game at the linc on monday night. 101.1 more p.m. m our radio partner, bob kelly. you can hear your forecast on the radio and tv every single morning. >> sounds good, sue, great to have you back, 6:18. we've got overturned and accident involving a deer. here is a live look at the overturned vehicle, this is i95 northbound approaching the interchange for the platt bridge. anyone leaving the airport area, all of the police activity here, looks like they're blocking the ramp to the platt bridge. so you'll have to stick with 95, and use the girard point double decker bridge. again, that's right there, in front of the airport. headed northbound. accident involving a deer, the accident i showed you the last time around, actually, is the one we're speaking every. the deer offer to the shoulder. police on the scene, all westbound, on the schuylkill, jammed up from approaching the blue route, all the way out toward king of prussia. so watch for some activity in that area. also, in the neighborhood, bala cynwyd, accident montgomery avenue anibal an avenue. just got words, some equipment problems on the broad street subway. so they're starting off our wednesday morning, with some delays on the subway. mark frank forwards line looking good. no delays at the airport. mike and alex back over to you. >> thank you very much. developing out of california where there is a massive fire at an oil refinery. this is at the chevron refinery right by the los angeles international airport. the fire happened after reported explosion in the area, sending thick black cloud of smoke into the air. at one point the flames threatened power lines and storage tanks filled with fuel. no injuries have been reported, the fire department did not order evacuations, for residents, but houses are really close to that refinery there. >> let's get back to the wilds fires. because fire fight remembers facing more challenges, in their battle against them. crews are trying to put out a new fire, that is burning along saint mound -- steep mountain us terrain in the santa cruz area, it will be difficult to fight because the access point are dirt roads erroded during last year's mud sly. so residents are real concerned about this. >> the way we've seen fires goes up here, now we're pretty nervous. the winds kick up tonight, it could be here in a half hour. so hopefully somebody will wake me up. >> so now we're looking at surveillance video outside santa rose a look at those fires. >> so close. >> 606 staffers lost their homes to the fires, but the hospital wasn't touched. >> that was about six a hundred homes and buildings gone. >> can you imagine if that hospital had -- >> you can see the flames coming up towards the hospital. there could soon and deal to extend obamacare health insurance exchanges. this is not over. >> so there is follows president trump's move last week to ends federal subsidies for insurance premiums. the bipartisan agreement allows lower income americans to buy coverage through the obamacare markets for two more years. in exchange, states will have greater flexibility, when it comes to coverage requirements, keeping the cost sharing payments in place helps prevent premiums from rising, and main bargaining point for democrats. okay, big story here in philadelphia. tonight we're finally here. sixers fans, are not particularly happy about joel embiid's minute restriction, but still there is excitement for tonight's game. you know, joel's not happy either. >> hear his latest angry reaction to being only allowed to play, well, about 15, 16 minutes tonight. when you're a double-dipping pension-padder like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us. >> sixers open up, but embiid still on minute restriction, something he's not too happy about. >> wish i was playing more minutes. i think i'm ready, i think i'm ready for more than i don't know whatever number they hav have. >> flyers, panthers last night, flyers up three-nothing, nolan patrick leaves it right between his legs for dale wise, flyers take this game, 501. >> the nfl and players met in new york yesterday, to discuss social change around the league, eagles defense i have back, malcolm jenkins was, there but doesn't look like anything is changing just yet. >> i'm not sure we're close to resolution, but conversations are ongoing. it went from, you know, just phonecalls, to obviously the first time meeting so i don't think we could come up with a whole plan and solution in two hours, and look being forward to the opportunity to really put good plan together. >> that's sports in a minute. i'm kristen rodgers thanks, kristen. baseball playoffs continue in the nlcs, the dodgers looking to make a commanding three-zero lead over the cubbies. uh-huh. look at this. dominant. seven strikeouts, dodgers ends up winning the game six to one. they're now one win away from going to the world series in a sweep. >> and then the yankees looking to tie the series with the astros, new york is down a run in the eighth, when aaron judge hits one offer the wall, driving in a run, and tying the game. a few batters later gary sanchez hits two-run double and the yankees win, and the series now tied at two. >> yankees win. yankees win. ever hear their announcer john sterling? >> yankees won. >> ever heard? >> do you think he's shacking his head like that? >> i had a key chain when you pressed it, it did that. yankees win. >> i've listen to many broadcasters there, when i lived up there, yankees win. >> john sterling. >> you what? >> oh,. >> waiting? >> look at. that will. >> i like when the ads say skip. you know what i mean? >> they know how we say. that will sometimes they get you, they force to you listen all the way through. >> yankees win. >> look at ryan. >> keep stalling until you get it. >> like the wizards of oz, guy behind the curtain. look at ryan. he's very handsome. >> go, ryan, go. >> i could go to the next store. >> i are we stretching? >> coy dot tease then come back for the john sterling if you want. >> or if you want to keep stretching. >> bee got right now? listen? >> yankees win. oh, my goodness. he dropped the ball. >> what an ending. the yankees win nine-eight in the most improbable fashion. >> that's not him at all. >> oh, it is not? >> this is awkward. >> ya, that's not him. this is some kind of -- probably michael k the other announcer. no, his name is john sterling. yankees win. yankees win. >> back to the drawing board. >> okay, major decision expected today in the jerry sandusky case later this morning, the ruling that could set him free. on bail. >> plus steve keeley. >> well, a different major decision for the little kids who live all around the vare recreation center, the only people will be getting in i referee agents for the foreseeable future, renovation workers. mast heist >> 6:30. waiting for tonight. is tonight the night? is this when it all happens? the tanks we get after all these years of tanking. will we be saying thank you, to the sixers? >> tanks for the memories. we hope. >> yes. >> so, also, south philadelphia families left scrambling this morning, after popular rec center abruptly shuts down, with little warning, that would make it abrupt. why the city says the building was no longer safe for the kids to play in. >> and a principal's spends the night up on the roof of his school? >> oops. >> the 8,000 reasons why he isn't coming down until later this morning. and it doesn't end there. >> he shot that video yesterday at 2:30 when he went up there. he's still up there. >> great vantage point. we have live shot of him on the roof coming up in just a bit. good day, it is wednesday, october the 18th, 2017. we're having a mural slapped on to the side of our tv station here at fourth and market, right on the pad yo. >> because philly is such a mural sit. >> i that's right. and these guys are famous for about the g up big animals on the sides of buildings around town, they've done five of them. there they are out there. oh, they look ominous, don't he? >> they do. looks very halloween. >> well, they are staring at the wall. these are his helpers. evan is the one who is going to be painting. jarrod, if you could, maybe, we can't pan over? oh, i know why. i know why. are you getting -- >> actually i'm getting some suggestions, we asked people what animal would you imagine we should have on our wall. so let's look at some of them. eileen says a girl eating a cheese steak or sipping a wawa coffee. >> i line, i leak that. >> very specific. iliac that, as well. then we're getting some other ones, people really weighing in, a lot of animals out there, a lot of options, then hey, mike anal he can, the possible up mike encounter last year. >> what's weirds is i encountered him right under the wall where ever and is doing the painting. >> that's true. >> i like that. and possible operation, sue, possible operation get short tripped. >> you were so connect today that possible up. special. >> did you say shred? >> i missed. >> isn't that the word, s h. r. mcmaster if? >> i thought it was it was too. >> i gay with anything. >> counting you, mike? >> they don't get no respect. that's what they don't get. >> sue? >> who told you that the word nate means but the okay? >> you were the guy. >> thank you. >> nate. former hurricane, now abut okay. >> it is national chocolate cupcake day. probably frozen out there, 30's, 40's, nice warm fleece, flyers won last night, make sure to wear a hat. that's the argument we will be seeing a lot, now that things are getting chillier out there. 48 degrees, is our current temperature, sun doesn't rise officially until 7:15. checking some other temperatures, so you know just how cold it is. it is 45 in rehoboth. it is 45 in atlantic city. but only 33 in maze landing. valley forge, 41, perkasie, 41, as well. we are going to get to high of around 71 degrees later on, breitbart, breitbart sunshine, that's the advantage, clear skies overnight, that's why it is chilly. but we'll have plenty of sunshine all day, for as long as it lasts, nice cool afternoon, high of 71, bob kelly? >> definition of the short s shrif, i just look it up, very little time before execution. so i don't know if we want that for the animal. >> well i thought it meant you don't get kudos, you know what i mean, always last in line? you short -- >> like short changed? >> short-changed, shortened of the stick. >> the short straw. >> i wish i had a stick right now. >> 6:34. buckle his seatbelt in over there. good morning, overturned vehicle here on 95, this is northbound, just north of philly international. right at the ramps for the platt bridge. it is an s.u.v. a lot of firefighters on the scene here. that's causing delays. so if you are leaving the airport area, or headed northbound in towards the city, stick with 95. and use the girard point double decker bridge. that will save you time trying to get over the platt bridge. out on the schuylkill, westbound, delays pretty much 476 all the way out toward king of prussia. we had earlier accident. that involved a deer. and then three separate cars got involved. twenty minute delays on the broad street subway, all because of equipment problems, this morning. and jammo, on 95, here we go. southbound, heavy from cottman avenue, in through girard. mike and alex back over to you. >> just real quickly here, bob. if you would go to the second definition, short s shrif, little or no ' at any sean or consideration. >> little consideration. okay, definition 2a. >> then there is 2b. quick work, usually using the phrase, make short sh, r inches iif of. >> we are go with 2a, lilo tension paid to the owe possible up, and please spell my name with the opossum. >> shocker, south philadelphia rec center, everybody knows, closed indefinately, generations of resident are at a lost here, after the city officials say the aging facility is not safe. >> so, steve keeley is at the rec center, because now some kids, they're going to have to find a place to go. >> they'll get short shrif. >> only recreation they would get if they climb over the 8-foot high fence here, they shouldn't be doing that. shutdown friday answers in a city news released yesterday, parks and rec department hired outside engineering company, to check out the old massive school size builds that occupies the entire city block here, and it said it was just not safe to keep open. >> where are they going to go? they got to go what, 2 miles to another place? to play? that's not fair. >> somebody need to have a petition to get it fixed or to have, like, a fundraiser or something to help them raise money or something, like whatever they need. i'm sure the community will help out with. because everybody like that building. everybody loved going over there. >> vare recreation center about 100 years old, the building just deteriorated over time. >> well, the city says it, will notify the parent around here, of when, where and how all the programs here will be moving to other open rec centers throughout philly. alex, mike, the how part for many here, questioning this, is how will their kids who walked here every day get to the further away rec centers, once they make this plan snub. >> i mean, does the building get unsafe in a matter of hours? wouldn't this be gradually happening over years? >> warning, something? >> little bit. >> all right, steve, thank you. 6:37. the judge handling jerry sandusky appeal will soon announce the charges will be thrown out or if he will get a new trial. the judge says he will announce his decision at noon today. seventy-three year old sandusky is serving 30-zero six year state prison sentence after being convicted in 2012 of abusing ten boys. san it is did i is, g he didn't get adequate representation by his lawyers during the trial. and that prosecutors didn't turn over information about victims changing their stories. >> i know. it is 6:38 and we haven't done a mold report. are you ready? >> it is time. >> okay. class also resume in a few hours at philadelphia's john b kelly elementary. officials found mold in parts of the school and closed it for cleaning since thursday. school officials say the billing will be 100% mold free when it reopens in a couple of hours. >> prosecutors have announced charges against 18 inmates, in a deadly hostage take-over at a delaware prison. sixteen of 18 inmate, they face first degree murder and assault, two other facing kidnapping charges. prosecutors say, inmates at the vaughn correctional center kidnapped four corrections officers and hell them hostage. you remember this story, we've covered this. >> right here on the show. >> from february 1st to february 2nd. they injured two officers, and you remember sergeant steve floyd died. >> yes, the video was horrible. >> all right, 460 people in bethlehem will soon be out after job, because wells fargo is closing down its call sent their. a spokesperson for the company says the building is slated to close in 60 days. they say the closure, result of customers asking for more self-service options, oh, boy, automation, like on-line banking, because of that, there has been decrease in direct calls from customers. >> 6:39. bucks county principal who decided to sleep on the roof of his school, i'm sure he's little cold this morning, but this story will warm your heart. i knew. >> principal oh, i like what you did, that's nice. >> thank you. so lauren has been out there, all night, whether did he get up? >> reporter: he went up yesterday at 2:30 p.m. what time is it now? 6:30 something? he's still up there. people still surprised he's still up there, yes, mike? >> people throwing stuff up to him? >> reporter: oh, no, no, no, they're yelling up there, because they can't believe he's still there. he has a basket. that's how we sent him microphone, and able to talk to us this morning, good morning. >> good morning, how are you. >> i'm great. i know you're coal, you got a hoodie, got your eagles skull cap onto stay warm. >> absolute. >> i what else are you doing to stay warm up there? >> the running man. >> show me. >> oh, i got to do the running man. >> good for you. >> whatever works. >> whatever works, right? how did you ends up on the roof? >> we made a challenge to the kids and the community that we raise $8,000 for money, for our school, in houston, called wolf elementary. i spent a night on the roof. >> you were $900 short. >> we made some fun, put some energy into it, we had hot chocolate social from 6:00 to 8:00. kids came out, took selfies, so all fun, all good stuff for good cause. >> what lesson do you think your children are learning from having being a part of this? >> just ongoing stuff, act every kindness our district initiative think kindness, just, you know, dot right thing at the right time. it can make somebody's day. >> 800 kids. >> yep. >> $10 apiece all it took? >> that's what we're looking at, yes, where the number 8,000 came from. >> so you say you're not done yet. >> this will continue into the holidays? >> this will continue. this is just a start. we made a commitment to wolf elementary for the entire year to do things to help to support them in anyway possible. which means the holidays are coming. thanksgiving dinners, maybe turkeys, jackets, clothing, i mean, whatever they need we are working closely with the pto down there. they'll inform us what's needed we will work with them to get them what they need. >> we got carson wentz jerry? >> beautiful thing. so we reached out to all of the philly sport teams saying if they could donate some stuff that we could auction off, make more money to make our case, but got authentic carson wentz shirt, which i'm sure my son will say dad put a lot of money on that jersey. >> the hottest selling jersey, too long, on the top of newtown middle school. he's going to be up there until the last bus pulls out. mike and alex he tells me that's usually around 8:00. so we will stay with here with him. sent the mike up in the basket. maybe someone can deliver breakfast to sent that up there? that's nice. got to be hungry. >> why don't you go up in the basket and warm -- >> stop it. >> and hug him. hey, lauren, some of our -- i love our good day viewers. number of people have said he's quite attractive. is he sing snell. >> oh, my gosh. >> i have seen that. do you want me to put him on the spot though? have sure. it is a simple question. are you sing snell. >> all right. we'll put you on the spot. some of our viewers on twitter have said: hey, tim long, he's a hotty. and we want to know if you're sing snell. >> i'm not. i'm happily married. >> he's off the mack, folks. >> happily married. >> he's a married man. >> he's married -- okay. well, that's out of the question then. we have to move on. >> we hate to deliver that news to the ladies throughout. >> we are going to -- i'm going to a watch party tonight. where are you going to watch the sixers game tonight? >> where are you going to watch. >> xfinity live. >> oh, that's a good spot. we have simmons, fultz,. >> coming off the bench. >> off the ben: sixers are load with young stars, can they lead us to greatness? >> can we go it greatness? >> we look at the roll players who will be crucial tonight, too. what about robert cover inning ton? what about it, j? >> don't sleep on tj. don't sleep on robert covington. he was on the cover. did you see that? >> who is -- >> the cover of the daily news. >> the sixers beginning their season tonight against the washington wizards, all eyes on embiid, simmons, but the sixers have bench players, too, role players, jenn fred is over at 97.5, the phanatic, hi, jen. >> i'm here with the cuz, good morning, baby. >> good morning. >> here you are. your welcome. >> i love it, i love it. >> we're going to talk about big ben and joel in the 7:00 hour. right now we have to talk about the supporting cast. >> all right, let's start with this man. >> dario. >> dario, say it, sharish. >> did you go eat yet? >> sharks. >> exactly. >> right? so dario is an important figure here. because overlet, elite players, with ben, and joe, and you need a selfless guy like dario. >> okay. >> dario really a good ball players, plays from croatia. >> i love it. >> he came from the club culture, very euro. >> yes. >> he's cool. right? he hangs out the grand cafe, on market street, on chestnut street. >> and he's a team player, though, he wants to builds the team. >> here's what's really important. he developed his three-point shot. 's good shooter but it has gotten better. and you want him to become an important stretch for, you know what that means? >> tell me. >> it mean you're a big man, the four-four, the pour forward, and go behind the three-point line, and that opens up space. >> they don't know what's happening. >> right? so guard him out there, then you're ben, you can driver the lanes. >> love it. now, i brought some arts and crafts. >> we got props? >> sporting equipment, straight from brody frederick's bedroom. >> way. >> you say markell, will come off the bench meaning he won't start. it is a baseball. or a basketball. it is -- >> not real a basketball. >> whatever. so weaver this. you say his aau coach markell's aau coach messed him up lit bill? >> what happened, his jump shot is off. you can see it, it has become a concern, so he was toying with the jump shop. his aau coach was doing it, the problem is his guide hand on the ball is here, it is supposed to be here. >> he needs herb magee. >> when you shoot, all you do is this, and you dip in the holy waterment that's how it is supposed to be. fllow through. dip in the holy water. but what he's doing, he has his guide hands here, so it is almost affecting everything on his release point. >> i smell a heck intervention. >> yes. >> herb magee coming in saving the shot. robert covington, uncle sung hero but makes it work. >> plays great defense, he can shoot, big year for him, contract year. is he going to be resigned? and with ben and joe, there will be shots, he's got to knock down open shots, got to knock down three pointers. want to shoot a lot of three's, will be important for robert covington to do that. >> no pressure here liver on good day philadelphia. we have the basket here from brody frederick's bedroom. >> oh. game one. >> you made it off camera. gets another chance. oh, no. >> all right, you have until 7:45. >> that was weak. >> but a foul. >> he did get fouled. so anyway, we will do more of this at 7:45, and your welcome. >> thank you, jen, that's great. >> i tell if you, ant can't be a biggers sixers fan. he's all in as they say, bob. he's all in. >> all in. 6:50. we're all involved, everybody's involvd in this shutdown, 95, we got tractor-trailer accident, this is 95 northbound 413. it is right in the construction zone. and there is no wiggle room. because this is that stretch where they don't have the shoulder. it goes into a tight squeeze. i went through this area yesterday. when i headed up to the school that i was at yesterday. here is a look, again, 95 northbound, there is the tractor-trailers kind of squeezed inbetween the barriers. and look at these guys, these, stacking up quick, like the pancakes, so if you're headed north on 95, your best bet, jump off at woodhaven road, that will get you over to the boulevard, then take route one north, to reconnect with 95. again, they can't even get in there because there is no shoulder, they have to come in on the opposite way southbound side. south on 95, we accident off to the shoulder here at cottman avenue. and then for the gang coming up from the airport, for delco, and overturned vehicle, north on 95, as you approach the platt bridge. that's causing delays. and then 20 minute delays on the broad street subway. she's back. little cough drop and big cup of tea, but she has the forecast in 15 seconds. >> cough drop and a cup of tea. ya, not a bad idea this morning, and nice warm jacket. we've got a frost advisory in effect for these counties here, cumberland, atlantic, part of burlington, ocean counties, pine barens of new jersey basically possibly getting some frost this morning. 40 degrees in allentown, 40 in lancaster, we're at 48 here in the city but as predicted the suburbs are chillierment pottstown, 37 doylestown, 36 degrees, almost frosty, about the in millville. but 53 in cape may. forty-five in rehoboth beach. headed to 71 today. seventy-two tomorrow. seventy-three friday. the morning won't be quite as cold tomorrow and friday with a southerly wind. sunday, as well, next chance of rain, actually, isn't until monday night, mike and alex and that of course is when the eagles play at the linc. >> i'm going to go out for the first half that far game. starts at 8:30, listen to this, ever and love it, his name, and i love it when he is doing, he is painting a mural on the side of our building. thank you for the suggestions, he uses spray paint here. which animals should we put up? more of your suggestions after the break. where are we? about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online and choose what's right for you. woah. flo and jamie here to see hqx. flo and jamie request entry. slovakia. triceratops. tapioca. racquetball. staccato. me llamo jamie. pumpernickel. pudding. employee: hey, guys! home quote explorer. it's home insurance made easy. password was "hey guys." >> fourth and market, a guy by the name of loveit, done four, five murals around the city of different animals. the one i like was the raccoon eating a pretzel. role do one here where you are suggesting what animal to use on the side of our building, and he uses spray paint, alex. >> amazing, getting started there. we wanted to have this on, you know, philadelphia known to be a mural city, right? we have thousands of murals here. >> i thought ryan said we had some example every his work before. >> here are some of the tweet. someone said how about a twinge win eating water nice. >> i like that one a lot. >> or shark eating a cheese steak. >> someone said white swirl. >> i love this one, raccoon eating a pretzel. also did a big pigeon eating stuff, different animals. >> a fawn jawn. >> an oh, a deer. >> what it look like before yesterday. >> the side of our building from yesterday afternoon. there is the pigeon. oh, i love that one. >> that's good, he's do the fox. but what animal should he use? keep the suggestions going. i love the squirrel. >> bite it, make sure it is real. >> this one called the fawn jawn. >> fawn jawn. spar owing yacking at each other. >> i love it. so anyway, keep the suggestions coming, okay. >> and he's get to go work. >> 6:57 now. >> so, we're going to go back to middletown, newtown middle school. because principal tim long, oh, look, skyfox is up there. so we can get good look at his set up. he has been there all night. he's been camping outment we'll check back in with him and explain more about why, and what he's doing there on the roof. hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. >> this is good day philadelphia. tanks you. we hope. more than just a new season, sixers fans, are hoping tonight is the start after new era, embiid, fultz, can they take the sixers back to the top of the basketball world? ouch. gruesome start to the season for the sixers, next opponent. the injury that will likely side line the bosses ton celtics big free agent signing, for the rest of the season. >> it served a philadelphia community for decades. but now, it is closed, for the foreseeable future. >> now what are our children going to do, just sit around, and just be on the corners. >> safety concerns force the city to shut down the vare rec

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Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 6A 20171018 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 6A 20171018

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mural. >> can you do one on the signed of our building? >> we have a live camera here at fourth and market if you want to see him. he's put up big giant piece of black plywood. well, he put up plywood, paint philadelphia black, but see the bricks there? >> yes? >> the side of our building is going -- oh, so we need your help. he says he'll do any animal you want. what animal should we put on the side of our building? >> skunk? >> skunk? >> what animal would go with fox. >> almost leap or? >> slot. >> slot? hey, sue, welcome back, how are you feeling. >> i'm okay. would it be too obvious to say fox? it is an animal. >> well, sure, get on twitter everybody, suggest an animal. >> welshing that's mine. >> okay. >> and i'm sticking to it. it is a nine. that's mine too. yes, it is looking like pretty good weather day today on this national chocolate cupcake day. temperatures in the 30's, 40's, right now, bus stop buddy has the nice warm fleece on, and even some gloves. if you're going to be outside for awhile, it might not be a bad idea. flyers won last night. wear a hat. little bit after breeze out there, as you can see, 48 degrees, 7:15 is our sunrise time, southwesterly winds at 7 miles an hour, and it is all about the temperature this morning, the shock was yesterday, when you walk out the door and temperatures were in the 30's, 40's, and we've got 39 in millville. forty-five in rehoboth beach. thirty-three in ross weighing owe lake, pretty close to freezing, 37 pottstown. do have frost advisory, we'll show now few minutes, 71 degrees should be the high temperature today, oh, it will be a good looking autumn afternoon. we will tell you how long this weather pattern will last coming up. bob kelly, hi,. >> hey sue, welcome back, now go sit down and zip your tea and put the cough drop back in. >> 62:02 -- 6:02. accident approaching route 202, the guys were in the left lane just kind of everyone gotten over to the side here. police aren't even out here yet. again, it is westbound, approaching king of prussia. so we start to see some delays pop there. in new jersey, 295, southbound, watch for an accident right near route 30. which is the white horse pike. that's going to slow folks down coming in from cherry hill. hello to fishtown. ninety-five on the right. school buses headed southbound. and there is the northbound new stretch of roadway that everybody's using. and the onramp from girard avenue to head north is now open. and some volume here on the freeway, headlight headed in towards philadelphia. looking good at the airport. and mass transit, running with though delays. mike and alex back over to you. >> i'm afraid we have to start the same way we do a lot of days. fatal stabbing in the west oaklane section of the city overnight. a 43 year old plan was found lying in the front steps of a home on the 6400 block of west 65th avenue. police say the steak knife was still lodged in the victim's back. police are questioning witnesses who were in the area at the time. but right now, they don't have a suspect or a motive in the crime. >> coming up on 6:04, popular recreation center in south philly, is suddenly shutdown. >> yes, all the sudden city officials say the century old building may not be safe. >> so, steve keeley is at the vare recreation center more on what's going on there, steve? >> well, look how big this place is, just to start, you're looking athen tire city block, and that's not counting all of the ball fields, and the playgrounds, out back, to take up few acres. huge both physically, responsibly, for this south philly neighborhood, a gathering spot for generations for both kids, and adults, who also have programs here. and a sudden shut-down friday after an outside structural engineering company hired by the city's rec department said it is showing it age with severe, severe problems, that have compromised the big buildings integrity. >> it is actually good place for kids to go and have fun, they even help with you your homework. >> it has been a lot of good things in that community center. so, it is, you know, unfortunate, that this has happened. >> we just don't have an unlimited amount of revenue that we can allocate toward, you know, toward thing like this, toward needs like this, and, unfortunately, over time, that adds up, and situations like this happen. >> well, all of those outside ball fields and playgrounds are going to stay open, alex, mike, the sitly try to relocate all of the inside programs to other parks and rec centers, still, not known yet, though, which ones and how far away mom and dad will have to take the kids or even if they're able to take the kids, and, if not, how will the kids get there? a lot of still unanswered questions. >> at love them. all right, steve, thank you for. that will look up there. >> what's that on the roof? >> it is a plane. no, it is a principal, principal long. >> principal long? bucks county principal woke up this morning not in his bed. no, look at him, from overnight. that's his view yesterday afternoon, when he went up to the roof of the school. he slept there. he's still there. why? >> so lauren johnson is at newtown middle school. why is he on the roof, lauren? >> there he is, still up there. >> here's the short answer, guys, it is hurricane harvey, out in texas, the longer answer is think kindness. campaign by the council rock school district here where newtown middle school is, to think outside the box. and do something kind for other people. well, this kindness stretching all the way to texas, and it is not over yet. so you guys have signed, sealed, delivered $8,000 check. that's what sent you up there? >> that's correct. $8,000 went to the pto at wolf elementary school. for them to use as they seed their needs are at this current time. because the needs are always changing. >> and principal long, you're not done yet. you say you want the help to continue. >> no, no, we're not done at all. this is all year process. so our next step would be to, again, following the direction out with our connection with pto and jasmin russell the teacher down at wolf elementary, coats, gifts around the holidays, possibly turkeys around thanksgiving, meals, so it is all open right now, but it is an ongoing process, yes. >> this is a lesson your student won't never be able to learn in a book. what do you think the lifeless on is that they've take ann way from this? >> again, i think small acts, doesn't have to be big act every kindness can change a person's life for that one moment. so if you get an opportunity to do something kind for somebody, take it. >> last night you decided i'm going to have some barbeque for texas, cheese steak for philly. you went to bed around 10:30, it is chilly outside. how was your night? >> great night. good night. hey, listen, colds night are better night sleeping for me. >> at least not raining, right? >> not raining. i'm not the mailman, i wouldn't deliver in the rain, i would have postponed but it was a god night to sleep, thank you. >> what time will the kids start coming to school? >> kids arrive around 73 the principal said i'll stay there until the last bus pulls around 8:00. so we'll be here. >> so he's been up there a long time. >> does he have a heater up there? >> 2:30 p.m. yesterday. >> does very a heater? >> no heater, he's braving the colds. >> i'm doing the running man. >> he's like there is i've seen him jump up and down trying to stay warm. >> i love it. >> that's great. >> it is a good one. >> kids love tan we're helping meme down in texas, as well. >> it is wonderful. 6:08. >> the sixers began new season tonight. who is ready? >> i'm red. >> i yes, many fans are hoping that this is it. they hope that this is the beginning after new era of sixers basketball. is the process finally over? is it the time is now? >> where is ben simmons, markelle fultz, both will make their nba debut tonight. of course, joel embiid will be on the floor, in a regular season game for the first time since january. although he will have limited minute. >> he's been very vocal about how he feels about that. >> he didn't like it. by the way, our free agent, jj reddick, he's ready to go, reddick is ready. and contributing players, like dario czar i can, and robert covington, had cover story yesterday in the paper, and sixers fans have plenty to be hopeful for. the sixers play the wizards in d.c. tonight at 7:00. >> and then, on friday, we have our home opener against the boston celtics. but if you are watchig last night, my gosh, see the calves play the celtics? what a start for boston. >> this injury oh, gosh so hard to see. the gordon hayward, he broke his ankle, and just in a horrible way. and a lot of people were just so upset by it, because he's one of their stars, he just got to boston. >> that's right. >> and then to have this happen, in like the first five minutes of the game. >> that's right. i don't know that the bone came through the skin. but people were shocked, players were -- had their head in their hands. >> because it was the way his foot was turned, it was just not, not right. >> so the players reaction, i mean, cleveland did win the game, 102 to 99. what their new, the new -- >> kyree? >> kyree had the last second shot and he miss t the game was played in cleveland, matter of fact. >> so you know he wanted to proof cleveland wrong, put it in their face then he missed. >> they booed him relentlessly. so anyway, boston celtics in for our home opener without one of their big stars now. nfl players, owners, executives, meeting in new york city, talking over an issue that has people on both sides of course boiling mad. what malcolm jenkins, our philadelphia eagle, had to say about the first meeting, regarding anthem protests. after 8 years of chris christie, is kim guadagno the change new jersey really needs? guadagno is christie's hand-picked successor. says she's "proud to be part of the christie administration." guadagno was chris christie's right hand as our schools came under attack, critical services were underfunded, and our credit rating was downgraded...11 times. from the bridge to the beach, we've seen it all, and we've had enough. kim guadagno isn't the change we need. >> police rolled up, look at them! that set the women off. they started kicking the front door, look, throwing things around. >> and now this is whether it goat really rough! look at this. >> the officer became involved. pepper spray, you know, brought out. >> listen to this. >> oh -- >> at 1.1 of the offenders pick up bottles of lighter fluid and start sprague it all over the store. with a lighter threatened to burn down the store. >> bombs away. >> yes. >> so one of them actually accused the awning willing at one of the officer at the scene. both eventually taken into custody, they face laundry list of charges. >> laundry list of charges, at least they have laundry detergent for those charges. i believe that's what she was throwing, wasn't it? laundry detergent? >> lighter fluid, society a -- soda, all kinds of things. >> not what anyone in california wanted to hear. another wilds fire, wild fire. can i not say the word wild fire. fire that's wild. burning in wine country. yes, another one popped up. and update on the effort to try to get this one under control. >> 6:16, frost advisory in effect for 9:00 for the following count its, ocean, half of burlington, atlantic, cumberland. notice on the map where the pine barons are, that's where you have good chance every seeing scattered frost this morning. let's check the temperatures. we have 30's in pottstown. we have 43 degrees in mount pocono. it is only 39 in millville to start your day. forty in vineland. forty-one voorhees, 43 moorestown, sea isle city, good morning, it is 48 degrees. brr. yes, little jacket wet they are morning, high pressure in control, though, this is going to be our weather maker for the next couple of days, in fact, probably through the weekends. but as it moves off shore, it will allow slightly milder temperatures, to move in, so if you liked yesterday, you're going to like today and the next couple every days even more. so, there is really nothing to show you on radar. let's talk about what happened already before we talk about what's going to happen. average hi, 66 degrees, we were below average yesterday with the high of 61. today, we gain 10 degrees. seventy-one. and lower 70s again tomorrow. then that warming trends continues into the weekend. mid 70s, on saturday and sunday, and we have our altzheimer's walk in wilmington, delaware, saturday morning. and the weather just about perfect, for that. next chance every rain not until it is time for the eagles game at the linc on monday night. 101.1 more p.m. m our radio partner, bob kelly. you can hear your forecast on the radio and tv every single morning. >> sounds good, sue, great to have you back, 6:18. we've got overturned and accident involving a deer. here is a live look at the overturned vehicle, this is i95 northbound approaching the interchange for the platt bridge. anyone leaving the airport area, all of the police activity here, looks like they're blocking the ramp to the platt bridge. so you'll have to stick with 95, and use the girard point double decker bridge. again, that's right there, in front of the airport. headed northbound. accident involving a deer, the accident i showed you the last time around, actually, is the one we're speaking every. the deer offer to the shoulder. police on the scene, all westbound, on the schuylkill, jammed up from approaching the blue route, all the way out toward king of prussia. so watch for some activity in that area. also, in the neighborhood, bala cynwyd, accident montgomery avenue anibal an avenue. just got words, some equipment problems on the broad street subway. so they're starting off our wednesday morning, with some delays on the subway. mark frank forwards line looking good. no delays at the airport. mike and alex back over to you. >> thank you very much. developing out of california where there is a massive fire at an oil refinery. this is at the chevron refinery right by the los angeles international airport. the fire happened after reported explosion in the area, sending thick black cloud of smoke into the air. at one point the flames threatened power lines and storage tanks filled with fuel. no injuries have been reported, the fire department did not order evacuations, for residents, but houses are really close to that refinery there. >> let's get back to the wilds fires. because fire fight remembers facing more challenges, in their battle against them. crews are trying to put out a new fire, that is burning along saint mound -- steep mountain us terrain in the santa cruz area, it will be difficult to fight because the access point are dirt roads erroded during last year's mud sly. so residents are real concerned about this. >> the way we've seen fires goes up here, now we're pretty nervous. the winds kick up tonight, it could be here in a half hour. so hopefully somebody will wake me up. >> so now we're looking at surveillance video outside santa rose a look at those fires. >> so close. >> 606 staffers lost their homes to the fires, but the hospital wasn't touched. >> that was about six a hundred homes and buildings gone. >> can you imagine if that hospital had -- >> you can see the flames coming up towards the hospital. there could soon and deal to extend obamacare health insurance exchanges. this is not over. >> so there is follows president trump's move last week to ends federal subsidies for insurance premiums. the bipartisan agreement allows lower income americans to buy coverage through the obamacare markets for two more years. in exchange, states will have greater flexibility, when it comes to coverage requirements, keeping the cost sharing payments in place helps prevent premiums from rising, and main bargaining point for democrats. okay, big story here in philadelphia. tonight we're finally here. sixers fans, are not particularly happy about joel embiid's minute restriction, but still there is excitement for tonight's game. you know, joel's not happy either. >> hear his latest angry reaction to being only allowed to play, well, about 15, 16 minutes tonight. when you're a double-dipping pension-padder like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us. >> sixers open up, but embiid still on minute restriction, something he's not too happy about. >> wish i was playing more minutes. i think i'm ready, i think i'm ready for more than i don't know whatever number they hav have. >> flyers, panthers last night, flyers up three-nothing, nolan patrick leaves it right between his legs for dale wise, flyers take this game, 501. >> the nfl and players met in new york yesterday, to discuss social change around the league, eagles defense i have back, malcolm jenkins was, there but doesn't look like anything is changing just yet. >> i'm not sure we're close to resolution, but conversations are ongoing. it went from, you know, just phonecalls, to obviously the first time meeting so i don't think we could come up with a whole plan and solution in two hours, and look being forward to the opportunity to really put good plan together. >> that's sports in a minute. i'm kristen rodgers thanks, kristen. baseball playoffs continue in the nlcs, the dodgers looking to make a commanding three-zero lead over the cubbies. uh-huh. look at this. dominant. seven strikeouts, dodgers ends up winning the game six to one. they're now one win away from going to the world series in a sweep. >> and then the yankees looking to tie the series with the astros, new york is down a run in the eighth, when aaron judge hits one offer the wall, driving in a run, and tying the game. a few batters later gary sanchez hits two-run double and the yankees win, and the series now tied at two. >> yankees win. yankees win. ever hear their announcer john sterling? >> yankees won. >> ever heard? >> do you think he's shacking his head like that? >> i had a key chain when you pressed it, it did that. yankees win. >> i've listen to many broadcasters there, when i lived up there, yankees win. >> john sterling. >> you what? >> oh,. >> waiting? >> look at. that will. >> i like when the ads say skip. you know what i mean? >> they know how we say. that will sometimes they get you, they force to you listen all the way through. >> yankees win. >> look at ryan. >> keep stalling until you get it. >> like the wizards of oz, guy behind the curtain. look at ryan. he's very handsome. >> go, ryan, go. >> i could go to the next store. >> i are we stretching? >> coy dot tease then come back for the john sterling if you want. >> or if you want to keep stretching. >> bee got right now? listen? >> yankees win. oh, my goodness. he dropped the ball. >> what an ending. the yankees win nine-eight in the most improbable fashion. >> that's not him at all. >> oh, it is not? >> this is awkward. >> ya, that's not him. this is some kind of -- probably michael k the other announcer. no, his name is john sterling. yankees win. yankees win. >> back to the drawing board. >> okay, major decision expected today in the jerry sandusky case later this morning, the ruling that could set him free. on bail. >> plus steve keeley. >> well, a different major decision for the little kids who live all around the vare recreation center, the only people will be getting in i referee agents for the foreseeable future, renovation workers. mast heist >> 6:30. waiting for tonight. is tonight the night? is this when it all happens? the tanks we get after all these years of tanking. will we be saying thank you, to the sixers? >> tanks for the memories. we hope. >> yes. >> so, also, south philadelphia families left scrambling this morning, after popular rec center abruptly shuts down, with little warning, that would make it abrupt. why the city says the building was no longer safe for the kids to play in. >> and a principal's spends the night up on the roof of his school? >> oops. >> the 8,000 reasons why he isn't coming down until later this morning. and it doesn't end there. >> he shot that video yesterday at 2:30 when he went up there. he's still up there. >> great vantage point. we have live shot of him on the roof coming up in just a bit. good day, it is wednesday, october the 18th, 2017. we're having a mural slapped on to the side of our tv station here at fourth and market, right on the pad yo. >> because philly is such a mural sit. >> i that's right. and these guys are famous for about the g up big animals on the sides of buildings around town, they've done five of them. there they are out there. oh, they look ominous, don't he? >> they do. looks very halloween. >> well, they are staring at the wall. these are his helpers. evan is the one who is going to be painting. jarrod, if you could, maybe, we can't pan over? oh, i know why. i know why. are you getting -- >> actually i'm getting some suggestions, we asked people what animal would you imagine we should have on our wall. so let's look at some of them. eileen says a girl eating a cheese steak or sipping a wawa coffee. >> i line, i leak that. >> very specific. iliac that, as well. then we're getting some other ones, people really weighing in, a lot of animals out there, a lot of options, then hey, mike anal he can, the possible up mike encounter last year. >> what's weirds is i encountered him right under the wall where ever and is doing the painting. >> that's true. >> i like that. and possible operation, sue, possible operation get short tripped. >> you were so connect today that possible up. special. >> did you say shred? >> i missed. >> isn't that the word, s h. r. mcmaster if? >> i thought it was it was too. >> i gay with anything. >> counting you, mike? >> they don't get no respect. that's what they don't get. >> sue? >> who told you that the word nate means but the okay? >> you were the guy. >> thank you. >> nate. former hurricane, now abut okay. >> it is national chocolate cupcake day. probably frozen out there, 30's, 40's, nice warm fleece, flyers won last night, make sure to wear a hat. that's the argument we will be seeing a lot, now that things are getting chillier out there. 48 degrees, is our current temperature, sun doesn't rise officially until 7:15. checking some other temperatures, so you know just how cold it is. it is 45 in rehoboth. it is 45 in atlantic city. but only 33 in maze landing. valley forge, 41, perkasie, 41, as well. we are going to get to high of around 71 degrees later on, breitbart, breitbart sunshine, that's the advantage, clear skies overnight, that's why it is chilly. but we'll have plenty of sunshine all day, for as long as it lasts, nice cool afternoon, high of 71, bob kelly? >> definition of the short s shrif, i just look it up, very little time before execution. so i don't know if we want that for the animal. >> well i thought it meant you don't get kudos, you know what i mean, always last in line? you short -- >> like short changed? >> short-changed, shortened of the stick. >> the short straw. >> i wish i had a stick right now. >> 6:34. buckle his seatbelt in over there. good morning, overturned vehicle here on 95, this is northbound, just north of philly international. right at the ramps for the platt bridge. it is an s.u.v. a lot of firefighters on the scene here. that's causing delays. so if you are leaving the airport area, or headed northbound in towards the city, stick with 95. and use the girard point double decker bridge. that will save you time trying to get over the platt bridge. out on the schuylkill, westbound, delays pretty much 476 all the way out toward king of prussia. we had earlier accident. that involved a deer. and then three separate cars got involved. twenty minute delays on the broad street subway, all because of equipment problems, this morning. and jammo, on 95, here we go. southbound, heavy from cottman avenue, in through girard. mike and alex back over to you. >> just real quickly here, bob. if you would go to the second definition, short s shrif, little or no ' at any sean or consideration. >> little consideration. okay, definition 2a. >> then there is 2b. quick work, usually using the phrase, make short sh, r inches iif of. >> we are go with 2a, lilo tension paid to the owe possible up, and please spell my name with the opossum. >> shocker, south philadelphia rec center, everybody knows, closed indefinately, generations of resident are at a lost here, after the city officials say the aging facility is not safe. >> so, steve keeley is at the rec center, because now some kids, they're going to have to find a place to go. >> they'll get short shrif. >> only recreation they would get if they climb over the 8-foot high fence here, they shouldn't be doing that. shutdown friday answers in a city news released yesterday, parks and rec department hired outside engineering company, to check out the old massive school size builds that occupies the entire city block here, and it said it was just not safe to keep open. >> where are they going to go? they got to go what, 2 miles to another place? to play? that's not fair. >> somebody need to have a petition to get it fixed or to have, like, a fundraiser or something to help them raise money or something, like whatever they need. i'm sure the community will help out with. because everybody like that building. everybody loved going over there. >> vare recreation center about 100 years old, the building just deteriorated over time. >> well, the city says it, will notify the parent around here, of when, where and how all the programs here will be moving to other open rec centers throughout philly. alex, mike, the how part for many here, questioning this, is how will their kids who walked here every day get to the further away rec centers, once they make this plan snub. >> i mean, does the building get unsafe in a matter of hours? wouldn't this be gradually happening over years? >> warning, something? >> little bit. >> all right, steve, thank you. 6:37. the judge handling jerry sandusky appeal will soon announce the charges will be thrown out or if he will get a new trial. the judge says he will announce his decision at noon today. seventy-three year old sandusky is serving 30-zero six year state prison sentence after being convicted in 2012 of abusing ten boys. san it is did i is, g he didn't get adequate representation by his lawyers during the trial. and that prosecutors didn't turn over information about victims changing their stories. >> i know. it is 6:38 and we haven't done a mold report. are you ready? >> it is time. >> okay. class also resume in a few hours at philadelphia's john b kelly elementary. officials found mold in parts of the school and closed it for cleaning since thursday. school officials say the billing will be 100% mold free when it reopens in a couple of hours. >> prosecutors have announced charges against 18 inmates, in a deadly hostage take-over at a delaware prison. sixteen of 18 inmate, they face first degree murder and assault, two other facing kidnapping charges. prosecutors say, inmates at the vaughn correctional center kidnapped four corrections officers and hell them hostage. you remember this story, we've covered this. >> right here on the show. >> from february 1st to february 2nd. they injured two officers, and you remember sergeant steve floyd died. >> yes, the video was horrible. >> all right, 460 people in bethlehem will soon be out after job, because wells fargo is closing down its call sent their. a spokesperson for the company says the building is slated to close in 60 days. they say the closure, result of customers asking for more self-service options, oh, boy, automation, like on-line banking, because of that, there has been decrease in direct calls from customers. >> 6:39. bucks county principal who decided to sleep on the roof of his school, i'm sure he's little cold this morning, but this story will warm your heart. i knew. >> principal oh, i like what you did, that's nice. >> thank you. so lauren has been out there, all night, whether did he get up? >> reporter: he went up yesterday at 2:30 p.m. what time is it now? 6:30 something? he's still up there. people still surprised he's still up there, yes, mike? >> people throwing stuff up to him? >> reporter: oh, no, no, no, they're yelling up there, because they can't believe he's still there. he has a basket. that's how we sent him microphone, and able to talk to us this morning, good morning. >> good morning, how are you. >> i'm great. i know you're coal, you got a hoodie, got your eagles skull cap onto stay warm. >> absolute. >> i what else are you doing to stay warm up there? >> the running man. >> show me. >> oh, i got to do the running man. >> good for you. >> whatever works. >> whatever works, right? how did you ends up on the roof? >> we made a challenge to the kids and the community that we raise $8,000 for money, for our school, in houston, called wolf elementary. i spent a night on the roof. >> you were $900 short. >> we made some fun, put some energy into it, we had hot chocolate social from 6:00 to 8:00. kids came out, took selfies, so all fun, all good stuff for good cause. >> what lesson do you think your children are learning from having being a part of this? >> just ongoing stuff, act every kindness our district initiative think kindness, just, you know, dot right thing at the right time. it can make somebody's day. >> 800 kids. >> yep. >> $10 apiece all it took? >> that's what we're looking at, yes, where the number 8,000 came from. >> so you say you're not done yet. >> this will continue into the holidays? >> this will continue. this is just a start. we made a commitment to wolf elementary for the entire year to do things to help to support them in anyway possible. which means the holidays are coming. thanksgiving dinners, maybe turkeys, jackets, clothing, i mean, whatever they need we are working closely with the pto down there. they'll inform us what's needed we will work with them to get them what they need. >> we got carson wentz jerry? >> beautiful thing. so we reached out to all of the philly sport teams saying if they could donate some stuff that we could auction off, make more money to make our case, but got authentic carson wentz shirt, which i'm sure my son will say dad put a lot of money on that jersey. >> the hottest selling jersey, too long, on the top of newtown middle school. he's going to be up there until the last bus pulls out. mike and alex he tells me that's usually around 8:00. so we will stay with here with him. sent the mike up in the basket. maybe someone can deliver breakfast to sent that up there? that's nice. got to be hungry. >> why don't you go up in the basket and warm -- >> stop it. >> and hug him. hey, lauren, some of our -- i love our good day viewers. number of people have said he's quite attractive. is he sing snell. >> oh, my gosh. >> i have seen that. do you want me to put him on the spot though? have sure. it is a simple question. are you sing snell. >> all right. we'll put you on the spot. some of our viewers on twitter have said: hey, tim long, he's a hotty. and we want to know if you're sing snell. >> i'm not. i'm happily married. >> he's off the mack, folks. >> happily married. >> he's a married man. >> he's married -- okay. well, that's out of the question then. we have to move on. >> we hate to deliver that news to the ladies throughout. >> we are going to -- i'm going to a watch party tonight. where are you going to watch the sixers game tonight? >> where are you going to watch. >> xfinity live. >> oh, that's a good spot. we have simmons, fultz,. >> coming off the bench. >> off the ben: sixers are load with young stars, can they lead us to greatness? >> can we go it greatness? >> we look at the roll players who will be crucial tonight, too. what about robert cover inning ton? what about it, j? >> don't sleep on tj. don't sleep on robert covington. he was on the cover. did you see that? >> who is -- >> the cover of the daily news. >> the sixers beginning their season tonight against the washington wizards, all eyes on embiid, simmons, but the sixers have bench players, too, role players, jenn fred is over at 97.5, the phanatic, hi, jen. >> i'm here with the cuz, good morning, baby. >> good morning. >> here you are. your welcome. >> i love it, i love it. >> we're going to talk about big ben and joel in the 7:00 hour. right now we have to talk about the supporting cast. >> all right, let's start with this man. >> dario. >> dario, say it, sharish. >> did you go eat yet? >> sharks. >> exactly. >> right? so dario is an important figure here. because overlet, elite players, with ben, and joe, and you need a selfless guy like dario. >> okay. >> dario really a good ball players, plays from croatia. >> i love it. >> he came from the club culture, very euro. >> yes. >> he's cool. right? he hangs out the grand cafe, on market street, on chestnut street. >> and he's a team player, though, he wants to builds the team. >> here's what's really important. he developed his three-point shot. 's good shooter but it has gotten better. and you want him to become an important stretch for, you know what that means? >> tell me. >> it mean you're a big man, the four-four, the pour forward, and go behind the three-point line, and that opens up space. >> they don't know what's happening. >> right? so guard him out there, then you're ben, you can driver the lanes. >> love it. now, i brought some arts and crafts. >> we got props? >> sporting equipment, straight from brody frederick's bedroom. >> way. >> you say markell, will come off the bench meaning he won't start. it is a baseball. or a basketball. it is -- >> not real a basketball. >> whatever. so weaver this. you say his aau coach markell's aau coach messed him up lit bill? >> what happened, his jump shot is off. you can see it, it has become a concern, so he was toying with the jump shop. his aau coach was doing it, the problem is his guide hand on the ball is here, it is supposed to be here. >> he needs herb magee. >> when you shoot, all you do is this, and you dip in the holy waterment that's how it is supposed to be. fllow through. dip in the holy water. but what he's doing, he has his guide hands here, so it is almost affecting everything on his release point. >> i smell a heck intervention. >> yes. >> herb magee coming in saving the shot. robert covington, uncle sung hero but makes it work. >> plays great defense, he can shoot, big year for him, contract year. is he going to be resigned? and with ben and joe, there will be shots, he's got to knock down open shots, got to knock down three pointers. want to shoot a lot of three's, will be important for robert covington to do that. >> no pressure here liver on good day philadelphia. we have the basket here from brody frederick's bedroom. >> oh. game one. >> you made it off camera. gets another chance. oh, no. >> all right, you have until 7:45. >> that was weak. >> but a foul. >> he did get fouled. so anyway, we will do more of this at 7:45, and your welcome. >> thank you, jen, that's great. >> i tell if you, ant can't be a biggers sixers fan. he's all in as they say, bob. he's all in. >> all in. 6:50. we're all involved, everybody's involvd in this shutdown, 95, we got tractor-trailer accident, this is 95 northbound 413. it is right in the construction zone. and there is no wiggle room. because this is that stretch where they don't have the shoulder. it goes into a tight squeeze. i went through this area yesterday. when i headed up to the school that i was at yesterday. here is a look, again, 95 northbound, there is the tractor-trailers kind of squeezed inbetween the barriers. and look at these guys, these, stacking up quick, like the pancakes, so if you're headed north on 95, your best bet, jump off at woodhaven road, that will get you over to the boulevard, then take route one north, to reconnect with 95. again, they can't even get in there because there is no shoulder, they have to come in on the opposite way southbound side. south on 95, we accident off to the shoulder here at cottman avenue. and then for the gang coming up from the airport, for delco, and overturned vehicle, north on 95, as you approach the platt bridge. that's causing delays. and then 20 minute delays on the broad street subway. she's back. little cough drop and big cup of tea, but she has the forecast in 15 seconds. >> cough drop and a cup of tea. ya, not a bad idea this morning, and nice warm jacket. we've got a frost advisory in effect for these counties here, cumberland, atlantic, part of burlington, ocean counties, pine barens of new jersey basically possibly getting some frost this morning. 40 degrees in allentown, 40 in lancaster, we're at 48 here in the city but as predicted the suburbs are chillierment pottstown, 37 doylestown, 36 degrees, almost frosty, about the in millville. but 53 in cape may. forty-five in rehoboth beach. headed to 71 today. seventy-two tomorrow. seventy-three friday. the morning won't be quite as cold tomorrow and friday with a southerly wind. sunday, as well, next chance of rain, actually, isn't until monday night, mike and alex and that of course is when the eagles play at the linc. >> i'm going to go out for the first half that far game. starts at 8:30, listen to this, ever and love it, his name, and i love it when he is doing, he is painting a mural on the side of our building. thank you for the suggestions, he uses spray paint here. which animals should we put up? more of your suggestions after the break. where are we? about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online and choose what's right for you. woah. flo and jamie here to see hqx. flo and jamie request entry. slovakia. triceratops. tapioca. racquetball. staccato. me llamo jamie. pumpernickel. pudding. employee: hey, guys! home quote explorer. it's home insurance made easy. password was "hey guys." >> fourth and market, a guy by the name of loveit, done four, five murals around the city of different animals. the one i like was the raccoon eating a pretzel. role do one here where you are suggesting what animal to use on the side of our building, and he uses spray paint, alex. >> amazing, getting started there. we wanted to have this on, you know, philadelphia known to be a mural city, right? we have thousands of murals here. >> i thought ryan said we had some example every his work before. >> here are some of the tweet. someone said how about a twinge win eating water nice. >> i like that one a lot. >> or shark eating a cheese steak. >> someone said white swirl. >> i love this one, raccoon eating a pretzel. also did a big pigeon eating stuff, different animals. >> a fawn jawn. >> an oh, a deer. >> what it look like before yesterday. >> the side of our building from yesterday afternoon. there is the pigeon. oh, i love that one. >> that's good, he's do the fox. but what animal should he use? keep the suggestions going. i love the squirrel. >> bite it, make sure it is real. >> this one called the fawn jawn. >> fawn jawn. spar owing yacking at each other. >> i love it. so anyway, keep the suggestions coming, okay. >> and he's get to go work. >> 6:57 now. >> so, we're going to go back to middletown, newtown middle school. because principal tim long, oh, look, skyfox is up there. so we can get good look at his set up. he has been there all night. he's been camping outment we'll check back in with him and explain more about why, and what he's doing there on the roof. hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. >> this is good day philadelphia. tanks you. we hope. more than just a new season, sixers fans, are hoping tonight is the start after new era, embiid, fultz, can they take the sixers back to the top of the basketball world? ouch. gruesome start to the season for the sixers, next opponent. the injury that will likely side line the bosses ton celtics big free agent signing, for the rest of the season. >> it served a philadelphia community for decades. but now, it is closed, for the foreseeable future. >> now what are our children going to do, just sit around, and just be on the corners. >> safety concerns force the city to shut down the vare rec

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