Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20240622 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20240622

police officer before other officers killed him. >> today is a nightmare for the city of chattanooga. it is incomprehensible to see what happened and the way that individuals who employed serve our country were treated. >> it is a heartbreaking circumstance for these individuals who served our county great valor to be killed in this fashion. >> the mar convenience not been identified but just as soon as police wrap up their investigation, their bodies will be flown to dover air force base in delaware and those bodies could be returned to their families as early as from morning. doreen? >> chris lawrence, thank you. police say officers up and down the east coast are helping to track down a guy accused of running down an officer with his car. it's the second case in 24 hours where police say someone intentionally struck a prince george's county officer with their vehicle. here's news4's pat collins. >> reporter: two close calls for two prince george's county police officers. >> to have two incidents like this within eight hours is a startling reminder of what these officers are up against. >> reporter: incident number one, it happened around 5:40 last night in district heights. police say an officer tried to keep a drug suspect from driving away. the officer's arm got caught in the suspect's car and he was dragged alongside that car until it crashed into the tree. >> when i hear the big bang i was in my bedroom. >> reporter: the officer's in the hospital with a broken leg. the suspect identified as danny lee harvell. he continued his get away on foot. he is charged with attempted second-degree murder. and's still at large. >> any time see you something going on like this in your neighborhood and you think it's crazy, but you knee lot going on in a lot of neighborhoods. >> reporter: around 1 this new orleans the 4400 block of wheeler road, an officer tries to stop the driver of the stolen dar. the stolen car hits the officer, flips him over the hood and then continues the get away down wheeler road into the district. that officer was treated and released. police describe the stolen car as a gold subaru similar to the one pictured here. again, two incidents, two officers injured two suspects still at large. in prince george's county, pat collins, news4. tonight, we have got new information coming out about a woman hit and killed by a car on a sidewalk in wheaton, maryland. we are told the driver of that car lost control, hit a utility pole, then kept going before it hit 45-year-old maria delore res posadas that happened at randolph road near veers mill road. we also just learned the driver of that car was 83 years old and suffered minor injuries. now to new developments in the case of the lee yips sisters. police say more than one person may be responsible for the abduction and the deaths of the girls almost 40 years ago. tonight, the police in bedford county, virginia, officially said that richard welch, the uncle of the man charged with the murders, may have sexually assaulted katherine and shelia lyon. police are calling the uncle a person of interest. he lives here in our area, in hyattsville much the meantime, we are hearing for the first time from the cold case detectives who helped crack this case. >> it's frustrating it's disconcerting, it's group setting to know that there's people that know and wouldn't do anything parents thought that have their own children that are keeping things from us. >> the grand jury has indicted lloyd lee welch for the murders of the two children. they disappeared back in 1979. welch is currently in jail in delaware on an unrelated sex offense. tonight, more than a dozen people are facial charges in a massive theft ring that targeted people in the suburbs going about their daily errands much the ring operated for decades, until now. and prince george's county bureau chief tracee wilkins tells us how investigators connected all the crimes to one group. >> reporter: well, over the past six years, police say that this group was able to he were $5 million in stolen merchandise and vehicles. prince george's county say they expect to see a large drop in crime with these folks behind bars. police say they were experts at hop-in car thefts them would steal a purse, cell phone, computer or even the whole car winn unsuspecting drivers weren't paying attention. >> keep in mind, could you have three or four incidents that occur in one day and nothing for a week. >> reporter: this car theft ring of more than a dozen people operated mostly in prince george's county since 2009. >> essentially running their own little crime school, where they would discuss with each other what they were doing what worked and what didn't, talk about the schemes in mind. >> reporter: this morning, fbi agents stormed the homes of 12 people believed to be members of simple city criminal organization. most members lived in southeast d.c. but are believed responsible for the majority of car thefts and many i.d. thefts in prince george's county for the past six years. they also operated in montgomery county and d.c. >> members who would go out and steal the cars, the purses and wallet, smartphones and tablet computers. other members to whom they would sell or transfer the stolen access device credit cards and atm cards. >> reporter: prince george's county police say it was not immediately clear they were dealing with an entire ring when the crimes began. >> once we realize that this might be bigger than what it was, now you have to start connecting the pieces. >> reporter: once police were aware of the complication of the ring, they partnered about the fbi who then monitored the group's movements and communication on cell phones on social media. >> all long-term investigations you reach a point where you recognize you might generate more evidence if you continued. on the other hand, your goal is to stop these people as quickly as possible, stop either people from being victim mids. >> reporter: according to one of the fbi agents who spoke today, this is the same group responsible for stealing from people's cars who were burying loved ones at cemeteries. this happened just last week. now, they have most of these people behind bars but they are still looking for a few. those warrants are outstanding. in greenbelt i'm tracee wilkins, back to you in the studio. today, president obama became the first sitting president to visit a federal prison. he went to a medium-security prison in el reno, oklahoma, part of a week-long push to reform the nation's criminal justice system sentences and treats people who break the law. >> we have to reconsider whether 20 or 30 or life sentences for non-violent crimes is the best way for us to solve these problems. >> the president noted that many of the young men he talked to today made the kinds of mistakes a lot of people make when they are young but he did not have the same support systems as others. it will be one year before the man accused of the charles top church massacre stands trial. today, dylann roof went before a judge as his trial date is set. as nbc's sara daloff reports now we also learn whether sensitive details about the shooting would be released. >> reporter: shackled and wearing a striped prison jumpsuit, dylann roof was formally indicted on nine counts of first-degree murder at a hearing less than a mile from where he allegedly shot and killed nine people inside the emanuel african methodist episcopal church. >> base on the circumstances, we not seek bond at this time. >> reporter: the 21-year-old was also charged with three counts of attempted murderer and one count of weapons possession, all stemming from the june 17th shooting rampage inside the historic black church.episcopal church. historic black church.historic black church. judge jc nicholson asked roof's attorney about their client's competency. roof's court-pointed a defense attorney told the judge he is competent and has been cooperating with his legal team since his arrest. >> able to cooperate and understand what we are communicating with him, he asks questions. and so i don't see any issue at all that relates to competency at this time. >> reporter: the judge also extended a gag order until at least next wednesday that blocks the release of case documents, potentially graphic photos and 911 calls, saying he wants to give the victims' families more time to respond. it's those documents and evidence that prosecutors will use to prove roof planned and carried out the mass shooting at a trial that today the judge set to begin july 11, 2016, a date that will come less than a month after this community marks the one-year anniversary of the killings. in charleston, south carolina, sara daloff, nbc news. next, a murder suspect in a high-profile case back on the streets while awaiting trial. why the judge is justifying the move. they risk their lives to serve our country, but the question whether the government is serving them. tonight, theism-team ex- ism hnchl i-team exposes problems for a program what is supposed to help military families care for their kids. a soldier discharged from the military for being transjepder is allowed to return back to duty. >> still the big testing ground, still the big picture can i serve can i do this? >> mia mason has new military-issued i.d. cards showing her gender transformation, but coming up at 6:00 why she still might have to serve as a man. and we are watching the situation in colorado closely, where the verdict in the movie things are back to normal now after a mess on the red line earlier a track problem caused major delays, packed platforms during the rush hour last night. the issue was if i canned early this morning but there still were some long waits as riders tried to get to work. metro says a piece of construction equipment created what they call a slippery rail problem between the twin brook and the grosvenor stations. all of metro's 4,000 series rail cars are back in service now they were pulled off for safety inspections after reports of door problems about a month ago. one passenger took this video that shows the train moving, even though the doors were not closed. those cars will eventually be replaced by the new 7,000 series rail cars. a man accused of first-degree murder is walking the streets tonight, ahead of his trial. that has police and prosecutors pretty frustrated. news4's chris gordon is live in montgomery county with one judge's controversial decision. chris? >> reporter: police investigated the murder and made arrests. prosecutors prepared for a murder trial this month, but then had to delay it until december, so the defense attorney asked the judge to release the defendant in this murder case on home detention. and judge agreed. today, we asked montgomery county state's attorney john mccarthy for his reaction. >> because of the serious nature of the charge and the public safety concerns that we have with anyone charged with those kinds of crimes, it's something we want to carefully look at. >> reporter: murder happened last december at the silver spring home of 26-year-old jonathan harris. he had been a successful kidney transplant patient who had been profiled on nbc news. harris was strangled during a home invasion and robbery. three suspect were arrested and charged with first-degree murder, including 32-year-old deion saboter can. but the judge decided to release the defendant on a $500,000 unsecured bond which means he doesn't have to put up his own money. montgomery county police chief tom major says it causes me great concern. this afternoon, i obtained this cd of the ten-minute court proceedings and in fairness to the judge, i want to point out that he determined that this defendant had a minor criminal record, drug paraphernalia charges back in 2008, that he has family ties and that he poses no danger to the community or risk of flight. so he felt that with home monitoring, he could be leased to home deans that is the latest live from the montgomery county circuit court chris gordon, news4. >> thanks chris. chris lawrence now at the live deck the verdict is in in that massacre at a movie theater in colorado. chris? >> yeah vance, guilty on at least the first two that's all they needed was one guilty verdict. this just came down in the last few seconds. the jury announcing that verdict. right now, they are still in the courtroom reading this. they have got a lot to go through. he's been charged with 24 counts of murder, 140 count of attempted murder and an explosives charge. but again, they only needed one guilty verdict. this will now move to a sentencing phase in which he could either go to prison for the rest of his life or be put to death. if you look at your screen, look toward the left-hand side, a young man with a beard hands in his pocket, wearing khakis and that blue top that is james holmes. that is the man on trial. he has been standing there as the judge has been announce the jury's verdict. they came to this verdict on the 51st day of trial. remember, they were considering 24 counts of murder, 140 counts of attempted murder. they only deliberated for 13 days, in terms of coming to these verdicts. take you back now, 12 people died during that midnight showing of the batman movie, "the dark knight rises." holmes, 27 years old. he was a former doctoral student studying neuroscience there in colorado. and again, the jury coming back, still coming back, there's a lot to go through, but the bottom line is he has been found guilty of several charges and this will now move to the sentencing phase. vance? >> thanks, chris. veronica is here with a look at our weather. it's beautiful. like we woke up in san diego or something this morning. >> lovely, isn't it? >> wow. >> and now gonna go wow, really that hot and that long? you know, been a while since we have had back-to-back days this have been 90 where it has been really oppressive. that was back in early june, we had very few 90-degree days in the month of july. now here we go oppressive conditions humidity coming with it, beach forecast a good place to cool off this weekend, as we start so see the mercury come up high and higher rain around the area, isolated shower or thunderstorm, on saturday, now on sunday, that's the change, some of the new data that has come in different than yesterday. 82 degrees expected on friday with sunshine, then 87 and 89. temperatures climbing. so will the water temperature. water temperature now at 78 degrees. that's higher also than last week. look at the sat late and radar loop, got a big] old area of high pressure right over us. almost cloud-free conditions, wispy cotton candy clouds out there. 86 degrees reagan national right now looking at warm conditions, we are dry at 7:00 drop to 81 mid-70s with clouds moving in on us during 10 11 p.m. hour. meantime look at the heat index friday, saturday sunday, monday, look at sea the heat index, 100 degrees, we are at 102 on sunday and 101 on monday. a lot of heat this is the kind of companies we got to get back into much almost like starting up again, conditions, doing anything outside a long period of time, tired, fatigued easily suffer heat exhaustion or heat cramps, not the case tomorrow morning. again, talking about saturday the start of our heat wave. tomorrow the transition day, from the low 70s to the mid-7 at 10 a.m., your commuter forecast, start with some fog by late morning, think the fog will burn off. here is a look at 2 a.m., after midnight that we will see some pockets of fog forming from south all the way up to the north and east and by 9 a.m., the fog should be out of here. is might want to get a early start. temperatures top out tomorrow between 85 and 87 degrees across the area. your future weather shows those clouds still rotating through, maybe even a sprinkle or two out in the mountains, a good day i think to get out, exercise do a run or play golf, 83 at 1:00, 86 during the afternoon, your weekend again 94 degrees on saturday. we have got scattered storms any time during the day, not just during the afternoon. and then 96 it will feel like 100 degrees. typically with one dry day say a 50/50 weekend might want to find something inside to do on sunday, look at the extended forecast in a few minutes. >> thanks veronica. baltimore's national aquarium posted this picture. it is on twitter. hard to see, but -- very hard to see. if you look closely at the right part of the screen, you will notice a manatee in the chesapeake bay in st. george creek near waldorf. take our word for it. it's there. the aquarium says manatees head east coast from florida during the summer so the sighting really isn't rare. new video just coming in of two men wanted bay police. see the crime as it unfolds inside a local convenience store. teenager lost her life while saving a friend. now, thousands of people are being inspired by this young girl's bucket list. they failed our family they failed everybody that i have talked to. >> military parents forced to pay out of pocket because the government isn't paying the bills on time. tonight, the i-team kenneth carter lives in -- or lived in alexandria. a couple weeks ago he came into d.c. to buy allegedly some crabs and some fireworks and he was murdered. but it was more than crabs and fireworks that he was after now, as it turns out. thomas -- or harris, that is was beaten on new york avenue back on july 5th. according to an arrest warrant, the victim, that would be thomas harris, was hit in the head with a frying pan by a relative the day before he came into the city and was attacked. apparently, he was attempting to buy percoset to treat the pain from being hit in the head. the suspect attacked him at that point and he later died. a dog with no interest in flying to germany, apparently broke out of his crate and went running all over the dulles airport tarmac today, creating all kinds of chaos. an airport spokesperson says the dog escaped as he was being loaded onto a luft tan sa play to frankfurt. airline personnel had to chase the dog down. eventually, they called the owner down onto the airfield to calm the dog and to get him back into the crate. everybody is safe and the plane is on the way to frankfurt right now. animal problems on airlines are pretty rare but they do happen. the news4 i-team sorted through records from the u.s. department of transportation in my this year. they found ten animal-related problem. four others died, dogs suffered minor injuries in the rest of the incidents. a man times a thief do shall or some thieves and tonight, he is talking only to news four about the violent confrontation on a city sidewalk. >> it's heartbreaking, it absolutely is when you look at your child and you're trying to provide as much as you can for them. >> struggling to pay the bills. the i-team reveals why military families are forced to use their own money to pay for a program that's paid for by the government. plus a transgender woman talks about the hurd here at the live deck, we are still keeping an eye on the situation in colorado where the jury's verdict is still$ being read against james holmes. he has already been found guilty of first-degree murder but they were looking at 165 charges here, 24 count of murder and 140 counts of attempted murder. again, that is james holmes, to the left side of your screen in the blue shirt and khakis. he has been standing there with his hands in his pocket, not making much of a motion. his defense team had argued that he was suffering from schizophrenia when he put on a gas mask and stormed that movie near the -- in colorado when he stormed that theater. the jury agreed that he shuntd be found guilty of murder bine saint. it did not take them long to come to this decision. they only deliberated about 13 hours. again, still reading the decision there in colorado, but the bottom line is he has been found guilty of first-degree murder. this will now move to the sentencing phase in which he could face either life in prison or the death penalty. back to you. >> thanks. men and women who serve their country in the military but the question is whether their government is serving them. >> an investigation by the news4 i-team reveals problems for some military parents. as scott macfarlane reports now there are growing complaints and major backlogs in a program that is supposed to help provide day care for army children. >> reporter: finding the right day care can be stressful and expensive. but u.s. army captain carmen dikes of laurel said she never thought placing her 2-year-old in day care would be this stressful or this expensive. >> i wake up thinking about it guy to bed thinking about it. >> reporter: day care and her army post is filled so she is one of thousands of u.s. army parents nationwide who use the arm if i fee assistance program, a federal program that allows army parents to use pricey or private day care outside the post that provides money to them pay for it dikes says there is a problem, the army fee program doesn't always pay its bills on time, that they are months late on her payments. the money from the government isn't coming to you had to front it? >> they will be three months behind, we will have to catch our day care provider up three months puts us out a big chunk of money. >> this is a problem. >> reporter: kayla hensley says her payments from the program were five months late and that she nearly went broke. >> we were pinching penny to penny every single month. >> because you're fronting money for the governments? yes. >> reporter: an agency called the jenner is advice assistance program for 12 years. we found the trouble began in recent months went army asked the agency to expand the program. last year they had just hundreds of families involved. now they have about 10,000 and there have been enormous growing pains. internal agency record shows a backlog of 11,500 unreturned call e-mails and records requests from those families, manageable backlog according to the jenner is advice's administration's internal auditor. >> we are very concerned about the backlog for thilies, very concerned about the impact to the families. >> reporter: the agency added contractors to handle the flood of calls and new families, but in the meantime, the i-team learned more than 30 army families filed formal complaints with investigators about the red tape. one of those complaints we obtained reads -- in a statement, they acknowledged challenges in the program. the application process for this day care program is complex and that some families submitted paperwork without all the necessary information. she says army families often more or change asigns, wit agency says complicates matters. but they wouldn't answer why these have suffered delays. make the prospect of having a second child more challenging? >> absolutely. there's no way that we could ever afford to have a second child. >> reporter: the jenner is advices administration tells us it is adding staff and redesigning the program website and trying to simplify how payments are handled to make it easier for these parents, but jim and doreen didn't give a firm timetable to do so. >> they are saying they are overwhelmed? basically the answer why the problems exist? >> the backlog of calls e-mails and record requests is 11500 right now and all indications are that backlog is going to grow further. >> but they will get paid essentially? >> retroactively, they will get their money back once the government catches up. >> but rough because child care is one of the biggest expenses in a family's budget? >> haven't budgeted $400 extra a week, it is going to hurt fast. >> indeed. thank you, scott. we have posted the formal complaints cement by army families to the federal government government on our nbc washington app. click on investigations to check it out. police are looking for a couple of guys in trashed a d.c. con convenience store. they flue food, knocked over large drink containers. the place is called the 77 market, at the corner of georgia avenue and irving street northwest. it appears the suspects got into an argument with the clerk and then something went wrong and they created all this mess. we posted this video on the website. if you can help identify these suspects. d.c. police want to you take a good look at this surveillance video, too she is man trying to fit off at least one would-be robber outside an apartment building on 16th street. this happened early in the morning last friday. we talked to the man today. he tells derrick ward two men followed him, asked him for money and then attacked him. the victim ran to the nearby building. someone led him in and the crooks ran ey still haven't been caught. we learned that former president george h. w. bush will not need surgery to repair a broken bone in his neck. mr. bush's 91 years old now. he was rushed to the hospital yesterday after he fell at a sum her home in kennebunkport maine. he is said to be in fair condition tonight. mr. bush's office says he fractured a vertebrae but it is expected to heal on its own. he has a form of parkinson's disease and uses a motorized scooter to get around. >> we told you before about the dangers those laundry pods can pose to children. now, manufacturers are promising to make some changes. in the first six months of this year, poise.control centers have god.more than 6,000 reports of children ingesting the con tents of the pods or getting the stuff in their eyes. companies have changed their packaging so the kids won't be tempted to reach for the colorful pods. some are even making changes to the pods themselves, but "consumer reports" says it's not enough. >> we applaud these changes but until we see a meaningful decrease in the number of injuries, we are not recommending liquid laundry pods. and we strongly urge households with children under 6 years old to avoid them. >> the american cleaning institute issued a statement saying it remains committed to keeping kids safe and reminds families that cleaning products should be kept out of reach of children. a bucket list that went viral and we will report how a teenager is helping others around the world even in death. and the emmy nominations are out. game of lins leading the pack with 24 nods. hear from a man who has ties to our area who plays a big role in that hit show. and breaking news. u.s. attorney general loretta lynch says the fbi will lead a national security investigation into those shootings at two military centers in tennessee today. four marines were killed, three other people injured. "nbc nightly the death of a connecticut teenager is inspiring people here and around the world to undertake acts of kindness. rebecca townsend was crossing the street in her hometown at fourth of july. she saw a car headed toward her and her friend. she was able to push her friend out of the way. but sadly, rebecca was hit and killed. after her death, her sister found a letter rebecca wrote, it was a bucket list, a list that included a wish to one day save a person's life. turns out the teenager had been raising money to help a school in uganda and mark segraves found out that school was built by a non-profit group built in arlington arlington. >> reporter: her name is joy, she is the first girl in her family to ever go to school. she didn't know about rebecca townsend's bucket list and that she hoped to one day save a life but she did know that thanks to the connected connect teenager, joy hundreds of girls just like her in uganda have a better future. >> reb beck ska a great example of what kids are doing to help kids across the world. >> reporter: john wanda heads up the foundation that built the academy of hope in u began d.a. rebecca townsend had not only been sending money to the school but become pen pals about an 11-year-old girl, joy. the two shared experiences with each other of girls growing up in two very different worlds. now wanda must tell zwripd the other girls at the school in uganda a friend they never met has died. >> i know she will cry. >> reporter: wanda says long before rebecca became a hero in her hometown for sacrificing her life, she was lad -- already a hero in u began d.a. >> i want to do the same thing change the world like rebecca is doing. >> reporter: townsend was 17 years old. she planned to attend notre dame in the fall. mark segraves, news4. >> if would you like to learn more about the foundation's work in uganda and how you can help, go to the income washington app and search remembering rebecca. the hbo show "game of thrones" received 24 emmy nominations today. the show has a local connection to potomac, maryland one of the producers and screenwriters told must a skype interview today he got his start at churchill high school's drama program. >> we not only did a fall blamed spring musical but student-directed place and student-written place and there wasn't ever a month in any school year i wasn't working on something. >> he was drawn to "game of thrones" because it is all about politics. it's a story talking about caitlinkatecaitlinyn jenner's speech at the espys and what is next for the athlete. and the military making changes to embrace the at devry university's keller graduate school of management. you can learn to unlock the leader inside you. so if you want to own the room not just be in it. you're our kind of different. keller graduate school of management. learn more at lots of reaction to caitlyn jenner's speech at the espy awards last night. she send the arthur ashe award for courage. it was jenner's most high-profile appearance since coming out as a transgender woman in may. she delivered a message to her critics. >> if you want to call me names make jokes about my intentions, go ahead, because the reality is, i can take it. but for the thousands of kids out there coming to terms with being true to who they are, they shouldn't have to take it. >> general set a world record for followers on twitter. after her appearance on "20/20" and cover of "vanity fair." her reality show on transitioning to a woman debuts later this month. during the speech, caitlyn jenner mentioned the military's move to lift a ban on transgender individuals openly serving saying our country has come a long way, but one local traps gender service member says there are still challenging ahead. news4'sing me megan fitzgerald is here. >> ma many describe the opportunity to be true to themselves as well as severing the country but because of the details how transgender people will beity will be integrated into the military will be worked out it is pos able woman we spoke with may have to serve as a man for now. for 15 years, michael mason served our country in both the navy and the army. >> he did a lot of great things. he was awarded for doing so much. >> reporter: he served five tours in iraq and afghanistan but it was there during his time at war that he realized it was time for him to become her. >> i started to seek out help so i canning become a woman. >> reporter: after returning home, mason started taking hormones to become mia. the military found ought out and she was discharged. >> you are what we call transgender or transgenderism, we can dischu on this. >> reporter: mia was discharged but complete herd full transition legally becoming a woman. >> my current social security number of me gentleman a female. >> reporter: fighting a new battle, one that would allow her to return to the army, arguing the latest policy changes protect federal employees from being discriminated against for their gender identity. >> i'm sergeant mia smain. >> reporter: mason was allowed to return. she reports to the d.c. national guard this weekend but pause because the policy surrounding transgender soldiers is still being worked out she still comes up in the system as male which means she may not be able to serve as a woman, at least for now. >> legally i'm a woman. but all right military recognize that? that is up to them. >> reporter: next six month, a group is working out details on things like housing and physical fitness standards for transgyppeder soldiers. back to you. >> meagan fitzgerald, thank you. veronica back with more of our weather, like to keep today bottle it up and continue it on for a few more weeks. >> if only it were that easy. heat and systems and days with just heat. we will focus on both. it is going to be impacting our weekend as far as the weekend goes. the start of our heat wave, higher humidity, pleasant conditions, watch the bar as it goes up uncomfortable conditions spechted tomorrow, going to get a little sticky by the afternoon, even the evening, going to notice the increase in human mudity, for saturday sunday, monday tuesday, oppressive conditions, get the idea. forecast for tomorrow morning early day fog, clouds around more humid, that fog should be burning off by 9 a.m. look at the sky cams for tomorrow, more clouds across our area, not quite as pretty, still a good day temperatures fligtz 80s tomorrow. your planner forecast 86 degrees at 3:00. by 7:00, we fall to 81. your four-day forecast, 94 saturday, 96 sunday, hot on sunday, at least we don't have the storms, heat wave should be ending on friday. a lot of the graphics you see here we are posting on our nbc washington app. 1975, it was an interesting year, a bic dickensian, in fact good times and not so much. gerald ford was in the white house after having pardoned richard nix.w he got out ofgv vietnam. arthur ashe won wimbledon. but on march 25th of that year, two little girls went to what was known as wheaton plaza in montgomery county and never seen again. no one who was around these parts back then will forget the terror that created. it's important to note that this was way before the disappearance of american blondes became almost monthly news fare, way before wall-to-wall cable exploitation. the suddenness, the mystery of the it was terrifying. and it changed a lot oftvo1d things, not least parenting habits a lot of freedoms that most kids had taken for granted until then were then denied from then on. inspects was lost. all of us who were parents held on just a bit tighter, a little longer. we paid more attention to everything and every stranger was eyed more warily than before. we were, all of us, scared to death. and our feelings, our prayers, our concerns for the parnells of those two children were most heartfelt and almost inexpressible. i didn't know john lyon but i did so much admire his work on wmal radio. he had a daily show back then with chris core. i had three young girls under my roof at that time the youngest only 5 and could i not imagine john lyon's pain. nor can i describe to you the surprise, the wonder the deep admiration i felt when after the initial investigation went nowhere, john went back on the air. that was here to puttic, perhaps heroic? i don't know. i do know it was wonderful to behold and in a way, it was helpful to all the rest of us. i cannot begin to comprehend what the latest developments mean to the lyon family. i would wager there's nothing to do with closure. but after all these years, whatever it is the lyon family needs or wants, close your eyes and listen to this guy you will recognize his voice. he was here before, but i was away. worked for years on top. >> i appreciate that we were talk about the importance sitting and chilling. wonderful, but better when there is a baseball game to talk about. july but okay to think october, right in the all-star break ends tomorrow, nationals start the weekend series against the dodgers possible two division leaders could run into each other on the postaccept a. jordan zimmermann will start friday fortunates against kershaw. sunday's finale will feature two of the best e.r.a.s in baseball, scherzer and greinke. i know what you want go across the pond, st. andrew we will for you, first round of the british open, tiger woods has won the open at st. andrews twice. if today was any indication, doesn't look like a third will happen this year. second shot into the water, 4 over 76, worst round ever tied for 139th. always try to get in the top 140. the man they are all chasing dustin johnson, runner up, spieth, trains the long birdie putt on two. on 17 even longer putt s par stay in the lead, johnson 7 under 65 first round leader over six others. hip kids tell any is throw back thursday, go back 11 years, age of 14, freddy adu signed by d.c. united, bethesda soccer club. the launching pad into a soccer orbit that seemed no limits. instead adu has been lost in soccer space and recently landed with the tampa bay rowdies, a level below major league soccer. before he kicked a ball, adu was in a commercial, he was generating worldwide interest for major league soccer, life was good, 14 years old for adu, his rookie year ended with a tight well d.c. united. >> [ inaudible ] >> adu became a journeyman 11 clubs in 11 years mixing flashes of brilliance with frustration and now his 12th club, the rowdies. >> i'm looking at it i need a fresh started, the way i'm looking at it. i want to go to europe, play on the big team, florida, blah,blah, blah, blah you go there and don't play your career doesn't get anywhere. you can be on the top or bottom i have experienced both. i have a great feeling about this and i think it will be something good for my career. >> there are scars behind the smile. >> yeah. still smiling that is the key. like to see him get a break. >> good for him. thanks, dave. nightly news next. >> jamie wanted a taste of the real new orleans and we just couldn't say no to that face. then we wanted more of that local flavor so betty says... oh yeah, that's betty. you're going to want to do this alligator thing. and betty didn't lead us wrong. a little later we passed some dancing. and who doesn't like dancing? especially when it's followed by fireworks everyone's nola is different. follow yours. tonight, breaking news, terror in tennessee. four marines murdered in a shooting rampage at two military recruiting centers. the gunman killed after committing what authorities to say is an act of domestic terrorism. the verdict is in, the jury taking fewer than two days to decide the fate of james holmes for killing 12 people in a colorado movie theater nearly three years ago. inside lockup, president obama gets personal on a historic trip into a federal prison for his push to reduce sentencing for many non-violent crimes in this country. and survivor story, she walked away from a small plane crash that killed her grandparents then hiked through the wild for nearly 48 hours. tonight, her dramatic tale in her own words. "nightly news" begins now.

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police officer before other officers killed him. >> today is a nightmare for the city of chattanooga. it is incomprehensible to see what happened and the way that individuals who employed serve our country were treated. >> it is a heartbreaking circumstance for these individuals who served our county great valor to be killed in this fashion. >> the mar convenience not been identified but just as soon as police wrap up their investigation, their bodies will be flown to dover air force base in delaware and those bodies could be returned to their families as early as from morning. doreen? >> chris lawrence, thank you. police say officers up and down the east coast are helping to track down a guy accused of running down an officer with his car. it's the second case in 24 hours where police say someone intentionally struck a prince george's county officer with their vehicle. here's news4's pat collins. >> reporter: two close calls for two prince george's county police officers. >> to have two incidents like this within eight hours is a startling reminder of what these officers are up against. >> reporter: incident number one, it happened around 5:40 last night in district heights. police say an officer tried to keep a drug suspect from driving away. the officer's arm got caught in the suspect's car and he was dragged alongside that car until it crashed into the tree. >> when i hear the big bang i was in my bedroom. >> reporter: the officer's in the hospital with a broken leg. the suspect identified as danny lee harvell. he continued his get away on foot. he is charged with attempted second-degree murder. and's still at large. >> any time see you something going on like this in your neighborhood and you think it's crazy, but you knee lot going on in a lot of neighborhoods. >> reporter: around 1 this new orleans the 4400 block of wheeler road, an officer tries to stop the driver of the stolen dar. the stolen car hits the officer, flips him over the hood and then continues the get away down wheeler road into the district. that officer was treated and released. police describe the stolen car as a gold subaru similar to the one pictured here. again, two incidents, two officers injured two suspects still at large. in prince george's county, pat collins, news4. tonight, we have got new information coming out about a woman hit and killed by a car on a sidewalk in wheaton, maryland. we are told the driver of that car lost control, hit a utility pole, then kept going before it hit 45-year-old maria delore res posadas that happened at randolph road near veers mill road. we also just learned the driver of that car was 83 years old and suffered minor injuries. now to new developments in the case of the lee yips sisters. police say more than one person may be responsible for the abduction and the deaths of the girls almost 40 years ago. tonight, the police in bedford county, virginia, officially said that richard welch, the uncle of the man charged with the murders, may have sexually assaulted katherine and shelia lyon. police are calling the uncle a person of interest. he lives here in our area, in hyattsville much the meantime, we are hearing for the first time from the cold case detectives who helped crack this case. >> it's frustrating it's disconcerting, it's group setting to know that there's people that know and wouldn't do anything parents thought that have their own children that are keeping things from us. >> the grand jury has indicted lloyd lee welch for the murders of the two children. they disappeared back in 1979. welch is currently in jail in delaware on an unrelated sex offense. tonight, more than a dozen people are facial charges in a massive theft ring that targeted people in the suburbs going about their daily errands much the ring operated for decades, until now. and prince george's county bureau chief tracee wilkins tells us how investigators connected all the crimes to one group. >> reporter: well, over the past six years, police say that this group was able to he were $5 million in stolen merchandise and vehicles. prince george's county say they expect to see a large drop in crime with these folks behind bars. police say they were experts at hop-in car thefts them would steal a purse, cell phone, computer or even the whole car winn unsuspecting drivers weren't paying attention. >> keep in mind, could you have three or four incidents that occur in one day and nothing for a week. >> reporter: this car theft ring of more than a dozen people operated mostly in prince george's county since 2009. >> essentially running their own little crime school, where they would discuss with each other what they were doing what worked and what didn't, talk about the schemes in mind. >> reporter: this morning, fbi agents stormed the homes of 12 people believed to be members of simple city criminal organization. most members lived in southeast d.c. but are believed responsible for the majority of car thefts and many i.d. thefts in prince george's county for the past six years. they also operated in montgomery county and d.c. >> members who would go out and steal the cars, the purses and wallet, smartphones and tablet computers. other members to whom they would sell or transfer the stolen access device credit cards and atm cards. >> reporter: prince george's county police say it was not immediately clear they were dealing with an entire ring when the crimes began. >> once we realize that this might be bigger than what it was, now you have to start connecting the pieces. >> reporter: once police were aware of the complication of the ring, they partnered about the fbi who then monitored the group's movements and communication on cell phones on social media. >> all long-term investigations you reach a point where you recognize you might generate more evidence if you continued. on the other hand, your goal is to stop these people as quickly as possible, stop either people from being victim mids. >> reporter: according to one of the fbi agents who spoke today, this is the same group responsible for stealing from people's cars who were burying loved ones at cemeteries. this happened just last week. now, they have most of these people behind bars but they are still looking for a few. those warrants are outstanding. in greenbelt i'm tracee wilkins, back to you in the studio. today, president obama became the first sitting president to visit a federal prison. he went to a medium-security prison in el reno, oklahoma, part of a week-long push to reform the nation's criminal justice system sentences and treats people who break the law. >> we have to reconsider whether 20 or 30 or life sentences for non-violent crimes is the best way for us to solve these problems. >> the president noted that many of the young men he talked to today made the kinds of mistakes a lot of people make when they are young but he did not have the same support systems as others. it will be one year before the man accused of the charles top church massacre stands trial. today, dylann roof went before a judge as his trial date is set. as nbc's sara daloff reports now we also learn whether sensitive details about the shooting would be released. >> reporter: shackled and wearing a striped prison jumpsuit, dylann roof was formally indicted on nine counts of first-degree murder at a hearing less than a mile from where he allegedly shot and killed nine people inside the emanuel african methodist episcopal church. >> base on the circumstances, we not seek bond at this time. >> reporter: the 21-year-old was also charged with three counts of attempted murderer and one count of weapons possession, all stemming from the june 17th shooting rampage inside the historic black church.episcopal church. historic black church.historic black church. judge jc nicholson asked roof's attorney about their client's competency. roof's court-pointed a defense attorney told the judge he is competent and has been cooperating with his legal team since his arrest. >> able to cooperate and understand what we are communicating with him, he asks questions. and so i don't see any issue at all that relates to competency at this time. >> reporter: the judge also extended a gag order until at least next wednesday that blocks the release of case documents, potentially graphic photos and 911 calls, saying he wants to give the victims' families more time to respond. it's those documents and evidence that prosecutors will use to prove roof planned and carried out the mass shooting at a trial that today the judge set to begin july 11, 2016, a date that will come less than a month after this community marks the one-year anniversary of the killings. in charleston, south carolina, sara daloff, nbc news. next, a murder suspect in a high-profile case back on the streets while awaiting trial. why the judge is justifying the move. they risk their lives to serve our country, but the question whether the government is serving them. tonight, theism-team ex- ism hnchl i-team exposes problems for a program what is supposed to help military families care for their kids. a soldier discharged from the military for being transjepder is allowed to return back to duty. >> still the big testing ground, still the big picture can i serve can i do this? >> mia mason has new military-issued i.d. cards showing her gender transformation, but coming up at 6:00 why she still might have to serve as a man. and we are watching the situation in colorado closely, where the verdict in the movie things are back to normal now after a mess on the red line earlier a track problem caused major delays, packed platforms during the rush hour last night. the issue was if i canned early this morning but there still were some long waits as riders tried to get to work. metro says a piece of construction equipment created what they call a slippery rail problem between the twin brook and the grosvenor stations. all of metro's 4,000 series rail cars are back in service now they were pulled off for safety inspections after reports of door problems about a month ago. one passenger took this video that shows the train moving, even though the doors were not closed. those cars will eventually be replaced by the new 7,000 series rail cars. a man accused of first-degree murder is walking the streets tonight, ahead of his trial. that has police and prosecutors pretty frustrated. news4's chris gordon is live in montgomery county with one judge's controversial decision. chris? >> reporter: police investigated the murder and made arrests. prosecutors prepared for a murder trial this month, but then had to delay it until december, so the defense attorney asked the judge to release the defendant in this murder case on home detention. and judge agreed. today, we asked montgomery county state's attorney john mccarthy for his reaction. >> because of the serious nature of the charge and the public safety concerns that we have with anyone charged with those kinds of crimes, it's something we want to carefully look at. >> reporter: murder happened last december at the silver spring home of 26-year-old jonathan harris. he had been a successful kidney transplant patient who had been profiled on nbc news. harris was strangled during a home invasion and robbery. three suspect were arrested and charged with first-degree murder, including 32-year-old deion saboter can. but the judge decided to release the defendant on a $500,000 unsecured bond which means he doesn't have to put up his own money. montgomery county police chief tom major says it causes me great concern. this afternoon, i obtained this cd of the ten-minute court proceedings and in fairness to the judge, i want to point out that he determined that this defendant had a minor criminal record, drug paraphernalia charges back in 2008, that he has family ties and that he poses no danger to the community or risk of flight. so he felt that with home monitoring, he could be leased to home deans that is the latest live from the montgomery county circuit court chris gordon, news4. >> thanks chris. chris lawrence now at the live deck the verdict is in in that massacre at a movie theater in colorado. chris? >> yeah vance, guilty on at least the first two that's all they needed was one guilty verdict. this just came down in the last few seconds. the jury announcing that verdict. right now, they are still in the courtroom reading this. they have got a lot to go through. he's been charged with 24 counts of murder, 140 count of attempted murder and an explosives charge. but again, they only needed one guilty verdict. this will now move to a sentencing phase in which he could either go to prison for the rest of his life or be put to death. if you look at your screen, look toward the left-hand side, a young man with a beard hands in his pocket, wearing khakis and that blue top that is james holmes. that is the man on trial. he has been standing there as the judge has been announce the jury's verdict. they came to this verdict on the 51st day of trial. remember, they were considering 24 counts of murder, 140 counts of attempted murder. they only deliberated for 13 days, in terms of coming to these verdicts. take you back now, 12 people died during that midnight showing of the batman movie, "the dark knight rises." holmes, 27 years old. he was a former doctoral student studying neuroscience there in colorado. and again, the jury coming back, still coming back, there's a lot to go through, but the bottom line is he has been found guilty of several charges and this will now move to the sentencing phase. vance? >> thanks, chris. veronica is here with a look at our weather. it's beautiful. like we woke up in san diego or something this morning. >> lovely, isn't it? >> wow. >> and now gonna go wow, really that hot and that long? you know, been a while since we have had back-to-back days this have been 90 where it has been really oppressive. that was back in early june, we had very few 90-degree days in the month of july. now here we go oppressive conditions humidity coming with it, beach forecast a good place to cool off this weekend, as we start so see the mercury come up high and higher rain around the area, isolated shower or thunderstorm, on saturday, now on sunday, that's the change, some of the new data that has come in different than yesterday. 82 degrees expected on friday with sunshine, then 87 and 89. temperatures climbing. so will the water temperature. water temperature now at 78 degrees. that's higher also than last week. look at the sat late and radar loop, got a big] old area of high pressure right over us. almost cloud-free conditions, wispy cotton candy clouds out there. 86 degrees reagan national right now looking at warm conditions, we are dry at 7:00 drop to 81 mid-70s with clouds moving in on us during 10 11 p.m. hour. meantime look at the heat index friday, saturday sunday, monday, look at sea the heat index, 100 degrees, we are at 102 on sunday and 101 on monday. a lot of heat this is the kind of companies we got to get back into much almost like starting up again, conditions, doing anything outside a long period of time, tired, fatigued easily suffer heat exhaustion or heat cramps, not the case tomorrow morning. again, talking about saturday the start of our heat wave. tomorrow the transition day, from the low 70s to the mid-7 at 10 a.m., your commuter forecast, start with some fog by late morning, think the fog will burn off. here is a look at 2 a.m., after midnight that we will see some pockets of fog forming from south all the way up to the north and east and by 9 a.m., the fog should be out of here. is might want to get a early start. temperatures top out tomorrow between 85 and 87 degrees across the area. your future weather shows those clouds still rotating through, maybe even a sprinkle or two out in the mountains, a good day i think to get out, exercise do a run or play golf, 83 at 1:00, 86 during the afternoon, your weekend again 94 degrees on saturday. we have got scattered storms any time during the day, not just during the afternoon. and then 96 it will feel like 100 degrees. typically with one dry day say a 50/50 weekend might want to find something inside to do on sunday, look at the extended forecast in a few minutes. >> thanks veronica. baltimore's national aquarium posted this picture. it is on twitter. hard to see, but -- very hard to see. if you look closely at the right part of the screen, you will notice a manatee in the chesapeake bay in st. george creek near waldorf. take our word for it. it's there. the aquarium says manatees head east coast from florida during the summer so the sighting really isn't rare. new video just coming in of two men wanted bay police. see the crime as it unfolds inside a local convenience store. teenager lost her life while saving a friend. now, thousands of people are being inspired by this young girl's bucket list. they failed our family they failed everybody that i have talked to. >> military parents forced to pay out of pocket because the government isn't paying the bills on time. tonight, the i-team kenneth carter lives in -- or lived in alexandria. a couple weeks ago he came into d.c. to buy allegedly some crabs and some fireworks and he was murdered. but it was more than crabs and fireworks that he was after now, as it turns out. thomas -- or harris, that is was beaten on new york avenue back on july 5th. according to an arrest warrant, the victim, that would be thomas harris, was hit in the head with a frying pan by a relative the day before he came into the city and was attacked. apparently, he was attempting to buy percoset to treat the pain from being hit in the head. the suspect attacked him at that point and he later died. a dog with no interest in flying to germany, apparently broke out of his crate and went running all over the dulles airport tarmac today, creating all kinds of chaos. an airport spokesperson says the dog escaped as he was being loaded onto a luft tan sa play to frankfurt. airline personnel had to chase the dog down. eventually, they called the owner down onto the airfield to calm the dog and to get him back into the crate. everybody is safe and the plane is on the way to frankfurt right now. animal problems on airlines are pretty rare but they do happen. the news4 i-team sorted through records from the u.s. department of transportation in my this year. they found ten animal-related problem. four others died, dogs suffered minor injuries in the rest of the incidents. a man times a thief do shall or some thieves and tonight, he is talking only to news four about the violent confrontation on a city sidewalk. >> it's heartbreaking, it absolutely is when you look at your child and you're trying to provide as much as you can for them. >> struggling to pay the bills. the i-team reveals why military families are forced to use their own money to pay for a program that's paid for by the government. plus a transgender woman talks about the hurd here at the live deck, we are still keeping an eye on the situation in colorado where the jury's verdict is still$ being read against james holmes. he has already been found guilty of first-degree murder but they were looking at 165 charges here, 24 count of murder and 140 counts of attempted murder. again, that is james holmes, to the left side of your screen in the blue shirt and khakis. he has been standing there with his hands in his pocket, not making much of a motion. his defense team had argued that he was suffering from schizophrenia when he put on a gas mask and stormed that movie near the -- in colorado when he stormed that theater. the jury agreed that he shuntd be found guilty of murder bine saint. it did not take them long to come to this decision. they only deliberated about 13 hours. again, still reading the decision there in colorado, but the bottom line is he has been found guilty of first-degree murder. this will now move to the sentencing phase in which he could face either life in prison or the death penalty. back to you. >> thanks. men and women who serve their country in the military but the question is whether their government is serving them. >> an investigation by the news4 i-team reveals problems for some military parents. as scott macfarlane reports now there are growing complaints and major backlogs in a program that is supposed to help provide day care for army children. >> reporter: finding the right day care can be stressful and expensive. but u.s. army captain carmen dikes of laurel said she never thought placing her 2-year-old in day care would be this stressful or this expensive. >> i wake up thinking about it guy to bed thinking about it. >> reporter: day care and her army post is filled so she is one of thousands of u.s. army parents nationwide who use the arm if i fee assistance program, a federal program that allows army parents to use pricey or private day care outside the post that provides money to them pay for it dikes says there is a problem, the army fee program doesn't always pay its bills on time, that they are months late on her payments. the money from the government isn't coming to you had to front it? >> they will be three months behind, we will have to catch our day care provider up three months puts us out a big chunk of money. >> this is a problem. >> reporter: kayla hensley says her payments from the program were five months late and that she nearly went broke. >> we were pinching penny to penny every single month. >> because you're fronting money for the governments? yes. >> reporter: an agency called the jenner is advice assistance program for 12 years. we found the trouble began in recent months went army asked the agency to expand the program. last year they had just hundreds of families involved. now they have about 10,000 and there have been enormous growing pains. internal agency record shows a backlog of 11,500 unreturned call e-mails and records requests from those families, manageable backlog according to the jenner is advice's administration's internal auditor. >> we are very concerned about the backlog for thilies, very concerned about the impact to the families. >> reporter: the agency added contractors to handle the flood of calls and new families, but in the meantime, the i-team learned more than 30 army families filed formal complaints with investigators about the red tape. one of those complaints we obtained reads -- in a statement, they acknowledged challenges in the program. the application process for this day care program is complex and that some families submitted paperwork without all the necessary information. she says army families often more or change asigns, wit agency says complicates matters. but they wouldn't answer why these have suffered delays. make the prospect of having a second child more challenging? >> absolutely. there's no way that we could ever afford to have a second child. >> reporter: the jenner is advices administration tells us it is adding staff and redesigning the program website and trying to simplify how payments are handled to make it easier for these parents, but jim and doreen didn't give a firm timetable to do so. >> they are saying they are overwhelmed? basically the answer why the problems exist? >> the backlog of calls e-mails and record requests is 11500 right now and all indications are that backlog is going to grow further. >> but they will get paid essentially? >> retroactively, they will get their money back once the government catches up. >> but rough because child care is one of the biggest expenses in a family's budget? >> haven't budgeted $400 extra a week, it is going to hurt fast. >> indeed. thank you, scott. we have posted the formal complaints cement by army families to the federal government government on our nbc washington app. click on investigations to check it out. police are looking for a couple of guys in trashed a d.c. con convenience store. they flue food, knocked over large drink containers. the place is called the 77 market, at the corner of georgia avenue and irving street northwest. it appears the suspects got into an argument with the clerk and then something went wrong and they created all this mess. we posted this video on the website. if you can help identify these suspects. d.c. police want to you take a good look at this surveillance video, too she is man trying to fit off at least one would-be robber outside an apartment building on 16th street. this happened early in the morning last friday. we talked to the man today. he tells derrick ward two men followed him, asked him for money and then attacked him. the victim ran to the nearby building. someone led him in and the crooks ran ey still haven't been caught. we learned that former president george h. w. bush will not need surgery to repair a broken bone in his neck. mr. bush's 91 years old now. he was rushed to the hospital yesterday after he fell at a sum her home in kennebunkport maine. he is said to be in fair condition tonight. mr. bush's office says he fractured a vertebrae but it is expected to heal on its own. he has a form of parkinson's disease and uses a motorized scooter to get around. >> we told you before about the dangers those laundry pods can pose to children. now, manufacturers are promising to make some changes. in the first six months of this year, poise.control centers have god.more than 6,000 reports of children ingesting the con tents of the pods or getting the stuff in their eyes. companies have changed their packaging so the kids won't be tempted to reach for the colorful pods. some are even making changes to the pods themselves, but "consumer reports" says it's not enough. >> we applaud these changes but until we see a meaningful decrease in the number of injuries, we are not recommending liquid laundry pods. and we strongly urge households with children under 6 years old to avoid them. >> the american cleaning institute issued a statement saying it remains committed to keeping kids safe and reminds families that cleaning products should be kept out of reach of children. a bucket list that went viral and we will report how a teenager is helping others around the world even in death. and the emmy nominations are out. game of lins leading the pack with 24 nods. hear from a man who has ties to our area who plays a big role in that hit show. and breaking news. u.s. attorney general loretta lynch says the fbi will lead a national security investigation into those shootings at two military centers in tennessee today. four marines were killed, three other people injured. "nbc nightly the death of a connecticut teenager is inspiring people here and around the world to undertake acts of kindness. rebecca townsend was crossing the street in her hometown at fourth of july. she saw a car headed toward her and her friend. she was able to push her friend out of the way. but sadly, rebecca was hit and killed. after her death, her sister found a letter rebecca wrote, it was a bucket list, a list that included a wish to one day save a person's life. turns out the teenager had been raising money to help a school in uganda and mark segraves found out that school was built by a non-profit group built in arlington arlington. >> reporter: her name is joy, she is the first girl in her family to ever go to school. she didn't know about rebecca townsend's bucket list and that she hoped to one day save a life but she did know that thanks to the connected connect teenager, joy hundreds of girls just like her in uganda have a better future. >> reb beck ska a great example of what kids are doing to help kids across the world. >> reporter: john wanda heads up the foundation that built the academy of hope in u began d.a. rebecca townsend had not only been sending money to the school but become pen pals about an 11-year-old girl, joy. the two shared experiences with each other of girls growing up in two very different worlds. now wanda must tell zwripd the other girls at the school in uganda a friend they never met has died. >> i know she will cry. >> reporter: wanda says long before rebecca became a hero in her hometown for sacrificing her life, she was lad -- already a hero in u began d.a. >> i want to do the same thing change the world like rebecca is doing. >> reporter: townsend was 17 years old. she planned to attend notre dame in the fall. mark segraves, news4. >> if would you like to learn more about the foundation's work in uganda and how you can help, go to the income washington app and search remembering rebecca. the hbo show "game of thrones" received 24 emmy nominations today. the show has a local connection to potomac, maryland one of the producers and screenwriters told must a skype interview today he got his start at churchill high school's drama program. >> we not only did a fall blamed spring musical but student-directed place and student-written place and there wasn't ever a month in any school year i wasn't working on something. >> he was drawn to "game of thrones" because it is all about politics. it's a story talking about caitlinkatecaitlinyn jenner's speech at the espys and what is next for the athlete. and the military making changes to embrace the at devry university's keller graduate school of management. you can learn to unlock the leader inside you. so if you want to own the room not just be in it. you're our kind of different. keller graduate school of management. learn more at lots of reaction to caitlyn jenner's speech at the espy awards last night. she send the arthur ashe award for courage. it was jenner's most high-profile appearance since coming out as a transgender woman in may. she delivered a message to her critics. >> if you want to call me names make jokes about my intentions, go ahead, because the reality is, i can take it. but for the thousands of kids out there coming to terms with being true to who they are, they shouldn't have to take it. >> general set a world record for followers on twitter. after her appearance on "20/20" and cover of "vanity fair." her reality show on transitioning to a woman debuts later this month. during the speech, caitlyn jenner mentioned the military's move to lift a ban on transgender individuals openly serving saying our country has come a long way, but one local traps gender service member says there are still challenging ahead. news4'sing me megan fitzgerald is here. >> ma many describe the opportunity to be true to themselves as well as severing the country but because of the details how transgender people will beity will be integrated into the military will be worked out it is pos able woman we spoke with may have to serve as a man for now. for 15 years, michael mason served our country in both the navy and the army. >> he did a lot of great things. he was awarded for doing so much. >> reporter: he served five tours in iraq and afghanistan but it was there during his time at war that he realized it was time for him to become her. >> i started to seek out help so i canning become a woman. >> reporter: after returning home, mason started taking hormones to become mia. the military found ought out and she was discharged. >> you are what we call transgender or transgenderism, we can dischu on this. >> reporter: mia was discharged but complete herd full transition legally becoming a woman. >> my current social security number of me gentleman a female. >> reporter: fighting a new battle, one that would allow her to return to the army, arguing the latest policy changes protect federal employees from being discriminated against for their gender identity. >> i'm sergeant mia smain. >> reporter: mason was allowed to return. she reports to the d.c. national guard this weekend but pause because the policy surrounding transgender soldiers is still being worked out she still comes up in the system as male which means she may not be able to serve as a woman, at least for now. >> legally i'm a woman. but all right military recognize that? that is up to them. >> reporter: next six month, a group is working out details on things like housing and physical fitness standards for transgyppeder soldiers. back to you. >> meagan fitzgerald, thank you. veronica back with more of our weather, like to keep today bottle it up and continue it on for a few more weeks. >> if only it were that easy. heat and systems and days with just heat. we will focus on both. it is going to be impacting our weekend as far as the weekend goes. the start of our heat wave, higher humidity, pleasant conditions, watch the bar as it goes up uncomfortable conditions spechted tomorrow, going to get a little sticky by the afternoon, even the evening, going to notice the increase in human mudity, for saturday sunday, monday tuesday, oppressive conditions, get the idea. forecast for tomorrow morning early day fog, clouds around more humid, that fog should be burning off by 9 a.m. look at the sky cams for tomorrow, more clouds across our area, not quite as pretty, still a good day temperatures fligtz 80s tomorrow. your planner forecast 86 degrees at 3:00. by 7:00, we fall to 81. your four-day forecast, 94 saturday, 96 sunday, hot on sunday, at least we don't have the storms, heat wave should be ending on friday. a lot of the graphics you see here we are posting on our nbc washington app. 1975, it was an interesting year, a bic dickensian, in fact good times and not so much. gerald ford was in the white house after having pardoned richard nix.w he got out ofgv vietnam. arthur ashe won wimbledon. but on march 25th of that year, two little girls went to what was known as wheaton plaza in montgomery county and never seen again. no one who was around these parts back then will forget the terror that created. it's important to note that this was way before the disappearance of american blondes became almost monthly news fare, way before wall-to-wall cable exploitation. the suddenness, the mystery of the it was terrifying. and it changed a lot oftvo1d things, not least parenting habits a lot of freedoms that most kids had taken for granted until then were then denied from then on. inspects was lost. all of us who were parents held on just a bit tighter, a little longer. we paid more attention to everything and every stranger was eyed more warily than before. we were, all of us, scared to death. and our feelings, our prayers, our concerns for the parnells of those two children were most heartfelt and almost inexpressible. i didn't know john lyon but i did so much admire his work on wmal radio. he had a daily show back then with chris core. i had three young girls under my roof at that time the youngest only 5 and could i not imagine john lyon's pain. nor can i describe to you the surprise, the wonder the deep admiration i felt when after the initial investigation went nowhere, john went back on the air. that was here to puttic, perhaps heroic? i don't know. i do know it was wonderful to behold and in a way, it was helpful to all the rest of us. i cannot begin to comprehend what the latest developments mean to the lyon family. i would wager there's nothing to do with closure. but after all these years, whatever it is the lyon family needs or wants, close your eyes and listen to this guy you will recognize his voice. he was here before, but i was away. worked for years on top. >> i appreciate that we were talk about the importance sitting and chilling. wonderful, but better when there is a baseball game to talk about. july but okay to think october, right in the all-star break ends tomorrow, nationals start the weekend series against the dodgers possible two division leaders could run into each other on the postaccept a. jordan zimmermann will start friday fortunates against kershaw. sunday's finale will feature two of the best e.r.a.s in baseball, scherzer and greinke. i know what you want go across the pond, st. andrew we will for you, first round of the british open, tiger woods has won the open at st. andrews twice. if today was any indication, doesn't look like a third will happen this year. second shot into the water, 4 over 76, worst round ever tied for 139th. always try to get in the top 140. the man they are all chasing dustin johnson, runner up, spieth, trains the long birdie putt on two. on 17 even longer putt s par stay in the lead, johnson 7 under 65 first round leader over six others. hip kids tell any is throw back thursday, go back 11 years, age of 14, freddy adu signed by d.c. united, bethesda soccer club. the launching pad into a soccer orbit that seemed no limits. instead adu has been lost in soccer space and recently landed with the tampa bay rowdies, a level below major league soccer. before he kicked a ball, adu was in a commercial, he was generating worldwide interest for major league soccer, life was good, 14 years old for adu, his rookie year ended with a tight well d.c. united. >> [ inaudible ] >> adu became a journeyman 11 clubs in 11 years mixing flashes of brilliance with frustration and now his 12th club, the rowdies. >> i'm looking at it i need a fresh started, the way i'm looking at it. i want to go to europe, play on the big team, florida, blah,blah, blah, blah you go there and don't play your career doesn't get anywhere. you can be on the top or bottom i have experienced both. i have a great feeling about this and i think it will be something good for my career. >> there are scars behind the smile. >> yeah. still smiling that is the key. like to see him get a break. >> good for him. thanks, dave. nightly news next. >> jamie wanted a taste of the real new orleans and we just couldn't say no to that face. then we wanted more of that local flavor so betty says... oh yeah, that's betty. you're going to want to do this alligator thing. and betty didn't lead us wrong. a little later we passed some dancing. and who doesn't like dancing? especially when it's followed by fireworks everyone's nola is different. follow yours. tonight, breaking news, terror in tennessee. four marines murdered in a shooting rampage at two military recruiting centers. the gunman killed after committing what authorities to say is an act of domestic terrorism. the verdict is in, the jury taking fewer than two days to decide the fate of james holmes for killing 12 people in a colorado movie theater nearly three years ago. inside lockup, president obama gets personal on a historic trip into a federal prison for his push to reduce sentencing for many non-violent crimes in this country. and survivor story, she walked away from a small plane crash that killed her grandparents then hiked through the wild for nearly 48 hours. tonight, her dramatic tale in her own words. "nightly news" begins now.

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