Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20171011 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20171011

last night. i'm work being an hour sleep, it will be great. good day everybody it is wednesday, october the 11. >> so if you have any thoughts about last night or picture or videos, sends them in. we saw a lot of people in their best gold gear. >> yes. >> even jenn fred, did you see what she was wearing? she was at the concert. >> she had gold vest on, i had gold lamb -- lamet pant suit. >> we'll try and show later. >> i hope we do. or were you ten karat. >> one karat. >> well anyway maybe pack some carrot for your lunchtime and an umbrella, six out every ten, we have rain on the way, there is bus stop budd which his rain gear, just in case. most of our temperatures are in the 60s this morning, we got a lot of cloud cover, and a little bit every rain kind of evenly distributed around the area. there is our red sky at morning, it is quai dramatic out there. 67 degrees, and we're moments away from our official sunrise time of 7:07. how much sun we're going to see, well, probably not that much throughout the day. 73 degrees by lunchtime. high temperature of 75. bob kelly? >> hey, sue, 7:02, good morning, everybody, couple of accident here, first of all, eastbound, on the schuylkill expressway, an accident right here near the gladwynn interchange, actually, between gladwynn and conshy. look at this guy here in the right lane. got kim of vehicles. police aren't even on the scene yet. looks like they're trying to work their way up. again it is eastbound on the schuylkill. just east of the 476 interchange. so that's going to tie us up, coming out of king of prussia. get words of a five car pile up, east on 422, right at the stowe inch change. right there where they're doing bridge connecticut vukovich sean, skyfox on the way, we will take you there live when we arrive. couple of delays on the regional rails. septa's thorndale and doylestown line, both running with delays this morning. had a nasty accident yesterday. a truck smacked into the overpass along route one. near oxford valley road. they're coming out today to make sure that everything is still good to go. so emergency inspections, that's going to bring us delays today up there in langhorne. otherwise, watch for delays crossing town on the vine street expressway. and no problems on the bridges, mike and alex back to you. >> as you know so many people watch "good day" live philadelphia have relatives who have moved out to california. so let's tell you about what's going on in the golden state. it is red. california says it has at least 17 people now are dead. and 2,000 homes and businesses flattened. seventeen fires burning out of control rid now. a hundred thousand acres, 30,000 people have been evacuated. so stay tuned here, we will take you live to this devestation, especially, in northern california. they still have not did the dollars for over 100 people. this is -- i don't know. normally it is moving slowly enough that people can escape. the thing moved so fast it is killing people. >> those winds. >> hopefully they can get out. >> seeing the before and after pictures, the damage just incredible. >> said they've never seen anything like it, clock zero four. drexel associate professor already made headlines, this recent, the recent tweets he put out there, also an article, well, has put him on administrative leave. >> leave the campus. but not for his controversial posts per say. that's what started it. he's getting death threats, steve? >> yes, and twitter only gives him 140 characters, to tweet things, that people didn't like, that turned out that threaten him afterward. but, the washington post gave him 12 big paragraphs, to explain himself yesterday morning, and so now for the thirds time eggs' got drexel police on the alert and giving television and radio talk shows way more material after another tweet storm that puts a cloud over the campus here, and in turn, got him put on leave. now, in a statement, drexel said, quote, this is a necessary step to ensure the safety of our campus. now, he called that bowing to pressure from racist internet trolls writing in this very lengthy washington post opinion editorial, drexel has sent the wrong signal. while the signal, he got sent from so many people, and threatening tweets, is what's got drexel on the heighten al letter, and he put a lot of those threats in his editorial. leaving out the curses, but putting the little dashes inbetween, the letters on each side of the curse, so you don't miss a thing, guys. >> okay, let's stay on that story, thanks, steve. 7:05. >> police investigating a triple shooting out of south philadelphia, 1900 block every south bonnsal street. just before 11:00 last night. police found three men shot, two in the leg, and one in the foot. all three are in the hospital in stable condition. no word yet on a suspect or motive. >> okay. front page of the paper today. there seems to be more to this story than we told you yesterday. hit and gun death. temple student rams miami cop, comes open fire. and now there is a debate about this. the metro newspaper has the same article and the same insight on this temple student shot and killed by police while visiting miami. so, some cell phone video that we showed you yesterday shows carryann hithon in black bmw right after a collision. she races off, hits a police officer, that's when another officer fires three shots striking her, police believe carryann and her passenger, ryan luck as, were drinking heavily. officials now say she had six run in's with police before but not in florida. you know she transferred to temple from hampton university out of virginia. but, in virginia she was charged at one point with misdemeanor assault, battery, marijuana possession, and lying about her identity to a police officer. not sure, this is just information that we have been give glenn uh-huh. >> doesn't have much to do with what happened down there. so they're investigating what happened in miami. >> but still, so many people still have so many questions about what happened. >> well, and there is to beneficial word that they were drinking. >> will you had you? >> just kind after indication. so got to get the fact here, okay? >> we will stay on t7:07. >> in berks county police are searching for the person who murdered a 23 year old woman, and dumped her in a wooded area. police in lower heidelberg say they found madison marie's body sunday in a area of rydel road and she is from readingment detective are waiting for toxicology results as they continue to investigate. well the story that's dominated headlines for weeks and months, it goes back to last year. it really height then football season, appears the nfl now wants to move on from the national nan them controversy. >> the question, thomas, how do they plan to do that? >> that's the major question here. perhaps the nfl feeling the pressure here. does it come down to the bottom line? we know that anthem protests will be front and center at the nfl owners meeting come next week. the nfl currently has no explicit rule requiring players to stand during the anthem, although, their game day operations manual says they should stand. owners could decide to really change that language, to must stand. nfl commissioner roger goodel sent letter to all 32 teams, saying the league needs to move past this controversy, of course, after cowboys owner jerry jones said any player who disrespects the american flag, will not play for his team. so this that memo goodel says like many of our fans we believe that everyone should stand for the national anthem, went ton say the controversy over the anthem is a barrier to having honest conversations, in making real progress on the underlying issues. all right, so, eagles safety malcolm jenkins says despite that memo players around the league will continue to raise awareness about social injustice. >> i think that would be unfortunate decision f that's all that came out of it. if there was no effort to continue or to replace the platform that the guys have been using, to draw attention to, you know, issues in our country, there is no effort to assist players, in that, then i think it would be very, very unfortunate. and i don't think that will go over well. >> you may remember, jenkins, goodel, eagles chairman jeffrey lurie and civic lead he is met last month for open discussion on the issues, they say it was a really good start. owners once again scheduled to meet next week in manhattan. their regular fall meeting. it was schedule before the anthem controversy was amplified. but sure to be talk b by the way just few minute ago, mike and alex, president trump tweeted this. it is about time that roger goodel of the nfl is finally demands that all players stand for our great national anthem. respect our country. you know what they say, more to come on this one. >> that's it. >> certainly more to come. >> we'll see what happens tomorrow night with our eagles and panthers, all right, 7:10. >> this is also happening, though, at the high school. and college level. football player at albright college in reading has been dismissed from the team after take ago knee during the national anthem. this is before saturday's game. the albright lions decided as a team it take a needing during the coin toss, then were going to stand during the national anthem as a sign of unity. well 19 year old guy re did your and the went down on one knee during the national anthem. according to school officials the freshman quarterback didn't tell anyone about his plan to kneel. he was dis schmidt for his decision to not support team unity. >> president trump is going to be in pennsylvania today. i guess more like this evening. he will talk about tax overhaul. he'll be speaking to law makers in harrisburg, yes, this evening. president trump is pushing the largest tax cut in us history, promise to go create jobs, and boost the economy. >> but his real problem may be in washington, though. and that's where doug lou said is her now. >> hey, doug? >> good morning, and the president is looking at kind of coordinated effort today on tax reform, he's been tweet being it this morning, heist the appearance of pennsylvania later today. this is big priority for the administration and republican establishment in general. the problem is congress is running out of time. >> i didn't under cut anybody. >> president trump meeting with former secretary of state, henry kissinger at the white house, talking about recent drama involving white house staff. but, his priority today will be taxes, a major overhaul of the entire system. but getting it through congress will be extremely challenging. specially, with a continuing feud between the president and gop senator bob corker. with the president making fun of the senator's height on twitter yesterday. corker is a player, a big player, on foreign policy and his portfolio doesn't stop& there. >> he's also on the budget committee. ' as lot to do with tax reform, all of those things are real important to the president. why he would pick a fight with somebody we know that when he's inch sotted her, he likes to hit back ten times harder. >> while house frustration with congress, though, is plainly clear. >> they've campaign on tax reform, hopefully we see that happen. we're certainly committed to that, and think we'll get there. but time and time again, congress is has made promises and failed to deliver, if anyone is being alienated it is people that are promising things and not delivering on them. >> all right, the president is also trying to tap down rumors every pending white house staff shake up. the idea the chief of staff john kelly, may be about to leave. the president tweeting yesterday, this story is totally made up by the dishonest media. chief doing fantastic job for me and more importantly for the usa. mike and alex. >> okay. you haven't seen any tweets from our president about what emanem did last night at the bet awards? >> you know what? if you seen in. >> i've steen. >> yes, i've not seen it yet. but it is making the rounds of social media and everything. at last check i had not seen the tweet from the president about it. i would not be surprised if we see something. >> oh, it is coming. and i'm going to go home and make sure i watch the presidential briefing by sarah sanders today. because that will be -- he's got to respond to what emanem did last night, it has been trending, everyone talking about it. >> doug, see you tomorrow. >> thank you, doug. so talking about yes, emanem, you know, at the bet awards, the rappers come together they just freestyle, let it out, whatever they want to talk, about however they want to do it. >> this one taped in a parking garage. >> always taped usually and they play them during the bet awards, but good point. not live. >> and he blasted trump. than was a four and a half minute freestyle rap. and so he talk about how he feels about trump, and he feels trump has been basically talking about what's happening, with the nfl, and the players kneeling, distraction from what's really happening, what's really going on no north korea and taxes. >> and puerto rico, the victims. so after he stops with all of this different issues went through all of this, he capped it off with a message to his fans. >> and any fan of mine who is a supporter of his, i'm drawing in the sands a line you either for or against, and if you can't decide who you look more in your split, on who you should stand beside, i'll do it for you with this. >> well, you know what that said. >> you can imagine. >> and then he put his face into the lens and said well hey trump. so, the president is going to have to respond to that. >> and he doesn't have to, but usually he does respond. >> but, you know he will. >> but he's already been tweeting this morning, so if he does responds we'll let you now. >> following deadly wild fires in california of course that have killed 17 people. thousands of acres burned, 2,000 homes and businesses, down to rubble, and they can't finds a lot of people. >> and so fox's allison bash is her live in nappa county california, and the winds seem to be the issue why they can't seem to stop there is right, allison? >> reporter: right, people seem to say it is sort of a perfect storm. this is typically the time of year when wild fires happen northern california. people say it is a lot worse than other years, a lot because these fires over dozen every them popped up within a 24 hour time span. people hearsay that again, it is like a perfect storm. there is vegetation that's dried out, there are these heavy diablo winds, that means anything, whether it was a little match, spark, something, could turn into a big fire, and here, it has. at least 100,000 acres have been damaged. we're in a area of one of the biggers fire, sonoma county, nappa counties, two bigger areas, this is known as the at lan fire, already burned over 27,000 acres, many of this country's most beautiful vinyards in this area behind me, was one of them. you can see, it has been completely destroyed. what was here before isn't here any more. one issue people this this area are having trouble communicating with each other. fire officials as well as people that live here, because those cell towers were also hit by the fires. >> hey, they say that five winery, a lot of our folks that watch our show, they make it out to northern northern california. i think it every has a trip one time to nappa valley on the bucket littles. which wineries are gone? >> this one right here is cigna rello, nappa county, at least five different ones that have been just destroyed. but you can see, if you have ever been to this winery before, you probably would not recognize it now. the rubble goes all the way back, you can sort of see tents as if, you know, an air where people may have sat outside, what would have been the other side of whatever structure this was right here. it is just nothing but rubble. you can't really see all of it mark in the camera. but there is ashes, casino every just floating all around me, almost looks like little pieces of snow. >> okay, allison, thank you, nice report there. we just put up picture of little town called coughare you park, near santa rosa. that's what it look like what day before yesterday not morning, by afternoon it was gone. >> and that's what just shows how fast this fire is spreading and morning. you think about oh, they may have some time to get their things. no, when you have to leave, do you have leave. >> where are the 100 people they can't find? unbelievable. 7:17. here's sue. >> wish we could give them some of our rain, that certainly would help. but it is confined to this side of the country i'm afraid. pretty complicated the water patterns we have today. front stalled to the south. another to the north. and everything kind of moving toward us from below and from the sides. so quickly look at where the rain is right now. we go up to the north. there is delaware county, where we have some very light rain around concord township, go little further north, and part of there is holland pa with some rain, down to the south of us. there is rain in dover, delaware, and part of cape may county, as well, including wildwood, where there might be steady rain at this point. we will be around the 70s today. probably not getting out of the 60s tomorrow. and you see, just occasional showers on and off throughout both days, but more today than tomorrow. as far as rain is concerned. temperatures as you walk out the door mostly in the 60s, but we have 70 degrees in dover, 70 degrees in wildwood. we're head to the mid 70s today. mid 60s tomorrow and friday. by saturday and sunday, though, there is warming trend being which is nice timing just it time for the weekend, but then cool off towards the beginning every next week. don't forget to join us on rat yesterday all morning long 101.1 more fm. and bob, you have got more to tell us about right now? >> yes, look live from skyfox, 7:19. i'll step aside here as emergency vehicles are coming up the center, of the dividing line here. this is 422, eastbound, approaching the stowe interchange. we are getting word of a multi vehicle crash, we will see it in a second, four, five vehicles involved. and here comes the crash scene, again, on the eastbound side right where they've been doing construction, obviously already couple every medical vehicles on the scene here these guys westbound side, but eastbound 422, five cars there, altogether. only that far right shoulder getting on through. again, it is the eastbound side of 422, coming out of pottstown, heading into the stowe interchange, and here is the scene right there. so anybody leaving pottstown, we passed the limerick power plant, from skyfox, as we flew over to that area. you just got to give you an idea so you can allow some extra time. eastbound schuylkill schuylkill, early morning accident near 476 respect causing back up for everything comincoming in from king of prussia. some delays on both the media elwyn and the doylestown regional rail line. yesterday afternoon, we had nasty crash along route one near sesame place, oxford valley road. they just finished reconstructing this overpass, and a truck smacked into the beam, so they're coming out today ma make emergency inspections. so expect delays along route one just off of 95. they will be out there right after the rush hour is over, alex, back over to you. >> thank you, clock 20, forget about a test drive. how about a test buy? why one major auto maker is letting you bring your new car back, with no questions asked. , and it is an invasion. have you seen these spotted lantern flies? oh, apparently some people are saying they're everywhere all over their trees and plant. and if you haven't seen them yet we hear they're coming your way. so we will finds some solutions for you, in the next hour of good day. cancer challenges us. to find smarter solutions. to offer more precise and less invasive treatment options than before. like advanced genomic testing and immunotherapy. see how we're fighting to outsmart cancer at it's been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back. >> i wish i had a pick that far red one! >> right, or just i'm not really sure about there is then you feel like, you know what they say, once you drive it off the lot the price goes down. >> that's right. depreciates like in half or something. lauren, so, hyundai has a new policy about returning? >> test buy. you buy that car, you don't like it, return it. three days later. so you have three days to determine if you like the red, if, i don't know, whatever. and if you have driven less than 300 miles in those three days, fine, bring it on back. why is hyundai doing this? their sales are down. for the first time in a while. they're also moving their business on line in a big way, where you can basically get the best prices do all of the paperwork on line, before you head into the dealership to pick up the car. i know you're saying well isn't that the point after test drive, so you don't have to return the car, you see if you like it, but i don't know about you guys, i feel so stressed during a test drive. the guy is sitting next to you. you got -- i feel like he's rating my driving. i got to figure out all of the button, you snow. >> not concentrating. >> what i want to know is if i return it, will i still get all my money back? or does it depreciate? >> i believe so. >> okay. >> i like this a lot you. >> get your money back. >> hyundai good car. >> so you think others will do the same? >> i think they almost have to. >> i hope so. >> yes. >> but three days? why not four? five? or two? >> weekend, i bet. >> arbitrary. >> yes. >> three days. >> yes, get it on a friday, return on a monday. yes. you just can't, you know, dirty it up. >> or go on road trip or anything? >> no, stuff it, stickies. >> well one that's shorter than 300 miles, i think you can do what you want as long as you don't get the odometer above 300. >> maybe i'll just keep test drying dares for three days a a time for like a year. >> that's a good idea. >> i think they'll keep tabs. >> and then you never have to buy a car, basically free wheels. >> awesome. >> i'll try that over the next six month, lauren, let you know how that goes. there is some fine print. >> appreciate it. >> see you tomorrow. >> how about this harvey weinstein? this guy is cook, man. some big time hollywood actresses continue to come forward with allegations of sexual assault. and now, there is that shocking audio. capturing him basically admitting to groping women. we will play that tape for you. >> and jenn fred is at reading terminal market this morning. >> hey. >> yes, we all hear about meal prep, right? getting ready for the week ahead? who wants to spends all weaken getting ready to be healthy. we'll tell you how to save time and money and you don't have to do this this fancy. they do it fanny. >> okaying allegations keep coming, harvey weinstein facing more accusations from hollywood actresses, the possible legal trouble he now faces. >> oh, he's in trouble. and, the new phone, we have new phone issues, too. what you can do, if you're having problems already, with your iphone eight. our tech expert, is here. you ever heard, sue, of a swollen battery? hum? >> in a phone? >> yes. >> well that's the last thing i expect to swell. >> your battery? >> in a phone. ya. >> ya? >> i'm going to learn something just like bus stop buddy on his way to school. with his umbrella, temperatures in the 60s, off to mild start, but it is not as mild as yesterday. here at reason for the umbrella, scattered showers throughout the region this morning, a lot of cloud cover, as well, sun is trying to burn through, unsuccessfully for most of us, 67 degrees right now. and yesterday, eight had degrees, 69 is the normal high, for this time in october, we forgot it was october yesterday. it was so summary. well, today, we're headed to the mid 70s, so, still above average, but not as mild as yesterday. showers, thunderstorms, will be around, as well, especially, south of philadelphia. so, that's your, what's today, wednesday forecast. bob kelly, you got more about this accident on 422? >> yes, good morning, sue. 7:31, looking live from scott fox, hello pottstown, rough go, eastbound 422, five car pile up near the stowe interchange. couple of folks injured, taken away in a rescue squad, eastbound own l far right shoulder getting on through, firefighters still there. going to the maps there is will cause major back up, for everybody coming in, east on 422, it is right at the stowe interchange, right where they've been doing the construction for that new bridge, here is a live look at an accident on 95, it is southbound 95 right near columbus boulevard, little hazy, i don't think we got dirty camera lens, plus i don't think the fog is that bad there in south philly but just watch for delays thereon 95, the schuylkill expressway, eastbound, and an accident just east of 476, so that's causing back up from king of prussia on in. and both the media elwyn and the doylestown lines, running with some delays this morning. mike and alex back over to you. >> 7:32, while sleeping, some more allegations have come out. >> talking about gwyneth paltrow and angelina, growing the growing list of women accusing harvey of sexual harrassment. >> so gwyneth says that weinstein invited her to his sweet, how tell suite, when she was 22 years old. and suggested they go to the bedroom for massages. meanwhile, angelina jolie is saying she had a bad experience, with weinstein, when she was young, as well. and chose to never work with him again. but didn't speak out about it. >> other public figures are speaking out about the allegations, including president trump, who said he was not surprised, hillary clinton says she's shocked and appalled by it, and most recently former president and mrs. obama wearing in saying they're discussed, and some people saying how long it took to them and speak out against it because harvey weinstein donated several millions to the democratic party, when they were running. the allegations range from sexual harrassment to rape. the new yorker posted audio recordings every weinstein during 2015 stings opening where you can hear him trying to convince an italian model, trying to convince her to come into his room. they're in a hotel hallway. here it is. >> disgusting, justice misses her, kim rotweiler our legal expert here, by the way, she is from usual, right, a model? >> she was miss italy. >> missy italy. there she is right there. >> andrea. >> so she did absolutely say no, and then he says okay, good-bye. inch tow mated woe never talk to her again. he swore on his wife and children's lives he wouldn't touch her breasts again like he did, done the day before, allegedly. >> by the way his wife, his wife announced yesterday that she going to divorce him. this is his wife of ten years. this is distinguishable by the way, then from the cosby situation. because remember camille cosby stayed by bill cosby. and that's important it a jury by the way. in this particular case, if it ever gets into a courtroom the fact that his wife when these allegations almost immediately said you know what, we're getting a divorce. you agree it indicates? she probably new this was going on. >> if ever goes to a courtroom. how likely would it be in women coming out of california, woman from new york. >> now dealing with statute of limitations, big in the cost did i situation, so california ten year statute against ten years, so unless it happened within the last ten years probably won't be prosecuted in california. but, new york has no statute of limitations. this videotape that you just watched is something, a sting that happened in new york so they can still prosecute under new york law. >> but it is an audio tape, and the police set it up. >> they did. >> right. >> because of what happened to her the day before. >> correct. >> so they chose, the dea, said he listened to the tape. they didn't press charges two years ago, because they said nothing really happened. >> well, they said actually that they couldn't proof intent. so see under new york law you have to prove that you intended to do something criminal, in terms every his sexual conduct. what they said was listening to the tape it is not clear that he was actually trying to grope her. >> ugh. >> we can interpret anyway we want now, but they go back now if they want to and still prosecute. remember what happened here in pennsylvania, remember bruce castor did bring charges bun they a lot of public pressure then kevin steel did bridge charges, i think the same thing can happen here. a lot more women that come out and talk about the sexual abuse of harvey weinstein. >> it is interesting though, because he announce that he went to europe. >> he threw to europe yesterday. >> because he is getting treatment. >> flying the coup. >> is that also going to play a factor, trying to get this in the courtroom, the fact he's in europe? >> no, no, no, he'll come back. let me tell you something, you know what i thought was interesting? when gwyneth paltrow was groped by him back in the 90s, she went back and told her boyfriend, brad pitt. brad pitt then confronted half weinstein at gala at some function and basically said to harvey weinstein, do you that again to my girlfriend, you and i got a big problem. >> and it never happened again. >> it never happened again. you don't want to mess with brad pitt. >> learning this has happened with so many women. and it is not just harvey weinstein who knew about this and the women he was, you know, trying -- >> the new yorker article. >> the board every directors even they they came out you have no idea, but some employees came forward saying, you know, we new this was happening, can something happening to them? they new -- >> i don't think anything can happen to them criminally but subject to civil lawsuit. so probably going to be some civil lawsuits over there is against harvey weinstein. heist lot every monday i consideration bring lawsuit against him, also lawsuit against i think 16 boards members of the weinstein company that they can also sue. because remember, there are eight settlement here, so lots and lots of money paid to the victims, and the argument is that the board had to know about it. >> so his spokesperson made a statement and said basically, listen there is isn't true. every time i had a sexual relationship with one every these women, it was consent all. >> well, this goes back to the old cast and couch thing. most people know about this. >> this has been talk about in hollywood year after year after year. they even made jokes at the academy awards. >> about this? >> well, remember that? they put up five pictures of actresses, said you got your nomination out, you don't have to pretends that you find harvey weinstein attractive any more. it was a citcom where they use that same thing. >> it became a joke. everybody in hollywood new about harvey weinstein. >> it sounds like it is not just harvey weinstein. terry cruz came out, he had a series of tweets, he said hey this is evening happening to men it, wasn't harvey weinstein, but another hollywood executive, the kind of stuff that's goes on. >> i have a case in my offers right now after woman sexual abuse ago man, this is not gender specific t does happen with men more than women. but the law -- >> it happens with women more than men. >> women more man men. i meant it happens with men, being more powerful, and subjecting themselves on women. so, you know there is case, we're going to keep hearing about this, probably more women coming out today i'm sure next week we will be tack being this even more. >> not just politics or entertainment or hollywood after stuff like. that will i know i would say 90% of the women who work in the tv business, that i worked with in my long, long career, have had an incident like this. not as severe maybe as that one. easily 90% of tv reporters and anchors, have had something like this happen. and we normally just do fun things on twitter. you know? asking people. why don't we do something serious? has this ever happened? because it happens in all walks of life. >> sure. it has to do with power. it is the power position of the person who subjects themselves on somebody else. so this does happen to both men and women. yes, you're right, mike it, happens in the just in it. v. not just? movies t hams in law offices it, happens in offices all throughout the city going on dale. >> i if you go on twitter you don't have to explain ex what exactly happened many but very her to deal with this in your life, as a woman, and also, i guess, as a man? >> correct. >> all right, ken. >> shed some light on what's going on. >> you truly don't think he he flew to europe to stay in europe? >> no, i don't think he flew to europe to stay. i think to show people that he's trying to get help and trying to rehabilitate himself. i don't think it will work. >> because he can get treatment in the u.s. >> he can get plenty of treatment at facilities here, that's right. >> quick break, big news about soccer, usa soccer, after the break. what can you do with two bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches for $5 from dunkin'? settle a debt. make a friend. save the day. or keep 'em both for this handsome devil. with two bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches for $5 the future is in your hands. america runs on dunkin'. doctor. doctor. i played a doctor on tv, but now i'm helping save lives for real. starting with my own. i'm partnering with cigna healthspring to remind everyone how important preventive care is for people my age. see anything, doctor? looks great, doctor. and with cigna healthspring medicare advantage, you get a team of doctors overseeing your health. most preventive services are covered. so go, know, and take control of your health. oh... use mine, doctor. cigna healthspring. together, all the way. grit. some have it. some don't. when the odds are stacked against you, you either hide, or stand up. at strayer university, we've seen it in our students for 125 years. and if you ever think of quitting, our success coaches will be there to pick you up, and work with you every day to put you on the right path. it's time. strayer university. let's get it. >> i can't believe this, a blow for usa soccer, the men's national team failed to qualify for the world cup. they lost to trinidad last night in a two to one shocking defeat. they were a huge favorite. i think trinidadian tobego will have national holiday. think ranked 92nd in the worlds? >> oh, they're still celebrating for sure. >> so the world cup is next year, in russia. >> so this is it? just not in it? now just watching just to watch other countries? >> yes, but now i'm going to take on -- i have to root for out countries. >> well, germany, defending champion is in it. egypt. >> i like egypt. >> iran is in it. >> and iceland. >> oh, iceland. i've always wanted. >> i'm going for iceland. >> miss iceland could be, you know -- >> what's wrong with you, bob? you have six kids. >> okay. >> luckily his mike was off, nobody heard. >> well, i heard him. miss iceland is attractive apparently. >> what? >> he would know stuff like. >> looks up miss iceland. >> yes. >> all right, i always think before you tweet. after the usa lost, to trinidad, tobego, shocker, congressman brendan bog tweet that. >> he said i was real disappointed the usa didn't qualify for the worlds cup, then i remembered i couldn't careless about soccer. >> he got ripped. he got ripped because there are so many soccer fans in our area. no idea soccer fans were such snowflakes. >> guys, do yourselves a favor, watch the baseball playoffs. your welcome. look at him. >> well, that didn't help. >> the clap back, didn't he? wow. >> well, that didn't help. i guess he's letting you know, he doesn't care. >> he'll tweet again today. >> you think? >> just kidding. >> just kidding. >> you think the hate is that bad? i guess he's not -- >> do you know how many soccer fans are in the philadelphiaer? >> the sons every ben, philadelphia uniony? guess he doesn't pay attention. >> every kid who has socks, plays soccer, every parent knows that. >> i do feel like every kid growing up, like they played little bit of soccer, like right every passage. >> you know how many soccer games just watch my kid go back and forth. >> i just pick up the grass, i was cut from the team. >> then we give him juice box, we stop by chuck-e-cheese, we go home. >> yes. >> yes. >> jenn fred knows all about soccer one at one of our favorite places, reading terminal market. hi, jen. >> guys, talking about meal prep. number one, how much time does he have to we have to spend per week? we'll ask that question. and what's under here that's going to make meal prep easy? you've got all of the answers? >> so easy ( floor creaks) i can't believe we're doing this! (thunder cracks) ahh! gus, you're not scared, are you? i don't like thunder! this is getting creepy! (a wolf howls in the distance) heeey ... -whoa! (shriek) did you say creepy? fang-tastic fortune. the new scratch off from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of $50 grand. that's a monster of a prize! (giggles) (laughs) keep on scratchin'! >> morning, equipment issues on the market frank forwards line, all send heard around the tioga station, looking at ten minute delays, for the commuters this morning, accident involving overturned vehicle on the lincoln drive, hot mess, they've been in this paving project, it is southbound, overturned, right near wissahickon, so, watch for delays as you roll through mt. airy. big delays, because after five car pile up on 422, and it is eastbound, right at the stowe interchange, there, as you head in toward pottstown, and then, south on 95 rolling through south philly accident right near columbus boulevard, and then this is a new situation. not sure an accident or they got this guy stopped. woodhaven road, right near the roosevelt boulevard, right by the old nabisco cookie factory to gave you a idea here. rain on the way, sue on the way, too, 15 seconds. here she comes. >> it has been an amazing sunrise, this morning, vowed more, the pocono mountains, look fantastic, see the low clouds there, but check out some of the photos, our viewers have been posting, on twitter, this morning, i have a little photo column and for you, coming up of here comes. there is one. twenty-three, four, from all over the region via twitter letting us know what's going on in your neighborhood. here is the other thing going on, though, rain, and in some cases it is a little on the heavy side. down there southern delaware, moved to the north, we so some steady lane just north every reading, very light rain, around the philadelphia area region, but there is a couple of heavy downpours down in sussex count any delaware, as well. >> have rain gear with you, 75 , and some rain, mostly in the morning, tomorrow. mostly cloudy and cool again on friday. so we really cool down for the end of the work week, for the weekend we warm back up again back to the 80s by sunday, and then we cool back down again by tuesday of next week. so a lot to keep track of. back to you. >> it is. >> they prep the meals for five days. >> oh, yes. meal prep. >> meal prep. >> but it seems so exhausting, doesn't it? to get all of that together? >> jeff has the solution over to that over at reading terminal market. >> one of the favorite people, back, good morning. >> what's up jen, how are you doing today? >> first of all give it tow moo. how much time do i have to spends on a sunday? i have stuff to do on a sunday. >> i would suggest spending hour and a half sunday meal prepping. that way you can probably make about five to ten meals, lunch, dinner, set for the week. >> the big problem area is at warning, at school, teachers, moms, everything. what do you have under your magic continue foil here? >> under the magic continue foil is your protein. >> okay. >> so, the thing with meal prep, consistency in being health. >> i and get boring. >> does get boring. so you don't want to eat blands chicken all the time. one way to do it cook three different types of chick never one pan setting. >> okay. >> certainly, make little gaps, make little bridges. dividers. >> different toppings? >> dill riff toppings. >> what do you have smear. >> so we have lemon pepper here. >> yum. >> i chile over here. >> and then mrs. dash. >> got to have mrs. dash. >> got to have mrs. dash. my laid. >> i so to work, every day? >> every day. >> other thing we are messing up is the snacking? >> we can snack all day. >> so snack something important, don't snack all day. so almond, your healthy fat. you want about 20 al months in each bag, that's about two handfuls. >> how many times a day do i get that? >> twice a day. >> okay. >> yep. >> same thing, carrot over there. don't go overboard on the carrot. and if you have a sweet tooth, i like these, little packet of peanut but ther. >> what do i put with that cookie's. >> even better, apples. drop the cookies. have the apples. >> okay. now you having? your little baby tupperware thing. >> yes. >> so whether it comes to cash hydrates, one of my favorite cash hydrates, is sweet potatoes. >> that's a win, key have that. >> that's a win. something you can also do with meal prep. >> this took me ten minutes to make. really simple. all you do, you grab the sweet poe te'o, grab a fork, poke it about five times. >> love it. >> right. >> yes. >> sprinkle little cinnamon on top. wrap it in a paper towel. microwave. five minute. right? >> i love it. >> listen. >> after the five minute, flip it, five minutes. cut it. beautiful. beautiful sweet potato. >> i'm going to make a commitment. i'm getting red of the cheetos. >> bet rid of the cheetos. >> i'm going to do this for you, and probably going to be schwinn any like, i'll see in you 2018. >> that's good. let's do it. >> thank you so much. did you a great job. >> real good job. he is so good. so are you, jen, thank you. >> and he's so right, don't want the blands chick glenn no. >> is a bad marriage bad for your health? yes. yes. but i need to have you guess this one now. do you think the wife is more stressed out? unhealthy? or the man gets more stressed out, if he's in a bad marriage? we'll ask preston and steve next. i love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. because the things you love can stink. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> hey, preston and steve, listen to this new study that we found here. proved just how strong women are, i guess. it says that a rocky marriage raises men's risk of heart attack, while women seem to be okay. they're perfectly fine. they can just kind of blow it off. and in turn, when the marriage is really good, when the marriage is really good, men are health year, apparently, we don't handle the stress of a bad marriage, as well as women. >> well, all do you have do take a look at the obituaries see who died. it is the guys. >> the men die first. >> yes. >> actually in luck. we have a marriage expert. >> we do. >> here in our studio this morning, i'll bring him over here on the cameras. >> mark summer. >> hello. >> hey. >> how are you guys doing? haven't end you in about two hours. >> yes, we went to brown owe mars with mark. >> yes, and his wife. >> mark summers yes. he said you guys left the show early. were in bed by 9:00. >> exactly. >> thank you, mark. >> now, mark, has been married to alice, how many years? >> forty-three years. >> wow. >> and she is lovely. >> yes. >> is alice aware of this? >> the deal is i've been on the road so much, only been home 14 of those 43 years. that's why i work. >> it is a case of though do you buy into this? that a happy marriage adds to your longevity? >> i know when it is not going well, in any relationship, it does stress me out, and the women i've been with took a little more comfortable, i would say. >> do you know what happens, mike? i ends up i say preston, you spends a lot, like be brushing your teeth, and then you have to like dialogue running constantly, riding along. >> well, you know what, i think maybe the fact that women let they're motions run more freely than guys might. and our pent up nature might cause a little extra stress on the particularrer. >> oh, that's it. >> i think that might have something to do with it. >> is kathy there today? she has been in a bad marriage for years. >> oh, my god. >> you're right, terribly strained, just thread bear at this point. >> i think that women deal with stress better than men, maybe it is because women like to get it out and guys do hold it in. but i think that just in general, women deal with stress better. >> i would agree with that. >> alex as a woman who is not married, but obviously very attractive, data lot of men -- >> you data lot of men, do you, al next. >> i mean, i just think about how you guys are when you get sick and how you turn into like little babies. i think your tolerance level. >> i'm very spartan, i wander off into the woods until i'm healthy enough and then i come back. >> well, were you raised by wolfs. >> i lived with the wolfs for awhile. >> hey steve, would you ask mark to common our show tomorrow because there is a new documentary about his wife? i'll see what i can do. but he's already made -- he's indicate that that might and possibility anyway. but i'll work it for you. thank you for the offer, mr. jerrick, i'll try and show up tomorrow and do that. >> i would love that. >> try there. try. >> hey, thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> see you later, hopefully see him tomorrow. good day everybody, wednesday october the 11, 2017. >> from the fox 29 studios, this is "good day philadelphia". >> miles of devestation. wild fires raging out of control in california. homes, businesses, destroyed. dozens killed. over 100 people missing. so what's fueling this fire that's making them so difficult to put out? >> plus: they're everywhere. spotted lantern flies are invading our area, threatening our trees. and getting rid of them isn't assisi as you think. >> the hit just keep oncoming, for apple. the wait. it is not just the iphone eight causing problems. why you don't want to hit update on any of the models. >> twenty-four car al magic drops in philly. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> it was too hot. bruno mars lit up the stage last night, so you know we had to go. >> i really believe that bruno mars is my alter ego. >> you're the same size. you kind of look the same. >> people are saying, as i posted video we did three years ago, uptown funk. >> so much fun. >> i had some people, my own friends, were like, okay, for awhile i thought i was watching bruno mars. >> i know. >> austin said that. austin said that's al next. >> i look like a man, thanks everyone. >> you studied it so carefully. your imitation. >> welshing she looks like a >> maybe it just fits. >> all right, let's take a look. >> wouldn't you much rather look at the number of the day, mike? >> no. >> mike to h. r. mcmaster, mike to h. r. mcmaster. >> real. >> i i'm dating her. >> six out of ten. ahh. >> it is time to get out the rain gear again, it rained monday. didn't rain yesterday. back to rain today. not constantly. it is very spotty, and scattered, though showers throughout the area. but they're there. and they may be in your neighborhood soon. so there are the clouds, we've got out there this morning, 68 . with a 7-mile per hour breeze out of the northeast, and those northeasterly winds will keep us cloudy today. we won't get as warm as we did yesterday. up to 84 degrees, whether we should have been near 70. today, mid 70s, so about 10 degrees cooler, but still above average. and some showers and thunderstorms around throughout the afternoon and evening. bob kelly, we've got some changes in the seven day forecast, coming up. >> you got it changes on 309 right now. good morning, everybody, 8:03, an accident, ouch, i don't think these guys are supposed to be this close here, bumper to bumper, north on 309, right near welsh rd., near the 309 shopping plaza there. look at everybody, all out on to the lawn here. this just happened. excuse me, just happened again, north, 309, accident, south on i-95. right near columbus boulevard. causing delays. overturned vehicles on the lincoln drive. southbound, right near wissahickon avenue. equipment issues, on the market frankford line. septa running with ten minute delays this morning, because of some early problems near the tioga station. mike and alex back over to you. >> okay, let's get to drexel here. associate professor from drexel is on leave. he's been asked to leave the campus after offensive tweets about the las vegas shooting, some people found his editorial and his tweets offensive. so he's not on campus. not for the comment so much, but threat against his life, and safety of the student. >> that's what the university is saying. so, the professor who teaches political science and global studies, has been getting bombarded with death threats. they started last week after he posted several tweets, connecting white supremacy and the mass shooting, the university says it placed the associate professor and administrative leave because every increased concerns about his safety and the safety of direction l community, apparently he also wrote an article, and that really started going around, to different web sides, and even on different shows, and he's saying that the amount of slurs and mail and, you know, calls he's seeing just been great. but -- >> yes. it a periods in the washington post, about four, five pages, of a pen piece he wrote. all right, 8:05. septa bus driver undergoes surgery today after being shot during a armed robbery in shaw berry mansion. robert long-us shot in the leg after he walked yesterday. he is a 13 year septa employee. and he says a good samaritan stopped to help him, which saved his life. police think there may be connection between this shooting and other hold-ups that have been in the area. >> okay. at least seven people are dead, 2,000 homes and businesses flattens by fire. >> you mean 17 people, and this is a result of the wild fires burning this weekend. there is a total of 17 fires, sweeping through the state. and they've already charred 100,000 acres of land. and around 30,000 people have been investigated, evacuated, excuse me, but whether it comes to the number every people who have died, i mean, that number of people is expected to rise. we don't know the exact number, more than 100 people missing? >> missing. certainly unaccounted for. a lot of cell phones burned, you know, maybe that's it, who knows, they can't communicate with each other. allison barber is in nap a. allison? >> reporter: good morning, to both you. yes, that's been a consistent issue here for officials and family members trying to check on their relatives, getting in touch with them. those fires hit fiber lines and cell towers, and made clean case in the hardest hit parts where the biggest fires are incredibly difficult. we know there are thousands of people in shelters and police say some of those are people who have maybe been reported missing and been trying to get them in touch with their family members. and so no, ma'am a county alone, police there said they had 200 reports of missing people, again, as you said, mike, the hope is that some of that is just people not being able to get in touch with relatives who are actually safe. but because self-service here so bad, sell service so bad maybe they haven't been connected so far. hundreds are reported missing. >> allison, i bet you have seen this satellite picture of it is fairly small town, called coffee park. did you see that? near santa rosa? >> reporter: yes. >> we will put it on the screen. >> reporter: there have been a number, i mean, you talk to people specially santa rosa area. and they talk about how there are some towns where there is nothing but maybe one house, where it just looks like almost like a bomb or something has gone through here. the building, the winery where i'm at now, is one of those places, if you look at a before photo of this winery, it is hard to process how different it is now, and how much has just been destroyed. >> and in a short amount of time, too, because in the pictures we just showed from coffee park, that was if five hours? >> yes, like it was nice in the morning, then it was gone in the afternoon. >> reporter: one of the things everyone here talks about, they say this is typically historically the biggest wild fire time of year for northern california. >> trowel. >> reporter: they say they really haven't seen fires like this in quite a while. and they a tribute it to this combination of a perfect storm, where they had a lot of rain this summer. so they had a lot of registration, a lot of vegetation that then dried out. then you have these heavy diablo winds come through, anything like a little spark, a match, whatever, can make it go just huge. >> yes, northern california is like kindling now. could you have your camera person zoom out a little bit? we will find that picture. what's the name of the winery? signal area, what is it? >> cigroleo. they want to seat areas behind us. i was walking through guys just little while ago f dan can zoom in or show you a little of it, you can see, back there, sort of past the big white stone wall, that should be, yes, that area though right behind there what should be the back of it. the front, this is not huge building, but that literally umbrellas, behind that, and that just shows you that's what should be the back of this building. and it is completely gone. you walk through, it is just rubble. authorities make out a lot of what is in here. it is just completely destroyed. it smells. it smells charred. as the winds comes in and out we can tell when the winds is picking up because the smell is stronger. and then there are little flakes of white ashes, you can specially see them in the lights when you're here in person, it looks like little bits of snowflakes. but it is not. it is someone's life, it is someone's work that's just been burned and has been reduced to all of this, all of this rubble. >> nice job, allison. thank you for that. >> thank you. >> we'll try to get a picture that far winery. hopefully heard that in the control room. >> so you can see the before and after. >> president trump coming to pennsylvania this evening. >> he's going to be in harrisburg, and going to be touting his tax overhaul plan. >> the president is pushing the largest tax cut in us history. sounds good, right? promise to go create jobs and boost the economy. under the president's plan, middle income families would get an average tax cut of about $300 a year. he's talking about taking the corporate tax rate down from in the 30's, down to, like, 15%. and some of our income taxes for the rest of us, down to 10%. but who pays for it? that's the big rub i guess. 8:10. >> well, emanem has been trending since yesterday. and it is because he blasted the president with rap at the bt awards. they have it, where they get rappers together, they freestyle rap. just freestyle, whatever they want to talk becomes but just shows their skills when it comes to free styling. and he talked about president trump, and how he felt about president trump.& >> it went on for four and a half minute, laid into the president over everything from immigration, corruption, white supremacy, gun control, i mean, he talked about real serious issues in this thing. also talk about the nfl and the kneeling situation. here's a little built of it, sick tan, that's why he wants us to disband, can he not stands the fact we're afraid every trump walking on egg shells. that's why he keeps screaming drain the swamp because he's in quicksand. >> and then he went on to say, toward the end, he said, he talked directly to his own fans, the fans of his music, and his rapping. if they stood with the president, and not him, emanem, he basically told them to f off. >> he said i'm going to draw the line here, either over here or over here. not necessarily just staying with him, but staying with the way he views things, the way he views what president trump is doing for america. >> hey we found a picture that far winery by the way. that is now gone. and gone within hours. that's what it look like the day before yesterday. >> wow. >> now it is gone. >> she said she was at the back, but all we saw was one rock wall. and she said you can see the debris that was around at the bottom of the screen there. >> beautiful place. all right, here we go again. that show inside edition. every now and then they come to philadelphia and other cities and they look for rat. >> like rats? >> in our restaurants. well, they found them again. >> you won't believe where. >> well, we will tell you, where these restaurants are. better get over there, looks like the rats are eating everything. >> and they're everywhere. no, no the talking about rat now, talking spotted lantern flies, have you seen these? are they in your area or in the area? if you haven't, you probably will soon. getting rid of them isn't easy. we will talk about this how you can get rid of this invasion if you can. honey, what are you doing? watching a cow...? what's it doing? impressions start your day with the new hash brown scramble bowl from chick-fil-a. new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. >> 8: 15, jammo, first of all the school bus is not involved, he just is squeezing on past him, what would be the left lane here. but not a good start to your wednesday morning, standing on the grass there, along 309. this is northbound, 309, right near welsh rd., edgley road there, multi vehicle, one of those classic fender benders. i think everybody's okay. we're just swapping our license and registration numbers there. jammo on the schuylkill, though. eastbound, on the right, stack up into downtown, westbound jammed up all the way out to king of prussia. just everybody little slower than normal this morning, we a lot of quick accident in the last hour or so. southbound, on the lincoln drive. and overturned vehicle, at wissahickon avenue. now, they've been paving this lincoln drive to begin with, and ten minute delays on the market frankford line. all because of some equipment issues at the tioga station, and get ready for delays along route one today, in langhorne. a truck, smacked into the overpass, at oxford valley road yesterday. they just fixed the overpass. so now they have to do an emergency inspection, to make sure everything is up to snuff there. so we will have some delays during the day, sue has got your forecast in 15 seconds. >> the time is 8:16. it looks pretty nice, although cloudy. up in the pocono mountains, already seeing some showers this morning. mid week rain, what we have. not as much as we had probably on monday, in spot, but it will be around, cooler temperatures ahead for the rest of the work week, as well. not the 80s like yesterday, but then we warm up over the weekend, we will show you all that in a second in the forecast, consistent thunderstorms down in the eastern shore of maryland, but the thunder and lightning hasn't quite made it into our viewing area, we've seen rain, now some of the heavier rain moving into berks county, and parts every lancaster county as well. eventually, into chester county. we go down to south of us, and we have seen some pockets of heavier rain, in delaware, as well as cumberland count any new jersey. so, that's what you've got. throughout the day today, some sunshine, very little, if you see any at all, 75 degrees, today, six a tomorrow. and a high of 68 friday. then we warm back into the 80s, by sunday, and back to the 60s by tuesday. lots of ups and downs. >> okay, sue, yesterday, we had a report avert quake right in chile? >> yes. >> 6.2, we had wild fires, oh, hurricanes. >> there has been a lot that's been going on. >> another earthquake in mexico. >> now we have an invasion of not of locusts, but locusts, but spotted lantern flies are invading eastern pennsylvania. they look kind of prep when they spread their wings out. >> not like this. >> in, they don't look pretty there. when they spread their wings, they're kind of pretty, black, red. >> looks, look how many there are. and the problem is they can cause serious damage to plant, and trees, and they can bite you. >> well, they first arrived, yes, can bite humans. first arrived in berks county about two, three years ago, and since then, spreading to other counties. we will tell you those counties in just a second. but look at this video. >> in is from one every our photographers, tom beck, he sent this to us, in his yards. and they're all over trees, he said they won't go away. he doesn't know what to do to stop t they're annoying, he doesn't want them to ruin his yard. >> so we're at tom's house right now, this is in the upper pottsgrove area. there is tom on the right. who is your friendsy? understands his name is bill page? >> this is bill page. he's an expert on these bugs. go good morning. >> good morning. >> tom, how long have you been dealing with these spotted lantern flies in your yard? >> good six weeks. probably late august, we first stat dollars in the g them. just a little bit at a time, one or two, then all the sudden, waves of them came. thousands of them. >> let's get right to it. >> every day. >> where are they? >> they're in the trees here. >> let's. >> they tends to enjoy the maple trees up in this area. and you can see, you know, they blends in with the bark real well. >> they do. >> let mr. pick one off. and i'll stick it in the lens here for you if you want to take a look at it. >> oh, yes? >> they have red eyes, it is actually a very attractive bug. it has got that beautiful red color in their wings. but when they come by the thousands, and they start attacking you when sitting out in your backyard, and you can't enjoy anything, because these bugs are everywhere, it becomes a big problem. and our concern is that, you know it, will kill off a native species out here, these maple trees very prevalent out in montgomery county. and if they attack these map else as they are now, that will become a big problem for us. >> all right, we will put up a picture what they look like when they spread their wings, but bill, where did they come from? and how do we get rid of them? >> it was originally thought that they came from china, india, viet nam in 2014. and right now, your best strategy to kill as many as you can, you can use products off the shelf at your hardware store or you can hire a licensed contractor, to do these insecticide applications for you. >> but it is not like you can just get a spray and spray them? >> yes, you can spray them. a contact insecticide will kill them. it is very effective. i also recommends when you do these contact insecticides, that you add a horticultural oil. because the problem now is that the females are now laying eggs, and they oil will actually coat these eggs, and suffocate the eggs. each female has the ability to lay 50 to 250 eggs. and that's the scary part. >> oh, ya, that's a lot of eggs. now, it won't harm the plant or the eggs if we're using contact spray for the bugs? >> correct. you just have to be conscious, some of these sprays, they are toxic. they can keep children, pets, and people out of the way, at least until these materials dry. you do have to follow the label directions. that is a legal document, and they are toxic. >> bill, are you get ago lot of calls for this? >> yes, we got couple every day. up in this route 100 corridor, it is a huge issue. and seems to be spreading quite quickly. >> yes, yes. >> so tom, have you tried using contact spray? >> i've used a sort ofment of sprays, tried pretty much everything that's out, there found one from the garden center seem to have been working, these are my two most valuable weapons, brooke that i broke because i've wacked these things so often. >> oh? >> and this is, you know, my wiffle ball bat with a little flyer swatter. >> accustommized swatter! >> he's ready for battle. battle in the backyard. >> this, yes, in is has brought a lot of excitement and joy to my neighbors whether they see me out here swatting these fries with my broken broom now. >> that's how tom gets to work, he rides that broom stick. >> yes. i'm having trouble right now, i need a better broom. >> all right, thank you. >> thank you. >> so there you go. real quickly here, bill is from, i think, breitbart view plant healthcare services, so if you need him, that's what it is called, breitbart view, or who ever you have in the area, happens to be up in pottsgrove. >> i like to hear you can buy contact spray. >> but tom said they've bitten him too. >> and if you don't have it yet they're saying these things from spreading, we just said spread to four count that's are new. so it could come your way. >> headed southbound, folks. hey fellows? we've all been there at least once, in the doghouse, with your wife or your girlfriends. but sometimes it can be tough to figure out why we were sent there in the first place. so we found five signs that you're in the doghouse, and you may not even know it. >> like certain ways she texts you. uh-huh. after 8 years of chris christie, is kim guadagno the change new jersey really needs? guadagno is christie's hand-picked successor. says she's "proud to be part of the christie administration." guadagno was chris christie's right hand as our schools came under attack, critical services were underfunded, and our credit rating was downgraded...11 times. from the bridge to the beach, we've seen it all, and we've had enough. kim guadagno isn't the change we need. >> did you know that not getting enough sleep, enough z's, could actually drive you crazy? the national alliance on illness, insomnia, and sigh it, depression, other symptoms, in at least half the population. now you know not getting regular sleep affect more than just your attitude, huge effect on overall health. so make it a priority. won't say make you crazy but can affect your mental health. >> we apologize for that, if you're depressed, it doesn't mean you're crazy. >> no. >> but you got to get enough sleep. i've not had a good night's sleep in, well, since 1999. >> oh, that could be your problem, something you might want to work on. >> so maybe it does cause you to go crazy. ahh. >> but on this show, we are a little crazy, maybe just adds to the fun? >> probably so. >> so we will tell our bosses cents. >> i think i probably have three more weeks. >> okay, so, did you get the iphone? the eight? well, don't. everybody i know that got the eight, it is upset. have you ever heard of a swollen battery? >> no, what's that? >> some friend every mine have a swollen bootery. anywhere, our tech guy in, before you get a eight, hesitate. you might even wait. you won't be late. hi, jen? >> hey, guys, here with rhonda, hi, chef rosenthal, all right, you say veggies don't have to be boring, true? >> true. absolutely. >> and this, vinegar. >> vinegar. water. salt, sugar, we will pickle. >> he says it will be good. we'll find out the by the way, hi, rhonda, love you. >> 8:31, and it is a good identify tee have umbrella with you just like bus stop buddy does, he's even got the raincoat on for good pleasure. temperatures in the 60s, so off to mild, very cloudy start, and there is some rain on radar. up to the northwest of us, berks, lancaster counties, down to the south of us, south jersey, parts of delaware. just depend on where you are. 68 degrees, right now, with 73% relative humidity. not as humid, as it has been, but, there is still a lot of moisture in the air. and that moisture will eventually empty from the clouds in the form of showers at some point you'll encounter shower today, i think, high temperature of 75 degrees. so, that takes care of your wednesday, we are getting closer to the weekends, but we've got lots of weather changes, to go through, between now and then. bob kelly? >> hey, sue, 8:32, good morning, everybody, coming in from new jersey, delays on the freeway, from 55, all the way up in toward the walt whitman bridge. accident on the lincoln drive, overturned vehicle, getting word, that the actual accident is outbound, but they only have the one lane open coming inbound, so that's causing delays for the gang through mt. airy this morning. and, later on today, expect delays in langhorne, a truck, smacked into the route one overpass, yesterday. right near oxford valley road. that's right near where sesame place is. so they're going to inspect the bridge, and the beams today, to make sure everything is safe. so expect delays, through the day, in langhorne. mike and alex back over to you. >> boy, hasn't been on the market very long at all, but apparently this iphone eight has got a lot of problems. >> so some customers say the problem is with the battery swelling. >> what? >> pops out of the phone little bit. well, others say the software update did their iphones more harm than good. what's going on here? apple? so we were calling in an expert, our tech expert, and thely among lewes owe, little concerning. >> let's start right with the battery swelling, never heard of it in my life. >> what are you talking about. >> sang song had the issue, catching on fire. >> yes. >> then the iphone 6s. the phone would randomly shutdown. this is interesting. basically the battery due to either heat the way the software is program, an engineering glitch. some batteries have swelled out you can see from the picture, they actually tear through the case. now, the one thing that apple is trying to say, the on line community, which dow agree with, look we shipped 18 million phones this quarter, and of .001% have issue, and since it is going across all of the brands, that they really need it look at how they're manufacturing these batteries. it is a problem. >> is that a lithium battery? >> yes. little guy, lithium, right in here. hanging out. >> okay. scientists out there, people who passed chemistry, like i didn't, does lithium expands whether it gets hot? >> that wasn't my degree. i would say, now, here's what i would say though. if you look at these phones, they're 5 ounces, right? you have cell until signals, cameras, even had to remove the audio jack. and you want the battery to last longer, longer, longer. we're asking these device toss do quite a bit in a small form factor, and where is the heat release? how do you get heat out every these things, these things cook. >> shouldn't they figure these things snout. >> i guess that's why we pay thousand of dollars for a phone, yes, the answer is they should. but apparently there is some glitches there. >> even if you didn't get the iphone eight, apparently if you download the latest software update, which i never do, i need, people are saying this ios11 it has issues, too? >> i was affecting, of course bleeding edge, i downloaded it, first thing that happened we e-mail stopped working. coy sends you knew e-mail, but couldn't reply or forward e-mail. that was a big problem there. then there is a glitch. now which is in play where the home screen not working working on fix for that now. one of the guys rick that works for my organization, all he's been doing is complaining about it, and sad thing is, one thing this inning we want to talk about the fix. just recently apple stopped the ability to downgrade, to ios10. so that means -- >> can't go back? >> really can't go back, no. >> well i have to go to the store. >> exactly. >> so if you are affected by glitch, you want to take it to the store. i'll give you one personal experience real fast, when i downloaded ios10 shut my phone down, fix philadelphia after about eight hours, working with apple. i thought it was hard wear problem, it wasn't. next month my phone bill came in about $2,500 more. said i downloaded about 80 gigs every date at day my phone was off. so there is apple's if the been too good lately with the updates. >> did you get that off your bill? >> i d i had to get apple to sends an e-mail to verizon confirm that we weren't messing around that we actually had service ticket. >> how long did it take to take care of this? a day? full day? >> i was up until about 4:00 a.m. nine hours. apple actually added me to their development team, for testing, because they never had seen anything like this before. and then it probably took another two weeks to get the bill credit. >> i'm going back to flip flown. >> exactly? >> i do miss flip phones. >> i do too. you slam it when mad at somebody. >> so we have to wait for the next update for the update. >> wait for the next update. what i am ' saying to everyone, wait for the iphone x. wait for 200 bucks. it looks the same as the eight. there is absolutely nothing -- >> but can't get the new eight what makes you think? >> scary. >> i'm waiting for the iphone 68. >> i would rather talks about rats in our food. >> okay? >> what's going on in restaurant around here? >> well, i'm going to get a cat. i think every restaurant, anyway, inside edition, tv show that i used to like, but it is no good any more. >> they came back to philadelphia, you want to know? i'll tell you after the break. new fast play games are out ...and lucky you has progressive top prizes. bet i can clear these shelves faster than you can play. ready...go!! (cans/condiments hitting the floor) i won! fast play. play fast. win instantly. >> you know that show inside edition that i used to like. >> yes? >> i'm actually a friend of deborah norville. >> you are? >> welshing i wouldn't say friends, acquaintance. >> does she know who you are? >> if she -- she would say yes, she would say hi, mike. >> acquaintance,. >> we would lug you. >> don't hang out or anything? >> no. and the show she does has gone downhill. i'm glad we don't have it any more. inside edition. "tmz," so much better. >> no wonder you aren't friends. >> well, probably moth happen which that analysis. but anyway, they have this sellingment called rat patrol, i love to watch it except when they come to philadelphia. so three local restaurant received national attention from the show on their rat patrol. >> okay, ready to hear what restaurants? >> i don't like this. >> they focused on jim's steaks location on south street. >> we love. >> jim. >> famous fourth street del kegs test end. >> i love it. fourth street. >> shake shack at sansom street. >> you leave shake shack alone. >> so they went to each restaurant early in the morning, you know how they do it, shine flashlights in through the windows, and they said rodent were seen in all three restaurant. the president of jim's steaks even showed up, while they were there filming, and here's what towed say about it. >> you know you have a giant rodent problem. >> don't have a giant rodent problem. >> i saw a giant one running around. >> you saw a mouse. >> that's what he saw. >> three running around inside. >> i saw one. >> my gosh. there were three mice in a restaurant in philadelphia. >> hum. >> three blind mice. see how they run. so i guess he's saying ' three is not bad. is that what he is trying to say? >> the reporter said the solution was they just put blind up so you can't see. >> oh. >> i don't know. >> stop them from coming back? >> i don't care. i'm still going to go there. >> you don't care about mice? >> i like jim's steaks. >> me too. >> what about shake shack, and then fourth street? they're also good. >> i was just talking about shake shack yesterday. i love shake shack. >> is that what it is, with restaurants, just pretty much assume there will be mice in there? is that what he snake. >> i don't know. i've heard that for years. not philadelphia. every city. >> really? >> there is sewers, rats live in sewers, sewers are connected to -- connected to the knee bone, three blind mice. >> so really securing the food and they can't get to it? >> yes. >> then we're good. >> couple every days ago jim's steaks put up the blind, that you saw there, right? and then they released a statement and here it is. >> they said inside edition investigative team has provided valuable information, prompting us to evaluate and augment our health and safety effort. and the philadelphia area director for shake shack also released a statement saying, we've held ourselves to the highest standards from day one, the incident in philadelphia was unacceptable to us, periods, we sincerely apologize to our fans, and we want to assure them the matter was immediately handled. okay, now they should go back. >> that is good marketing there. what you could have done, is attack inside edition, the tv show, which i did earlier. really downhill. >> there go. >> but they're working on it? >> but they were positive about the marketing. we will fix it. >> okay. >> well, but, fourth street didn't release a statement, i guess, because we we didn't show that one? >> well, we will put it on the screen. >> all right. >> jenn fred is over at reading terminal market. hi, jen. >> okay, i got this crazy place called -- >> just kidding jen. >> city kitchen. >> city kitchen. now, listen. we are making some kind of crazy veggie thing. >> making a bun maze, vietnamese sandwich. all with fresh veggies, will pickle some veggies. >> i love it. >> talk us, so right back. >> be right back after the break. what can you do with two bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches for $5 from dunkin'? settle a debt. make a friend. save the day. or keep 'em both for this handsome devil. with two bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches for $5 the future is in your hands. america runs on dunkin'. >> looking little saudi, sky top lodge, beautiful, see how the leaves are starting to change? we love. that will all right, we've got rain around, there has been rain in the pocono mountains this morning, probably will be more, before the ends of the day. you see it is raining up in berks county. lehigh county, as well as lancaster county. >> down in southern delaware, maybe around the shore, wildwood, cape may, also seeing some rain this morning most of the temperatures in the 60s, little cooler than yesterday, but still above average. in fact, our normal high, for this time of year around 68 degrees so still above average today with 75, then mid 60s, and upper 60s tomorrow. and friday, and but then into the upper 70s on saturday, looks like a warm day on sunday. cool offer again by tuesday every next week. so at least our warm up, alex, came in just in time for the weaken. >> that's true. >> that's when it counts. sue i know you mentioned leaves starting to change, one of the biggest signs of fall. we love that, look at all of the leaves. well, also great time for veggies. jen, you're someone, veggies don't have to be boring! >> chad, you're never boring. we're in this cool place, city kitchen inside the reading terminal market. we talked on the phone, enough with the veggies, but you say you can kick it up a notch? >> amazing things you can do with veggies, make some amazing homemade mayo like this. to kick it off. >> this restaurant, bonn street. what's in the mayo? >> in the mayo egg yolk, canola oil, fish sauce, citrus, garlic. >> regular mayo at home? keep going. you prefer to you make your own. city kitchen here and eye owe vine out there just have these amazing fresh, you know, local veggies. you say we do it rawle all the time? just slice up fresh jalapinos did quick pickle. >> the thing talking on the phone you're like pickle veggies makes it more fun. and i have to say, i'm intreagued. >> okay? >> so you put this on the sammy? >> yes, real bun, it takes few days, bucket and everything. this is called a quick pickle. like going out drinking the next morning you have a quick pickle. >> exactly. >> should not be hot but tv we make it hot. gives it the sweetness against l jalapino. >> it is rice vinegar then sugar and salt and water get it super hot, boiling, and anything that's got meat to it, carrots, radishes, breakdown boiling water, pickle grade. >> then i can put this in my fridge at home and is her of it like friday nights to my bodies. >> it will last forever, serve with olive, with cheese, on a bun, or come to bun street i'll make you one. >> that's good to know then with this kind of veggie thing, working with veggies and a sandwich. good thing to bring to work, what veggies don't work in that situation? not a lot that don't work. is a filet a veggie? >> that's meat. >> you just set me up for. that will i don't know. mushrooms are great. carrots great. something with meat. meety veggies work in a sandwich you. >> don't want levy? >> finish on top of herbs, cilantro, parsley great, but don't want continue side your sandwich specially putting hot e veggies as well, roast it, we'll roast collie flower. >> okay. then you want us to make our mayo. >> yes. >> are we taking like regular mayo, blends in with whatever you're blending? >> no, take egg yolks, anything else you think taste great. i use a lot of garlic, strut trust, pepper, fish sauce. >> with a whisker? >> no, i put it in a call it a food processor, you can whisk if you have strong forearm. >> yes. >> you can whisk it. >> season it, and you taste home may mayo you'll never taste it again. >> roasting next, we love it. i'll eat. that will then do it on camera. because it might be spicy. >> i'm going to cut it in half for you. >> good. >> then let's dot one that came out of the oven, nice and crispy here. >> here we go. veggies not boring. either is chef chad. here i go. >> i'll give you the good stuff, the pickles, careful, pucker your mouth. >> yum. >> really good. >> i would eat that. >> a the love texture, a lot of flavors, still rolling here? thank, guys. >> 8:52. so we went to the concert last night, bruno mars, must have been 60, 70,000, welshing maybe no? >> the wells fargo center was pack. when people are in the nose bleed, there is a lot of people there. >> look at all of the confetti we have a picture from back stage that we will show you after the break. countless patients. countless ailments. countless hours. and guess what? you can handle it all. be a leader in your field with a bsn from strayer university. a nursing program created by and for nurses. let's get it, nurses. >> downtown charlie brown, stack up on the vine street expressway crossing town, headed over towards the schuylkill, jammo, on the schuylkill, look at this guy riding the shoulder here, this is the westbound delay. from conshy out toward king of prussia. watch for delays through langhorne, route one the overpass, doing some emergency inspections, a truck smacked into the overpass yesterday at oxford valley road, test it out, make sure everything is to up snuff. out there any minute, back to you. >> 8: 56 a shocking new recording, allegedly, captures harvey weinstein at mudding to groping a model, this, as more women in hollywood are coming forward. i love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. because the things you love can stink. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. kyle, we talked about this. there's no monsters. but you said they'd be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that's nothing to be afraid of. -but -- -good night, kyle. [ switch clicks, door closes ] ♪ i told you i was just checking the wiring in here, kyle. he's never like this. i think something's going on at school. -[ sighs ] -he's not engaging. >> from ten pennies, the best of the best place maybe in the country. she is giving out roses. >> what? >> come by right now, ya. it is something called petal it forward. and nationwide effort, by florist to spread happiness. >> you got two roses. >> two roses in. >> one for yourself. >> yes. >> and another one to give to someone else today. >> oh, that's lovely. >> to spread the happiness and a smile. >> i think we need. that will hey straight up 9:00. it is a wednesday, october the 11, 2017. look, it is karen hepp. >> good morning respect guys. >> and she had plenty of roses out, there get out here fourth and market, pretend like you bought it. >> or maybe in the doghouse it would be a good way to get you out of the doghouse. >> would would you bring that up? >> well, because you've been, there right. >> i've been in the doghouse few times. >> and sometimes i feel like men are in it, don't even know they're in it. >> right? >> so subtle signs, and subtle shade, that your woman, or man, maybe throwing, that you may miss. so, we will talk about some of those signs to show you you're in the doghouse. >> perfect example. let's talk about

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Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20171011 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20171011

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last night. i'm work being an hour sleep, it will be great. good day everybody it is wednesday, october the 11. >> so if you have any thoughts about last night or picture or videos, sends them in. we saw a lot of people in their best gold gear. >> yes. >> even jenn fred, did you see what she was wearing? she was at the concert. >> she had gold vest on, i had gold lamb -- lamet pant suit. >> we'll try and show later. >> i hope we do. or were you ten karat. >> one karat. >> well anyway maybe pack some carrot for your lunchtime and an umbrella, six out every ten, we have rain on the way, there is bus stop budd which his rain gear, just in case. most of our temperatures are in the 60s this morning, we got a lot of cloud cover, and a little bit every rain kind of evenly distributed around the area. there is our red sky at morning, it is quai dramatic out there. 67 degrees, and we're moments away from our official sunrise time of 7:07. how much sun we're going to see, well, probably not that much throughout the day. 73 degrees by lunchtime. high temperature of 75. bob kelly? >> hey, sue, 7:02, good morning, everybody, couple of accident here, first of all, eastbound, on the schuylkill expressway, an accident right here near the gladwynn interchange, actually, between gladwynn and conshy. look at this guy here in the right lane. got kim of vehicles. police aren't even on the scene yet. looks like they're trying to work their way up. again it is eastbound on the schuylkill. just east of the 476 interchange. so that's going to tie us up, coming out of king of prussia. get words of a five car pile up, east on 422, right at the stowe inch change. right there where they're doing bridge connecticut vukovich sean, skyfox on the way, we will take you there live when we arrive. couple of delays on the regional rails. septa's thorndale and doylestown line, both running with delays this morning. had a nasty accident yesterday. a truck smacked into the overpass along route one. near oxford valley road. they're coming out today to make sure that everything is still good to go. so emergency inspections, that's going to bring us delays today up there in langhorne. otherwise, watch for delays crossing town on the vine street expressway. and no problems on the bridges, mike and alex back to you. >> as you know so many people watch "good day" live philadelphia have relatives who have moved out to california. so let's tell you about what's going on in the golden state. it is red. california says it has at least 17 people now are dead. and 2,000 homes and businesses flattened. seventeen fires burning out of control rid now. a hundred thousand acres, 30,000 people have been evacuated. so stay tuned here, we will take you live to this devestation, especially, in northern california. they still have not did the dollars for over 100 people. this is -- i don't know. normally it is moving slowly enough that people can escape. the thing moved so fast it is killing people. >> those winds. >> hopefully they can get out. >> seeing the before and after pictures, the damage just incredible. >> said they've never seen anything like it, clock zero four. drexel associate professor already made headlines, this recent, the recent tweets he put out there, also an article, well, has put him on administrative leave. >> leave the campus. but not for his controversial posts per say. that's what started it. he's getting death threats, steve? >> yes, and twitter only gives him 140 characters, to tweet things, that people didn't like, that turned out that threaten him afterward. but, the washington post gave him 12 big paragraphs, to explain himself yesterday morning, and so now for the thirds time eggs' got drexel police on the alert and giving television and radio talk shows way more material after another tweet storm that puts a cloud over the campus here, and in turn, got him put on leave. now, in a statement, drexel said, quote, this is a necessary step to ensure the safety of our campus. now, he called that bowing to pressure from racist internet trolls writing in this very lengthy washington post opinion editorial, drexel has sent the wrong signal. while the signal, he got sent from so many people, and threatening tweets, is what's got drexel on the heighten al letter, and he put a lot of those threats in his editorial. leaving out the curses, but putting the little dashes inbetween, the letters on each side of the curse, so you don't miss a thing, guys. >> okay, let's stay on that story, thanks, steve. 7:05. >> police investigating a triple shooting out of south philadelphia, 1900 block every south bonnsal street. just before 11:00 last night. police found three men shot, two in the leg, and one in the foot. all three are in the hospital in stable condition. no word yet on a suspect or motive. >> okay. front page of the paper today. there seems to be more to this story than we told you yesterday. hit and gun death. temple student rams miami cop, comes open fire. and now there is a debate about this. the metro newspaper has the same article and the same insight on this temple student shot and killed by police while visiting miami. so, some cell phone video that we showed you yesterday shows carryann hithon in black bmw right after a collision. she races off, hits a police officer, that's when another officer fires three shots striking her, police believe carryann and her passenger, ryan luck as, were drinking heavily. officials now say she had six run in's with police before but not in florida. you know she transferred to temple from hampton university out of virginia. but, in virginia she was charged at one point with misdemeanor assault, battery, marijuana possession, and lying about her identity to a police officer. not sure, this is just information that we have been give glenn uh-huh. >> doesn't have much to do with what happened down there. so they're investigating what happened in miami. >> but still, so many people still have so many questions about what happened. >> well, and there is to beneficial word that they were drinking. >> will you had you? >> just kind after indication. so got to get the fact here, okay? >> we will stay on t7:07. >> in berks county police are searching for the person who murdered a 23 year old woman, and dumped her in a wooded area. police in lower heidelberg say they found madison marie's body sunday in a area of rydel road and she is from readingment detective are waiting for toxicology results as they continue to investigate. well the story that's dominated headlines for weeks and months, it goes back to last year. it really height then football season, appears the nfl now wants to move on from the national nan them controversy. >> the question, thomas, how do they plan to do that? >> that's the major question here. perhaps the nfl feeling the pressure here. does it come down to the bottom line? we know that anthem protests will be front and center at the nfl owners meeting come next week. the nfl currently has no explicit rule requiring players to stand during the anthem, although, their game day operations manual says they should stand. owners could decide to really change that language, to must stand. nfl commissioner roger goodel sent letter to all 32 teams, saying the league needs to move past this controversy, of course, after cowboys owner jerry jones said any player who disrespects the american flag, will not play for his team. so this that memo goodel says like many of our fans we believe that everyone should stand for the national anthem, went ton say the controversy over the anthem is a barrier to having honest conversations, in making real progress on the underlying issues. all right, so, eagles safety malcolm jenkins says despite that memo players around the league will continue to raise awareness about social injustice. >> i think that would be unfortunate decision f that's all that came out of it. if there was no effort to continue or to replace the platform that the guys have been using, to draw attention to, you know, issues in our country, there is no effort to assist players, in that, then i think it would be very, very unfortunate. and i don't think that will go over well. >> you may remember, jenkins, goodel, eagles chairman jeffrey lurie and civic lead he is met last month for open discussion on the issues, they say it was a really good start. owners once again scheduled to meet next week in manhattan. their regular fall meeting. it was schedule before the anthem controversy was amplified. but sure to be talk b by the way just few minute ago, mike and alex, president trump tweeted this. it is about time that roger goodel of the nfl is finally demands that all players stand for our great national anthem. respect our country. you know what they say, more to come on this one. >> that's it. >> certainly more to come. >> we'll see what happens tomorrow night with our eagles and panthers, all right, 7:10. >> this is also happening, though, at the high school. and college level. football player at albright college in reading has been dismissed from the team after take ago knee during the national anthem. this is before saturday's game. the albright lions decided as a team it take a needing during the coin toss, then were going to stand during the national anthem as a sign of unity. well 19 year old guy re did your and the went down on one knee during the national anthem. according to school officials the freshman quarterback didn't tell anyone about his plan to kneel. he was dis schmidt for his decision to not support team unity. >> president trump is going to be in pennsylvania today. i guess more like this evening. he will talk about tax overhaul. he'll be speaking to law makers in harrisburg, yes, this evening. president trump is pushing the largest tax cut in us history, promise to go create jobs, and boost the economy. >> but his real problem may be in washington, though. and that's where doug lou said is her now. >> hey, doug? >> good morning, and the president is looking at kind of coordinated effort today on tax reform, he's been tweet being it this morning, heist the appearance of pennsylvania later today. this is big priority for the administration and republican establishment in general. the problem is congress is running out of time. >> i didn't under cut anybody. >> president trump meeting with former secretary of state, henry kissinger at the white house, talking about recent drama involving white house staff. but, his priority today will be taxes, a major overhaul of the entire system. but getting it through congress will be extremely challenging. specially, with a continuing feud between the president and gop senator bob corker. with the president making fun of the senator's height on twitter yesterday. corker is a player, a big player, on foreign policy and his portfolio doesn't stop& there. >> he's also on the budget committee. ' as lot to do with tax reform, all of those things are real important to the president. why he would pick a fight with somebody we know that when he's inch sotted her, he likes to hit back ten times harder. >> while house frustration with congress, though, is plainly clear. >> they've campaign on tax reform, hopefully we see that happen. we're certainly committed to that, and think we'll get there. but time and time again, congress is has made promises and failed to deliver, if anyone is being alienated it is people that are promising things and not delivering on them. >> all right, the president is also trying to tap down rumors every pending white house staff shake up. the idea the chief of staff john kelly, may be about to leave. the president tweeting yesterday, this story is totally made up by the dishonest media. chief doing fantastic job for me and more importantly for the usa. mike and alex. >> okay. you haven't seen any tweets from our president about what emanem did last night at the bet awards? >> you know what? if you seen in. >> i've steen. >> yes, i've not seen it yet. but it is making the rounds of social media and everything. at last check i had not seen the tweet from the president about it. i would not be surprised if we see something. >> oh, it is coming. and i'm going to go home and make sure i watch the presidential briefing by sarah sanders today. because that will be -- he's got to respond to what emanem did last night, it has been trending, everyone talking about it. >> doug, see you tomorrow. >> thank you, doug. so talking about yes, emanem, you know, at the bet awards, the rappers come together they just freestyle, let it out, whatever they want to talk, about however they want to do it. >> this one taped in a parking garage. >> always taped usually and they play them during the bet awards, but good point. not live. >> and he blasted trump. than was a four and a half minute freestyle rap. and so he talk about how he feels about trump, and he feels trump has been basically talking about what's happening, with the nfl, and the players kneeling, distraction from what's really happening, what's really going on no north korea and taxes. >> and puerto rico, the victims. so after he stops with all of this different issues went through all of this, he capped it off with a message to his fans. >> and any fan of mine who is a supporter of his, i'm drawing in the sands a line you either for or against, and if you can't decide who you look more in your split, on who you should stand beside, i'll do it for you with this. >> well, you know what that said. >> you can imagine. >> and then he put his face into the lens and said well hey trump. so, the president is going to have to respond to that. >> and he doesn't have to, but usually he does respond. >> but, you know he will. >> but he's already been tweeting this morning, so if he does responds we'll let you now. >> following deadly wild fires in california of course that have killed 17 people. thousands of acres burned, 2,000 homes and businesses, down to rubble, and they can't finds a lot of people. >> and so fox's allison bash is her live in nappa county california, and the winds seem to be the issue why they can't seem to stop there is right, allison? >> reporter: right, people seem to say it is sort of a perfect storm. this is typically the time of year when wild fires happen northern california. people say it is a lot worse than other years, a lot because these fires over dozen every them popped up within a 24 hour time span. people hearsay that again, it is like a perfect storm. there is vegetation that's dried out, there are these heavy diablo winds, that means anything, whether it was a little match, spark, something, could turn into a big fire, and here, it has. at least 100,000 acres have been damaged. we're in a area of one of the biggers fire, sonoma county, nappa counties, two bigger areas, this is known as the at lan fire, already burned over 27,000 acres, many of this country's most beautiful vinyards in this area behind me, was one of them. you can see, it has been completely destroyed. what was here before isn't here any more. one issue people this this area are having trouble communicating with each other. fire officials as well as people that live here, because those cell towers were also hit by the fires. >> hey, they say that five winery, a lot of our folks that watch our show, they make it out to northern northern california. i think it every has a trip one time to nappa valley on the bucket littles. which wineries are gone? >> this one right here is cigna rello, nappa county, at least five different ones that have been just destroyed. but you can see, if you have ever been to this winery before, you probably would not recognize it now. the rubble goes all the way back, you can sort of see tents as if, you know, an air where people may have sat outside, what would have been the other side of whatever structure this was right here. it is just nothing but rubble. you can't really see all of it mark in the camera. but there is ashes, casino every just floating all around me, almost looks like little pieces of snow. >> okay, allison, thank you, nice report there. we just put up picture of little town called coughare you park, near santa rosa. that's what it look like what day before yesterday not morning, by afternoon it was gone. >> and that's what just shows how fast this fire is spreading and morning. you think about oh, they may have some time to get their things. no, when you have to leave, do you have leave. >> where are the 100 people they can't find? unbelievable. 7:17. here's sue. >> wish we could give them some of our rain, that certainly would help. but it is confined to this side of the country i'm afraid. pretty complicated the water patterns we have today. front stalled to the south. another to the north. and everything kind of moving toward us from below and from the sides. so quickly look at where the rain is right now. we go up to the north. there is delaware county, where we have some very light rain around concord township, go little further north, and part of there is holland pa with some rain, down to the south of us. there is rain in dover, delaware, and part of cape may county, as well, including wildwood, where there might be steady rain at this point. we will be around the 70s today. probably not getting out of the 60s tomorrow. and you see, just occasional showers on and off throughout both days, but more today than tomorrow. as far as rain is concerned. temperatures as you walk out the door mostly in the 60s, but we have 70 degrees in dover, 70 degrees in wildwood. we're head to the mid 70s today. mid 60s tomorrow and friday. by saturday and sunday, though, there is warming trend being which is nice timing just it time for the weekend, but then cool off towards the beginning every next week. don't forget to join us on rat yesterday all morning long 101.1 more fm. and bob, you have got more to tell us about right now? >> yes, look live from skyfox, 7:19. i'll step aside here as emergency vehicles are coming up the center, of the dividing line here. this is 422, eastbound, approaching the stowe interchange. we are getting word of a multi vehicle crash, we will see it in a second, four, five vehicles involved. and here comes the crash scene, again, on the eastbound side right where they've been doing construction, obviously already couple every medical vehicles on the scene here these guys westbound side, but eastbound 422, five cars there, altogether. only that far right shoulder getting on through. again, it is the eastbound side of 422, coming out of pottstown, heading into the stowe interchange, and here is the scene right there. so anybody leaving pottstown, we passed the limerick power plant, from skyfox, as we flew over to that area. you just got to give you an idea so you can allow some extra time. eastbound schuylkill schuylkill, early morning accident near 476 respect causing back up for everything comincoming in from king of prussia. some delays on both the media elwyn and the doylestown regional rail line. yesterday afternoon, we had nasty crash along route one near sesame place, oxford valley road. they just finished reconstructing this overpass, and a truck smacked into the beam, so they're coming out today ma make emergency inspections. so expect delays along route one just off of 95. they will be out there right after the rush hour is over, alex, back over to you. >> thank you, clock 20, forget about a test drive. how about a test buy? why one major auto maker is letting you bring your new car back, with no questions asked. , and it is an invasion. have you seen these spotted lantern flies? oh, apparently some people are saying they're everywhere all over their trees and plant. and if you haven't seen them yet we hear they're coming your way. so we will finds some solutions for you, in the next hour of good day. cancer challenges us. to find smarter solutions. to offer more precise and less invasive treatment options than before. like advanced genomic testing and immunotherapy. see how we're fighting to outsmart cancer at it's been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back. >> i wish i had a pick that far red one! >> right, or just i'm not really sure about there is then you feel like, you know what they say, once you drive it off the lot the price goes down. >> that's right. depreciates like in half or something. lauren, so, hyundai has a new policy about returning? >> test buy. you buy that car, you don't like it, return it. three days later. so you have three days to determine if you like the red, if, i don't know, whatever. and if you have driven less than 300 miles in those three days, fine, bring it on back. why is hyundai doing this? their sales are down. for the first time in a while. they're also moving their business on line in a big way, where you can basically get the best prices do all of the paperwork on line, before you head into the dealership to pick up the car. i know you're saying well isn't that the point after test drive, so you don't have to return the car, you see if you like it, but i don't know about you guys, i feel so stressed during a test drive. the guy is sitting next to you. you got -- i feel like he's rating my driving. i got to figure out all of the button, you snow. >> not concentrating. >> what i want to know is if i return it, will i still get all my money back? or does it depreciate? >> i believe so. >> okay. >> i like this a lot you. >> get your money back. >> hyundai good car. >> so you think others will do the same? >> i think they almost have to. >> i hope so. >> yes. >> but three days? why not four? five? or two? >> weekend, i bet. >> arbitrary. >> yes. >> three days. >> yes, get it on a friday, return on a monday. yes. you just can't, you know, dirty it up. >> or go on road trip or anything? >> no, stuff it, stickies. >> well one that's shorter than 300 miles, i think you can do what you want as long as you don't get the odometer above 300. >> maybe i'll just keep test drying dares for three days a a time for like a year. >> that's a good idea. >> i think they'll keep tabs. >> and then you never have to buy a car, basically free wheels. >> awesome. >> i'll try that over the next six month, lauren, let you know how that goes. there is some fine print. >> appreciate it. >> see you tomorrow. >> how about this harvey weinstein? this guy is cook, man. some big time hollywood actresses continue to come forward with allegations of sexual assault. and now, there is that shocking audio. capturing him basically admitting to groping women. we will play that tape for you. >> and jenn fred is at reading terminal market this morning. >> hey. >> yes, we all hear about meal prep, right? getting ready for the week ahead? who wants to spends all weaken getting ready to be healthy. we'll tell you how to save time and money and you don't have to do this this fancy. they do it fanny. >> okaying allegations keep coming, harvey weinstein facing more accusations from hollywood actresses, the possible legal trouble he now faces. >> oh, he's in trouble. and, the new phone, we have new phone issues, too. what you can do, if you're having problems already, with your iphone eight. our tech expert, is here. you ever heard, sue, of a swollen battery? hum? >> in a phone? >> yes. >> well that's the last thing i expect to swell. >> your battery? >> in a phone. ya. >> ya? >> i'm going to learn something just like bus stop buddy on his way to school. with his umbrella, temperatures in the 60s, off to mild start, but it is not as mild as yesterday. here at reason for the umbrella, scattered showers throughout the region this morning, a lot of cloud cover, as well, sun is trying to burn through, unsuccessfully for most of us, 67 degrees right now. and yesterday, eight had degrees, 69 is the normal high, for this time in october, we forgot it was october yesterday. it was so summary. well, today, we're headed to the mid 70s, so, still above average, but not as mild as yesterday. showers, thunderstorms, will be around, as well, especially, south of philadelphia. so, that's your, what's today, wednesday forecast. bob kelly, you got more about this accident on 422? >> yes, good morning, sue. 7:31, looking live from scott fox, hello pottstown, rough go, eastbound 422, five car pile up near the stowe interchange. couple of folks injured, taken away in a rescue squad, eastbound own l far right shoulder getting on through, firefighters still there. going to the maps there is will cause major back up, for everybody coming in, east on 422, it is right at the stowe interchange, right where they've been doing the construction for that new bridge, here is a live look at an accident on 95, it is southbound 95 right near columbus boulevard, little hazy, i don't think we got dirty camera lens, plus i don't think the fog is that bad there in south philly but just watch for delays thereon 95, the schuylkill expressway, eastbound, and an accident just east of 476, so that's causing back up from king of prussia on in. and both the media elwyn and the doylestown lines, running with some delays this morning. mike and alex back over to you. >> 7:32, while sleeping, some more allegations have come out. >> talking about gwyneth paltrow and angelina, growing the growing list of women accusing harvey of sexual harrassment. >> so gwyneth says that weinstein invited her to his sweet, how tell suite, when she was 22 years old. and suggested they go to the bedroom for massages. meanwhile, angelina jolie is saying she had a bad experience, with weinstein, when she was young, as well. and chose to never work with him again. but didn't speak out about it. >> other public figures are speaking out about the allegations, including president trump, who said he was not surprised, hillary clinton says she's shocked and appalled by it, and most recently former president and mrs. obama wearing in saying they're discussed, and some people saying how long it took to them and speak out against it because harvey weinstein donated several millions to the democratic party, when they were running. the allegations range from sexual harrassment to rape. the new yorker posted audio recordings every weinstein during 2015 stings opening where you can hear him trying to convince an italian model, trying to convince her to come into his room. they're in a hotel hallway. here it is. >> disgusting, justice misses her, kim rotweiler our legal expert here, by the way, she is from usual, right, a model? >> she was miss italy. >> missy italy. there she is right there. >> andrea. >> so she did absolutely say no, and then he says okay, good-bye. inch tow mated woe never talk to her again. he swore on his wife and children's lives he wouldn't touch her breasts again like he did, done the day before, allegedly. >> by the way his wife, his wife announced yesterday that she going to divorce him. this is his wife of ten years. this is distinguishable by the way, then from the cosby situation. because remember camille cosby stayed by bill cosby. and that's important it a jury by the way. in this particular case, if it ever gets into a courtroom the fact that his wife when these allegations almost immediately said you know what, we're getting a divorce. you agree it indicates? she probably new this was going on. >> if ever goes to a courtroom. how likely would it be in women coming out of california, woman from new york. >> now dealing with statute of limitations, big in the cost did i situation, so california ten year statute against ten years, so unless it happened within the last ten years probably won't be prosecuted in california. but, new york has no statute of limitations. this videotape that you just watched is something, a sting that happened in new york so they can still prosecute under new york law. >> but it is an audio tape, and the police set it up. >> they did. >> right. >> because of what happened to her the day before. >> correct. >> so they chose, the dea, said he listened to the tape. they didn't press charges two years ago, because they said nothing really happened. >> well, they said actually that they couldn't proof intent. so see under new york law you have to prove that you intended to do something criminal, in terms every his sexual conduct. what they said was listening to the tape it is not clear that he was actually trying to grope her. >> ugh. >> we can interpret anyway we want now, but they go back now if they want to and still prosecute. remember what happened here in pennsylvania, remember bruce castor did bring charges bun they a lot of public pressure then kevin steel did bridge charges, i think the same thing can happen here. a lot more women that come out and talk about the sexual abuse of harvey weinstein. >> it is interesting though, because he announce that he went to europe. >> he threw to europe yesterday. >> because he is getting treatment. >> flying the coup. >> is that also going to play a factor, trying to get this in the courtroom, the fact he's in europe? >> no, no, no, he'll come back. let me tell you something, you know what i thought was interesting? when gwyneth paltrow was groped by him back in the 90s, she went back and told her boyfriend, brad pitt. brad pitt then confronted half weinstein at gala at some function and basically said to harvey weinstein, do you that again to my girlfriend, you and i got a big problem. >> and it never happened again. >> it never happened again. you don't want to mess with brad pitt. >> learning this has happened with so many women. and it is not just harvey weinstein who knew about this and the women he was, you know, trying -- >> the new yorker article. >> the board every directors even they they came out you have no idea, but some employees came forward saying, you know, we new this was happening, can something happening to them? they new -- >> i don't think anything can happen to them criminally but subject to civil lawsuit. so probably going to be some civil lawsuits over there is against harvey weinstein. heist lot every monday i consideration bring lawsuit against him, also lawsuit against i think 16 boards members of the weinstein company that they can also sue. because remember, there are eight settlement here, so lots and lots of money paid to the victims, and the argument is that the board had to know about it. >> so his spokesperson made a statement and said basically, listen there is isn't true. every time i had a sexual relationship with one every these women, it was consent all. >> well, this goes back to the old cast and couch thing. most people know about this. >> this has been talk about in hollywood year after year after year. they even made jokes at the academy awards. >> about this? >> well, remember that? they put up five pictures of actresses, said you got your nomination out, you don't have to pretends that you find harvey weinstein attractive any more. it was a citcom where they use that same thing. >> it became a joke. everybody in hollywood new about harvey weinstein. >> it sounds like it is not just harvey weinstein. terry cruz came out, he had a series of tweets, he said hey this is evening happening to men it, wasn't harvey weinstein, but another hollywood executive, the kind of stuff that's goes on. >> i have a case in my offers right now after woman sexual abuse ago man, this is not gender specific t does happen with men more than women. but the law -- >> it happens with women more than men. >> women more man men. i meant it happens with men, being more powerful, and subjecting themselves on women. so, you know there is case, we're going to keep hearing about this, probably more women coming out today i'm sure next week we will be tack being this even more. >> not just politics or entertainment or hollywood after stuff like. that will i know i would say 90% of the women who work in the tv business, that i worked with in my long, long career, have had an incident like this. not as severe maybe as that one. easily 90% of tv reporters and anchors, have had something like this happen. and we normally just do fun things on twitter. you know? asking people. why don't we do something serious? has this ever happened? because it happens in all walks of life. >> sure. it has to do with power. it is the power position of the person who subjects themselves on somebody else. so this does happen to both men and women. yes, you're right, mike it, happens in the just in it. v. not just? movies t hams in law offices it, happens in offices all throughout the city going on dale. >> i if you go on twitter you don't have to explain ex what exactly happened many but very her to deal with this in your life, as a woman, and also, i guess, as a man? >> correct. >> all right, ken. >> shed some light on what's going on. >> you truly don't think he he flew to europe to stay in europe? >> no, i don't think he flew to europe to stay. i think to show people that he's trying to get help and trying to rehabilitate himself. i don't think it will work. >> because he can get treatment in the u.s. >> he can get plenty of treatment at facilities here, that's right. >> quick break, big news about soccer, usa soccer, after the break. what can you do with two bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches for $5 from dunkin'? settle a debt. make a friend. save the day. or keep 'em both for this handsome devil. with two bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches for $5 the future is in your hands. america runs on dunkin'. doctor. doctor. i played a doctor on tv, but now i'm helping save lives for real. starting with my own. i'm partnering with cigna healthspring to remind everyone how important preventive care is for people my age. see anything, doctor? looks great, doctor. and with cigna healthspring medicare advantage, you get a team of doctors overseeing your health. most preventive services are covered. so go, know, and take control of your health. oh... use mine, doctor. cigna healthspring. together, all the way. grit. some have it. some don't. when the odds are stacked against you, you either hide, or stand up. at strayer university, we've seen it in our students for 125 years. and if you ever think of quitting, our success coaches will be there to pick you up, and work with you every day to put you on the right path. it's time. strayer university. let's get it. >> i can't believe this, a blow for usa soccer, the men's national team failed to qualify for the world cup. they lost to trinidad last night in a two to one shocking defeat. they were a huge favorite. i think trinidadian tobego will have national holiday. think ranked 92nd in the worlds? >> oh, they're still celebrating for sure. >> so the world cup is next year, in russia. >> so this is it? just not in it? now just watching just to watch other countries? >> yes, but now i'm going to take on -- i have to root for out countries. >> well, germany, defending champion is in it. egypt. >> i like egypt. >> iran is in it. >> and iceland. >> oh, iceland. i've always wanted. >> i'm going for iceland. >> miss iceland could be, you know -- >> what's wrong with you, bob? you have six kids. >> okay. >> luckily his mike was off, nobody heard. >> well, i heard him. miss iceland is attractive apparently. >> what? >> he would know stuff like. >> looks up miss iceland. >> yes. >> all right, i always think before you tweet. after the usa lost, to trinidad, tobego, shocker, congressman brendan bog tweet that. >> he said i was real disappointed the usa didn't qualify for the worlds cup, then i remembered i couldn't careless about soccer. >> he got ripped. he got ripped because there are so many soccer fans in our area. no idea soccer fans were such snowflakes. >> guys, do yourselves a favor, watch the baseball playoffs. your welcome. look at him. >> well, that didn't help. >> the clap back, didn't he? wow. >> well, that didn't help. i guess he's letting you know, he doesn't care. >> he'll tweet again today. >> you think? >> just kidding. >> just kidding. >> you think the hate is that bad? i guess he's not -- >> do you know how many soccer fans are in the philadelphiaer? >> the sons every ben, philadelphia uniony? guess he doesn't pay attention. >> every kid who has socks, plays soccer, every parent knows that. >> i do feel like every kid growing up, like they played little bit of soccer, like right every passage. >> you know how many soccer games just watch my kid go back and forth. >> i just pick up the grass, i was cut from the team. >> then we give him juice box, we stop by chuck-e-cheese, we go home. >> yes. >> yes. >> jenn fred knows all about soccer one at one of our favorite places, reading terminal market. hi, jen. >> guys, talking about meal prep. number one, how much time does he have to we have to spend per week? we'll ask that question. and what's under here that's going to make meal prep easy? you've got all of the answers? >> so easy ( floor creaks) i can't believe we're doing this! (thunder cracks) ahh! gus, you're not scared, are you? i don't like thunder! this is getting creepy! (a wolf howls in the distance) heeey ... -whoa! (shriek) did you say creepy? fang-tastic fortune. the new scratch off from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of $50 grand. that's a monster of a prize! (giggles) (laughs) keep on scratchin'! >> morning, equipment issues on the market frank forwards line, all send heard around the tioga station, looking at ten minute delays, for the commuters this morning, accident involving overturned vehicle on the lincoln drive, hot mess, they've been in this paving project, it is southbound, overturned, right near wissahickon, so, watch for delays as you roll through mt. airy. big delays, because after five car pile up on 422, and it is eastbound, right at the stowe interchange, there, as you head in toward pottstown, and then, south on 95 rolling through south philly accident right near columbus boulevard, and then this is a new situation. not sure an accident or they got this guy stopped. woodhaven road, right near the roosevelt boulevard, right by the old nabisco cookie factory to gave you a idea here. rain on the way, sue on the way, too, 15 seconds. here she comes. >> it has been an amazing sunrise, this morning, vowed more, the pocono mountains, look fantastic, see the low clouds there, but check out some of the photos, our viewers have been posting, on twitter, this morning, i have a little photo column and for you, coming up of here comes. there is one. twenty-three, four, from all over the region via twitter letting us know what's going on in your neighborhood. here is the other thing going on, though, rain, and in some cases it is a little on the heavy side. down there southern delaware, moved to the north, we so some steady lane just north every reading, very light rain, around the philadelphia area region, but there is a couple of heavy downpours down in sussex count any delaware, as well. >> have rain gear with you, 75 , and some rain, mostly in the morning, tomorrow. mostly cloudy and cool again on friday. so we really cool down for the end of the work week, for the weekend we warm back up again back to the 80s by sunday, and then we cool back down again by tuesday of next week. so a lot to keep track of. back to you. >> it is. >> they prep the meals for five days. >> oh, yes. meal prep. >> meal prep. >> but it seems so exhausting, doesn't it? to get all of that together? >> jeff has the solution over to that over at reading terminal market. >> one of the favorite people, back, good morning. >> what's up jen, how are you doing today? >> first of all give it tow moo. how much time do i have to spends on a sunday? i have stuff to do on a sunday. >> i would suggest spending hour and a half sunday meal prepping. that way you can probably make about five to ten meals, lunch, dinner, set for the week. >> the big problem area is at warning, at school, teachers, moms, everything. what do you have under your magic continue foil here? >> under the magic continue foil is your protein. >> okay. >> so, the thing with meal prep, consistency in being health. >> i and get boring. >> does get boring. so you don't want to eat blands chicken all the time. one way to do it cook three different types of chick never one pan setting. >> okay. >> certainly, make little gaps, make little bridges. dividers. >> different toppings? >> dill riff toppings. >> what do you have smear. >> so we have lemon pepper here. >> yum. >> i chile over here. >> and then mrs. dash. >> got to have mrs. dash. >> got to have mrs. dash. my laid. >> i so to work, every day? >> every day. >> other thing we are messing up is the snacking? >> we can snack all day. >> so snack something important, don't snack all day. so almond, your healthy fat. you want about 20 al months in each bag, that's about two handfuls. >> how many times a day do i get that? >> twice a day. >> okay. >> yep. >> same thing, carrot over there. don't go overboard on the carrot. and if you have a sweet tooth, i like these, little packet of peanut but ther. >> what do i put with that cookie's. >> even better, apples. drop the cookies. have the apples. >> okay. now you having? your little baby tupperware thing. >> yes. >> so whether it comes to cash hydrates, one of my favorite cash hydrates, is sweet potatoes. >> that's a win, key have that. >> that's a win. something you can also do with meal prep. >> this took me ten minutes to make. really simple. all you do, you grab the sweet poe te'o, grab a fork, poke it about five times. >> love it. >> right. >> yes. >> sprinkle little cinnamon on top. wrap it in a paper towel. microwave. five minute. right? >> i love it. >> listen. >> after the five minute, flip it, five minutes. cut it. beautiful. beautiful sweet potato. >> i'm going to make a commitment. i'm getting red of the cheetos. >> bet rid of the cheetos. >> i'm going to do this for you, and probably going to be schwinn any like, i'll see in you 2018. >> that's good. let's do it. >> thank you so much. did you a great job. >> real good job. he is so good. so are you, jen, thank you. >> and he's so right, don't want the blands chick glenn no. >> is a bad marriage bad for your health? yes. yes. but i need to have you guess this one now. do you think the wife is more stressed out? unhealthy? or the man gets more stressed out, if he's in a bad marriage? we'll ask preston and steve next. i love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. because the things you love can stink. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> hey, preston and steve, listen to this new study that we found here. proved just how strong women are, i guess. it says that a rocky marriage raises men's risk of heart attack, while women seem to be okay. they're perfectly fine. they can just kind of blow it off. and in turn, when the marriage is really good, when the marriage is really good, men are health year, apparently, we don't handle the stress of a bad marriage, as well as women. >> well, all do you have do take a look at the obituaries see who died. it is the guys. >> the men die first. >> yes. >> actually in luck. we have a marriage expert. >> we do. >> here in our studio this morning, i'll bring him over here on the cameras. >> mark summer. >> hello. >> hey. >> how are you guys doing? haven't end you in about two hours. >> yes, we went to brown owe mars with mark. >> yes, and his wife. >> mark summers yes. he said you guys left the show early. were in bed by 9:00. >> exactly. >> thank you, mark. >> now, mark, has been married to alice, how many years? >> forty-three years. >> wow. >> and she is lovely. >> yes. >> is alice aware of this? >> the deal is i've been on the road so much, only been home 14 of those 43 years. that's why i work. >> it is a case of though do you buy into this? that a happy marriage adds to your longevity? >> i know when it is not going well, in any relationship, it does stress me out, and the women i've been with took a little more comfortable, i would say. >> do you know what happens, mike? i ends up i say preston, you spends a lot, like be brushing your teeth, and then you have to like dialogue running constantly, riding along. >> well, you know what, i think maybe the fact that women let they're motions run more freely than guys might. and our pent up nature might cause a little extra stress on the particularrer. >> oh, that's it. >> i think that might have something to do with it. >> is kathy there today? she has been in a bad marriage for years. >> oh, my god. >> you're right, terribly strained, just thread bear at this point. >> i think that women deal with stress better than men, maybe it is because women like to get it out and guys do hold it in. but i think that just in general, women deal with stress better. >> i would agree with that. >> alex as a woman who is not married, but obviously very attractive, data lot of men -- >> you data lot of men, do you, al next. >> i mean, i just think about how you guys are when you get sick and how you turn into like little babies. i think your tolerance level. >> i'm very spartan, i wander off into the woods until i'm healthy enough and then i come back. >> well, were you raised by wolfs. >> i lived with the wolfs for awhile. >> hey steve, would you ask mark to common our show tomorrow because there is a new documentary about his wife? i'll see what i can do. but he's already made -- he's indicate that that might and possibility anyway. but i'll work it for you. thank you for the offer, mr. jerrick, i'll try and show up tomorrow and do that. >> i would love that. >> try there. try. >> hey, thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> see you later, hopefully see him tomorrow. good day everybody, wednesday october the 11, 2017. >> from the fox 29 studios, this is "good day philadelphia". >> miles of devestation. wild fires raging out of control in california. homes, businesses, destroyed. dozens killed. over 100 people missing. so what's fueling this fire that's making them so difficult to put out? >> plus: they're everywhere. spotted lantern flies are invading our area, threatening our trees. and getting rid of them isn't assisi as you think. >> the hit just keep oncoming, for apple. the wait. it is not just the iphone eight causing problems. why you don't want to hit update on any of the models. >> twenty-four car al magic drops in philly. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> it was too hot. bruno mars lit up the stage last night, so you know we had to go. >> i really believe that bruno mars is my alter ego. >> you're the same size. you kind of look the same. >> people are saying, as i posted video we did three years ago, uptown funk. >> so much fun. >> i had some people, my own friends, were like, okay, for awhile i thought i was watching bruno mars. >> i know. >> austin said that. austin said that's al next. >> i look like a man, thanks everyone. >> you studied it so carefully. your imitation. >> welshing she looks like a >> maybe it just fits. >> all right, let's take a look. >> wouldn't you much rather look at the number of the day, mike? >> no. >> mike to h. r. mcmaster, mike to h. r. mcmaster. >> real. >> i i'm dating her. >> six out of ten. ahh. >> it is time to get out the rain gear again, it rained monday. didn't rain yesterday. back to rain today. not constantly. it is very spotty, and scattered, though showers throughout the area. but they're there. and they may be in your neighborhood soon. so there are the clouds, we've got out there this morning, 68 . with a 7-mile per hour breeze out of the northeast, and those northeasterly winds will keep us cloudy today. we won't get as warm as we did yesterday. up to 84 degrees, whether we should have been near 70. today, mid 70s, so about 10 degrees cooler, but still above average. and some showers and thunderstorms around throughout the afternoon and evening. bob kelly, we've got some changes in the seven day forecast, coming up. >> you got it changes on 309 right now. good morning, everybody, 8:03, an accident, ouch, i don't think these guys are supposed to be this close here, bumper to bumper, north on 309, right near welsh rd., near the 309 shopping plaza there. look at everybody, all out on to the lawn here. this just happened. excuse me, just happened again, north, 309, accident, south on i-95. right near columbus boulevard. causing delays. overturned vehicles on the lincoln drive. southbound, right near wissahickon avenue. equipment issues, on the market frankford line. septa running with ten minute delays this morning, because of some early problems near the tioga station. mike and alex back over to you. >> okay, let's get to drexel here. associate professor from drexel is on leave. he's been asked to leave the campus after offensive tweets about the las vegas shooting, some people found his editorial and his tweets offensive. so he's not on campus. not for the comment so much, but threat against his life, and safety of the student. >> that's what the university is saying. so, the professor who teaches political science and global studies, has been getting bombarded with death threats. they started last week after he posted several tweets, connecting white supremacy and the mass shooting, the university says it placed the associate professor and administrative leave because every increased concerns about his safety and the safety of direction l community, apparently he also wrote an article, and that really started going around, to different web sides, and even on different shows, and he's saying that the amount of slurs and mail and, you know, calls he's seeing just been great. but -- >> yes. it a periods in the washington post, about four, five pages, of a pen piece he wrote. all right, 8:05. septa bus driver undergoes surgery today after being shot during a armed robbery in shaw berry mansion. robert long-us shot in the leg after he walked yesterday. he is a 13 year septa employee. and he says a good samaritan stopped to help him, which saved his life. police think there may be connection between this shooting and other hold-ups that have been in the area. >> okay. at least seven people are dead, 2,000 homes and businesses flattens by fire. >> you mean 17 people, and this is a result of the wild fires burning this weekend. there is a total of 17 fires, sweeping through the state. and they've already charred 100,000 acres of land. and around 30,000 people have been investigated, evacuated, excuse me, but whether it comes to the number every people who have died, i mean, that number of people is expected to rise. we don't know the exact number, more than 100 people missing? >> missing. certainly unaccounted for. a lot of cell phones burned, you know, maybe that's it, who knows, they can't communicate with each other. allison barber is in nap a. allison? >> reporter: good morning, to both you. yes, that's been a consistent issue here for officials and family members trying to check on their relatives, getting in touch with them. those fires hit fiber lines and cell towers, and made clean case in the hardest hit parts where the biggest fires are incredibly difficult. we know there are thousands of people in shelters and police say some of those are people who have maybe been reported missing and been trying to get them in touch with their family members. and so no, ma'am a county alone, police there said they had 200 reports of missing people, again, as you said, mike, the hope is that some of that is just people not being able to get in touch with relatives who are actually safe. but because self-service here so bad, sell service so bad maybe they haven't been connected so far. hundreds are reported missing. >> allison, i bet you have seen this satellite picture of it is fairly small town, called coffee park. did you see that? near santa rosa? >> reporter: yes. >> we will put it on the screen. >> reporter: there have been a number, i mean, you talk to people specially santa rosa area. and they talk about how there are some towns where there is nothing but maybe one house, where it just looks like almost like a bomb or something has gone through here. the building, the winery where i'm at now, is one of those places, if you look at a before photo of this winery, it is hard to process how different it is now, and how much has just been destroyed. >> and in a short amount of time, too, because in the pictures we just showed from coffee park, that was if five hours? >> yes, like it was nice in the morning, then it was gone in the afternoon. >> reporter: one of the things everyone here talks about, they say this is typically historically the biggest wild fire time of year for northern california. >> trowel. >> reporter: they say they really haven't seen fires like this in quite a while. and they a tribute it to this combination of a perfect storm, where they had a lot of rain this summer. so they had a lot of registration, a lot of vegetation that then dried out. then you have these heavy diablo winds come through, anything like a little spark, a match, whatever, can make it go just huge. >> yes, northern california is like kindling now. could you have your camera person zoom out a little bit? we will find that picture. what's the name of the winery? signal area, what is it? >> cigroleo. they want to seat areas behind us. i was walking through guys just little while ago f dan can zoom in or show you a little of it, you can see, back there, sort of past the big white stone wall, that should be, yes, that area though right behind there what should be the back of it. the front, this is not huge building, but that literally umbrellas, behind that, and that just shows you that's what should be the back of this building. and it is completely gone. you walk through, it is just rubble. authorities make out a lot of what is in here. it is just completely destroyed. it smells. it smells charred. as the winds comes in and out we can tell when the winds is picking up because the smell is stronger. and then there are little flakes of white ashes, you can specially see them in the lights when you're here in person, it looks like little bits of snowflakes. but it is not. it is someone's life, it is someone's work that's just been burned and has been reduced to all of this, all of this rubble. >> nice job, allison. thank you for that. >> thank you. >> we'll try to get a picture that far winery. hopefully heard that in the control room. >> so you can see the before and after. >> president trump coming to pennsylvania this evening. >> he's going to be in harrisburg, and going to be touting his tax overhaul plan. >> the president is pushing the largest tax cut in us history. sounds good, right? promise to go create jobs and boost the economy. under the president's plan, middle income families would get an average tax cut of about $300 a year. he's talking about taking the corporate tax rate down from in the 30's, down to, like, 15%. and some of our income taxes for the rest of us, down to 10%. but who pays for it? that's the big rub i guess. 8:10. >> well, emanem has been trending since yesterday. and it is because he blasted the president with rap at the bt awards. they have it, where they get rappers together, they freestyle rap. just freestyle, whatever they want to talk becomes but just shows their skills when it comes to free styling. and he talked about president trump, and how he felt about president trump.& >> it went on for four and a half minute, laid into the president over everything from immigration, corruption, white supremacy, gun control, i mean, he talked about real serious issues in this thing. also talk about the nfl and the kneeling situation. here's a little built of it, sick tan, that's why he wants us to disband, can he not stands the fact we're afraid every trump walking on egg shells. that's why he keeps screaming drain the swamp because he's in quicksand. >> and then he went on to say, toward the end, he said, he talked directly to his own fans, the fans of his music, and his rapping. if they stood with the president, and not him, emanem, he basically told them to f off. >> he said i'm going to draw the line here, either over here or over here. not necessarily just staying with him, but staying with the way he views things, the way he views what president trump is doing for america. >> hey we found a picture that far winery by the way. that is now gone. and gone within hours. that's what it look like the day before yesterday. >> wow. >> now it is gone. >> she said she was at the back, but all we saw was one rock wall. and she said you can see the debris that was around at the bottom of the screen there. >> beautiful place. all right, here we go again. that show inside edition. every now and then they come to philadelphia and other cities and they look for rat. >> like rats? >> in our restaurants. well, they found them again. >> you won't believe where. >> well, we will tell you, where these restaurants are. better get over there, looks like the rats are eating everything. >> and they're everywhere. no, no the talking about rat now, talking spotted lantern flies, have you seen these? are they in your area or in the area? if you haven't, you probably will soon. getting rid of them isn't easy. we will talk about this how you can get rid of this invasion if you can. honey, what are you doing? watching a cow...? what's it doing? impressions start your day with the new hash brown scramble bowl from chick-fil-a. new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. >> 8: 15, jammo, first of all the school bus is not involved, he just is squeezing on past him, what would be the left lane here. but not a good start to your wednesday morning, standing on the grass there, along 309. this is northbound, 309, right near welsh rd., edgley road there, multi vehicle, one of those classic fender benders. i think everybody's okay. we're just swapping our license and registration numbers there. jammo on the schuylkill, though. eastbound, on the right, stack up into downtown, westbound jammed up all the way out to king of prussia. just everybody little slower than normal this morning, we a lot of quick accident in the last hour or so. southbound, on the lincoln drive. and overturned vehicle, at wissahickon avenue. now, they've been paving this lincoln drive to begin with, and ten minute delays on the market frankford line. all because of some equipment issues at the tioga station, and get ready for delays along route one today, in langhorne. a truck, smacked into the overpass, at oxford valley road yesterday. they just fixed the overpass. so now they have to do an emergency inspection, to make sure everything is up to snuff there. so we will have some delays during the day, sue has got your forecast in 15 seconds. >> the time is 8:16. it looks pretty nice, although cloudy. up in the pocono mountains, already seeing some showers this morning. mid week rain, what we have. not as much as we had probably on monday, in spot, but it will be around, cooler temperatures ahead for the rest of the work week, as well. not the 80s like yesterday, but then we warm up over the weekend, we will show you all that in a second in the forecast, consistent thunderstorms down in the eastern shore of maryland, but the thunder and lightning hasn't quite made it into our viewing area, we've seen rain, now some of the heavier rain moving into berks county, and parts every lancaster county as well. eventually, into chester county. we go down to south of us, and we have seen some pockets of heavier rain, in delaware, as well as cumberland count any new jersey. so, that's what you've got. throughout the day today, some sunshine, very little, if you see any at all, 75 degrees, today, six a tomorrow. and a high of 68 friday. then we warm back into the 80s, by sunday, and back to the 60s by tuesday. lots of ups and downs. >> okay, sue, yesterday, we had a report avert quake right in chile? >> yes. >> 6.2, we had wild fires, oh, hurricanes. >> there has been a lot that's been going on. >> another earthquake in mexico. >> now we have an invasion of not of locusts, but locusts, but spotted lantern flies are invading eastern pennsylvania. they look kind of prep when they spread their wings out. >> not like this. >> in, they don't look pretty there. when they spread their wings, they're kind of pretty, black, red. >> looks, look how many there are. and the problem is they can cause serious damage to plant, and trees, and they can bite you. >> well, they first arrived, yes, can bite humans. first arrived in berks county about two, three years ago, and since then, spreading to other counties. we will tell you those counties in just a second. but look at this video. >> in is from one every our photographers, tom beck, he sent this to us, in his yards. and they're all over trees, he said they won't go away. he doesn't know what to do to stop t they're annoying, he doesn't want them to ruin his yard. >> so we're at tom's house right now, this is in the upper pottsgrove area. there is tom on the right. who is your friendsy? understands his name is bill page? >> this is bill page. he's an expert on these bugs. go good morning. >> good morning. >> tom, how long have you been dealing with these spotted lantern flies in your yard? >> good six weeks. probably late august, we first stat dollars in the g them. just a little bit at a time, one or two, then all the sudden, waves of them came. thousands of them. >> let's get right to it. >> every day. >> where are they? >> they're in the trees here. >> let's. >> they tends to enjoy the maple trees up in this area. and you can see, you know, they blends in with the bark real well. >> they do. >> let mr. pick one off. and i'll stick it in the lens here for you if you want to take a look at it. >> oh, yes? >> they have red eyes, it is actually a very attractive bug. it has got that beautiful red color in their wings. but when they come by the thousands, and they start attacking you when sitting out in your backyard, and you can't enjoy anything, because these bugs are everywhere, it becomes a big problem. and our concern is that, you know it, will kill off a native species out here, these maple trees very prevalent out in montgomery county. and if they attack these map else as they are now, that will become a big problem for us. >> all right, we will put up a picture what they look like when they spread their wings, but bill, where did they come from? and how do we get rid of them? >> it was originally thought that they came from china, india, viet nam in 2014. and right now, your best strategy to kill as many as you can, you can use products off the shelf at your hardware store or you can hire a licensed contractor, to do these insecticide applications for you. >> but it is not like you can just get a spray and spray them? >> yes, you can spray them. a contact insecticide will kill them. it is very effective. i also recommends when you do these contact insecticides, that you add a horticultural oil. because the problem now is that the females are now laying eggs, and they oil will actually coat these eggs, and suffocate the eggs. each female has the ability to lay 50 to 250 eggs. and that's the scary part. >> oh, ya, that's a lot of eggs. now, it won't harm the plant or the eggs if we're using contact spray for the bugs? >> correct. you just have to be conscious, some of these sprays, they are toxic. they can keep children, pets, and people out of the way, at least until these materials dry. you do have to follow the label directions. that is a legal document, and they are toxic. >> bill, are you get ago lot of calls for this? >> yes, we got couple every day. up in this route 100 corridor, it is a huge issue. and seems to be spreading quite quickly. >> yes, yes. >> so tom, have you tried using contact spray? >> i've used a sort ofment of sprays, tried pretty much everything that's out, there found one from the garden center seem to have been working, these are my two most valuable weapons, brooke that i broke because i've wacked these things so often. >> oh? >> and this is, you know, my wiffle ball bat with a little flyer swatter. >> accustommized swatter! >> he's ready for battle. battle in the backyard. >> this, yes, in is has brought a lot of excitement and joy to my neighbors whether they see me out here swatting these fries with my broken broom now. >> that's how tom gets to work, he rides that broom stick. >> yes. i'm having trouble right now, i need a better broom. >> all right, thank you. >> thank you. >> so there you go. real quickly here, bill is from, i think, breitbart view plant healthcare services, so if you need him, that's what it is called, breitbart view, or who ever you have in the area, happens to be up in pottsgrove. >> i like to hear you can buy contact spray. >> but tom said they've bitten him too. >> and if you don't have it yet they're saying these things from spreading, we just said spread to four count that's are new. so it could come your way. >> headed southbound, folks. hey fellows? we've all been there at least once, in the doghouse, with your wife or your girlfriends. but sometimes it can be tough to figure out why we were sent there in the first place. so we found five signs that you're in the doghouse, and you may not even know it. >> like certain ways she texts you. uh-huh. after 8 years of chris christie, is kim guadagno the change new jersey really needs? guadagno is christie's hand-picked successor. says she's "proud to be part of the christie administration." guadagno was chris christie's right hand as our schools came under attack, critical services were underfunded, and our credit rating was downgraded...11 times. from the bridge to the beach, we've seen it all, and we've had enough. kim guadagno isn't the change we need. >> did you know that not getting enough sleep, enough z's, could actually drive you crazy? the national alliance on illness, insomnia, and sigh it, depression, other symptoms, in at least half the population. now you know not getting regular sleep affect more than just your attitude, huge effect on overall health. so make it a priority. won't say make you crazy but can affect your mental health. >> we apologize for that, if you're depressed, it doesn't mean you're crazy. >> no. >> but you got to get enough sleep. i've not had a good night's sleep in, well, since 1999. >> oh, that could be your problem, something you might want to work on. >> so maybe it does cause you to go crazy. ahh. >> but on this show, we are a little crazy, maybe just adds to the fun? >> probably so. >> so we will tell our bosses cents. >> i think i probably have three more weeks. >> okay, so, did you get the iphone? the eight? well, don't. everybody i know that got the eight, it is upset. have you ever heard of a swollen battery? >> no, what's that? >> some friend every mine have a swollen bootery. anywhere, our tech guy in, before you get a eight, hesitate. you might even wait. you won't be late. hi, jen? >> hey, guys, here with rhonda, hi, chef rosenthal, all right, you say veggies don't have to be boring, true? >> true. absolutely. >> and this, vinegar. >> vinegar. water. salt, sugar, we will pickle. >> he says it will be good. we'll find out the by the way, hi, rhonda, love you. >> 8:31, and it is a good identify tee have umbrella with you just like bus stop buddy does, he's even got the raincoat on for good pleasure. temperatures in the 60s, so off to mild, very cloudy start, and there is some rain on radar. up to the northwest of us, berks, lancaster counties, down to the south of us, south jersey, parts of delaware. just depend on where you are. 68 degrees, right now, with 73% relative humidity. not as humid, as it has been, but, there is still a lot of moisture in the air. and that moisture will eventually empty from the clouds in the form of showers at some point you'll encounter shower today, i think, high temperature of 75 degrees. so, that takes care of your wednesday, we are getting closer to the weekends, but we've got lots of weather changes, to go through, between now and then. bob kelly? >> hey, sue, 8:32, good morning, everybody, coming in from new jersey, delays on the freeway, from 55, all the way up in toward the walt whitman bridge. accident on the lincoln drive, overturned vehicle, getting word, that the actual accident is outbound, but they only have the one lane open coming inbound, so that's causing delays for the gang through mt. airy this morning. and, later on today, expect delays in langhorne, a truck, smacked into the route one overpass, yesterday. right near oxford valley road. that's right near where sesame place is. so they're going to inspect the bridge, and the beams today, to make sure everything is safe. so expect delays, through the day, in langhorne. mike and alex back over to you. >> boy, hasn't been on the market very long at all, but apparently this iphone eight has got a lot of problems. >> so some customers say the problem is with the battery swelling. >> what? >> pops out of the phone little bit. well, others say the software update did their iphones more harm than good. what's going on here? apple? so we were calling in an expert, our tech expert, and thely among lewes owe, little concerning. >> let's start right with the battery swelling, never heard of it in my life. >> what are you talking about. >> sang song had the issue, catching on fire. >> yes. >> then the iphone 6s. the phone would randomly shutdown. this is interesting. basically the battery due to either heat the way the software is program, an engineering glitch. some batteries have swelled out you can see from the picture, they actually tear through the case. now, the one thing that apple is trying to say, the on line community, which dow agree with, look we shipped 18 million phones this quarter, and of .001% have issue, and since it is going across all of the brands, that they really need it look at how they're manufacturing these batteries. it is a problem. >> is that a lithium battery? >> yes. little guy, lithium, right in here. hanging out. >> okay. scientists out there, people who passed chemistry, like i didn't, does lithium expands whether it gets hot? >> that wasn't my degree. i would say, now, here's what i would say though. if you look at these phones, they're 5 ounces, right? you have cell until signals, cameras, even had to remove the audio jack. and you want the battery to last longer, longer, longer. we're asking these device toss do quite a bit in a small form factor, and where is the heat release? how do you get heat out every these things, these things cook. >> shouldn't they figure these things snout. >> i guess that's why we pay thousand of dollars for a phone, yes, the answer is they should. but apparently there is some glitches there. >> even if you didn't get the iphone eight, apparently if you download the latest software update, which i never do, i need, people are saying this ios11 it has issues, too? >> i was affecting, of course bleeding edge, i downloaded it, first thing that happened we e-mail stopped working. coy sends you knew e-mail, but couldn't reply or forward e-mail. that was a big problem there. then there is a glitch. now which is in play where the home screen not working working on fix for that now. one of the guys rick that works for my organization, all he's been doing is complaining about it, and sad thing is, one thing this inning we want to talk about the fix. just recently apple stopped the ability to downgrade, to ios10. so that means -- >> can't go back? >> really can't go back, no. >> well i have to go to the store. >> exactly. >> so if you are affected by glitch, you want to take it to the store. i'll give you one personal experience real fast, when i downloaded ios10 shut my phone down, fix philadelphia after about eight hours, working with apple. i thought it was hard wear problem, it wasn't. next month my phone bill came in about $2,500 more. said i downloaded about 80 gigs every date at day my phone was off. so there is apple's if the been too good lately with the updates. >> did you get that off your bill? >> i d i had to get apple to sends an e-mail to verizon confirm that we weren't messing around that we actually had service ticket. >> how long did it take to take care of this? a day? full day? >> i was up until about 4:00 a.m. nine hours. apple actually added me to their development team, for testing, because they never had seen anything like this before. and then it probably took another two weeks to get the bill credit. >> i'm going back to flip flown. >> exactly? >> i do miss flip phones. >> i do too. you slam it when mad at somebody. >> so we have to wait for the next update for the update. >> wait for the next update. what i am ' saying to everyone, wait for the iphone x. wait for 200 bucks. it looks the same as the eight. there is absolutely nothing -- >> but can't get the new eight what makes you think? >> scary. >> i'm waiting for the iphone 68. >> i would rather talks about rats in our food. >> okay? >> what's going on in restaurant around here? >> well, i'm going to get a cat. i think every restaurant, anyway, inside edition, tv show that i used to like, but it is no good any more. >> they came back to philadelphia, you want to know? i'll tell you after the break. new fast play games are out ...and lucky you has progressive top prizes. bet i can clear these shelves faster than you can play. ready...go!! (cans/condiments hitting the floor) i won! fast play. play fast. win instantly. >> you know that show inside edition that i used to like. >> yes? >> i'm actually a friend of deborah norville. >> you are? >> welshing i wouldn't say friends, acquaintance. >> does she know who you are? >> if she -- she would say yes, she would say hi, mike. >> acquaintance,. >> we would lug you. >> don't hang out or anything? >> no. and the show she does has gone downhill. i'm glad we don't have it any more. inside edition. "tmz," so much better. >> no wonder you aren't friends. >> well, probably moth happen which that analysis. but anyway, they have this sellingment called rat patrol, i love to watch it except when they come to philadelphia. so three local restaurant received national attention from the show on their rat patrol. >> okay, ready to hear what restaurants? >> i don't like this. >> they focused on jim's steaks location on south street. >> we love. >> jim. >> famous fourth street del kegs test end. >> i love it. fourth street. >> shake shack at sansom street. >> you leave shake shack alone. >> so they went to each restaurant early in the morning, you know how they do it, shine flashlights in through the windows, and they said rodent were seen in all three restaurant. the president of jim's steaks even showed up, while they were there filming, and here's what towed say about it. >> you know you have a giant rodent problem. >> don't have a giant rodent problem. >> i saw a giant one running around. >> you saw a mouse. >> that's what he saw. >> three running around inside. >> i saw one. >> my gosh. there were three mice in a restaurant in philadelphia. >> hum. >> three blind mice. see how they run. so i guess he's saying ' three is not bad. is that what he is trying to say? >> the reporter said the solution was they just put blind up so you can't see. >> oh. >> i don't know. >> stop them from coming back? >> i don't care. i'm still going to go there. >> you don't care about mice? >> i like jim's steaks. >> me too. >> what about shake shack, and then fourth street? they're also good. >> i was just talking about shake shack yesterday. i love shake shack. >> is that what it is, with restaurants, just pretty much assume there will be mice in there? is that what he snake. >> i don't know. i've heard that for years. not philadelphia. every city. >> really? >> there is sewers, rats live in sewers, sewers are connected to -- connected to the knee bone, three blind mice. >> so really securing the food and they can't get to it? >> yes. >> then we're good. >> couple every days ago jim's steaks put up the blind, that you saw there, right? and then they released a statement and here it is. >> they said inside edition investigative team has provided valuable information, prompting us to evaluate and augment our health and safety effort. and the philadelphia area director for shake shack also released a statement saying, we've held ourselves to the highest standards from day one, the incident in philadelphia was unacceptable to us, periods, we sincerely apologize to our fans, and we want to assure them the matter was immediately handled. okay, now they should go back. >> that is good marketing there. what you could have done, is attack inside edition, the tv show, which i did earlier. really downhill. >> there go. >> but they're working on it? >> but they were positive about the marketing. we will fix it. >> okay. >> well, but, fourth street didn't release a statement, i guess, because we we didn't show that one? >> well, we will put it on the screen. >> all right. >> jenn fred is over at reading terminal market. hi, jen. >> okay, i got this crazy place called -- >> just kidding jen. >> city kitchen. >> city kitchen. now, listen. we are making some kind of crazy veggie thing. >> making a bun maze, vietnamese sandwich. all with fresh veggies, will pickle some veggies. >> i love it. >> talk us, so right back. >> be right back after the break. what can you do with two bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches for $5 from dunkin'? settle a debt. make a friend. save the day. or keep 'em both for this handsome devil. with two bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches for $5 the future is in your hands. america runs on dunkin'. >> looking little saudi, sky top lodge, beautiful, see how the leaves are starting to change? we love. that will all right, we've got rain around, there has been rain in the pocono mountains this morning, probably will be more, before the ends of the day. you see it is raining up in berks county. lehigh county, as well as lancaster county. >> down in southern delaware, maybe around the shore, wildwood, cape may, also seeing some rain this morning most of the temperatures in the 60s, little cooler than yesterday, but still above average. in fact, our normal high, for this time of year around 68 degrees so still above average today with 75, then mid 60s, and upper 60s tomorrow. and friday, and but then into the upper 70s on saturday, looks like a warm day on sunday. cool offer again by tuesday every next week. so at least our warm up, alex, came in just in time for the weaken. >> that's true. >> that's when it counts. sue i know you mentioned leaves starting to change, one of the biggest signs of fall. we love that, look at all of the leaves. well, also great time for veggies. jen, you're someone, veggies don't have to be boring! >> chad, you're never boring. we're in this cool place, city kitchen inside the reading terminal market. we talked on the phone, enough with the veggies, but you say you can kick it up a notch? >> amazing things you can do with veggies, make some amazing homemade mayo like this. to kick it off. >> this restaurant, bonn street. what's in the mayo? >> in the mayo egg yolk, canola oil, fish sauce, citrus, garlic. >> regular mayo at home? keep going. you prefer to you make your own. city kitchen here and eye owe vine out there just have these amazing fresh, you know, local veggies. you say we do it rawle all the time? just slice up fresh jalapinos did quick pickle. >> the thing talking on the phone you're like pickle veggies makes it more fun. and i have to say, i'm intreagued. >> okay? >> so you put this on the sammy? >> yes, real bun, it takes few days, bucket and everything. this is called a quick pickle. like going out drinking the next morning you have a quick pickle. >> exactly. >> should not be hot but tv we make it hot. gives it the sweetness against l jalapino. >> it is rice vinegar then sugar and salt and water get it super hot, boiling, and anything that's got meat to it, carrots, radishes, breakdown boiling water, pickle grade. >> then i can put this in my fridge at home and is her of it like friday nights to my bodies. >> it will last forever, serve with olive, with cheese, on a bun, or come to bun street i'll make you one. >> that's good to know then with this kind of veggie thing, working with veggies and a sandwich. good thing to bring to work, what veggies don't work in that situation? not a lot that don't work. is a filet a veggie? >> that's meat. >> you just set me up for. that will i don't know. mushrooms are great. carrots great. something with meat. meety veggies work in a sandwich you. >> don't want levy? >> finish on top of herbs, cilantro, parsley great, but don't want continue side your sandwich specially putting hot e veggies as well, roast it, we'll roast collie flower. >> okay. then you want us to make our mayo. >> yes. >> are we taking like regular mayo, blends in with whatever you're blending? >> no, take egg yolks, anything else you think taste great. i use a lot of garlic, strut trust, pepper, fish sauce. >> with a whisker? >> no, i put it in a call it a food processor, you can whisk if you have strong forearm. >> yes. >> you can whisk it. >> season it, and you taste home may mayo you'll never taste it again. >> roasting next, we love it. i'll eat. that will then do it on camera. because it might be spicy. >> i'm going to cut it in half for you. >> good. >> then let's dot one that came out of the oven, nice and crispy here. >> here we go. veggies not boring. either is chef chad. here i go. >> i'll give you the good stuff, the pickles, careful, pucker your mouth. >> yum. >> really good. >> i would eat that. >> a the love texture, a lot of flavors, still rolling here? thank, guys. >> 8:52. so we went to the concert last night, bruno mars, must have been 60, 70,000, welshing maybe no? >> the wells fargo center was pack. when people are in the nose bleed, there is a lot of people there. >> look at all of the confetti we have a picture from back stage that we will show you after the break. countless patients. countless ailments. countless hours. and guess what? you can handle it all. be a leader in your field with a bsn from strayer university. a nursing program created by and for nurses. let's get it, nurses. >> downtown charlie brown, stack up on the vine street expressway crossing town, headed over towards the schuylkill, jammo, on the schuylkill, look at this guy riding the shoulder here, this is the westbound delay. from conshy out toward king of prussia. watch for delays through langhorne, route one the overpass, doing some emergency inspections, a truck smacked into the overpass yesterday at oxford valley road, test it out, make sure everything is to up snuff. out there any minute, back to you. >> 8: 56 a shocking new recording, allegedly, captures harvey weinstein at mudding to groping a model, this, as more women in hollywood are coming forward. i love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. because the things you love can stink. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. kyle, we talked about this. there's no monsters. but you said they'd be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that's nothing to be afraid of. -but -- -good night, kyle. [ switch clicks, door closes ] ♪ i told you i was just checking the wiring in here, kyle. he's never like this. i think something's going on at school. -[ sighs ] -he's not engaging. >> from ten pennies, the best of the best place maybe in the country. she is giving out roses. >> what? >> come by right now, ya. it is something called petal it forward. and nationwide effort, by florist to spread happiness. >> you got two roses. >> two roses in. >> one for yourself. >> yes. >> and another one to give to someone else today. >> oh, that's lovely. >> to spread the happiness and a smile. >> i think we need. that will hey straight up 9:00. it is a wednesday, october the 11, 2017. look, it is karen hepp. >> good morning respect guys. >> and she had plenty of roses out, there get out here fourth and market, pretend like you bought it. >> or maybe in the doghouse it would be a good way to get you out of the doghouse. >> would would you bring that up? >> well, because you've been, there right. >> i've been in the doghouse few times. >> and sometimes i feel like men are in it, don't even know they're in it. >> right? >> so subtle signs, and subtle shade, that your woman, or man, maybe throwing, that you may miss. so, we will talk about some of those signs to show you you're in the doghouse. >> perfect example. let's talk about

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