Transcripts For WRC News4 At 5 20171207 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 5 20171207

as he decides to step down from his senate seat. >> i, of all people, am aware there is some irony in the fact that i am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault, sits in the oval office. and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate with the full support of his party. >> that last reference going to alabama senate candidate roy moore who is facing allegations from at least nine women, including one who says that moore molested her when she was just 14 and he was in his 30s. the rnc announced this week it would again back moore in the special election. doreen, erika? >> leon, thank you. there are mixed feelings here in washington about senator franken's resignation. >> we sent our what people are thinking and how they are feeling. she continues live coverage tonight. amee? >> reporter: yeah, erika, a lot of people we talked to tonight were surprised by the news. most told us they were in favor of al franken stepping down. they told us they thought it was the right thing for him to do. a lot of women told us they feel a sense of solidarity with the accusers. however, others told us they thought al franken was a good senator and they were disappointed to see him stepping down. >> i think women have been discriminated against from time in memorial. you have to stick up for yourself. >> it's not acceptable. he did it and glad he's stepping down before anybody else has to call him out about it. >> reporter: why are you bummed? >> i think franken has been an effective member of the senate and i think he's, generally speaking, a great guy. >> we have to stand up and start looking out for more women and let this abuse go on. >> reporter: now, al franken continues to deny all the allegations against him. again, in this speech today, he called it ironic that he is stepping down while other politicians facing similar accusations are not. doreen? >> amee cho, thank you, amee. we want to know what you think. do you agree with senator franken's decision to resign? so far many of you on our nbc washington facebook page say yes, you do agree. and with the senate so narrowly divided, what happens to senator franken's seat? we'll look ahead to the potential power struggle with nbc news senior political editor mark murray. that comes up in about ten minutes. >> a mother's heart break, we are learning new details tonight about the youngest victim yet of the ms13 gang violence in our area. it is a story you'll see only on news4 about those two bodies discovered last spring in fairfax bureau chief julie carey joins us with why he and the other victims were killed. >> reporter: you remember that day, it was a chilling discovery when those two bodies were found back there in the park. it came during a surge in gang-related violence. now these newly unsealed court documents reveal the detectives probably had a pretty good idea of who they were going to find even before they started digging back there. that's because two teenagers went missing in the fall of 2016 and detectives learned that word on the street was they had been killed and buried by ms-13. late february and early march, this was the sooep as fairfax county police and the fbi joined in days of digging in holmes run park. two bodies discovered, but their identity was kept under wraps. this mother whose 14-year-old son had been missing since fall told news4 at the time she feared the worst. heron night and never came back. >> translator: very much sadness. waiting to hear something about my son. >> reporter: now news4 has learned those fears were confirmed. authorities have notified her that her son, sergio, was one of the two victims. the other young man killed, 17-year-old edmond escobar mendez. these just unsealed court documents reveal why the teens were targeted. mendez disappeared in late august. his family reporting him missing days later. then in late september, facebook information led his brother to seek out a friend, sergio tremenio. he gave him bad news saying he had been abducted or killed because ms-13 members thought he was a spy for a rival gang. just two days later, on september 27th, tremenio also disappeared. his worried mom contacted police to report him missing. then in december, new information. detectives learned the teens had been killed and members. but it wasn't until february they got the tip that led them to this wooded burial ground. now, since then the fbi has taken over this case. so, when any charges do come, they will be in federal court. no word yet on whether any arrests have been made. it is likely if there have been indictments at this point, they are still under seal. reporting live from fairfax county, i'm julie carey. >> scott macfarlane at the live desk with breaking news. the u.s. house has just voted to avert a government shutdown and the furlough of many thousands of local federal workers, but they have vote today do so for just two weeks, passing a two-week continuing resolution. the spending plan to keep the government open to december 22nd. so that negotiations can continue. the house vote is complete, 235 yeses on that vot the president must sign it. all indications that will happen. but again, just for two weeks so a budget stalemate can be worked out. at the live desk, i'm scott macfarlane. >> scott, thank you. some breaking news now from out west. this is a new look at that big fire fight taken from a fire helicopter in southern california. fire fighters there are battling the ferocious thomas fire. they are getting a tiny bit of good news today. the national weather service saying the winds did not reach those historic levels today as had been predicted. but it is still an uphill battle. hundreds of homes are gone. tens of thousands of people have been forced to leave. coming up we'll bring you some of the harrowing stories from people who escaped with just the cloel clothing on their backs. >> new criticism over the sometimes astronomical tolls on i-66, a big group of local lawmakers now says a $40 toll for a one-way trip is unacceptable. now they are calling for the tolls to be temporarily i-66 in northern virginia with their message to virginia's governor and vdot's response. derrick? >> reporter: well, good evening. you're looking at i-66 here. it is a road that is indeed steeped in controversy these days. four days into this new tolling system, with those prices like you saw, a lot of folks are saying that it's a bit costlier than was expected. now, they went to vdot headquarters today to send a message to the state department of transportation, to the secretary of transportation, to put the brakes on this until they can get a handle on it because for a lot of these representatives, it's just too expensive for their commuters. take a listen. >> and let's call this plan what it is the way that it's been rolled out. it's highway robbery. >> reporter: commuters we spoke to are mixed about the system. >> sure, first i love the new tolling system because i understand that it's expensive to go from the beltway into d.c. however, we couldn't do it anyway beforehand. so now it gives us the option if we want to pay then we can still without being -- >> reporter: the closer you get the less popular the tolls are. >> i don't think people in arlington should have to pay any of the tolls. ru route 66 is our internal highway. >> reporter: vdot put out numbers on the first day of the toll lanes. the average price was $14.50. less than the toll lane inception. now, those representatives that went to vdot today were mostly democrats, but this is a bipartisan issue. there are a lot of folks on the other side of the aisle that don't like it as well. caucus chairman, republican caucus chairman timothy hugo said the exorbitant toll prices on i-66 is unacceptable. no word back from the state department of transportation as to whether or not they will put the brakes on this. and that's very unlikely that they will cause an immediate end of this which is what those delegates wanted. we'll have more about the story coming up later on news4. now we're live in virginia, derrick ward, news4. ck >> derrick, thank you. turning now to storm team4 and the forecast that is about to get really chilly and really fast. >> doug is coming to us from burke, virginia, where an entire neighborhood is joining forces to spread some holiday cheer. and, doug, it looks like you have a lot of new friends out there. >> yeah, apparently people couldn't come out to see me live today. they couldn't make it out today. we've got a ton of people out here today. and you mentioned the neighborhood. there are seven houses here. this neighborhood so much bigger than this. that's why they love doing this on this street. we are on marshall pond row. this is one of the pipes that they have here. that means seven houses, you can see those houses decorated so nicely. when the sun goes down, what a different view we have from just an hour ago. now you can really see the lights in all their glory across the yard. take a look. this is a different vantage point. this shows you down the road from our mass cam. this shows you what we're looking at that is new. we're going to talk to the guy that put that up in a minute. he didn't know that. i'm going to talk to you in a minute. i see you over there. he had to do some work on that. we'll talk about the work he had to do. let's talk first about the weather that we've got out there because it's a little bit on the cool side but not bad out here at all. as a matter of fact, temperatures still in the mid to upper 40s in the d.c. metro area. temperatures will be going down. 30s back to the west. much colder air moving in. again, colder air tomorrow. the chances of snow continue to increase with every model run over the last 12 hours or so. so, yes, we have a much better chance for snow and winter sticking around. the cold and a few more chances of snow, too. we're going to send it back inside. you guys, i think i have some more people that are excited and anxious to talk. you guys want to talk a little bit? >> yeah! >> not right now. we'll send it back to you. >> somehow i just -- you know, bad idea to give the kids the mic. >> i saw that earlier. i don't think he'll let that happen again. all right. we're going to switch gears stepping down. so, what happens next? >> could make for a power struggle here in washington. we'll talk about it with nbc news political editor mark murray. >> 76 years and the stories of heroism from that day are just chilling. meet some of the brave men who survived "the pearl" harbor attack and made their way to washington today to pay tribute. >> and it's so much more than just a stained grass window in a local store front. it's become a community landmark to remember a young woman who was murdered on the job. now that store is closing. what wi happen to this ll see holiday tradition in a whole new light. join in the joy of christmas town at busch gardens. with over 8 million twinkling lights. enjoy coasters and thrills. and celebrate with holiday shopping and shows. bring your family to busch gardens and you would even say it glows. christmas town. where christmas shines brightest. we're back now with a closer look at what al franken's resignation will mean for congress. >> the minnesota democrat announced that he will step down in the coming weeks over sexual harassment claims, some of which he disputes. >> i know in my heart that nothing i have done as a senator, nothing, has brought dishonor on this institution. >> franken went on to say that while he is leaving the senate, his voice will not be silent. >> joining us now, nbc's senior political editor mark murray. hi, mark. >> hi, doreen. >> let's look at what franken had to say today. at one point he took aim at the president and at alabama senate candidate roy moore. withr the senate, one in the house, stepping down, what does this mean for democrats and republicans? >> what was interesting about al franken's speech, it was almost a political attack on republicans, almost making the point that democrats including him are stepping down. we saw john conyers, the long-serving democratic congressman from michigan, also step down. and the complaint that you're hearing on capitol hill from democrats is why aren't republicans who have been accused of this or even things worse aren't stepping down or why even republicans are embracing them? so, that was part of al franken's remarks. the other thing that struck me today was just how he was not apologetic. he was in some ways kind of defiant about the accusations against him. but said that he was stepping down because he couldn't do his job at the same time the senate ethics committee was looking after him and said it was better for the people of minnesota for him to step down because he couldn't do his job any more. >> there was a line in franken's speech, mark, that stood out to us. we have that queued up. let's listen to it then get your >> minnesota ans deserve a senator who can focus with all her energy on addressing the challenges they face every day. >> mark, let me ask you. do you take anything away from franken's use of "her?" and do we know what happens next with his seat? why use that? >> i'm not going to go into the pronoun pronoun usage. some of his speech was he was a big advocate for women empowerment issues when it comes to gender equity. look at my record of voting on those types of issues. that is the one thing when it comes to democrats on this whole story, a lot of them might say they have the higher ground by these exits from al franken and john conyers. on the other hand, you just see so many more women in the democratic ranks that democrats say they are the party representing women, wanting to empower them. and so in some actually extra pressure on them when they are faced with these kind of stories to react and react quickly. >> mark, one of the draw backs for al franken, as he leaves the senate, they dropped their investigation of this. he gets no real chance to defend himself in an investigatory situation. yet congress is having hearings about how it handles sexual harassment claims. where does that go from here? >> yeah, you know, it was very interesting on how defiant al franken was, but then you mention by stepping down it pretty much ends anyway for him to be skuexc ulpated from all o this. this story is not going away and i wouldn't be surprised if we see more and more from this in the coming weeks and months ahead. >> all right. nbc's mark murray. thank you for joining us and we invite you to keep it here for all the latest involving al franken and the other big that's ahead on nbc nightly news with lester holt. december 7th, 1941, 76 years ago today, the day the japanese launched a sneak attack on pearl harbor. >> the attack on world war ii, here in washington, veterans pause to honor the memory. ♪ ♪ >> a sailor played taps. breathes were laid. ♪ ♪ washington redskins band with many veterans among its members played "god bless america." veterans from several american wars were here to honor those at pearl harbor like vietnam veteran bubba owe enof rou of r hill, virginia. from front royal, a veteran from two tours of duty in afghanistan here to honors veteran grandfather, who never spoke of it until the end of his life. >> some are proud and you have the other guys who don't want to talk. they are still proud, but it just haunts them. >> reporter: what are you thinking and feeling? >> every year i come, the last couple years i've come to drop off my own wreaths and every year i cry. very touching to hear these guy's life stories. >> reporter: a dairy farmer from horford county, maryland, read a poem he wrote about pearl harbor and president roosevelt. >> fdr called for thousands, millions joined the throng. remember pearl harbor became the battle song. >> reporter: and these and other veterans get their way, pearl harbor, december 7th, 1941, always will be more than just another day in history. tom sherwood, news4. >> which cars have the best safety features for you and your family? >> safety experts are putting them to the test fashion. we're going to tell you whether they're up to the challenge. >> and doug joins us from one of the most festive neighborhoods we've seen. he's got a look at the changes ♪ ♪ as the theme song cheer, doug. he's live in burke where an entire neighborhood is shining brightly tonight. hey, doug. >> uh-huh. yeah, hey, doreen. really a great night out here. it's not too cold, is it, guys? >> no. >> not at all. we are -- i want to show you first, i want to take a mass camera shot. this is such a great shot. our truck is at the top of the hill here. and take a look at what we've got. just a beautiful neighborhood. there are seven houses, every single one of them lit up. i have rich with me right now. rich, what's your last name? >> kavanagh. >> rich, they moved in 3 1/2 years ago. when they moved in, you put up some lights. >> i put up one strand, maybe two. >> and the neighbors said? >> you better step it up. >> yeah. and that's exactly what he did. he not only stepped it up, but him and his son ian and ian wanted to make sure we got his good side. yes. [ laughter ] >> yes. want today make sure we got his good side. they put up that merry christmas sign you see there. you saw that on thes a second ago. you had a little mishap with that. that was hard to do. >> it took two weeks to build that thing. two days after the garbage truck hit it. we had to figure out how to raise it up a couple feet. >> you did it. >> with a cherry picker. >> with the cherry picker. you did step it up big time. i want to show you what's going on weather wise. we have some cold and some snow coming in. let's take a look and show you what we're talking about here. right now, first off around our area, again, this is so cool, brand-new here. this is our green screen we're going to be bringing out across the region. 46 degrees, winds out of the south at 9 miles an hour. it's cool but not too bad this time of year. temperature wise the rest of the area already down to 39 in winchester. we're 43 right now gaithersburg. down towards fredericks burke 43 as well. let's talk about the chances for snow. nothing out there right now. storm team4 radar is dry. it's going to be dry right on through the next 24 hours, but that's when we're going to start to see moisture making its way up our a lot of moisture down to the south. look down towards new orleans, look toward the southeast. you see that moisture down there. we're going to be watching a cold area of low pressure move out of what is going to be happening -- we need to go back. what's going to be happening coming out of canada. that's going to bring the cold air here and that's also going to bring us a good chance for that cold air to mix and bring in some of that moisture from the atlantic. they're going to merge right here right off the coast and give us a chance for some snow in and around our area. if we have that grabbiphic for , this moisture is coming and we're going to talk about it. temperatures right now, let's talk about the four day forecast. 42 degrees on friday. we are now calling saturday a weather alert day. is it going to be a huge snowstorm that breaks down the city? no, this is only a couple inches. mostly on grassy surfaces if that. and most of the best chances of snow will be south and east of i-95. but it is going to be our first snow of the season. so weather alert for sure on saturday. 39 degrees on your nd 45 on monday. and then we're going to get cold again into the middle of the week. and that's talking about the middle of next week and maybe even another chance for snow next tuesday, although it's a small chance. then we get really cold as we move on into wednesday and thursday. highs on wednesday around 32 grizzly. -- degrees. we have a lot of kids. how many try to wear shorts to school when it's cold? my son does the same thing and i cannot understand. listen to me right now. parents, are you ready for this? the weather man says you have to wear pants from now for the next two weeks, okay? >> no. >> no, no pants! >> remember, remember santa is watching. back to you guys. >> doug is out there playing mean tricks on the kids. school is canceled on saturday. that's like inviting somebody to chick-fil-a on sunday. >> he's a real buzz kill, isn't he? >> that's right, no school saturday. >> thank you, doug. i think they can see those lights >> it's beautiful. >> quite a display. well, still ahead on news4, a local lululemon store is on the move, but it's not just another store. it's the sign of a memorial to a store employee whose killing stunned our region. so, what's happening with her memorial? we'll tell you next. >> plus the quest foreclose you're. the work to finally close a cold case so expensive, that it wi actuallyll a ( ♪ ) as a person who loves the finer things, this holiday season, i've asked for a luxurious new buick suv. 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( ♪ ) ring in the holidays with buick. get up to 20% below msrp on most 2017 luxury suv models. that's almost $7,400 on this buick enclave leather. experience the new buick this holiday season for remaining 2017s. news4 at 5:00. >> now at 5:30, al franken says he will resign from the united states senate in the coming weeks. the minnesota democrat faced misconduct allegations for more than half a dozen women. in a speech on the senate floor today, franken denied some of those allegations and spoke about what he views as hypocrisy by republicans facing similar allegations. >> now to a story that you'll see only on news4, a memorial that has become a popular landmark in bethesda is going away. >> lululemon, the store, is moving not fara way, just a few doors down. the stained glass window that reads "love" will not be part of the new store. >> that window is a tribute to jana murray. she was a former employee who was brutally murdered inside na shop. >> news4's chris gordon joins us with details on what will happen with that window. chris, i'm glad you're covering this story. i saw this the other day and wondered what would happen with it. >> reporter: well, i trial. we covered the murder. it happened here. i'm standing outside the old lululemon yoga store in bethesda. as you can see, as people walk by here, shopping christmas, whatever, it is now closed for good. it will no longer be a reminder of the brutal murder that happened here nearly seven years ago. but the victim of the murder will not be forgotten. the stained glass window above the lululemon yoga store in bethesda is a memorial to jana murray. she was brutally murdered here in march of 2011 by a coworker who murray caught stealing merchandise. the killing shocked bethesda and the entire community. >> it was haunting to everybody. >> and the fact when you see that sign love, what does it say to you? >> it just makes you remember somebody who should be remembered and not forgotten. >> reporter: but the landmark sign is going away. lululemon is moving to a new the love window doesn't fit its new decor. lululemon is offering to ship the window to jana marie's family. her brother hugh tells me by facetime he's happy to have it in his richmond, virginia home. >> it's helped i think obviously us and it definitely had an affect and became kind of a landmark there in bethesda to a lot of the community that were affected by jana's murder. it meant a lot to us. >> reporter: we got to know the family during the trial of brittany who is convicted of murdering jana and is serving a life sentence without parole. we watched jana's parents shop for lululemon christmas presents after the trial and we've seen the family grow. >> since her murder we've had three kids so we like to share stories, happy stories about jana to them and even though they'll never meet her, their aunt, we want her memory to live on withhe well. >> reporter: hugh murray tells me that his sister jana was always larger than life. she loved adventure and she continues to be an inspiration to their entire family. that's the latest live in bethesda. doreen, back to you. >> chris gordon, thank you. >> in southern california, four separate wildfires raging out of control. residents near the fire line are using garden hoses to spray down palm trees as fire fighters scramble to beat back the flames. but for so many families, it's already too late. their homes have just been destroyed along with precious items that can never be replaced. >> nbc's gina kim is in southern california. >> reporter: the possible wildfire danger level was issued for the first time. the purple flag, fire officials said they haven't seen this combination of fierce winds and extreme dry conditions in decades. >> the brush burning that's a number that we rate the threat of a brush fire, is 296. this is the highest number i've ever seen in my career. >> reporter: more than 4,000 fire fighters are on the front lines fighting the flames from the ground and the sky. four separate fires continue to burn out of control from ventura to los angeles, burning hundreds of buildings and threatening thousands more, including those in the exclusive bel air and brentwood neighborhoods. residents whose homes have so far escaped the flames aren't taking any chances. beth raji is putting out hot spots around her home with a gua garden hose. >> we are so for the nat. >> reporter: other residents barely got out with the clothes on their backs. >> we can see the flames coming up and that was it. we were out of here. we didn't take anything. >> god wanted him and i guess he wanted my house, too. >> reporter: the fire destroyed irene's home and the urn ashes. >> i ran out of tears. there's no more. >> reporter: if the fire proves unmanageable, they may have to face evacuating over fire fighting. gina kim, nbc news, ventura, california. >> and lester holt will be anchoring nightly news from ventura. that is starting at 7:00 after news 6. >> teenager's future called into question. >> their safety when they head to the winter olympic games in just over a month. >> come on. >> now, that's called making learning fun. i'm tracee wilkins. coming up on news4, art integration in the prince george's county school system. >> and we're tracking some chilly changes in our weather. >> doug's holiday lights coming to you from the brightest neighborhood in town. doug? >> oh, this neighborhood is awesome. we brought storm team4 4-by-4, the peaco houses, seven of them, all lit up. and your chances for snow. those chances continue to go up. you can't the opening ceremony for the 2018 olympic games in pyeongchang is february 9, coming soon. but tonight there are questions about whether team usa will be there. the confusion started on wednesday when u.n. ambassador nikki haley cast doubt on whether american athletes would attend due to increasing tensions on the korean peninsula. then today white house press secretary sarah sanders told reporters no official decision has been made. later on she tweeted the u.s. looks forward to participating in the winter olympics. >> an important traffic alert connected to a police investigation that we told you about yesterday, virginia state police say they will shut down a portion of the i-95 express lanes in stafford county tomorrow. the garrisonville road access points will be closed till 10:00 in the morning so police can search for the remains of pamela butler. police believe butler's body is buried in the median of 95. she went missing from the district in 2009 and earlier this year jose rodriguez cruz confessed to murdering her and said that he buried her body along the highway. >> tonight we are getting an eye op >> putting them to the test to see which ones are safest for you and for your family, consumer reporter susan hogan joins us with a look at this new list. >> it sure is starting to look and feel like christmas. the temperatures are plunging and pretty soon we could see some snow, what? doug'soliday lights and his h we've got breaking news here at the live desk. another lawmaker is stepping down, but we're not quite sure why. leon harris here, nbc news has just confirmed that gop congressman trent franks of arizona is preparing to resign. that is according to multiple gop sources. nbc news talked with the arizona will you mak he'll let the statement speak for himself. he will not make a comment in the meantime. franks served in congress since 2003 and we are closely following this story. we'll bring you a statement as soon as we get it. back to you in the studio. >> the news changes fast. the insurance institute for highway safety is out with its top safety picks for 2018 and ahead of the agency says the results of its crash test are good news for drivers. >> consumer reporter susan hogan is here with the details. >> that's right. well, the i ihs which conducts these crash tests evaluates automobile safety standards says it is pleased with just how well manufacturers are making the grade. this year, 62 vehicle models earned the institute's top safety pick award, with 15 of those earning its highest award despite tougher criteria requiring better headlights and enhanced passenger-side protection. >> most drivers when they buy a as they are. and so our new test is to try to achieve that. >> to earn the award, vehicles go through a number of crash tests to show they can protect occupants in front, side, rollover, and rear impact collisions as well as testing automatic teenage braking features. >> 15 vehicles meeting these new tougher criteria for top safety pick plus is a good news story for consumers. >> leading the way this year for the most top safety picks plus awards are hyundai and subaru. >> what you're seeing with those two companies is they are responding very quickly when they learn new ways that they need to modify their vehicles to protect their customers. >> new models that show protection is a continued priority for the driving public. and to see the crash test rating go to our nbc washington app and search crash test. isn't it amazing how incredibly sophisticated these safety features are getting? amazing amazing. >> those are not the highest priced cars. that's the good news. >> susan hogan, thank you. >> sure. >> fractions, modern dance in the middle of science class, a changing approach to teaching is developing creative and eager learners. bureau chief tracee wilkins takes us inside the classroom to show us how it works. >> think positive. >> reporter: this is math and science class in upper marlboro. >> we're at the poetry cafe for my pooh math and science with miss ruby. >> reporter: when it was time to present last night's fraction homework. >> the numerator can't be the bigger number. it would be improper. >> reporter: good work. it's how the prince george's county school system is integrating art into learning. >> before we started doing the music, it was kind of boring. i do now that i have activity, i understand it more. >> reporter: what are parents saying about it? john tashini directs the program. art has grown from 14 to 43 schools in three years. >> kids are excited about learning, that's what we want to create. >> reporter: instead of just reading about hurricanes. >> strong wind and heavy rain. >> reporter: these students become the hurricanes. it's a lesson they don't forget. >> it's usually in the water, then it goes to land. then it floods things. >> reporter: striking the right balance meant retraining teachers at the kennedy center and wolf trap. >> we had so much fun just learning how to make learning fun for them. >> reporter: but clearly these students aren't the only ones having fun. >> four total pieces, two sets. >> now, did i just read it as usual? no. >> reporter: you walk around the school, you can see and hear how art is integrated into everything that they do here. prince george's county that of the art integration. to find out which ones are on the list, go to nbc washington and search art and schools. in upper marlboro, i'm tracee wilkins, news4. >> that does look like fun. there is no substitute for an enthusiastic teacher. >> absolutely. the kids get right into it. good for them. >> let's go back out to burke. doug in the middle of that fantastic holiday light display with more on our weather forecast. hey, doug. >> yeah, hey, guys. it really is just a fantastic display. just looking around, i mean, not only is this neighborhood great during the winter. they say it's also great during halloween. they have the kids from everywhere. look at the house here. this is one of the seven houses in this neighborhood. and you can walk with me and we're going to take a look at some of the other decorations that they have. now, every single year the decorations get bigger and bigger and some of the parents here said, you know, we go out right after christmas and pickup pickup the lights, and you can see this thing continues to grow. the amazing thing about this, most of the families, they've only been here a couple of years. this is the walsh family. how long have you been letter here? >> 4 1/2 years. >> this is hal i, tom is in the air force. thank you for your service. this is your second time in burke. >> third time. >> i got that wrong. i read your bioearlier. it said two. >> we've been here three tours. >> this is your third tour in the burke area. you said 4 1/2 years, in the burke area, you come back every time? >> every time. twice, been here three times. >> same house? >> yeah. >> really? i have to talk about how you did that. introduce me to your family real quick. you put in the neighborhood, entire neighborhood for us to come out. >> right. this is patrick. caylee and thomas. >> did you guys help deck raid? >> yes. >> tom, did they help deck raid? >> they do, a little bit. >> i know how that is. daddy, i put that up, i'm done. let's show you what's happening weather wise. there is something else that's cool. take a loo t we have the mass camera taking a look at the whole neighborhood here. what i want to show you what's going on weather wise because again we have the weather and these guys right here are watching me do the weather right here. look at the numbers. 46 degrees currently in d.c., 42 down towards the andrews air force base area and 39 down to the south. these are the numbers tomorrow. 38 degrees in gaithersburg, 42 d.c., we're going to see a lot more cloud cover and 30s back to the west. it is going to be a much colder day tomorrow. that's going to set the stage for what's coming next. take a look. this is 7:00 on friday night. notice the mix to the south. most of this should fall as rain early. we could see some of this move to snow and notice by 7:00 a.m., most areas especially i-95 south and eastward are moving into snow. could see a little bit of a mix here. if it does mix, it will drop down accumulations. we could see some accumulated roads or grassy surfaces rather. roads should be fine with more on this. let's go to amelia taking us zone by zone. >> exactly, doug. here is futur see the most activity will be down in southern maryland, parts of the northern neck. so we're talking about rain and snow on your saturday and cold, too, with temperature only of 38 degrees. our storm team4 four zone four cast, showing you three zones, showed you two last hour. i'm showing you the eastern zone again because this is where the most action will be. you can see rain and snow is likely on saturday. if you want to start planning now if you're in areas like la plata, leonard town, patuxent river. some accumulations especially on grass, on branches, on cars. gives you that pretty winter wonder land look, but doesn't stick to the roads. it is just going to be too warm. as we head to the western zone, frederick, loudoun, fauquier, prince william county, original, culpepper county as well. we have a chance for rain and snow on saturday. this would be conversational snow. i don't think we would be able to get a dusting on the grass out in our western zones. but further out in the cumberland and peters burg, your snow chances a little bit different, but nonetheless they're there. saturday night through sunday morning and you're picking up maybe a dusting to 2 inches in areas like wis. because of areas in the forecast, mixing with rain on saturday, it is a storm team4 weather alert day. it's breezy, cold on sunday with wind chills in the 20s and low 30s. monday not too bad, and doug, maybe a little more snow in the forecast on tuesday. but again, all eyes on the weekend and of course saturday and how much fun you're having out there, it just looks so wonderful. getting everyone in the holiday spirit, i love it and i love the mass cam shot as well. really beautiful. >> yeah, it really looks good down here. all seven houses. you live across the way, right? >> yes. >> and you came down. you love this area, right? >> yes. >> what do you love about it? >> um, like the state. >> virginia has always been my favorite. >> the neighborhood. [ laughter ] >> oh, around christmastime they decorations. >> i love it, i love going way overboard. kind of like the griswolds, but we kept our power on which is very, very good for this. we talk about getting to you guys. coming up with more at the 6:00 hour. we'll talk of more about this, snow chances as well, we continue to get new information in. we'll see you back in a minute. you guys can wave good-bye. >> bye! >> they took the words out of my mouth, like a page out of national lampoon's christmas vacation. >> that's right. and love that. we were just saying we should be grateful that the lights are all working on that giant display. >> all right. makes for good tv. coming up it's an art collection that's unlike anything you've ever seen. >> because it was taken from the enemy, a one of a kind look at the rare art on a local military base that was onc see holiday tradition in a whole new light. join in the joy of christmas town at busch gardens. with over 8 million twinkling lights. more than anywhere else in america. enjoy coasters and thrills. and celebrate with holiday shopping and shows. bring your family to busch gardens and you would even say it glows. christmas town. where christmas shines brightest. it probably won't surprise you to hear that the united states army has a huge collection of historic military artifacts from as far back as the revolutionary war. but also included in the army's collection is a painting by adolf hitler. and the collection is kept right here at fort belvoir. news4's mark segraves got a behind the scenes look at the artwork. >> reporter: this is no ordinary warehouse, and the contents are very far from ordinary. >> this is adolf hitler himself. >> reporter: in this nondee artifacts. a militia jacket from 1810. canteens used by generations of soldiers. among all this american history, four rather unremarkable paintings still in their original frames. unremarkable, but for the artist. >> these are four water colors by adolf hitler. >> reporter: that's right, these are works of adolf hitler. after hitler's defeat at the end of world war ii, the u.s. army seized thousands of pieces of german artwork that was considered to be propaganda. >> the idea of art is dangerous is the message behind it. the nazis used propaganda more effectively than anyone else in history. >> reporter: sarah is the chief art curator here at the army's center foremilita center for military history. >> the fear was it would be lost. >> reporter: art even compared hitler to john the baptist. >> that makes a connection between hitler as for nazi propaganda and john the baptist as a speaker for holy words. >> reporter: while the art has been displayed in the past it isn't often seen by the public. one person who did get an up close look at the collection is andrew who wrote about the nazi art for washingtonian magazine. >> it's so creepy. it's so odd to be that close to something that the same guy who was the architect of the holocaust actually made himself. and it's also really weird looking at the paintings, just how devoid of life they are. >> reporter: thousands of the pieces that were seized by u.s. soldiers have since been returned to germany, but the army still has 586 pieces. and remember that huge bust of hitler? it was found when u.s. soldiers took hitler's eagle's nest. as for why keep or display nazi art? >> when you look at the stuff, it reminds you that nazism worked by stoking people's feelings. it wasn't an ideology that really concerned with facts. so, looking at the feelings of that generated, it's real important, i think, to study how they did it, how they got people to believe a certain way. >> reporter: now, generations after world war ii, art once used as a weapon to engender hate now held at bay on a military base where few get to see it. mark segraves, news4. >> announcer: news4 at 6:00 begins with breaking news. >> tonight nbc news has learned that arizona congressman trent franks is preparing to step down, according to multiple republican sources. but right now it's not clear why. >> nbc news caught up with franks on the hill just moments ago and he says that he plans to release a statement tonight and has nothing more to say until then. franks is a republican member of the freedom caucus and has served in congress since 2003. >> all this comes after minnesota senator al franken's fall from grace. he wrote this year, appeared to be a top democratic contender in the 2020 presidential race. >> well, now three weeks later his career in congress is over, cut short by the politics of misconduct and pressure from his own party. >> a couple months ago i felt that we had entered an important moment in the history of this country. we were finally beginning to listen to women about the ways in which men's actions affect them. then the conversation turned to me. i was shocked. i was upset. >> the only republican who attended senator franken's emotional speech, arizona senator jeff flake. tonight we've got team coverage of a potentially pivotal moment in a year filled with political turbulence. >> amee cho is gathering local reaction to senator franken's resignation. but let's start with blayne alexander.

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Transcripts For WRC News4 At 5 20171207

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as he decides to step down from his senate seat. >> i, of all people, am aware there is some irony in the fact that i am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault, sits in the oval office. and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate with the full support of his party. >> that last reference going to alabama senate candidate roy moore who is facing allegations from at least nine women, including one who says that moore molested her when she was just 14 and he was in his 30s. the rnc announced this week it would again back moore in the special election. doreen, erika? >> leon, thank you. there are mixed feelings here in washington about senator franken's resignation. >> we sent our what people are thinking and how they are feeling. she continues live coverage tonight. amee? >> reporter: yeah, erika, a lot of people we talked to tonight were surprised by the news. most told us they were in favor of al franken stepping down. they told us they thought it was the right thing for him to do. a lot of women told us they feel a sense of solidarity with the accusers. however, others told us they thought al franken was a good senator and they were disappointed to see him stepping down. >> i think women have been discriminated against from time in memorial. you have to stick up for yourself. >> it's not acceptable. he did it and glad he's stepping down before anybody else has to call him out about it. >> reporter: why are you bummed? >> i think franken has been an effective member of the senate and i think he's, generally speaking, a great guy. >> we have to stand up and start looking out for more women and let this abuse go on. >> reporter: now, al franken continues to deny all the allegations against him. again, in this speech today, he called it ironic that he is stepping down while other politicians facing similar accusations are not. doreen? >> amee cho, thank you, amee. we want to know what you think. do you agree with senator franken's decision to resign? so far many of you on our nbc washington facebook page say yes, you do agree. and with the senate so narrowly divided, what happens to senator franken's seat? we'll look ahead to the potential power struggle with nbc news senior political editor mark murray. that comes up in about ten minutes. >> a mother's heart break, we are learning new details tonight about the youngest victim yet of the ms13 gang violence in our area. it is a story you'll see only on news4 about those two bodies discovered last spring in fairfax bureau chief julie carey joins us with why he and the other victims were killed. >> reporter: you remember that day, it was a chilling discovery when those two bodies were found back there in the park. it came during a surge in gang-related violence. now these newly unsealed court documents reveal the detectives probably had a pretty good idea of who they were going to find even before they started digging back there. that's because two teenagers went missing in the fall of 2016 and detectives learned that word on the street was they had been killed and buried by ms-13. late february and early march, this was the sooep as fairfax county police and the fbi joined in days of digging in holmes run park. two bodies discovered, but their identity was kept under wraps. this mother whose 14-year-old son had been missing since fall told news4 at the time she feared the worst. heron night and never came back. >> translator: very much sadness. waiting to hear something about my son. >> reporter: now news4 has learned those fears were confirmed. authorities have notified her that her son, sergio, was one of the two victims. the other young man killed, 17-year-old edmond escobar mendez. these just unsealed court documents reveal why the teens were targeted. mendez disappeared in late august. his family reporting him missing days later. then in late september, facebook information led his brother to seek out a friend, sergio tremenio. he gave him bad news saying he had been abducted or killed because ms-13 members thought he was a spy for a rival gang. just two days later, on september 27th, tremenio also disappeared. his worried mom contacted police to report him missing. then in december, new information. detectives learned the teens had been killed and members. but it wasn't until february they got the tip that led them to this wooded burial ground. now, since then the fbi has taken over this case. so, when any charges do come, they will be in federal court. no word yet on whether any arrests have been made. it is likely if there have been indictments at this point, they are still under seal. reporting live from fairfax county, i'm julie carey. >> scott macfarlane at the live desk with breaking news. the u.s. house has just voted to avert a government shutdown and the furlough of many thousands of local federal workers, but they have vote today do so for just two weeks, passing a two-week continuing resolution. the spending plan to keep the government open to december 22nd. so that negotiations can continue. the house vote is complete, 235 yeses on that vot the president must sign it. all indications that will happen. but again, just for two weeks so a budget stalemate can be worked out. at the live desk, i'm scott macfarlane. >> scott, thank you. some breaking news now from out west. this is a new look at that big fire fight taken from a fire helicopter in southern california. fire fighters there are battling the ferocious thomas fire. they are getting a tiny bit of good news today. the national weather service saying the winds did not reach those historic levels today as had been predicted. but it is still an uphill battle. hundreds of homes are gone. tens of thousands of people have been forced to leave. coming up we'll bring you some of the harrowing stories from people who escaped with just the cloel clothing on their backs. >> new criticism over the sometimes astronomical tolls on i-66, a big group of local lawmakers now says a $40 toll for a one-way trip is unacceptable. now they are calling for the tolls to be temporarily i-66 in northern virginia with their message to virginia's governor and vdot's response. derrick? >> reporter: well, good evening. you're looking at i-66 here. it is a road that is indeed steeped in controversy these days. four days into this new tolling system, with those prices like you saw, a lot of folks are saying that it's a bit costlier than was expected. now, they went to vdot headquarters today to send a message to the state department of transportation, to the secretary of transportation, to put the brakes on this until they can get a handle on it because for a lot of these representatives, it's just too expensive for their commuters. take a listen. >> and let's call this plan what it is the way that it's been rolled out. it's highway robbery. >> reporter: commuters we spoke to are mixed about the system. >> sure, first i love the new tolling system because i understand that it's expensive to go from the beltway into d.c. however, we couldn't do it anyway beforehand. so now it gives us the option if we want to pay then we can still without being -- >> reporter: the closer you get the less popular the tolls are. >> i don't think people in arlington should have to pay any of the tolls. ru route 66 is our internal highway. >> reporter: vdot put out numbers on the first day of the toll lanes. the average price was $14.50. less than the toll lane inception. now, those representatives that went to vdot today were mostly democrats, but this is a bipartisan issue. there are a lot of folks on the other side of the aisle that don't like it as well. caucus chairman, republican caucus chairman timothy hugo said the exorbitant toll prices on i-66 is unacceptable. no word back from the state department of transportation as to whether or not they will put the brakes on this. and that's very unlikely that they will cause an immediate end of this which is what those delegates wanted. we'll have more about the story coming up later on news4. now we're live in virginia, derrick ward, news4. ck >> derrick, thank you. turning now to storm team4 and the forecast that is about to get really chilly and really fast. >> doug is coming to us from burke, virginia, where an entire neighborhood is joining forces to spread some holiday cheer. and, doug, it looks like you have a lot of new friends out there. >> yeah, apparently people couldn't come out to see me live today. they couldn't make it out today. we've got a ton of people out here today. and you mentioned the neighborhood. there are seven houses here. this neighborhood so much bigger than this. that's why they love doing this on this street. we are on marshall pond row. this is one of the pipes that they have here. that means seven houses, you can see those houses decorated so nicely. when the sun goes down, what a different view we have from just an hour ago. now you can really see the lights in all their glory across the yard. take a look. this is a different vantage point. this shows you down the road from our mass cam. this shows you what we're looking at that is new. we're going to talk to the guy that put that up in a minute. he didn't know that. i'm going to talk to you in a minute. i see you over there. he had to do some work on that. we'll talk about the work he had to do. let's talk first about the weather that we've got out there because it's a little bit on the cool side but not bad out here at all. as a matter of fact, temperatures still in the mid to upper 40s in the d.c. metro area. temperatures will be going down. 30s back to the west. much colder air moving in. again, colder air tomorrow. the chances of snow continue to increase with every model run over the last 12 hours or so. so, yes, we have a much better chance for snow and winter sticking around. the cold and a few more chances of snow, too. we're going to send it back inside. you guys, i think i have some more people that are excited and anxious to talk. you guys want to talk a little bit? >> yeah! >> not right now. we'll send it back to you. >> somehow i just -- you know, bad idea to give the kids the mic. >> i saw that earlier. i don't think he'll let that happen again. all right. we're going to switch gears stepping down. so, what happens next? >> could make for a power struggle here in washington. we'll talk about it with nbc news political editor mark murray. >> 76 years and the stories of heroism from that day are just chilling. meet some of the brave men who survived "the pearl" harbor attack and made their way to washington today to pay tribute. >> and it's so much more than just a stained grass window in a local store front. it's become a community landmark to remember a young woman who was murdered on the job. now that store is closing. what wi happen to this ll see holiday tradition in a whole new light. join in the joy of christmas town at busch gardens. with over 8 million twinkling lights. enjoy coasters and thrills. and celebrate with holiday shopping and shows. bring your family to busch gardens and you would even say it glows. christmas town. where christmas shines brightest. we're back now with a closer look at what al franken's resignation will mean for congress. >> the minnesota democrat announced that he will step down in the coming weeks over sexual harassment claims, some of which he disputes. >> i know in my heart that nothing i have done as a senator, nothing, has brought dishonor on this institution. >> franken went on to say that while he is leaving the senate, his voice will not be silent. >> joining us now, nbc's senior political editor mark murray. hi, mark. >> hi, doreen. >> let's look at what franken had to say today. at one point he took aim at the president and at alabama senate candidate roy moore. withr the senate, one in the house, stepping down, what does this mean for democrats and republicans? >> what was interesting about al franken's speech, it was almost a political attack on republicans, almost making the point that democrats including him are stepping down. we saw john conyers, the long-serving democratic congressman from michigan, also step down. and the complaint that you're hearing on capitol hill from democrats is why aren't republicans who have been accused of this or even things worse aren't stepping down or why even republicans are embracing them? so, that was part of al franken's remarks. the other thing that struck me today was just how he was not apologetic. he was in some ways kind of defiant about the accusations against him. but said that he was stepping down because he couldn't do his job at the same time the senate ethics committee was looking after him and said it was better for the people of minnesota for him to step down because he couldn't do his job any more. >> there was a line in franken's speech, mark, that stood out to us. we have that queued up. let's listen to it then get your >> minnesota ans deserve a senator who can focus with all her energy on addressing the challenges they face every day. >> mark, let me ask you. do you take anything away from franken's use of "her?" and do we know what happens next with his seat? why use that? >> i'm not going to go into the pronoun pronoun usage. some of his speech was he was a big advocate for women empowerment issues when it comes to gender equity. look at my record of voting on those types of issues. that is the one thing when it comes to democrats on this whole story, a lot of them might say they have the higher ground by these exits from al franken and john conyers. on the other hand, you just see so many more women in the democratic ranks that democrats say they are the party representing women, wanting to empower them. and so in some actually extra pressure on them when they are faced with these kind of stories to react and react quickly. >> mark, one of the draw backs for al franken, as he leaves the senate, they dropped their investigation of this. he gets no real chance to defend himself in an investigatory situation. yet congress is having hearings about how it handles sexual harassment claims. where does that go from here? >> yeah, you know, it was very interesting on how defiant al franken was, but then you mention by stepping down it pretty much ends anyway for him to be skuexc ulpated from all o this. this story is not going away and i wouldn't be surprised if we see more and more from this in the coming weeks and months ahead. >> all right. nbc's mark murray. thank you for joining us and we invite you to keep it here for all the latest involving al franken and the other big that's ahead on nbc nightly news with lester holt. december 7th, 1941, 76 years ago today, the day the japanese launched a sneak attack on pearl harbor. >> the attack on world war ii, here in washington, veterans pause to honor the memory. ♪ ♪ >> a sailor played taps. breathes were laid. ♪ ♪ washington redskins band with many veterans among its members played "god bless america." veterans from several american wars were here to honor those at pearl harbor like vietnam veteran bubba owe enof rou of r hill, virginia. from front royal, a veteran from two tours of duty in afghanistan here to honors veteran grandfather, who never spoke of it until the end of his life. >> some are proud and you have the other guys who don't want to talk. they are still proud, but it just haunts them. >> reporter: what are you thinking and feeling? >> every year i come, the last couple years i've come to drop off my own wreaths and every year i cry. very touching to hear these guy's life stories. >> reporter: a dairy farmer from horford county, maryland, read a poem he wrote about pearl harbor and president roosevelt. >> fdr called for thousands, millions joined the throng. remember pearl harbor became the battle song. >> reporter: and these and other veterans get their way, pearl harbor, december 7th, 1941, always will be more than just another day in history. tom sherwood, news4. >> which cars have the best safety features for you and your family? >> safety experts are putting them to the test fashion. we're going to tell you whether they're up to the challenge. >> and doug joins us from one of the most festive neighborhoods we've seen. he's got a look at the changes ♪ ♪ as the theme song cheer, doug. he's live in burke where an entire neighborhood is shining brightly tonight. hey, doug. >> uh-huh. yeah, hey, doreen. really a great night out here. it's not too cold, is it, guys? >> no. >> not at all. we are -- i want to show you first, i want to take a mass camera shot. this is such a great shot. our truck is at the top of the hill here. and take a look at what we've got. just a beautiful neighborhood. there are seven houses, every single one of them lit up. i have rich with me right now. rich, what's your last name? >> kavanagh. >> rich, they moved in 3 1/2 years ago. when they moved in, you put up some lights. >> i put up one strand, maybe two. >> and the neighbors said? >> you better step it up. >> yeah. and that's exactly what he did. he not only stepped it up, but him and his son ian and ian wanted to make sure we got his good side. yes. [ laughter ] >> yes. want today make sure we got his good side. they put up that merry christmas sign you see there. you saw that on thes a second ago. you had a little mishap with that. that was hard to do. >> it took two weeks to build that thing. two days after the garbage truck hit it. we had to figure out how to raise it up a couple feet. >> you did it. >> with a cherry picker. >> with the cherry picker. you did step it up big time. i want to show you what's going on weather wise. we have some cold and some snow coming in. let's take a look and show you what we're talking about here. right now, first off around our area, again, this is so cool, brand-new here. this is our green screen we're going to be bringing out across the region. 46 degrees, winds out of the south at 9 miles an hour. it's cool but not too bad this time of year. temperature wise the rest of the area already down to 39 in winchester. we're 43 right now gaithersburg. down towards fredericks burke 43 as well. let's talk about the chances for snow. nothing out there right now. storm team4 radar is dry. it's going to be dry right on through the next 24 hours, but that's when we're going to start to see moisture making its way up our a lot of moisture down to the south. look down towards new orleans, look toward the southeast. you see that moisture down there. we're going to be watching a cold area of low pressure move out of what is going to be happening -- we need to go back. what's going to be happening coming out of canada. that's going to bring the cold air here and that's also going to bring us a good chance for that cold air to mix and bring in some of that moisture from the atlantic. they're going to merge right here right off the coast and give us a chance for some snow in and around our area. if we have that grabbiphic for , this moisture is coming and we're going to talk about it. temperatures right now, let's talk about the four day forecast. 42 degrees on friday. we are now calling saturday a weather alert day. is it going to be a huge snowstorm that breaks down the city? no, this is only a couple inches. mostly on grassy surfaces if that. and most of the best chances of snow will be south and east of i-95. but it is going to be our first snow of the season. so weather alert for sure on saturday. 39 degrees on your nd 45 on monday. and then we're going to get cold again into the middle of the week. and that's talking about the middle of next week and maybe even another chance for snow next tuesday, although it's a small chance. then we get really cold as we move on into wednesday and thursday. highs on wednesday around 32 grizzly. -- degrees. we have a lot of kids. how many try to wear shorts to school when it's cold? my son does the same thing and i cannot understand. listen to me right now. parents, are you ready for this? the weather man says you have to wear pants from now for the next two weeks, okay? >> no. >> no, no pants! >> remember, remember santa is watching. back to you guys. >> doug is out there playing mean tricks on the kids. school is canceled on saturday. that's like inviting somebody to chick-fil-a on sunday. >> he's a real buzz kill, isn't he? >> that's right, no school saturday. >> thank you, doug. i think they can see those lights >> it's beautiful. >> quite a display. well, still ahead on news4, a local lululemon store is on the move, but it's not just another store. it's the sign of a memorial to a store employee whose killing stunned our region. so, what's happening with her memorial? we'll tell you next. >> plus the quest foreclose you're. the work to finally close a cold case so expensive, that it wi actuallyll a ( ♪ ) as a person who loves the finer things, this holiday season, i've asked for a luxurious new buick suv. ( ♪ ) fingers crossed. ( ♪ ) ring in the holidays with buick. get up to 20% below msrp on most 2017 luxury suv models. that's almost $7,400 on this buick enclave leather. experience the new buick this holiday season for remaining 2017s. news4 at 5:00. >> now at 5:30, al franken says he will resign from the united states senate in the coming weeks. the minnesota democrat faced misconduct allegations for more than half a dozen women. in a speech on the senate floor today, franken denied some of those allegations and spoke about what he views as hypocrisy by republicans facing similar allegations. >> now to a story that you'll see only on news4, a memorial that has become a popular landmark in bethesda is going away. >> lululemon, the store, is moving not fara way, just a few doors down. the stained glass window that reads "love" will not be part of the new store. >> that window is a tribute to jana murray. she was a former employee who was brutally murdered inside na shop. >> news4's chris gordon joins us with details on what will happen with that window. chris, i'm glad you're covering this story. i saw this the other day and wondered what would happen with it. >> reporter: well, i trial. we covered the murder. it happened here. i'm standing outside the old lululemon yoga store in bethesda. as you can see, as people walk by here, shopping christmas, whatever, it is now closed for good. it will no longer be a reminder of the brutal murder that happened here nearly seven years ago. but the victim of the murder will not be forgotten. the stained glass window above the lululemon yoga store in bethesda is a memorial to jana murray. she was brutally murdered here in march of 2011 by a coworker who murray caught stealing merchandise. the killing shocked bethesda and the entire community. >> it was haunting to everybody. >> and the fact when you see that sign love, what does it say to you? >> it just makes you remember somebody who should be remembered and not forgotten. >> reporter: but the landmark sign is going away. lululemon is moving to a new the love window doesn't fit its new decor. lululemon is offering to ship the window to jana marie's family. her brother hugh tells me by facetime he's happy to have it in his richmond, virginia home. >> it's helped i think obviously us and it definitely had an affect and became kind of a landmark there in bethesda to a lot of the community that were affected by jana's murder. it meant a lot to us. >> reporter: we got to know the family during the trial of brittany who is convicted of murdering jana and is serving a life sentence without parole. we watched jana's parents shop for lululemon christmas presents after the trial and we've seen the family grow. >> since her murder we've had three kids so we like to share stories, happy stories about jana to them and even though they'll never meet her, their aunt, we want her memory to live on withhe well. >> reporter: hugh murray tells me that his sister jana was always larger than life. she loved adventure and she continues to be an inspiration to their entire family. that's the latest live in bethesda. doreen, back to you. >> chris gordon, thank you. >> in southern california, four separate wildfires raging out of control. residents near the fire line are using garden hoses to spray down palm trees as fire fighters scramble to beat back the flames. but for so many families, it's already too late. their homes have just been destroyed along with precious items that can never be replaced. >> nbc's gina kim is in southern california. >> reporter: the possible wildfire danger level was issued for the first time. the purple flag, fire officials said they haven't seen this combination of fierce winds and extreme dry conditions in decades. >> the brush burning that's a number that we rate the threat of a brush fire, is 296. this is the highest number i've ever seen in my career. >> reporter: more than 4,000 fire fighters are on the front lines fighting the flames from the ground and the sky. four separate fires continue to burn out of control from ventura to los angeles, burning hundreds of buildings and threatening thousands more, including those in the exclusive bel air and brentwood neighborhoods. residents whose homes have so far escaped the flames aren't taking any chances. beth raji is putting out hot spots around her home with a gua garden hose. >> we are so for the nat. >> reporter: other residents barely got out with the clothes on their backs. >> we can see the flames coming up and that was it. we were out of here. we didn't take anything. >> god wanted him and i guess he wanted my house, too. >> reporter: the fire destroyed irene's home and the urn ashes. >> i ran out of tears. there's no more. >> reporter: if the fire proves unmanageable, they may have to face evacuating over fire fighting. gina kim, nbc news, ventura, california. >> and lester holt will be anchoring nightly news from ventura. that is starting at 7:00 after news 6. >> teenager's future called into question. >> their safety when they head to the winter olympic games in just over a month. >> come on. >> now, that's called making learning fun. i'm tracee wilkins. coming up on news4, art integration in the prince george's county school system. >> and we're tracking some chilly changes in our weather. >> doug's holiday lights coming to you from the brightest neighborhood in town. doug? >> oh, this neighborhood is awesome. we brought storm team4 4-by-4, the peaco houses, seven of them, all lit up. and your chances for snow. those chances continue to go up. you can't the opening ceremony for the 2018 olympic games in pyeongchang is february 9, coming soon. but tonight there are questions about whether team usa will be there. the confusion started on wednesday when u.n. ambassador nikki haley cast doubt on whether american athletes would attend due to increasing tensions on the korean peninsula. then today white house press secretary sarah sanders told reporters no official decision has been made. later on she tweeted the u.s. looks forward to participating in the winter olympics. >> an important traffic alert connected to a police investigation that we told you about yesterday, virginia state police say they will shut down a portion of the i-95 express lanes in stafford county tomorrow. the garrisonville road access points will be closed till 10:00 in the morning so police can search for the remains of pamela butler. police believe butler's body is buried in the median of 95. she went missing from the district in 2009 and earlier this year jose rodriguez cruz confessed to murdering her and said that he buried her body along the highway. >> tonight we are getting an eye op >> putting them to the test to see which ones are safest for you and for your family, consumer reporter susan hogan joins us with a look at this new list. >> it sure is starting to look and feel like christmas. the temperatures are plunging and pretty soon we could see some snow, what? doug'soliday lights and his h we've got breaking news here at the live desk. another lawmaker is stepping down, but we're not quite sure why. leon harris here, nbc news has just confirmed that gop congressman trent franks of arizona is preparing to resign. that is according to multiple gop sources. nbc news talked with the arizona will you mak he'll let the statement speak for himself. he will not make a comment in the meantime. franks served in congress since 2003 and we are closely following this story. we'll bring you a statement as soon as we get it. back to you in the studio. >> the news changes fast. the insurance institute for highway safety is out with its top safety picks for 2018 and ahead of the agency says the results of its crash test are good news for drivers. >> consumer reporter susan hogan is here with the details. >> that's right. well, the i ihs which conducts these crash tests evaluates automobile safety standards says it is pleased with just how well manufacturers are making the grade. this year, 62 vehicle models earned the institute's top safety pick award, with 15 of those earning its highest award despite tougher criteria requiring better headlights and enhanced passenger-side protection. >> most drivers when they buy a as they are. and so our new test is to try to achieve that. >> to earn the award, vehicles go through a number of crash tests to show they can protect occupants in front, side, rollover, and rear impact collisions as well as testing automatic teenage braking features. >> 15 vehicles meeting these new tougher criteria for top safety pick plus is a good news story for consumers. >> leading the way this year for the most top safety picks plus awards are hyundai and subaru. >> what you're seeing with those two companies is they are responding very quickly when they learn new ways that they need to modify their vehicles to protect their customers. >> new models that show protection is a continued priority for the driving public. and to see the crash test rating go to our nbc washington app and search crash test. isn't it amazing how incredibly sophisticated these safety features are getting? amazing amazing. >> those are not the highest priced cars. that's the good news. >> susan hogan, thank you. >> sure. >> fractions, modern dance in the middle of science class, a changing approach to teaching is developing creative and eager learners. bureau chief tracee wilkins takes us inside the classroom to show us how it works. >> think positive. >> reporter: this is math and science class in upper marlboro. >> we're at the poetry cafe for my pooh math and science with miss ruby. >> reporter: when it was time to present last night's fraction homework. >> the numerator can't be the bigger number. it would be improper. >> reporter: good work. it's how the prince george's county school system is integrating art into learning. >> before we started doing the music, it was kind of boring. i do now that i have activity, i understand it more. >> reporter: what are parents saying about it? john tashini directs the program. art has grown from 14 to 43 schools in three years. >> kids are excited about learning, that's what we want to create. >> reporter: instead of just reading about hurricanes. >> strong wind and heavy rain. >> reporter: these students become the hurricanes. it's a lesson they don't forget. >> it's usually in the water, then it goes to land. then it floods things. >> reporter: striking the right balance meant retraining teachers at the kennedy center and wolf trap. >> we had so much fun just learning how to make learning fun for them. >> reporter: but clearly these students aren't the only ones having fun. >> four total pieces, two sets. >> now, did i just read it as usual? no. >> reporter: you walk around the school, you can see and hear how art is integrated into everything that they do here. prince george's county that of the art integration. to find out which ones are on the list, go to nbc washington and search art and schools. in upper marlboro, i'm tracee wilkins, news4. >> that does look like fun. there is no substitute for an enthusiastic teacher. >> absolutely. the kids get right into it. good for them. >> let's go back out to burke. doug in the middle of that fantastic holiday light display with more on our weather forecast. hey, doug. >> yeah, hey, guys. it really is just a fantastic display. just looking around, i mean, not only is this neighborhood great during the winter. they say it's also great during halloween. they have the kids from everywhere. look at the house here. this is one of the seven houses in this neighborhood. and you can walk with me and we're going to take a look at some of the other decorations that they have. now, every single year the decorations get bigger and bigger and some of the parents here said, you know, we go out right after christmas and pickup pickup the lights, and you can see this thing continues to grow. the amazing thing about this, most of the families, they've only been here a couple of years. this is the walsh family. how long have you been letter here? >> 4 1/2 years. >> this is hal i, tom is in the air force. thank you for your service. this is your second time in burke. >> third time. >> i got that wrong. i read your bioearlier. it said two. >> we've been here three tours. >> this is your third tour in the burke area. you said 4 1/2 years, in the burke area, you come back every time? >> every time. twice, been here three times. >> same house? >> yeah. >> really? i have to talk about how you did that. introduce me to your family real quick. you put in the neighborhood, entire neighborhood for us to come out. >> right. this is patrick. caylee and thomas. >> did you guys help deck raid? >> yes. >> tom, did they help deck raid? >> they do, a little bit. >> i know how that is. daddy, i put that up, i'm done. let's show you what's happening weather wise. there is something else that's cool. take a loo t we have the mass camera taking a look at the whole neighborhood here. what i want to show you what's going on weather wise because again we have the weather and these guys right here are watching me do the weather right here. look at the numbers. 46 degrees currently in d.c., 42 down towards the andrews air force base area and 39 down to the south. these are the numbers tomorrow. 38 degrees in gaithersburg, 42 d.c., we're going to see a lot more cloud cover and 30s back to the west. it is going to be a much colder day tomorrow. that's going to set the stage for what's coming next. take a look. this is 7:00 on friday night. notice the mix to the south. most of this should fall as rain early. we could see some of this move to snow and notice by 7:00 a.m., most areas especially i-95 south and eastward are moving into snow. could see a little bit of a mix here. if it does mix, it will drop down accumulations. we could see some accumulated roads or grassy surfaces rather. roads should be fine with more on this. let's go to amelia taking us zone by zone. >> exactly, doug. here is futur see the most activity will be down in southern maryland, parts of the northern neck. so we're talking about rain and snow on your saturday and cold, too, with temperature only of 38 degrees. our storm team4 four zone four cast, showing you three zones, showed you two last hour. i'm showing you the eastern zone again because this is where the most action will be. you can see rain and snow is likely on saturday. if you want to start planning now if you're in areas like la plata, leonard town, patuxent river. some accumulations especially on grass, on branches, on cars. gives you that pretty winter wonder land look, but doesn't stick to the roads. it is just going to be too warm. as we head to the western zone, frederick, loudoun, fauquier, prince william county, original, culpepper county as well. we have a chance for rain and snow on saturday. this would be conversational snow. i don't think we would be able to get a dusting on the grass out in our western zones. but further out in the cumberland and peters burg, your snow chances a little bit different, but nonetheless they're there. saturday night through sunday morning and you're picking up maybe a dusting to 2 inches in areas like wis. because of areas in the forecast, mixing with rain on saturday, it is a storm team4 weather alert day. it's breezy, cold on sunday with wind chills in the 20s and low 30s. monday not too bad, and doug, maybe a little more snow in the forecast on tuesday. but again, all eyes on the weekend and of course saturday and how much fun you're having out there, it just looks so wonderful. getting everyone in the holiday spirit, i love it and i love the mass cam shot as well. really beautiful. >> yeah, it really looks good down here. all seven houses. you live across the way, right? >> yes. >> and you came down. you love this area, right? >> yes. >> what do you love about it? >> um, like the state. >> virginia has always been my favorite. >> the neighborhood. [ laughter ] >> oh, around christmastime they decorations. >> i love it, i love going way overboard. kind of like the griswolds, but we kept our power on which is very, very good for this. we talk about getting to you guys. coming up with more at the 6:00 hour. we'll talk of more about this, snow chances as well, we continue to get new information in. we'll see you back in a minute. you guys can wave good-bye. >> bye! >> they took the words out of my mouth, like a page out of national lampoon's christmas vacation. >> that's right. and love that. we were just saying we should be grateful that the lights are all working on that giant display. >> all right. makes for good tv. coming up it's an art collection that's unlike anything you've ever seen. >> because it was taken from the enemy, a one of a kind look at the rare art on a local military base that was onc see holiday tradition in a whole new light. join in the joy of christmas town at busch gardens. with over 8 million twinkling lights. more than anywhere else in america. enjoy coasters and thrills. and celebrate with holiday shopping and shows. bring your family to busch gardens and you would even say it glows. christmas town. where christmas shines brightest. it probably won't surprise you to hear that the united states army has a huge collection of historic military artifacts from as far back as the revolutionary war. but also included in the army's collection is a painting by adolf hitler. and the collection is kept right here at fort belvoir. news4's mark segraves got a behind the scenes look at the artwork. >> reporter: this is no ordinary warehouse, and the contents are very far from ordinary. >> this is adolf hitler himself. >> reporter: in this nondee artifacts. a militia jacket from 1810. canteens used by generations of soldiers. among all this american history, four rather unremarkable paintings still in their original frames. unremarkable, but for the artist. >> these are four water colors by adolf hitler. >> reporter: that's right, these are works of adolf hitler. after hitler's defeat at the end of world war ii, the u.s. army seized thousands of pieces of german artwork that was considered to be propaganda. >> the idea of art is dangerous is the message behind it. the nazis used propaganda more effectively than anyone else in history. >> reporter: sarah is the chief art curator here at the army's center foremilita center for military history. >> the fear was it would be lost. >> reporter: art even compared hitler to john the baptist. >> that makes a connection between hitler as for nazi propaganda and john the baptist as a speaker for holy words. >> reporter: while the art has been displayed in the past it isn't often seen by the public. one person who did get an up close look at the collection is andrew who wrote about the nazi art for washingtonian magazine. >> it's so creepy. it's so odd to be that close to something that the same guy who was the architect of the holocaust actually made himself. and it's also really weird looking at the paintings, just how devoid of life they are. >> reporter: thousands of the pieces that were seized by u.s. soldiers have since been returned to germany, but the army still has 586 pieces. and remember that huge bust of hitler? it was found when u.s. soldiers took hitler's eagle's nest. as for why keep or display nazi art? >> when you look at the stuff, it reminds you that nazism worked by stoking people's feelings. it wasn't an ideology that really concerned with facts. so, looking at the feelings of that generated, it's real important, i think, to study how they did it, how they got people to believe a certain way. >> reporter: now, generations after world war ii, art once used as a weapon to engender hate now held at bay on a military base where few get to see it. mark segraves, news4. >> announcer: news4 at 6:00 begins with breaking news. >> tonight nbc news has learned that arizona congressman trent franks is preparing to step down, according to multiple republican sources. but right now it's not clear why. >> nbc news caught up with franks on the hill just moments ago and he says that he plans to release a statement tonight and has nothing more to say until then. franks is a republican member of the freedom caucus and has served in congress since 2003. >> all this comes after minnesota senator al franken's fall from grace. he wrote this year, appeared to be a top democratic contender in the 2020 presidential race. >> well, now three weeks later his career in congress is over, cut short by the politics of misconduct and pressure from his own party. >> a couple months ago i felt that we had entered an important moment in the history of this country. we were finally beginning to listen to women about the ways in which men's actions affect them. then the conversation turned to me. i was shocked. i was upset. >> the only republican who attended senator franken's emotional speech, arizona senator jeff flake. tonight we've got team coverage of a potentially pivotal moment in a year filled with political turbulence. >> amee cho is gathering local reaction to senator franken's resignation. but let's start with blayne alexander.

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