Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 6 20180101 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 6 20180101

we're talking scarves gloves heavy coats long johns layers, whatever you have. kristyn leon is in dupont circle. good morning. happy new year kristyn. >> reporter: good morning, maureen and wisdom. yes, i actually got a scarf. i do want to say thank goodness for my photographer max. oh, allison, i didn't realize it was you. i'm so sorry. back to what i was saying. i want to thank my photographer, max, here because if it wasn't for him, i wouldn't be dressed warm. these are miss gloves, these are his -- this is his scarf, everything, he even has ear muffs. he's like a mary poppins of news right now. he has a trunk full of everything to keep warm. thank goodness. it is cold. let's get to that right now. right behind me there you can see on that sun trust bank sign, 13 degrees. not much has changed out here in dupont circle. at least for me it feels a little bit -- doesn't feel like 13, let me tell you. it does feel degree temperatures here in this cakes. case. i am miserable, i'm not going to lie to you but i can think of a few worse things this morning than just being out here right now. but, hey, a lot of people they ended up going out on new year's eve and this did not stop them, these frigid temperatures. check out the video here. this is from alexandria, virginia last night. whew, look at them. oh, there's the snow there and then look at some people are dancing, hanging out, having a good time. just dancing the night away and probably trying to stay warm at that point. so, yeah, a lot of people just enjoying, you know, new year's eve, now new year's day t hopefully a lot of you are sleeping in this morning. if you happen to be out and about, like i am right now, definitely stay warm. bundle up. get those gloves, get the scarf, the hat, the beanie long johns. you guys said it earlier. make sure you stay warm. it does not take long for frost bite to happen and in worst cases hypothermia. i learned this this morning, you guys, that cold temperatures can increase that's scary in itself right there. but, yeah, in the meanwhile though let's check up on our water bottle. we have been doing this water bottle test all morning here to see just how cold the temperatures are outside and how cold it will get. i don't know, you guys, i still see that liquid and wisdom, it's past 5:45. so, it's not hardening, nothing's frozen. >> that's 'cause you keep shaking it. you keep shaking it. [laughter] >> reporter: well, i got to stay warm. it's cold out here, man. >> please, we appreciate you being out there. please tell max we honor him and all of his trunk full of warm weather items. >> reporter: cold weather items i suppose. >> reporter: absolutely allison. >> all right. >> reporter: and happy new year. >> happy new year. we'll see you shortly. all righty. we know the identity of man involved in an officer-involved shooting in the district on saturday night. he is kevin tally of northeast. officers were called to h street northeast to in when they arrived they confronted tally and this is the weapon police say that he pointed at them. now, police shot tally. he survived. he's being treated at the hospital. police say the went month and -- weaponturned ou out to be ad and. >> investigators on the scene of a house fire in northwest d.c. it was reported around midnight in the 4500 block of fifth street northwest. one resident was safely removed from that home and the two alarm fire is now under control. now, firefighters say it was so cold their ladders became frozen solid. they had to use flares to thaw them loose. right now investigators on the scene to determine what caused that fire. well, it has been an unusually busy weekend for montgomery county firefighters. they battled at least eight major fires in the past 48 hours of last night firefighters were battling a house fire in silver spring. flames broke out around 8:30 on dennis avenue. one woman was rescued. she was taken to the hospital in stable condition. one firefighter also hurt this fire caused about $400,000 in damage. >> and over the weekend, in darnestown montgomery county firefighters battled this blaze on dodi terrace. investigators say it was caused by heat from the chimney igniting nearby flammable materials. the family did get out safely. their two cats were also able to escape the flames. all eight fires have caused more than $2 million in damages while forcing dozens of people from their homes. now to a public safety announcement from the city of laurel. officials have updated an existing smoke alarm law and it goes into effect today. residents need to replace their old smoke alarms with a city approved alarm. officials say that they hope this updated law will lead to more reliable coverage in older buildings especially. >> ♪ >> all right. time now to talk weather. happy new year, tucker barnes. >> happy new year! >> we do not like this new year's. >> my party went crazy last at 10 o'clock -- >> you didn't see the ringing in of the new year. >> i mean, i heard my neighbors ringing in the new year so yes, i was up. >> okay. >> did you stay up allison. >> i went to sleep, got up at five until 12:00. >> you did. >> toasted with my fam. it's a weirdness. like i have to watch the emmys. like i have to do that. >> it's something the world participates in. >> i have to be a part of that. >> you know what i have to participate in. >> eight hours of sleep. >> there you go. >> and you look rested and fabulous and those green eyes really come through on the screen by the way. >> you have that spring dew look to your face. little baby lamb or something. >> and i feel like an old goat but i saw the new year come in. >> welcome back. coldest new year's day in decades. yeah, back to 1940 or thereabouts to find a january 1st that's colder and we're forecasting highs in the low 20's. >> what's up, tuck? is this like how we had historic storms as far as the frequency, it's just a cycle that we're in right now. >> yeah, we're just in an incredibly cold air mass and it's arguably the cold test coldest thistime of year in a hd years. amazing. >> amazing. >> 10 at dulles. these are actual air temperatures. bwi marshall is now six. we're going to have some clouds today, just like yesterday. the real theme is the cold air, it's not going anywhere. look at that seven-day forecast. we'll talk all about what we can expect but look at your daytime high. 25 degrees. yeah, i'm being wrapped. >> yeah. >> like nothing -- i don't like anything you just said. >> i don't, either. >> 25 degrees today. it will be a cold daily. >> what you can't see, everybody, is when -- when we come back on i'll show. when you give a especially, you know, interesting topic or whatever and then you do this hand movement but i'll wait until we get back. you do this and i don't understand why you -- it's super cold. all right. thanks so much. >> yeah, glad to share. >> thanks tuck. it is 6:07 right now. coming up, a crash in costa rica to tell you about. we are now learning that several americans are unfortunately among the dead. the latest on that story. >> plus a new year's eve ambush in colorado. details on the investigation. we're back in just 30 seconds. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> 6:08 now. there are new details about that deadly plane crash in costa rica. a family of five is among the 10 americans killed crash there. two costa rican crew members also died. the government says the chartered flight was headed to san jose when it crashed into a wooded area and caught fire. witnesses say the plane appeared to have problems shortly after takeoff and then it crashed. rescue teams struggled to get to the site because it was in a remote area. whiz. >> new details about that new year's eve shooting in colorado that left one sheriff's deputy dead and four other deputies wounded. the dep deputies responded to a noise complaint at an apartment complex south of denver where a man who barricaded himself inside one of the units started firing. fox's will carr reports. >> reporter: a handful of deputies walked into an onslaught of gunfire early this morning in highlands ranch colorado 15 miles south of denver. they were responding to a disturbances call. the suspect evidently making a lot of noise. when the officers walked into the apartment, the suspect unloaded firing more than 100 rounds. four deputies were injured one deputy zachary parish was shot and killed. two civilians were shot as well. the suspect was shot and killed by members of a regional s.w.a.t. team. authorities say the gunman was someone who was very familiar to local law enforcement. though his motive is unclear at this point we learned that he used a rifle in his attack and evidently was waiting for officers to arrive. deputy zachary parish was 29, was married and had two young kids. a heartbreaking loss for both his family and fellow officers. >> we are deeply saddened by the loss of zachary. when i sat with his wife and held her hand i could see in her eyes her life was over and i've been a blessed sheriff, i've had wonderful things happen to me, wonderful savings. my deputies have been shot, ran over and they've survived. it was very go see zach for the last time. >> as the investigation continues, a procession led deputy parish's body from a hospital in littleton to the medical examiner's office and president trump weighed in on twitter saying my deepest condolences to the victims of the terrible shooting in douglas county at d.c. sheriff and their families. we love our police and law enforcement. god bless them all. we've learned that the remaining victims all have nonlife-threatening injuries. will carr, fox news. >> north korea sending out new year's warnings to the united states. leader kim jong un claims the country has completed its nuclear weapons arsenal in 2017 and the united states should be aware that these weapons are a reality, not a threat. the message came during the annual new year's day address. kim jong un says his country achieved a historic feat and added that he has the nuclear button at his ready on his desk. meanwhile, in iran, president hassan rouhani denounced left two people dead. he said people have the right to protest but violence is not okay. his comments come as irania government blocks access to social media apps used by protesters to coordinate and if communicate. on saturday at least 200 antigovernment protesters were arrested in that country's capitol. >> in vatican city pope francis delivered his new year's message. he urged people to take responsibility for their actions saying 2017 has been marred by war l lies and injustice. you walked across saint peter's square and pose for pictures before visiting a life sized nativity. this morning he'll hold mass to mark the church's world day of peace. coming up a new comedy takes flight this week. we have a preview of the hilarious new show. it's called l.a. to vegas. >> it looks pretty funny. a live look outside as we head to break on this monday morning. it is new year's day t 2018, everybody. does anybody write checks any? get ready to mess up your checks for about a month. weather and traffic on the 5s next. 2018. 18. >> ♪ do you need the most trusted battery for your son's favorite toy? maybe not. maybe, you could trust he wouldn't leave the upstairs water running. (woman screams) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ ♪ >> ♪ >> 6:15 is the time. new york, new york, in the city of dreams, everything in new york ain't always what it seems. that's actually a song. i didn't make that up. this is times square after the big party last night ringing i 2018, tucker. it was so cold down there;, up there rather. >> i feel terrible for people that were out there. you couldn't even see faces. >> it was brutal. what was the temperature? felt like with the wind chill, what, nine, eight. >> i know the actual air temperature was 12 when i was watching. i think it got colder than that. >> that's insane. night. yeah, one of the coldest times squares n new new year's eves n history. >> put that on the list of one of the things i'll never do. >> what about if it was 75. >> if it was 75, no. >> you got to do it wisdom one time. >> if it was 95. >> still wouldn't do it. >> that would be too hot. 25, that's what we're forecasting for today's high. got to go all the way back to january 1st of 1940, 78 years ago, the last time we had a new year's day this cold. 78 years. okay. hey, these are actual air temperatures. 13 now in washington. look at the single digits breaking out. first time this year i can remember single digits so close to d.c. here. gaithersburg five. seven in frederick. look at baltimore, 6 degrees. 10 in leonardtown. nine in fredericksburg. culpeper you're winning the sweeps takes here for cold, 2 degrees. you factor in wind chills and it feels like zero to about five above. feels like the minus two in manassas, two dulles, minus one in martinsburg. we may get some clouds today. otherwise just cold, cold, cold. high pressure overhead, arctic high pressure delivering another punishing afternoon with daytime highs in the low to mid-20's. make sure you stay warm out there. i want to mention this has shown up on the map in the last couple days, trended a little further west. this would be late wednesday and thursday. we may get a little period of light snow across the area as we get a coastal low -- low that's offshore here pushing out to sea but it may track just close enough we get some moisture around here. we have to look out for the possibility of a little snow wednesday into thursday and then another arctic blast. this seven-day forecast is just not forgiving. quick look at futurecast. i'll show it to you. just want to show you that is wednesday into early thursday, possibility of some light snow generally d.c. and east, d.c. and east but the real theme whether or not we get that snow or not still a lot of question marks is the col the next seven days, it is likely that much of the area will not get above the freezing mark for the next seven days. >> how will we survive it? >> that's a good question. [laughter] >> i wonder how i'm going to survive day to day but there you go. 25 today. back to you guys. >> thanks so much, tuck. well, if you want to get away to sin city but can't afford the trip, fox is premiering a fresh new show tomorrow night that will give you a little taste. >> fox's claudia cohen camps catchesup with the cast to filln you. >> service to lost wages. >> reporter: the new fox comedy la l.a. to vegas follows jackpot air a budget carrier that only flies between los angeles and sin city. >> vegas, vegas. >> reporter: the cast says this sitcom is different. >> this is so much closer than i ever imagined it would be. >> i think the outrageousness comes from the fact that you're sort of going behind happen on a terrible airline on like a really nonsafety conscious none hr conscious airline. >> we have so much fun and we laugh all the time and it's just this weird cast of actors being weird cast of characters and i think that he will really shows. >> i think the envelope is and pushed right up to the edge. i think it's super fun because of that. >> got dressed in the terminal didn't you. >> at least i wore underwear this time. >> reporter: what happens in vegas doesn't always stay there. the cast says some of the story lines are hitting close to home. >> sometimes i wonder if they heard me tell a story and put it in. i'm like i must have told them that because that sounds very familiar. >> over these nine years, you're going to see everything that's happened to me. but it's going to take nine years. >> no, i can't tell you those stories. you're just going to have to watch and be like oh, kim's done that. you just have to know. >> i thought i was going to be a dancer. >> oh, my god, is that how crazy i sound. >> reporter: if you happen to see kim at a casino, don't call her over. you'll start losing. it's happened several times. >> why am i here. >> to fly the plane. >> reporter: in hollywood, claudia cowens, fox news. >> i like it when fox has a hit. better for all of us. >> that's true. >> coming up a new law on marijuana legalization goes into effect in california today. we'll have details for you. >> and in southern california wine country is on the mend after devastating wildfires ripped through that region. more on the road to recovery. >> ♪ blank small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. verizon doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. verizon, not so much. get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call 1-800-501-6000. >> 6:22 now on a monday morning. recreational marijuana now officially legal in california. the historic day arrives in the golden state more than two decades after california paved the way for legalized pot by passing the first medical marijuana law in the country. california is now the nation's largest state to legalize recreational marijuana >> last month california's wine country faced incredible devastation as wildfires ripped through hundreds of thousands of acres and destroyed thousands of homes. >> this morning the region is on the mend for the new year. fox's adam housely reports from napa. >> it's ruined but we know it's going to rebuild. it's going to be a nice building again so we have faith. >> reporter: he says he has hope as he looks over the spot where the winery once stood. nearly 9,000 structures were burnt down. >> for people to come back because we depend on tourism and the valley is still beautiful and it's still a good time to visit. >> we do need to put people back to work. we do need to make sure that our wineries, our restaurants, our tourist industry, you know, this beautiful land is supported by the people who really care so much about it. >> reporter: one of the top five most visited areas in the fires came at the region's busiest during harvest season and while 22 wineries were either damaged or destroyed, there are more than 600 others in napa and sonoma that are opened for business, albeit with more room than anyone wants. >> most people are very surprised. they're expecting to see charred areas burned areas and they're few and far between. >> reporter: there is destruction here. in santa rosa, thousands of homes gone, families lives changed forever. but much of it in residential areas acting people who are more dependent now than ever on a steady income most likely tied to the tourist dollar. >> there's been an immense amount of support for family and friends and just the community in general. >> the best way that anyone interested in supporting napa valley right now would be to come visit. >> reporter: while the thomas fire in southern california also this fall is now the state's largest ever, the wine country fires are the most destructive in history. with the billions. while they hope to reopen in two years they need to be creative to keep all their employees working. they're now taking wine tasting directly to people's homes and other wineries doing what they can to respect connect with customers because bookings in napa and sonoma are down 50 percent from last year. in napa valley california adam housely fox news. >> good to see on the comeback, you know,. >> yeah. >> slow going i'm sure. >> right, yeah. >> which is on the east coast here hard to even imagine. >> we're dealing with cold weather so we got that. >> my brother lives out there. >> didn't want to -- how is it realistically. >> still pretty bad. >> if you're a contractor you got a job for life out there rebuilding. >> weird. >> i remember governor brown was saying that it was like the worst in history and this was going to be the new norm for california. >> all the fires. >> all the fires, yeah. >> well, yeah, it's complicated what's going on out there. i only >> all right, let's talk about here now. >> let's talk about cold weather. >> 13 in washington. it is unbelievably frigid out there. i don't know how else to say it. lots of single digits. baltimore right now 6 degrees. it's two in culpeper. >> i feel for everybody. >> two in culpeper. >> outside i don't know how you survive those temperatures. >> yeah, well, just quick reminder spend as little time as you have to outdoors. >> that's right. >> make sure you wear lots of layers. yeah, we got some clouds out there -- or we will have clouds later today. otherwise, just brutally cold for this time of year. that's the bottom line. daytime highs in the low to mid-20's. that 25 will be in the city. parts of the region don't get out of the upper teens and low 20's. notice how cold it is for the next seven days. now we've thrown in a sprinkling of some snow wednesday night and thursday. we'll have to watch a coastal storm pretty carefully. the trend is to bring it a little closer to us. it's still too close to call. parts will parts don't get anything at all. >> but the snow brings warmer temperatures, right. >> if you call 32 warmer, yes. >> i call that warmer than whatever it feels like right now. >> 22. >> or 12. >> all right, tuck, thank you. >> uh-huh. >> 6:27 is the time right now. trending at the moment. let's talk about cleveland. the cleveland browns, they found a way to loss every single game this season. >> don't throw stones. >> it's a great idea, though. >> every game. >> parade. >> browns lost in the two countries, two continents, eight states, nine stadiums. this is just in this one season. >> are we taunting them. >> no, we're just giving the facts. draw your own conclusions. they're o and 16. >> here's tucker's part. [applause] >> there's going to be a parade because they were perfectly awful o and 16. the fans will have a parade around the stadium in their finest browns attire later today. they lost every game and they lost this final game to the steelers yesterday. look at this play. this was a chance to extend the game and position to win it. but the receiver was wide opened and hit him right in a bad spot in his hands. >> oh, okay. >> right. >> right in this hands. all right. >> it looks like it hit him in the face. >> yeah, after it went through this hands and that's why you're a wide receiver. >> everybody needs a buddy like that, though. >> 'cause that's the guy who threw it because he knows they might not be there next year, none of them. the browns are the second team to go winless. >> yes, tucker. >> the parade is going to go in the shape of zero to celebrate zero wins. >> right around the stadium. >> i think it's bad luck to taunt. >> not taunting. i'm admiring. >> tucker is -- >> okay. isn't that jim brown's old -- >> that was the last time they were relevant. >> 1912. >> in the old days. the lions did the same thing in 2008 and fired everybody. >> and look at them now. >> coming up, it is 6:28. right now around the world people braved freezing temperatures to welcome the new year. a look at the celebrations. >> sta >> bruno makes it better. >> ♪ packed with flavor, one hero was on a mission to save snack time. watch babybel in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. creamy, delicious, 100% real cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. >> ♪ >> i saw that moon coming in today. >> oh, you did. >> and the moon, when i see that, it always likes gives me comfort. >> really. >> i never look up. >> is that another supermoon? beautiful. it was gorgeous. would you say, whiz. >> i never look up at the sky when i'm driving. >> it always catches my attention. i know it's trying to remind me of something. >> all right. >> don't forget, don't forget, that'sha >> ♪ look at this. happy new year. welcome back to fox5 news morning. weather and traffic on the 5s at 6:35. so, it is officially the first day of 2018. do you feel different? >> uh, yes. >> me, too. >> older. >> you do? >> yeah. >> i just feel -- >> by a day. >> last night 10s of thousands of merry makers revelers packed into frigid times square to ring in the new year. >> fox's lauren blanchard is in new york with more on this year's celebration. >> reporter: temperatures here in times square not keeping revelers away, the bitter cold and an unprecedented blanket of security marking this new ye year. >> keeping all these people safe a major concern. the more than million party goers going through pat-downs and bag checks. >> there's so much police around and they checked us pretty well when we came in here. so, i think -- i think it will -- it's safe enough. >> r terror attacks and concerns here in new york, an october shooting in las vegas, cement barricades and trucks filled with sand block entrances to times square and snipers have been stationed in high-rises overlooking the crowd. plus, thousands of police are positioned all over. >> very heavy undercover presence especially in the hotels 'cause they learned from las vegas. so, nypd as always not only on top of the game but ahead of the game. >> reporter: the white house saying president trump has been briefed on security measures across the country and despite all the reminders of potential danger, those gathered in times square getting into the spirit of the night. >> yes, it's our bucket list. >> i didn't expect it to be this cold. i knew it was going to be cold but not this cold. >> reporter: despite the cold temperatures and wind chill well below freezing, this is still one of the hottest places to welcome in 2018. in times square, lauren blanchard, not fox news. >> get it 'cause it's hot like it's on fire. >> l >> yes. and this is the after party. live look at times square this morning, it doesn't look too bad. you remember years past it used to look so littered with trash. cleanup continues right now though at 6:34 in the big apple. >> i bet you as soon as those people left they were like all right, everybody in. >> i think they move them in and move them out. >> it's cold and everybody is in a hurry to get out of there. >> okay. >> president trump spent new year's eve at his mar-a-lago estate in south florida. he invited about 60 members of the coast guard to join him on the green earlier this week. and last night before the ball dropped, he tweeted out a message to his haters. he said as our country rapidly grows stronger and smarter i want to wish all of my friends supporters enemies haters and even the very dishonest fake news media a happy and healthy new year. 2018 will be a great year for america. >> all righty. there's mariah carey singing her first hit ever that we all fell in love with her for, vision of love. she returned to the stage this new year's with her performance. now, the script says it was flawless. let me just be honest because i'm not doing dishonesty in 2018. >> okay. >> i love mariah carey. i think she looked amazing. i think it was 10 degrees, that affect your voice. >> yeah. >> that song did not sound like it used to ground. >> right. >> but god bless her for coming back this year because last year was a disaster as far as the sound and all of that. so, i was happy to see her back. okay. she took the stage moments before midnight to headline the dick clark's new year's rocking eve. >> right. >> uh-huh. >> all right. >> i'm just going to say technical glitches last year. she caming. >> so what you're saying is. >> i'm not going to be like it was flawless. because it was not flawless and that's just being honest. >> okay. >> but i was happy to s back. >> me, too. >> she looked beautiful. >> she did. >> going to be in vegas, right? >> is she? >> is she doing vegas? i thought she's doing a vegas thing. >> okay . >> [laughter] >> i don't know why you would go to me for that information. >> i like that because that's a controlled environment. it was super cold. i don't know how you sing at all there. >> absolutely. but your voice does change as you get older. >> i don't know if it -- anyway we'll talk. talk. >> used to be high. now it's lower. >> that's a good thing. >> i used to sing in chorus in fifth grade. >> you did. >> yes. let's go to the forecast. hopefully nobody is watching. >> no, no, no, we don't hope that. no, no, we don't want that. we don't want empty chairs at home. >> that's true. seven in new york city. look at boston this morning, zero, minus six in chicago. chi. arctic air masses and, you know, once they move on in, they just -- they're just like, boy, i'm going to hang out for days and days and days. so, we'll get some clouds today, have a little piece of energy coming through. the afternoon, there were a few flurries. >> i did, too. >> i guess you mo might see that again today but it won't amount to anything. here's your forecast for this afternoon. whatever you may be doing it will be cold. that 25 is here in the city. much of the area is in the low 20's, maybe even upper teens. this is likely to be our coldest new year's day since all the way back in 1940. you were celebrating in 1940, you celebrated a lot of new year's so happy new year's. >> so, we're also -- the elephant in the room, steve harvey. >> hosted the show last night. >> that was ours, the fox and his outfit was a trending topic. it is something to behold. >> wardrobe malfunction. >> no, no, no. it was very -- >> malfunction on your eye balls. >> his whole thing went viral. so, anyway, new year's rocking eve. >> okay. coming up. >> all right. this past year we said goodbye to many celebrities who inspired millions. >> let me take a look back now at the ones we lost in >> ♪ ing. >> fox's michelle polino takes a look at just a few. >> ♪ >> reporter: 2017 saw the passing of celebrities. playboy founder hugh hefner whose magazine launched the sexual revolution and spawned a media empire died at 91. >> celebrated place in the world. >> reporter: there were many actors who left their mark on the big and small screens including james bond star roger moore, 70's teen idol and partridge family lead david cassidy and robert guillaume best known for playing tv's benson. 1960's tv batman adam west oscar winning actor martin launda, della reese and bill paxton. the year also saw the passing of three super stars with long and honored careers. the king of insult comedy don rickles mary tyler moore died at 80 and jerry lewis. chris cornell and chester bennington. singer and actor jim neighbors. country stars mel tillis and glen campbell and rock and roll hall of famers fats domino whic chuck barry greg a n and tom petty. >> ♪ >> reporter: in hollywood, michelle polino, fox news. >> all righty. coming up, kevin has a look at some of the top movies coming out in 2018. you won't want to miss it. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. ♪ all because of you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. >> ♪ >> all righty. let's groove our way into 2018. 2018. >> do you think people are still partying? >> yeah, right. >> 6:45. >> it's been a long time since i've been one of those -- i don't remember 7 o'clock in the morning, though. >> you don't remember that. >> i don't. let us know. do people still party all the way through? i don't know. >> i would think after the ball drops that you would, you know, give it another hour and then you'd call it a night or a day or whatever you want to -- i'll think. >> i'll sure there are people that will let us know. >> let us know, right. >> don't you remember a few weeks ago we went out to ihop and they were still -- >> that's true. >> that's true. >> they were partying at like 5 o'clock in the morning. >> you're right. >> let's do the forecast. whether you're up, wherever you may be it's going to be cold. in fact, looks like our coldest -- we're forecasting our coldest daytime highs since january 1st of 1940 for this date, so again, we got to go back 78 years to find a january 1st as cold as today. it is really impressively cold. 13 in washington. single digits breaking out gaithersburg five, baltimore six, culpeper's two this morning, nine in fredericksburg. 10 for you in leonardtown. 11 up in hagerstown. it is just really, really cold. those are actual air temperatures. you mix in winds out of the north and west at about 10. feels like zero. zero, two, minus two, that's generally our wind chill at this hour. shold be a sunny bright start to the day. we'll get some clouds later today. upper level disturbance bringing us cloud cover. arctic high pressure remains firmly rooted across our region. really off to our north and it's along the east coast and we'll keep temperatures well below normal here for the entire week. in fact, it will be a week from today the next time i think our temperatures are up near 40. so, we're going to look at a a lot of cold air for the next several days. low pressure, this is wednesday night and thursday. coastal low the last -- the trend for the past 24 hours has been to bring it a little further west. a little further west and it may mean a little bit of snow for us wednesday night and thursday. i think the best chances will kind of be d.c. and east but i want to throw it out there that there could be a period of snow. it will be cold enough with arctic air in place and another blast of cold arctic air on the way that we could have light snow wednesday night into thursday. here's futurecast. again, i'm fast forwarding this because it's a holiday and this is something to talk about. you can see that we might have a little snow around here for snow lovers by early thursday morning and that would be with us for at least the first half of the day on thursday and then get on out of here by thursday evening. lots of question marks but the bottom line is we want to really watch that time period carefully. the the cold temperatures. it may be the next seven days that most of the area does not get above the freezing mark which is pretty extraordinary around here to have a stretch like that where we don't get above the freezing mark for seven days straight. okay, i'm walking back. i don't know why. >> the memes. >> meme time. >> really? i don't have any. >> you don't. >> no, i don't. it's a holiday. >> did mike do some memes. >> i don't think so. but i have hugs. >> i guess we're not doing memes. >> hugs are not as funny as memes. >> we don't have memes today. >> are you serious its a holiday. remember. >> it's all good. >> they'll be back tomorrow. >> it's all good. it's 2018. we're not going to get have evidence in 2018. >> you now have to fill a minute of time. >> we can vamp. >> let's talk about the fox beat. >> let's do that. >> a lot of great movies came out in 2017. now we look ahead to the films coming out in 2018. >> in today's fox beat kevin mccarthy has the top five most anticipated movies for 2018. >> ♪ >> reporter: hey everyone happy new year and last week i gave you my top five films of 2017. now let's look ahead to my most anticipated movies of 2018. first up, let's nerd out about steven spielberg's ready player one. i cannot wait for this movie. the visuals are amazing. the film hits theaters on march 30. based on the incredible novel written by earnest kline. it revolves around a character named wade watts. he goes on a virtual adventure to try and find an easter egg hidden by the creator of a virtual reality world called the oasis. the first person to find this will get a massive fortune. when i read the book all i& kept thinking about is how is spielberg going to bring this to the big screen, the visuals look amazing and i cannot wait. next up is the sequel to "deadpool." my favorite movie of 2016. ryan reynolds is back with a new director mr. david leach. leach direc theron's a the tom mick bomb. the sequel hits theaters on june 1st. i cannot wait to see this movie. the first movie grossed over $780 million on a worldwide, on a very, very small budget for a superhero type of movie. the script for the first film was absolutely brilliant. both writers paul wernik rhett reese is back. next, is black panther. this trailer is insane. i loved the music and the filmmaker ryan kugler. kugler also directed the brilliant film fruitvale station as well as creed. he's one of the most exciting film makers working today. we saw black panther's introduction in the captain america civil war. chadwick boseman will continue the role and will be joined by an amazing cast including michael b. nyong'o. black panther hits theater february 16th. just a few months later, we're going to get avengers infiniti war. i cannot wait until may fourth. this movie looks insane and brings back the brothers who directed two of my favorite films in the mcu, captain america civil war and winter soldier both brilliant captain america films. didn't love the second avengers films. i'm hopeful considering that the rooster brothers are behind it. i expect to cry nerd tears may fourth. finally i think i'm more interested than i am excited about the han solo spinoff film. the footage you're seeing is ron howard's announcement of the movie solo, a "star wars" story. a lot happened behind the scenes with originally the film makers phil lord and chris miller left the project and director ron howard took over. i'm very interested to see how this film turns out and cast is incredible including woody harrelson. i want to know what films you're looking forward to in 2018. let me know. tweet me at kevin mccarthy tv. i'm kevin mccarthy, fox news. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> you saw "jumanji." >> i saw it. >> what did you think. >> it was a good movie. good, no the great. >> fun -- 'cause i think we want to go to the movies today. >> it had some toilet humor in it. i wasn't expecting that. >> a little potty humor. >> a little too much potty humor for me. i can't reach all the kids so i was just like -- >> oh, well. if you have to see "star wars" or "jumanji" today. >> "jumanji." "star wars" was one of the worst things i ever wasted my life on and i will not see another "star wars" movie at the theater. will not give them another dime. how many times are you going to sucker people into here comes another "star wars" movie, people run to the movies and they keep making the same old trash and calling it "star >> was jar jar binks in it. >> i think jar jar binks directed it and produceed it. >> i did like that one little cute miniature thing that was hanging out with chewbacca. >> i was not amused. spoiler right now. chewbacca actually cooked one of them and i'll leave it at that. >> wisdom. >> yes. >> maybe we can talk about something that makes you happy. the redskins. >> they played yesterday? >> yeah, they had a game. >> oh, they did. >> yeah, can we talk about that. >> oh, that's right i saw that guy running that 95-yard touchdown for the giants, yeah. >> oh. >> did we win. >> second play of the game. >> we lost? okay. >> the giants they had won two games. now they've won three games. >> on our backs. >> it is what it is. >> okay. >> it is what it is i mean, at least we're not the cleveland browns. >> we've always got next year. >> you've always got next year unless you're the cleveland browns. then you don't have next year. you have -- >> a parade to look for. >> a parade circling the stadium in your browns gear to look forward to picks. >> here's something else that was funny. >> what's that. >> steve harvey's outfit. >> yes. >> like i said we need to talk about this because this was our celebration on fox. [laughter] >> and when i first -- i had to like adjust and see like what is going on. so, this -- we didn't have memes today but folks on twitter went crazy with the comparisons and the memes and whatever. yes, steve harvey out here looking like olivia pope. that was a recurring theme. [laughter] >> right. >> just -- you know what - i know because steve harvey prides himself on his whole outfits and his suit line and all of this so you know he got it custom-made and it was -- they were calling him frosty the pimp. it was reallily. >> ♪ [laughter] >> frosty the snowman, that's a nice one. new year's steve. do you see the outfit. >> i see the outfit. >> you know it's warm, though. joke is on us. you know he was warm. >> mac taylor is always quick in the back with the music. that's what i was laughing at. >> this was -- i'm surprise it's sll but it was everything on twitter last night. it was very funny. >> i think i might get me one of those coats. >> you have to get the whole outfit. >> doing too much right there if you trying to do all that. i'll stay in my lane. >> we didn't have memes for you but steve harvey -- new year's steve was the trending topic. anyway, happy new year everybody. >> how about we say hello to our facebook fan of the day. >> ♪ >> good morning tatiana. >> happy 2018. >> yeah, you were nominated by your mom agnes and agnes says tatiana celebrated a birthday on december 27th. she turned 10 years old so happy belated birthday. >> double digits. >> your mom says you love to sing and dance and you have a great big heart and she should have added fashionista. that outfit is everything. she wants you to know she loves you so much. agnes says they watch fox5 every morning and they love the morning memes. we gave you steve harvey >> happy birthday. >> happy birthday. >> great picture. we love it. yes, let's get right to the weather. looking at temps right now which are up 2 degrees from last hour. we're up to 15. wisdom you want to go off on the weather. you can. >> i'm good. it's here to stay so why bother. >> i agree. >> just like the cleveland browns. [laughter] >> i feel for the browns. all right. hey we got a few clouds to start the day. we'll have some clouds this afternoon kind of a partly sunny day. the overwhelming theme of today and this week, the brutal cold. daytime highs about 20 degrees below normal later today. low to mid-20's for daytime highs. we'll be dry this afternoon. i also want to quickly throw out there, we are now looking at this wednesday night early thursday time frame for a little bit of light snow as we have a coastal low but that needs to be watched very carefully because the details need to be ironed out but the possibility is there for some snow first half of thursday and notice those daytime highs. look at friday and saturday's daytime highs, low 20's. so, the cold is here t for the next seven days. 25 today. happy new year. our first hour is up. our second hour is up. we've got hours to go. fox news morning coming up after the break. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> right now at 7:00 bitter cold temps for the first of the year. a lot of people braving the deep freeze last night to welcome the new year. we'll tell you how frigid temperatures are going to stick around. >> and developing news out of costa rica. the investigation continues this morning after 10 americans were killed in a plane crash. >> plus, an ambush-style attack on police officers in colorado. new details emerging about the man who opened fire. >> if you are just waking up on this new year's day here's a live look outside for you. it is monday january 1st, 2018. yes, applause. nice way to bring in the -- you deserve a round of applause. gorgeous sky. >> it's a gorgeous sky but man is it cold out there. let's get a quick check of today's weather with tucker barnes and happy new year to you, tucker. tucker. >> happy new year. >> you sound like the guy in coming to america. [laughter] >> happy new year. >> we got a temperature right now of 15 degrees. we've got parts of the area into the single digits. it is really, really cold. coldest new year's day in decades. i hi will have all the details coming up. the cold is in no hurry to get out of here and that's a hint. allison and maureen,

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 6 20180101 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 6 20180101

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we're talking scarves gloves heavy coats long johns layers, whatever you have. kristyn leon is in dupont circle. good morning. happy new year kristyn. >> reporter: good morning, maureen and wisdom. yes, i actually got a scarf. i do want to say thank goodness for my photographer max. oh, allison, i didn't realize it was you. i'm so sorry. back to what i was saying. i want to thank my photographer, max, here because if it wasn't for him, i wouldn't be dressed warm. these are miss gloves, these are his -- this is his scarf, everything, he even has ear muffs. he's like a mary poppins of news right now. he has a trunk full of everything to keep warm. thank goodness. it is cold. let's get to that right now. right behind me there you can see on that sun trust bank sign, 13 degrees. not much has changed out here in dupont circle. at least for me it feels a little bit -- doesn't feel like 13, let me tell you. it does feel degree temperatures here in this cakes. case. i am miserable, i'm not going to lie to you but i can think of a few worse things this morning than just being out here right now. but, hey, a lot of people they ended up going out on new year's eve and this did not stop them, these frigid temperatures. check out the video here. this is from alexandria, virginia last night. whew, look at them. oh, there's the snow there and then look at some people are dancing, hanging out, having a good time. just dancing the night away and probably trying to stay warm at that point. so, yeah, a lot of people just enjoying, you know, new year's eve, now new year's day t hopefully a lot of you are sleeping in this morning. if you happen to be out and about, like i am right now, definitely stay warm. bundle up. get those gloves, get the scarf, the hat, the beanie long johns. you guys said it earlier. make sure you stay warm. it does not take long for frost bite to happen and in worst cases hypothermia. i learned this this morning, you guys, that cold temperatures can increase that's scary in itself right there. but, yeah, in the meanwhile though let's check up on our water bottle. we have been doing this water bottle test all morning here to see just how cold the temperatures are outside and how cold it will get. i don't know, you guys, i still see that liquid and wisdom, it's past 5:45. so, it's not hardening, nothing's frozen. >> that's 'cause you keep shaking it. you keep shaking it. [laughter] >> reporter: well, i got to stay warm. it's cold out here, man. >> please, we appreciate you being out there. please tell max we honor him and all of his trunk full of warm weather items. >> reporter: cold weather items i suppose. >> reporter: absolutely allison. >> all right. >> reporter: and happy new year. >> happy new year. we'll see you shortly. all righty. we know the identity of man involved in an officer-involved shooting in the district on saturday night. he is kevin tally of northeast. officers were called to h street northeast to in when they arrived they confronted tally and this is the weapon police say that he pointed at them. now, police shot tally. he survived. he's being treated at the hospital. police say the went month and -- weaponturned ou out to be ad and. >> investigators on the scene of a house fire in northwest d.c. it was reported around midnight in the 4500 block of fifth street northwest. one resident was safely removed from that home and the two alarm fire is now under control. now, firefighters say it was so cold their ladders became frozen solid. they had to use flares to thaw them loose. right now investigators on the scene to determine what caused that fire. well, it has been an unusually busy weekend for montgomery county firefighters. they battled at least eight major fires in the past 48 hours of last night firefighters were battling a house fire in silver spring. flames broke out around 8:30 on dennis avenue. one woman was rescued. she was taken to the hospital in stable condition. one firefighter also hurt this fire caused about $400,000 in damage. >> and over the weekend, in darnestown montgomery county firefighters battled this blaze on dodi terrace. investigators say it was caused by heat from the chimney igniting nearby flammable materials. the family did get out safely. their two cats were also able to escape the flames. all eight fires have caused more than $2 million in damages while forcing dozens of people from their homes. now to a public safety announcement from the city of laurel. officials have updated an existing smoke alarm law and it goes into effect today. residents need to replace their old smoke alarms with a city approved alarm. officials say that they hope this updated law will lead to more reliable coverage in older buildings especially. >> ♪ >> all right. time now to talk weather. happy new year, tucker barnes. >> happy new year! >> we do not like this new year's. >> my party went crazy last at 10 o'clock -- >> you didn't see the ringing in of the new year. >> i mean, i heard my neighbors ringing in the new year so yes, i was up. >> okay. >> did you stay up allison. >> i went to sleep, got up at five until 12:00. >> you did. >> toasted with my fam. it's a weirdness. like i have to watch the emmys. like i have to do that. >> it's something the world participates in. >> i have to be a part of that. >> you know what i have to participate in. >> eight hours of sleep. >> there you go. >> and you look rested and fabulous and those green eyes really come through on the screen by the way. >> you have that spring dew look to your face. little baby lamb or something. >> and i feel like an old goat but i saw the new year come in. >> welcome back. coldest new year's day in decades. yeah, back to 1940 or thereabouts to find a january 1st that's colder and we're forecasting highs in the low 20's. >> what's up, tuck? is this like how we had historic storms as far as the frequency, it's just a cycle that we're in right now. >> yeah, we're just in an incredibly cold air mass and it's arguably the cold test coldest thistime of year in a hd years. amazing. >> amazing. >> 10 at dulles. these are actual air temperatures. bwi marshall is now six. we're going to have some clouds today, just like yesterday. the real theme is the cold air, it's not going anywhere. look at that seven-day forecast. we'll talk all about what we can expect but look at your daytime high. 25 degrees. yeah, i'm being wrapped. >> yeah. >> like nothing -- i don't like anything you just said. >> i don't, either. >> 25 degrees today. it will be a cold daily. >> what you can't see, everybody, is when -- when we come back on i'll show. when you give a especially, you know, interesting topic or whatever and then you do this hand movement but i'll wait until we get back. you do this and i don't understand why you -- it's super cold. all right. thanks so much. >> yeah, glad to share. >> thanks tuck. it is 6:07 right now. coming up, a crash in costa rica to tell you about. we are now learning that several americans are unfortunately among the dead. the latest on that story. >> plus a new year's eve ambush in colorado. details on the investigation. we're back in just 30 seconds. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> 6:08 now. there are new details about that deadly plane crash in costa rica. a family of five is among the 10 americans killed crash there. two costa rican crew members also died. the government says the chartered flight was headed to san jose when it crashed into a wooded area and caught fire. witnesses say the plane appeared to have problems shortly after takeoff and then it crashed. rescue teams struggled to get to the site because it was in a remote area. whiz. >> new details about that new year's eve shooting in colorado that left one sheriff's deputy dead and four other deputies wounded. the dep deputies responded to a noise complaint at an apartment complex south of denver where a man who barricaded himself inside one of the units started firing. fox's will carr reports. >> reporter: a handful of deputies walked into an onslaught of gunfire early this morning in highlands ranch colorado 15 miles south of denver. they were responding to a disturbances call. the suspect evidently making a lot of noise. when the officers walked into the apartment, the suspect unloaded firing more than 100 rounds. four deputies were injured one deputy zachary parish was shot and killed. two civilians were shot as well. the suspect was shot and killed by members of a regional s.w.a.t. team. authorities say the gunman was someone who was very familiar to local law enforcement. though his motive is unclear at this point we learned that he used a rifle in his attack and evidently was waiting for officers to arrive. deputy zachary parish was 29, was married and had two young kids. a heartbreaking loss for both his family and fellow officers. >> we are deeply saddened by the loss of zachary. when i sat with his wife and held her hand i could see in her eyes her life was over and i've been a blessed sheriff, i've had wonderful things happen to me, wonderful savings. my deputies have been shot, ran over and they've survived. it was very go see zach for the last time. >> as the investigation continues, a procession led deputy parish's body from a hospital in littleton to the medical examiner's office and president trump weighed in on twitter saying my deepest condolences to the victims of the terrible shooting in douglas county at d.c. sheriff and their families. we love our police and law enforcement. god bless them all. we've learned that the remaining victims all have nonlife-threatening injuries. will carr, fox news. >> north korea sending out new year's warnings to the united states. leader kim jong un claims the country has completed its nuclear weapons arsenal in 2017 and the united states should be aware that these weapons are a reality, not a threat. the message came during the annual new year's day address. kim jong un says his country achieved a historic feat and added that he has the nuclear button at his ready on his desk. meanwhile, in iran, president hassan rouhani denounced left two people dead. he said people have the right to protest but violence is not okay. his comments come as irania government blocks access to social media apps used by protesters to coordinate and if communicate. on saturday at least 200 antigovernment protesters were arrested in that country's capitol. >> in vatican city pope francis delivered his new year's message. he urged people to take responsibility for their actions saying 2017 has been marred by war l lies and injustice. you walked across saint peter's square and pose for pictures before visiting a life sized nativity. this morning he'll hold mass to mark the church's world day of peace. coming up a new comedy takes flight this week. we have a preview of the hilarious new show. it's called l.a. to vegas. >> it looks pretty funny. a live look outside as we head to break on this monday morning. it is new year's day t 2018, everybody. does anybody write checks any? get ready to mess up your checks for about a month. weather and traffic on the 5s next. 2018. 18. >> ♪ do you need the most trusted battery for your son's favorite toy? maybe not. maybe, you could trust he wouldn't leave the upstairs water running. (woman screams) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ ♪ >> ♪ >> 6:15 is the time. new york, new york, in the city of dreams, everything in new york ain't always what it seems. that's actually a song. i didn't make that up. this is times square after the big party last night ringing i 2018, tucker. it was so cold down there;, up there rather. >> i feel terrible for people that were out there. you couldn't even see faces. >> it was brutal. what was the temperature? felt like with the wind chill, what, nine, eight. >> i know the actual air temperature was 12 when i was watching. i think it got colder than that. >> that's insane. night. yeah, one of the coldest times squares n new new year's eves n history. >> put that on the list of one of the things i'll never do. >> what about if it was 75. >> if it was 75, no. >> you got to do it wisdom one time. >> if it was 95. >> still wouldn't do it. >> that would be too hot. 25, that's what we're forecasting for today's high. got to go all the way back to january 1st of 1940, 78 years ago, the last time we had a new year's day this cold. 78 years. okay. hey, these are actual air temperatures. 13 now in washington. look at the single digits breaking out. first time this year i can remember single digits so close to d.c. here. gaithersburg five. seven in frederick. look at baltimore, 6 degrees. 10 in leonardtown. nine in fredericksburg. culpeper you're winning the sweeps takes here for cold, 2 degrees. you factor in wind chills and it feels like zero to about five above. feels like the minus two in manassas, two dulles, minus one in martinsburg. we may get some clouds today. otherwise just cold, cold, cold. high pressure overhead, arctic high pressure delivering another punishing afternoon with daytime highs in the low to mid-20's. make sure you stay warm out there. i want to mention this has shown up on the map in the last couple days, trended a little further west. this would be late wednesday and thursday. we may get a little period of light snow across the area as we get a coastal low -- low that's offshore here pushing out to sea but it may track just close enough we get some moisture around here. we have to look out for the possibility of a little snow wednesday into thursday and then another arctic blast. this seven-day forecast is just not forgiving. quick look at futurecast. i'll show it to you. just want to show you that is wednesday into early thursday, possibility of some light snow generally d.c. and east, d.c. and east but the real theme whether or not we get that snow or not still a lot of question marks is the col the next seven days, it is likely that much of the area will not get above the freezing mark for the next seven days. >> how will we survive it? >> that's a good question. [laughter] >> i wonder how i'm going to survive day to day but there you go. 25 today. back to you guys. >> thanks so much, tuck. well, if you want to get away to sin city but can't afford the trip, fox is premiering a fresh new show tomorrow night that will give you a little taste. >> fox's claudia cohen camps catchesup with the cast to filln you. >> service to lost wages. >> reporter: the new fox comedy la l.a. to vegas follows jackpot air a budget carrier that only flies between los angeles and sin city. >> vegas, vegas. >> reporter: the cast says this sitcom is different. >> this is so much closer than i ever imagined it would be. >> i think the outrageousness comes from the fact that you're sort of going behind happen on a terrible airline on like a really nonsafety conscious none hr conscious airline. >> we have so much fun and we laugh all the time and it's just this weird cast of actors being weird cast of characters and i think that he will really shows. >> i think the envelope is and pushed right up to the edge. i think it's super fun because of that. >> got dressed in the terminal didn't you. >> at least i wore underwear this time. >> reporter: what happens in vegas doesn't always stay there. the cast says some of the story lines are hitting close to home. >> sometimes i wonder if they heard me tell a story and put it in. i'm like i must have told them that because that sounds very familiar. >> over these nine years, you're going to see everything that's happened to me. but it's going to take nine years. >> no, i can't tell you those stories. you're just going to have to watch and be like oh, kim's done that. you just have to know. >> i thought i was going to be a dancer. >> oh, my god, is that how crazy i sound. >> reporter: if you happen to see kim at a casino, don't call her over. you'll start losing. it's happened several times. >> why am i here. >> to fly the plane. >> reporter: in hollywood, claudia cowens, fox news. >> i like it when fox has a hit. better for all of us. >> that's true. >> coming up a new law on marijuana legalization goes into effect in california today. we'll have details for you. >> and in southern california wine country is on the mend after devastating wildfires ripped through that region. more on the road to recovery. >> ♪ blank small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. verizon doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. verizon, not so much. get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call 1-800-501-6000. >> 6:22 now on a monday morning. recreational marijuana now officially legal in california. the historic day arrives in the golden state more than two decades after california paved the way for legalized pot by passing the first medical marijuana law in the country. california is now the nation's largest state to legalize recreational marijuana >> last month california's wine country faced incredible devastation as wildfires ripped through hundreds of thousands of acres and destroyed thousands of homes. >> this morning the region is on the mend for the new year. fox's adam housely reports from napa. >> it's ruined but we know it's going to rebuild. it's going to be a nice building again so we have faith. >> reporter: he says he has hope as he looks over the spot where the winery once stood. nearly 9,000 structures were burnt down. >> for people to come back because we depend on tourism and the valley is still beautiful and it's still a good time to visit. >> we do need to put people back to work. we do need to make sure that our wineries, our restaurants, our tourist industry, you know, this beautiful land is supported by the people who really care so much about it. >> reporter: one of the top five most visited areas in the fires came at the region's busiest during harvest season and while 22 wineries were either damaged or destroyed, there are more than 600 others in napa and sonoma that are opened for business, albeit with more room than anyone wants. >> most people are very surprised. they're expecting to see charred areas burned areas and they're few and far between. >> reporter: there is destruction here. in santa rosa, thousands of homes gone, families lives changed forever. but much of it in residential areas acting people who are more dependent now than ever on a steady income most likely tied to the tourist dollar. >> there's been an immense amount of support for family and friends and just the community in general. >> the best way that anyone interested in supporting napa valley right now would be to come visit. >> reporter: while the thomas fire in southern california also this fall is now the state's largest ever, the wine country fires are the most destructive in history. with the billions. while they hope to reopen in two years they need to be creative to keep all their employees working. they're now taking wine tasting directly to people's homes and other wineries doing what they can to respect connect with customers because bookings in napa and sonoma are down 50 percent from last year. in napa valley california adam housely fox news. >> good to see on the comeback, you know,. >> yeah. >> slow going i'm sure. >> right, yeah. >> which is on the east coast here hard to even imagine. >> we're dealing with cold weather so we got that. >> my brother lives out there. >> didn't want to -- how is it realistically. >> still pretty bad. >> if you're a contractor you got a job for life out there rebuilding. >> weird. >> i remember governor brown was saying that it was like the worst in history and this was going to be the new norm for california. >> all the fires. >> all the fires, yeah. >> well, yeah, it's complicated what's going on out there. i only >> all right, let's talk about here now. >> let's talk about cold weather. >> 13 in washington. it is unbelievably frigid out there. i don't know how else to say it. lots of single digits. baltimore right now 6 degrees. it's two in culpeper. >> i feel for everybody. >> two in culpeper. >> outside i don't know how you survive those temperatures. >> yeah, well, just quick reminder spend as little time as you have to outdoors. >> that's right. >> make sure you wear lots of layers. yeah, we got some clouds out there -- or we will have clouds later today. otherwise, just brutally cold for this time of year. that's the bottom line. daytime highs in the low to mid-20's. that 25 will be in the city. parts of the region don't get out of the upper teens and low 20's. notice how cold it is for the next seven days. now we've thrown in a sprinkling of some snow wednesday night and thursday. we'll have to watch a coastal storm pretty carefully. the trend is to bring it a little closer to us. it's still too close to call. parts will parts don't get anything at all. >> but the snow brings warmer temperatures, right. >> if you call 32 warmer, yes. >> i call that warmer than whatever it feels like right now. >> 22. >> or 12. >> all right, tuck, thank you. >> uh-huh. >> 6:27 is the time right now. trending at the moment. let's talk about cleveland. the cleveland browns, they found a way to loss every single game this season. >> don't throw stones. >> it's a great idea, though. >> every game. >> parade. >> browns lost in the two countries, two continents, eight states, nine stadiums. this is just in this one season. >> are we taunting them. >> no, we're just giving the facts. draw your own conclusions. they're o and 16. >> here's tucker's part. [applause] >> there's going to be a parade because they were perfectly awful o and 16. the fans will have a parade around the stadium in their finest browns attire later today. they lost every game and they lost this final game to the steelers yesterday. look at this play. this was a chance to extend the game and position to win it. but the receiver was wide opened and hit him right in a bad spot in his hands. >> oh, okay. >> right. >> right in this hands. all right. >> it looks like it hit him in the face. >> yeah, after it went through this hands and that's why you're a wide receiver. >> everybody needs a buddy like that, though. >> 'cause that's the guy who threw it because he knows they might not be there next year, none of them. the browns are the second team to go winless. >> yes, tucker. >> the parade is going to go in the shape of zero to celebrate zero wins. >> right around the stadium. >> i think it's bad luck to taunt. >> not taunting. i'm admiring. >> tucker is -- >> okay. isn't that jim brown's old -- >> that was the last time they were relevant. >> 1912. >> in the old days. the lions did the same thing in 2008 and fired everybody. >> and look at them now. >> coming up, it is 6:28. right now around the world people braved freezing temperatures to welcome the new year. a look at the celebrations. >> sta >> bruno makes it better. >> ♪ packed with flavor, one hero was on a mission to save snack time. watch babybel in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. creamy, delicious, 100% real cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. >> ♪ >> i saw that moon coming in today. >> oh, you did. >> and the moon, when i see that, it always likes gives me comfort. >> really. >> i never look up. >> is that another supermoon? beautiful. it was gorgeous. would you say, whiz. >> i never look up at the sky when i'm driving. >> it always catches my attention. i know it's trying to remind me of something. >> all right. >> don't forget, don't forget, that'sha >> ♪ look at this. happy new year. welcome back to fox5 news morning. weather and traffic on the 5s at 6:35. so, it is officially the first day of 2018. do you feel different? >> uh, yes. >> me, too. >> older. >> you do? >> yeah. >> i just feel -- >> by a day. >> last night 10s of thousands of merry makers revelers packed into frigid times square to ring in the new year. >> fox's lauren blanchard is in new york with more on this year's celebration. >> reporter: temperatures here in times square not keeping revelers away, the bitter cold and an unprecedented blanket of security marking this new ye year. >> keeping all these people safe a major concern. the more than million party goers going through pat-downs and bag checks. >> there's so much police around and they checked us pretty well when we came in here. so, i think -- i think it will -- it's safe enough. >> r terror attacks and concerns here in new york, an october shooting in las vegas, cement barricades and trucks filled with sand block entrances to times square and snipers have been stationed in high-rises overlooking the crowd. plus, thousands of police are positioned all over. >> very heavy undercover presence especially in the hotels 'cause they learned from las vegas. so, nypd as always not only on top of the game but ahead of the game. >> reporter: the white house saying president trump has been briefed on security measures across the country and despite all the reminders of potential danger, those gathered in times square getting into the spirit of the night. >> yes, it's our bucket list. >> i didn't expect it to be this cold. i knew it was going to be cold but not this cold. >> reporter: despite the cold temperatures and wind chill well below freezing, this is still one of the hottest places to welcome in 2018. in times square, lauren blanchard, not fox news. >> get it 'cause it's hot like it's on fire. >> l >> yes. and this is the after party. live look at times square this morning, it doesn't look too bad. you remember years past it used to look so littered with trash. cleanup continues right now though at 6:34 in the big apple. >> i bet you as soon as those people left they were like all right, everybody in. >> i think they move them in and move them out. >> it's cold and everybody is in a hurry to get out of there. >> okay. >> president trump spent new year's eve at his mar-a-lago estate in south florida. he invited about 60 members of the coast guard to join him on the green earlier this week. and last night before the ball dropped, he tweeted out a message to his haters. he said as our country rapidly grows stronger and smarter i want to wish all of my friends supporters enemies haters and even the very dishonest fake news media a happy and healthy new year. 2018 will be a great year for america. >> all righty. there's mariah carey singing her first hit ever that we all fell in love with her for, vision of love. she returned to the stage this new year's with her performance. now, the script says it was flawless. let me just be honest because i'm not doing dishonesty in 2018. >> okay. >> i love mariah carey. i think she looked amazing. i think it was 10 degrees, that affect your voice. >> yeah. >> that song did not sound like it used to ground. >> right. >> but god bless her for coming back this year because last year was a disaster as far as the sound and all of that. so, i was happy to see her back. okay. she took the stage moments before midnight to headline the dick clark's new year's rocking eve. >> right. >> uh-huh. >> all right. >> i'm just going to say technical glitches last year. she caming. >> so what you're saying is. >> i'm not going to be like it was flawless. because it was not flawless and that's just being honest. >> okay. >> but i was happy to s back. >> me, too. >> she looked beautiful. >> she did. >> going to be in vegas, right? >> is she? >> is she doing vegas? i thought she's doing a vegas thing. >> okay . >> [laughter] >> i don't know why you would go to me for that information. >> i like that because that's a controlled environment. it was super cold. i don't know how you sing at all there. >> absolutely. but your voice does change as you get older. >> i don't know if it -- anyway we'll talk. talk. >> used to be high. now it's lower. >> that's a good thing. >> i used to sing in chorus in fifth grade. >> you did. >> yes. let's go to the forecast. hopefully nobody is watching. >> no, no, no, we don't hope that. no, no, we don't want that. we don't want empty chairs at home. >> that's true. seven in new york city. look at boston this morning, zero, minus six in chicago. chi. arctic air masses and, you know, once they move on in, they just -- they're just like, boy, i'm going to hang out for days and days and days. so, we'll get some clouds today, have a little piece of energy coming through. the afternoon, there were a few flurries. >> i did, too. >> i guess you mo might see that again today but it won't amount to anything. here's your forecast for this afternoon. whatever you may be doing it will be cold. that 25 is here in the city. much of the area is in the low 20's, maybe even upper teens. this is likely to be our coldest new year's day since all the way back in 1940. you were celebrating in 1940, you celebrated a lot of new year's so happy new year's. >> so, we're also -- the elephant in the room, steve harvey. >> hosted the show last night. >> that was ours, the fox and his outfit was a trending topic. it is something to behold. >> wardrobe malfunction. >> no, no, no. it was very -- >> malfunction on your eye balls. >> his whole thing went viral. so, anyway, new year's rocking eve. >> okay. coming up. >> all right. this past year we said goodbye to many celebrities who inspired millions. >> let me take a look back now at the ones we lost in >> ♪ ing. >> fox's michelle polino takes a look at just a few. >> ♪ >> reporter: 2017 saw the passing of celebrities. playboy founder hugh hefner whose magazine launched the sexual revolution and spawned a media empire died at 91. >> celebrated place in the world. >> reporter: there were many actors who left their mark on the big and small screens including james bond star roger moore, 70's teen idol and partridge family lead david cassidy and robert guillaume best known for playing tv's benson. 1960's tv batman adam west oscar winning actor martin launda, della reese and bill paxton. the year also saw the passing of three super stars with long and honored careers. the king of insult comedy don rickles mary tyler moore died at 80 and jerry lewis. chris cornell and chester bennington. singer and actor jim neighbors. country stars mel tillis and glen campbell and rock and roll hall of famers fats domino whic chuck barry greg a n and tom petty. >> ♪ >> reporter: in hollywood, michelle polino, fox news. >> all righty. coming up, kevin has a look at some of the top movies coming out in 2018. you won't want to miss it. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. ♪ all because of you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. >> ♪ >> all righty. let's groove our way into 2018. 2018. >> do you think people are still partying? >> yeah, right. >> 6:45. >> it's been a long time since i've been one of those -- i don't remember 7 o'clock in the morning, though. >> you don't remember that. >> i don't. let us know. do people still party all the way through? i don't know. >> i would think after the ball drops that you would, you know, give it another hour and then you'd call it a night or a day or whatever you want to -- i'll think. >> i'll sure there are people that will let us know. >> let us know, right. >> don't you remember a few weeks ago we went out to ihop and they were still -- >> that's true. >> that's true. >> they were partying at like 5 o'clock in the morning. >> you're right. >> let's do the forecast. whether you're up, wherever you may be it's going to be cold. in fact, looks like our coldest -- we're forecasting our coldest daytime highs since january 1st of 1940 for this date, so again, we got to go back 78 years to find a january 1st as cold as today. it is really impressively cold. 13 in washington. single digits breaking out gaithersburg five, baltimore six, culpeper's two this morning, nine in fredericksburg. 10 for you in leonardtown. 11 up in hagerstown. it is just really, really cold. those are actual air temperatures. you mix in winds out of the north and west at about 10. feels like zero. zero, two, minus two, that's generally our wind chill at this hour. shold be a sunny bright start to the day. we'll get some clouds later today. upper level disturbance bringing us cloud cover. arctic high pressure remains firmly rooted across our region. really off to our north and it's along the east coast and we'll keep temperatures well below normal here for the entire week. in fact, it will be a week from today the next time i think our temperatures are up near 40. so, we're going to look at a a lot of cold air for the next several days. low pressure, this is wednesday night and thursday. coastal low the last -- the trend for the past 24 hours has been to bring it a little further west. a little further west and it may mean a little bit of snow for us wednesday night and thursday. i think the best chances will kind of be d.c. and east but i want to throw it out there that there could be a period of snow. it will be cold enough with arctic air in place and another blast of cold arctic air on the way that we could have light snow wednesday night into thursday. here's futurecast. again, i'm fast forwarding this because it's a holiday and this is something to talk about. you can see that we might have a little snow around here for snow lovers by early thursday morning and that would be with us for at least the first half of the day on thursday and then get on out of here by thursday evening. lots of question marks but the bottom line is we want to really watch that time period carefully. the the cold temperatures. it may be the next seven days that most of the area does not get above the freezing mark which is pretty extraordinary around here to have a stretch like that where we don't get above the freezing mark for seven days straight. okay, i'm walking back. i don't know why. >> the memes. >> meme time. >> really? i don't have any. >> you don't. >> no, i don't. it's a holiday. >> did mike do some memes. >> i don't think so. but i have hugs. >> i guess we're not doing memes. >> hugs are not as funny as memes. >> we don't have memes today. >> are you serious its a holiday. remember. >> it's all good. >> they'll be back tomorrow. >> it's all good. it's 2018. we're not going to get have evidence in 2018. >> you now have to fill a minute of time. >> we can vamp. >> let's talk about the fox beat. >> let's do that. >> a lot of great movies came out in 2017. now we look ahead to the films coming out in 2018. >> in today's fox beat kevin mccarthy has the top five most anticipated movies for 2018. >> ♪ >> reporter: hey everyone happy new year and last week i gave you my top five films of 2017. now let's look ahead to my most anticipated movies of 2018. first up, let's nerd out about steven spielberg's ready player one. i cannot wait for this movie. the visuals are amazing. the film hits theaters on march 30. based on the incredible novel written by earnest kline. it revolves around a character named wade watts. he goes on a virtual adventure to try and find an easter egg hidden by the creator of a virtual reality world called the oasis. the first person to find this will get a massive fortune. when i read the book all i& kept thinking about is how is spielberg going to bring this to the big screen, the visuals look amazing and i cannot wait. next up is the sequel to "deadpool." my favorite movie of 2016. ryan reynolds is back with a new director mr. david leach. leach direc theron's a the tom mick bomb. the sequel hits theaters on june 1st. i cannot wait to see this movie. the first movie grossed over $780 million on a worldwide, on a very, very small budget for a superhero type of movie. the script for the first film was absolutely brilliant. both writers paul wernik rhett reese is back. next, is black panther. this trailer is insane. i loved the music and the filmmaker ryan kugler. kugler also directed the brilliant film fruitvale station as well as creed. he's one of the most exciting film makers working today. we saw black panther's introduction in the captain america civil war. chadwick boseman will continue the role and will be joined by an amazing cast including michael b. nyong'o. black panther hits theater february 16th. just a few months later, we're going to get avengers infiniti war. i cannot wait until may fourth. this movie looks insane and brings back the brothers who directed two of my favorite films in the mcu, captain america civil war and winter soldier both brilliant captain america films. didn't love the second avengers films. i'm hopeful considering that the rooster brothers are behind it. i expect to cry nerd tears may fourth. finally i think i'm more interested than i am excited about the han solo spinoff film. the footage you're seeing is ron howard's announcement of the movie solo, a "star wars" story. a lot happened behind the scenes with originally the film makers phil lord and chris miller left the project and director ron howard took over. i'm very interested to see how this film turns out and cast is incredible including woody harrelson. i want to know what films you're looking forward to in 2018. let me know. tweet me at kevin mccarthy tv. i'm kevin mccarthy, fox news. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> you saw "jumanji." >> i saw it. >> what did you think. >> it was a good movie. good, no the great. >> fun -- 'cause i think we want to go to the movies today. >> it had some toilet humor in it. i wasn't expecting that. >> a little potty humor. >> a little too much potty humor for me. i can't reach all the kids so i was just like -- >> oh, well. if you have to see "star wars" or "jumanji" today. >> "jumanji." "star wars" was one of the worst things i ever wasted my life on and i will not see another "star wars" movie at the theater. will not give them another dime. how many times are you going to sucker people into here comes another "star wars" movie, people run to the movies and they keep making the same old trash and calling it "star >> was jar jar binks in it. >> i think jar jar binks directed it and produceed it. >> i did like that one little cute miniature thing that was hanging out with chewbacca. >> i was not amused. spoiler right now. chewbacca actually cooked one of them and i'll leave it at that. >> wisdom. >> yes. >> maybe we can talk about something that makes you happy. the redskins. >> they played yesterday? >> yeah, they had a game. >> oh, they did. >> yeah, can we talk about that. >> oh, that's right i saw that guy running that 95-yard touchdown for the giants, yeah. >> oh. >> did we win. >> second play of the game. >> we lost? okay. >> the giants they had won two games. now they've won three games. >> on our backs. >> it is what it is. >> okay. >> it is what it is i mean, at least we're not the cleveland browns. >> we've always got next year. >> you've always got next year unless you're the cleveland browns. then you don't have next year. you have -- >> a parade to look for. >> a parade circling the stadium in your browns gear to look forward to picks. >> here's something else that was funny. >> what's that. >> steve harvey's outfit. >> yes. >> like i said we need to talk about this because this was our celebration on fox. [laughter] >> and when i first -- i had to like adjust and see like what is going on. so, this -- we didn't have memes today but folks on twitter went crazy with the comparisons and the memes and whatever. yes, steve harvey out here looking like olivia pope. that was a recurring theme. [laughter] >> right. >> just -- you know what - i know because steve harvey prides himself on his whole outfits and his suit line and all of this so you know he got it custom-made and it was -- they were calling him frosty the pimp. it was reallily. >> ♪ [laughter] >> frosty the snowman, that's a nice one. new year's steve. do you see the outfit. >> i see the outfit. >> you know it's warm, though. joke is on us. you know he was warm. >> mac taylor is always quick in the back with the music. that's what i was laughing at. >> this was -- i'm surprise it's sll but it was everything on twitter last night. it was very funny. >> i think i might get me one of those coats. >> you have to get the whole outfit. >> doing too much right there if you trying to do all that. i'll stay in my lane. >> we didn't have memes for you but steve harvey -- new year's steve was the trending topic. anyway, happy new year everybody. >> how about we say hello to our facebook fan of the day. >> ♪ >> good morning tatiana. >> happy 2018. >> yeah, you were nominated by your mom agnes and agnes says tatiana celebrated a birthday on december 27th. she turned 10 years old so happy belated birthday. >> double digits. >> your mom says you love to sing and dance and you have a great big heart and she should have added fashionista. that outfit is everything. she wants you to know she loves you so much. agnes says they watch fox5 every morning and they love the morning memes. we gave you steve harvey >> happy birthday. >> happy birthday. >> great picture. we love it. yes, let's get right to the weather. looking at temps right now which are up 2 degrees from last hour. we're up to 15. wisdom you want to go off on the weather. you can. >> i'm good. it's here to stay so why bother. >> i agree. >> just like the cleveland browns. [laughter] >> i feel for the browns. all right. hey we got a few clouds to start the day. we'll have some clouds this afternoon kind of a partly sunny day. the overwhelming theme of today and this week, the brutal cold. daytime highs about 20 degrees below normal later today. low to mid-20's for daytime highs. we'll be dry this afternoon. i also want to quickly throw out there, we are now looking at this wednesday night early thursday time frame for a little bit of light snow as we have a coastal low but that needs to be watched very carefully because the details need to be ironed out but the possibility is there for some snow first half of thursday and notice those daytime highs. look at friday and saturday's daytime highs, low 20's. so, the cold is here t for the next seven days. 25 today. happy new year. our first hour is up. our second hour is up. we've got hours to go. fox news morning coming up after the break. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> right now at 7:00 bitter cold temps for the first of the year. a lot of people braving the deep freeze last night to welcome the new year. we'll tell you how frigid temperatures are going to stick around. >> and developing news out of costa rica. the investigation continues this morning after 10 americans were killed in a plane crash. >> plus, an ambush-style attack on police officers in colorado. new details emerging about the man who opened fire. >> if you are just waking up on this new year's day here's a live look outside for you. it is monday january 1st, 2018. yes, applause. nice way to bring in the -- you deserve a round of applause. gorgeous sky. >> it's a gorgeous sky but man is it cold out there. let's get a quick check of today's weather with tucker barnes and happy new year to you, tucker. tucker. >> happy new year. >> you sound like the guy in coming to america. [laughter] >> happy new year. >> we got a temperature right now of 15 degrees. we've got parts of the area into the single digits. it is really, really cold. coldest new year's day in decades. i hi will have all the details coming up. the cold is in no hurry to get out of here and that's a hint. allison and maureen,

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