Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 20171227 : compareme

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 20171227

yesterday, day before, and we'll keep it going through the weekend. we do have snow north and west we'll look at that on radar in a as he can >> congestion look at this crash scene, there's a vehicle fire impacting the traffic on 695 westbound of the 3rd street tunnel. we'll have the latest on that and the rest of your commute in metro. right off the top. a blast of old care will get you -- greet you today for sure, bundle up before heading your way. depending on where you live, you could see if a few flurries of snow, annie yu live in urbana with the details, good morning. >> reporter: good morning maureen, steve, i know some of you have been waiting to see snow this season, so far out here in frederick county, nothing but the casual flurry or two, we have been watching and we'll go if different, you know, intervals of leak flurries and it goes away and comes back, behind me is just a, three plows ready to go standing by from mala they've been out here since 1:00 this morning, basically doing what we're all doing watching the sky waiting pour something they see steady, that is when - they will go on to the major roadways and start treating the road with brine, which is basically is not a and water, but they need something to come in fact with it. until we mistake on the pavement. they won't be moving. vdot said they began treating roads in areas last night. they laid down salt and sand in certain parts. we're talking north of dc and loudoun county, so montgomery county, frederick. you mentioned the cold air. it is cold up here. it's i think about 25 degrees, we have drops, because when we first came up here around 4:00 this morning, it was 32 and now we're down to 25, so definitely bundle up, we're not seeing many people out here, in fact, i think my photographer and i and the plow trucks are the only ones out here, so that's good, people staying inside, a lot of you tweeting you'll be working from as well. so we'll continue to watch what happens, but right now, looks like crews on both areas, maryland and virginia are ready to go, just in case, back to you on the studio >> stay warm. 7:02. new developments in the virginia house race, could decide party control. you'll remember this is over the seat for the 9th district at newport news virginia, the race ended in a controversial tie between republican delegate david yancy and shelly simons, officials had planned to break by drawing names from a bowl, now they're postponing that tie breaker because of the announcement that simons will challenge the race's vote counts in court. she claims it failed to follow election law by allowing a ballot to be counted after a recount. if simons is the winner it would split party control 50-50. in prince george's county, over the weekend, 27 thefts from cars were reported and another 16 on monday. christmas day. the majority crimes of opportunity with people either leaving their doors unlocked or valuables out in plain view. >> anything of value don't leave them visible, don't leave them outside so somebody can walk over to your car, see inside and give them the opportunity to brake into your vehicle. keep your cars locked, and at night, make sure you park your vehicle under a well-lit area. >> prince george's county police are encouraging individuals who may have seen anything to give them a call. happening today, a mother and son from lorton virginia will be laid to rest in falls church. they were among four americans killed in a bus crash in mexico. services will be held at temple. the family was on i wasn't excursion to the myian ruins at the time of that accident. a maryland man arrested at bwi airport for trying to bring a loaded gun through a security checkpoint. maryland transport authority police confiscated the gun. and arrested the man on weapons charges, it's the 25th gun tsa that airport. which sets the record for most guns confiscated at bwi in a single year. it's coming up on 7:05. 7:05 right now. sliding into the shot right here, tucker barnes, good morning to you. >> word of snow inc how people get around here >> it's mostly about the cold, we have a little bit of light snow north and west. on a scale of one to ten, this will be a one or two. this is not >> not a big event, >> not a big event. >> but we've all learned important lesson a little bit will go a long way around here. let's get to it. light a.m. snow showers, frontal system coming through, a cold front, like we need more cold air, squeezing out just enough snow shower activity to the north and west. reagan national 32, everybody is at or below freezing, dulles 29 and in baltimore at bwi marshall 26, i just went past it. we'll see if we can there and i can show you that map. we're looking at light snow off to the north and west. and generally stretching from 81 out towards front royal and winchester through frederick and then just north of west of baltimore. i have had a few reports of light snow were enough to reach the ground. i don't have reports of it covering the ground but it's a possibility as the front continues to move through that we could get a light coating in a few spots and have a few is slippery roadways or sidewalks off to the north and west. keep that in mind, north in loudoun county and montgomery county where we have a winter weather advisory in effect. otherwise, sunshine this afternoon, windy and very cold. your daytime highs in the low 30's, overnight lows in the teens and we're off and run, daytime highs in the 20's and much of the weekend in the 20's, and >> ok. erin como, owning the roads with luck >> luckily congestion lighter, theories a car fire in the third street tunnel, down to five miles per hour as you try to merge from 695. westbound at 3rd and the eastbound side. one northbound lane is open and diverted. you can see there's a big scene there, please use caution, traffic getting by slowly as we move things over richmond highway you can kind of see it's a little better now that it's getting brighter. this is downed wires from an earlier crash, blocking the right lane, use caution. 270 looks great. we're seeing such light volume the entire stretch. a green zone right now, then aside from that, 395 northbound. no problems on 95. it's light volume through dale city and south at that point in stafford 66 at speed, all majors pretty quiet. taking a wide view of the dmv. northern maryland traffic, so light, we're not seeing congestion. watch for the slick spots, guys. 7:08. a murder mystery in prince george's county. an officer's on patrol in largo found a man did he do inside a car, he had been shot to death. unfolded near capitol lane in capitol court around 9:30. you're asked to call police if you have information on this investigation. developing that he is morning, the search on for suspects involved in a home invasion in prince george's county. three people inside an off campus resident near the university of maryland college park were robbed. that's where krysten leon has been with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, now that it's light out or at least little lighter, we're getting a better idea where this home invasion took place on this block, 8900 block of 36th avenue, so not too far away from university of maryland. so this is what we're told so far. we're told that three people mentioned during the time it happened at around little after 1:00 this morning. those three people, unclear if they are university of maryland students, we're told all three were assaulted. if you know anything, saw anything or heard anything this morning, police need your help, you are asked to call prince george's county police in this case and we will continue to keep a close eye and monitor developments here right here and online reporting live in college park maryland, krysten leon fox 5 local news. 7:09 and an update on the dc teacher who said she was booted off united airlines flight to make room for a member of congress. representative sheila jackson lee is insisting she is the victim she said the teacher is racist. the teacher wrote about the incident on facebook. she said united cancelled her ticket so that jackson lee could take her first class seat. jackson lee said she's the challenge to stop president trump's election integrity. came down after a nonprofit privacy group attempted to collect data. they determined the privacy center is not a voter. more than a dozen states including maryland and virginia have rejected the group's request over security and legal concerns. the trump administration once again turning up the heat on north korea, new sanctions that block two senior north korean officials from making transactions with american banks, businesses or individuals. these sanctions comes days after the u.n. approved other sanctions against north korea. this past weekend, north korea called it an act of war. the associated press named its worm athlete of the year, can you guess? none other than maryland native bethesda native olympic swimmer katie la deck key >> she earned five gold metals one her swimming out standard zero arena williams, williams captured her 23rd grand slam title. she left the tour to have her first child which is an honor herself, but this year, goes to katie la deck? >> we were just talking about her, my daughter goes to the school she went to and has, you know, ideas of being an olympic swimmer too. >> she's such a sweetheart. katie, just a so humble. i love that about somebody being humble and approachable >> kind of wish the olympics were every year. women on the rides new trend shows one particular generation of women break, the glass ceiling in start-up businesses, we'll explain. we'll be right back. > we'll be right back. . 7:14 is the time it's 32 looking outside. what's a little hazy? muggy >> it's a gray winter diploma >> three more months. >> yeah, us. it won't be that bad. >> january, february, a little >> you get the big arctic areas of high pressure >> i feel like in december you can deal with it because it's the holidays and funds >> new year's then >> then >> we've got, a lot of holidays to look forward to, 4th of july. >> what are you talking about? we got washington's birthday >> lincoln's birthday, east, st. patrick's day >> there's a lot happening those early months. >> nfl playoff football >> 32 now in washington. ok. so yes, it's been cold around here, steve, but you know it's my favorite team of day when we get to go looking for >> it's called north >> minus three in chicago. >> i know. >> look at international falls, that's the coldest spot in the united states minus 35. these are actual air temperatures, that gives i was sense of how incredibly cold it is to our north and west >> tucker and i will take a trip to churchill. that's where they do the polar bear tours, 36 below zero right now. he wants to stop at big trout lake on the way >> what are you going to do there >> fishing >> ice fishing. >> well then, enjoy >> meanwhile snow breaking out to the north and west. dc is there kind of in the bottom part of your screen and just to our frederick along 81. top of 270 there, we're getting a light band of snow that's developed with our arctic front moving through and could be enough to coat the ground, we got a winter weather advisory for couple more hours, please, tweet me, tucker fox 5 if you're getting snow, one or two reports getting snow, annie hasn't seen much in urbana, it could be enough to coat the ground, quick look at the seven-day, sunshine this afternoon, turn windy and very cold, very cold tonight look at that overnight low in the city, 18, we could do single digits, 29 your daytime high tomorrow and the cold goes on and on through the seven-day but there will be periods of sunshine. it will be pleasant >> sunshine, mentally makings it feel warmer. that helps. good morning, erin >> i want to. >> they're fire 695 at the third street tunnel, eastbound 395 did reopen, so it's just that westbound 695 at the third street tunnel impacted right now. five miles per hour leading towards the spot please give yourself time. moving the car, is fire is under control so things should be getting back to normal. you can see this scene, right lane, right shoulder, route one richmond highway southbound at huntingdon, downed wires from an earlier crash impacting traffic. light volume. keep in mind because of that scene, metrobus letting us know that the down wires richmond highway put busses may experience delays we'll keep you updated on that one. we still have an active police investigation from an early shooting, brian street between 18th and 20th northeast lanes are open but some are blocked by police. caution rest of your secondaries in the district pleasant right now. steve and marathon. scary moments for christmas travelers in boston when ice and snow called a jetbl skip off the roadway. about three inches of snow at logan international, fortunately nobody got hurt. take offs had to be delivered about an hour. crissy teigen wrote about the whole ordeal. teigen and her husband, john legend were on an airways flight did he sayin ford tokyo went a total of nowhere after eight hours, returning to la instead, to teigen tweeting we're turning around because we have a passenger isn't supposed to be on this plane, why do we all got to go back? i do not know. it's a trend we're seeing more and more in business, women rising to top positions, it's not just any group of women but millennials breaking through the glass ceiling and creating their own start-up >> let's get more from our fox's tracy corasco. world of businesses and start-ups can be volatile, there's a new power player at the center of it all. millennial women and a new study is finding the key to success may be about confidence, the idea originated from a need in their own lives, whether news >> everyone being informed, they're busy and you need to create a different form of news to fit in their lives >> i ware this stuff that doesn't do anything, i wonder if i can make it smart >> or travel >> my luggage broke and i was looking for something is to replace it and there wasn't a great option in the market. everything was either high quantity and super expensive or cheap but you knew it would fall apart. >> reporter: whatever the motivation millennial women are making a huge impact in the starter world, a new study found that 83% of millennial women want to own their own businesses, and for those who profits to increase in the next 12 months. >> i think there's a culture shift in recent years where there's been a lot of very vocal, strong women, who have been successful in their respective fields that get coverage and that, in turn, inspires other women to take risks or take chances or start businesses and then they got covered. >> reporter: they're showing no signs of slowing down >> we have well over three and a half million active subscribers which is really unprecedented >> for this generation of entrepreneurs it's not just looking ahead, it's about looking to the next generation >> we only have been smart, and brilliant and creative and entrepreneurial since we existed but i think the media interest is great because it inspires the next generation and gives them something to look up to. >> in new york, tracy fox business >> the highly anticipated interview with prince harry and president obama >> we'll show you some of that when we come back at 7:20. . quickly with the serious questions. what has >> i didn't see them, how can i make a choice? >> i'll take your word for it >> what did you miss most, the cinema or bowling ally >> cinema. we call it a movie theater but that's fine >> boxes or briefs >> sorry, we don't answer those questions. prince harry grilling barack obama in a one-on-one interview with aired this morning on the bbc. the prince interviewed the former commander in chief in his role as guest editor of the bbc radio for news program. the two also talked about much more serious stuff including president obama's feelings the day he left the white house. he said he felt liberated but misses the work because it was, quote, fascinating >> the two ended up being pretty good friends. >> will he go to the wedding? will he not >> apparently he got an invitation. >> he did get one >> apparently going to happen >> i've got to google >> we shall see what happens >> it would be like tucker and i interviewed each other. >> no, don't do that. >> that is a podcast the world awaits. i'm telling you. not even the world >> the dmv. maybe two or three people >> not even our families. >> maureen, when are you getting your invite >> i'm waiting bated breath. >> you talk add big game early >> i've been trying >> i figure you talk it into existence. >> there you go. >> 32 in washington, we got the little band of snow breaking out to the north and west been expanding here the last 15 minutes or so. just got a report out of hand cook appeal they're getting white snow and flurries, it's certainly a possibility you'll encounter a little bit and it may be enough in a few spots to touch the ground, keep that in mind, looks like it's getting down 270 to montgomery and loudoun county. tucker fox 5 if you're getting any snow shower activity if it's enough to coat the ground or to stick. this will get out of here pretty quick and we'll be in for a cold afternoon, temperatures will be look at our overnight low 18, only 29 tomorrow, could be another little clipper on saturday morning that brings us a period of snow and the other thing, look at sunday and monday, it will be really cold around here. daytime highs in the 20's, i'm afraid by new year's eve, we could have windchills approaching zero. jam cam. >> do you want to see what i did for jam cam how often do i get to show you that? >> we got the hold, green then the red. >> but there's really no red, an earlier crash involving a car fire cleared. traffic moving, the beltway is at speed, every single in and out of dc is looking good. we do have one crash to tell you about but it's not causing slowdowns, columbia pike at tech road, one lane, volume light everywhere, entire stretch of 95 between the beltway and the baltimore beltway quiet, traffic on the national and dulles and metro is on time. kind of like a vaca week for me. no one else is. >> enjoy. thanks, sarah. still to come 7:26. >> prince george's county grade fixing story that we broke on fox 5, details "what if" more of the energy we used came from renewable resources? "what if" the electric grid could detect, fix and even prevent power outages? "what if" our grid were less vulnerable and more secure? "what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if" to "what's next." dominion energy. ♪ 7:30. prince george's county murder investigation is underway. while on patrol in largo an officer discovered deceased man in a vehicle. police say he'd been shot un unfolded about 9:30 last night in largo. if you have any information on this investigation, you are asked to contact police. police in prince george's county also trying to solve more than 40 thefts from cars this morning. authorities say over the weekend 27 thefts from cars are reported and then christmas day. anyone with information should give police call. parts of our region in maryland are under a winter weather advisory. the national weather service says that advisory in effect until 11:00 o'clock this morning talking pretty far north here. it says some light snow is like until some areas and road conditions may be a little slippery out there. be careful. snow accumulation cos amount to an inch in northern and central maryland. some parts of northern virginia and dc also under a advisory tucker says not really anything to worry about. most places this morning. let's get right it to fox5 follow up on the grade fixing scandal in prince george's county schools. >> in the last week we've uncovered new information that top school leaders knew that students were graduating without meeting requirements more than a year ago. fox5's lindsay watts broke the story last june and continues to press for answers for the community. >> my children, our children, our teachers have been disgraced by what has happened in our school system. >> reporter: at the most recent school board parents were furious. >> when you go to the polls this november, vote them all out. >> reporter: some calling for the school ceo and board chair to resign. >> prince george's county schools new about mismanagement of student records. >> reporter: this after fox5 uncovered shocking new information. >> i saw that fox news broke a story that there was an internal audit done by prince george's county officials in 2016. >> reporter: we've told you how recent state audit found that prince george's county students are graduating without meeting requirements and mismanagement of student rec records. turns out the school system performed its own audit a year and a half ago that found these same things. yet top management at the school system never mentioned it in the lead up to the state audit. instead they adamantly denied there was any problem. back in june, fox5 showed you teachers and staff who said they were pressured to change students grades to make sure they graduated. happening. so it's widespread. >> reporter: it prompted four school board members to wright to the governor saying there was a systemic effort to fraudulently boost the graduation rate. a signature achievement of school ceo dr. kevin maxwell and part of the reason his contract was renewed for four more years a yearly compensation package of nearly half a million dollars. maxwell called the board members claimed politically motivated to try to get rid of them. >> the false allegations about our graduation rates strike at everything that prince george's county schools stand for. >> the allegations that were made are reckless. >> when those accusations are made, they're not about improving the system. those accusations are made about trying to disrupt and turn over leadership again in prince george's county. >> reporter: but in our most recent interview, we confronted maxwell about the school systems own audit and he admitted he did know graduating without meeting requirements. >> when the board members came forward with these claims that some students were graduating, who shouldn't, you called it all politically motivated. but you knew at the time that there was something to this. so why didn't you just come forward and present the internal audit findings at that point? >> so there's difference between the what and the how. when we do audits, and we do these to improve our practices ton get better and again we do lost audits. >> reporter: the recent state audit found nearly 30% of recent graduates in a sample group either should not have graduated or didn't have the records to show they should have, it did not find there was system wide intimidation or corruption to boost the graduation rate. >> when you're graduating students that don't meet the requirements knowingly, that is a definition of wrongdoing. >> reporter: school board member ed burroughs stands by his original claims of top down corruption. especially as new information keeps coming out. if i refuse to believe these 24 schools all decided to graduate students that did not meet the requirements for graduation at the exact same time in in the exact same way. >> questions and angers from parents isn't gorgia with. >> you knew the entire time when you were getting up here doing your press releases that you were misleading the public and you were lying. >> reporter: lindsay watts, fox5 local news. ♪ still a lot of questions to answer there. now we talk earlier just before we heard from lindsay there about the chance of some snow in some areas. we don't want to scare people out there, tuck, thinking it will be everywhere but it seems like in maryland at least to the north and west we'll get some. >> radar indicated but as far as what i'm hearing from people, just few flurries an little bit of light snow. not enough to touch the ground yet but the potential is there the next hour or two as our front is moving on through there could be a quick dusting or coating or covering of snow in a few spots. certainly cold enough. 32 at reagan national that's really the warm spot locally most of our region in the 20s. look how cold it is north and pittsburgh is nine this morning. minus three in chicago. one in detroit. there is an extraordinary amount of cold air off to our north and west. international falls, minnesota this morning, minus 35 degrees. so we're going to be tapping into that air mass over the next several days. all right. there's your snow and notice the coverage is expanding just a little bit here. this is very very light. but there is a concern that there could be a quick burst of just enough to kind of coat the ground it's cold enough that it will stick to roadways. so please tucker fox5. tweet me and let me know if you're seeing any of the snow or touching the ground or coating the ground in your neighborhood and i will certainly pass that along. but this will be with us for the next couple of hours and then things should improve a little later this morning. we'll be partly sunny, windy and cold this afternoon with falling temperatures and very very cold tonight. i'll have details on the seven day but this seven day one of the coldest stretches in recent memory as temperatures will be high temperatures will be in the 20s for several days to come here. okay. erin's either talking to herself or producer o producer. >> okay much what's going on. >> hi, tammy. we were talking about how much time i had for traffic. right now columbia pike northbound at tech road a crash is blocking one lane very light volume outside the beltway in silver spring. no slow downs. 95 cruising at speed the entire stretch north and southbound. so is bw parkway. quiet on the way to bwi, reagan national and dulles as we move things down right now, we're seeing quiet conditions never a green zone on kenilworth of a south of benning road and looking great. we're at speed, five minutes between maryland state line and the 11th street bridge. eleventh street bridge back to normal earlier vehicle fire third street tunnel did clear. and things are looking really good right now we're at speed a little slow down on pennsylvania avenue but other than that, 695 is great. 295 northbound problem free. look at the 14th street bridge. it's like a ghost town compared to what oy normally see of bumper to bumper traffic every day. you can feel we're in the trend of the holiday week, none of the normal congestion so if you like us are heading to work this morning, at least you can maybe hit snooze a few extra times or justet early. i like that plan, too. right now, if you're headed out shopping, things are looking good on the legion bridge both directions to and from tysons you're quiet maybe you have presents to exchange i like the sound of shopping. tell me what one does on did you off that. would sound really nice to meme as we move things over right now we're also really quite top side of the beltway in college park. any questions erin fox5 dc on twitter. metro is on time. i slept funny on my pillow you ever have that awkward moment you have a stiff neck but you're turning and you feel like a >> my pillow. >> that's what we need. >> i need one of those. every morning. >> i know. thanks erin. time 7:37. coming up -- >> new security changes coming to disney. why your neck stay at the resort might be little different want changes you can expect. it's 7:37 now. ♪ ♪ so disney resorts enforce agnew security policy. one change disney doing away with do not disturb signs on the door of some of the disney hotels. they'll switch out the do not disturb signs for signs that say room occupied a slight change but disney staff will still be able to go inside those rooms with notice even with those signs on the door. another change staff is required to go inside each room at the resort at the disney resorts at least once a day t safety and security of guests. no official reason given a lot of people saying this is based on what happened in las vegas. >> makes sense to me. >> witness mass shooting there and not being able to go in someone's hotel room for days a time. >> tis the season to shop. new figures released jester holiday retail sales rose 4% compared to the same time last year. online figures were even better. shoppers clicking their way to boost online sales by 18% this year. kanye certainly knows how to do christmas. now he got, you know, his wife kim kardashian a lot of christmas gifts including some stocking stuffers. so to speak. emphasis on stock he got creative we which he came a kim. a gift card to netflix and a amazon, adidas socks and apple headphones and mickey mouse toy. thank you very much, i love it. in another box were stock certificates for all of those companies. >> that's how do you it. >> like $100,000 in stock from ample, another 100 grand from dee is that so. walt dizzy and amazon basically half a million dollar worth of stock he gifted to kim. >> gift that keeps on going. >> hopefully in positive direction. giving and growing. >> gift goals. christmas staple gets a hold dave its own. it's national fruit cake day. fruit cakes have a long history as holiday treat the first recipes believed to have come from ancient rome they were even available by mail order in the u.s. during the early 1900's. grab a slice of fruit cake to today. >> um-hmm. >> that you go. if you dare. >> you don't like it? >> they're different types of fruit cake. >> i know the kind that's good that you get in europe. >> yes. >> what we have here -- >> like the pasture arrived version. can i say that word. >> sorry boss. >> 7:42. >> they've been best friends for nearly 60 years now these two guys are tied even closer together. how they just found out who they actually tour each other. >> its an mazing story. >> it really is. >> coming up. ♪ >> this is kind of interesting. >> yes. celestial sight over china capturing a lot of attention. three suns can be seen over northeast china's hill junk province. atmospheric optical illusion shows two smaller suns -- >> you mean it's not real. >> it's an optical illusion can be seen on each side of a bigger one. lasted for 15 minutes as the real sun the two suns gradually disappeared. scientific explanation the phenomenon is linked to an atmospheric a sun dog. >> interesting. >> the old sun dog. >> i saw some of this last summer when we had the eclipse here. >> did you? >> you could see like a reflect of the sun in like kind of near it -- i don't know if it was in the clouds or whatever. >> that's cool. >> it just seemed like it was bizarre. >> sun dog. >> my understanding is sun dogs are most common in higher latitudes. >> that's why. >> okay. >> that reminds me i saw natural phenomenon that i was going to question you about. i'll tweet it to you tucker. >> tweet me your questions. >> i'll tweet you the picture. you can tell me what it is. >> if i don't know the answer i won't respond. >> maybe somebody else can help out. >> okay. let's go to the forecast. [ laughter ] >> snow showers. they're light. but they are certainly on a radar here. look at them. off to the north and west of town here, and you know the concern is with these cold temperatures we night get just enough to coat the ground in a few spots although i have no reports of that at this hour. good news. 32 in washington. the only spot above freezing annapolis, 29, leonardtown is 30. fredericksburg 30. you get north and west and this is where the front is actually coming through and the temperatures are really cold. look at hagerstown this morning 20 degrees. 23 in winchester. all right. there's your storm tracker ra radar. this stuff is very very light. get up 270 towards frederick and urbana and it looks like we have a light snow shower occurring and again i've had reports of a few flakes out here. not amounting to a whole lot. but certainly cold enough that even a light dusting or coating of snow and quick burst could stick to the ground here as temperatures are in the 20s off to our north and west. keep that in mine. not going to be with us all day for the next couple of hours things should gradually improve in fact the weather service just let go of the winter weather advisory off to the north and west. all right. what's happening? frontal system coming through. the real change you'll feel another round of winds and cold temperatures here to stay here. so we'll get the snow showers out of here and then this big area of high pressure builds on in and the winds are out of the north and the north and west, and 30s. temperatures actually falling this afternoon and winds and wind chill make it feel like teens and we're just in for one round after another of cold for the next couple of days. 34 that's optimistic maybe the noon hour we'll get cold ton tonight. 18. daytime high tomorrow 29. could be a brief period of light snow on saturday morning with a clipper and then look at that cold air for the end of the weekend. our new year's eve, new year's day i think some of the coldest we've had in recent years. 29 on sunday. wind chills new year's eve may approach 0 degrees. make sure you bundle up with somebody significant and then monday's daytime high only 26. this is good. you need to really snuggle each other for body warmth. >> i'll wear my cookie monster onsie. have i party of one and my couch with a tub of ice cream with a heat blaring. >> that's fantastic idea. >> is that the one that smells bad? that's the one you have. >> my costume do's not smell b bad. you smelled like trash on halloween because of your oscar costume. deep breath of the moving o lane, left shoulder. this is the first build up in terms of volume we've seen all day give yourself a few extra minutes there. and then as you make your way out we do have a crash causing a slow down this is anacostia freeway northbound before benning road so northbound side is slowing. southbound side still at speed. and then as you make your way out on the beltway, looking good through annandale on the inner and outer loop a crash in annandale. annandale road northbound at gallows blocking all roads you have to detour around that. things on the bell way through tysons look good. crash scene in silver spring. crash blocking one lane caution there. all metro rail lines are on time. we still have police investigation in northeast on brian street. that's your traffic. back to you. ♪ this is a cool story all new this morning best friends can certainly feel like family but for one pair of life long pals in hawaii it turns out they are actually are related. these two best friends alan robinson and walter mcfarland they've been buddies for more >> wow. >> they share a special bond. see they never really knew who their parents were. alan was adopted. walter knew his mom but never knew who his father was. walter started digging into dna matching sites, man he did he get the surprise. ed out he alan had several matches including identical x chromosomes. >> it was a shock. >> yeah, it was shock. yeah. definitely a shock. but then we thought about it, compared forearms and ever everything. >> hairy arms. that did it. [ laughter ] >> that and the dna testing. >> right. >> turns out the pair in fact do share the same birth mother. >> wow. >> the brothers and best friends plan to travel and enjoy retirement together. just as brother ship. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> they kind of do, don't they. >> yeah. it makes sense now. >> exactly. now that you know. >> sometimes you hang around someone long enough you start looking like that person. >> right. >> we shall see. >> do we all morph into one? >> i d >> combination of everything for as many years as we've been hanging out together. >> good morning. >> good morning. one of the big films that came out christmas the movie called the post very local story obviously here with the washington post struggled to publish the pentagon papers back the early '70's during the nixon era, and we can show video of the movie if we can. there's some of the trailer here this stars tom hanks and meryl streep and essentially meryl streep plays the publisher of the post, tom hanks plays the executive he had toward and it's an incredible story directed by steven steel berg i spoke to the cast about the bravery of meryl streep's character at this time being the publisher of the post and having to make this gigantic decision of whether or not to publish these papers what could possibly lead them to court and possibly prison time. so i spoke to the cast about her bravery, but also the idea of printing out the real papers, having them onset in their hand and then if you watch breaking bad, they an actor named bob oden kirk who plays a character in this film a r actually gets the papers to the post to get publish. he -- i joked with him about character he plays in breaking bad. watch this. >> people are concerned. about having a woman in charge of the paper. that she doesn't have the resolve to make the tough ch choices. >> thank you, arthur, for your frankness. >> can you talk about the bravery as spec of her character and what you saw from that arc that she took in this role and the what that means for audience today to see that character on screen and in that environment. >> i think it's tough to imagine what must it murph like in 1971, 46 years ago when what it must have been like to be a woman who was head of an organization like that when women just simply didn't hold those positions for the most part. it's one thing to try to imagine it now when it's still very rare, but 46 years ago, incredibly rare. >> she's a reluctant it's really interesting. >> super hero. >> she is not approaching this through a contemporary lense of feminism. she is part of a culture that -- that you know for the first 200 years of this country we dismissed the talents of half the people. >> dozens of stories in here. the times is barely scratched the surface. ten hours till the deadline. so we dig in. >> did they really printout the papers for you guys onset. >> yeah. we were looking at the pentagon papers in that big scene. >> really. >> ben bradley's house. we were working with the copies of the pentagon papers and we're reading them, because they're really intriguing and they're very reel readable actually. >> yeah. >> i know that it's published. you can just buy it on amazon or wherever. and but they're very readable. they're reports from vietnam or their reports about vietnam. because sometimes it's written -- they're written over many years and they go back into the history even back to the french engagement there. it's just a survey of the evident over there and the question of why are we there? what's happening? where is it leading? >> i might have something. must be precious cargo. >> just government secrets. >> i just for some reason i want to see sal walk into that scene as a lawyer as jesse, character also in breaking bad. what do you think sal's advice would have been about publishing the papers? >> hell, yeah. sal would have been let's go. not for the right reasons. because it will blow us up. we'll be a big -- we're going to be in the press because we're doing this. let's go to jail. come on. we'll be worth a lot of money after that. >> get vince gilly on the phone. >> all for creating a raucous. opposite of what a real lawyer would do. a real corporate lawyer would say >> all right. so just to give a little context if you watch breaking bad, the gentleman on the right side played a crooked lawyer in the show. so the joke being now -- actually interesting about it is in the movie the post, the lawyer who comes into tell them not to publish because they could probably go to prison for it is actually another actor from breaking bad. >> oh. >> jesse, who is now on the show far government it is interesting just to hear what owed den kirk's character, he plays the reporter who actually gets the papers and brings them to the post and they're all digging in looking through the papers themselves and he helps to write the article that eventually has the publishing to the pentagon papers so it's interesting how they did it. >> very cool. >> interesting film. >> all right. thanks kev. >> that's out nationwide when. >> it's now. >> in d.c. now. >> dc now and nationwide 12th of january. >> very cool. hi, tuck. good morning. >> good morning. thank you i'm getting some tweets tucker fox5 of very light show reaching enough to be a dusting in few spots. chris out west of winchester telling me they're getting a little snow on mountain top out there, and then mark in mt. airy here up along the howard county carroll county border getting light snow as well enough to just coat the ground but temperatures certainly cold enough what we get will stick. not concerned here in the city. this is off to the north and west. you can see it out along 81. still light snows towards winchester and additional light snow western howard county, northern montgomery, london county all of this is very very light but it's cold enough that what falls will have a tendency to want to stick here keep that in mind there could be a quick coating and slippery roads off to the north and west. for the rest of us i don't think we'll see more than a passing flurry what we will see lots of cold air rushing in behind this front and it is going to be really really cold around here later tonight. overnight lows back in the teens. your daytime high tomorrow 29 and we keep the cold around right into 2018. >> what? >> time to party. sunday night and monday you my want to party ind okay, erin how are roads. >> i got hilarious meme someone messaged me on facebook. >> i just saw it. >> not the cat one. a dog frowning and it said tell tucker it feels like antarctica. >> cute. i messed up the caption. it was funnier than what i said i'll show it to you. where you going? you're leaving me. northbound 95 at route 1 woodbridge crash blocks the left lane. you can see a little bit of a backup through woodbridge because of that. aside from that taking a look right now at 50 web at loudoun county parkway in chantilly crash blocks the left shoulder you can see that police activity in the distance all metro rail lines on time. keep it to fox5. your 8:00 o'clock hour on this friday eve is coming right up or is it wednesday. i jump the gun. it's wednesday. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. it's really nice when clients come in and have done some of their own research. working with a bassett designer was really easy. just kind of ties in very well. we love it! >> this is fox5 news morning. right off the top 8:00 o'clock, good morning, thanks so much for joining you. >> it is 8:00 o'clock, this wednesday, december 27th 2017. here's what's on the fox5 news morning menu. >> first up 8:00 o'clock, prince george's county police investigate a violent home epp vision it happened overnight. three people assaulted one ended up going to the hospital. we're live from the scene with the latest. >> let's take live look outside bitter blast of cold hitting parts of the country and it could be days before we see relief. we've got team coverage this morning and weather and traffic coming up on the 5's. >> a royal interview you don't want to miss. britain's prince harry sitting down with former president barack obama to pick his mind. all new details coming up 8:00 o'clock. >> for more than half a century but after a new discovery their bond even close sr. now. we'll tell was that their new bond is and much more coming up at 8:00 o'clock. developing overnight, violent home invasion near the university of maryland. college park. three people in an off campus residence assaulted and robbed police looking for the suspects. kristyn leon live in college park with the latest g morning, kristen. >> reporter: good morning, we just learned actually not too long ago that the home that took place in is right here. the second home from the corner here. so that's where that violent home invasion allegedly took place this morning. a little after 1:00 o'clock this morning. now you mentioned earlier headlines three people were inside the home at the time. right now it's still unclear whether or not those three attended university of maryland as this area sits just right outside the campus as a matter of fact. so three people were inside the home at the time. one was sent at the hospital with minor injuries. all three of them were assaulted and again you mentioned right suspect or suspects at this hour. so if you know anything, saw anything or heard anything early this morning, police are asking for your help, call prince george's county police and keep in mind here that any arrests in this case or any information that leads to an arrest could -- you can also receive cash reward as well. so, again, keeping an a close eye on things and let upping if anything else changes and/or develops as well. so for now reporting live in college park this morning, kristyn leon fox5 local news. >> also in prince george's county police investigate a deadly shooting that happened last night in largo. authorities say they found a dead man inside of a car on capitol lane in harry s. truman drive that discovery happened 9:30 last night. police are looking for leads. if you know anything give them call. n d.c., police investigating an overnight shooting that happened around 2:50 this morning just before 3am in the 1800 block of bryant street northeast. police tell u critical condition. so far the shooter still out there. police have not made any arrests. other top story this morning monitoring severe weather hitting parts of the country. chicago facing subzero temperatures the great lakes getting buried in snow and wind chills advisories in effect in the midwest. and right here in the dmv bitter blast of cold is setting in. today's icy temperatures are going to be sticking around. annie yu is live from downtown frederick, maryland, with this severe weather alert. annie? >> reporter: hey g morning, maureen and steve. i guess we should be feeling lucky that we're not in the midwest experiencing those single digit temperatures or even the snow in erie, pennsylvania, so i guess it's good news for us here it's only 25 degrees in frederick, maryland and i don't think we'll move much away from that today. i think the high at least is going to be around the freezing mark 32 degrees. so bundle up for sure. down here in historic frederick we see, you know, folks bundled up a lot of people wearing their typical winter gear, heavy coats and things like but on top of the frigid temperatures, there are winter weather advisories for parts north of d.c. which is why we made our way up here, and that is in effect until 11:00 o'clock. now, some of you may see some snow like a small coating of snow, not of one will see it as mike and tucker have been reiterating, but we will all feel this freezing temperature. i want to show you some video that we shot earlier this morning when we were next to a small army of plow trucks with maryland state highway. we were told that more than a dozen crews were mobilized to respond as this weather sort of changes they're all standing by just like us waiting for this snow to happen. vdot as well says they are ready to treat the potential icy roads. so any light snow that does fall they're really concerned that the roads may turn icy. so they're prepared to treat that with the brine and salt and things like that. so definitely be careful if you're heading out later on when the snow starts to come down. hopefully come down for some of you. i know a lot of you are waiting for it right here i see a few flurries falling down. my constant debate going because i see it. i want to see it, but he says he doesn't see it but there are definitely flurries here in frederick. back to ya'll in the studio. >> i see it, too. >> mystery flakes out there. >> yes. >> may or may not be there. >> that's all you'll see. i'm getting reports light flurries and, you know, enough to coat a car and that kind of thing but it will be very light. >> okay. >> okay. wind will be back along with some sunshine later this afternoon but it's, you know, we're talking real deal here. >> yeah. >> into the teens at night. >> international falls minnesota i know favorite place. very far away but -- >> minus 33 the actual air temperature. that set a record low for a city that's used to very cold temperatures this morning. >> real deal of arctic air off to our north and west. snow showers annie just covered that for us i'll show you on radar what we think we got. reagan national 32 at this hour. dallas 28. in baltimore 25 degrees. all right. the white you see on your maps to the north and we have, that's very lht light snow showers, thank you everybody that's been tweeting me in the last 15 minutes about what you're seeing. i've seen reports of a dusting on a car much that's about it. so this is going to be very light amounts, but with temperatures in the mid 20s what falls sticks. and you know there could be a slippery spot or two off to the north and west. but annie is up in frederick and not seeing a lot. so not terribly concerned that will materialize into many problems. what we all will enjoy indoor depending on your perspective the cold temperatures. 34 this afternoon. winds pick up. temperatures plummet tonight into the teens even in the city. and our daytime highs tomorrow don't get out of the 20's. details coming up. >> all right. there you go. just the messenger. >> um-hmm. >> new jerseying us. >> good morning, erin. >> good morning. not enough blankets in the world it's so hard to get out of bed when the temperatures are like this. right now 8:06 if you're heading up through woodbridge 95 northbound hov lanes look great. main lanes dealing way crash by route 1 in woodbridge. left lane, left shoulder block. about fivein that point. you can city delay right now. it's still in green zone 18 minutes dale city to the beltway not a huge slow down at all because volume is so light. we're dealing with problem unfortunately 295 northbound we have a crash seen near benning road it's just before benning road down to 5 miles per hour. from about the 11th street bridge. from the 11th street bridge to the maryland line, 30 minute trip. atypical delays on the northbound side again that's because of a crash scene traffic getting by but very slowly so factor in that time. southbound side of kenilworth really looks good. crash in annandale, annandale road northbound at gallows road all lanes blocked. detour around. tysons in silver spring columbia pike northbound tech road a crash blocks one lane. 95 looks great. nice conditions and 295. are you eating cookies over there. i can hear the crunch of -- i don't know, foil. please save me one. >> i had cupcake with oreo on top of it it was like the best thing i ever had the other day. because it's the holidays and calories don't count fort entire week from christmas to new ye 270 southbound from 70 to 12114 minute trip looking great. all metro rail lines on time. new year's day our family tradition a pork and sauerkraut for good luck. do you have any new year's traditions for what you eat? >> beans. >> beans? >> supposed to be for good luck. >> pork and sauerkraut for good luck. >> we used to do sauerkraut, t too. >> really? good we'll be pleasant to be after this this new year. >> beans and sauerkraut. welcome to the new year. >> oh, man. [ laughter ] >> with a bank. >> get back to news headlines much police trying to sort out exactly what happened outside of a home in hyattsville, maryland where man was found shot to death inside of a car. this was in the early hours yesterday on sligo parkway the initial calls to police said several suspects were amount a item to go steal a truck. someone signed the home opened fire. police have not row lessed the name of man killed nor have they charge home known with any crime. in the district meantime the search continues for the suspect who stabbed a man near union station. this was just after 2:00 yesterday afternoon. we're told crews rushed that victim to the hospital with several stab wounds. right now there's condition or possible motive. anybody with information is asked to call police. also, developing overnight in prince george's county, police are trying to solve dozens of auto thefts they are guesting about 40 thefts and over the weekend 27 incidents alone were reported. and in another 16 reported on christmas day. police say that a majority these thefts are crimes of opportunity really. either people leaving their cars unlocked or valuables out in plane sight. >> anything of value, don't leave them visible. don't leave them outside so somebody can just walk over to your car, see inside and give them an opportunity to break in your vehicle. keep your cars locked. and at night make sure you park your vehicle under a well-lit area. >> prince george's county police are encouraging individuals who may have seen anything to give them a call. time right now nine minutes past the hour. >> security scare at annoyance for more than 100 passengers on board international flight to tokyo. details ahead. find out what famous celeb was on board that flight. ♪ ♪♪ before we start, i just want to say if anyone still doesn't have fios, please stay out of the way so your lag doesn't get us all killed, ben. what's so good about fios anyway? uh. what's so great about a 100% fiber-optic network that makes your gaming system actually work awesomely? hey. did you take out the trash? haha, garbage boy! dad, i already took out ben. it's not funny. gaming is best on a 100% fiber-optic network. so get fios. now, just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee with a 2-year agreement. 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"what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if" to "what's next." dominion energy. >> welcome back at 8:12 on this wednesday morning taking live look at the white house. looking still festive. decorations up there on the windows. first family not there but that's okay. we'll party for them. while they're gone. whoa! >> right. >> that's impressive. all because of this. >> i'm telling uh-uh think it's cold here. look at this. this is erie pension the city on the shore o slammed with 53-inches of snow. all this happening in just 30 hours. that's more than 4 feet. >> that's incredible isn't smashing local state records. >> it is incredible. even though the snow stopped falling state police are still urging folks to stay off the roads while crews try to clear out all that snow. might take them until may. >> it's erie, they're probably done by now. >> that's true, too. right. get it done. >> industrial strength stuff and they roll through. >> the picture of the guy on the baseball field with this glove act like he's catching a ball but the snow is up here, this high. >> people trying to shovel their steps. >> look i grew up in northern pennsylvania i remember as a kid the snow banks being taller than me. >> yes. >> and there you're looking at four and a half feet of fresh snow. >> meanwhile we get a little dusting, oh! >> that's what we're about to talk about. let's do my first five cuteness factor of the day. >> awe. >> somebody tried to stay up for santa it looks hi sweetheart. >> baby raelin. she'll be three months old in january much she's teeny tiny. >> hi, sweetheart. >> she was nominated by her mom who said she enjoyed her very first christmas. we can see that in this picture. she did steve try to stake awake to see saintism she's got christmases to look forward that. >> she does. >> she has a little cookie in her hand. >> adorable. >> she's taking a little nap. shh. >> raelyn i'm a little older than you and i have the same look. >> same problem. >> trying to stay up until santa gets there. >> still can't do it. >> did mom bake those cookies. they look really good. >> yeah, they do as does that milk at this hour. >> i just noticed raelyn is holding a cookie herself. >> that's what i said. i'm so trance fixed. >> you're working with tucker. you're not paying attention. >> just so cute. >> oh, my goodness. >> we love it. >> thanks mom for sending it in. super cute. happy 32 here in washington. all right, this is my favorite thing to do this time of year. we tore the cold temperature cities. minus three in chicago. i mentioned international falls they're up to minus 32. >> wahoo! >> last hour they were minus 33 that's a knew record low. >> wow! >> for international falls called the ice box of the united states. >> they're our complete op cement we're at 32 plus, they're at 32 minus. >> 64-degree difference. churchill minus 36 home of the polar bears. >> they're loving it. >> those are actual air temperatures. that is one heck of a cold air mass and invading much of the united states and we will unfortunately be enduring that over the neck several days. all right. the snow that you see off to the north and west is a part of that air mass as it pushes into our region it's kicking up this little band of snow. this is just not amount to do whole lot but it's possible there could be light dusting or covering of snow and with temperatures in the 20s off to our north and west, northern montgomery county, loudoun carroll county could get a light dusting there and there could be a few problems spots keep in mind that in the next hour or two there may be some light snow accumulations most of our day will be partly sunny blustery and cold with falling temperatures this afternoon. overnight lows tonight in the teens. look at tomorrow's daytime high 29 and got lots of days in the 20s to look forward to. this is pretty extraordinary air mass. you know if you're polar bear or me enjoy. for everybody else, sorry about that. just hang in there. it will get better. >> it's pushing it. >> wind chills near zero by new newyear's eve. >> lovely a great way to ring in the new year. i'll be wearing a full parka complete with a fur hood. >> so sad i'm going out this saturday night and instead of finding a dress i'm looking for sweaters and boots. >> yeah. >> not worth being that cute in this cold. >> how about acute jumpsuit. >> jumpsuit is a good idea. i like them. >> yeah. >> i'm here for you. >> i appreciate that. right now new york avenue outbound after sixth street there's a disable truck blocking th downs there. this crash 95 northbound woodbridge route 1 crash blocks the left lane. no major delays because of volume so light just a little tap of the brakes past that scene. still under 20's minutes as you make your way up from dale city to the beltway because of this crash 21 minutes red zone 295 northbound by benning road there's a crash. so little bit of a rubberneck delay southbound but northbound side again is where we're dealing with the majority of congestion. also, in chinatown seventh and h street you may encounter some delays some police activity there we're working on more informed metro is on time. >> let's get back to news right now. the time is 8:17. an officer in utah being called a hero. after rescuing a boy who fell into an icy pond. the eight-year-old was chasing a dog when he fell through the ice. another boy called for help and the officer responded managed to punch right through the ice to get to that boy who was 25 feet offshore. medical helicopter flu that boy to the hospital. authorities say the boy was in 37-degree water for about 30 minutes before he was rescued developing overnight, a tokyo bound flight that took off from lax had to return to the airport four hours into the flight because of passenger mix up. unthored person was on the wrong flight. so four hours into an 11 hour flight the plane turned around and that passenger deboarded. the airline released an apology tots passengers fort inconvenience. they're currently investigating to see exactly how that person got on the wrong flight to begin with. meanwhile model chrissy teigen and her husband singer john legend were oh thon flight and teigen has been tweeting about the incidents. here's one of her funny tweets. i won't be able to sleep until i know how this person figured how out they were on the wrong flight. that's all i ask 150 people have been majorly inconvenienced. please, just tell me. zimmer down chrissy. zimmer down. so it look like fruit cakes may never really have a good status. washington state patrol trooper noticed an odd gift sitting in seattle lobby on tuesday. a pack casm beneath a decorative christmas tree. passengers were evacuated and seattle bomb squad was called in to investigate. turns out the mysterious gift was actually just fruit cake. while the incident, you know, was scared a lot of people it turned no explosives were used jut someone a ban and donning an unappreciated dessert. that will teach ya. >> not good. new this morning construction on the greek orthodox church that was destroyed in the september11th attacks has been halted now. the construction company working on the saint nicholas national shrine project had to stop things abrupty over rising costs and other issues. the shrine will row place a tiny church destroyed when the trade centers south tower fell. the library of congress here in washington announced it will longer archive every public tweet. since 2010 the library of congress has archived every single public tweet, yours, mine, the ted's you can imagine it's a lot of tweets new jersey 2013 alone the library collected 170 billion tweets. that was four years ago. starring on january 1st it will be a lot library of congress also says they will focus on preventing the see nor muss collection of tweets they already have. wow. time right now is 8:19. new developments in the virginia house race. that could decide party control. this is all over the seat for the 94th district down in newport news. the race ended in a controversial tie. election officials had planned to break the tie by drawing names from a bowl. that was supposed to happen today. now they're postponing that tie breaker because democratic candidate shelly simmons plans to challenge the vote count in court. >> time right now 8:20. still to come this morning a royal interview prince harry sits down with former president barack obama. find out how the former president felt the day he left the white house. details are ahead. ♪ ♪♪ z2momz zi0z y2momy yi0y ♪ toyland, toyland ♪ ♪ little girl and boy land ♪ ♪ while you dwell within it ♪ t's christmas! ♪ childhood's joy land ♪ never let go of your dreams. the mercedes-benz winter event is back. lease the e300 sedan for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> all new 8:00 o'clock two high profile figures bringing their star power together. president obama sitting down with prince harry. >> he interviewed president obama from serious issues to more like hearted fair. wisdom martin joyce us in the studio to discuss the details of this interview. >> all right. this is the one that has a lot of people talking this morning. it was recorded in canada back in september but aired this morning on the bbc radio for news program. prince harry stepped in as a guest editor of the that show. so if you're wonder wagon the two discussed here it is. among other things, how leaving the white house. president obama said he felt serene. also calling it hugely libe liberating. mr. obama says he likes setting his own schedule and having time to talk with michelle but also says he misses the work calling health care reform one of his proudest achievements. former president says he's obsessed with training the next generation of leaders and believes the world in many ways is healthier and wealthier than it's ever been. harry also prepared lightning round of questions for obama with some interesting responses. >> very very quickly. you ready? >> yes. >> it's a quick question round. >> go ahead. >> white house down or olympus has fallen. >> didn't see either. >> make choice. i didn't see either of them. how can i make a choice? >> i'll take your word for it. >> what did you miss the most, cinema or bowling alley. >> cinema. we call eight movie theater b >> boxers or briefs. >> sorry we don't answer those questions. >> president obama did not mention president trump but people in government should be careful using social media. one question on a lot of people's minds will the obamas be invited to prince harry's wedding to actress meghan markle. harry didn't give any hints the. the guest his hadn't and drawn up just yet. >> there's still a chance. >> the interview at the end the lightning round, you know, however prince harry phrased it, you could tell they're friends. >> oh yeah. >> they're just rivetting each other. >> we're not going to go there or talk about that. >> the question about the boxers or briefs. >> we don't answer that. good kind of like you and kevin talking about movies. >> which we will be doing on good day today. we'll have our movie match up for star wars between. >> more? >> yes. >> more? >> another l for kevin. >> lucky us. we shall see. >> thanks, wis. >> thanks wisdom. all right. 8:25. checking in with tucker barnes. check of our forecast. evil this review? >> it's like the force versus the light. >> okay. >> the dark side of the force versus the light side of the force. >> i cannot wait to watch this. >> guess which one i am? >> don't answer. nope it doesn't matter i know whose side i'm taking. >> 32 in washington. winds out of north and east at seven. look at your feels like temperature 26. we had this light snow off to the north and west. it's really only am to do few flurries looks more impressive a lot of this not touch the ground it air very very dry. there could be a light dusting or covering thank you those of you tucker fox5 who have been tweeting me. feel free to tweet me a picture or what you're getting out here i'll certainly report it. that will be with us for a couple more hours this is a front an arctic front coming through and behind it it is the real deal of cold overnight lows tonight in the city 18 with wind chills in will be in the single digits and look at your daytime high tomorrow. just 29 degrees. arctic air on top of us right through the new years weekend, and into next week. daytime highs by next -- by 2018, 26 degrees next mondaynd tuesday. can you believe it? okay. more weather momentarily. erin? >> breaking news out of chinatown this morning. let's go ahead -- >> i don't think your mike is on. >> i just changed the battery. hold on second. >> my mike -- is it on now. >> yay! >> okay. we do have breaking news out of the chinatown traffic advisory police investigation eastbound 600 block of h street northwest. lanes are block again police out on that location. busy area for pedestrians and traffic. so please use caution there. we'll keep up it date odd and that breaking news scene. we also have crash blocking the shoulder 95 northbound at route 1. crash blocking the left lane. minor delays under 20 minutes even way crash between dale city and the beltway as you make your way out disabled truck northbound of a outbound aft sixth street in northwest. 295 nasty yesterday delay of the morning crash by benning road. down to 10 miles an hour from 11th street to the maryland line. 15 minute trip there. all metro rail lines on time. we got you covered on this holiday week commute. we'll be right back. ♪ my wish was a clubhouse, but we call it "the wish house." people visit national parks from all over the world. food tastes better when you don't have to cook it. he was just supposed to be my dog. i don't know why. (vo) we're proud that, on behalf of our owners, the subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars in just ten years. get 0% financing for 63 months on select models. plus we'll donate $250 to charity. ♪ ♪ [ splash ] [ horn sounds ] dang! ok, i gotta run. hey, wait, there's something i need to tell you- dang. dang! dang! dang. dang. see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. ♪ ♪ it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ . >> it looks kind of dreary. >> not very inviting much it's winter. things will look up. i promise. let's caught you caught up with the news. 8:30 right now. police investigate a home invasion near the university of maryland college park. three people inside an off 36th avenue. that nightmare began around 1:20 this morning. university police saying all three people were assaulted one had to be taken to the hospital with minor injuries. suspects are believed to have left the area but officers are still on the scene investigating. they say they'll maintain a presence in that neighborhood. also in prince george's county, where police are searching for clues in a murder. a man found dead inside a car in largo last night about 9:30 on capitol lane and cop tal court. police say that victim was shot to death. so far no arrests. parts of our region in maryland are under a winter weather advisory. the advisory is in effect until 11am. light snow is likely in some areas with slippery road conditions possible. snow accumulations could amount to maybe about an inch. northern and central maryland parts of northern virginia and d.c. all under that winter advisory today. tucker bringing us breaking news maureen. weather advisory just canceled. >> canceled. okay. never mind mother and son will be laid to rest. that was on annuation cautious headed to the pagan's ruins at the time of that unfortunate bus accident. all new 8:00 o'clock this morning the trump administration facing new litigation in the wake of a former air force member killing dozens of people at a texas church last month. federal lawsuit filed by several cities alleges the defense department failed to stop disqualified service members from buying guns grief jenn skins kins has the story all new at 8:00. >> reporter: the defense department under fire three cities new york, philadelphia and san francisco filing a federal lawsuit accusing the military of failing to report significant numbers of service members disqualified from gun ownership to the fbi's national background check system. new york city mayor bill deblasio saying, this failure on behalf of the department of defense has led to the loss of innocent lives by putting guns in the hands of criminals and those who wish to cause immeasurable harm harm lawsuit follows a november shooting in a church in texas where former unfortunate s male military service member shot and killed 26 parishioners and injured 20 others. the gunman had purchased two firearms despite being convicted of domestic violence by military court. >> this is exactly the kind of individual who should have never passed a background check. >> reporter: the lawsuit coming amidst a push on capitol hill to make it a law for the military to report misdemeanor force of domestic violence to the national instant criminal background check system good we're looking at specifically something that had it been followed this person would not have been able to obtain fir firearm. update on d.c. teacher who said she was booted off united airlines flight to make room for a member of congress. representative sheila jackson lee says the teacher is racist. that teacher said on facebook that united canceled her ticket so that jackson lee could take her first class seat. jackson lee later tweeted she's all right. 8:33. we'll get to weather just little bit early because weather -- tucker is talking about weather advisory that's been canceled. good news there, right, tuck? >> ♪ >> you know, the concern was we were going to get enough to kind of accumulate on the ground and so far that has not materialized. but certainly the possibility still there. there could be light dusting i'll show you the radar in just a second. 32 degrees now at reagan national. honestly that's not representative of most of our region as most of our area locally here in the 20s. then i want to show you the real cold stuff just off to our north and west. pittsburgh seven this morning. one in columbus. look at detroit zero these are actual air temperatures. minus three in chicago. frontal system right here dropping down through our region and our winds will pick up out of the north and west and once again we are looking at another afternoon of very blustery conditions and cold conditions with no real let up here for the neck several days in the cold. that's your snow. this looks a little impressive than i think it really is if you're off to the north and west. you might be encounter a few flurries or little quick moving batch of light snow. bic burst of light snow. haven't had any reports. i'm starting to get tweets from some of our viewers of much of this touching the ground with the exception of out towards martinsburg where we're getting enough of some on the cars in martinsburg and winchester. it will become a partly sunny and windy afternoon and daytime highs will unfortunately only be in the low 30s and then very cold tonight. so again the snow sould be out of here another hour or two we'll see partial sunshine and cold temperatures and tonight overnight lows back in the teens and then we are just going to be in for really cold stretch here. tomorrow's daytime highs don't out of the 20s. i'll show you the seven day. another chance of snow on saturday, light snow on saturday, and some very cold temperatures we got to get through by new year's eve, new year's day. >> okay. >> i can handle voice today. >> i saw that. >> oatlike. >> was that your sleeper voice or was that on purpose. >> i don't know what happened. just deepened on me. >> maureen is like what's happening? >> what's going on? >> okay. right now, they turned the camera so i want to give you this map. we do have police activity in chinatown. street closure update. 600 block of h street northwest is blocked right now in both directions. you can use fifth street, ninth street, f street or i street northwet as alternate routes. busy area just please use caution down there and watch for congested side streets. we'll keep updated thon police activity. let's see. boom, there we go. we got this. okay. earlier crash still out there by benning road on 295 anacostia freeway northbound. close to half hour just to get from the 11th street bridge up to the maryland line. a lot of congestion to benning road. so allow for extra time if that's your route. may want to choose an alternate disable truck new york avenue outbound aft sixth street northwest. that's blocking the left lane right lane much different day than what we normally see. fourteenth street bridge is wide open. delay free by the pentagon on 395. things on 270, 66 and 95 looks good earlier crash 95 northbound by woodbridge cleared and metro is on time. all right. maureen and steve, back to you. >> pretty good stuff. it is now 8:00 then. still to come this morning,. >> amazon was very busy this holiday season. a look at what their top holiday gifts were. any guesses? any guesses? >> oh, boy. 8:39 is the time. what is this song? >> the -- hello. >> how can i call myself adore ran doran fan and not recognize. >> wisdom would have known it much that's all i'm saying. he would have picked up on it right away. >> he would have put me to shame. let me pass on over to you st steve. >> 8:40. amazon unveiling top selling gifts this holiday season. the echo dot was the top selling device that is the more affordable alexa type device. also the top selling product from any manufacturer across all categories amazon said millions of the devices were sold. now some other big hits amazon fire tv streaming sticks, the movie elf and mike michael buble''s christmas album. >> tesla is unveiling plans for pickup truck. elan musk pledged to work on pickup truck in fans may have to stay patient just a bit longer for that. >> when i was overseas i saw they were selling a full sized mercedes pickup truck. very fancy. >> disney resorts enforcing new security policy one change disney doing away with the do not disturb sign that is hang on the doors of your hotel rooms. they're going to switch them out for sign that is say room occupied. now disney staff can still go inside even with though signs on the door of course with notice. another change staff is required to go inside each hotel room at least once day on the resort to make sure the security and safety of guests is maintained. >> all for it. up next kevin mccarthy has entertainment news. >> hello. >> mark hamil apologizing to director of the star wars movie the last jedi plus lynn miranda pays trick to his grandmother who passed it way on christmas day, justin diamond is playing harvey weinstein in new movie video. all that coming up next right here on fox5 news morning. stay tune. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the lowest prices of the season on the queen c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides. now only $1199, save $400. plus, 24 month financing available. ends monday. visit for a store near you. historic tree on the white house grounds is going to be coming down. white house says it will remove part of the famous magnolia tree planned on the south grounds. long long time ago. that tree was planned not in 1935, but in 1835. wow! >> so long time ago. by president andrew jackson. it stood another 200 years but it's in little disrepair white house says the tree is weak i believe that's the tree on the back of the 20-dollar bill. >> that's what we heard this morning. >> take it out. look at it that's the tree on the back and end joe the memory preserved our your money because the tree is coming down. >> sad to see that happening. >> they'll do it while the first family is vacationing down in in order. >> good place to be. they've got much nicer temperatures than we do around here. that's for sure. >> flag picked up on top of the white house, tuck. getting windy out there. >> winds are picking up and another round of cold in fact some of our coldest air yet. we've had couple cold days on the way later this afternoon and tonight. through no in washington. look at all your 20s it's already plenty cold for most of the area but i mean look at hagerstown this morning 20 degrees. 23 in winchester. leonardtown 32 its 30 degrees. 28 annapolis. everybody off to very cold st start. om area locally above freezing quantico at 33. hey, want to show you where our source region is for this arctic cold and look at these temperatures. these are actual air temperatures international falls minus 32. they set a knew record of minus 33 minus 36 up in churchill. minus 15 fargo. minneapolis minus eight. chicago minus three all of that cold air continues to get pushed down into the eastern half of the us and we're going to be enduring here several days of temperatures well below normal. snow has been generally light. thank you everybody that's been tweeting me tucker fox5. let me know what you're seeing. i haven't seen any reports of any travel dulty's but a few cases enough to create a light dusting or at least a few flurries out there. and again this is our front pushing through the region. arctic boundary and shortly this should be out of here we'll see the winds pick up and behind it high pressure builds in and well be in for partly sunny afternoon it will be a dry afternoon. not concerned with any snow this afternoon. but we are concerned weather community about the cold because temperatures will be in the low 30s and wind chills in the teens. then very very cold tonight. overnight lows by tomorrow morning in the teens. that's at reagan national. we can see some low teens if you're off to the north and cold tomorrow, 29. no real warm up here for the neck several days. you know if you have outdoor pipes that kind of thing you'll have to start worrying about them as we get into the weekend. particularly sunday, monday, new year's eve is going to be really cold with wind chills i'm afraid new year's eve that could approach 0 degrees by early new year's day. keep in mind here, as cold as it's been more cold on the way as we get into the weekend maybe light snow with clipper on saturday. we'll watch that carefully. let's see. i guess erin is done. i'll toss it back to you guys at the desk. >> thank you tuck. this is no fairy tale love letter returned after 73 years. police in massachusetts helped a homeowner track down the rightful owners of a love letter that was discovered during a recent remodeling project. the love note which expressed true feelings about a miss betty was dated back to 1944. officers were able to find her sister who says she died years ago and didn't end up marrying the man who wrote that letter but she did live a full and happy >> how about this story this morning. best friends really can feel like family. you know it if you have a best buddy or best girl friend. for one pair of life long pals in hawaii though turns out they're more than friends. they're actually related. they're brothers. alan robinson and walter mcfarlane have been best friends for 60 years but they never knew the special bond that really shared. alan was adopted. walter never knew who his father was. recently walter started digging into d new jersey a matching sites and got quite the surprise. turn out he and alan had several matches they dug a little bit more. they found some identical x chromosomes and they compared body parts, too. >> it was a shock. it was a shock. definitely shock then we thought about it, compared forearms and everything. >> hairy arms n did it. [ laughter ] >> it was the body parts the hairy forearms. that's what they said. that plus the d new jersey a. turn out the pair share the same birth mother and now the brothers and best friends say they'll just travel and joy their retirement together. >> as they shall. >> that's nice. that's >> kevin and i are going to do. we'll retire -- >> compare forearms first. >> travel together. >> i'm going to try to get on some of his junkets sometimes. >> come with me any time you want. >> can you take people with you? >> you say that. >> you could fly out with me. >> i see. >> you're in la sometimes. you have friends in la. >> we'll be friends. >> you can totally join me th there. first up this morning apology from jedi master we're talking about luke skywalker himself mark hamil who took to twitter to say sorry to the movie's director. now, we've talked about the mixed reviews on the eighth chapter of the franchise so far. mr. wisdom and i are goiing to n debate on good day d.c. if you want to tune in for that. hamil has been one of the critics as well. mark hamil who plays luke skywalker in several interviews he expressed frustration with the direction ryan johnson took the chapter. he has played four -- took the character he's played for 40 years. now, in his tweet he said "regrets voicing my doubts and insecurities in public creative of any project but usually rei pain private. all i wanted to do was make a good movie and i got more than that. ryan johnson made an all-time great one. he also hash tagged humble ha hamil. the interesting thing about this, the character specifically episode eight has been very polarizing i particularly didn't like the direction it was taken. i know wisdom didn't either a lot of fans are upset about it. i will say though people are reading kind of into specific quotes he's given in interviews. it does happen a lot in movie making where there's a creative difference in regards to -- >> why the mia cull pa now. what's that, did someone, does he feel like maybe his career is being somehow threatened. i don't know. why is he saying all this stuff now. >> basically there was meme that was brought up where it took little sections of his tweets -- his interview quotes out of context, and it's kind of start rumbling win the star wars universe. >> okay. >> and i think that he felt bad that it was getting back to ryan johnson. >> okay. >> ryan johnson may have felt mark hamil was kind of saying -- >> listen, we had creative differences. we got through it and it work out. i thought it was kind of cool he apologized to him. >> yeah. >> he's a grown up. >> excuse me. next up lin-manuel miranda sad news for the hamilton star. his grandmother passed away on christmas morning. he also said his heart was in peaces the tweet include add zero receives black and white pictures of his grandmother including two of her holding miranda's three-year-old son and miranda has been open about his grandmother's role in his life. she inspired one of the the characters in his first musical the tony award winning in the heights. correct me if i'm wrong i believe that's the play that michelle obama may have seen? >> i think it was. >> yeah. >> that led them to the idea of hamilton and how that kind of blue up. i know that michelle obama barack obama had seen initial play of miranda's i'm not sure it was ham hamilton off broadway or in the heights. somehow that was conne the success of hamilton blowing up and him being at the white house. and him doing this hamilton wrap there. >> condolences to him. losing a loved one on christmas. >> harvey weinstein scandal already getting the movie treatment i guess kind of. this is pretty sickening i watch the video this morning not a pleasant video. saved by the bell star dustin diamond played the disgraced music mogul. does it not have a hollywood ending. a woman playing one of weinstein's victims lures him into a hotel room and kills him he seem he premier the video which is kill all the thing. the band told the gossip site reached out to the former screech star about playing weinstein he agreed then filmed his scenes in milwaukee. the video is very disturbing specifically towards the ending we're only showing i was peace of it here. but, yeah, it gets very -- it gets disturbing after while. you can cut it off here. yeah. bedroom and there's violence and drugs and there's, you know, lots of disturbing things in there. so i think it's an interesting thing obviously the thing we discussed earlier was the idea of just getting attention. >> get something work, too. >> we had them in studio rec recently. >> i remember that. >> not doing a ton right now. we'll see what this leads to. >> thanks, kev. >> thanks, guys. >> 8:53. take short break. back with more and final check of your forecast after this. ♪ ó; ♪ toyland, toyland ♪ ♪ little girl and boy land ♪ ♪ while you dwell within it ♪ ♪ you are ever happy there ♪ daddy, it's christmas! ♪ childhood's joy land ♪ never let go of your dreams. the mercedes-benz winter event is back. lease the e300 sedan for $569 a month mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. well, it looks like the rich are in fact get thing richer. america's top 10% saw a 40% increase in next network between 2013 and 2016. in the last year luxury spending has grown 5% globally this is through 2016 much this is before even the stock market run of this year. luxury spending growing 5% globally according to bane and company. u.s. housing market reaching all time highs. thing looking white on wall street. s&p 500 up 25%. the dow up 25%. all new at 8:00 more and more pregnant women are smoking marijuana. >> new study in california found the expectant moms are using the drug to help with morning sickness. also anxiety, the spike not surprisingly involves younger moms. 4% in 2009 to 7% in 2016. not much research on the effects of marijuana on fee us in most doctors encourage their patients to diss couldn't marijuana use while they're pregnant. >> all right. let's say hello to our facebook fan of the day. we have three fans today. all courtesy of daphne. look at this great family picture. caylee, mikey and ashland in the middle. ashland i'm the happy with what i have. >> i got mine. i'm keeps it. this is a snapshot of what life is like every day in their ho house. but despite any differences they all have they always watch fox5 news morning while mom makes breakfast. >> i love it. >> mikey, i want it. >> give me that. >> that's great picture. i love that. >> still to come on good day. we have a great show planned for you. winner of project runway modeling contest from the baltimore area she'll join us here in the loft. part of her win includes an upcoming spread of marie claire magazine stopping by. she'll tell us what make up trends to leave behind leave behind this year. those squiggly brows don't ever do them again. >> i just started doing that them. >> with new year's around the corner attention turns to resolution. we'll tell you how you can set yourself up for success. >> germans are feeling guilty about the size of their plates at christmas dinner. they're trying to make amends dozens laced up their shoe strings for the annual food coma run. over 200 runners attempted to part ways were it the extra weight in the 19th annual roast goose digestion run in berlin. these names, right. the race comes with a bit of a twist. twist. runners are given chance to get back some of the calories they burned off as there's a wine and pastry station set up right in the middle of that run. >> i can get down with that. >> best idea ever. >> that is cool. >> have i feeling those people have been celebrating. >> for while, right >> since mid august. >> we do have police activity down in chinatown eighth street. watch out for delays there. 600 block actually of eighth street. we'll keep you posted on that one. desk is looking into that cause of that police activity. tuck? >> quickly go to radar. we got light snow north and west. you my encounter a few flurries or quick burst of snow. let me know what you're seeing. most of this will not touch the ground. what will touch ground, cold air is here to stay. i'll scholl you the seven day in just a minute. >> many more coming up on good day. don't go anywhere. that's up right after the break. >> we'll see you then. >> i'm joining the party. >> it will be fun. ♪ ♪ straight ahead, a violent home invasion in prince george's county. throw people assaulted. near the university of maryland college park. and this morning, the search is on for suspects. frigid temperatures and possible snow for parts north of d.c. how people are handling the arctic blast. i'm annie yu and i'll have that coming up. and new year, new you. the countdown is on to 2018. we're talking resolutions this morning with in tips to make the new year your best one yet. plus, beauty blunders. celebrity make up artist kym lee is live in the loft with all the popular looks that should be left behind in 2017. good day at 9a starts right now. ♪

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 20171227 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 20171227

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yesterday, day before, and we'll keep it going through the weekend. we do have snow north and west we'll look at that on radar in a as he can >> congestion look at this crash scene, there's a vehicle fire impacting the traffic on 695 westbound of the 3rd street tunnel. we'll have the latest on that and the rest of your commute in metro. right off the top. a blast of old care will get you -- greet you today for sure, bundle up before heading your way. depending on where you live, you could see if a few flurries of snow, annie yu live in urbana with the details, good morning. >> reporter: good morning maureen, steve, i know some of you have been waiting to see snow this season, so far out here in frederick county, nothing but the casual flurry or two, we have been watching and we'll go if different, you know, intervals of leak flurries and it goes away and comes back, behind me is just a, three plows ready to go standing by from mala they've been out here since 1:00 this morning, basically doing what we're all doing watching the sky waiting pour something they see steady, that is when - they will go on to the major roadways and start treating the road with brine, which is basically is not a and water, but they need something to come in fact with it. until we mistake on the pavement. they won't be moving. vdot said they began treating roads in areas last night. they laid down salt and sand in certain parts. we're talking north of dc and loudoun county, so montgomery county, frederick. you mentioned the cold air. it is cold up here. it's i think about 25 degrees, we have drops, because when we first came up here around 4:00 this morning, it was 32 and now we're down to 25, so definitely bundle up, we're not seeing many people out here, in fact, i think my photographer and i and the plow trucks are the only ones out here, so that's good, people staying inside, a lot of you tweeting you'll be working from as well. so we'll continue to watch what happens, but right now, looks like crews on both areas, maryland and virginia are ready to go, just in case, back to you on the studio >> stay warm. 7:02. new developments in the virginia house race, could decide party control. you'll remember this is over the seat for the 9th district at newport news virginia, the race ended in a controversial tie between republican delegate david yancy and shelly simons, officials had planned to break by drawing names from a bowl, now they're postponing that tie breaker because of the announcement that simons will challenge the race's vote counts in court. she claims it failed to follow election law by allowing a ballot to be counted after a recount. if simons is the winner it would split party control 50-50. in prince george's county, over the weekend, 27 thefts from cars were reported and another 16 on monday. christmas day. the majority crimes of opportunity with people either leaving their doors unlocked or valuables out in plain view. >> anything of value don't leave them visible, don't leave them outside so somebody can walk over to your car, see inside and give them the opportunity to brake into your vehicle. keep your cars locked, and at night, make sure you park your vehicle under a well-lit area. >> prince george's county police are encouraging individuals who may have seen anything to give them a call. happening today, a mother and son from lorton virginia will be laid to rest in falls church. they were among four americans killed in a bus crash in mexico. services will be held at temple. the family was on i wasn't excursion to the myian ruins at the time of that accident. a maryland man arrested at bwi airport for trying to bring a loaded gun through a security checkpoint. maryland transport authority police confiscated the gun. and arrested the man on weapons charges, it's the 25th gun tsa that airport. which sets the record for most guns confiscated at bwi in a single year. it's coming up on 7:05. 7:05 right now. sliding into the shot right here, tucker barnes, good morning to you. >> word of snow inc how people get around here >> it's mostly about the cold, we have a little bit of light snow north and west. on a scale of one to ten, this will be a one or two. this is not >> not a big event, >> not a big event. >> but we've all learned important lesson a little bit will go a long way around here. let's get to it. light a.m. snow showers, frontal system coming through, a cold front, like we need more cold air, squeezing out just enough snow shower activity to the north and west. reagan national 32, everybody is at or below freezing, dulles 29 and in baltimore at bwi marshall 26, i just went past it. we'll see if we can there and i can show you that map. we're looking at light snow off to the north and west. and generally stretching from 81 out towards front royal and winchester through frederick and then just north of west of baltimore. i have had a few reports of light snow were enough to reach the ground. i don't have reports of it covering the ground but it's a possibility as the front continues to move through that we could get a light coating in a few spots and have a few is slippery roadways or sidewalks off to the north and west. keep that in mind, north in loudoun county and montgomery county where we have a winter weather advisory in effect. otherwise, sunshine this afternoon, windy and very cold. your daytime highs in the low 30's, overnight lows in the teens and we're off and run, daytime highs in the 20's and much of the weekend in the 20's, and >> ok. erin como, owning the roads with luck >> luckily congestion lighter, theories a car fire in the third street tunnel, down to five miles per hour as you try to merge from 695. westbound at 3rd and the eastbound side. one northbound lane is open and diverted. you can see there's a big scene there, please use caution, traffic getting by slowly as we move things over richmond highway you can kind of see it's a little better now that it's getting brighter. this is downed wires from an earlier crash, blocking the right lane, use caution. 270 looks great. we're seeing such light volume the entire stretch. a green zone right now, then aside from that, 395 northbound. no problems on 95. it's light volume through dale city and south at that point in stafford 66 at speed, all majors pretty quiet. taking a wide view of the dmv. northern maryland traffic, so light, we're not seeing congestion. watch for the slick spots, guys. 7:08. a murder mystery in prince george's county. an officer's on patrol in largo found a man did he do inside a car, he had been shot to death. unfolded near capitol lane in capitol court around 9:30. you're asked to call police if you have information on this investigation. developing that he is morning, the search on for suspects involved in a home invasion in prince george's county. three people inside an off campus resident near the university of maryland college park were robbed. that's where krysten leon has been with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, now that it's light out or at least little lighter, we're getting a better idea where this home invasion took place on this block, 8900 block of 36th avenue, so not too far away from university of maryland. so this is what we're told so far. we're told that three people mentioned during the time it happened at around little after 1:00 this morning. those three people, unclear if they are university of maryland students, we're told all three were assaulted. if you know anything, saw anything or heard anything this morning, police need your help, you are asked to call prince george's county police in this case and we will continue to keep a close eye and monitor developments here right here and online reporting live in college park maryland, krysten leon fox 5 local news. 7:09 and an update on the dc teacher who said she was booted off united airlines flight to make room for a member of congress. representative sheila jackson lee is insisting she is the victim she said the teacher is racist. the teacher wrote about the incident on facebook. she said united cancelled her ticket so that jackson lee could take her first class seat. jackson lee said she's the challenge to stop president trump's election integrity. came down after a nonprofit privacy group attempted to collect data. they determined the privacy center is not a voter. more than a dozen states including maryland and virginia have rejected the group's request over security and legal concerns. the trump administration once again turning up the heat on north korea, new sanctions that block two senior north korean officials from making transactions with american banks, businesses or individuals. these sanctions comes days after the u.n. approved other sanctions against north korea. this past weekend, north korea called it an act of war. the associated press named its worm athlete of the year, can you guess? none other than maryland native bethesda native olympic swimmer katie la deck key >> she earned five gold metals one her swimming out standard zero arena williams, williams captured her 23rd grand slam title. she left the tour to have her first child which is an honor herself, but this year, goes to katie la deck? >> we were just talking about her, my daughter goes to the school she went to and has, you know, ideas of being an olympic swimmer too. >> she's such a sweetheart. katie, just a so humble. i love that about somebody being humble and approachable >> kind of wish the olympics were every year. women on the rides new trend shows one particular generation of women break, the glass ceiling in start-up businesses, we'll explain. we'll be right back. > we'll be right back. . 7:14 is the time it's 32 looking outside. what's a little hazy? muggy >> it's a gray winter diploma >> three more months. >> yeah, us. it won't be that bad. >> january, february, a little >> you get the big arctic areas of high pressure >> i feel like in december you can deal with it because it's the holidays and funds >> new year's then >> then >> we've got, a lot of holidays to look forward to, 4th of july. >> what are you talking about? we got washington's birthday >> lincoln's birthday, east, st. patrick's day >> there's a lot happening those early months. >> nfl playoff football >> 32 now in washington. ok. so yes, it's been cold around here, steve, but you know it's my favorite team of day when we get to go looking for >> it's called north >> minus three in chicago. >> i know. >> look at international falls, that's the coldest spot in the united states minus 35. these are actual air temperatures, that gives i was sense of how incredibly cold it is to our north and west >> tucker and i will take a trip to churchill. that's where they do the polar bear tours, 36 below zero right now. he wants to stop at big trout lake on the way >> what are you going to do there >> fishing >> ice fishing. >> well then, enjoy >> meanwhile snow breaking out to the north and west. dc is there kind of in the bottom part of your screen and just to our frederick along 81. top of 270 there, we're getting a light band of snow that's developed with our arctic front moving through and could be enough to coat the ground, we got a winter weather advisory for couple more hours, please, tweet me, tucker fox 5 if you're getting snow, one or two reports getting snow, annie hasn't seen much in urbana, it could be enough to coat the ground, quick look at the seven-day, sunshine this afternoon, turn windy and very cold, very cold tonight look at that overnight low in the city, 18, we could do single digits, 29 your daytime high tomorrow and the cold goes on and on through the seven-day but there will be periods of sunshine. it will be pleasant >> sunshine, mentally makings it feel warmer. that helps. good morning, erin >> i want to. >> they're fire 695 at the third street tunnel, eastbound 395 did reopen, so it's just that westbound 695 at the third street tunnel impacted right now. five miles per hour leading towards the spot please give yourself time. moving the car, is fire is under control so things should be getting back to normal. you can see this scene, right lane, right shoulder, route one richmond highway southbound at huntingdon, downed wires from an earlier crash impacting traffic. light volume. keep in mind because of that scene, metrobus letting us know that the down wires richmond highway put busses may experience delays we'll keep you updated on that one. we still have an active police investigation from an early shooting, brian street between 18th and 20th northeast lanes are open but some are blocked by police. caution rest of your secondaries in the district pleasant right now. steve and marathon. scary moments for christmas travelers in boston when ice and snow called a jetbl skip off the roadway. about three inches of snow at logan international, fortunately nobody got hurt. take offs had to be delivered about an hour. crissy teigen wrote about the whole ordeal. teigen and her husband, john legend were on an airways flight did he sayin ford tokyo went a total of nowhere after eight hours, returning to la instead, to teigen tweeting we're turning around because we have a passenger isn't supposed to be on this plane, why do we all got to go back? i do not know. it's a trend we're seeing more and more in business, women rising to top positions, it's not just any group of women but millennials breaking through the glass ceiling and creating their own start-up >> let's get more from our fox's tracy corasco. world of businesses and start-ups can be volatile, there's a new power player at the center of it all. millennial women and a new study is finding the key to success may be about confidence, the idea originated from a need in their own lives, whether news >> everyone being informed, they're busy and you need to create a different form of news to fit in their lives >> i ware this stuff that doesn't do anything, i wonder if i can make it smart >> or travel >> my luggage broke and i was looking for something is to replace it and there wasn't a great option in the market. everything was either high quantity and super expensive or cheap but you knew it would fall apart. >> reporter: whatever the motivation millennial women are making a huge impact in the starter world, a new study found that 83% of millennial women want to own their own businesses, and for those who profits to increase in the next 12 months. >> i think there's a culture shift in recent years where there's been a lot of very vocal, strong women, who have been successful in their respective fields that get coverage and that, in turn, inspires other women to take risks or take chances or start businesses and then they got covered. >> reporter: they're showing no signs of slowing down >> we have well over three and a half million active subscribers which is really unprecedented >> for this generation of entrepreneurs it's not just looking ahead, it's about looking to the next generation >> we only have been smart, and brilliant and creative and entrepreneurial since we existed but i think the media interest is great because it inspires the next generation and gives them something to look up to. >> in new york, tracy fox business >> the highly anticipated interview with prince harry and president obama >> we'll show you some of that when we come back at 7:20. . quickly with the serious questions. what has >> i didn't see them, how can i make a choice? >> i'll take your word for it >> what did you miss most, the cinema or bowling ally >> cinema. we call it a movie theater but that's fine >> boxes or briefs >> sorry, we don't answer those questions. prince harry grilling barack obama in a one-on-one interview with aired this morning on the bbc. the prince interviewed the former commander in chief in his role as guest editor of the bbc radio for news program. the two also talked about much more serious stuff including president obama's feelings the day he left the white house. he said he felt liberated but misses the work because it was, quote, fascinating >> the two ended up being pretty good friends. >> will he go to the wedding? will he not >> apparently he got an invitation. >> he did get one >> apparently going to happen >> i've got to google >> we shall see what happens >> it would be like tucker and i interviewed each other. >> no, don't do that. >> that is a podcast the world awaits. i'm telling you. not even the world >> the dmv. maybe two or three people >> not even our families. >> maureen, when are you getting your invite >> i'm waiting bated breath. >> you talk add big game early >> i've been trying >> i figure you talk it into existence. >> there you go. >> 32 in washington, we got the little band of snow breaking out to the north and west been expanding here the last 15 minutes or so. just got a report out of hand cook appeal they're getting white snow and flurries, it's certainly a possibility you'll encounter a little bit and it may be enough in a few spots to touch the ground, keep that in mind, looks like it's getting down 270 to montgomery and loudoun county. tucker fox 5 if you're getting any snow shower activity if it's enough to coat the ground or to stick. this will get out of here pretty quick and we'll be in for a cold afternoon, temperatures will be look at our overnight low 18, only 29 tomorrow, could be another little clipper on saturday morning that brings us a period of snow and the other thing, look at sunday and monday, it will be really cold around here. daytime highs in the 20's, i'm afraid by new year's eve, we could have windchills approaching zero. jam cam. >> do you want to see what i did for jam cam how often do i get to show you that? >> we got the hold, green then the red. >> but there's really no red, an earlier crash involving a car fire cleared. traffic moving, the beltway is at speed, every single in and out of dc is looking good. we do have one crash to tell you about but it's not causing slowdowns, columbia pike at tech road, one lane, volume light everywhere, entire stretch of 95 between the beltway and the baltimore beltway quiet, traffic on the national and dulles and metro is on time. kind of like a vaca week for me. no one else is. >> enjoy. thanks, sarah. still to come 7:26. >> prince george's county grade fixing story that we broke on fox 5, details "what if" more of the energy we used came from renewable resources? "what if" the electric grid could detect, fix and even prevent power outages? "what if" our grid were less vulnerable and more secure? "what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if" to "what's next." dominion energy. ♪ 7:30. prince george's county murder investigation is underway. while on patrol in largo an officer discovered deceased man in a vehicle. police say he'd been shot un unfolded about 9:30 last night in largo. if you have any information on this investigation, you are asked to contact police. police in prince george's county also trying to solve more than 40 thefts from cars this morning. authorities say over the weekend 27 thefts from cars are reported and then christmas day. anyone with information should give police call. parts of our region in maryland are under a winter weather advisory. the national weather service says that advisory in effect until 11:00 o'clock this morning talking pretty far north here. it says some light snow is like until some areas and road conditions may be a little slippery out there. be careful. snow accumulation cos amount to an inch in northern and central maryland. some parts of northern virginia and dc also under a advisory tucker says not really anything to worry about. most places this morning. let's get right it to fox5 follow up on the grade fixing scandal in prince george's county schools. >> in the last week we've uncovered new information that top school leaders knew that students were graduating without meeting requirements more than a year ago. fox5's lindsay watts broke the story last june and continues to press for answers for the community. >> my children, our children, our teachers have been disgraced by what has happened in our school system. >> reporter: at the most recent school board parents were furious. >> when you go to the polls this november, vote them all out. >> reporter: some calling for the school ceo and board chair to resign. >> prince george's county schools new about mismanagement of student records. >> reporter: this after fox5 uncovered shocking new information. >> i saw that fox news broke a story that there was an internal audit done by prince george's county officials in 2016. >> reporter: we've told you how recent state audit found that prince george's county students are graduating without meeting requirements and mismanagement of student rec records. turns out the school system performed its own audit a year and a half ago that found these same things. yet top management at the school system never mentioned it in the lead up to the state audit. instead they adamantly denied there was any problem. back in june, fox5 showed you teachers and staff who said they were pressured to change students grades to make sure they graduated. happening. so it's widespread. >> reporter: it prompted four school board members to wright to the governor saying there was a systemic effort to fraudulently boost the graduation rate. a signature achievement of school ceo dr. kevin maxwell and part of the reason his contract was renewed for four more years a yearly compensation package of nearly half a million dollars. maxwell called the board members claimed politically motivated to try to get rid of them. >> the false allegations about our graduation rates strike at everything that prince george's county schools stand for. >> the allegations that were made are reckless. >> when those accusations are made, they're not about improving the system. those accusations are made about trying to disrupt and turn over leadership again in prince george's county. >> reporter: but in our most recent interview, we confronted maxwell about the school systems own audit and he admitted he did know graduating without meeting requirements. >> when the board members came forward with these claims that some students were graduating, who shouldn't, you called it all politically motivated. but you knew at the time that there was something to this. so why didn't you just come forward and present the internal audit findings at that point? >> so there's difference between the what and the how. when we do audits, and we do these to improve our practices ton get better and again we do lost audits. >> reporter: the recent state audit found nearly 30% of recent graduates in a sample group either should not have graduated or didn't have the records to show they should have, it did not find there was system wide intimidation or corruption to boost the graduation rate. >> when you're graduating students that don't meet the requirements knowingly, that is a definition of wrongdoing. >> reporter: school board member ed burroughs stands by his original claims of top down corruption. especially as new information keeps coming out. if i refuse to believe these 24 schools all decided to graduate students that did not meet the requirements for graduation at the exact same time in in the exact same way. >> questions and angers from parents isn't gorgia with. >> you knew the entire time when you were getting up here doing your press releases that you were misleading the public and you were lying. >> reporter: lindsay watts, fox5 local news. ♪ still a lot of questions to answer there. now we talk earlier just before we heard from lindsay there about the chance of some snow in some areas. we don't want to scare people out there, tuck, thinking it will be everywhere but it seems like in maryland at least to the north and west we'll get some. >> radar indicated but as far as what i'm hearing from people, just few flurries an little bit of light snow. not enough to touch the ground yet but the potential is there the next hour or two as our front is moving on through there could be a quick dusting or coating or covering of snow in a few spots. certainly cold enough. 32 at reagan national that's really the warm spot locally most of our region in the 20s. look how cold it is north and pittsburgh is nine this morning. minus three in chicago. one in detroit. there is an extraordinary amount of cold air off to our north and west. international falls, minnesota this morning, minus 35 degrees. so we're going to be tapping into that air mass over the next several days. all right. there's your snow and notice the coverage is expanding just a little bit here. this is very very light. but there is a concern that there could be a quick burst of just enough to kind of coat the ground it's cold enough that it will stick to roadways. so please tucker fox5. tweet me and let me know if you're seeing any of the snow or touching the ground or coating the ground in your neighborhood and i will certainly pass that along. but this will be with us for the next couple of hours and then things should improve a little later this morning. we'll be partly sunny, windy and cold this afternoon with falling temperatures and very very cold tonight. i'll have details on the seven day but this seven day one of the coldest stretches in recent memory as temperatures will be high temperatures will be in the 20s for several days to come here. okay. erin's either talking to herself or producer o producer. >> okay much what's going on. >> hi, tammy. we were talking about how much time i had for traffic. right now columbia pike northbound at tech road a crash is blocking one lane very light volume outside the beltway in silver spring. no slow downs. 95 cruising at speed the entire stretch north and southbound. so is bw parkway. quiet on the way to bwi, reagan national and dulles as we move things down right now, we're seeing quiet conditions never a green zone on kenilworth of a south of benning road and looking great. we're at speed, five minutes between maryland state line and the 11th street bridge. eleventh street bridge back to normal earlier vehicle fire third street tunnel did clear. and things are looking really good right now we're at speed a little slow down on pennsylvania avenue but other than that, 695 is great. 295 northbound problem free. look at the 14th street bridge. it's like a ghost town compared to what oy normally see of bumper to bumper traffic every day. you can feel we're in the trend of the holiday week, none of the normal congestion so if you like us are heading to work this morning, at least you can maybe hit snooze a few extra times or justet early. i like that plan, too. right now, if you're headed out shopping, things are looking good on the legion bridge both directions to and from tysons you're quiet maybe you have presents to exchange i like the sound of shopping. tell me what one does on did you off that. would sound really nice to meme as we move things over right now we're also really quite top side of the beltway in college park. any questions erin fox5 dc on twitter. metro is on time. i slept funny on my pillow you ever have that awkward moment you have a stiff neck but you're turning and you feel like a >> my pillow. >> that's what we need. >> i need one of those. every morning. >> i know. thanks erin. time 7:37. coming up -- >> new security changes coming to disney. why your neck stay at the resort might be little different want changes you can expect. it's 7:37 now. ♪ ♪ so disney resorts enforce agnew security policy. one change disney doing away with do not disturb signs on the door of some of the disney hotels. they'll switch out the do not disturb signs for signs that say room occupied a slight change but disney staff will still be able to go inside those rooms with notice even with those signs on the door. another change staff is required to go inside each room at the resort at the disney resorts at least once a day t safety and security of guests. no official reason given a lot of people saying this is based on what happened in las vegas. >> makes sense to me. >> witness mass shooting there and not being able to go in someone's hotel room for days a time. >> tis the season to shop. new figures released jester holiday retail sales rose 4% compared to the same time last year. online figures were even better. shoppers clicking their way to boost online sales by 18% this year. kanye certainly knows how to do christmas. now he got, you know, his wife kim kardashian a lot of christmas gifts including some stocking stuffers. so to speak. emphasis on stock he got creative we which he came a kim. a gift card to netflix and a amazon, adidas socks and apple headphones and mickey mouse toy. thank you very much, i love it. in another box were stock certificates for all of those companies. >> that's how do you it. >> like $100,000 in stock from ample, another 100 grand from dee is that so. walt dizzy and amazon basically half a million dollar worth of stock he gifted to kim. >> gift that keeps on going. >> hopefully in positive direction. giving and growing. >> gift goals. christmas staple gets a hold dave its own. it's national fruit cake day. fruit cakes have a long history as holiday treat the first recipes believed to have come from ancient rome they were even available by mail order in the u.s. during the early 1900's. grab a slice of fruit cake to today. >> um-hmm. >> that you go. if you dare. >> you don't like it? >> they're different types of fruit cake. >> i know the kind that's good that you get in europe. >> yes. >> what we have here -- >> like the pasture arrived version. can i say that word. >> sorry boss. >> 7:42. >> they've been best friends for nearly 60 years now these two guys are tied even closer together. how they just found out who they actually tour each other. >> its an mazing story. >> it really is. >> coming up. ♪ >> this is kind of interesting. >> yes. celestial sight over china capturing a lot of attention. three suns can be seen over northeast china's hill junk province. atmospheric optical illusion shows two smaller suns -- >> you mean it's not real. >> it's an optical illusion can be seen on each side of a bigger one. lasted for 15 minutes as the real sun the two suns gradually disappeared. scientific explanation the phenomenon is linked to an atmospheric a sun dog. >> interesting. >> the old sun dog. >> i saw some of this last summer when we had the eclipse here. >> did you? >> you could see like a reflect of the sun in like kind of near it -- i don't know if it was in the clouds or whatever. >> that's cool. >> it just seemed like it was bizarre. >> sun dog. >> my understanding is sun dogs are most common in higher latitudes. >> that's why. >> okay. >> that reminds me i saw natural phenomenon that i was going to question you about. i'll tweet it to you tucker. >> tweet me your questions. >> i'll tweet you the picture. you can tell me what it is. >> if i don't know the answer i won't respond. >> maybe somebody else can help out. >> okay. let's go to the forecast. [ laughter ] >> snow showers. they're light. but they are certainly on a radar here. look at them. off to the north and west of town here, and you know the concern is with these cold temperatures we night get just enough to coat the ground in a few spots although i have no reports of that at this hour. good news. 32 in washington. the only spot above freezing annapolis, 29, leonardtown is 30. fredericksburg 30. you get north and west and this is where the front is actually coming through and the temperatures are really cold. look at hagerstown this morning 20 degrees. 23 in winchester. all right. there's your storm tracker ra radar. this stuff is very very light. get up 270 towards frederick and urbana and it looks like we have a light snow shower occurring and again i've had reports of a few flakes out here. not amounting to a whole lot. but certainly cold enough that even a light dusting or coating of snow and quick burst could stick to the ground here as temperatures are in the 20s off to our north and west. keep that in mine. not going to be with us all day for the next couple of hours things should gradually improve in fact the weather service just let go of the winter weather advisory off to the north and west. all right. what's happening? frontal system coming through. the real change you'll feel another round of winds and cold temperatures here to stay here. so we'll get the snow showers out of here and then this big area of high pressure builds on in and the winds are out of the north and the north and west, and 30s. temperatures actually falling this afternoon and winds and wind chill make it feel like teens and we're just in for one round after another of cold for the next couple of days. 34 that's optimistic maybe the noon hour we'll get cold ton tonight. 18. daytime high tomorrow 29. could be a brief period of light snow on saturday morning with a clipper and then look at that cold air for the end of the weekend. our new year's eve, new year's day i think some of the coldest we've had in recent years. 29 on sunday. wind chills new year's eve may approach 0 degrees. make sure you bundle up with somebody significant and then monday's daytime high only 26. this is good. you need to really snuggle each other for body warmth. >> i'll wear my cookie monster onsie. have i party of one and my couch with a tub of ice cream with a heat blaring. >> that's fantastic idea. >> is that the one that smells bad? that's the one you have. >> my costume do's not smell b bad. you smelled like trash on halloween because of your oscar costume. deep breath of the moving o lane, left shoulder. this is the first build up in terms of volume we've seen all day give yourself a few extra minutes there. and then as you make your way out we do have a crash causing a slow down this is anacostia freeway northbound before benning road so northbound side is slowing. southbound side still at speed. and then as you make your way out on the beltway, looking good through annandale on the inner and outer loop a crash in annandale. annandale road northbound at gallows blocking all roads you have to detour around that. things on the bell way through tysons look good. crash scene in silver spring. crash blocking one lane caution there. all metro rail lines are on time. we still have police investigation in northeast on brian street. that's your traffic. back to you. ♪ this is a cool story all new this morning best friends can certainly feel like family but for one pair of life long pals in hawaii it turns out they are actually are related. these two best friends alan robinson and walter mcfarland they've been buddies for more >> wow. >> they share a special bond. see they never really knew who their parents were. alan was adopted. walter knew his mom but never knew who his father was. walter started digging into dna matching sites, man he did he get the surprise. ed out he alan had several matches including identical x chromosomes. >> it was a shock. >> yeah, it was shock. yeah. definitely a shock. but then we thought about it, compared forearms and ever everything. >> hairy arms. that did it. [ laughter ] >> that and the dna testing. >> right. >> turns out the pair in fact do share the same birth mother. >> wow. >> the brothers and best friends plan to travel and enjoy retirement together. just as brother ship. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> they kind of do, don't they. >> yeah. it makes sense now. >> exactly. now that you know. >> sometimes you hang around someone long enough you start looking like that person. >> right. >> we shall see. >> do we all morph into one? >> i d >> combination of everything for as many years as we've been hanging out together. >> good morning. >> good morning. one of the big films that came out christmas the movie called the post very local story obviously here with the washington post struggled to publish the pentagon papers back the early '70's during the nixon era, and we can show video of the movie if we can. there's some of the trailer here this stars tom hanks and meryl streep and essentially meryl streep plays the publisher of the post, tom hanks plays the executive he had toward and it's an incredible story directed by steven steel berg i spoke to the cast about the bravery of meryl streep's character at this time being the publisher of the post and having to make this gigantic decision of whether or not to publish these papers what could possibly lead them to court and possibly prison time. so i spoke to the cast about her bravery, but also the idea of printing out the real papers, having them onset in their hand and then if you watch breaking bad, they an actor named bob oden kirk who plays a character in this film a r actually gets the papers to the post to get publish. he -- i joked with him about character he plays in breaking bad. watch this. >> people are concerned. about having a woman in charge of the paper. that she doesn't have the resolve to make the tough ch choices. >> thank you, arthur, for your frankness. >> can you talk about the bravery as spec of her character and what you saw from that arc that she took in this role and the what that means for audience today to see that character on screen and in that environment. >> i think it's tough to imagine what must it murph like in 1971, 46 years ago when what it must have been like to be a woman who was head of an organization like that when women just simply didn't hold those positions for the most part. it's one thing to try to imagine it now when it's still very rare, but 46 years ago, incredibly rare. >> she's a reluctant it's really interesting. >> super hero. >> she is not approaching this through a contemporary lense of feminism. she is part of a culture that -- that you know for the first 200 years of this country we dismissed the talents of half the people. >> dozens of stories in here. the times is barely scratched the surface. ten hours till the deadline. so we dig in. >> did they really printout the papers for you guys onset. >> yeah. we were looking at the pentagon papers in that big scene. >> really. >> ben bradley's house. we were working with the copies of the pentagon papers and we're reading them, because they're really intriguing and they're very reel readable actually. >> yeah. >> i know that it's published. you can just buy it on amazon or wherever. and but they're very readable. they're reports from vietnam or their reports about vietnam. because sometimes it's written -- they're written over many years and they go back into the history even back to the french engagement there. it's just a survey of the evident over there and the question of why are we there? what's happening? where is it leading? >> i might have something. must be precious cargo. >> just government secrets. >> i just for some reason i want to see sal walk into that scene as a lawyer as jesse, character also in breaking bad. what do you think sal's advice would have been about publishing the papers? >> hell, yeah. sal would have been let's go. not for the right reasons. because it will blow us up. we'll be a big -- we're going to be in the press because we're doing this. let's go to jail. come on. we'll be worth a lot of money after that. >> get vince gilly on the phone. >> all for creating a raucous. opposite of what a real lawyer would do. a real corporate lawyer would say >> all right. so just to give a little context if you watch breaking bad, the gentleman on the right side played a crooked lawyer in the show. so the joke being now -- actually interesting about it is in the movie the post, the lawyer who comes into tell them not to publish because they could probably go to prison for it is actually another actor from breaking bad. >> oh. >> jesse, who is now on the show far government it is interesting just to hear what owed den kirk's character, he plays the reporter who actually gets the papers and brings them to the post and they're all digging in looking through the papers themselves and he helps to write the article that eventually has the publishing to the pentagon papers so it's interesting how they did it. >> very cool. >> interesting film. >> all right. thanks kev. >> that's out nationwide when. >> it's now. >> in d.c. now. >> dc now and nationwide 12th of january. >> very cool. hi, tuck. good morning. >> good morning. thank you i'm getting some tweets tucker fox5 of very light show reaching enough to be a dusting in few spots. chris out west of winchester telling me they're getting a little snow on mountain top out there, and then mark in mt. airy here up along the howard county carroll county border getting light snow as well enough to just coat the ground but temperatures certainly cold enough what we get will stick. not concerned here in the city. this is off to the north and west. you can see it out along 81. still light snows towards winchester and additional light snow western howard county, northern montgomery, london county all of this is very very light but it's cold enough that what falls will have a tendency to want to stick here keep that in mind there could be a quick coating and slippery roads off to the north and west. for the rest of us i don't think we'll see more than a passing flurry what we will see lots of cold air rushing in behind this front and it is going to be really really cold around here later tonight. overnight lows back in the teens. your daytime high tomorrow 29 and we keep the cold around right into 2018. >> what? >> time to party. sunday night and monday you my want to party ind okay, erin how are roads. >> i got hilarious meme someone messaged me on facebook. >> i just saw it. >> not the cat one. a dog frowning and it said tell tucker it feels like antarctica. >> cute. i messed up the caption. it was funnier than what i said i'll show it to you. where you going? you're leaving me. northbound 95 at route 1 woodbridge crash blocks the left lane. you can see a little bit of a backup through woodbridge because of that. aside from that taking a look right now at 50 web at loudoun county parkway in chantilly crash blocks the left shoulder you can see that police activity in the distance all metro rail lines on time. keep it to fox5. your 8:00 o'clock hour on this friday eve is coming right up or is it wednesday. i jump the gun. it's wednesday. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. it's really nice when clients come in and have done some of their own research. working with a bassett designer was really easy. just kind of ties in very well. we love it! >> this is fox5 news morning. right off the top 8:00 o'clock, good morning, thanks so much for joining you. >> it is 8:00 o'clock, this wednesday, december 27th 2017. here's what's on the fox5 news morning menu. >> first up 8:00 o'clock, prince george's county police investigate a violent home epp vision it happened overnight. three people assaulted one ended up going to the hospital. we're live from the scene with the latest. >> let's take live look outside bitter blast of cold hitting parts of the country and it could be days before we see relief. we've got team coverage this morning and weather and traffic coming up on the 5's. >> a royal interview you don't want to miss. britain's prince harry sitting down with former president barack obama to pick his mind. all new details coming up 8:00 o'clock. >> for more than half a century but after a new discovery their bond even close sr. now. we'll tell was that their new bond is and much more coming up at 8:00 o'clock. developing overnight, violent home invasion near the university of maryland. college park. three people in an off campus residence assaulted and robbed police looking for the suspects. kristyn leon live in college park with the latest g morning, kristen. >> reporter: good morning, we just learned actually not too long ago that the home that took place in is right here. the second home from the corner here. so that's where that violent home invasion allegedly took place this morning. a little after 1:00 o'clock this morning. now you mentioned earlier headlines three people were inside the home at the time. right now it's still unclear whether or not those three attended university of maryland as this area sits just right outside the campus as a matter of fact. so three people were inside the home at the time. one was sent at the hospital with minor injuries. all three of them were assaulted and again you mentioned right suspect or suspects at this hour. so if you know anything, saw anything or heard anything early this morning, police are asking for your help, call prince george's county police and keep in mind here that any arrests in this case or any information that leads to an arrest could -- you can also receive cash reward as well. so, again, keeping an a close eye on things and let upping if anything else changes and/or develops as well. so for now reporting live in college park this morning, kristyn leon fox5 local news. >> also in prince george's county police investigate a deadly shooting that happened last night in largo. authorities say they found a dead man inside of a car on capitol lane in harry s. truman drive that discovery happened 9:30 last night. police are looking for leads. if you know anything give them call. n d.c., police investigating an overnight shooting that happened around 2:50 this morning just before 3am in the 1800 block of bryant street northeast. police tell u critical condition. so far the shooter still out there. police have not made any arrests. other top story this morning monitoring severe weather hitting parts of the country. chicago facing subzero temperatures the great lakes getting buried in snow and wind chills advisories in effect in the midwest. and right here in the dmv bitter blast of cold is setting in. today's icy temperatures are going to be sticking around. annie yu is live from downtown frederick, maryland, with this severe weather alert. annie? >> reporter: hey g morning, maureen and steve. i guess we should be feeling lucky that we're not in the midwest experiencing those single digit temperatures or even the snow in erie, pennsylvania, so i guess it's good news for us here it's only 25 degrees in frederick, maryland and i don't think we'll move much away from that today. i think the high at least is going to be around the freezing mark 32 degrees. so bundle up for sure. down here in historic frederick we see, you know, folks bundled up a lot of people wearing their typical winter gear, heavy coats and things like but on top of the frigid temperatures, there are winter weather advisories for parts north of d.c. which is why we made our way up here, and that is in effect until 11:00 o'clock. now, some of you may see some snow like a small coating of snow, not of one will see it as mike and tucker have been reiterating, but we will all feel this freezing temperature. i want to show you some video that we shot earlier this morning when we were next to a small army of plow trucks with maryland state highway. we were told that more than a dozen crews were mobilized to respond as this weather sort of changes they're all standing by just like us waiting for this snow to happen. vdot as well says they are ready to treat the potential icy roads. so any light snow that does fall they're really concerned that the roads may turn icy. so they're prepared to treat that with the brine and salt and things like that. so definitely be careful if you're heading out later on when the snow starts to come down. hopefully come down for some of you. i know a lot of you are waiting for it right here i see a few flurries falling down. my constant debate going because i see it. i want to see it, but he says he doesn't see it but there are definitely flurries here in frederick. back to ya'll in the studio. >> i see it, too. >> mystery flakes out there. >> yes. >> may or may not be there. >> that's all you'll see. i'm getting reports light flurries and, you know, enough to coat a car and that kind of thing but it will be very light. >> okay. >> okay. wind will be back along with some sunshine later this afternoon but it's, you know, we're talking real deal here. >> yeah. >> into the teens at night. >> international falls minnesota i know favorite place. very far away but -- >> minus 33 the actual air temperature. that set a record low for a city that's used to very cold temperatures this morning. >> real deal of arctic air off to our north and west. snow showers annie just covered that for us i'll show you on radar what we think we got. reagan national 32 at this hour. dallas 28. in baltimore 25 degrees. all right. the white you see on your maps to the north and we have, that's very lht light snow showers, thank you everybody that's been tweeting me in the last 15 minutes about what you're seeing. i've seen reports of a dusting on a car much that's about it. so this is going to be very light amounts, but with temperatures in the mid 20s what falls sticks. and you know there could be a slippery spot or two off to the north and west. but annie is up in frederick and not seeing a lot. so not terribly concerned that will materialize into many problems. what we all will enjoy indoor depending on your perspective the cold temperatures. 34 this afternoon. winds pick up. temperatures plummet tonight into the teens even in the city. and our daytime highs tomorrow don't get out of the 20's. details coming up. >> all right. there you go. just the messenger. >> um-hmm. >> new jerseying us. >> good morning, erin. >> good morning. not enough blankets in the world it's so hard to get out of bed when the temperatures are like this. right now 8:06 if you're heading up through woodbridge 95 northbound hov lanes look great. main lanes dealing way crash by route 1 in woodbridge. left lane, left shoulder block. about fivein that point. you can city delay right now. it's still in green zone 18 minutes dale city to the beltway not a huge slow down at all because volume is so light. we're dealing with problem unfortunately 295 northbound we have a crash seen near benning road it's just before benning road down to 5 miles per hour. from about the 11th street bridge. from the 11th street bridge to the maryland line, 30 minute trip. atypical delays on the northbound side again that's because of a crash scene traffic getting by but very slowly so factor in that time. southbound side of kenilworth really looks good. crash in annandale, annandale road northbound at gallows road all lanes blocked. detour around. tysons in silver spring columbia pike northbound tech road a crash blocks one lane. 95 looks great. nice conditions and 295. are you eating cookies over there. i can hear the crunch of -- i don't know, foil. please save me one. >> i had cupcake with oreo on top of it it was like the best thing i ever had the other day. because it's the holidays and calories don't count fort entire week from christmas to new ye 270 southbound from 70 to 12114 minute trip looking great. all metro rail lines on time. new year's day our family tradition a pork and sauerkraut for good luck. do you have any new year's traditions for what you eat? >> beans. >> beans? >> supposed to be for good luck. >> pork and sauerkraut for good luck. >> we used to do sauerkraut, t too. >> really? good we'll be pleasant to be after this this new year. >> beans and sauerkraut. welcome to the new year. >> oh, man. [ laughter ] >> with a bank. >> get back to news headlines much police trying to sort out exactly what happened outside of a home in hyattsville, maryland where man was found shot to death inside of a car. this was in the early hours yesterday on sligo parkway the initial calls to police said several suspects were amount a item to go steal a truck. someone signed the home opened fire. police have not row lessed the name of man killed nor have they charge home known with any crime. in the district meantime the search continues for the suspect who stabbed a man near union station. this was just after 2:00 yesterday afternoon. we're told crews rushed that victim to the hospital with several stab wounds. right now there's condition or possible motive. anybody with information is asked to call police. also, developing overnight in prince george's county, police are trying to solve dozens of auto thefts they are guesting about 40 thefts and over the weekend 27 incidents alone were reported. and in another 16 reported on christmas day. police say that a majority these thefts are crimes of opportunity really. either people leaving their cars unlocked or valuables out in plane sight. >> anything of value, don't leave them visible. don't leave them outside so somebody can just walk over to your car, see inside and give them an opportunity to break in your vehicle. keep your cars locked. and at night make sure you park your vehicle under a well-lit area. >> prince george's county police are encouraging individuals who may have seen anything to give them a call. time right now nine minutes past the hour. >> security scare at annoyance for more than 100 passengers on board international flight to tokyo. details ahead. find out what famous celeb was on board that flight. ♪ ♪♪ before we start, i just want to say if anyone still doesn't have fios, please stay out of the way so your lag doesn't get us all killed, ben. what's so good about fios anyway? uh. what's so great about a 100% fiber-optic network that makes your gaming system actually work awesomely? hey. did you take out the trash? haha, garbage boy! dad, i already took out ben. it's not funny. gaming is best on a 100% fiber-optic network. so get fios. now, just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee with a 2-year agreement. 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"what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if" to "what's next." dominion energy. >> welcome back at 8:12 on this wednesday morning taking live look at the white house. looking still festive. decorations up there on the windows. first family not there but that's okay. we'll party for them. while they're gone. whoa! >> right. >> that's impressive. all because of this. >> i'm telling uh-uh think it's cold here. look at this. this is erie pension the city on the shore o slammed with 53-inches of snow. all this happening in just 30 hours. that's more than 4 feet. >> that's incredible isn't smashing local state records. >> it is incredible. even though the snow stopped falling state police are still urging folks to stay off the roads while crews try to clear out all that snow. might take them until may. >> it's erie, they're probably done by now. >> that's true, too. right. get it done. >> industrial strength stuff and they roll through. >> the picture of the guy on the baseball field with this glove act like he's catching a ball but the snow is up here, this high. >> people trying to shovel their steps. >> look i grew up in northern pennsylvania i remember as a kid the snow banks being taller than me. >> yes. >> and there you're looking at four and a half feet of fresh snow. >> meanwhile we get a little dusting, oh! >> that's what we're about to talk about. let's do my first five cuteness factor of the day. >> awe. >> somebody tried to stay up for santa it looks hi sweetheart. >> baby raelin. she'll be three months old in january much she's teeny tiny. >> hi, sweetheart. >> she was nominated by her mom who said she enjoyed her very first christmas. we can see that in this picture. she did steve try to stake awake to see saintism she's got christmases to look forward that. >> she does. >> she has a little cookie in her hand. >> adorable. >> she's taking a little nap. shh. >> raelyn i'm a little older than you and i have the same look. >> same problem. >> trying to stay up until santa gets there. >> still can't do it. >> did mom bake those cookies. they look really good. >> yeah, they do as does that milk at this hour. >> i just noticed raelyn is holding a cookie herself. >> that's what i said. i'm so trance fixed. >> you're working with tucker. you're not paying attention. >> just so cute. >> oh, my goodness. >> we love it. >> thanks mom for sending it in. super cute. happy 32 here in washington. all right, this is my favorite thing to do this time of year. we tore the cold temperature cities. minus three in chicago. i mentioned international falls they're up to minus 32. >> wahoo! >> last hour they were minus 33 that's a knew record low. >> wow! >> for international falls called the ice box of the united states. >> they're our complete op cement we're at 32 plus, they're at 32 minus. >> 64-degree difference. churchill minus 36 home of the polar bears. >> they're loving it. >> those are actual air temperatures. that is one heck of a cold air mass and invading much of the united states and we will unfortunately be enduring that over the neck several days. all right. the snow that you see off to the north and west is a part of that air mass as it pushes into our region it's kicking up this little band of snow. this is just not amount to do whole lot but it's possible there could be light dusting or covering of snow and with temperatures in the 20s off to our north and west, northern montgomery county, loudoun carroll county could get a light dusting there and there could be a few problems spots keep in mind that in the next hour or two there may be some light snow accumulations most of our day will be partly sunny blustery and cold with falling temperatures this afternoon. overnight lows tonight in the teens. look at tomorrow's daytime high 29 and got lots of days in the 20s to look forward to. this is pretty extraordinary air mass. you know if you're polar bear or me enjoy. for everybody else, sorry about that. just hang in there. it will get better. >> it's pushing it. >> wind chills near zero by new newyear's eve. >> lovely a great way to ring in the new year. i'll be wearing a full parka complete with a fur hood. >> so sad i'm going out this saturday night and instead of finding a dress i'm looking for sweaters and boots. >> yeah. >> not worth being that cute in this cold. >> how about acute jumpsuit. >> jumpsuit is a good idea. i like them. >> yeah. >> i'm here for you. >> i appreciate that. right now new york avenue outbound after sixth street there's a disable truck blocking th downs there. this crash 95 northbound woodbridge route 1 crash blocks the left lane. no major delays because of volume so light just a little tap of the brakes past that scene. still under 20's minutes as you make your way up from dale city to the beltway because of this crash 21 minutes red zone 295 northbound by benning road there's a crash. so little bit of a rubberneck delay southbound but northbound side again is where we're dealing with the majority of congestion. also, in chinatown seventh and h street you may encounter some delays some police activity there we're working on more informed metro is on time. >> let's get back to news right now. the time is 8:17. an officer in utah being called a hero. after rescuing a boy who fell into an icy pond. the eight-year-old was chasing a dog when he fell through the ice. another boy called for help and the officer responded managed to punch right through the ice to get to that boy who was 25 feet offshore. medical helicopter flu that boy to the hospital. authorities say the boy was in 37-degree water for about 30 minutes before he was rescued developing overnight, a tokyo bound flight that took off from lax had to return to the airport four hours into the flight because of passenger mix up. unthored person was on the wrong flight. so four hours into an 11 hour flight the plane turned around and that passenger deboarded. the airline released an apology tots passengers fort inconvenience. they're currently investigating to see exactly how that person got on the wrong flight to begin with. meanwhile model chrissy teigen and her husband singer john legend were oh thon flight and teigen has been tweeting about the incidents. here's one of her funny tweets. i won't be able to sleep until i know how this person figured how out they were on the wrong flight. that's all i ask 150 people have been majorly inconvenienced. please, just tell me. zimmer down chrissy. zimmer down. so it look like fruit cakes may never really have a good status. washington state patrol trooper noticed an odd gift sitting in seattle lobby on tuesday. a pack casm beneath a decorative christmas tree. passengers were evacuated and seattle bomb squad was called in to investigate. turns out the mysterious gift was actually just fruit cake. while the incident, you know, was scared a lot of people it turned no explosives were used jut someone a ban and donning an unappreciated dessert. that will teach ya. >> not good. new this morning construction on the greek orthodox church that was destroyed in the september11th attacks has been halted now. the construction company working on the saint nicholas national shrine project had to stop things abrupty over rising costs and other issues. the shrine will row place a tiny church destroyed when the trade centers south tower fell. the library of congress here in washington announced it will longer archive every public tweet. since 2010 the library of congress has archived every single public tweet, yours, mine, the ted's you can imagine it's a lot of tweets new jersey 2013 alone the library collected 170 billion tweets. that was four years ago. starring on january 1st it will be a lot library of congress also says they will focus on preventing the see nor muss collection of tweets they already have. wow. time right now is 8:19. new developments in the virginia house race. that could decide party control. this is all over the seat for the 94th district down in newport news. the race ended in a controversial tie. election officials had planned to break the tie by drawing names from a bowl. that was supposed to happen today. now they're postponing that tie breaker because democratic candidate shelly simmons plans to challenge the vote count in court. >> time right now 8:20. still to come this morning a royal interview prince harry sits down with former president barack obama. find out how the former president felt the day he left the white house. details are ahead. ♪ ♪♪ z2momz zi0z y2momy yi0y ♪ toyland, toyland ♪ ♪ little girl and boy land ♪ ♪ while you dwell within it ♪ t's christmas! ♪ childhood's joy land ♪ never let go of your dreams. the mercedes-benz winter event is back. lease the e300 sedan for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> all new 8:00 o'clock two high profile figures bringing their star power together. president obama sitting down with prince harry. >> he interviewed president obama from serious issues to more like hearted fair. wisdom martin joyce us in the studio to discuss the details of this interview. >> all right. this is the one that has a lot of people talking this morning. it was recorded in canada back in september but aired this morning on the bbc radio for news program. prince harry stepped in as a guest editor of the that show. so if you're wonder wagon the two discussed here it is. among other things, how leaving the white house. president obama said he felt serene. also calling it hugely libe liberating. mr. obama says he likes setting his own schedule and having time to talk with michelle but also says he misses the work calling health care reform one of his proudest achievements. former president says he's obsessed with training the next generation of leaders and believes the world in many ways is healthier and wealthier than it's ever been. harry also prepared lightning round of questions for obama with some interesting responses. >> very very quickly. you ready? >> yes. >> it's a quick question round. >> go ahead. >> white house down or olympus has fallen. >> didn't see either. >> make choice. i didn't see either of them. how can i make a choice? >> i'll take your word for it. >> what did you miss the most, cinema or bowling alley. >> cinema. we call eight movie theater b >> boxers or briefs. >> sorry we don't answer those questions. >> president obama did not mention president trump but people in government should be careful using social media. one question on a lot of people's minds will the obamas be invited to prince harry's wedding to actress meghan markle. harry didn't give any hints the. the guest his hadn't and drawn up just yet. >> there's still a chance. >> the interview at the end the lightning round, you know, however prince harry phrased it, you could tell they're friends. >> oh yeah. >> they're just rivetting each other. >> we're not going to go there or talk about that. >> the question about the boxers or briefs. >> we don't answer that. good kind of like you and kevin talking about movies. >> which we will be doing on good day today. we'll have our movie match up for star wars between. >> more? >> yes. >> more? >> another l for kevin. >> lucky us. we shall see. >> thanks, wis. >> thanks wisdom. all right. 8:25. checking in with tucker barnes. check of our forecast. evil this review? >> it's like the force versus the light. >> okay. >> the dark side of the force versus the light side of the force. >> i cannot wait to watch this. >> guess which one i am? >> don't answer. nope it doesn't matter i know whose side i'm taking. >> 32 in washington. winds out of north and east at seven. look at your feels like temperature 26. we had this light snow off to the north and west. it's really only am to do few flurries looks more impressive a lot of this not touch the ground it air very very dry. there could be a light dusting or covering thank you those of you tucker fox5 who have been tweeting me. feel free to tweet me a picture or what you're getting out here i'll certainly report it. that will be with us for a couple more hours this is a front an arctic front coming through and behind it it is the real deal of cold overnight lows tonight in the city 18 with wind chills in will be in the single digits and look at your daytime high tomorrow. just 29 degrees. arctic air on top of us right through the new years weekend, and into next week. daytime highs by next -- by 2018, 26 degrees next mondaynd tuesday. can you believe it? okay. more weather momentarily. erin? >> breaking news out of chinatown this morning. let's go ahead -- >> i don't think your mike is on. >> i just changed the battery. hold on second. >> my mike -- is it on now. >> yay! >> okay. we do have breaking news out of the chinatown traffic advisory police investigation eastbound 600 block of h street northwest. lanes are block again police out on that location. busy area for pedestrians and traffic. so please use caution there. we'll keep up it date odd and that breaking news scene. we also have crash blocking the shoulder 95 northbound at route 1. crash blocking the left lane. minor delays under 20 minutes even way crash between dale city and the beltway as you make your way out disabled truck northbound of a outbound aft sixth street in northwest. 295 nasty yesterday delay of the morning crash by benning road. down to 10 miles an hour from 11th street to the maryland line. 15 minute trip there. all metro rail lines on time. we got you covered on this holiday week commute. we'll be right back. ♪ my wish was a clubhouse, but we call it "the wish house." people visit national parks from all over the world. food tastes better when you don't have to cook it. he was just supposed to be my dog. i don't know why. (vo) we're proud that, on behalf of our owners, the subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars in just ten years. get 0% financing for 63 months on select models. plus we'll donate $250 to charity. ♪ ♪ [ splash ] [ horn sounds ] dang! ok, i gotta run. hey, wait, there's something i need to tell you- dang. dang! dang! dang. dang. see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. ♪ ♪ it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ . >> it looks kind of dreary. >> not very inviting much it's winter. things will look up. i promise. let's caught you caught up with the news. 8:30 right now. police investigate a home invasion near the university of maryland college park. three people inside an off 36th avenue. that nightmare began around 1:20 this morning. university police saying all three people were assaulted one had to be taken to the hospital with minor injuries. suspects are believed to have left the area but officers are still on the scene investigating. they say they'll maintain a presence in that neighborhood. also in prince george's county, where police are searching for clues in a murder. a man found dead inside a car in largo last night about 9:30 on capitol lane and cop tal court. police say that victim was shot to death. so far no arrests. parts of our region in maryland are under a winter weather advisory. the advisory is in effect until 11am. light snow is likely in some areas with slippery road conditions possible. snow accumulations could amount to maybe about an inch. northern and central maryland parts of northern virginia and d.c. all under that winter advisory today. tucker bringing us breaking news maureen. weather advisory just canceled. >> canceled. okay. never mind mother and son will be laid to rest. that was on annuation cautious headed to the pagan's ruins at the time of that unfortunate bus accident. all new 8:00 o'clock this morning the trump administration facing new litigation in the wake of a former air force member killing dozens of people at a texas church last month. federal lawsuit filed by several cities alleges the defense department failed to stop disqualified service members from buying guns grief jenn skins kins has the story all new at 8:00. >> reporter: the defense department under fire three cities new york, philadelphia and san francisco filing a federal lawsuit accusing the military of failing to report significant numbers of service members disqualified from gun ownership to the fbi's national background check system. new york city mayor bill deblasio saying, this failure on behalf of the department of defense has led to the loss of innocent lives by putting guns in the hands of criminals and those who wish to cause immeasurable harm harm lawsuit follows a november shooting in a church in texas where former unfortunate s male military service member shot and killed 26 parishioners and injured 20 others. the gunman had purchased two firearms despite being convicted of domestic violence by military court. >> this is exactly the kind of individual who should have never passed a background check. >> reporter: the lawsuit coming amidst a push on capitol hill to make it a law for the military to report misdemeanor force of domestic violence to the national instant criminal background check system good we're looking at specifically something that had it been followed this person would not have been able to obtain fir firearm. update on d.c. teacher who said she was booted off united airlines flight to make room for a member of congress. representative sheila jackson lee says the teacher is racist. that teacher said on facebook that united canceled her ticket so that jackson lee could take her first class seat. jackson lee later tweeted she's all right. 8:33. we'll get to weather just little bit early because weather -- tucker is talking about weather advisory that's been canceled. good news there, right, tuck? >> ♪ >> you know, the concern was we were going to get enough to kind of accumulate on the ground and so far that has not materialized. but certainly the possibility still there. there could be light dusting i'll show you the radar in just a second. 32 degrees now at reagan national. honestly that's not representative of most of our region as most of our area locally here in the 20s. then i want to show you the real cold stuff just off to our north and west. pittsburgh seven this morning. one in columbus. look at detroit zero these are actual air temperatures. minus three in chicago. frontal system right here dropping down through our region and our winds will pick up out of the north and west and once again we are looking at another afternoon of very blustery conditions and cold conditions with no real let up here for the neck several days in the cold. that's your snow. this looks a little impressive than i think it really is if you're off to the north and west. you might be encounter a few flurries or little quick moving batch of light snow. bic burst of light snow. haven't had any reports. i'm starting to get tweets from some of our viewers of much of this touching the ground with the exception of out towards martinsburg where we're getting enough of some on the cars in martinsburg and winchester. it will become a partly sunny and windy afternoon and daytime highs will unfortunately only be in the low 30s and then very cold tonight. so again the snow sould be out of here another hour or two we'll see partial sunshine and cold temperatures and tonight overnight lows back in the teens and then we are just going to be in for really cold stretch here. tomorrow's daytime highs don't out of the 20s. i'll show you the seven day. another chance of snow on saturday, light snow on saturday, and some very cold temperatures we got to get through by new year's eve, new year's day. >> okay. >> i can handle voice today. >> i saw that. >> oatlike. >> was that your sleeper voice or was that on purpose. >> i don't know what happened. just deepened on me. >> maureen is like what's happening? >> what's going on? >> okay. right now, they turned the camera so i want to give you this map. we do have police activity in chinatown. street closure update. 600 block of h street northwest is blocked right now in both directions. you can use fifth street, ninth street, f street or i street northwet as alternate routes. busy area just please use caution down there and watch for congested side streets. we'll keep updated thon police activity. let's see. boom, there we go. we got this. okay. earlier crash still out there by benning road on 295 anacostia freeway northbound. close to half hour just to get from the 11th street bridge up to the maryland line. a lot of congestion to benning road. so allow for extra time if that's your route. may want to choose an alternate disable truck new york avenue outbound aft sixth street northwest. that's blocking the left lane right lane much different day than what we normally see. fourteenth street bridge is wide open. delay free by the pentagon on 395. things on 270, 66 and 95 looks good earlier crash 95 northbound by woodbridge cleared and metro is on time. all right. maureen and steve, back to you. >> pretty good stuff. it is now 8:00 then. still to come this morning,. >> amazon was very busy this holiday season. a look at what their top holiday gifts were. any guesses? any guesses? >> oh, boy. 8:39 is the time. what is this song? >> the -- hello. >> how can i call myself adore ran doran fan and not recognize. >> wisdom would have known it much that's all i'm saying. he would have picked up on it right away. >> he would have put me to shame. let me pass on over to you st steve. >> 8:40. amazon unveiling top selling gifts this holiday season. the echo dot was the top selling device that is the more affordable alexa type device. also the top selling product from any manufacturer across all categories amazon said millions of the devices were sold. now some other big hits amazon fire tv streaming sticks, the movie elf and mike michael buble''s christmas album. >> tesla is unveiling plans for pickup truck. elan musk pledged to work on pickup truck in fans may have to stay patient just a bit longer for that. >> when i was overseas i saw they were selling a full sized mercedes pickup truck. very fancy. >> disney resorts enforcing new security policy one change disney doing away with the do not disturb sign that is hang on the doors of your hotel rooms. they're going to switch them out for sign that is say room occupied. now disney staff can still go inside even with though signs on the door of course with notice. another change staff is required to go inside each hotel room at least once day on the resort to make sure the security and safety of guests is maintained. >> all for it. up next kevin mccarthy has entertainment news. >> hello. >> mark hamil apologizing to director of the star wars movie the last jedi plus lynn miranda pays trick to his grandmother who passed it way on christmas day, justin diamond is playing harvey weinstein in new movie video. all that coming up next right here on fox5 news morning. stay tune. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the lowest prices of the season on the queen c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides. now only $1199, save $400. plus, 24 month financing available. ends monday. visit for a store near you. historic tree on the white house grounds is going to be coming down. white house says it will remove part of the famous magnolia tree planned on the south grounds. long long time ago. that tree was planned not in 1935, but in 1835. wow! >> so long time ago. by president andrew jackson. it stood another 200 years but it's in little disrepair white house says the tree is weak i believe that's the tree on the back of the 20-dollar bill. >> that's what we heard this morning. >> take it out. look at it that's the tree on the back and end joe the memory preserved our your money because the tree is coming down. >> sad to see that happening. >> they'll do it while the first family is vacationing down in in order. >> good place to be. they've got much nicer temperatures than we do around here. that's for sure. >> flag picked up on top of the white house, tuck. getting windy out there. >> winds are picking up and another round of cold in fact some of our coldest air yet. we've had couple cold days on the way later this afternoon and tonight. through no in washington. look at all your 20s it's already plenty cold for most of the area but i mean look at hagerstown this morning 20 degrees. 23 in winchester. leonardtown 32 its 30 degrees. 28 annapolis. everybody off to very cold st start. om area locally above freezing quantico at 33. hey, want to show you where our source region is for this arctic cold and look at these temperatures. these are actual air temperatures international falls minus 32. they set a knew record of minus 33 minus 36 up in churchill. minus 15 fargo. minneapolis minus eight. chicago minus three all of that cold air continues to get pushed down into the eastern half of the us and we're going to be enduring here several days of temperatures well below normal. snow has been generally light. thank you everybody that's been tweeting me tucker fox5. let me know what you're seeing. i haven't seen any reports of any travel dulty's but a few cases enough to create a light dusting or at least a few flurries out there. and again this is our front pushing through the region. arctic boundary and shortly this should be out of here we'll see the winds pick up and behind it high pressure builds in and well be in for partly sunny afternoon it will be a dry afternoon. not concerned with any snow this afternoon. but we are concerned weather community about the cold because temperatures will be in the low 30s and wind chills in the teens. then very very cold tonight. overnight lows by tomorrow morning in the teens. that's at reagan national. we can see some low teens if you're off to the north and cold tomorrow, 29. no real warm up here for the neck several days. you know if you have outdoor pipes that kind of thing you'll have to start worrying about them as we get into the weekend. particularly sunday, monday, new year's eve is going to be really cold with wind chills i'm afraid new year's eve that could approach 0 degrees by early new year's day. keep in mind here, as cold as it's been more cold on the way as we get into the weekend maybe light snow with clipper on saturday. we'll watch that carefully. let's see. i guess erin is done. i'll toss it back to you guys at the desk. >> thank you tuck. this is no fairy tale love letter returned after 73 years. police in massachusetts helped a homeowner track down the rightful owners of a love letter that was discovered during a recent remodeling project. the love note which expressed true feelings about a miss betty was dated back to 1944. officers were able to find her sister who says she died years ago and didn't end up marrying the man who wrote that letter but she did live a full and happy >> how about this story this morning. best friends really can feel like family. you know it if you have a best buddy or best girl friend. for one pair of life long pals in hawaii though turns out they're more than friends. they're actually related. they're brothers. alan robinson and walter mcfarlane have been best friends for 60 years but they never knew the special bond that really shared. alan was adopted. walter never knew who his father was. recently walter started digging into d new jersey a matching sites and got quite the surprise. turn out he and alan had several matches they dug a little bit more. they found some identical x chromosomes and they compared body parts, too. >> it was a shock. it was a shock. definitely shock then we thought about it, compared forearms and everything. >> hairy arms n did it. [ laughter ] >> it was the body parts the hairy forearms. that's what they said. that plus the d new jersey a. turn out the pair share the same birth mother and now the brothers and best friends say they'll just travel and joy their retirement together. >> as they shall. >> that's nice. that's >> kevin and i are going to do. we'll retire -- >> compare forearms first. >> travel together. >> i'm going to try to get on some of his junkets sometimes. >> come with me any time you want. >> can you take people with you? >> you say that. >> you could fly out with me. >> i see. >> you're in la sometimes. you have friends in la. >> we'll be friends. >> you can totally join me th there. first up this morning apology from jedi master we're talking about luke skywalker himself mark hamil who took to twitter to say sorry to the movie's director. now, we've talked about the mixed reviews on the eighth chapter of the franchise so far. mr. wisdom and i are goiing to n debate on good day d.c. if you want to tune in for that. hamil has been one of the critics as well. mark hamil who plays luke skywalker in several interviews he expressed frustration with the direction ryan johnson took the chapter. he has played four -- took the character he's played for 40 years. now, in his tweet he said "regrets voicing my doubts and insecurities in public creative of any project but usually rei pain private. all i wanted to do was make a good movie and i got more than that. ryan johnson made an all-time great one. he also hash tagged humble ha hamil. the interesting thing about this, the character specifically episode eight has been very polarizing i particularly didn't like the direction it was taken. i know wisdom didn't either a lot of fans are upset about it. i will say though people are reading kind of into specific quotes he's given in interviews. it does happen a lot in movie making where there's a creative difference in regards to -- >> why the mia cull pa now. what's that, did someone, does he feel like maybe his career is being somehow threatened. i don't know. why is he saying all this stuff now. >> basically there was meme that was brought up where it took little sections of his tweets -- his interview quotes out of context, and it's kind of start rumbling win the star wars universe. >> okay. >> and i think that he felt bad that it was getting back to ryan johnson. >> okay. >> ryan johnson may have felt mark hamil was kind of saying -- >> listen, we had creative differences. we got through it and it work out. i thought it was kind of cool he apologized to him. >> yeah. >> he's a grown up. >> excuse me. next up lin-manuel miranda sad news for the hamilton star. his grandmother passed away on christmas morning. he also said his heart was in peaces the tweet include add zero receives black and white pictures of his grandmother including two of her holding miranda's three-year-old son and miranda has been open about his grandmother's role in his life. she inspired one of the the characters in his first musical the tony award winning in the heights. correct me if i'm wrong i believe that's the play that michelle obama may have seen? >> i think it was. >> yeah. >> that led them to the idea of hamilton and how that kind of blue up. i know that michelle obama barack obama had seen initial play of miranda's i'm not sure it was ham hamilton off broadway or in the heights. somehow that was conne the success of hamilton blowing up and him being at the white house. and him doing this hamilton wrap there. >> condolences to him. losing a loved one on christmas. >> harvey weinstein scandal already getting the movie treatment i guess kind of. this is pretty sickening i watch the video this morning not a pleasant video. saved by the bell star dustin diamond played the disgraced music mogul. does it not have a hollywood ending. a woman playing one of weinstein's victims lures him into a hotel room and kills him he seem he premier the video which is kill all the thing. the band told the gossip site reached out to the former screech star about playing weinstein he agreed then filmed his scenes in milwaukee. the video is very disturbing specifically towards the ending we're only showing i was peace of it here. but, yeah, it gets very -- it gets disturbing after while. you can cut it off here. yeah. bedroom and there's violence and drugs and there's, you know, lots of disturbing things in there. so i think it's an interesting thing obviously the thing we discussed earlier was the idea of just getting attention. >> get something work, too. >> we had them in studio rec recently. >> i remember that. >> not doing a ton right now. we'll see what this leads to. >> thanks, kev. >> thanks, guys. >> 8:53. take short break. back with more and final check of your forecast after this. ♪ ó; ♪ toyland, toyland ♪ ♪ little girl and boy land ♪ ♪ while you dwell within it ♪ ♪ you are ever happy there ♪ daddy, it's christmas! ♪ childhood's joy land ♪ never let go of your dreams. the mercedes-benz winter event is back. lease the e300 sedan for $569 a month mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. well, it looks like the rich are in fact get thing richer. america's top 10% saw a 40% increase in next network between 2013 and 2016. in the last year luxury spending has grown 5% globally this is through 2016 much this is before even the stock market run of this year. luxury spending growing 5% globally according to bane and company. u.s. housing market reaching all time highs. thing looking white on wall street. s&p 500 up 25%. the dow up 25%. all new at 8:00 more and more pregnant women are smoking marijuana. >> new study in california found the expectant moms are using the drug to help with morning sickness. also anxiety, the spike not surprisingly involves younger moms. 4% in 2009 to 7% in 2016. not much research on the effects of marijuana on fee us in most doctors encourage their patients to diss couldn't marijuana use while they're pregnant. >> all right. let's say hello to our facebook fan of the day. we have three fans today. all courtesy of daphne. look at this great family picture. caylee, mikey and ashland in the middle. ashland i'm the happy with what i have. >> i got mine. i'm keeps it. this is a snapshot of what life is like every day in their ho house. but despite any differences they all have they always watch fox5 news morning while mom makes breakfast. >> i love it. >> mikey, i want it. >> give me that. >> that's great picture. i love that. >> still to come on good day. we have a great show planned for you. winner of project runway modeling contest from the baltimore area she'll join us here in the loft. part of her win includes an upcoming spread of marie claire magazine stopping by. she'll tell us what make up trends to leave behind leave behind this year. those squiggly brows don't ever do them again. >> i just started doing that them. >> with new year's around the corner attention turns to resolution. we'll tell you how you can set yourself up for success. >> germans are feeling guilty about the size of their plates at christmas dinner. they're trying to make amends dozens laced up their shoe strings for the annual food coma run. over 200 runners attempted to part ways were it the extra weight in the 19th annual roast goose digestion run in berlin. these names, right. the race comes with a bit of a twist. twist. runners are given chance to get back some of the calories they burned off as there's a wine and pastry station set up right in the middle of that run. >> i can get down with that. >> best idea ever. >> that is cool. >> have i feeling those people have been celebrating. >> for while, right >> since mid august. >> we do have police activity down in chinatown eighth street. watch out for delays there. 600 block actually of eighth street. we'll keep you posted on that one. desk is looking into that cause of that police activity. tuck? >> quickly go to radar. we got light snow north and west. you my encounter a few flurries or quick burst of snow. let me know what you're seeing. most of this will not touch the ground. what will touch ground, cold air is here to stay. i'll scholl you the seven day in just a minute. >> many more coming up on good day. don't go anywhere. that's up right after the break. >> we'll see you then. >> i'm joining the party. >> it will be fun. ♪ ♪ straight ahead, a violent home invasion in prince george's county. throw people assaulted. near the university of maryland college park. and this morning, the search is on for suspects. frigid temperatures and possible snow for parts north of d.c. how people are handling the arctic blast. i'm annie yu and i'll have that coming up. and new year, new you. the countdown is on to 2018. we're talking resolutions this morning with in tips to make the new year your best one yet. plus, beauty blunders. celebrity make up artist kym lee is live in the loft with all the popular looks that should be left behind in 2017. good day at 9a starts right now. ♪

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