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This quite a minor event, if you will, but where it has been able to drop a little bit of aa cumulation its gotten quite slick. Lets start with a there at radar because you can see that we dont have much over the d. C. Area. Everything has kind of pushed over to the north and east. About an inch of snow fell in hartford, maryland and its melting because the sawment on the ground and becoming icy so refreezing again. As we put it a all in motion just about all out of here. Youre still getting a little activity over here on the Eastern Shore where you see the darker purple thats where youre getting a little bit more enhanced snow falling. This is all part of a clipper system most of which has passed by to our north tonight and we are going to see it continue to move out. Its gone by morning, but unfortunately some of these slick spots are not going to be gone by morning. I wanted to show you a couple of snow totals. I know not everybody saw it. It ended up snow pellets. But baltimore and Ellicott City picked up about a half inch, colombia, maryland four tenths tf an inch. Frost bugger, maryland got an inch. That doesnt sound like a lot, but when you have temperatures as cold as they are tonight they can become icy spots tomorrow morning. The roads were snow covered out there, it wasnt a lot, about a half inch but sometimes thats all it takes to make some slick spots. Heres another picture as it was covering the sidewalks also in Howard County and then we had a couple of reports from folks out in West Virginia, including al van who told us that or jennifer al ban is what i think she goes by there. We have about a half inch on the ground in hedgeville , West Virginia. Roads are awful and very icy. So for most of us tomorrow morning i think the impact is going to be pretty minuter, but if youre looking at your window right now and you see snow on the ground i anywhere overnight. Watch your steps on the sidewalk, anything that was untreated its been a spotty dusting as mentioned and i believe that the impact for most of you tomorrow morning is going to be on the low side, but again, if youve got some accumulation tonight you can expect it to be around in the morning. We want you to maybe plan a little extra time if youre looking out your window and things are a bit snow covered tonight. Ill have much more on what you can expect for your thursday coming up in a few minutes. You can track this on our website at fox5dc. Com and you can get breaking weather alerts on the fox5 mobile app. We are following breaking news right now in Montgomery County, maryland. Police are on the scene of a deadly double shooting in silver springs. Were told officers found a man and a woman at an Apartment Building on fence which can lane. Both had been shot. Both died at the scene. Were still working to get more det tails. We dont know what led to the shooting. We dont know if police are looking for suspects, but we will soon as we have the latest information. New tonight a woman is accused of recording a child who is partially undressed in a d. C. School restroom and then posting that video on social media. Tonight shes charged with voyeur voyeurism. Fox5s Marina Maracco is live with the details reporter according to this Police Report it all unfolded right here at the saint could he let a school. This is a neighborhood in southeast d. C. This is a school that houses both children as well as adults with intellectual disabilities. According to this d. C. Police report, 123 year old tricia gair is of temple hills, maryland, allegedly inside this school back on december 1 used snapshot on her cellphone to film one of those students undress while inside the bathroom. That 23 year old woman from temple hill is now facing charges for voyeurism. She was arrested today. Live tonight in southeast, d. C. , marina fox5 local news. Tonight munt police say they could have done a better job in the case of a missing teenager who went to Walt Whitman High School. The case ended in the death of 17 year old na veed sa barry. He was found dead hours after his father had reported him missing evan lambert is live at headquarters. Reporter police saying that they should have taken that missing person ps Police Report as soon as in a veeds dead approached them and said that his son hadnt come home. The grieving family has many questions, including while officers were encountering him earlier on in the night, recognized he was under the influence and then let him leave alone. Anything he wanted to do he did with excitement. He loved his family. He loved his grandparents, loved his little cyst templet speaking on behalf of in a veed sa barrys family says. Their grieve also leaves them with a long list of questions. Why he was not he taken . Why was he not arrested why was he nt teanl in the police car . Tuesday night Montgomery County Police Revealed officers spoke to the 17 year old walt whitman senior while they were breaking up an underaged Drinking Party saturday night. Officers say in a veed appeared to be under the influence but let him and his friends get home , na veed never made it. A 17 year old on the street and he would be here right now. The parents want to know, the Community Wants to know why wasnt there a phone call to the parents . Or an arrest or Something Like that . There was no criminal or civil violation that was occurring at that point for the officers to witness. In maryland you have to possession after an alcoholic beverage or be consuming an alcoholic beverage in order for that to be an infraction. The sa pair is also wish police would have taken sha feeds missing persons report in the we hours in the morning more seriously. They went to the police at three something in the morning and they basically brushed it off like its going to be okay. You know, just teenager. Investigators say they should have taken the missing persons report then and there. About 17 hours later, far she had found his only son dead in a extreme near the ban nic burn swim club just blocks from where he was last seen by police. Members of the Police Department have expressed their concern and sympathy for na veeds family, especially those who were a part of this investigation and search. The depart na veeds family. And police say that they are reviewing their officers z actions in this case and its possible that any findings could influence policies in the future. They do not expect to make any charges in the host for the host of this underaged Drinking Party. They say thats because how it was slaind to them as soon as those adults discovered that there was alcohol there they broke that party up. For now live in gaithersburg, evan lambert, fox5 local news. Now to a fox5 exclusive, for the first time we are hearing from a woman who says her uber driver sexually assaulted here. Tonight Police Release this picture of the driver. They are trying to track down 32 year old sal vin go greuj of oxon hill. Gentleman meek a clark told us he sexually assaulted her near capital hill sunday. He fondled beat and strangled her before she got away. I beat him, scratched him, i kicke did everything. I feel only by the grace of god is the reason why i actually got out of there you dont forget someone who makes up their mind to kill you. Uber told fox5 it has removed joe queues access to the uber app while the investigation continues. Tonight we know the name of the naked man who caused all kinds of chaos a Northern Virginia highway right during tuesdays evening commute. Jose Gonzales Flores got into a car crash with two cars near dulles airport, ran into traffic, jumped on a truck, assaulted a driver all while he was naked. The incident caused widespread traffic delays. He will face several charges once he is re lease from the hospital. Q. Now to a developing story, pb s has suspended the distribution of the taffies spliel i show amid allegations. In a statement the organization said an inquiry multiple credible allegations of conduct that are inconsistent with the values and standards of pbs. An outside law firm is handling the investigation. Smily has not commented on the matter. In the wake of the me two movement lawmakers in annapolis are making a change in the way they respond to Sexual Harassment complaints. The idea is to have the Human Resources accident put together a yearly report of cases, but keep the names of the accused a secret. Maryland governor larry hogan said lawmakers and the General Assembly should hold themselves accountable with the same transparency that is required in has office. One Sexual Harassment spokesperson we spoke to is calling the new plan tone defense. Deaf, the public wants to know who is engaging this behavior. How much is being paid and as a result of what kind of conduct . It is a bit tone deaf because right now were in a moment where the accountability and transparency Governor Hogan also said he was surprised to learn the General Assembly was not already compiling information about Sexual Harassment reports. Arizona senator john mccain is back in the hospital tonight. According to his office, the long time gop lawmaker was admitted to Walt Walter Reed for whats described as normal side effects from his cancer treatments. Mccain is currently receiving treatment for leo blast tome a, the 81 year old was diagnosed back in july. A stomach bug sweeping through a Northern Virginia School Leaving dozens of Elementary Students sick. The reminder tonight from school official. Fox5s Lauren Demarco is live in the district tonight. Reporter we are along busy f street just a couple of blocks from the white house where the high end stores here, just the latest to be hit by what police could be be a ring of thieves. They are very bold and were going to have the details of whats been ongoing oncoming you cant predict the market. But through good times and bad. R investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. D. C. Police need your help tonight finding some thieves last seen driving a van belonging to a church. The string of burglaries are happening at Stores Across the district. Lauren demarco is joining us live with the details on this. Police are still trying to figure out if these are all related, right, lauren. Reporter exactly. There are five cases in tote a. They were all caught on surveillance video. The number of suspect varies in each case along with their strategy and the time of day, but the most recent was this morning here on busy f street northwest. Were just about a couple of blocks from the white house and been sen jewelers was hit. You can see there theres still actually some glass on the ground from where the door was shattered. It has since been retired, but paired. One suspect uses an object to breakthrough the glass an man has on a hood but no mask. He stuffs items in his pockets, tries and fails to break open another case and then takes off in a dark colored van. On monday, the Verizon Store in this same block of busy f street was also hit. A source tells me several suspects walked in in the Early Morning while two employees were inside. They made off with some loot but didnt harm the workers. In the three other cases you can see a suspect shove someone as they walk into a store along benning road northeast near heck incorporate jer mall on decembed items into a trash can and take off. Masked men walked in a cellphone store, locked the door behind them and told the people to get on the floor before loading items into cardboard boxes. This on pennsylvania avenue southeast in the middle of the day on december 3. April then around five in the morning on the fieft, three guys break into a Clothing Store in the 1,000 block of h northwest. They run out and shove their loot into a van and take off. The van was stolen from Youngs Memorial Church of chris wholly in in southeast. I was later recovered by police, but no sign of the suspects. Again, at times these guys were masked but often the cameras captured some relatively clear images of their faces. Take a good look. If you recognize any of these men, d. C. Police want to hear from you. They really want to get these guys behind bars. You can see when you look at the map that the areas that are being targeted are really spread out in different quadrants, but again police want to hear from anybody who has any information and there are re wards available in these cases up to 1,000. Live in northwest , Lauren Demarco, fox5 local news. If your kids are sick, keep them home. That is the message from arlington Public Schools about 800 students attend mckinley elementary. Last week more than 100 students were out sick two days in a r school sent a letter home to parents notifying them about a stomach bug going around. School offeringses tell us they disinfect shared surfaces daily and since then the absentee rates have since returned to norm a. This kind of thing happens every once in a while. Wash hands and be careful and hope for the best. Was your son impacted. No. I think its maybe a third of the class now. The school seems to be paying attention to it and weve been okay so far. Symptoms of what was making everyone sick includ ed vomiting, fever and stomach pain. School officials urged Sick Children to stay home at least 24 hours without symptoms before returning to the classroom. I can speak to truth on that one. Sue palka youve been hanging out at that school i did visit the school. It wasnt me. But you feel better. Something is going around for sure. It was something that slammed me for about 48 hours, too. I like to holiday detox. Thank you for that, sue. Tonight a little bit of snow coming through. A bit of excitement. Not a lot of snow, but those are the ones that always worry me, shawn and sarah. I noticed today that they brined the heck out of maryland. There were stripes every where and they were smart to do that because its cold enough tonight that what has been coming through will stick to untreated surfaces. We expect there ill westbound some slick spots around in the morning. I dont think its going to be a huge problem but if you can look out your window now and you can see a little l of the snow hanging around you may be in an area that will need a little l extra time t. Most of this is going to be gone in the next couple of hours. As we put it in motion this is part of a clipper system, a fast moving storm. It usually has a little l moisture with it. This one has been producing more moisture up to our north but a couple of spots still getting some pretty significant bands. So in these areas where there has been some purple you get a quick half inch , low visibility and its very slick if the road are un treated. A few other sports of the portions of the delmarva you might be getting a little bit. A quum of new snow totals, manchester, maryland all of these coming from either Carroll County or berkley county. Berkley springs a half inch. White ford, maryland thats in hartford county, a problem up there because they did definitely get a lot of quick burst of snow. I got this tweet , i was driving on 695 to 70 and then 29 and it was snow all the way. That was right in the area that we were spotlight ing. Snow is gone tomorrow morning. It will be warmer than this tomorrow. But temperatures tonight will keep some of the snow around and guess what, the wind is going to be back with us, too. Watch the wind chills tomorrow well take you hour by hour through your thursday coming up a little bit sarah and shawn. Meanwhile hundreds of people braved tonights cold temperatures to take part in a parade in maryland called the me nora run. The Fire Department leads the poor raid throughout Montgomery County. This years parade is dedicated to their colleague lieutenant Stanford Cone cohen. He was killed last week while helping someone on the interstate of 2730. The sudden resignation of a. M. Rosa a and the alleged drama involving the secret service. And coming up tomorrow morning on fox5 a look at the top five gifts not gifts like you give someone a gift. Its the gifts, the little thing you do on social media. A live interview with accused rest sarah hogan. Kevin mccarthy will be talking star wars. It all kicks off at four 25 a. M. Think of your fellow man, put a little love in your heart. Youll see its getting late, oh please dont hesitate. Put a little love in your heart. In your heart. In your heart. In your heart. In your heart. vo going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen Million Dollars to those in need. All aboard, get on board. Republican roy moore still hasnt quon ceded the Alabama Senate race to democrat doug jones. Jones victory was the first in alabama. His win is largely credited to africanamerican voters. He was hit with a wave of allegations. His sister calls jones win dirty politics. Meefer is remanding a requownt. Endorsing moore would not win senate race. Tweeting the dec was stacked against him. President trump tweeted his thanks to a. M. Rosa man cult for her service. It follows her sudden resignation. The white house release she was leaving next month to pursue other opportunities. She was physically removed from the white house last night after chief of staff john kelly terminated her. The secret service tweeted it was not re involved in her removal. Her resignation is effective januarr to replace al franken in congress. Franken announced last week following multiple allegations of forcibly groping women. He has not set a date. He will fill senator frankens seat. Then she will run to complete frankens is releasing a new tool to keep you save when you travel. How a new device is spotting threats. With the joy of the holidays comes the joy of the decorate decorating, but some of it may have a negative impact. How exactly does that work in well explain coming up. First lady joined the toys for tots today. The first lady help ed sort gifts with the children there. Then she re responded all the military families about the giving spirit of americans. If youd like to donate or help distribute new un ramp rapped toys for the program you can go to toys for tots for more information. The news continues right now. This is fox5 local news at 10 30. Right now at ten 30, a bethesda teen is found dead in the woods after a party involvi underaged descringing. What is h family is telling fox5 tonight as they continue to search for answers from police. Plus, keeping travelers safe. Now new technology is helping the tsa stop threats to transportation. And its a rule that impacts many families, open strollers on metro buses. How metro is responding to calls for change to its current poly s. The news continues now. We start you off in Montgomery County where police say they could have done better in handling the missing persons case that would end in the death of a Walt Whitman High School student. Seventeen year old na veed sa pair i was found dead sunday night. Police telling us that they could have taken that they should have rather taken that missing person s report in the case of 17 year old na veed sa pair i when his dad first approached them about his son not having returned from a party. That party we know where underaged drinking had been going on also learning had encountered sa pair i at that party as they tried to break it up, but they let him leave. The family also grieving tonight but also left with a lft questions including why those officers did not make sure that sa pair i got home safely. Police say that they are reviewing their officers actions. We know the name of a man who caused chaos in a highway in Northern Virginia yesterday. Jose gone \{ al}\als got into a crash not too far from dulles airport. He ran into traffic, jump odd a truck and assaulted the driver while he was naked. He he will face several charges once hes re lease from the hospital. A 23 year old woman is charg ed with voyeurism. Marina maracco is live with details about this. Reporter a temple hills woman was arrested incident that happened back on december 1 right here at the saint could he let a school of washington. This is a school for children as well as adults with intellectual disabilities. According to dy police she pulled out her phone and used snap chat to record one of the students undressing inside a bathroom inside the school and then posted it to social media. That woman from temple hills has now been charged with voyeurism. No bale for the man arrested for a botched suicide bombing in new york city. Accused yead oh allegation a maid his first appearance from his hospital bed. He was not required to enter a plea, but did answer the judges questions. He was accused of setting off a pipe bomb strapped to his body in a tunnel linking two busy subway stations. He was the only one injured. Cities across the country are Testing Technology that could help wearing suicide bombs. The lat est city, los angeles and washington could be next. Lets go to corey quof in to explain how this would work. It sounds like a great idea, corey. Reporter this might give some much needed piece of mind to fl extra ers. These machines are designed to be in these transit hubs where there are a lot of travelers. Let me explain to you exactly how this works. People naturally radiate emissions from their body. These machines will capitalize on that. They are seen by these machines these emissions that we emit. When Something Like a suicide vest is blocking these emissions this machine is able to identify that threat and alert authorities. It works on both metallic and non metallic. Heres what they look like. They beckon to what happened in times square on monday as one key regions why these machines are needed in major subways and train hubs. If they type of technology there, that the devise that was worn this week could have been detected. Once again, that thats why this technology was developed was for somebody carrying explosives on their person. The reliability of the equipment is very strong i think people are anxious to see this eventually deployed wider. Now, app that tells me that these machines are already commercially available. The problem is funding. Funding for the Grant Program has gone down significantly in recent years. App that tells me funding is in the bill, but travelers are in the millions. Funding are is in the millions and travelers are in the bills. Thats why this is so thoroughly needed. The ts a is working with mow mod a to be working here in the future. If youre a parent you know moving stroller around isnt very easy and espec transit. Two local parents launched a new petition now ask ing metro to change its policy when it comes to allowing open strollers on bus pes. According to the current rules, if you have a troaler you that tive to take your child out, fold the troaler and, if possible stole it out of the way. Parents we spoke with told us it is a major hassle. I attempted to get on the bus while my child was still in the stroller and i was asked to fold up the stroller and so this meant i had to bring my child, get all the belongings and carry a kid, a stroarl and accessories. Metro release a statement that said in part un fold td strollers block the aisle and delay the boarding process. Metro is not considering changing its policy at this time. While the Christmas Tree in your home is getting you in the holiday spirit it could also have some negative effects. Doctors always ruin everything. Theres a warning out. First, sue palka , what is on a night like this when we have some snow moving through its really helpful to get your tweets like russ tweeting eight 50. Its covered with snow pellets. Did you see snow pellets . Theyre called grapple. Theyre ball shape and usually white. Others saw some snow flurries, all of you are going to see it getting out of here by moving but we still have to watch for slick spots. Were focusing on that with your full forecast just minutes away. Why holiday shop today when you can wait until the day before christmas . Amazon saying its offering same day delivery until 11 59 p. M. On Christmas Eve and for those not planning to wait, amazon is giving Free Shipping to all customers who order by december 15. Santa still delivering early gifts for investors the do you finishing the day at another record high even ed Interest Rates for the third time this year. Well, it looks like there will be high demand for high tech workers in 2018. More than one in five companies sewer surveyed by the firm robert half say they plan to add fulltime technology employees in the first half of the new year. Security and safeguarding information is their top priority. And google l revealing the most searchedead spot was hurricane irma. The monster storm slamming islands in the carribean before hitting florida and leaving behind tens of bills of dollars in damage. Thats business. Im david asman. Because everyone likes easy. Sure do. Because everyone is on the go. Like to save energy, but sometimes we slip up. Reaching up. Ssssh because sometimes we want it cool at night, then toasty in the mornings. Introducing the easy to use, energy saving, adjustable from everywhere, easy on the wallet and the eyes, nest thermostat e. E is for everyone. What if more of the energy we used came from Renewable Resources . What if the electric grid could detect, fix and even prevent Power Outages . What if our grid were less vulnerable and more secure . What if all these what ifs became a reality . Well, they are. At dominion energy, were completely transforming our power grid. To move from what if to whats next. Dominion energy. [orchestra tuning up] take on your retirement, with a medicare supplemental plan from carefirst medplus, the name you know and trust. Here for today, and whatever comes next. Medicare supplemental plans from carefirst medplus. Live fearless. Find a medicare plan for you at carefirst. Com gomedplus i have some good news youre still trying to find some last minute shipping gifts Free Shipping day is this friday, december 15. Some retailers will offer Free Shipping with no minimum order and guaranty delivery by december 24. More than 800 retailers are taking part this year, including amazon , which is not a surprise. Target, mazies, bloomingdales, gap, best buy, places like that ment or you go to a local store in p your neighborhood and buy something and take it home that day. Video games may boost the skills of emergency doctors researchers at the university of Pittsburgh School of medicine discovered an adventure video game improved the level of ability of doctors to assess the trauma. It calibrate the doctor s brains to such a degree that six months later they were still outperforming their pierce a warning this Holiday Season with allergies. You may be allergic to that Christmas Tree when you bring it into yr it can affect your respiratory track causing you to cuff and sneeze. These reactions may be an issue for as many as 13 percent of americans. Who knew. Its just a tree like anything else. We talk about that during spring allergies. As the gris wold family discovered you should always quhek for squirrels. Let the creatures get away. Trees are up probably in a the there of places and of course were celebrating the second night of hanukkah, too. Happy hanukkah to everyone. The problem with tonights flurries its so cold they did t stick to pavement that was untreated. We have some slick spots in a few areas. We want you to be ready for that tomorrow morning even though the snow will be long gone. Well show you a couple of areas that we might have to watch. Still seeing a little bit of snow showing up d. C. And well to the west where Winter Weather advisories will be staying up for the weather communit thing is we saw these starting to move through around 7 00. Some of you didnt see much at all. The air was really dry so it was really difficult so it was west of d. C. To get much. Most everything is left is to the north and east of d. C. Theres that brighter purple and now its moved up toward the wilmington area and those are areas where you get the darker collars ors where you might be getting a little more intense snow. Just off the delmarva, east of ocean pines maybe you saw some snow flurries out there. The bulk of the activity was up over pennsylvania. This clipper is going to continue to moving away and when you wake up tomorrow morning the sun will be out. Until noon tomorrow, Winter Weather advisories are widespread across pennsylvania. Some of the high spots in West Virginia where you picked up about a half inch to an inch tonight and you could get another two or three inches as you continue to see a little bit of snow from the continuing late tonight and during the day tomorrow. So the clipper is going on move on through and yes, a couple of spots had up to one inch as we looked up to our north tonight with that one to three, maybe as many as four continuing for the mountains tomorrow. Our evan lambert tweeted that hes in gaithersburg saw on and off flakes, nothing right now, a little bit sticking to roads. Not enough to cause problems there. In places where you picked up a half inch youre going to have to watch those places tomorrow morning. Frost berg got an inch of snow aint was all sticking because it was so cold today. At 35 its the coldest day weve had so far this chilly season of 2017. We had only two other days, one in december and one in november that were in the upper 30s. Dulles was only 34. Bwi32 greece and its cold out there tonight. Its going to stick in westminster. You had a good amount of snow ayos Carroll County and up toward hartford as gaithersburg 29, winchester 32. Not the coldest night weve had but enough to watch your step in the morning if youre looking outside and seeing some white areas. Overnight low 30s, upper 20s. Tomorrow were breezy i again as the clipper moves away and another frontal boundary is approaching. Technically it will be a warmer day. We should be able to get into the low 40s sun mixed with clouds, but because of the wind its not going to feel like 43 greece in the district. The breeze will make it feel chillier. Keep the layers handy for your thursday. Quick note about friday, there is a slight chance we could see a few more passing snow showers with not only a system passing by but maybe another development off the coast which right now we think is a little too far east to affect us. More passing snow showers are possible. It will certainly be a cold afternoon on mri were only going to top out in the 30s. Specifically 38 degrees for your friday. Take a little bit of the edge off the cold this weekend. It looks like a dry weekend but more rain shores and low 50s. Monday 53degrees. Tuesday 53 and it looks wednesday of next week about 45 greece. Jim, sarah, over to you. Welcome back. Fox5 giving back this holiday with our season of wishes this week. Fox5 d. C. Cares proud partners with make a wish mid atlantic and it leads up to our grand finale. Well have more on that but first Meaghan Jones joins us here. Youre going to test us a little bit here because a lot of people they hear about make a wish, but they may not quite understand how they can get in and help out and that type of thing. So why dont you kind of give us a little test here that will help the folks at home. Well do a little wish quiz. First question for you two, when you you donate to make atlanticment the money is put in a national pot. False. You are correct. All donations made to t make a wish mid atlantic stay local and serve kids in virginia, maryland and d. C. So local money goes to local kids and their wishes. Q. Thats important. Good job. Second question, make a michigan mid mid atlantic only accepts cash donations, i know that is also false. That is true you mean its false. Its false. You are correct. True, it is false. We take cash donations of course but were also looking for in kind donations. We need 82 air miles a year for local wishes alone. Which is amazing. A lot of people fly. You may take one or two flights per year. When you pit them into that pot dont get the magazine subscription you dont really compile them all and we turn miles into smiles for wish kids you guys are two for two. We make a wish only serves terminally ill children. A. I know that to be false as well. Yes, you guys. Cleaning the board here. Make a wish actually serves kids who have live threatening medical conditions and what we know is 89 percent of surveyed \doctor\dr. {~}s and nurses and other medical professionals tell us that wishes actually are not just nice theyre necessary. They help kids fight on, face their medical protocols and 71 percent of adult wish kids credit their wish for saving their life. It changes lives for sure. Like little klehr we met tonight. Yes, absolutely. Last question, many kids are waiting for wishes. True. I would think. Thats a good question. Im going t while we grant hundreds of local wishes every year, over 400 last year alean for every wish we grant another child is waiting. We never turn away kids who are medically eligible but they have to wait. If youre seven years old like klehr that is a really tough thing to face when youre already facing endless time in hospital away from your family, away from school. So kids shouldnt have to wait for their wishes and the public can help by just getting activated, volunteer, donate air miles, donate dollars and make wishes come true. Tell us a little bit about the grand finale. Its going to be a great day you dont want to miss. You saw evan and this year we have ember who wants to be a k the officer the community is coming together to make a special day. We are teaming up with make a wish. This is ember right here. As you talk about ember going into friday were going to help him fe be a k9 Police Officer and were going to be doing that on the air on friday. Thank you, always good to see you. We love our friends at fox 35 and all the viewers so cant wait for friday. Thank you very much. Well be right back. Think of your fellow man, lend him a helping hand, put a little love in your heart. Youll see its getting late, oh please dont hesitate. Put a little love in your heart. In your heart. In your heart. In your heart. In your heart. vo going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen Million Dollars to those in need. It feels good to be back. You might have seen these articles going around your social media need today. An announcement that the Washington Redskins are changing their name to the washington red hawks complete with multiple news articles and an entire website dedicated to the red hawks name change. It looked legitimate. There was an instant reaction of disbelief over a supposed announcement from Dan Schneider that the team was dropping the name to red hawks. It got to the point where the redskins issued epa official statement via the twitter account. This morning they were made aware of fraudulent announcements. The name of the team is Washington Redskins and will remain that in the future. A campaign by the risi h group of native americans urging the skins to change their name. We created this action to show the nfl and the washington football franchise how easy, popular and powerful changing the name could be. They continued, what were asking for changing only four letters, four letters. Certainly the harm the mascot does to native americans out weighs the very, very minor changes. The rising hawrts coalition held an event tonight to prepare signs at rfk stadium necessity say the entire operation was a move to troal the redskins and well, the redskins took the bates. When it was finally revealed that it was not the washington football that did this at all they would have to come out and say themselves oh, we arent chang ing the name. They would have to say that, oh, yeah we are a racist team. Were not changing anything at all and thats exactly what Dan Schneider s today. It forced him to admit that the name and the mascot are both racist. It was a pretty genius campaign because people were all over social media sharing these fake articles thinking it was real and were talking about it we havent heard about the name debate in quite a while. It keeps it ray live and well well see them out there on sunday. Okay. Up you next at 11 another tv personality suspended in the wake of a hashtag me two movement. The family of this teenager has a long list of questions after his tragic death over the weekend. How the department is responding tonight. A 911 for this baby girl coming up next at 11. This time of year can be especially hard on military families whose loved ones deployed oversees, one maryland boy got a big surprise from his dad and we were there. How are you doing . I thought you were coming next week. I know, i surprised you. Its been a long time, ha in home in time for christmas. Best Christmas Ever. Best. Whats the first thipg you guys are going to do. Probably play video games. Were going to go eat lunch and go play you go. I missed him so much. It will be a wonderful christmas. Its nice to have him home. Im sure it will be one that we dont ever forget. And that wraps it up for us at ten 30 tonight. Ill see you on the final five at 11 30. Sarah and shawn stands by for the news that begins right now q. Right now at 11 its a combination of the coldest day weve seen so far this season with a little bit of light snow moving on through. What will the impact be in the morning as we track this clipper moving through our region tonight in ill have your forecast. This teenagers family and friends are questioning the Police Following his tragic death. Why was he not taken . Why was he not arrested

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