Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20170921 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20170921

bail charged with indecent assault and corruption of a minor after 13-year-old female accused of him of abuse. >> he's been accused of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old. >> sir, i have no idea. >> reporter: do you know anything -- is this surprising of your brother? are you stunned by it some way? >> yes, very stun. >> reporter: police say the victim is the daughter of a man tinney worked with the alleged abuse began when she was just 12. >> juvenile claimed she was inappropriately touched by the defendant. through investigation it was found that mr. tinney would make comments about her appearance and her body inappropriately touched her. >> reporter: investigators say along with the touchin touchingd to buy the girl sexual devices showed her sexually explicit pictures on his phone and showed her his extensive collection of porn kept in a safe in his home. >> that's crazy. that's ridiculous. it's kind of nuts that he would do something like that when he has his own daughter. >> reporter: now the police chief here says that anthony tinney was involved with the eddystone fire department but no longer. but fox 29 has found him listed as volunteer in the fire department in ridley township nearby here in delaware county. live in eddystone, i'm jeff cole "fox 29" news. folks, back to you. >> all right, jeff, thank you. the man who police say made off with a handful of high-end watches in a bold robbery in radnor was in court today. joseph taylor appeared before a delaware county judge in connection with the armed robbery of the bernie robbins jewelry store on the 700 block of lancaster avenue back in august. now, police say surveillance video shows taylor walk into the store. pointing a gun at an employee and then taking off with the rolexs. taylor was released from prison after serving time for other crimes just three weeks before this robbery. happening now, the victims of a terrifying robbery are speaking to fox 29. they came face to face with a man armed with a knife who stole from their family business in oxford circle it happened almost two weeks ago and it's still keeps them up at night because that man is still out there on the streets and police want to get him before he strikes again. fox 29's dave schratwieser joins us live from philadelphia police headquarters with this story. dave? >> reporter: chris, a very dangerous situation. those two elderly store owners did come face to face with that knife-wielding bandit inside their store. both of them were tacked and tonight they tell us they still can't sleep. surveillance cameras were rolling as an armed robber approached kim and arthur's cleaners on oxford avenue with a knife out apparently expecting a confrontation. within seconds, he was forcing the 83-year-old store owner to frantically dialed police. >> that guy said open cash register. open cash register. i got my phone and called 911. >> the store owner wife asked us not to identify her as she spoke with fox 29 with the terrifying ordeal. >> reporter: once inside the store the robbery tried to get the owner to open the register. when he couldn't and tried to flee, the suspect pulled him back inside and attacked him. then he turned his knife on the wife and demanded she open the register. >> reporter: he dragged you to the cash register and took the money out? >> he took everything. >> that's a big knife. i'm just glad no one got hurt, um, you know, he probably would have went in there and asked for a couple dollars then probably would have gave it to them. that of they're that nice of people. >> the bandit took 150 bucks and ran off. >> they're there trying to earn a living and have a decent business for the neighborhood and the community, and this happens to them. >> meanwhile the owners tell us they've been operating their business here since at least 1975. they work long hours together every day. >> this ever happen before. >> never before. >> we're hoping someone can point us in the right direct. now, neither of the store owners were seriously injured. police are concerned that if this guy stays on the street this could happen again and someone could get seriously hu hurt. they believe he could be from the very same oxford avenue neighborhood. dawn? >> all right, dave, thank you. in the city's juniata section the search is on tonight for the gunman who robbed a dollar tree employee. police just releasing the surveillance video from the 1200 block of east hunting park avenue. now you can see the gunman approach the woman who was depositing money at a wells fargo deposit box. the gunman threatens her until she hands over her cash. this all happened last saturday night about 10:00 o'clock. cleanup continues from hurricane maria puerto rico. the cat four storm spared no part of the island. 155 miles an hour winds knocking out power to the entire island. fox's steve harrigan who rode out the storm is in san juan tonight with more. >> reporter: one of the biggest challenges for puerto rico now is restoring electric power. what we're seeing here what we've been seeing really everywhere. it's real do it yourself effort. these people are not trying to restore electric power, they're basically trying just to get this down the power line out of the road so cars can get in and out and what they're doing really is taking debris from hurricane irma which hit two weeks ago and using it to try and salvage something from hurricane marie y it's really using one storm to try and fix another here. power out all over the island when you go inside people's houses you see damaged roofs, dirty flood water inside new york city electricity. when you ask people whose helping them they say we haven't heard a word. we're hoping fema will help us. just how bad are things across the island? still unclear. almost the entire southeast is cut off with no communication. so estimate of the casualties or damages could be days away. in san juan, puerto rico, steve harrigan, fox news. >> now to your fox 29 weather authority. as we take live look down at shore in ocean city, new jersey, another winner of a day. >> much different story down the shore. some beautiful weather out on the beach but hurricane jose could still be creating proble problems. meteorologist kathy orr here to tell us all about it. >> we have rough surf. we still have high waves an high risk of rip currents down the shore. so please be aware of that. even if you're going down this weekend that will continue. a very beautiful day across the region the last day of summer and it feels like it 87 in philadelphia the same in millville. 87 in allentown and down the shore, with this on shore breeze, ocean city 79. even in atlantic city beach haven 79 degrees. the owing water temperature 73. still warm but once again, even though those sea surface temperatures are warn dangerous conditions along the coastline with a high risk of rip currents today, tomorrow and even during the weekend. the reason why, jose still offshore and still bringing that wave action toward us so that is gong to continue. so we'll look ahead now to maria the latest on maria 90 miles northeast of puerto platt at a dominican republic it will continue its track toward the northwest as dangerous category three storm and then move to the east of the bahamas over the next couple of days and pulling away from the mainland u.s. as of monday. we'll continue to watch this and have the long range forecast for maria later in the broadcast. definitely something to watch right through next week. >> all right, kathy, thanks. a desperate search for survivors in mexico's earthquake in its second day today. rescuers spent the day searching for a girl they thought was trapped inside a collapsed mexico city school but now officials say there are no trapped children in that school. instead they believe there's a schoolwork kerr who may still be alive and stuck in that rubble. >> we will stay until the work is done and until we have no more signs of human life. >> at least 245 people are now confirmed dead as a result of tuesday. 7.1 magnitude earthquake. and now to story you will only see on fox. a local mom has a warning for parents tonight. after she says her son was burped when his friends played a dangerous game. it's a trend that your children may have heard about online. the child's mom is speaking exclusively to fox 29 tonight. our dave kinchen joining us live in studio to tell us more about this. dave? >> reporter: dawn, this mother says this could happen to any child. it's called the hot water challenge many kids think it's fun but this mother says it has scarred her son for life and we want to warn you now some of these images of his injuries could be graphic. >> we heard some screams and crying and my husband come running down to see what had happened. >> reporter: terrifying wake up call nicole got this past weekend from her 12-year-old son. she says he had just been burned by scolding hot water. >> within minutes you could see his skin just falling right off. it was bubbling and just kind of hanging. >> reporter: nicole says her son was having a sleepover with several other boys in this room at their buckingham township home when two of the boys used this hot water dispenser to fill up a cup and dump on her son as he slept. she says they did it twice. >> they finally -- two boys that did it confessed to doing it. and then they proceeded to tell me about this hot water challenge. >> reporter: disturbing trend with kids across america as captured in videos on youtube. people pouring searing water on to unsuspecting victims. nicole's son had to be rushed to doylestown hospital she said wis second degree burns. >> my mind was just blown at that point i just -- i was ups upset. i was you know kind of crying at that point. parents were called. kids were picked up. obviously, the one boy's father was very apologetic, um, you know, probably still trying to, you know, wrap it around his head as well that all this had happen. >> reporter: her son has been out of school for the whole week due to the pain and will go back monday. meantime nicole wants other parents to look out for this dangerous game. >> please be sure that, you know n they watch what their kids are watching on the internet. this is -- this is crazy with all these challenges much this is dangerous. thank god he didn't turn around it could have been his face. >> reporter: nicole says the boys involved in this game are actually good kids. she says she feels bad foyer that are parents but hopes other kids think twice about taking part in this trend. >> i hope so, dave, thanks. narcan it is one of the biggest weapons to fight the opioid crisis. it is safing lives but does it do more harm to addicts than it helps? candidate for new jersey governor getting a star-studded endorsement former nbaa star expected to put his support behind phil murphy. fran grenier. new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. ♪ >> looks like shaquille o'neal is switching teams this election. political teams. the former nba star and new jersey native is backing phil murphy in his bid for governor. murphy's campaign said o'neal will formally end dons the democrat on monday. you see shack had backed governor chris christie in his re-election in 2013. o'neal filmed a commercial for christie callin him a great ma man. you've most likely heard of narcan it's a drug that brings people back from the dead. there's no overstatement here. it's one of the only tools right now to save lives in the opioid epidemic but does it encourage addicts to keep using? our bill anderson went along with those who are on the front lines for goodness sake. >> in my mind narcan should really be in your medicine cabinet as if it were aspirin. >> reporter: you hear about it every day. but has opioid addiction become so common and so deadly that anti overdose medication is something we need to view as an essential item? >> it's getting to the point people are trying everything including citywide training sessions learning how to administer narcan and if necessary even getting the prescription. >> you're gonna press and administer one dose. >> reporter: it was one in series of events to get the message out that we have to be prepared at any moment to save a life in any section of the city. >> every day 100 people die from opioid drug overdose. at least three to four here in philadelphia alone. >> reporter: it wasn't the stats that made the biggest impact at least on me. >> unfortunately, sometimes the impact comes personal. when it knocks on their doors, when, um, when it's their neighbor or their child. >> reporter: people like elvis rosado made an impact he works in addiction prevention and demonstrated narcan. >> the agency staff has reversed over 200 people collaboratively but by myself, yeah, at of last week threat 37 people. >> reporter: this man is a counselor. >> some people i worked with have overdosed. fortunately only one of them passed away. the others were revived. >> reporter: health worker allison had her narcan after a previous training for less than 24 hours before needing it. >> i had purchased narcan from the pharmacy the day before, and when i got to somerset station a man on the other side of the platform overdosed and i reversed him. >> share with your co-workers. okay? people can access narcan. >> reporter: i'm aware over narcan whether or not it makes people more likely to keep using is a controversial one. there was simple point to the training session. debate the merits of narcan all you want but continue to save lives while do you it for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. delaware county leaders say the war on opioids should start with the drug companies. officials gathered in media to announce a lawsuit that county has filed against 11 pharmaceutical companies and their consulting doctors. the county says the companies have been honest with customers when it comes to the dangers of using prescription painkillers on a long-term basis. we are all tired of looking into the eyes of parents that have lost children to this scourge so the pharmaceuticals could make a buck. >> the numbers are scary. so far this year there have been 167 drug related deaths in delaware county. 145 of them are opioid related. delaware county says its lawsuit is the first of its kind filed by a pennsylvania county. a judge has thrown out a defamation lawsuit from penn state's former university president against former fbi director louis freeh. graham spanier filed the lawsuit against free over 2012 report on how the college handled the jerry sandusky child sexual abuse scandal. senior judge robert eastbound bee said yesterday that spanier's conviction on a child endangerment charge prevents him from pursuing his civil claims. president trump is ramping up sanctions against normal core over its nuclear missile program. the move comes just two days after the president warned that if threat tends the u.s. would quote totally destroy the country. fox news correspondent caroline shively in washington with the details. >> reporter: president donald trump moved to widen sanctions against north korea as the us pushes to limit pang yank's nuclear missile programs. >> foreign banks will face a clear choice. do business witness united states or facilitate trade with the lawless regime in north korea. >> reporter: following try lateral meeting with japan and south korea, in a show of solidarity on the side lines of the un general assembly, president donald trump announced new executive action that would target additional north korean entities. >> north korea has been a allowed to abuse the international financial system to facilitate funding to its nuclear weapons and missile programs. >> reporter: the president says the order allows the treasury department to target individuals and companies to provide goods or services or technology to are in of north korea. he stopped short of going after china. and praised its central bank for ordering chinese banks to stop doing business with north korea. >> this action is directed at everyone. it is in no way specifically directed at china. >> reporter: on thursday, south korean president moon says sanctions were needed to bring pang yank to the negotiating tale and for it to give up its nuclear pep weapons. >> i'm very confident that such moves will contribute to complete -- >> when asked if dialogue with north korea is possible, president trump replied, why not? in washington, caroline shively, fox news. we have breaking news coming out of bucks county right now. skyfox over west old lincoln highway. that's in middletown township. a man is apparently stuck in a tree 40 feet off the ground. this is an active scene. initial reports saying the man is in harness but not breathing. we're working to gather more information and bring ugh the latest as soon as we get it. the united states military conducted a live fire supper exercise in south korea. the drill was held in bore january on the west coast. news release from the us army says the emergency deployment readiness exercise tests the ability to deploy forces to the korean peninsula with little or no notice. a record-breaking drug bust off the us coast. how many pounds of narcotics were seized and just how much they are worth. and police in nevada take unorthodox approach to solve a murder case and they learned sometimes it takes a dummy to catch a criminal. >> 50,000 pounds much heroin and cocaine seized off the west coast of the united states. the coast guard in california made the announce many yesterday. take a look at this. the massive drug bust pallets of cocaine and heroin loaded off the cutter staten. street worth of this nearly $700 million. u.s. coast guard has seized over 455,000 pounds of drugs so far this year. breaking last year's reporter. in oklahoma, a deadly police involved shooting leaves a definite man dead and an officer on administrative leave. police say oklahoma city officers were responding to a report of a hit-and-run when they came across 35-year-old mag dell sanchez in front of his home. officers cezanne chez approached them holding a metal pipe and did not obey officers commands before one officer shot him with a gun and the other with a taser this was on tuesday night. well, it turns out the victim is deaf and neighbors were trying to tell officers that. >> myself and my daughter were actually screaming at them not, you know, that he was deaf and that he couldn't hear anything. >> as he started going towards these officers with the pipe in his hands, the officers discharged their weapons. >> police say the officers did not hear the neighbor's warnings and it turns out the victim's father was according to police the driver allegedly involved in the hit-and-run they were responding to. sanchez died at the scene. the investigation continues. caught on camera in florida, two women facing charges to night after police say a case of road rage led to a violent beating this happening in newport ritchie just outside of tampa. the ordeal record beside a witness on their smart phone much police say 20-year-old leisha nicole scaduzzio and 49-year-old kelly lingual her link dragged another woman out of her car and beat her during rush hour. they face charges of burglary and battery. the victim going to be okay. >> a strange story in vegas. a man swinging at what he believed to be a blanket the man swinging a hammer you can see it right there. what was underneath that blanket was not a person. it was actually a mannequin. las vegas police say they came up with the idea earlier this year as they were investigating the murders of two homeless people who were sleeping. they didn't want to use a real person for fear they can get hurt so they got dummy and as crazy as it all sounds, it worked. police set up a camera and were able to catch and charge shane schindler with attempted murder. wow. it's the viral video of a woman yelling at a veteran about his service dog in a restaurant. we hearing from both sides including that woman about what they really said went down. and if you go out this weekend and need a designated driver, look no further than budweiser. how the beer is helping make sure you get home safe. kathy? >> in weather we're still keeping an eye on jose bringing rough surf down the shore and watching the track carefully plus the latest on maria and our weekend weather coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ it isn't just about vision, it's about care. nobody cares for eyes more than pearle. >> i'm leaving because it's nasty and there's a dog. so what? what do you want to do about it. >> it's disgusting to have an animal inside of a pub look restaurant. >> well that woman in this viral video tells fox 29 she's a victim. video now viral has hundreds of views online and it happened inside new castle county restaurant a woman yelling at veteran for bringing his therapy dog into a delaware city restaurant. >> she says on the video she's disgusted that the animal is in a restaurant. now she's talking only to fox 29 about what she says led up to that unpleasant scene. the veteran was in town for a family reunion and was not expecting to be in the middle of a heated altercation. >> the woman unloading in that video tells our dave kinchen her tyrant is only part of the sto story. >> it's just my opinion. it's not going to change. you are not going to change it, you, you, you none of you are going to change it. i think it's gross. >> explosive video of a woman going off on bunch of people in a delaware restaurant. it all involves a veteran with ptsd and his great dane service dog that she says she did not want to eat next to. >> the dog's body is about the same height as the table basically butt was sitting in front of me at the table. >> reporter: sierra miller went with her family to kathy's crab house in delaware city last week and was unable to eat comfortably with the veteran's service dog right there but she claims a staff member and others immediaely went racial. >> six or seven people yelling out different stuff to me. yeah, if you and get out of here, get that bleep bleep start making derogatory racial comments. if we did not hear any racial epithets in the video viewed more than half a million times we watch it with her asking what she was thinking the whole time. >> no, actually i don't regret how vocal i was simply because i reactioned based on the way they reaction to do me. >> you are a bleep. that's what you are. you are approaching me and in front of my bleep. >> the americans with dissables act mandates that restaurants host customers who have service animals and the video also shows people defending the veteran identified as retired delaware air national guard master sergeant bill austin. >> he's alive because he fought for our country. >> congratulations. >> you can see master sergeant austin trying to diffuse things. >> hey, hey, heying. >> what are you going to do. nothing so shut the hell up. >> why don't you just calm down. >> shut the he will up. >> i didn't want to see anybody get hurt. i didn't want to see her get hurt. >> master sergeant austin spoke with fox 29 he says he never heard anyone say anything raci racial. >> this is not a race issue. it shouldn't be a about black or white or any race. what this is is about is bad behavior. >> in a statement on its facebook page the restaurant says "it is unfortunate that some of the public are not familiar with federal regulati regulations regarding service animals, which, in fact dorks permit service animals into establishments such as grocery stores, public buildings and restaurants,. kathy's crab house is organizing a fundraiser for veterans to raise awareness. now turning back to your fox 29 weather authority. check the calendar here. falls starts tomorrow but residents in oregon are welcoming autumn with some wintry weather, a snowstorm there. locals actually headed out to the ski slopes after more than a foot of snow has fallen so far this week. many in the area see the early snowfall as a positive omen. predicting a good winter ski season. let's hope for them. >> yeah. but back here in our area, things look a whole lot different. taking a live look down at the shore in wildwood where the weather has just been glorious the last couple of glace no snow here. meteorologist kathy orr tracking jose and maria. she's back in 15 seconds. a gorgeous day across the delaware valley with temperatures ranging from the upper 80s to the lower 80s even comfortable down the shore. not many people on the boards though. philadelphia so far 87 degrees. normal high is 76. so well above normal. talking 11 degrees there. atlantic city 85. dover 85. trenton 85. allentown and reading in the upper 80 80s. that's quite a last day of summer. 76 in the poconos right now. we have a northerly wind but then you can see down the shore we have winds coming in from the ocean still seeing temperatures that are quite warmup deed. ultimate doppler shows are very weak system jose churning out just to the south and to the east of nantucket island. you can see it's 155 miles southeast of nantucket. 50 miles an hour winds tropical storm it will spin around here and hang off the coast for a couple of days through the weekend. we'll keep a careful eye on that. if you're heading down the shore this weekend we are going to be seeing dangerous rip currents and rough surf because that's offshore. continuing to watch maria track by the turks and caicos islands into the open waters which is good. keeping it offshore. a category three major hurricane right now it is gained additional strength. it's moving toward the northwest at 90 miles an hour. the west at 9 miles an hour. it will take that northerly track and then northeasterly track by monday. staying off the coast of the mid atlantic. but after that, we have to watch. we look at all of our computer models that deal with hurricanes and the tropics most of the models keep this offshore but some of them still bringing the storm inland which obviously could impact us with rain and that would be later in the week possibly wednesday, possibly thursday. so we'll still watch it right through the weekend. so please tune in. overnight tonight, temperatures in the 60s. some 50's in the poconos. 66 in dover. 66 in wilmington. 61 in pottstown and allentown. plenty of sunshine tomorrow. deep blue skies. low humidity the first day of fall will be beautiful with high temperatures mainly in the 80s. and on your seven day forecast from the weather short, looking good. saturday mostly sunny near 90. sunday and monday more clouds tuesday. if we see anything from maria or jose we could see some showers possibly wednesday or thursday. just keeping that in the seven day in case but this is pretty complicated guys with this particular forecast. we'll keep you posted but just know that was monday it looks great. >> kathy has been a busy person lately. >> that's for sure. kathy, thanks. >> you bet. when it comes to adoption many people think of pets and young children. how one ad campaign is targeting an often overlooked demographic. ey is facing an epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. vanessa: in honor of september being recovery month, we want you to know that recovery from addiction is possible, but you need to know the signs. they can be hard to spot: social withdrawal, financial problems, irritability. christie: if you see these signs occurring together or suddenly, you may have cause for concern. the signs you spot today... vanessa: ...could save a loved one tomorrow. christie: call 844 reach nj or visit >> public service advertising campaign being aim at potential adoption parents of overlooked demographic older children what to expect when you're expecting a teenager brain child of the national project director. it attempts to keep and encourage those looking to adopt older children and need at times may be overlooked. according to the organization, 15 to 18-year-olds make up around 20% of children who are in foster care. what we have found is that the biggest factor that there is that keeps families from coming forward to adopt especially older children are teenagers is their fear of fail child whose already had adults in their life. fail them. >> for more information about adoption or about becoming an adoptive parent to teen or child from foster care head to fox and check under seen on tv. budweiser wants lyft to be your designated driver and they're even willing to foot the bill. the beer company is offering up to 150,000 free round trip rides on the weekends now. here's how you get them. lyft dishes out free ride codes on theirs facebook and instagram pages every thursday i believe it's in the morning. the offer starts today and extends through the end of the year. rides can be redeemed only in select states. pennsylvania and new york are among them i guess new jersey and delaware are not. more local towns are teaming up with ride sharing services to reduce the number of drunk drivers. hank weighs in on whether or not it's working. major break through for women struggling with pregnancy. how a treatment used by athletes could help couples start a family of their own. sean? chris, the phils in day game looking to sweep the dodgers in four hiv game series. they the lead late. see if they could close the deal later in sports. >> developing right now tests show former football star aaron hernandez had severe case of degenerative brain disease called cte. that's according to his lawyer who says the players daughter is suing the nfl and the new england patriots for leading hernandez to believe the sport was safe and the disease can be caused by repeated head trauma. in april hernandez took his own live in prison where he was serving a live sentence for a 2,013 murder. in new jersey, evesham and voorhees have been cracking down on drunk driving. but it's not through arrests or traffic stops. it's a free ride for people who have been drinking in there town's bars and restaurants. hank flynn went to evesham to find out if it's working. why aren't other towns getting on board. ♪ success to me we brought between five and 6,000 people home that felt they had too much to drink and they need add free ride home. >> it's hank. i'm here with evesham mayor something good. trust me i tried to polk holes in it and i can't do it. they really cut down drunk driving. my take is everybody else oughted to the same thing. evesham police chief chris chew is proud of the town' twos-year-old operation saving lives i got to admit it's hard to argue with the numbers. >> success with me having zero fatalities since we started this program dui fatality. >> zero. >> zero. >> zero having a, over 35% decrease in dwi arrests. >> think about it. you never try to drive drunk. can't get your keys in the ignition you get it star started you're all over the road your dangerous to yourself wonders. you need a ride and evesham and voorhees have offered free rides home flat from the bar via uber and the money ain't a thing. >> it doesn't just rely upon business buy in it relies upon resident buy ins. >> we've got fundraisers for evesham save lives program. it's a non-profit so every penny is non tax dollars and we've not only had residents and busines businesses and restaurants to donate to the program. >> average ride 5.5 bucks it works across evesham and voorhees between 9:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. when the marlton tavern is doing lion share of their night side business. >> this is water. i swear. it could be something else. >> owner george laugh today's says it's good for business. his customers are free to have a good time. >> they basically make arrangements to get dropped off here at the marlton tavern have good time. not worry about how much alcohol they consume and basically get the free ride home.& so it's been a win/win. >> route 70 carries thousands of cars through evesham daily so palpable decrease in drunk driving and zero fatalities, that's massive. the question is, where is everybody else? mayor brown says some politicians don't like to roll the dice on new things. but evesham has done the hard work and establish add workable model. other towns ought to at least try to follow suit. i'm hank and that's my take. >> now keeping an eye on your money. fake tax returns could be result of equifax data breach. social security numbers were among the data exposed in the hacking and experts say criminals could potentially use those stolen numbers to file fraudulent tax returns. there's still some steps you could say take to lower those risks ahead of tax time. prepare to file early, review your most recent tax return and make a list of key documents you'll need. well, apparently overtaking the grocery industry isn't enough for row tail giant amaz amazon. just three months after agreeing to buy wholefoods for $13.4 billion, amazon is now in talks with some pharmacy benefit managers. signaling amazon may be prepared to enter the male order drug business. those pharmacy benefit managers are the powerful distributor who's control the flow of prescriptions to retailers like walgreens and cvs. now keeping a watch on your melt. cvs is trying to do its part to fight the opioid epidemic announcing today it plans to limit opioid prescriptions. cvs care mark for the pharmacy union for the store says that it will now limit scripts to seven day splice for new patience part and an evident to curb opioid abuse. pharmacists also plan to question doctors prescribing more pills than they think actually may be necessary. cvs administers opioids to some 90 million customers. opioid abuse led to 64,000 overdoses in the united states last year alone. a potential medical break through is giving new hope to women. a clinical trial has hemmed one woman's dreams of a family come true after years of failed ivf treatments. fox's sylvia perez has the sto story. >> reporter: kara says for years her dogs have been her children. but soon her k9 buddies will have to compete with a baby girl that's due in december. becoming a mother is a dream come true. >> i actually lost my job just so i can kind of be a mom. >> reporter: but she wasn't sure if it would ever happen. after nearly three years of failed ivf treatments and two miscarriages she felt defeated. >> we were just really, really devastated after that, and kind of almost giving up. >> reporter: then she heard about a trial for a new study using something called prp or platelet rich plasma. she decided to give eight try. >> what do we have to lose i guess? report prp is the type of blood plasma taken from a patient's body that couldn't tapes many more platelets than are typically found in blood this results in higher concentration of growth factors that are believed to be speed up the healing process. it's been used in the treatment of injuries and touted by famous athletes such as tiger woods and tennis star raphael nadal. >> great thing about prp it comes from your own body. >> dr. randy morris injected prp who into her uterine cavity three days prior to implanting her em bro yo. he says, prp helps a woman's uterus accept a new embryo fort same reason it heals an athlete's injured muscles and joints by stimulating the development of new tissue. >> platelets there are. i mean we're just putting them into a higher amount a place you don't normally find them so the risks seem minimal if any. >> reporter: morris says his office isolates platelets in lab before putting them in targeted area near the uterus. she credits the treatment with her current successful pregnancy. >> i have friends that have had the same issues like multiple miscarriages and i've just been telling a will lot of people. >> morris says it's too soon to draw any conclusions about prp and pregnancy. >> for right now it's exciting. it seems like it might be doing something for us. >> reporter: now she is trading that time with the dogs forgetting the nursery and closet ready for their new arrival. >> yeah, we're so excited. yeah. so so excited. want her here now. >> sylvia perez, fox news. update now on a story we first told you on fox 29 yesterday. 34-year-old sam cheh is now charged in a pipe bomb incident in olney. fox 29 was there when he was taken into custody yesterday. authorities were serving an eviction notice when sources say they found materials to assemble pipe bombs. parts for guns, a silencer and other dangerous material. cheh is charged with risking a catastrophe, reckless endangerment and possession of a weapon of mass destruction. the homeless in tulsa, oklahoma, are get something help from an unexpected source. the story hyped this furry philanthropist coming up. fran grenier. new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. student at belgium set a world record for recreating a super sized version of a classic gaming device. remember the game boy? oh yeah check out the giant version. 3 feet high, 2-foot wide, it took the 21-year-old software designer about a month to guild the giant hand-held in a laboratory it can still play the normal size game cartridges. although it's obvious al little difficult to play anything with those giant buttons. [ laughter ] >> not exactly ambidextrous. guiness book of world records it is an official record. gamers edition officially declared this world' largest game boy. >> pretty cool. chick-fil-a fans may want to start planning their pilgrimage to the big apple. the chain planning to open the mecca of all chicken zapped witch shops in new york city. it's being called the largest chick-fil-a ever. a five level, 12,000 square foot restaurant complete with rooftop seating will be in manhattan's financial district. it's scheduled to open in winter of 2018. i just need a sandwich. i don't need the whole thing. well, chick-fil-a fans might like that. i guess so. donations for the homeless in oklahoma are coming from a rather unlikely source. a feline philanthropist. >> fox' caylee dougherty has the story. ♪ he's earning his keep now. before he was just a cat. now he's doing good. so it's kind of cool. >> reporter: meet the cat capturing hearts of tull sans in the eastern village district. originally named sir whine as lot this cat is known as cash nip kitty because of the cash that's mysteriously started appearing near the toy door. people randomly start the using dollar bills to play with the cat. >> it is very strange. he seems to have thing for the ladies. >> i decided to try it out. people have been placing a dollar through the door here until the cat takes it from th them. >> if he's in the mood, he'll take it. and it's very strange. i don't know whether he's got a type or a time or i think it's a game of chance. so he'll take the dollar. >> reporter: cash nip kitty collected more than $100 so far. owners of guru marking company where he lives are donating every dollar given to him to the tulsa day center for the homeless. >> i love the fact that the cat is collecting money for the homeless. i think it's a great idea. >> cash nip kitty become so popular he has his own facebook page and he's drawing in donations for himself. donated a sofa for him that matches the color of his eyes. if you hasn't had a chance to meet him owners hope you'll bring cash instead of catnip and help his kitty on this mission to help the homeless. >> keep going. people need to stick five dollars bills in there. not just one dollar bills. >> there's been a five and a ten so far. >> i love it. >> whatever it takes, right. >> exactly. >> if that's what it takes to get people to donate. more power to them. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right now. ♪ a brutal attack. an 83-year-old trying to fight off an armed robber. his wife can only watch in horror. tonight, she talks to fox 29. a man responsible for saving lives now facing charges for harming one. a local volunteer firefighter accused of sexually assaulting a young girl. ♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. terror caught on tape an elderly store owner is forced to the ground by a knife-wielding robber. his wife nearby in an absolute panic. the violent hold up happened earlier this month in the city's oxford circle section. good evening, i'm dawn timmeney in tonight for lucy noland. >> i'm chris o'connell in for iain. even though the robbery happened days ago it is hard to get over. fox 29's dave schratwieser talked to that store owner. he's live at police headquarters tonight. dave? >> reporter: chris, some dangerous moments for the couple inside that cleaners up on oxford circle as that suspect entered with a big knife. he demanded money and when he didn't get it quick enough, he attacked them both. surveillance cameras captured the armed robber approaching kim and arthur's cleaners on oxford avenue with a knife out and within seconds he was forcing the 83-year-old store owner to the ground as his 76-year-old wife frantically dialed police. >> bad guy say open cash register. open cash register. i got -- 911. >> store owner's wife asked us not to identify her as she spoke with fox 29 about the frightening face to face confrontation. >> i'm still

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bail charged with indecent assault and corruption of a minor after 13-year-old female accused of him of abuse. >> he's been accused of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old. >> sir, i have no idea. >> reporter: do you know anything -- is this surprising of your brother? are you stunned by it some way? >> yes, very stun. >> reporter: police say the victim is the daughter of a man tinney worked with the alleged abuse began when she was just 12. >> juvenile claimed she was inappropriately touched by the defendant. through investigation it was found that mr. tinney would make comments about her appearance and her body inappropriately touched her. >> reporter: investigators say along with the touchin touchingd to buy the girl sexual devices showed her sexually explicit pictures on his phone and showed her his extensive collection of porn kept in a safe in his home. >> that's crazy. that's ridiculous. it's kind of nuts that he would do something like that when he has his own daughter. >> reporter: now the police chief here says that anthony tinney was involved with the eddystone fire department but no longer. but fox 29 has found him listed as volunteer in the fire department in ridley township nearby here in delaware county. live in eddystone, i'm jeff cole "fox 29" news. folks, back to you. >> all right, jeff, thank you. the man who police say made off with a handful of high-end watches in a bold robbery in radnor was in court today. joseph taylor appeared before a delaware county judge in connection with the armed robbery of the bernie robbins jewelry store on the 700 block of lancaster avenue back in august. now, police say surveillance video shows taylor walk into the store. pointing a gun at an employee and then taking off with the rolexs. taylor was released from prison after serving time for other crimes just three weeks before this robbery. happening now, the victims of a terrifying robbery are speaking to fox 29. they came face to face with a man armed with a knife who stole from their family business in oxford circle it happened almost two weeks ago and it's still keeps them up at night because that man is still out there on the streets and police want to get him before he strikes again. fox 29's dave schratwieser joins us live from philadelphia police headquarters with this story. dave? >> reporter: chris, a very dangerous situation. those two elderly store owners did come face to face with that knife-wielding bandit inside their store. both of them were tacked and tonight they tell us they still can't sleep. surveillance cameras were rolling as an armed robber approached kim and arthur's cleaners on oxford avenue with a knife out apparently expecting a confrontation. within seconds, he was forcing the 83-year-old store owner to frantically dialed police. >> that guy said open cash register. open cash register. i got my phone and called 911. >> the store owner wife asked us not to identify her as she spoke with fox 29 with the terrifying ordeal. >> reporter: once inside the store the robbery tried to get the owner to open the register. when he couldn't and tried to flee, the suspect pulled him back inside and attacked him. then he turned his knife on the wife and demanded she open the register. >> reporter: he dragged you to the cash register and took the money out? >> he took everything. >> that's a big knife. i'm just glad no one got hurt, um, you know, he probably would have went in there and asked for a couple dollars then probably would have gave it to them. that of they're that nice of people. >> the bandit took 150 bucks and ran off. >> they're there trying to earn a living and have a decent business for the neighborhood and the community, and this happens to them. >> meanwhile the owners tell us they've been operating their business here since at least 1975. they work long hours together every day. >> this ever happen before. >> never before. >> we're hoping someone can point us in the right direct. now, neither of the store owners were seriously injured. police are concerned that if this guy stays on the street this could happen again and someone could get seriously hu hurt. they believe he could be from the very same oxford avenue neighborhood. dawn? >> all right, dave, thank you. in the city's juniata section the search is on tonight for the gunman who robbed a dollar tree employee. police just releasing the surveillance video from the 1200 block of east hunting park avenue. now you can see the gunman approach the woman who was depositing money at a wells fargo deposit box. the gunman threatens her until she hands over her cash. this all happened last saturday night about 10:00 o'clock. cleanup continues from hurricane maria puerto rico. the cat four storm spared no part of the island. 155 miles an hour winds knocking out power to the entire island. fox's steve harrigan who rode out the storm is in san juan tonight with more. >> reporter: one of the biggest challenges for puerto rico now is restoring electric power. what we're seeing here what we've been seeing really everywhere. it's real do it yourself effort. these people are not trying to restore electric power, they're basically trying just to get this down the power line out of the road so cars can get in and out and what they're doing really is taking debris from hurricane irma which hit two weeks ago and using it to try and salvage something from hurricane marie y it's really using one storm to try and fix another here. power out all over the island when you go inside people's houses you see damaged roofs, dirty flood water inside new york city electricity. when you ask people whose helping them they say we haven't heard a word. we're hoping fema will help us. just how bad are things across the island? still unclear. almost the entire southeast is cut off with no communication. so estimate of the casualties or damages could be days away. in san juan, puerto rico, steve harrigan, fox news. >> now to your fox 29 weather authority. as we take live look down at shore in ocean city, new jersey, another winner of a day. >> much different story down the shore. some beautiful weather out on the beach but hurricane jose could still be creating proble problems. meteorologist kathy orr here to tell us all about it. >> we have rough surf. we still have high waves an high risk of rip currents down the shore. so please be aware of that. even if you're going down this weekend that will continue. a very beautiful day across the region the last day of summer and it feels like it 87 in philadelphia the same in millville. 87 in allentown and down the shore, with this on shore breeze, ocean city 79. even in atlantic city beach haven 79 degrees. the owing water temperature 73. still warm but once again, even though those sea surface temperatures are warn dangerous conditions along the coastline with a high risk of rip currents today, tomorrow and even during the weekend. the reason why, jose still offshore and still bringing that wave action toward us so that is gong to continue. so we'll look ahead now to maria the latest on maria 90 miles northeast of puerto platt at a dominican republic it will continue its track toward the northwest as dangerous category three storm and then move to the east of the bahamas over the next couple of days and pulling away from the mainland u.s. as of monday. we'll continue to watch this and have the long range forecast for maria later in the broadcast. definitely something to watch right through next week. >> all right, kathy, thanks. a desperate search for survivors in mexico's earthquake in its second day today. rescuers spent the day searching for a girl they thought was trapped inside a collapsed mexico city school but now officials say there are no trapped children in that school. instead they believe there's a schoolwork kerr who may still be alive and stuck in that rubble. >> we will stay until the work is done and until we have no more signs of human life. >> at least 245 people are now confirmed dead as a result of tuesday. 7.1 magnitude earthquake. and now to story you will only see on fox. a local mom has a warning for parents tonight. after she says her son was burped when his friends played a dangerous game. it's a trend that your children may have heard about online. the child's mom is speaking exclusively to fox 29 tonight. our dave kinchen joining us live in studio to tell us more about this. dave? >> reporter: dawn, this mother says this could happen to any child. it's called the hot water challenge many kids think it's fun but this mother says it has scarred her son for life and we want to warn you now some of these images of his injuries could be graphic. >> we heard some screams and crying and my husband come running down to see what had happened. >> reporter: terrifying wake up call nicole got this past weekend from her 12-year-old son. she says he had just been burned by scolding hot water. >> within minutes you could see his skin just falling right off. it was bubbling and just kind of hanging. >> reporter: nicole says her son was having a sleepover with several other boys in this room at their buckingham township home when two of the boys used this hot water dispenser to fill up a cup and dump on her son as he slept. she says they did it twice. >> they finally -- two boys that did it confessed to doing it. and then they proceeded to tell me about this hot water challenge. >> reporter: disturbing trend with kids across america as captured in videos on youtube. people pouring searing water on to unsuspecting victims. nicole's son had to be rushed to doylestown hospital she said wis second degree burns. >> my mind was just blown at that point i just -- i was ups upset. i was you know kind of crying at that point. parents were called. kids were picked up. obviously, the one boy's father was very apologetic, um, you know, probably still trying to, you know, wrap it around his head as well that all this had happen. >> reporter: her son has been out of school for the whole week due to the pain and will go back monday. meantime nicole wants other parents to look out for this dangerous game. >> please be sure that, you know n they watch what their kids are watching on the internet. this is -- this is crazy with all these challenges much this is dangerous. thank god he didn't turn around it could have been his face. >> reporter: nicole says the boys involved in this game are actually good kids. she says she feels bad foyer that are parents but hopes other kids think twice about taking part in this trend. >> i hope so, dave, thanks. narcan it is one of the biggest weapons to fight the opioid crisis. it is safing lives but does it do more harm to addicts than it helps? candidate for new jersey governor getting a star-studded endorsement former nbaa star expected to put his support behind phil murphy. fran grenier. new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. ♪ >> looks like shaquille o'neal is switching teams this election. political teams. the former nba star and new jersey native is backing phil murphy in his bid for governor. murphy's campaign said o'neal will formally end dons the democrat on monday. you see shack had backed governor chris christie in his re-election in 2013. o'neal filmed a commercial for christie callin him a great ma man. you've most likely heard of narcan it's a drug that brings people back from the dead. there's no overstatement here. it's one of the only tools right now to save lives in the opioid epidemic but does it encourage addicts to keep using? our bill anderson went along with those who are on the front lines for goodness sake. >> in my mind narcan should really be in your medicine cabinet as if it were aspirin. >> reporter: you hear about it every day. but has opioid addiction become so common and so deadly that anti overdose medication is something we need to view as an essential item? >> it's getting to the point people are trying everything including citywide training sessions learning how to administer narcan and if necessary even getting the prescription. >> you're gonna press and administer one dose. >> reporter: it was one in series of events to get the message out that we have to be prepared at any moment to save a life in any section of the city. >> every day 100 people die from opioid drug overdose. at least three to four here in philadelphia alone. >> reporter: it wasn't the stats that made the biggest impact at least on me. >> unfortunately, sometimes the impact comes personal. when it knocks on their doors, when, um, when it's their neighbor or their child. >> reporter: people like elvis rosado made an impact he works in addiction prevention and demonstrated narcan. >> the agency staff has reversed over 200 people collaboratively but by myself, yeah, at of last week threat 37 people. >> reporter: this man is a counselor. >> some people i worked with have overdosed. fortunately only one of them passed away. the others were revived. >> reporter: health worker allison had her narcan after a previous training for less than 24 hours before needing it. >> i had purchased narcan from the pharmacy the day before, and when i got to somerset station a man on the other side of the platform overdosed and i reversed him. >> share with your co-workers. okay? people can access narcan. >> reporter: i'm aware over narcan whether or not it makes people more likely to keep using is a controversial one. there was simple point to the training session. debate the merits of narcan all you want but continue to save lives while do you it for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. delaware county leaders say the war on opioids should start with the drug companies. officials gathered in media to announce a lawsuit that county has filed against 11 pharmaceutical companies and their consulting doctors. the county says the companies have been honest with customers when it comes to the dangers of using prescription painkillers on a long-term basis. we are all tired of looking into the eyes of parents that have lost children to this scourge so the pharmaceuticals could make a buck. >> the numbers are scary. so far this year there have been 167 drug related deaths in delaware county. 145 of them are opioid related. delaware county says its lawsuit is the first of its kind filed by a pennsylvania county. a judge has thrown out a defamation lawsuit from penn state's former university president against former fbi director louis freeh. graham spanier filed the lawsuit against free over 2012 report on how the college handled the jerry sandusky child sexual abuse scandal. senior judge robert eastbound bee said yesterday that spanier's conviction on a child endangerment charge prevents him from pursuing his civil claims. president trump is ramping up sanctions against normal core over its nuclear missile program. the move comes just two days after the president warned that if threat tends the u.s. would quote totally destroy the country. fox news correspondent caroline shively in washington with the details. >> reporter: president donald trump moved to widen sanctions against north korea as the us pushes to limit pang yank's nuclear missile programs. >> foreign banks will face a clear choice. do business witness united states or facilitate trade with the lawless regime in north korea. >> reporter: following try lateral meeting with japan and south korea, in a show of solidarity on the side lines of the un general assembly, president donald trump announced new executive action that would target additional north korean entities. >> north korea has been a allowed to abuse the international financial system to facilitate funding to its nuclear weapons and missile programs. >> reporter: the president says the order allows the treasury department to target individuals and companies to provide goods or services or technology to are in of north korea. he stopped short of going after china. and praised its central bank for ordering chinese banks to stop doing business with north korea. >> this action is directed at everyone. it is in no way specifically directed at china. >> reporter: on thursday, south korean president moon says sanctions were needed to bring pang yank to the negotiating tale and for it to give up its nuclear pep weapons. >> i'm very confident that such moves will contribute to complete -- >> when asked if dialogue with north korea is possible, president trump replied, why not? in washington, caroline shively, fox news. we have breaking news coming out of bucks county right now. skyfox over west old lincoln highway. that's in middletown township. a man is apparently stuck in a tree 40 feet off the ground. this is an active scene. initial reports saying the man is in harness but not breathing. we're working to gather more information and bring ugh the latest as soon as we get it. the united states military conducted a live fire supper exercise in south korea. the drill was held in bore january on the west coast. news release from the us army says the emergency deployment readiness exercise tests the ability to deploy forces to the korean peninsula with little or no notice. a record-breaking drug bust off the us coast. how many pounds of narcotics were seized and just how much they are worth. and police in nevada take unorthodox approach to solve a murder case and they learned sometimes it takes a dummy to catch a criminal. >> 50,000 pounds much heroin and cocaine seized off the west coast of the united states. the coast guard in california made the announce many yesterday. take a look at this. the massive drug bust pallets of cocaine and heroin loaded off the cutter staten. street worth of this nearly $700 million. u.s. coast guard has seized over 455,000 pounds of drugs so far this year. breaking last year's reporter. in oklahoma, a deadly police involved shooting leaves a definite man dead and an officer on administrative leave. police say oklahoma city officers were responding to a report of a hit-and-run when they came across 35-year-old mag dell sanchez in front of his home. officers cezanne chez approached them holding a metal pipe and did not obey officers commands before one officer shot him with a gun and the other with a taser this was on tuesday night. well, it turns out the victim is deaf and neighbors were trying to tell officers that. >> myself and my daughter were actually screaming at them not, you know, that he was deaf and that he couldn't hear anything. >> as he started going towards these officers with the pipe in his hands, the officers discharged their weapons. >> police say the officers did not hear the neighbor's warnings and it turns out the victim's father was according to police the driver allegedly involved in the hit-and-run they were responding to. sanchez died at the scene. the investigation continues. caught on camera in florida, two women facing charges to night after police say a case of road rage led to a violent beating this happening in newport ritchie just outside of tampa. the ordeal record beside a witness on their smart phone much police say 20-year-old leisha nicole scaduzzio and 49-year-old kelly lingual her link dragged another woman out of her car and beat her during rush hour. they face charges of burglary and battery. the victim going to be okay. >> a strange story in vegas. a man swinging at what he believed to be a blanket the man swinging a hammer you can see it right there. what was underneath that blanket was not a person. it was actually a mannequin. las vegas police say they came up with the idea earlier this year as they were investigating the murders of two homeless people who were sleeping. they didn't want to use a real person for fear they can get hurt so they got dummy and as crazy as it all sounds, it worked. police set up a camera and were able to catch and charge shane schindler with attempted murder. wow. it's the viral video of a woman yelling at a veteran about his service dog in a restaurant. we hearing from both sides including that woman about what they really said went down. and if you go out this weekend and need a designated driver, look no further than budweiser. how the beer is helping make sure you get home safe. kathy? >> in weather we're still keeping an eye on jose bringing rough surf down the shore and watching the track carefully plus the latest on maria and our weekend weather coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ it isn't just about vision, it's about care. nobody cares for eyes more than pearle. >> i'm leaving because it's nasty and there's a dog. so what? what do you want to do about it. >> it's disgusting to have an animal inside of a pub look restaurant. >> well that woman in this viral video tells fox 29 she's a victim. video now viral has hundreds of views online and it happened inside new castle county restaurant a woman yelling at veteran for bringing his therapy dog into a delaware city restaurant. >> she says on the video she's disgusted that the animal is in a restaurant. now she's talking only to fox 29 about what she says led up to that unpleasant scene. the veteran was in town for a family reunion and was not expecting to be in the middle of a heated altercation. >> the woman unloading in that video tells our dave kinchen her tyrant is only part of the sto story. >> it's just my opinion. it's not going to change. you are not going to change it, you, you, you none of you are going to change it. i think it's gross. >> explosive video of a woman going off on bunch of people in a delaware restaurant. it all involves a veteran with ptsd and his great dane service dog that she says she did not want to eat next to. >> the dog's body is about the same height as the table basically butt was sitting in front of me at the table. >> reporter: sierra miller went with her family to kathy's crab house in delaware city last week and was unable to eat comfortably with the veteran's service dog right there but she claims a staff member and others immediaely went racial. >> six or seven people yelling out different stuff to me. yeah, if you and get out of here, get that bleep bleep start making derogatory racial comments. if we did not hear any racial epithets in the video viewed more than half a million times we watch it with her asking what she was thinking the whole time. >> no, actually i don't regret how vocal i was simply because i reactioned based on the way they reaction to do me. >> you are a bleep. that's what you are. you are approaching me and in front of my bleep. >> the americans with dissables act mandates that restaurants host customers who have service animals and the video also shows people defending the veteran identified as retired delaware air national guard master sergeant bill austin. >> he's alive because he fought for our country. >> congratulations. >> you can see master sergeant austin trying to diffuse things. >> hey, hey, heying. >> what are you going to do. nothing so shut the hell up. >> why don't you just calm down. >> shut the he will up. >> i didn't want to see anybody get hurt. i didn't want to see her get hurt. >> master sergeant austin spoke with fox 29 he says he never heard anyone say anything raci racial. >> this is not a race issue. it shouldn't be a about black or white or any race. what this is is about is bad behavior. >> in a statement on its facebook page the restaurant says "it is unfortunate that some of the public are not familiar with federal regulati regulations regarding service animals, which, in fact dorks permit service animals into establishments such as grocery stores, public buildings and restaurants,. kathy's crab house is organizing a fundraiser for veterans to raise awareness. now turning back to your fox 29 weather authority. check the calendar here. falls starts tomorrow but residents in oregon are welcoming autumn with some wintry weather, a snowstorm there. locals actually headed out to the ski slopes after more than a foot of snow has fallen so far this week. many in the area see the early snowfall as a positive omen. predicting a good winter ski season. let's hope for them. >> yeah. but back here in our area, things look a whole lot different. taking a live look down at the shore in wildwood where the weather has just been glorious the last couple of glace no snow here. meteorologist kathy orr tracking jose and maria. she's back in 15 seconds. a gorgeous day across the delaware valley with temperatures ranging from the upper 80s to the lower 80s even comfortable down the shore. not many people on the boards though. philadelphia so far 87 degrees. normal high is 76. so well above normal. talking 11 degrees there. atlantic city 85. dover 85. trenton 85. allentown and reading in the upper 80 80s. that's quite a last day of summer. 76 in the poconos right now. we have a northerly wind but then you can see down the shore we have winds coming in from the ocean still seeing temperatures that are quite warmup deed. ultimate doppler shows are very weak system jose churning out just to the south and to the east of nantucket island. you can see it's 155 miles southeast of nantucket. 50 miles an hour winds tropical storm it will spin around here and hang off the coast for a couple of days through the weekend. we'll keep a careful eye on that. if you're heading down the shore this weekend we are going to be seeing dangerous rip currents and rough surf because that's offshore. continuing to watch maria track by the turks and caicos islands into the open waters which is good. keeping it offshore. a category three major hurricane right now it is gained additional strength. it's moving toward the northwest at 90 miles an hour. the west at 9 miles an hour. it will take that northerly track and then northeasterly track by monday. staying off the coast of the mid atlantic. but after that, we have to watch. we look at all of our computer models that deal with hurricanes and the tropics most of the models keep this offshore but some of them still bringing the storm inland which obviously could impact us with rain and that would be later in the week possibly wednesday, possibly thursday. so we'll still watch it right through the weekend. so please tune in. overnight tonight, temperatures in the 60s. some 50's in the poconos. 66 in dover. 66 in wilmington. 61 in pottstown and allentown. plenty of sunshine tomorrow. deep blue skies. low humidity the first day of fall will be beautiful with high temperatures mainly in the 80s. and on your seven day forecast from the weather short, looking good. saturday mostly sunny near 90. sunday and monday more clouds tuesday. if we see anything from maria or jose we could see some showers possibly wednesday or thursday. just keeping that in the seven day in case but this is pretty complicated guys with this particular forecast. we'll keep you posted but just know that was monday it looks great. >> kathy has been a busy person lately. >> that's for sure. kathy, thanks. >> you bet. when it comes to adoption many people think of pets and young children. how one ad campaign is targeting an often overlooked demographic. ey is facing an epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. vanessa: in honor of september being recovery month, we want you to know that recovery from addiction is possible, but you need to know the signs. they can be hard to spot: social withdrawal, financial problems, irritability. christie: if you see these signs occurring together or suddenly, you may have cause for concern. the signs you spot today... vanessa: ...could save a loved one tomorrow. christie: call 844 reach nj or visit >> public service advertising campaign being aim at potential adoption parents of overlooked demographic older children what to expect when you're expecting a teenager brain child of the national project director. it attempts to keep and encourage those looking to adopt older children and need at times may be overlooked. according to the organization, 15 to 18-year-olds make up around 20% of children who are in foster care. what we have found is that the biggest factor that there is that keeps families from coming forward to adopt especially older children are teenagers is their fear of fail child whose already had adults in their life. fail them. >> for more information about adoption or about becoming an adoptive parent to teen or child from foster care head to fox and check under seen on tv. budweiser wants lyft to be your designated driver and they're even willing to foot the bill. the beer company is offering up to 150,000 free round trip rides on the weekends now. here's how you get them. lyft dishes out free ride codes on theirs facebook and instagram pages every thursday i believe it's in the morning. the offer starts today and extends through the end of the year. rides can be redeemed only in select states. pennsylvania and new york are among them i guess new jersey and delaware are not. more local towns are teaming up with ride sharing services to reduce the number of drunk drivers. hank weighs in on whether or not it's working. major break through for women struggling with pregnancy. how a treatment used by athletes could help couples start a family of their own. sean? chris, the phils in day game looking to sweep the dodgers in four hiv game series. they the lead late. see if they could close the deal later in sports. >> developing right now tests show former football star aaron hernandez had severe case of degenerative brain disease called cte. that's according to his lawyer who says the players daughter is suing the nfl and the new england patriots for leading hernandez to believe the sport was safe and the disease can be caused by repeated head trauma. in april hernandez took his own live in prison where he was serving a live sentence for a 2,013 murder. in new jersey, evesham and voorhees have been cracking down on drunk driving. but it's not through arrests or traffic stops. it's a free ride for people who have been drinking in there town's bars and restaurants. hank flynn went to evesham to find out if it's working. why aren't other towns getting on board. ♪ success to me we brought between five and 6,000 people home that felt they had too much to drink and they need add free ride home. >> it's hank. i'm here with evesham mayor something good. trust me i tried to polk holes in it and i can't do it. they really cut down drunk driving. my take is everybody else oughted to the same thing. evesham police chief chris chew is proud of the town' twos-year-old operation saving lives i got to admit it's hard to argue with the numbers. >> success with me having zero fatalities since we started this program dui fatality. >> zero. >> zero. >> zero having a, over 35% decrease in dwi arrests. >> think about it. you never try to drive drunk. can't get your keys in the ignition you get it star started you're all over the road your dangerous to yourself wonders. you need a ride and evesham and voorhees have offered free rides home flat from the bar via uber and the money ain't a thing. >> it doesn't just rely upon business buy in it relies upon resident buy ins. >> we've got fundraisers for evesham save lives program. it's a non-profit so every penny is non tax dollars and we've not only had residents and busines businesses and restaurants to donate to the program. >> average ride 5.5 bucks it works across evesham and voorhees between 9:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. when the marlton tavern is doing lion share of their night side business. >> this is water. i swear. it could be something else. >> owner george laugh today's says it's good for business. his customers are free to have a good time. >> they basically make arrangements to get dropped off here at the marlton tavern have good time. not worry about how much alcohol they consume and basically get the free ride home.& so it's been a win/win. >> route 70 carries thousands of cars through evesham daily so palpable decrease in drunk driving and zero fatalities, that's massive. the question is, where is everybody else? mayor brown says some politicians don't like to roll the dice on new things. but evesham has done the hard work and establish add workable model. other towns ought to at least try to follow suit. i'm hank and that's my take. >> now keeping an eye on your money. fake tax returns could be result of equifax data breach. social security numbers were among the data exposed in the hacking and experts say criminals could potentially use those stolen numbers to file fraudulent tax returns. there's still some steps you could say take to lower those risks ahead of tax time. prepare to file early, review your most recent tax return and make a list of key documents you'll need. well, apparently overtaking the grocery industry isn't enough for row tail giant amaz amazon. just three months after agreeing to buy wholefoods for $13.4 billion, amazon is now in talks with some pharmacy benefit managers. signaling amazon may be prepared to enter the male order drug business. those pharmacy benefit managers are the powerful distributor who's control the flow of prescriptions to retailers like walgreens and cvs. now keeping a watch on your melt. cvs is trying to do its part to fight the opioid epidemic announcing today it plans to limit opioid prescriptions. cvs care mark for the pharmacy union for the store says that it will now limit scripts to seven day splice for new patience part and an evident to curb opioid abuse. pharmacists also plan to question doctors prescribing more pills than they think actually may be necessary. cvs administers opioids to some 90 million customers. opioid abuse led to 64,000 overdoses in the united states last year alone. a potential medical break through is giving new hope to women. a clinical trial has hemmed one woman's dreams of a family come true after years of failed ivf treatments. fox's sylvia perez has the sto story. >> reporter: kara says for years her dogs have been her children. but soon her k9 buddies will have to compete with a baby girl that's due in december. becoming a mother is a dream come true. >> i actually lost my job just so i can kind of be a mom. >> reporter: but she wasn't sure if it would ever happen. after nearly three years of failed ivf treatments and two miscarriages she felt defeated. >> we were just really, really devastated after that, and kind of almost giving up. >> reporter: then she heard about a trial for a new study using something called prp or platelet rich plasma. she decided to give eight try. >> what do we have to lose i guess? report prp is the type of blood plasma taken from a patient's body that couldn't tapes many more platelets than are typically found in blood this results in higher concentration of growth factors that are believed to be speed up the healing process. it's been used in the treatment of injuries and touted by famous athletes such as tiger woods and tennis star raphael nadal. >> great thing about prp it comes from your own body. >> dr. randy morris injected prp who into her uterine cavity three days prior to implanting her em bro yo. he says, prp helps a woman's uterus accept a new embryo fort same reason it heals an athlete's injured muscles and joints by stimulating the development of new tissue. >> platelets there are. i mean we're just putting them into a higher amount a place you don't normally find them so the risks seem minimal if any. >> reporter: morris says his office isolates platelets in lab before putting them in targeted area near the uterus. she credits the treatment with her current successful pregnancy. >> i have friends that have had the same issues like multiple miscarriages and i've just been telling a will lot of people. >> morris says it's too soon to draw any conclusions about prp and pregnancy. >> for right now it's exciting. it seems like it might be doing something for us. >> reporter: now she is trading that time with the dogs forgetting the nursery and closet ready for their new arrival. >> yeah, we're so excited. yeah. so so excited. want her here now. >> sylvia perez, fox news. update now on a story we first told you on fox 29 yesterday. 34-year-old sam cheh is now charged in a pipe bomb incident in olney. fox 29 was there when he was taken into custody yesterday. authorities were serving an eviction notice when sources say they found materials to assemble pipe bombs. parts for guns, a silencer and other dangerous material. cheh is charged with risking a catastrophe, reckless endangerment and possession of a weapon of mass destruction. the homeless in tulsa, oklahoma, are get something help from an unexpected source. the story hyped this furry philanthropist coming up. fran grenier. new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. student at belgium set a world record for recreating a super sized version of a classic gaming device. remember the game boy? oh yeah check out the giant version. 3 feet high, 2-foot wide, it took the 21-year-old software designer about a month to guild the giant hand-held in a laboratory it can still play the normal size game cartridges. although it's obvious al little difficult to play anything with those giant buttons. [ laughter ] >> not exactly ambidextrous. guiness book of world records it is an official record. gamers edition officially declared this world' largest game boy. >> pretty cool. chick-fil-a fans may want to start planning their pilgrimage to the big apple. the chain planning to open the mecca of all chicken zapped witch shops in new york city. it's being called the largest chick-fil-a ever. a five level, 12,000 square foot restaurant complete with rooftop seating will be in manhattan's financial district. it's scheduled to open in winter of 2018. i just need a sandwich. i don't need the whole thing. well, chick-fil-a fans might like that. i guess so. donations for the homeless in oklahoma are coming from a rather unlikely source. a feline philanthropist. >> fox' caylee dougherty has the story. ♪ he's earning his keep now. before he was just a cat. now he's doing good. so it's kind of cool. >> reporter: meet the cat capturing hearts of tull sans in the eastern village district. originally named sir whine as lot this cat is known as cash nip kitty because of the cash that's mysteriously started appearing near the toy door. people randomly start the using dollar bills to play with the cat. >> it is very strange. he seems to have thing for the ladies. >> i decided to try it out. people have been placing a dollar through the door here until the cat takes it from th them. >> if he's in the mood, he'll take it. and it's very strange. i don't know whether he's got a type or a time or i think it's a game of chance. so he'll take the dollar. >> reporter: cash nip kitty collected more than $100 so far. owners of guru marking company where he lives are donating every dollar given to him to the tulsa day center for the homeless. >> i love the fact that the cat is collecting money for the homeless. i think it's a great idea. >> cash nip kitty become so popular he has his own facebook page and he's drawing in donations for himself. donated a sofa for him that matches the color of his eyes. if you hasn't had a chance to meet him owners hope you'll bring cash instead of catnip and help his kitty on this mission to help the homeless. >> keep going. people need to stick five dollars bills in there. not just one dollar bills. >> there's been a five and a ten so far. >> i love it. >> whatever it takes, right. >> exactly. >> if that's what it takes to get people to donate. more power to them. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right now. ♪ a brutal attack. an 83-year-old trying to fight off an armed robber. his wife can only watch in horror. tonight, she talks to fox 29. a man responsible for saving lives now facing charges for harming one. a local volunteer firefighter accused of sexually assaulting a young girl. ♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. terror caught on tape an elderly store owner is forced to the ground by a knife-wielding robber. his wife nearby in an absolute panic. the violent hold up happened earlier this month in the city's oxford circle section. good evening, i'm dawn timmeney in tonight for lucy noland. >> i'm chris o'connell in for iain. even though the robbery happened days ago it is hard to get over. fox 29's dave schratwieser talked to that store owner. he's live at police headquarters tonight. dave? >> reporter: chris, some dangerous moments for the couple inside that cleaners up on oxford circle as that suspect entered with a big knife. he demanded money and when he didn't get it quick enough, he attacked them both. surveillance cameras captured the armed robber approaching kim and arthur's cleaners on oxford avenue with a knife out and within seconds he was forcing the 83-year-old store owner to the ground as his 76-year-old wife frantically dialed police. >> bad guy say open cash register. open cash register. i got -- 911. >> store owner's wife asked us not to identify her as she spoke with fox 29 about the frightening face to face confrontation. >> i'm still

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