Resolved diplomatically or its resolved through force. Through war. Those are the options. The white house seeks support for the agreement in congress. The administration is not even talking about Congress Actually approving this deal. Well sit down with the two chief negotiators, secretary of state john kerry and Energy Secretary ernest moniz. Is the Obama Administration trying to skirt congress by sending the deal straight to the United Nations . Well talk with two leading members of the Senate ForeignRelations Committee. And planned parenthood tries to put out the firestorm over this controversial video. Well ask our sunday panel what it means for the debate over abortion. All right now on Fox News Sunday. Hello again from fox news in washington. We have a lot of news to cover today. The latest on the investigation into that terror attack in tennessee and the debate over this weeks nuclear deal with iran. But we begin with breaking political news. Republican president ial candidate Donald Trumps comments about senator john mccain questioning whether he is a war hero. Senior Political CorrespondentMike Emmanuel reports from ames, iowa. Reporter donald trump escalated his war words with john mccain and created a big new controversy. When Panel Moderator called mccain a war hero, trump seemed to question that. Hes not a war hero. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured, okay. I hate to tell you. Hes a war hero because he was captured. Okay. You can have i believe perhaps hes a war hero. Right now he said some very bad things about a lot of people. Reporter trump later denied saying mccain isnt a war hero. If a person is captured theyre a war hero as far as im concerned except for bergdahl who isnt a hero. Mccain is disappointed in trump. There was a medical deferment for a bone spur in his foot. His republican rivals rick perry calling it a new low for trump and says his attack on veterans make him unfit to be commander in chief of the forces. And senator john mccain and all our veterans particularly p. O. W. S have earned our respect and admiration tweeted jeb bush and mitt romney tweeted the difference between john mccain and donald trump is trump shot himself down. Chris . Mike, thank you. We want to bring our sunday group on early to discuss the fallout from the latest trump controversy. So on a scale of one to ten with ten as political armageddon, how bad is this for donald trump . Its a seven or eight anyway. The remarks were so crude, ignorant personal and completely unnecessary. Politics is about addition. You want people to support you in the party. John mccain is someone the Republican Party nominated for president seven years ago. He has a following in the party. Trump ought to want those people to come to him. They wont know. Many people i saw a lot yesterday in reaction to this. A lot of trump fans said i like donald trump but this is beyond pale and that reaction will be widespread and will be quite damaging. He needs to apologize and it remains to be seen if he has sense enough to do that. If he does is that enough . It will help. Im not sure its enough because it was saying hes not a hero. I mean, does trump really have any idea of mccains war record . What he did in captivity and refused to do and things he did before he was captured. Its breathtaking that he would say this. The fact he was offered an Early Release and refused to take it because he wanted to keep faith with his fellow prisoners. I know that john mccain is not too popular with your wing of the Republican Party. I get the emails. Hes a rhino, mccain is. Republican in name only. Den but 5 1 2 years in a vietnamese prison camp is tough to defend. Hes a war hero. His book is an inspiration to read. Donald trump is a clown. The reason theyre attracted to donald trump, isnt because they agree with what he believes in. This is a guy who said hes very prochoice. People agree with donald trump for the reason Bernie Sanders is getting a following which is people are cynical about the washington Political Class and they look at the same Political Consultants who have made the Republican Party intellectually bankrupt and say if those guys set their hair on fire trump must be doing something right. Hes not doing something right. Needs to be out of the race. Someone who is serious needs to step up and channel the voice of frustrated american political voters. Let me pick up on that with you, congresswoman harman. You have been around politics for a while. What do you make of the fact that up until this point that trump had made a lot of comments that a lot of people were offended by especially about Illegal Immigrants being rapists and drug dealers. That didnt sink him but rocketed him to the top. In the latest fox news poll he was number one. People are fed up with washington and politics as usual. I think trump is getting exactly what he wants because youre leading with this story on this show instead of leading with iran, which is a really big story of the week. Hes disgraceful. I want to make a comment about john mccain who weve had our small disagreements from time to time. We basically do agree. Ive been all over the world with him. He uses his moral authority in very impressive ways. There is no one else like john mccain. He can talk about torture like nobody else can and why sequestration and this brain dead idea is killing our Defense Budget and new ways to fund defense. I would say i hope this elevates john mccains stature. I hope he doesnt comment at all about this disgraceful act. Its interesting that we asked and everyone asked him to make a comment and hes declined. Thats the republican line when your opponent or enemy is digging a hole stay out of the way. Julie what do they think i dont mean just this weekend. What have they made of the trump phenomenon in the white house and do they think that whoever the republican nominee ends up being assuming it isnt trump that his comments especially about Illegal Immigrants are going to hurt whoever that nominee is with hispanic voters. Remember, this white house has a long history with donald trump going back to the early years of obamas first term when the birth certificate was the big issue and the president called donald trump a carnival barker and had to produce a long form birth certificate to put him out. I think the white house and democrats as a whole right now are happy to see trump stay in this race as long as he can because he not only forces other people in the party to respond to him every time he makes one of these comments, but you start to see this be a litmus test. Everyone comes out and quickly pushes back when he makes a comment about john mccain and his military service. When he made comments about mexicans and immigrants, you saw a mixed reaction. They think that this is harmful to whoever the eventual nominee is and certainly republicans feel the quicker he gets out of the race, the better for the party. You know brit, whether or not trump survives his success in the latest fox poll he was in first place. I understand its early on. Doesnt that show that there is in this is what michael was saying. A big chunk of the Republican Voters who are fed up if not specifically with issues hes been talking about but fed up with politics as usual. The question is how big a chunk and how many willing to back a candidate like donald trump with baggage that he brings . Theres certainly a segment of the republican electorate which is far more angry at Republican Leadership in washington and jeb bush and others out on the campaign trail than democrats and president obama. My sense is trump refers to these people as the silent majority. What i would say about them is theyre not a majority. Theyre not silent. Im not sure how many of them there are. Most Republican Voters dont think republicans have come to washington and done what they promised to do. They campaigned on repealing obamacare. They campaigned against rolling back president s amnesty. They havent done that. Lets say you end up with walker or rubio or bush as a nominee, what about trump running as an independent . Republican voters say if they arent going to do what they said they would do ill stay home or vote for an independent party. Thats Something Party leaders have to do something about. Thank you. Well see you later in the program. Up next my interview with john kerry and Energy Secretary ernest moniz about the iran deal they negotiated. Ill tell you that it gets a little testy. Prospered in the town of hattington. Never flashy, he only made the classic bowler. Then suddenly the days trend became preposterously tall. 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Secretary kerry, 3 1 2 weeks is not any time anywhere. Thats not accurate. I never in four years had a discussion about anywhere any time. Secretary moniz did. Before he came into this negotiation, he did not. Not in the course of this negotiation. President obama on april 2nd said this if iran cheats the world will know it. If we see something suspicious we will inspect it. Thats accurate. He didnt say in 24 days. Chris, dont play a game here. The fact is that in arms control there is no country anywhere on this planet that has anywhere any time. Theres no such standard within arms control inspections. Theres an iaea process for which we have negotiated a unique ability to bring cloakure. The iaea was never able to close the deal. We created a mechanism by which we can go to the United Nations, one country can take this to the Security Council. We have ability to snap back all of the auctionsanctions or put sanctions on that we want and hold them in breach. Thats never existed previously. We never had a discussion about anywhere any time. Its called managed access. Its under the iaea. Everyone understands it and the Intelligence Community made it clear to us as they did before we signed onto this deal that we would be able to know what they are doing during that intervening period of time. The question is managed access, is that good enough . In his News Conference this week secretary moniz the president said, look you cant hide whatever theyre doing if they are doing something in violation in a closet in 24 days but there are plenty of arms experts Nuclear Experts out there that say you can hide plenty of stuff in 3 1 2 weeks. Its almost a month, sir. Let me clarify first. Let me read the rest of the sentence. I said access any time anywhere in the sense of a well defined procedure and well defined time window to resolve it. I want to clarify that. Second of all, what will happen is if the process runs the full length of 24 days the iaea inspectors will take environmentalal alsamples. When environment samples are taken and Nuclear Activity is taking place, its impossible to clean up that place. You can paint the floors. You can do what you want. We feel very confident that one would find the evidence of Nuclear Activity. Under this deal, we lift the arms embargo on iran being able to buy weapons and even Ballistic Missiles between five and eight years. The sanctions against the head of the Iranian Revolutionary guard goods force are also lifted. What we end up with secretary kerry, is iran with hundreds of billions of dollars more, able to buy weapons, and a revolutionary guard with fewer restraints. Isnt that potentially an even more dangerous state sponsor of terror in the middle east . First of all chris, dont exaggerate. Its not hundreds of billions of dollars. Its 100 billion approximately. Thats in the first year. Its their money that they have had frozen. Let me just chris please. This is not supposed to be a debate. Youre supposed to ask question and were supposed to be able to answer it. Let me answer your question. Your question said what happens in that period of time . This is a Nuclear Negotiation about a Nuclear Program. The United Nations when they passed the resolution contemplated if iran came to the negotiation and they ponied up all of the sanctions would be lifted. We didnt lift all of the sanctions. We left in place despite the fact that three out of seven countries negotiating wanted to do away with them all together we won the five years for the arms and eight years for missiles. We have many other sanctions still applicable and we can bring other sanctions to push back against any of their behavior. Theyre not allowed to send arms to hezbollah. Thats a separate resolution. Theyre not allowed to send arms to the shia militia in iraq. Separate resolution. Theyre not allowed to send arms to the houthi. Separate resolution. We in fact have a huge ability to be able to bring any number of efforts against iran for any bad behavior here whatsoever. Do we have any kind of understanding because you have come under criticism when they at the last minute brought in lets lift the arms embargo that you didnt insist on getting three americans released. Any kind of understanding that iran will release those hostages soon . Let me say to you that every single meeting everywhere in the world that ever took place with iranians we have raised the issue of the american citizens and were working on the issue of the american citizens even now. When barack obama was running for president in 2012 he said this in a president ial debate. The deal well accept is they end their Nuclear Program. Its very straightforward. Secretary moniz, i understand that there are limits but iran can continue to run its centrifuges and continue research and continue to enrich uranium why didnt the president keep his pledge to the American People that we would end irans program . Well, first of all the issue of iran having Nuclear Program was already established in the previous administration. Clearly what we have done is we have dramatically limited and constrained the program through 15 years. Does it end their ability to get a weapon . Weve ended their ability to get a weapon. For a limited time. Not for a limited time. Wait a minute. If i may finish, were better off in terms of iranian Nuclear Weapons activity under this agreement than we would be without it. The president said in april in year 13 14, 15, they have advanced centreifuges and can enrich uranium rapidly and then breakout times would have shrunk down to zero. Thats not ending the program. Breakout time will not go to zero at that time. Im just telling you what the final agreement has the oneyear breakout time securely for ten years and then there will be a soft landing after that for several years. Right. So by year it will never go to zero. Furthermore, let me add something else. Were using breakout time unconventionally applying to nuclear materials. Theres more you need for a Nuclear Explosive and if you look at the agreement youll see an indefinite commitment to not pursuing four major activities for pursuing a weapon and 15 years of no work on uranium or plutonium energy. In 25 years the entire uranium cycle is being tracked from mining all of the way through every component of it. Our