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Helping out a whole lot of folks, right now, busy and jen freddies there. Yeah, we are at manna and new manna check this out they have literally tripled their size. It is part of an amazing week we are having at fox. It is 21st century fox impact week. We are going in the community and helping all kinds of people, the people who need it most. We will talk to a volunteer. Wow, i think i see Thomas Drayton over there, hello, lots of fox volunteers for impact week. How great is manna. They do amazing things, amazing work. They feed thousands of people every day and it is really good food. 9 01 now. This is an age old debate do men really notice what women wear . So, this is a cool social experiment five women changed their outfits five times while on a date on the same date . So, how many of the men do you think actually notices. None. They go off to the bathroom and they come back and then run off and do Something Else and then change clothes, here we go. That is pretty subtle stuff now watch this and wait for it. She takes the blouse off, and she has a country western shirt. Watch the skirt. How did they note that is he is than the table he will get in trouble for looking under there. When they leave did they note that is she has a skirt on now . She changed pants. Came back in jeans. He noticed that. Yes. I dont expect the guy to notice the bag. I wouldnt say, i remember being on a couple first dates and they walked in with a real fancy bag. Umhmm. I mean real fancy. Then you have to worry and started sweating. I go all right who are we dealing with. I shouldnt have but, you know what i mean. Did you leave . No, no. What are you saying. I stayed with her for a long time. You Pay Attention to detail you do notice things like that i have had women ask on a first date, i get the color wrong,. One guy would know when i got my nails done because i never had a guy pay that much attention. I will in the note that is. I dont think men do or dont note that is. I had friend say you get your nails done, one of the things that shows how you take care of everything else. They use that as a barometer looking at mother and then nails how well, you take care of your nails. Right now mine are bad. I know the name of that color. What color. Chipped. It is really is, this is so bad. You have great nails. Thank you. Karen hes gone with prison cell gray. My husband hates this color he said it makes me look like im a zombie. Grays in. Another neutral. I always go light. I think that youre dead, look dead. Maybe that is wish full thinking on your part. Hey. That is horrible. Do you know is there a scientific term, it is called change blindness when a person is able to notice changes, despite the fact that those changes are obvious. So, the more you know. I was sitting in that place over on 15th and sansom, ocean prime. Umhmm. I remember this woman walking in that i was starting to date, i still remember the black dress that she haddon and you know what i said to myself . Im in love with her you are in love with her. It was that dress that decided it. It wasnt so much the dress but the whole aura of it. Yes. I really like the person, i dont think he knows anything i wear but he can tell you the first thing he ever saw me in. The bar in avalon. When you walked over and forced yourself on him in the bar. Our first real date when we went out in cape may, after that fact. By the way did we ever establish, did you make out with him the first night in avalon. We did kiss. We did. We did. You had just met him at closing time. We talk for a long time. It is one of those things you talk, look in their eyes for hours and hours and hours and hours. Okay. What did you have on the first date. We just met at a bar. No, where did you wear. I dont remember but he does. He remembers. I could ask him right now and wow no. Do you think women are the same way you dont note is what guys have on. I notice. You do notice. Yes. You are really good at it. I dont know is what trendy for men but i can tell how i feel. Like if they had a certain color on, you would net is the next time if they wore the same shirt or tie or pants or whatever. Yes, a distinctive color. Do you think you are really good at this. Like difference between black and purple. Welshing big difference between black and purple. I would think would you notice it. Did you change something. What can you change. Lets roll tape from earlier today, there i have been wearing a black tie. My goodness. I have been wearing a black tie for three hours. So i switched to a vivid purple. You set me up. I set you up. Wow. Yeah. I can tell difference between purple and black you dont care about me. You dont even look at me anymore. Oh, come on. What difficult wear yesterday, what color. You wore green. No, i didnt. No, i didnty know because i only wear green on friday before eagles game. It was kind of a, turquoise i think it was white. Yeah, white. Yes. So now i feel better. Wow. 9 08, for many parents trying to figure out how to use the new technology is there only one solution you ask a millennial or especially a teenager. But they resent when do you that because they are like oh, mom, one of the things that is so embarrassing and they resent having to help. 62 percent say it is their biggest irritation having to do household tasks second on the list of complaints and the third their biggest gripe, my gosh, parents kiss nothing front of them but i think that is a sign of a good marriage. Not all up in your face but just show your love. What does that survey think , annoying teenagers trying to help grand pop, grand mom, mom or dad with the technology. Then the third thing they dont want to see parents kissing. When i saw my parents kissing i was like wow and my dad would say come here, baby. Yeah, i didnt want to see that. It is great that they do it one time, i grew up in a family of six. I dont know how they had anytime that. So, i get up from the dinner table, my sisters i had four, they all scattered. Im sitting in the living room my daddies helping my mother, clear the table. Clear the table. He didnt know i was looking. Shes clearing, he shockingly, through her dress grabbed her boob. Is there a reason were so close on me. Youre telling a story. Grabbed her boob. How old were you. I was young, it was enough to remember it though, it was 6 30 in the edge. What did you do. Well, i didnt do anything. Ahh. I was like why did he do that, that is how young i was. Why did he do that . I know for me my grandfather is 87. Im very close with him. He is in texas. He watches every morning. His computer has been broken. He bought a new lap top. When it comes to all Things Technology i can tell him they is looking at this thing like what am i supposed to do with this. Im sure when i go home this weekend it will be a full weekend of figuring out computer. He knows how to, i had to write out a specific list, okay, turn it on press this button and write it out. Number two press start. And then three, do this so he knows how to pull it up and watch us on line every morning that is great. You wont mind doing that, will you. No, of course. Youll love it. When i was little he helped me with science projects it is time to return the flavor. I love your relationship with your grandfather. More pictures coming this weekend for sure. Oh, geese. We will look forward to that monday. Oh, god. That is fine he is watching i know. Hi grand pop. Officialness france are tackling body image issues, so many people are concerned about we want reality when we look at cover of the fashion magazine in france. I want to know if you photo shopped or is the way waist line thinner then. That any photos of the bod that are retouched has to have a sticker on the magazine or on any packaging or whatever. What in the world is going on there . Yes. So you can get a fine up to 44,000. They help reduce number of unrealistic bodies that children and young people look at when they look at magazine or packages. I love this. I love it. It is great, necessary. I am shocked. Are you exposing something. You take so many selfies as we want to do in the television business. Photo shopped you like to filter up isnt that a form of photo shopping. Did you see those peoples faces were changing facial structure and there was a little more than that. That was a lot, those are bad examples. Im talking about the super models and people selling things in magazine and like my gosh i could never look like that. Shes gorgeous. To know that is not perfect and they are human too. They thin down their arms, waist. Usually with the body with the legs. In the one france just effects the bodies. You can still get rid of blemishes and lines and your know and face but not your body. And they have no under weight mod else that walk runways. I love this. Just to know hey this is not the real thing. I love retouching. Or what we could does not retouch and have everybody just be real. No, were retouching. Just dont get rid of it in the united states. This is my before, all right, picture. Do you want to see after the retouching would you like to see it. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, baby. That ace good picture. This is after it is re touched, hold on. Okay, that wasnt as funny as i thought. Steve keeley. But this looks nothing. You should show your face right now. Lets zoom in on his face. There is no way i look at that that is a good likeness. Less go to his face, move the camera up. Would you stop so silly. There is not a line on my face. You could take out a couple lines. You have some lines in that picture but just enough, it looks good. Either way it looks good. Lets just put a warning sign. Put a giant sticker on my do you want to know secret to stake young . I certainly do but i have given up. Top fashion designer, you know Vivian Westwood. She does funky kind of clothes. Designer. Sex in the city when carrie got married and the dress it was a Vivian Westwood dress. Yes. This ace real women. Like betsy johnson. Just like that but just a little witt more expensive but wild quirky amazing woman. Do you want to know her secret to staying young. Yes. She bathes only once a week well, that stinks. Shes 76. Shes fabulous. She said it keeps her raid yen , youthful and she said people shouldnt wash too much and she is well men for being a eco warrior. She said he reuses her husband s dirty bath water. He takes a bath. He gets out. She hops in. Well, you know, i heard sometimes that he only bathes once a month. This is one stinky family. Think of the all of the water they are saving. Berks i know, you know they do say you you can cash your hair too often and make it before it. Even your skin, your skin gets dry. Yes, yes. That can be a problem. I shower every day. Me too. But i have had a doctor because i what had having issues with dry skin, wasnt used to the cold weather and all that and my doctor says, when you think bit, only essential areas thaw need to wash when it comes tour arms and legs. What are those essential areas. You know what im talking about the essentials. The bird bath. Yeah, yeah. I thought that was interesting. There are crevises where you normally need to bath. The news and crannies. Yes, the things that rub together. Yes. You ever heard that term when you see a woman hoist so good looking, this is a old, old phrase. Tony, you will know this. Oh, manny would drink her bath water. I have heard that. You have heard that. Yes, it is a good one, i have known that. Do you think anyone has done that except this designer woman. She wasnt drinking she was just using it. I guess we dont know but i doubt that. Rich people can be extent trick and we can laugh. If we were to do that, it would be nasty. Lets put this to the test. Do you want to not bath the rest of this week. Lets do it. Yes. You know, it wakes me up in the morning. That is you why need it, morning tv, it gets my day started. As long as i get on some type of a thing that i shouldnt be doing. Someone talking in your ear yes. Okay. So crooks are hideous, they have been hideous since they written vented. Some people like crooks. I do wear flipflops. I have seen them in the news room. Disgusting. I dont wear clogs but other products. I wear flipflops almost every day, i even have high heels. Well, get ready for this. No. And in paris you know it is fancy. Look at this. Platforms. Yes, this was on the runway during Paris Fashion Week and he find crooks modern and he is drawn to them because of the Molding Technology that is used. I wonder if he sponsored them. Anyway, the platform crooks will be available next spring and price has not been set but im wondering how can we walk in these, seriously. Well, it is not important for people to walk in them as long as they look attractive. Well, they are kind of cute and they are so high. I have to say. Twist your ankle. I have to say, i think it is cute. It is cute. Better than regular crooks. It is better but maybe just me im clumsy im bound to fally cannot get pennsylvania the chef that wearing the orange one, mario vitale. Chefs wear those. A lot of times, you have nurses people standing on their feet all the time. Yes, sometimes there are slick floors, water, rubber, fine. See it in hospitals and you see it in kitchens. Oh, darn it. Just try to beat megan to the wrap. Megan, can you tell on my face it is my fault as usual. Yes. Lets talk about good stuff stuff people are doing. What are we calling this impact week. I got a impact for you. Our companies 21st century fox, it is committed to making an impact in the communities it serves. So for months we have been planning impact week which is a series of Community Service projects cross the united states. Doing in our area, we are over at manna. Perfect. I hope you guys signed up because if you didnt sign up, you will be in trouble because so many people did. Jodys here good morning. Good morning. We will talk about how this works as we say hi to our coworkers. Because right now 10 fox 29 employees are in there making sure that the people of philadelphia, who need meals are getting nourished, is that right. Absolutely. You have to be able to commit how many hours. Three hour shifts. And how many people do you like in a group. We can take groups of 10 to 25, we consider a group of five people or more. And we have heard that Bill Anderson and hank have been cooking do you get to volunteer the cook, do you get to say what you are good at or they just plug in where ever they need to. A little bit of all of that we love when volunteers tell us when they are good at a certain skill. We can definitely use you in the kitchen. Hank, you are making noodles. I look really good in a hair net. True story. You can cook for 900 people and still maintain quality control, beef, taking care of the broccoli and not wrecking pasta. Quality is high. A lot of people, the food is high up. You focus on that. A lot of the stuff is frozen to get it to them each and every week. Yes, so each of our clients get three meals a day, seven days a week and gets delivered to them frozen. We have staff drivers that go out. People can volunteer to drive as well, food deliveries. All right. I love it. We will be here all morning long. There is the big chef, how are you doing, baby. Hey. It is 21st century fox impact week making sure that the people in our Community Know that we appreciate them it is great, jen, really great , we love manna they do so much great work in our area so thank you. Were remembering a rock legend how music fans across the world are mourning the sudden loss of tom petty. Never ending pasta bowl is back at olive garden. Starting at 9. 99. Come in for over 100 combinations of pastas, sauces and toppings. With everyones favorite, chicken alfredo. Plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. Only for a limited time, at olive garden. Well, tom petty died last night. Just 66 years old. He had a massive heart attack and died. I didnt realize he was a smoker but doctor mike mentioned that. Smoker, drinker, rocker. Yes. So, a lot of music folks are weighing in. Eric clapton issued this statement. Im shocked, saddened by the news of toms passing. He is such a huge part of our musical history. There will never be another like him. Eric clapton. Cheryl crowe. She tweeted i feel like today the music truly died. Cant go, see or hear music and be safe and one of the greats just passed. This is unbearable. Vegas and now a great music here other has passed. You brought us so much joy. John mayor. I love tom petty and covered his songs because i wanted to know what it felt like to fly. You belong somewhere, you feel free. He quoted song lyrics there. Yes, broadway, weighed in. Yes, lynn manual miranda tweets im so grateful for tom pettys music. Feels selfish to want more but i always will. Rest in peace. So what happened yesterday. We knee he had heart attack and put on life support but there there were reports that said he was dead. Yes. I saw it, yes. People tweeting and stuff. Lapd it started with lapd sending out information or something got confused. Yeah. And then it went every where. So, i wake up, before i checking facebook and people are just writing word on facebook now, and on instagram , you know, just a screen with word. Yes. And this one popped up and i had says tom petty, is not dead. Isnt that, i mean what a thing to say. I think, he wasnt dead. He wasnt. So that is why they said it well, i know. I wouldnt mind seeing that every day of my life. Open up your phone and see mike jerrick is not dead. You know what i mean. Just a reminder. Still here. That is a good thing to see when you get up. Everyone send out their inspirational quotes of the day. Every day you are not dead, that is a good day. That is right, i have people ask how are you doing . Well, how are you doing . Im aboveground. I hear that a lot. I hear that a lot. Yeah, im alive. It is tuesday, it is kelly s classroom. Hi bob kelly. Hey gang, good morning, hello from sicklerville, new jersey. We are here at lily Elementary School. This kid held on, wow, wow. Meet Steve Sweeney. Hes a doubledipping pension padder. Doubledipping pension padder he had two government jobs, two paychecks and padded his pension along the way. Hes a doubledipping pension padder now hes making over 300,000 a year as a lobbyist and a senator. Doubledipping pension padder so hes all set thanks to you, the taxpayer. Which is why Steve Sweeney had no problem voting to raise your taxes 145 times, including the largest gas tax hike in history. Sounds about right, coming from a. Doubledipping pension padder whether is the first game . Going to the celtics i forget. October 22. No, the first home game is october 20th. Whats that . October 11. Excited for the first dish. First home game is the 20th . Thats a friday . Yes. Thats what im excited about. Ill google. Because we were so excited about the sixers and something happened. Well, joel embiid of course is trying to, you know, get healthy enough, but still running. Hes still running, just not playing. So u tune, posted by ever and bowen glad i, look who is running across the street at the stop light. Ya, joel embiid. And eyelids at joel, the process, when he saw him, look at that, look at him. Listen. I love you. laughing . He just missed it. Right before that he came up on him, i didnt know what to say, the only thing that came to me minds, and he. You think that truck going along, trust the process. Here it is. Yo, trust the process. And then i love you. You know it looks like hes on spruce. That look like spruce, around rittenhouse square. I believe that i could keep one his pace. Well, hes also injured. Hes injured. Just warming up the legs little bit, getting the heart p. M. Ing. One every his strides is like ten of mine. You know, 93 00 it, i want to let you know in case you want to know the time. I mentally students in sicklerville learning from early age the value of giving back. I never got the graphic that bob kelly wings. The animated bob kelly . Really . So where is he at, the james w lilly Elementary School. Hi, bob. Hey gang, good morning to you, coming to you from lilly Elementary School where it is crazy hat day. Check out this little conductor, he has a hall pass. Check out the sign that they made up front here. They love us at fox 29. And good morning to everybody in lilly elementary. Look at them all lined up. Oh, baby. All 500 students plus here in this Elementary School in sicklerville, new jersey. Now, the principal, angela, explain the hacks that we have here . Well, here in gloucester township, we take a stand against harrassment, intimidation and bullying. So it is our crazy hat day here. Hats off for helpers today, bob. Hats off for helpers. All about the week of respect here at lilly school. Whats great is that they all got a chance to wear their hats and there is a lot going on here. Because back on friday, at the end of september, they had what they called a playathon. Stand up, gang. Stands up. They had a chance to play games to help raise money for the victims of the hurricane. How much did you raise altogether . A thousand dollars. A thousand dollars. Lets have a hand for them. Going to the best Friends Animal Society to epp the help the little furry ones stuck in the hurricane. Stands up girls. What were you doing in third grade . These two young ladies received a perfect score on their third Grade National assessment. Lets have hands for them. Perfect score. And lets take a look at the crowd. Everybody with the green shirt stands up. The green shirts stands up. Go ahead, jared. Take a look. Everybody with a green shirt, are our pride leaders. So theyre learning about pride, the pride stand for positivity, respect, and integrity, dependability and effort. So lets have a hands for everybody in the green shirts. And they had a Summer Reading and a summer meat challenge, okay . So whether a lot of us were swimming in the pool or maybe down the shore, all of these students had a chance to read and learn and right now they got a book fair. And if they make the goal of the book fair, theyre going to turn the principals into toilet paper mummies. What do you say . I think thats a great idea. Lets go. Mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy. Lilly elementary doing great things here in gloucester township. Back to you guys in the studio. Absolutely, bob always bridges, look at the kids, how much fun . Theyre excited. I feel like theyll gather chance to do this for sure. Two mummies that the school soon. Will the 35, not too long ago, you know that Serena Williams showing off her new daughter alexis, now showing off her post baby bod. What until you see what serena looks like now. New fast play games are out. And lucky you has progressive top prizes. Bet i can clear these shelves faster than you can play. Ready. Go cans condiments hitting the floor i won fast play. Play fast. Win instantly. Ill talk to you whether we have our meeting, okay . See now minute. Bye, tracey. Bye. Look, making phonecalls on commercial breaks. Handling business. No, were trying to get flu shots on thursday over at cvs at thirds and market. We cant put this off any longer, two. It is time. Thats right. Are you good about shots . Im ready. I dont want to get sick. I dont want to get the flu. They say now, do it this week. Serena williams had the baby, right. A month ago, yes. Now, she is showing what she looks like now, girlfriends looks good. Lower it so we can see the dress. I think we see some leg. Oh, my god. She looks good. She looks amazing. That is like it is not even natural. She looks so good. She hopes to be back on the tennis court by january. It better not be photo shopped if she plans to go to france. Well, serena says, fun fact, her daughters initials are ao, as in the aussie open, that she won. Oh,. And she was pregnant. Yes. So they won it together. So cute. She was there. Did they do that for that reason or just happenstance . A think a combination when picking the name, the baby girl was name after the dad. Oh, yes. Remember, she a junior. Okay. So it just work out. They likes it with the letters, as well. Remember their love symbol is a rat. Thats what brought them together. A rat. Oh, thats right. When they were meeting, she didnt want him to sit next to her, she said oh, there is a rat over there. So when he proposed he brought out a rat. They went back to the same place where they met. Isnt that sweet. There go. Whether i proposed i brought out a rat and it was me. Is it too early . Weve got to plan our halloween show here at good day philadelphia, kind of famous for it. Are we . Kardashians, lady gagas. Infamous. Yes. I swear, im not being a walt again this year. Were you stay you usually are a woman. I know. So we have to start planning this thing. So i was looking at happy halloween costumes, you knew there was coming, right . A pregnant kylie jenner costume . Oh, really . She is taking a selfie. Thats fun. I so thats kind after big deal. Because so many of the kardashians are pregnant right now. But im thinking my kids will going through all of the costume catalogues, trying to figure out if theyll be minon there is one, part of the fun. I talked to my granddaughter teddy now six and a half. She is going with a standard witch. Oh, nothing wrong with ac little witch. Ya. I bet she will be a cute witch. She will be adorable. So she gets up, pappa mike, im going to be a witch. I said no youre supposed to wear a costume. She didnt understands the joke. A lot of people put up their decorations in weekend. Do you do the whole yard, yards, spiders . Do you have do it based on my neighborhoods. They through down, they put everything down so i had to offered the giant spiders and cobwebs. When you do to beat them, live halloween display, like coy go over there and have blood all over the place. Thank you for volume un fearing, ill book you, the 31st, kids have a big party, half day dress in the black. You really going to do this . No. We love what manna does every evening, jen is there without a hairnet. Oh, a mike. Just know it is impact week. She is doing great thing. Well explain when we come back. You know what i think we should do, after this horrible day yesterday . What . And sunday, end the show today with a prayer. Oh, thats nice. Because everywhere you see on social media, are thoughts and prayers. Uhhuh. So weve never done this on the show. But i think that would be kind of nice. I agree. Okay, well do that in just a little bit. The weather, could not be better. Right, sue . In 15. I dont flow about you but i used the opportunity yesterday to take a walk, clear your head another chance, High Pressure in control. Once again, we are going to watch the colds front out to the west, may not get here until the weekends, could ends up being the weathermaker for awhile. 06 degrees in philadelphia right now. Same in wildwood. Fiftyfour mount pocono, lancaster, and 62 degrees in dover. So, do you have great start. Seventyfive by the end of the day. Seventyeight tomorrow. Now we get to the 80s on thursday, gets little more humid. Mostly cloudy skies on friday. That rain may get here by sunday or columbus day on monday. But a couple of tens, in a couple every days. Could you squeeze out another down the shore weekend. I think we will go this weekend, sue, so excited. Water nice and warm down there, yes. Our company is called used to be 20th century fox, we changed it to 21st century fox, well, you know why, committed to making an impact in the community. Nor months planning this thing called impact week, it is here, series of Community Service project across the united state. Our company is nationwide of course. So jen over at manna. Hi, jen. Reporter yes, so we had big group of people that was here, then megan from h. R. Mcmaster bringing couple of more people over. We have sue, the ceo. Morning. Good morning, so happy to have you guys here. It makes sense that were here. Because you know we love to come here and support what you guys do, before we go back and harrass man, Bill Anderson, you want people to know what manna is so important for, it is really like medicine. Food is medicine. It is, food is medicine, so often people get us confused. But were therapeutic meals. Really providing the prescription for your diets to help you win the fight for your life you. Getty pretty specific . Chronic illnesses in. We have 11 different diet modifications, our team of dietitions they battle with the team of chefs. Theyre worried about the nutrition, Science Behind the wheels, our chefs want it to taste good. After six month battle, all of the nutritional needs, really tastes great. One day year you deliver hot meals, thats thanksgiving a lot of people want to come in on thanksgiving, but what you need after the volunteer slots for preparing, you need . We need drivers to get those meals, delivered fresh and hot, in the house hole of over 800 families that we will be serving on thanksgiving day this year. If you only have an hour or two hours, can you do a little bit of time . Do two, three deliveries, be here to have the deliveries done, be back to our house in a hour, hour and a half. I love it. This is your new facility, been here since april. Im embarrass today say it is my first time here. Beautiful. So big. All about helping more people. One of the things you can literally hoping to quadruple how many people you are helping . Going to producing to 2. 5 million meals a year. 2500 of the neighbors will make sure they get the prescription for their diet. Sad to say that im embarrass today say that i never thought that hank or Bill Anderson could cook. How are they doing so far . I dont know. Keith, if keith is working with them, they must be doing good. Keith doesnt mess around. And he picks who will do the cooking, who will do, putting in the packages and everything . Really based on who will look good in a hairnet. Okay. Mark is here, also, from our team, one of our amazing photographers in the green hat. We talk earlier, you want people to donate three hours of time if they come in here and learn you what guys are all about . Absolutely. We cannot do what we do, small staff, 36 of us, but 4500 volunteers. So every single day we have about 100, 150 volunteers in here that make it possible, and make sure people get the nourishment they need. I love it. If you like your food, it is because mark did it, not hank. Just saying, way to go, mark. Guys, another group of volunteers coming then oh, my gorby forgot thomas is still here. Thomas . More people coming tomorrow. Thanks so much. Jen is fantastic, across the room, thomas stuck stirring. Lets do something that i dont think weve ever done in 20 years every doing this show, and after what happened in las vegas and the hurricanes and everything else, lets take three, four minutes, and pray together. Okay . So we have brought together three wonderful people. Going to help us do that. Are you ready . From different faiths. From different faiths. We have a rabbi, and doctor kevin johnson, i recognize, good to have you here. Pray with us next. Welcome back, it is 9 54. Weve gotten sad news we were hoping we would not have the confirmation, from the ship innings berg police department. It is with the most broken hearts the families of bill wolf, jr. Analyst wife robin share that bill has been confirmed to be among the deceased as a result of the mass attack in las vegas. Please continue to hold our entire family as well as those affected across the nation in your unending prayers. Thats why we do need prayers, bad news. Rabbi, thank you for being here, imam, thank you for coming in. And pastor kevin johnson. Yes. Give me the places where you worship. Where do you worship . A muslim, in philadelphia here. Okay. In. Im on the faculty of the college, worship in roxboroug roxborough. Imagine church in east mt. Airy. You know why were all here, how many times have we said to each other, oh, god please pray for the people out in las vegas, people have been affected by the hurricanes. So could you lead us in a prayer . Lets start with you, imam. Okay, we will do a silent prayer. prayer in silence . And what is your message for your foulers. The message is this is a great challenge for every citizen of this country and for every human being that shares sympathy around the worlds, this is a time to be strong, because god tells us in the holy koran taking one life is tantamount to taking whole human live. Time to give life. Encourage one another, to pray for each other, be Good Neighbors to each other, feel the presence of one another by just praying for each other thats the most important thing. Rabbi. Well, we are told in the beginning every genesis when cane slays able, ables blood is crying out, and we have to listen to the crying out. So may we all listen, listen to the crying out of our brothers and sisters, listen to the crying out of peoples pain and allow ourselves to feel the pain. This is not a time for numbness. This is a time to allow ourselves to feel the pain and know that we can feel the pain and we are come for the dollars by our communities, by our brothers and sisters together, to not go numb. May we have the strength to feel the pain, to be comforted and may we have the strength to go forward in action to do the things necessary to prevent this from happening again. Allow yourself to feel. Pastor . Let us pray creator we ask now for peace. We ask now for violence to sees. We ask now for humans to see one another, for who they are, as your creation, god give us peace, give us sanity, give us love. Amen. Amen. How do you explain this to your foulers. To my followers and even to my children, i mean, i have three children, and my daughter asked me this morning, daddy, why do people kill . And it reminds me of this question of the odyssey, if there is a perfectly good god, then why is there so much evil in the worlds . And the reality is that we dont fully know. I mean, there is a big issue around Mental Health that we really have to begin to deal with. There are other issues that are hatred and love that we have to address, as well. We got to come together . Yes. All right, lets all do that. Thank you. Thank you. I would like to invite people to come to thomas payne plaza, at 6 00 this evening. Hey, are you taking the tissue test . Yep, and my teeth are yellow. I mean i knew they werent perfect, but, ugh. 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