Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20240622 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20240622

right now at 10:00 we are following two tragic drownings in our area. the first just a few hours ago in bucks county. police in hulmeville say family members found four year old nahir johnson at the bottom after pool at the neshaminy shore club. first responders got to the boy and got him to the hospital but he died a short time later. police say the philadelphia boy was attending a family gathering at the neshaminy shore picnic grounds. >> we're following breaking news out of gloucester county, new jersey, that's where authorities tell us there has been another drowning. this one at the home in washington township. initial reports say it is a man in his 70s. we have a "fox 29 news" crew on the scene there, we will be bringing you updates as soon as we get them. >> the family after man shot and killed by police are calling for justice tonight. the prosecutors say there wasn't enough evidence to charge two officers involved. good evening, i'm joyce evans. >> i'm dawn particular any. today community activists and that man's family spoke out at as fox john. joanne tells us they are not happy with the grand jury finding. >> jerome reid's family here in bridgeton is not satisfied. they say they want to take this case to federal authority. >> i can't bring my son back, but i sure can get justice for me and my family. >> sheila reid gathered with her family today, the extended family of 36 year old jerome reid. >> i'm pulled. i am discussed. i am just oh, so overwelmed that i don't know what to say. >> in week the cumberland county prosecutor announce that a grand jury decided there was not enough evidence to bring charges against two bridgeton police officers involved in the fatal shooting of reid in december of last year. leading a call for action, from reid's family, and community activists. >> we definitely need and want and demand federal intervention in the case of jerome reid. >> this is the dash cam police video which revealed the officer's actions during the traffic stop, and event leading up to the fatal shooting. reid's uncle says the police should not have fired. >> if you saw the video, police pulled him over, that his hands was up, he had no weapon. >> but the prosecutor's offers says the officers describe the scenario, both explained in their statement that they feared for their lives. one of the factors that led the grand jury to decide the use of force was justified. >> reid's family and community activists have drafted a letter of appeal to the u.s. attorney's office, asking for a federal review of this case. in bridgeton, joanne, "fox 29 news". >> police are looking for the person who opened fire on a west philadelphia street hitting and killing a man. this was on the 5400 block of norfolk street just before 1:00 a.m. police were called for a report after man with a gun. when they got to the scene, they found the 21 year old victim shot several times. he later died in the hospital. >> and that murder happening right in the middle of a violent couple of hours in the city. right around 10:30 a man was shot several times on west 1st st., also, in west philadelphia. he was taken to the hospital where tonight he is in critical condition. and then, just after 1:00 this morning, police say they found a man unconscious on a set of steps in grays ferry. this was on the 1400 block of south patent. this man had been shot several times. investigators say he was walking with a friends when someone came up and started shooting, the victim pushed his friends out of the way and told her to run. officers racing that man to the hospital where he is also in critical condition. and then, a hour later, 31 year old man shot three times on north 28th street in strawberry mansion. also, in critical condition tonight. so far, no arrests in any of these shootings. >> clear, calm and comfortable for your fox 29 weather authority. a beautiful saturday, but will it carry over to tomorrow? meteorologist, dave warren is here with that answer, dave? >> the 3c's are better than the 3h's. hazy, hot, humid. no more. clear, comfortable, we have 86 the vicinity, high temperature, 86. sixty-eight was the low this morning. we're on our way down to the mid to low 60s at 77 now, so quickly dropping, but much cooler, in the surrounding suburbs. we'll keep an eye on ultimate doppler, not tonight, not tomorrow, specially around philadelphia, but look picking up rain here that is trying to move off the coals, can't quite continue to move there. there is low pressure developing, could spin some of the moisture back, mostly we'll see clouds tomorrow. but maybe few showers specially to the north and east of the city. north and west of the sit at this will be into the 50's by tomorrow morning, we're headed there now. open up the windows, no ac tonight. turn that thing off. save some energy there. open the windows in the lehigh valley, 53, 07 down the shore, little warmer there, because we have the nice breeze coming in off the ocean, keeps you warmer over night, quick cool down in the city, 77 on our way to 63, we'll see that by tomorrow morning. here's this storm we're watching. spinning some of the moisture in, so we'll see more clouds, showers and storms, we're still tracking danny, a tropical storm now, but we have the latest information and we'll continue to track the storm over the next few days, we'll see the numbers our temperatures in the seven day forecast, i'll have that coming up a little bit later. >> thank you, dave. and police have arrested the owner after home in south jersey, where rosey o'donnell's missing daughter was found last week. twenty-five year old steven shearer faces charges of child endangerment and distribution of obscenity to a minor. our cameras were rolling on tuesday night, when police from new york city came down to pick up o'donnell's 17 year old daughter chelsey from the barnegat police station. o'donnell reported chelsey missing on august 11, police say, they found her at shearer's home upstairs in the attic. investigators say, they found inapropriate communications over the last several weeks between shearer and a minor on the girl's cell phone. spokesperson for o'donnell says this case does involve her daughter. >> around the country and right here in philadelphia, protesters taking to the street against planned parenthood. it is all tied to controversial videos released over the past several weeks. fox 29's sabina kuriakose with one of the protests today in center city. >> protesters gather at 12th and locust saturday morning, one of two such rallies in philadelphia, 300 coordinated across the country. >> i think it triggered people that weren't involved to get involved. >> that trigger, according to pro-life union of greater philadelphia board member, patrick stanton, series every undercover controversial videos released by anti-abortion activists groups center for medical progress. videos include planned parenthood providing fetal tissue to medical researchers. >> the reason we're here to show public support for the pro-life movement. >> abortion opponent say the records action show planned parenthood illegally selling organs, planned parenthood said it did nothing wrong, and the video heavily edited and deceiving, more recordings and partial transcripts released this week feature current and former employees, a tissue procurement company discussing fetal tissue for research? she said okay, this is a really good feet us. >> protesters want congress to stop fund withing taxpayer dollars, have eyes set on congressional budget hearings, lawmakers turn capitol hill this fall. >> set off a fire. >> they're there to help you. >> passerby christina king stopped on her walk to support planned parenthood against the protesters. she says the videos don't show the whole picture. >> you can always clip and edit things these days in the media, how you want things to appear. >> we reached out to planned parenthood southeastern pennsylvania, they tell us, quote, women should be able to get healthcare without fear of harrassment. the care we provide isn't about politics. it is about well-being. in center city, czar eastbound a kuriakose, "fox 29 news". >> and developing tonight, now hearing from the americans being credited with preventing further bloodshed in france. nobody died. and the alleged gunman is in custody. after a group of american friends jumped into action when bullet started flying yesterday on train bound for paris. three people were hurt in the incident. the suspect identified by french authorities as 26 year old man from morocco was flagged by spanish authorities last year. for his possible ties to the radical islamic movement. now, two of the american tourists are military men, childhood friends, who got a jump on that gunman as soon as he started firing on board that high speed train. >> i look over to spencer and said let's go, go, and he jumped up, and i followed behind him by about three seconds. spencer got to the guy first, grabbed the guy by the neck, and i grabbed the handgun. >> well, those americans have received a phonecall from president obama praising them for their actions. meanwhile, the suspect is still being questioned by french police. >> happening now, a fierce battle against mother nature out west. firefighters in state like washington, idaho, have been working tirelessly to bring giant wild fires under control, and it is not getting any easier out there. even with reduced wind speeds giving some firefighters a bit of a break, evacuation orders are still in effect. residents are hoping for the best, but fearing the worse. fox's will car has the very latest. >> firefighters gaining some grounds in their fight against giant wild fires in washington state. wind dying down a bit saturday, slowing down the spread of flames. >> they changed from yesterday to today. as much reduced winds speeds, temperatures slightly cooler, but still dry. >> it is measuring about 100 miles larger than friday. those flames seem to be moving away from the highly populated areas, but thousands remain under evacuation orders, while resident keep a watchful eye on the flames. >> i've been up for like 40 hours. and i was very nervous, very concerned, because it will take everything we have. >> many remained hopeful their homes will be saved. >> right now we are concerned. as far as we can tell, they've been doing great job of protecting our area. i know we're in as good hands as we can possibly. >> three firefighters died wednesday, four injured, after flames from the complex over took them. another firefighter remains in critical condition with burns over 60% every his body. a grim reminder of just how deadly these fires can be. >> danger is always there. you hope it never happens. when it does, you know, it is tough. >> washington state has deployed all of it firefighters along with the national guard. for the first time ever, training volunteers to use heavy machinery on the front line n los angeles, will car, fox news. >> still to come on "fox 29 news" at 10:00. disturbing find for a texas family still mourning their daughter. what was missing from her casket that will make you sick to your stomach. >> having bad hair day during a selfie not bad for your ego, now bad for your health, as well. dave? >> sunrise tomorrow at 6:00 20:00. getting later. sixty-three in the city. 54 degrees in the suburbs, cool start, but quick warm up. then looking at some rain moving n all in the seven day forecast, i'll have that coming up. >> anger and frustration, spilling into the streets of charlotte last night. protesters started peacefully, but then turned more violent as their numbers grew. all this, after a mistrial was declared in the trial after police officer, who fatally shot an unarmed black man. fox's david has reaction from charlotte. >> as the evening wore on, protests built in both size and intensity in uptown charlotte with rape as the center issue for many. >> what is the most dangerous man in america? >> crowd of dozens growing into the night after a mistrial was declared in the case involving officer randall, early on the message was one of the peace. >> it might have been a mistrial, but we'll turn it around. >> as time wore on, patience wore thin. many protesters voicing their disbelief in the outcome of the trial. >> i guarantee you, had it been a caucasian, he wouldn't have pulled out his weapon. >> specially this street corner where one man, applauding police officers; catching heat. >> if they want to protest, i give them that right. if i want to protest, they should give me the same right. >> many beginning to worry what's next. >> what are they going to do? they're going to carry all of this, pent up aggression and anger back into their own neighborhood. >> good news, no one was seriously hurt. >> delaware state police have one woman arrested, but they need your help to find find a man who was with her accused of possessing more than 2,000 bags of heroin. investigators say, they were called to the quality inn motel in newark, after the heroin was found by motel staff. officials were able to track down and arrest jennette burgos, who had been renting the room. now, they're now looking for the man pictured here who police is a acquaint ends of burgos. >> candidate out hitting state fares in new jersey governor chris christie in iowa running into a little hiccup, as they storm the stage. >> this is a question about concrete, and oh, here we go. >> well, let me be -- let me be really clear about that. i have to tell you the truth. when something like that happens, and i'm here in iowa, man, i feel right at home. feels like i got back to new jersey for couple of minutes. thank you, iowa for doing that. >> well, police quickly smacked the trio, they were protesting governor christie's decision to veto a bill that would have prevented pigs from being lock up in small metal crates. governorgovernor christie said e wants to let farmers decide for themselves how to raise their livestock. >> china slow economy sparking global sell off. the result is major drop for us markets. the lowest in years. fox business anchor, jerry willis, has details on this. >> biggest drop, plunged more than 530 points, s&p 500 seeking nearly 56 points and the nasdaq suffering losses as well sliding just over 171 points. some say china is to blame, the country announced its devaluing its currency. >> very hard to read the chinese economy. we don't trust the data there. we don't know what the actual growth rate r we do know a lot of folks put stock in china, saw the very hard fought earnings, ends up being worthless as the market fell apart. >> selling in asia spread to go europe with major indexes there losing more than 2%. other contributing factors are home-grown, investors in the u.s. dealing with the uncertainty of the federal research. the central bank hasn't raised interest rates in nearly a decade, and it is now widely speculate philadelphia will raise rates next month. >> i think that one of the problems the market has this week is that the fed has been really trying to condition the market, except the idea of interest rate hike. >> despite the frenzy on wall street being some say it is nothing out of the order area, the stock market has been climbing for years, and still up 85% in the last five years. leaving some analysts saying it is just the market correcting it self. >> almost unnatural. to have a correction, that doesn't do long-term damage to the economy. >> there is a bit of good just in all of this, especially for motorists, oil has dropped below $40 a barrel, reducing prices at the pump. in new york, jerry willits, for the fox business network. >> great weather, great music and jobs, doesn't get any better than that in fishtown this weekend. people vying for more than 100 new jobs of all kinds, being created when those fill-more philadelphia arrives. making the iconic ajax metal company plant its new home. new concert hall is taking the stage where musicians were made during world war i. the fill-more will open october 1st, the job fair continues tomorrow. kids out in force in camden on this beautiful day. group hashtag camden kids, hosting community fun day, at pine point park. from teen building, activities , raffles, back school give aways, smacks and more, the or sayings mission is to lift up kids in camden with a day of fun, entertainment, education. >> up next on "fox 29 news" at so minnesota man teetering off the edge after bridge, rescue cruise say they had to act quickly, plan they used to reach that man in the nick of time. >> these high school football players want to honor american military heroes, the school board is saying no. the technicality spoiling their salute to fallen vets. >> coming up tomorrow morning on fox 29 weekends, i'm karen hepp along with bill anderson. >> yes, we have the sugar fix it, gets to all of us, what can you do to defeat it in a healthy. >> i. >> we'll breakdown all of the cell phone plans, plus the mayor will be onto answer your pope questions live. >> all of that and more. make sure you're watching fox 29 weekends tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. hey, mom and dad! hey, kiddo! (dad) you caught us daydreaming. about a couple of touring bikes? (dad) yeah... mounted on top of a new suv? (mom) uh huh... hooked up to the back of a custom motorhome? (dad) exactly! but how did you- you've got the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. (dad) right! bankroll doubler. (mom, off-screen) with top prizes of $300,000. (male announcer) want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. a suspect walks into same sore store theme tampa florida but police, women, they are already on their way to arrest him. clerk inside said he recognized this guy from the video back in july. same guy hiding several e cigarette products in his clothes, then walking out. the clerk called police as soon as he saw the guy, so the police were there just in time to catch him. >> and three officers in minnesota are being credited for saving a troubled man who was sitting on the side after bridge. take a look at this, the video shows the man teetering on the edge, in minneapolis. this is on thursday. now, cops had to act quickly there, so they carefully came up behind them. the officers say they used the sounds of the passing traffic in the waterfall below to their advantage trying to stay quiet, as they approached him. right there. >> seemed like co-hear us approaching. >> holding all of my belt stuff. i'm not jingling to give myself away. >> i looked at him, are you ready to grab him, that's when i had his back, that's what i grabbed. >> incredible video, man not hurt during the rescue. he was taken to the hospital to be evacuated, officers say, that they have situations like this all the time, but this time, a camera happened to be rolling. a texas family grieving the loss of their daughters now begging for her body to be returned. >> very bizarre story, police say someone stole it, and they're not sure where the body is. >> family of julie moth said her body was stolen out after casket of san antonio funeral home. the body was taken sometime after august 15th memorial service. local paper report that her body was moved into a hallway that night, so it could be cremated, but when workers returned the next morning, the casket was empty. >> possible someone didn't believe in the cremation process, so versus traditional burial process. >> if anyone knows anything about this crime, or has any information to help with the recovery of my daughter's remains, please contact the san antonio police department right away. >> $20,000 reward is being offered in the case. julie moth died after losing her battle with cysticfibrosis on august 8th. >> straight ahead on "fox 29 news" at 10:00 they're in your town every day, keeping the street clean, but can they also help keep them safe? one city's plan to get sanitation workers to do police work. >> and more medical problems for jimmy fallon. first he nearly loses a finger during a accident at home. now his smile has take answer hit. dave? >> no hit with the weather here today. humidity way down, but these showers, just don't want to go away. now they're starting to work their way back. could affect part of the weekend. details in the seven day forecast coming up. we continue to follow breaking news out of gloucester county, new jersey, where officials tell us a man has drowned at a home in washington township. our joanne just arriving at the scene. joanne, what have you been able to learn so far? >> adds news to report in gloucester county, on hunter court, this is a cul-de-sac, there is a number of homes behind me, and are few police cars here. the police are not releasing very much information. they did confirm that there is apparent drowning of 72 year old man, in one of the homes behind me, there have been few police cars in and out, one of the detective said there is very little information to go on at this point. another officer, who was in officer's clothing said they are calling it a crime scene. february ores tell us the 72 year old manna parentally drowned in a pool in the backyard. but that's the information that we have for you right now. and that is all we can report at this moment. for now, live in washington township, gloucester county, "fox 29 news", back to you. >> all right, joanne, thank you. the city of san jose is facing a shortage of cops and they are looking for new way to help fight crime. that's why turning to sanitation workers probably know the streets as well as they do. >> makes sense, not only getting license plate readers but also also offering extra pair of eyes, fox's avina smith has more for us. >> november thought of it that way, but we live in a different worlds. >> did he think his garbage trucks could be used for nick more than to pick up trash, let alone crime fighting tool. >> that would be pretty good day if we happen to drive by a car that was used to abduct a child, and that child got saved. >> help with amber happen letters, tracking stop end cars, the reason san jose is license plate readers on garbage and recycling trucks. >> i call it unique move. we have to think outside the box. we're in silicon val. >> i san jose city council member calls the idea suggested by a san jose police captain a no brainer. since the truck's travel every street once a week. covering way more grounds than police car. privacy advocates question how this info will be stored, what it could potentially reveal. >> when you're tends ago gun show, job fair, or gay bar, or all sort of things that people have the right to do it, so the liberties they expect, if that's recorded and tracked somehow, that information could be used to harm them. >> in response, says, there shouldn't be an expectation of privacy given the cars are out in the public. >> given everything going on here lately, i think it is a great idea. >> private company. why are they giving them that power? >> still a loft questions to be answered. where will the readers be installed in for some trucks, not feasible in the front, also, are they compatible with these trucks, and how much is everything going to cost? each reader costs roughly $15,000. so, it wouldn't be until next year at the earliest after the budget is approved that this could be implemented. for now, the city studying if the proposal is even legal. she just told you those read letters cost about $15,000, not going to be in place until next year at the earl yells, for now, city is looking over the legal issues that may come up in this. >> to your fox 29 weather authority, now, and it was a gorgeous day, great night, and just hoping for more of the same. >> i would like it say we'll have another perfect day. >> good, say that, say that. >> i don't know what to do here, so we'll have few clouds coming in. that's about it. that's all we can say. >> that won't be terrible? >> certainly not terrible. still a nice day, humidity still down. temperatures still nice and comfortable. but it is cooler in the suburbs. that's what we deal with tonight. mostly clear, these temperatures will quickly drop, down to about 70 in philadelphia. by 11:00, 10 degrees drop between the city and the north and western suburbs, that's at 11:00. by tomorrow morning, a lot of 50's out there, especially in the northern suburbs, 06 millville, little warmer, closer to the coast, and it should drop little bit in the afternoon. get the quick warm up in the morning, and that sea breeze kicks in, drops temperatures back to the upper 70s, atlantic city and wildwood. everyone else except for the poconos should easily keim to the zero's tomorrow. almost thereby 11:00. so, a quickly warms up. might notice cooler in the morning when you step outside. by 10:00, 11:00 quickly warming up to the upper 70s. 80s then dropping to the 70s, but look what we have to put few showers in there, mostly cloudy skies, maybe a light raindrop. because of this area of low pressure, intensifying, just off the coast. trying to spin some of this moisture back in. so, mainly north and east of the city, see clouds increasing tomorrow, pick up by the computer forecast, clouds start to work their way back wells, not moving off the coast like the front initially did with that low developing there, just bridges some of the moisture back, you can see these clouds developing tomorrow by about 1:00. maybe one or two raindrops there from atlantic county up through ocean county. and that wind will keep things little cooler there, especially, closer to the coast, where it is only into the upper 70s. this is what we're dealing with on sunday it, will all clear up sunday night, then monday, everybody heat up. it is hot, not heatwave, close to 90 degrees, but here comes that cooler weather, this is a front approaching from the west. that storm will be moving out. and we're now focused on the western suburbs by monday night. throughout the day monday, it heats up, it is a bit muggy, humid, but the showers and storms will be sliding their way through monday, slowing down bit, so keep rain in the forecast on tuesday. rain showers monday. showers and storms on tuesday. by wednesday, thursday, late tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and friday, we see things clearing up. we have bright sunshine, low humidity, cool temperatures in the morning, warmer afternoon. watching danny now, the latest information that comes in has a tropical storm, and it continues to weaken, so we're dealing with calm weather. watch the tropics closely, that's where it is forecast to be positioned thereby wednesday. so close eye on that, seeing how this storm will continue to track across the caribbean. >> sunday, 86. then we touch 90 on monday. showers and storms on tuesday. late monday to tuesday. but there is a stretch of nice weather. wednesday, thursday, and friday, another nice day there. saturday could see few clouds increasing, but pretty much the same thing, day after day. maybe the lows get little warmer, highs get just touch cooler. but nice and comfortable, right where we should be this time of year once we get rid of the rain monday and tuesday. >> thank you, dave. up next on "fox 29 news" at 10:00 say good-bye to old glover anyone school. this is the only one allowed on campus, why the district is banning the american flag. >> and, technology is letting us share everything from homes to cars bye what's on the open water. new service is helping you get on somebody else's boat. this cross at city park in iowa stirring up quite the controversy. knoxville said it received letter from the national organization of americans united for the separation of church and state. the group wants the cross put up to honor veterans removed from the park. and it also says that it received a complaint saying that they find soldier dealing at the cross offensive. well, one man isn't tolerating the complaints, so he put up his own sign. >> and the city plans to talk about whether the cross should stay or not. and it will happen at the next city council meeting. well, a school in tennessee is banning all flags, even the american flag. all except one. this one. the american flag that flies from the pole right in front of the school. now, officials decided that after a summer of controversy surrounding the confederate flag, the safest thing to do is to ban all of them, some student angry calling the move un patriotic, so far there have been no reported problems with the new policy. >> a high school football team in colorado wants to honor fallen us military heroes. but, get this, the school board won't let them. the team in fort collins bought special camouflage uniforms for their military appreciation night, just finished special project, researching the lives of service member. players thought putting the names of fallen soldiers would be a nice tribute. but the school district rules only allow player and team names on game jerseys. i believe that as an american, it is important that we be able to do something as simple as memorialize the fallen heroes on the back after uniform. fan we can't, due to political correctness, or any number of things, i think we're failing, as a society. >> students and parents are extremely disappointed in the school district's ruling, but they say they are willing to work together to find appropriate way to honor the military. >> and straight ahead on the "fox 29 news" at 10:00 story that can make you itch. the warning for selfie takers, that just may have you posing solo from now on. >> a lot of breaking news happening overnight. >> our beautiful city. hear laws on the book. fox 29 weekends. hey terry stop! they have a special! so, what did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. get a $1000 2015 jetta s oe for $139 get a $1000 month a dog in california has a new lesion life. lifeguards pulling the animal from the ocean at the beach in santa barbara. dog's owner saw one every his goal end retrievers struggling to stay afloat in the water. they love the water but told the lifeguard appeared disoriented the lifeguard quickly paddled out on surf board and rescued the dog who was exhausted but it gladly jumped on the board. happy ending there. >> blood drive today in mt. laurel, attracting humans, and their four legged friends. check it out, mt. laurel animal hospital teamed up with the red cross for human and k9 blood drive. generous pooches, who donated their blood, are helping patients at the pen vet. organizers say, blood transfusions can be life saving for dogs. >> well, we all know snapping selfies has become a very popular trend. it is fun. it is cool, it is harmless, right? well, might want to think again. some experts are linking selfies to a rise in of all things head lies. you heard rightment fox assimilation cutler shows us what this involves. >> oh, the selfie. shea and eileen can't imagine living life without snapping selfies. >> all the time. it is a problem. >> but experts say, the rise in selfies including group shots has given rise to an unwanted invisible louse photo bombing, otherwise perfect pictures lice just talking about it makes her feel itch. >> i something in your head? >> life used to be a childhood problem, eventually outgrown. youngsters bumming heads as they played together in tight quarters. now, as adults and teenagers almost constantly put their heads together. they're unknowingly giving head lice, new host on which to feed. >> bike where did i get this from? do you take self snows. >> lauren specialize in the lies removal. is a said it is impossible where someone gets the lice, but up particularring it in the number of teens with lice who don't have siblings. >> pudding their head next to their friend. >> they crawl from one strand of hair, they don't jump, they don't fly, but travel and spread like wild fire. >> people taking group selfies, like chain reaction. you take a picture with one person, you are taking a picture with another person, that bug can spread that quick. >> shea and eileen both say they don't want to get lies, but the chang of getting it won't dampen their entheusiasm, nor their passion for pictures. >> i won't worry about it, no point levying in fear of it, it is not like lice is deadly. >> but it is something to think about. >> certainly is. foo fighters set to play last night in kansas city. >> well, the band put together counter protest pushing back on the westboro baptist church. >> this video is making the rounds on social media, bands members rick rolled protesters caring anti-protest signs, pulled up, started blake the popular rick ashley song, as you can see, that huge crowd gathered in the middle of the street. well, tonight's show host jimmy fallon has had a rough summer, first, he nearly lost a finger during a accident at home, now, look at that, his smile has take answer hit. the 40 year old posted this pick on stain gram showing his chipped tooth. that will related to the hurt finger. fallon says that his tooth was chipped trying to open tube of scar tissue repair gel he was using to treat the hurt finger >> florida couple's marriage has stood the test of time. so that is their wedding cake. this is quite the story. ann and ken fredericks continue unique anniversary tradition, each year they keep the cake stored in a coffee tiannamen in a closet, all year long, un refrigerated. yes, and for that one special day each year, they pour brandy over their dark fruit cake to moisten it, they say the dated dessert has never made them sick. >> now you can sale off into the sunset even if you don't own a boat. new web based service called saleo will allow you to rent one. boat owners rent out their yachts to people who just want to get out on the water. happening all over the country, even down at the jersey shore. fox's shows us thousand works. >> every day, on the water, great life. >> to to laura there is nothing better than owning your own boat. and being captain of your own ship. >> it is wonderful to be out here. >> the problem with sailing is the upkeep, can make it one of the most expensive sports in the world. >> that is true a lot of people don't realize the initial cost of the both is just the beginning, there is the maintenance consideration cost as much as the initial price of the boat. >> a lot of people want to go out on the water. >> just one of the reasons she co-founded saleo, web based company that connected boat end ers with boat renters. >> like air b and b but instead of renting and the, you're renting sale and power both? >> basically taking a pros that's use to take days, turning it into a five minute one. >> saleo has over 350 boats from the coast of florida, to up here in cape cod. with prices ranking from $350 a day for an upon tune boat to over $40,000 a day for a luxury yacht. the search engine makes all transactions easy and seamless. even providing both parties with up to a million dollars in insurance you also rent out skip fors r less experienced sailors. >> we do, a lot of inch experience dollars still want to discover lifestyle, and captain plan out the navigation, safety. >> all great news for laura. who can rent storm petro out for $06,000 per week. >> this keeps you where you want to be at the helm of your own boat? >> that's right, by chartering the boat i can make my lifestyle part of my living. >> making her living and lifestyle on the water with saleo. on buzzard bay, douglas kennedy, fox news. >> sam bradford seeing his first time in the pre-season. he took a beating but got up, got the job done, in just a few amount of snaps he had. but eagles also had a ton of explosive plays, a loft action, it was beautiful. you see barn err making it happen for the second week in a row. that is up next in sport. (plays throughout) ♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪ ♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪ helping protect that world takes state farm. the eagles are back in action. it is the second pre-season game, so those starters are going to play a little longerment we'll see some real football this time. and couple of guys, not in. kiko, demeco ryans, they're out, but no words, chip kelly being little pre cautious, don't want those guys to get any more nicks anthrax, but sam bradford, he's playing, demarco murray, he is playing. we got some guys in. they'll play hard, let's kick it off to the highlight. let's start off with ryan matthews right here. >> look at this great play, tipping the ball in, walter, look at that, johnny on the spot. he would take it back for awhile. but, that starts off sam bradford with his first, give that man time. he is going dark. little bit of a rough day, did he okay, that set up ryan matthews slicing up the middle that made it seven-zip. eagles all over it. joe flacco off today. look at this, byron, really getting it done today. okay? the eagles crush the ravens, they look good, but, it was mostly because the ravens look really bad. they won 40 to 17. another on the highlight, martyr, another 68-yard touchdown. punt return. it is backfield but have to keep that guy. that's what up get out of the first two pre-season games. that's our news for this is the day night. thanks for joining us, lottery is next followed by "tmz".

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Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20240622 :

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20240622

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right now at 10:00 we are following two tragic drownings in our area. the first just a few hours ago in bucks county. police in hulmeville say family members found four year old nahir johnson at the bottom after pool at the neshaminy shore club. first responders got to the boy and got him to the hospital but he died a short time later. police say the philadelphia boy was attending a family gathering at the neshaminy shore picnic grounds. >> we're following breaking news out of gloucester county, new jersey, that's where authorities tell us there has been another drowning. this one at the home in washington township. initial reports say it is a man in his 70s. we have a "fox 29 news" crew on the scene there, we will be bringing you updates as soon as we get them. >> the family after man shot and killed by police are calling for justice tonight. the prosecutors say there wasn't enough evidence to charge two officers involved. good evening, i'm joyce evans. >> i'm dawn particular any. today community activists and that man's family spoke out at as fox john. joanne tells us they are not happy with the grand jury finding. >> jerome reid's family here in bridgeton is not satisfied. they say they want to take this case to federal authority. >> i can't bring my son back, but i sure can get justice for me and my family. >> sheila reid gathered with her family today, the extended family of 36 year old jerome reid. >> i'm pulled. i am discussed. i am just oh, so overwelmed that i don't know what to say. >> in week the cumberland county prosecutor announce that a grand jury decided there was not enough evidence to bring charges against two bridgeton police officers involved in the fatal shooting of reid in december of last year. leading a call for action, from reid's family, and community activists. >> we definitely need and want and demand federal intervention in the case of jerome reid. >> this is the dash cam police video which revealed the officer's actions during the traffic stop, and event leading up to the fatal shooting. reid's uncle says the police should not have fired. >> if you saw the video, police pulled him over, that his hands was up, he had no weapon. >> but the prosecutor's offers says the officers describe the scenario, both explained in their statement that they feared for their lives. one of the factors that led the grand jury to decide the use of force was justified. >> reid's family and community activists have drafted a letter of appeal to the u.s. attorney's office, asking for a federal review of this case. in bridgeton, joanne, "fox 29 news". >> police are looking for the person who opened fire on a west philadelphia street hitting and killing a man. this was on the 5400 block of norfolk street just before 1:00 a.m. police were called for a report after man with a gun. when they got to the scene, they found the 21 year old victim shot several times. he later died in the hospital. >> and that murder happening right in the middle of a violent couple of hours in the city. right around 10:30 a man was shot several times on west 1st st., also, in west philadelphia. he was taken to the hospital where tonight he is in critical condition. and then, just after 1:00 this morning, police say they found a man unconscious on a set of steps in grays ferry. this was on the 1400 block of south patent. this man had been shot several times. investigators say he was walking with a friends when someone came up and started shooting, the victim pushed his friends out of the way and told her to run. officers racing that man to the hospital where he is also in critical condition. and then, a hour later, 31 year old man shot three times on north 28th street in strawberry mansion. also, in critical condition tonight. so far, no arrests in any of these shootings. >> clear, calm and comfortable for your fox 29 weather authority. a beautiful saturday, but will it carry over to tomorrow? meteorologist, dave warren is here with that answer, dave? >> the 3c's are better than the 3h's. hazy, hot, humid. no more. clear, comfortable, we have 86 the vicinity, high temperature, 86. sixty-eight was the low this morning. we're on our way down to the mid to low 60s at 77 now, so quickly dropping, but much cooler, in the surrounding suburbs. we'll keep an eye on ultimate doppler, not tonight, not tomorrow, specially around philadelphia, but look picking up rain here that is trying to move off the coals, can't quite continue to move there. there is low pressure developing, could spin some of the moisture back, mostly we'll see clouds tomorrow. but maybe few showers specially to the north and east of the city. north and west of the sit at this will be into the 50's by tomorrow morning, we're headed there now. open up the windows, no ac tonight. turn that thing off. save some energy there. open the windows in the lehigh valley, 53, 07 down the shore, little warmer there, because we have the nice breeze coming in off the ocean, keeps you warmer over night, quick cool down in the city, 77 on our way to 63, we'll see that by tomorrow morning. here's this storm we're watching. spinning some of the moisture in, so we'll see more clouds, showers and storms, we're still tracking danny, a tropical storm now, but we have the latest information and we'll continue to track the storm over the next few days, we'll see the numbers our temperatures in the seven day forecast, i'll have that coming up a little bit later. >> thank you, dave. and police have arrested the owner after home in south jersey, where rosey o'donnell's missing daughter was found last week. twenty-five year old steven shearer faces charges of child endangerment and distribution of obscenity to a minor. our cameras were rolling on tuesday night, when police from new york city came down to pick up o'donnell's 17 year old daughter chelsey from the barnegat police station. o'donnell reported chelsey missing on august 11, police say, they found her at shearer's home upstairs in the attic. investigators say, they found inapropriate communications over the last several weeks between shearer and a minor on the girl's cell phone. spokesperson for o'donnell says this case does involve her daughter. >> around the country and right here in philadelphia, protesters taking to the street against planned parenthood. it is all tied to controversial videos released over the past several weeks. fox 29's sabina kuriakose with one of the protests today in center city. >> protesters gather at 12th and locust saturday morning, one of two such rallies in philadelphia, 300 coordinated across the country. >> i think it triggered people that weren't involved to get involved. >> that trigger, according to pro-life union of greater philadelphia board member, patrick stanton, series every undercover controversial videos released by anti-abortion activists groups center for medical progress. videos include planned parenthood providing fetal tissue to medical researchers. >> the reason we're here to show public support for the pro-life movement. >> abortion opponent say the records action show planned parenthood illegally selling organs, planned parenthood said it did nothing wrong, and the video heavily edited and deceiving, more recordings and partial transcripts released this week feature current and former employees, a tissue procurement company discussing fetal tissue for research? she said okay, this is a really good feet us. >> protesters want congress to stop fund withing taxpayer dollars, have eyes set on congressional budget hearings, lawmakers turn capitol hill this fall. >> set off a fire. >> they're there to help you. >> passerby christina king stopped on her walk to support planned parenthood against the protesters. she says the videos don't show the whole picture. >> you can always clip and edit things these days in the media, how you want things to appear. >> we reached out to planned parenthood southeastern pennsylvania, they tell us, quote, women should be able to get healthcare without fear of harrassment. the care we provide isn't about politics. it is about well-being. in center city, czar eastbound a kuriakose, "fox 29 news". >> and developing tonight, now hearing from the americans being credited with preventing further bloodshed in france. nobody died. and the alleged gunman is in custody. after a group of american friends jumped into action when bullet started flying yesterday on train bound for paris. three people were hurt in the incident. the suspect identified by french authorities as 26 year old man from morocco was flagged by spanish authorities last year. for his possible ties to the radical islamic movement. now, two of the american tourists are military men, childhood friends, who got a jump on that gunman as soon as he started firing on board that high speed train. >> i look over to spencer and said let's go, go, and he jumped up, and i followed behind him by about three seconds. spencer got to the guy first, grabbed the guy by the neck, and i grabbed the handgun. >> well, those americans have received a phonecall from president obama praising them for their actions. meanwhile, the suspect is still being questioned by french police. >> happening now, a fierce battle against mother nature out west. firefighters in state like washington, idaho, have been working tirelessly to bring giant wild fires under control, and it is not getting any easier out there. even with reduced wind speeds giving some firefighters a bit of a break, evacuation orders are still in effect. residents are hoping for the best, but fearing the worse. fox's will car has the very latest. >> firefighters gaining some grounds in their fight against giant wild fires in washington state. wind dying down a bit saturday, slowing down the spread of flames. >> they changed from yesterday to today. as much reduced winds speeds, temperatures slightly cooler, but still dry. >> it is measuring about 100 miles larger than friday. those flames seem to be moving away from the highly populated areas, but thousands remain under evacuation orders, while resident keep a watchful eye on the flames. >> i've been up for like 40 hours. and i was very nervous, very concerned, because it will take everything we have. >> many remained hopeful their homes will be saved. >> right now we are concerned. as far as we can tell, they've been doing great job of protecting our area. i know we're in as good hands as we can possibly. >> three firefighters died wednesday, four injured, after flames from the complex over took them. another firefighter remains in critical condition with burns over 60% every his body. a grim reminder of just how deadly these fires can be. >> danger is always there. you hope it never happens. when it does, you know, it is tough. >> washington state has deployed all of it firefighters along with the national guard. for the first time ever, training volunteers to use heavy machinery on the front line n los angeles, will car, fox news. >> still to come on "fox 29 news" at 10:00. disturbing find for a texas family still mourning their daughter. what was missing from her casket that will make you sick to your stomach. >> having bad hair day during a selfie not bad for your ego, now bad for your health, as well. dave? >> sunrise tomorrow at 6:00 20:00. getting later. sixty-three in the city. 54 degrees in the suburbs, cool start, but quick warm up. then looking at some rain moving n all in the seven day forecast, i'll have that coming up. >> anger and frustration, spilling into the streets of charlotte last night. protesters started peacefully, but then turned more violent as their numbers grew. all this, after a mistrial was declared in the trial after police officer, who fatally shot an unarmed black man. fox's david has reaction from charlotte. >> as the evening wore on, protests built in both size and intensity in uptown charlotte with rape as the center issue for many. >> what is the most dangerous man in america? >> crowd of dozens growing into the night after a mistrial was declared in the case involving officer randall, early on the message was one of the peace. >> it might have been a mistrial, but we'll turn it around. >> as time wore on, patience wore thin. many protesters voicing their disbelief in the outcome of the trial. >> i guarantee you, had it been a caucasian, he wouldn't have pulled out his weapon. >> specially this street corner where one man, applauding police officers; catching heat. >> if they want to protest, i give them that right. if i want to protest, they should give me the same right. >> many beginning to worry what's next. >> what are they going to do? they're going to carry all of this, pent up aggression and anger back into their own neighborhood. >> good news, no one was seriously hurt. >> delaware state police have one woman arrested, but they need your help to find find a man who was with her accused of possessing more than 2,000 bags of heroin. investigators say, they were called to the quality inn motel in newark, after the heroin was found by motel staff. officials were able to track down and arrest jennette burgos, who had been renting the room. now, they're now looking for the man pictured here who police is a acquaint ends of burgos. >> candidate out hitting state fares in new jersey governor chris christie in iowa running into a little hiccup, as they storm the stage. >> this is a question about concrete, and oh, here we go. >> well, let me be -- let me be really clear about that. i have to tell you the truth. when something like that happens, and i'm here in iowa, man, i feel right at home. feels like i got back to new jersey for couple of minutes. thank you, iowa for doing that. >> well, police quickly smacked the trio, they were protesting governor christie's decision to veto a bill that would have prevented pigs from being lock up in small metal crates. governorgovernor christie said e wants to let farmers decide for themselves how to raise their livestock. >> china slow economy sparking global sell off. the result is major drop for us markets. the lowest in years. fox business anchor, jerry willis, has details on this. >> biggest drop, plunged more than 530 points, s&p 500 seeking nearly 56 points and the nasdaq suffering losses as well sliding just over 171 points. some say china is to blame, the country announced its devaluing its currency. >> very hard to read the chinese economy. we don't trust the data there. we don't know what the actual growth rate r we do know a lot of folks put stock in china, saw the very hard fought earnings, ends up being worthless as the market fell apart. >> selling in asia spread to go europe with major indexes there losing more than 2%. other contributing factors are home-grown, investors in the u.s. dealing with the uncertainty of the federal research. the central bank hasn't raised interest rates in nearly a decade, and it is now widely speculate philadelphia will raise rates next month. >> i think that one of the problems the market has this week is that the fed has been really trying to condition the market, except the idea of interest rate hike. >> despite the frenzy on wall street being some say it is nothing out of the order area, the stock market has been climbing for years, and still up 85% in the last five years. leaving some analysts saying it is just the market correcting it self. >> almost unnatural. to have a correction, that doesn't do long-term damage to the economy. >> there is a bit of good just in all of this, especially for motorists, oil has dropped below $40 a barrel, reducing prices at the pump. in new york, jerry willits, for the fox business network. >> great weather, great music and jobs, doesn't get any better than that in fishtown this weekend. people vying for more than 100 new jobs of all kinds, being created when those fill-more philadelphia arrives. making the iconic ajax metal company plant its new home. new concert hall is taking the stage where musicians were made during world war i. the fill-more will open october 1st, the job fair continues tomorrow. kids out in force in camden on this beautiful day. group hashtag camden kids, hosting community fun day, at pine point park. from teen building, activities , raffles, back school give aways, smacks and more, the or sayings mission is to lift up kids in camden with a day of fun, entertainment, education. >> up next on "fox 29 news" at so minnesota man teetering off the edge after bridge, rescue cruise say they had to act quickly, plan they used to reach that man in the nick of time. >> these high school football players want to honor american military heroes, the school board is saying no. the technicality spoiling their salute to fallen vets. >> coming up tomorrow morning on fox 29 weekends, i'm karen hepp along with bill anderson. >> yes, we have the sugar fix it, gets to all of us, what can you do to defeat it in a healthy. >> i. >> we'll breakdown all of the cell phone plans, plus the mayor will be onto answer your pope questions live. >> all of that and more. make sure you're watching fox 29 weekends tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. hey, mom and dad! hey, kiddo! (dad) you caught us daydreaming. about a couple of touring bikes? (dad) yeah... mounted on top of a new suv? (mom) uh huh... hooked up to the back of a custom motorhome? (dad) exactly! but how did you- you've got the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. (dad) right! bankroll doubler. (mom, off-screen) with top prizes of $300,000. (male announcer) want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. a suspect walks into same sore store theme tampa florida but police, women, they are already on their way to arrest him. clerk inside said he recognized this guy from the video back in july. same guy hiding several e cigarette products in his clothes, then walking out. the clerk called police as soon as he saw the guy, so the police were there just in time to catch him. >> and three officers in minnesota are being credited for saving a troubled man who was sitting on the side after bridge. take a look at this, the video shows the man teetering on the edge, in minneapolis. this is on thursday. now, cops had to act quickly there, so they carefully came up behind them. the officers say they used the sounds of the passing traffic in the waterfall below to their advantage trying to stay quiet, as they approached him. right there. >> seemed like co-hear us approaching. >> holding all of my belt stuff. i'm not jingling to give myself away. >> i looked at him, are you ready to grab him, that's when i had his back, that's what i grabbed. >> incredible video, man not hurt during the rescue. he was taken to the hospital to be evacuated, officers say, that they have situations like this all the time, but this time, a camera happened to be rolling. a texas family grieving the loss of their daughters now begging for her body to be returned. >> very bizarre story, police say someone stole it, and they're not sure where the body is. >> family of julie moth said her body was stolen out after casket of san antonio funeral home. the body was taken sometime after august 15th memorial service. local paper report that her body was moved into a hallway that night, so it could be cremated, but when workers returned the next morning, the casket was empty. >> possible someone didn't believe in the cremation process, so versus traditional burial process. >> if anyone knows anything about this crime, or has any information to help with the recovery of my daughter's remains, please contact the san antonio police department right away. >> $20,000 reward is being offered in the case. julie moth died after losing her battle with cysticfibrosis on august 8th. >> straight ahead on "fox 29 news" at 10:00 they're in your town every day, keeping the street clean, but can they also help keep them safe? one city's plan to get sanitation workers to do police work. >> and more medical problems for jimmy fallon. first he nearly loses a finger during a accident at home. now his smile has take answer hit. dave? >> no hit with the weather here today. humidity way down, but these showers, just don't want to go away. now they're starting to work their way back. could affect part of the weekend. details in the seven day forecast coming up. we continue to follow breaking news out of gloucester county, new jersey, where officials tell us a man has drowned at a home in washington township. our joanne just arriving at the scene. joanne, what have you been able to learn so far? >> adds news to report in gloucester county, on hunter court, this is a cul-de-sac, there is a number of homes behind me, and are few police cars here. the police are not releasing very much information. they did confirm that there is apparent drowning of 72 year old man, in one of the homes behind me, there have been few police cars in and out, one of the detective said there is very little information to go on at this point. another officer, who was in officer's clothing said they are calling it a crime scene. february ores tell us the 72 year old manna parentally drowned in a pool in the backyard. but that's the information that we have for you right now. and that is all we can report at this moment. for now, live in washington township, gloucester county, "fox 29 news", back to you. >> all right, joanne, thank you. the city of san jose is facing a shortage of cops and they are looking for new way to help fight crime. that's why turning to sanitation workers probably know the streets as well as they do. >> makes sense, not only getting license plate readers but also also offering extra pair of eyes, fox's avina smith has more for us. >> november thought of it that way, but we live in a different worlds. >> did he think his garbage trucks could be used for nick more than to pick up trash, let alone crime fighting tool. >> that would be pretty good day if we happen to drive by a car that was used to abduct a child, and that child got saved. >> help with amber happen letters, tracking stop end cars, the reason san jose is license plate readers on garbage and recycling trucks. >> i call it unique move. we have to think outside the box. we're in silicon val. >> i san jose city council member calls the idea suggested by a san jose police captain a no brainer. since the truck's travel every street once a week. covering way more grounds than police car. privacy advocates question how this info will be stored, what it could potentially reveal. >> when you're tends ago gun show, job fair, or gay bar, or all sort of things that people have the right to do it, so the liberties they expect, if that's recorded and tracked somehow, that information could be used to harm them. >> in response, says, there shouldn't be an expectation of privacy given the cars are out in the public. >> given everything going on here lately, i think it is a great idea. >> private company. why are they giving them that power? >> still a loft questions to be answered. where will the readers be installed in for some trucks, not feasible in the front, also, are they compatible with these trucks, and how much is everything going to cost? each reader costs roughly $15,000. so, it wouldn't be until next year at the earliest after the budget is approved that this could be implemented. for now, the city studying if the proposal is even legal. she just told you those read letters cost about $15,000, not going to be in place until next year at the earl yells, for now, city is looking over the legal issues that may come up in this. >> to your fox 29 weather authority, now, and it was a gorgeous day, great night, and just hoping for more of the same. >> i would like it say we'll have another perfect day. >> good, say that, say that. >> i don't know what to do here, so we'll have few clouds coming in. that's about it. that's all we can say. >> that won't be terrible? >> certainly not terrible. still a nice day, humidity still down. temperatures still nice and comfortable. but it is cooler in the suburbs. that's what we deal with tonight. mostly clear, these temperatures will quickly drop, down to about 70 in philadelphia. by 11:00, 10 degrees drop between the city and the north and western suburbs, that's at 11:00. by tomorrow morning, a lot of 50's out there, especially in the northern suburbs, 06 millville, little warmer, closer to the coast, and it should drop little bit in the afternoon. get the quick warm up in the morning, and that sea breeze kicks in, drops temperatures back to the upper 70s, atlantic city and wildwood. everyone else except for the poconos should easily keim to the zero's tomorrow. almost thereby 11:00. so, a quickly warms up. might notice cooler in the morning when you step outside. by 10:00, 11:00 quickly warming up to the upper 70s. 80s then dropping to the 70s, but look what we have to put few showers in there, mostly cloudy skies, maybe a light raindrop. because of this area of low pressure, intensifying, just off the coast. trying to spin some of this moisture back in. so, mainly north and east of the city, see clouds increasing tomorrow, pick up by the computer forecast, clouds start to work their way back wells, not moving off the coast like the front initially did with that low developing there, just bridges some of the moisture back, you can see these clouds developing tomorrow by about 1:00. maybe one or two raindrops there from atlantic county up through ocean county. and that wind will keep things little cooler there, especially, closer to the coast, where it is only into the upper 70s. this is what we're dealing with on sunday it, will all clear up sunday night, then monday, everybody heat up. it is hot, not heatwave, close to 90 degrees, but here comes that cooler weather, this is a front approaching from the west. that storm will be moving out. and we're now focused on the western suburbs by monday night. throughout the day monday, it heats up, it is a bit muggy, humid, but the showers and storms will be sliding their way through monday, slowing down bit, so keep rain in the forecast on tuesday. rain showers monday. showers and storms on tuesday. by wednesday, thursday, late tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and friday, we see things clearing up. we have bright sunshine, low humidity, cool temperatures in the morning, warmer afternoon. watching danny now, the latest information that comes in has a tropical storm, and it continues to weaken, so we're dealing with calm weather. watch the tropics closely, that's where it is forecast to be positioned thereby wednesday. so close eye on that, seeing how this storm will continue to track across the caribbean. >> sunday, 86. then we touch 90 on monday. showers and storms on tuesday. late monday to tuesday. but there is a stretch of nice weather. wednesday, thursday, and friday, another nice day there. saturday could see few clouds increasing, but pretty much the same thing, day after day. maybe the lows get little warmer, highs get just touch cooler. but nice and comfortable, right where we should be this time of year once we get rid of the rain monday and tuesday. >> thank you, dave. up next on "fox 29 news" at 10:00 say good-bye to old glover anyone school. this is the only one allowed on campus, why the district is banning the american flag. >> and, technology is letting us share everything from homes to cars bye what's on the open water. new service is helping you get on somebody else's boat. this cross at city park in iowa stirring up quite the controversy. knoxville said it received letter from the national organization of americans united for the separation of church and state. the group wants the cross put up to honor veterans removed from the park. and it also says that it received a complaint saying that they find soldier dealing at the cross offensive. well, one man isn't tolerating the complaints, so he put up his own sign. >> and the city plans to talk about whether the cross should stay or not. and it will happen at the next city council meeting. well, a school in tennessee is banning all flags, even the american flag. all except one. this one. the american flag that flies from the pole right in front of the school. now, officials decided that after a summer of controversy surrounding the confederate flag, the safest thing to do is to ban all of them, some student angry calling the move un patriotic, so far there have been no reported problems with the new policy. >> a high school football team in colorado wants to honor fallen us military heroes. but, get this, the school board won't let them. the team in fort collins bought special camouflage uniforms for their military appreciation night, just finished special project, researching the lives of service member. players thought putting the names of fallen soldiers would be a nice tribute. but the school district rules only allow player and team names on game jerseys. i believe that as an american, it is important that we be able to do something as simple as memorialize the fallen heroes on the back after uniform. fan we can't, due to political correctness, or any number of things, i think we're failing, as a society. >> students and parents are extremely disappointed in the school district's ruling, but they say they are willing to work together to find appropriate way to honor the military. >> and straight ahead on the "fox 29 news" at 10:00 story that can make you itch. the warning for selfie takers, that just may have you posing solo from now on. >> a lot of breaking news happening overnight. >> our beautiful city. hear laws on the book. fox 29 weekends. hey terry stop! they have a special! so, what did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. get a $1000 2015 jetta s oe for $139 get a $1000 month a dog in california has a new lesion life. lifeguards pulling the animal from the ocean at the beach in santa barbara. dog's owner saw one every his goal end retrievers struggling to stay afloat in the water. they love the water but told the lifeguard appeared disoriented the lifeguard quickly paddled out on surf board and rescued the dog who was exhausted but it gladly jumped on the board. happy ending there. >> blood drive today in mt. laurel, attracting humans, and their four legged friends. check it out, mt. laurel animal hospital teamed up with the red cross for human and k9 blood drive. generous pooches, who donated their blood, are helping patients at the pen vet. organizers say, blood transfusions can be life saving for dogs. >> well, we all know snapping selfies has become a very popular trend. it is fun. it is cool, it is harmless, right? well, might want to think again. some experts are linking selfies to a rise in of all things head lies. you heard rightment fox assimilation cutler shows us what this involves. >> oh, the selfie. shea and eileen can't imagine living life without snapping selfies. >> all the time. it is a problem. >> but experts say, the rise in selfies including group shots has given rise to an unwanted invisible louse photo bombing, otherwise perfect pictures lice just talking about it makes her feel itch. >> i something in your head? >> life used to be a childhood problem, eventually outgrown. youngsters bumming heads as they played together in tight quarters. now, as adults and teenagers almost constantly put their heads together. they're unknowingly giving head lice, new host on which to feed. >> bike where did i get this from? do you take self snows. >> lauren specialize in the lies removal. is a said it is impossible where someone gets the lice, but up particularring it in the number of teens with lice who don't have siblings. >> pudding their head next to their friend. >> they crawl from one strand of hair, they don't jump, they don't fly, but travel and spread like wild fire. >> people taking group selfies, like chain reaction. you take a picture with one person, you are taking a picture with another person, that bug can spread that quick. >> shea and eileen both say they don't want to get lies, but the chang of getting it won't dampen their entheusiasm, nor their passion for pictures. >> i won't worry about it, no point levying in fear of it, it is not like lice is deadly. >> but it is something to think about. >> certainly is. foo fighters set to play last night in kansas city. >> well, the band put together counter protest pushing back on the westboro baptist church. >> this video is making the rounds on social media, bands members rick rolled protesters caring anti-protest signs, pulled up, started blake the popular rick ashley song, as you can see, that huge crowd gathered in the middle of the street. well, tonight's show host jimmy fallon has had a rough summer, first, he nearly lost a finger during a accident at home, now, look at that, his smile has take answer hit. the 40 year old posted this pick on stain gram showing his chipped tooth. that will related to the hurt finger. fallon says that his tooth was chipped trying to open tube of scar tissue repair gel he was using to treat the hurt finger >> florida couple's marriage has stood the test of time. so that is their wedding cake. this is quite the story. ann and ken fredericks continue unique anniversary tradition, each year they keep the cake stored in a coffee tiannamen in a closet, all year long, un refrigerated. yes, and for that one special day each year, they pour brandy over their dark fruit cake to moisten it, they say the dated dessert has never made them sick. >> now you can sale off into the sunset even if you don't own a boat. new web based service called saleo will allow you to rent one. boat owners rent out their yachts to people who just want to get out on the water. happening all over the country, even down at the jersey shore. fox's shows us thousand works. >> every day, on the water, great life. >> to to laura there is nothing better than owning your own boat. and being captain of your own ship. >> it is wonderful to be out here. >> the problem with sailing is the upkeep, can make it one of the most expensive sports in the world. >> that is true a lot of people don't realize the initial cost of the both is just the beginning, there is the maintenance consideration cost as much as the initial price of the boat. >> a lot of people want to go out on the water. >> just one of the reasons she co-founded saleo, web based company that connected boat end ers with boat renters. >> like air b and b but instead of renting and the, you're renting sale and power both? >> basically taking a pros that's use to take days, turning it into a five minute one. >> saleo has over 350 boats from the coast of florida, to up here in cape cod. with prices ranking from $350 a day for an upon tune boat to over $40,000 a day for a luxury yacht. the search engine makes all transactions easy and seamless. even providing both parties with up to a million dollars in insurance you also rent out skip fors r less experienced sailors. >> we do, a lot of inch experience dollars still want to discover lifestyle, and captain plan out the navigation, safety. >> all great news for laura. who can rent storm petro out for $06,000 per week. >> this keeps you where you want to be at the helm of your own boat? >> that's right, by chartering the boat i can make my lifestyle part of my living. >> making her living and lifestyle on the water with saleo. on buzzard bay, douglas kennedy, fox news. >> sam bradford seeing his first time in the pre-season. he took a beating but got up, got the job done, in just a few amount of snaps he had. but eagles also had a ton of explosive plays, a loft action, it was beautiful. you see barn err making it happen for the second week in a row. that is up next in sport. (plays throughout) ♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪ ♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪ helping protect that world takes state farm. the eagles are back in action. it is the second pre-season game, so those starters are going to play a little longerment we'll see some real football this time. and couple of guys, not in. kiko, demeco ryans, they're out, but no words, chip kelly being little pre cautious, don't want those guys to get any more nicks anthrax, but sam bradford, he's playing, demarco murray, he is playing. we got some guys in. they'll play hard, let's kick it off to the highlight. let's start off with ryan matthews right here. >> look at this great play, tipping the ball in, walter, look at that, johnny on the spot. he would take it back for awhile. but, that starts off sam bradford with his first, give that man time. he is going dark. little bit of a rough day, did he okay, that set up ryan matthews slicing up the middle that made it seven-zip. eagles all over it. joe flacco off today. look at this, byron, really getting it done today. okay? the eagles crush the ravens, they look good, but, it was mostly because the ravens look really bad. they won 40 to 17. another on the highlight, martyr, another 68-yard touchdown. punt return. it is backfield but have to keep that guy. that's what up get out of the first two pre-season games. that's our news for this is the day night. thanks for joining us, lottery is next followed by "tmz".

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