Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20240622 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20240622

after the suspects. news4's darcy spencer is live in fairfax and how the woman is doing right now. darcy? >> reporter: jim, first, i want to tell you, this is a very quiet neighborhood just off the street here it is a dead end, a cul-de-sac, not the place where you would expect something like this to happen. the family here believes very strongly that these victims in their 60s were followed from the maryland live casino last night. this all happened just before midnight. the woman, like you said, drove home with her husband from the casino, had walked to her front door and that's when one of the suspects grabbed her purse. we are going to go to some video of the neighborhood. we are not going to show the victim's house. in just a moment you are going to hear from the victim's son. he told me that his parent also gotten home, heard the commotion outside we having that was happening. he ran out, ran down the street and was chased by the car. the woman grabbed the purse and got into a getaway vehicle being driven by a man and apparently, the mother and father, as well as the son, were all chasing this car down the street trying to get the purse back. and that's when a shot was fired. let's hear now from the son, who does not want to show his face. >> i wouldn't let go and that's ben they yell we had a gun. and i -- i don't know what happened after that they shot and then i was surprised so i was like, okay, i told my parents to stop and i checked on both of them and i saw my mom was bleeding on her elbow. >> reporter: so again, the son is very concerned that older people are being followed from casinos. i covered another case where this happened, a very similar case. and concern that people who are more vulnerable are being targeted. he said his mom was shot in the arm and she is expected to go back to the hospital to get surgery at some point later. at this point police have not made any arrests in this case. we are live in fairfax county darcy spencer, jim, back to you. >> thanks. the family of two young boys desperate to find them. benjamin and jacob molina haven't been seen since they left their home in odin ton this morning. benjamin 9, jacob 14. the boys left their house on chess wick lane around 6 this morning a lot of you are sending well wishes to the family and sharing this picture on our facebook page. you have share it had all over our region from bowie through d.c., as far away as west virginia. if you see them, you are urged to call anne arundel police. a murder at a house party in ac back keek. tonight, neighbors say they called police long before the shooting happened. police who live near the house here on hickory knoll court tell us hundreds of people were at that house party. police say darryl king jr. was killed as he left the party. news4's derrick ward spoke to residents who say this house is a trouble spot in their community. >> reporter: it was 1 a.m. when police were called to the area just outside this gated community in ac kaky for the report of a shooting. when they got there they found the victim. he had been shot. and he was pronounced dead at a local hospital. neighbors said there had been a party at a house inside the development. >> i would say there had to be at least 300 people in there. it was so many -- you couldn't even get past there really it was cars on both sides. >> reporter: some residents were apparently unable to get into their development because of the cars and the crowd. >> there were neighbors who were stuck out on indian head highway, comment even get up on the service road. >> reporter: some say they were cursed at by partygoers when they asked to move. this was hours before the shooting. >> they called the police and dispatcher asked single women who workere in their cars unable to get inside could they see weapons? of course, at that time of night, nobody is going to be able to see anything or respond to that kind of question. >> reporter: a man laying and the question answered in the worst possible way. >> we can see right now, weapons were there. >> reporter: signs clearly state this area is under camera surveillance and access is restricted to residents and their guests. still, resident says this shouse often the scene of loud and large party, a problem spot in an otherwise peaceful community. neighbors want changes to the covenant in place and to the bay police handle complaints about loud, boisterous clouds. they would like a response instead of questions. >> do you see any weapons? can you tell me who they are? and that's not the kind of response that a neighbor who is paying taxes should be receiving from their local police department when they are trying to disperse a rowdy crowd. >> reporter: derrick ward, news4. >> we have reached out to prince george's county police tonight about residents' concerns. we are waiting for a response. d.c. police just released this video hoping someone will see it and help them solve a murder. take a good look. two people in this van have guns pointed out the windows there as they opened fire, killing darryl grays, who was standing on the lawn there. the gunshot sent another person running for cover. we have posted the entire video on the shooting happened back on sunday, june 28th. people are stopping by the crime scene now on 16th and e streets, leaving flowers and cards. new developments from the iran nuclear negotiations. a senior state department official tells nbc news tonight that negotiations may be able to announce a provisional agreement tomorrow, just before the latest deadline passes. secretary of state john kerry's now leading the u.s. contingent in vienna in meetings with european ministers and iran's foreign minister. the deal will be sent to the capitals of the countries involved for review and barring any last-minute objections, would be announced tomorrow. an agreement would cap nearly a decade of diplomacy on the issue of iran and its nuclear capabilities. well, were you out outside in this weather today? if you were, you probably noticed the low humidity. but as amelia segal joins us, there are some isolated showers on the radarsome that right, amelia? >> that's right, jim. on storm team4 radar tracking showers back to the west of i-81 moving to areas like lure ray and winchester. head into the overnight hours, tracking some widely scattered hit and miss showers, no thunderstorms in the forecast overnight tonight. here's future weather at midnight. notice some areas of showery activity, otherwise new york clouds in place. 4:30, updating the forecast, meager showers and sprinkles to deal with, plenty of clouds to start your monday. temperatures at 6 a.m. upper 60s, low 70s, jim tomorrow the humidity returns. in ten minutes, let you know what you can expect as far as rain is concerned for the midday and afternoon hours as well. >> all right. we will see you then. massive manhunt is on in mexico tonight after one of the country's most notorious drug lords ss bust out of jail. el chapo guzman broke out of maximum security facilities today. it happened about 50 miles west of mexico city. security officials say he escaped through a long tunnel connected to the shower area of his cell. they also found tools oxygen masks and a motorcycle he may have used to move dirt out of the tunnel. right now, 30 prison employees are being questioned. incredible new pictures tonight of next keys most active volcano. what officials are doing now to keep people safe. police say an nfl coach's behavior was way out of bounds. how an argument with kids over a beach chair landed that coach behind bars. and new details tonight on bill cosby's art collection at the smithsonian. ugly allegations continue to swirl around the comedian but we this summer take flight, without having to take a flight. because all the thrills you need are right here at busch gardens, and water country usa. in williamsburg, va. like the daring new coaster tempesto. so ride together slide together whether it's monster drops collossal curls or furry friends it's all here. vacation packages start at $50 per person per night. the ultimate summer vacation is closer than you think at busch gardens and water country usa. a massive flier at a vfw outpost in from the royal is under investigation tonight. the colonel samuel millar building on north royal avenue is destroyed. the fire began around 1:00 saturday afternoon it went to three alarms a firefighter was knocked unconscious after falling to the pavement. they kept him in the hospital overnight for observation. fire officials tell us the damage is more than a half million dollars. the atf has now joined the investigation. one of our hottest online stories is about bill does bind the smith sewn yachblt he is under fire from some for art work that he and his wife loaned to the museum. cosby didn't create the artwork. he is just letting the smithsonian display this private collection. after meeting with museum officials and a donation of more than $700,000 from the cosbys, the smithsonian decided that the exhibit is not about cosby. it's about the artists. so they will tonight exhibit. if you want to share your thoughts on this, visit our app and search smithsonian. and when we come back, we are gonna have much more ahead including the forecast and we have got a story about kayakers enjoying the potomac this afternoon, too. and loved ones gather to honor the memory of the promising au grad stabbed and killed on metro. we will be right back with that tomorrow kevin sutherland, the young man stabbed to death on metro xbrul 4th will be buried. today family and friends in his home up to of trumble, connecticut spoke about the young man and his murder. nbc's matt smith has the latest now from connecticut. >> he was an amazing guy. and one of our best friends. >> reporter: friends and former college classmates reminiscing on the years they had together with kevin sutherland, calling hours were held in trumble where the 24-year-old grew up. those who knew him say the always-happy guy was transformed by studying at american university and then living in washington, d.c. a statement from his parents was read by a family friend. >> his last six years in washington, d.c., were the happiest times of his life. >> reporter: friends of sutherland are still shocked by his sudden passing. police say he was on his way to a fourth of july party when he was stabbed to death during a robbery on a d.c. metro train. friends say sutherland had a bright future. >> i think kevin's willingness to help anybody is something to very much be remembered. >> reporter: sutherland loved photography and his shot of the u.s. capitol was one of his favorites. his other passion was politics. he previously interned for connecticut congressman jim himes. souther land's recent work -- >> and we apologize. we had a little bit of technical difficulty. moving on, buffalo bills offensive lineman coach aaron cropper was cromer was arrested today after police say he got in an argument over beach chairs in the panhandle. chromer and his son confronted three boys while using those chairs while fish october beach. cromer is accused of punching one of the boys. he faces misdemeanor battery charges. the bills say the team is gathering facts on the case. mexico's most active volcano has been more active than usual this weekend. we want to show you some time lapse video here coming up there. this sis is a sol volcano that started spewing smoke and ash into the sky in central mexico last night. today, a dramatic explosion of lava there from the volcano's crater. there are no reports of injuries, but authorities have evacuated everyone within a three-mile radius on the volcano for safety sake. the homefront much more guy yet a break from the humidity. >> start to notice the humidity a little bit tomorrow, the mugginess returns in full force on tuesday. tomorrow is going to be one of those days where she needs of the umbrella handy but might not need to use it throughout the entire day just chance of isolated showers and maybe a thunderstorm as we get on into the afternoon hours. so here are your weather headlines plenty of clouds around tomorrow, especially for the morning and midday hours, could get in on limited sunshine as we move into the afternoon hours. also, the humidity low today was bearable, a little bit muggy tomorrow. on tuesday tracking the potential for strong to severe thunderstorms during the afternoon and evening hours. potentially a weather alert day is not for certain that we are going to be dealing with severe weather definitely a day we are keeping a close eye on. right now keeping thursday and friday drint seven-day forecast. tomorrow, your impact forecast, just heading to work, really don't have a lot of plans outside, weather a low impact on your day. something outside you want to get done, having a low to moderate impact on your day because of that threat you are dealing with a shower or thunderstorm. temperatures right now, generally in the 80s. 84, washington 82, manassas, 83 degrees up in hagerstown. clouds moving in overnight tonight, mostly cloudy the latest check of storm team4 radar, tracking showers moving to luray and harrisonburg impacting petersonburg right now these continue overnight tonight and touch off light rain in spots. here is future weather at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning. notice it is a mostly cloudy start and mainly dry in the metro area. once we hit 9 a.m., the clouds still hanging on strong, tracking areas of light rain and sprinkles. 11 a.m. much of the same. as we work our way into the afternoon hours, you can notice some peek of sun starting to develop and best chance dealing with thunderstorms and heavier rain tomorrow is going to be west of fauquier and loudoun counties, back around winchester luray and petersburg, around theism-81 corridor. heading into the evening, most of us again looking mainly dry. highs tomorrow low to middle 80s, high in washington, 85 degrees. on tuesday, we warm up and it is very humid on tuesday. a high temperature of 90 degrees. some showers and thunderstorms are possible during the morning hours scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely later in the day on tuesday. the greatest concerns would be some heavy rain that could lead to some flash flooding and some gusty winds that could produce some wind damage. some late-day showers and thunderstorms possible on wednesday. the severe weather threat is not as high, a high of 91. right now, jim, thursday friday, looking partly sunny highs around 90. >> thanks amelia. max scherzer shines in the battle of the beltway tod max is back and hey, battle of the beltways took an interesting finish there us for. >> well, here is the thing about max scherzer, you know he is not going to give you back-to-back bad performances, bounce fwhakd a huge way today the last time we saw max scherzer take the mound, he had his worst performance of the season against the cincinnati reds. scherzer got back to being the pitcher we are accustomed to seeing this year, final game before the all-star break, max delivered a big-time performance the bat of the beltway series if the nation ast. nats fans making the trip to baltimore to see scherzer today won't see him at the all-star game, the nationals not gonna playing him. here we go in this game scherzer facing adam jones, watching him reach out and send this ball out of the park. one of the few mistakes scherzer made all day. that's number 13th home run of the accept a, adam jones there top of the fourth now, two on, two out for dan uggla. they call him hugla, rip this ball up the middle, trying to make a play, the throw off the mark, yunel escobar comes in easily, jones charging there, look to be in some pain after that throw. later on very next battle, tyler moore two on sends that one to the wall. two runs come in to xorpt double for more, the nats take a 3-1 lead. scherzer still in command of this game, facing chris davis there gets him to go down swinging, the eight inning, second baseman can't handle that. seven strikeouts in the game for scherzer. frustrating baltimore batters all day long, except for one in particular, this guy right here, adam jones up again. and he is going yard again. another solo shot off scherzer. max gave up those two runs right there. he pitched eight two-thirds innings jones now 11-22 with three homers off scherzer. go to the futures game now, nats pitching prospect getting the start for the united states. top of the first, the man on, rodriguez goes down swinging. a little strike him out, throw him out there. two innings of shutout baseball. the other nats top prospect, trey turner, impressing today in the sixth, two on. the shortstop takes this to the left. it would bring home two runs give him a two-run double. he was 2-2 at the dish. also a triple in this game the united states beat the world by a final score of 10-1. let's move on to tennis now. today was the men's final at wimbledon. time might be running out for roger federer to win major number 18. at the age of 33, fed has now lost to novack djokovic in back-to-back finals in wimbledon. rematch definitely lived up to the hype. djokovic going for his ninth grand slam. first set tie break, federer, serving near court. watch joker here. just a beautiful shot right there. fed can't do anything about that. djokovic would take the first set, 7-6, despite federer playing extremely well that first set. second set now, federer serving set point. finish that one off. he would take the second set, 7-6. play was suspended in the third because of rain, but not for too long. joker took that third set in the fourth. some great tennis right here. both guys going back and forth, attacking the net. joker wins that one. their money's worth today. later in the set championship point for me to vac djokovic cap things off with that nasty forehand winner. novack djokovic wins his ninth grand slam title, his second straight at wimbledon. >> for this particular matches you work all your life you wake up every day and you work repetitively maybe sometimes on certain things but you know you envision yourself being in the center court at the biggest tournament in sport and holding this trophy, so it is a very thrilling feeling. >> congrats to djokovic. and fedor won that first set, we have won the entire match. >> the joke was he was fired up. a lot of first punc mmm yoplait! it's snack time! oh, look! yoplait original now has 25% less sugar. time to taste it. how is it? it tastes good! congratulations yoplait! you did it! yoplait! on this sunday night, breakout. the daring escape of el chapo, the world's top drug kingpin and how his mexican drug cartel fuels the heroin epidemic in this country. crowded field as donald trump dominates the 2016 conversation. another contender is about to jump in. diabetes drug. why millions of americans could benefit from a new way to fight the disease all because of the changing relationship with cuba. and slam-dunk. meet the inspiring grandmothers who hit the court twice a week showing age is just a number. "nightly news" begins now.

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New York , United States , Williamsburg , American University , District Of Columbia , Iran , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , Virginia , Washington , Cincinnati , Ohio , Connecticut , West Virginia , Hagerstown , Maryland , Prince George County , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Russia , Fairfax County , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Harrisonburg , Cuba , Busch Gardens , Baltimore , Americans , Mexican , El Chapo , John Kerry , Matt Smith , Jacob Molina , Amelia Segal , Novack Djokovic , Darryl King Jr , Jim Himes , Max Scherzer , El Chapo Guzman , Trey Turner , Dan Uggla , Roger Federer , Chris Davis , Adam Jones , Tod Max , Darcy Spencer , Tyler Moore , Kevin Sutherland , Anne Arundel ,

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Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20240622 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20240622

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after the suspects. news4's darcy spencer is live in fairfax and how the woman is doing right now. darcy? >> reporter: jim, first, i want to tell you, this is a very quiet neighborhood just off the street here it is a dead end, a cul-de-sac, not the place where you would expect something like this to happen. the family here believes very strongly that these victims in their 60s were followed from the maryland live casino last night. this all happened just before midnight. the woman, like you said, drove home with her husband from the casino, had walked to her front door and that's when one of the suspects grabbed her purse. we are going to go to some video of the neighborhood. we are not going to show the victim's house. in just a moment you are going to hear from the victim's son. he told me that his parent also gotten home, heard the commotion outside we having that was happening. he ran out, ran down the street and was chased by the car. the woman grabbed the purse and got into a getaway vehicle being driven by a man and apparently, the mother and father, as well as the son, were all chasing this car down the street trying to get the purse back. and that's when a shot was fired. let's hear now from the son, who does not want to show his face. >> i wouldn't let go and that's ben they yell we had a gun. and i -- i don't know what happened after that they shot and then i was surprised so i was like, okay, i told my parents to stop and i checked on both of them and i saw my mom was bleeding on her elbow. >> reporter: so again, the son is very concerned that older people are being followed from casinos. i covered another case where this happened, a very similar case. and concern that people who are more vulnerable are being targeted. he said his mom was shot in the arm and she is expected to go back to the hospital to get surgery at some point later. at this point police have not made any arrests in this case. we are live in fairfax county darcy spencer, jim, back to you. >> thanks. the family of two young boys desperate to find them. benjamin and jacob molina haven't been seen since they left their home in odin ton this morning. benjamin 9, jacob 14. the boys left their house on chess wick lane around 6 this morning a lot of you are sending well wishes to the family and sharing this picture on our facebook page. you have share it had all over our region from bowie through d.c., as far away as west virginia. if you see them, you are urged to call anne arundel police. a murder at a house party in ac back keek. tonight, neighbors say they called police long before the shooting happened. police who live near the house here on hickory knoll court tell us hundreds of people were at that house party. police say darryl king jr. was killed as he left the party. news4's derrick ward spoke to residents who say this house is a trouble spot in their community. >> reporter: it was 1 a.m. when police were called to the area just outside this gated community in ac kaky for the report of a shooting. when they got there they found the victim. he had been shot. and he was pronounced dead at a local hospital. neighbors said there had been a party at a house inside the development. >> i would say there had to be at least 300 people in there. it was so many -- you couldn't even get past there really it was cars on both sides. >> reporter: some residents were apparently unable to get into their development because of the cars and the crowd. >> there were neighbors who were stuck out on indian head highway, comment even get up on the service road. >> reporter: some say they were cursed at by partygoers when they asked to move. this was hours before the shooting. >> they called the police and dispatcher asked single women who workere in their cars unable to get inside could they see weapons? of course, at that time of night, nobody is going to be able to see anything or respond to that kind of question. >> reporter: a man laying and the question answered in the worst possible way. >> we can see right now, weapons were there. >> reporter: signs clearly state this area is under camera surveillance and access is restricted to residents and their guests. still, resident says this shouse often the scene of loud and large party, a problem spot in an otherwise peaceful community. neighbors want changes to the covenant in place and to the bay police handle complaints about loud, boisterous clouds. they would like a response instead of questions. >> do you see any weapons? can you tell me who they are? and that's not the kind of response that a neighbor who is paying taxes should be receiving from their local police department when they are trying to disperse a rowdy crowd. >> reporter: derrick ward, news4. >> we have reached out to prince george's county police tonight about residents' concerns. we are waiting for a response. d.c. police just released this video hoping someone will see it and help them solve a murder. take a good look. two people in this van have guns pointed out the windows there as they opened fire, killing darryl grays, who was standing on the lawn there. the gunshot sent another person running for cover. we have posted the entire video on the shooting happened back on sunday, june 28th. people are stopping by the crime scene now on 16th and e streets, leaving flowers and cards. new developments from the iran nuclear negotiations. a senior state department official tells nbc news tonight that negotiations may be able to announce a provisional agreement tomorrow, just before the latest deadline passes. secretary of state john kerry's now leading the u.s. contingent in vienna in meetings with european ministers and iran's foreign minister. the deal will be sent to the capitals of the countries involved for review and barring any last-minute objections, would be announced tomorrow. an agreement would cap nearly a decade of diplomacy on the issue of iran and its nuclear capabilities. well, were you out outside in this weather today? if you were, you probably noticed the low humidity. but as amelia segal joins us, there are some isolated showers on the radarsome that right, amelia? >> that's right, jim. on storm team4 radar tracking showers back to the west of i-81 moving to areas like lure ray and winchester. head into the overnight hours, tracking some widely scattered hit and miss showers, no thunderstorms in the forecast overnight tonight. here's future weather at midnight. notice some areas of showery activity, otherwise new york clouds in place. 4:30, updating the forecast, meager showers and sprinkles to deal with, plenty of clouds to start your monday. temperatures at 6 a.m. upper 60s, low 70s, jim tomorrow the humidity returns. in ten minutes, let you know what you can expect as far as rain is concerned for the midday and afternoon hours as well. >> all right. we will see you then. massive manhunt is on in mexico tonight after one of the country's most notorious drug lords ss bust out of jail. el chapo guzman broke out of maximum security facilities today. it happened about 50 miles west of mexico city. security officials say he escaped through a long tunnel connected to the shower area of his cell. they also found tools oxygen masks and a motorcycle he may have used to move dirt out of the tunnel. right now, 30 prison employees are being questioned. incredible new pictures tonight of next keys most active volcano. what officials are doing now to keep people safe. police say an nfl coach's behavior was way out of bounds. how an argument with kids over a beach chair landed that coach behind bars. and new details tonight on bill cosby's art collection at the smithsonian. ugly allegations continue to swirl around the comedian but we this summer take flight, without having to take a flight. because all the thrills you need are right here at busch gardens, and water country usa. in williamsburg, va. like the daring new coaster tempesto. so ride together slide together whether it's monster drops collossal curls or furry friends it's all here. vacation packages start at $50 per person per night. the ultimate summer vacation is closer than you think at busch gardens and water country usa. a massive flier at a vfw outpost in from the royal is under investigation tonight. the colonel samuel millar building on north royal avenue is destroyed. the fire began around 1:00 saturday afternoon it went to three alarms a firefighter was knocked unconscious after falling to the pavement. they kept him in the hospital overnight for observation. fire officials tell us the damage is more than a half million dollars. the atf has now joined the investigation. one of our hottest online stories is about bill does bind the smith sewn yachblt he is under fire from some for art work that he and his wife loaned to the museum. cosby didn't create the artwork. he is just letting the smithsonian display this private collection. after meeting with museum officials and a donation of more than $700,000 from the cosbys, the smithsonian decided that the exhibit is not about cosby. it's about the artists. so they will tonight exhibit. if you want to share your thoughts on this, visit our app and search smithsonian. and when we come back, we are gonna have much more ahead including the forecast and we have got a story about kayakers enjoying the potomac this afternoon, too. and loved ones gather to honor the memory of the promising au grad stabbed and killed on metro. we will be right back with that tomorrow kevin sutherland, the young man stabbed to death on metro xbrul 4th will be buried. today family and friends in his home up to of trumble, connecticut spoke about the young man and his murder. nbc's matt smith has the latest now from connecticut. >> he was an amazing guy. and one of our best friends. >> reporter: friends and former college classmates reminiscing on the years they had together with kevin sutherland, calling hours were held in trumble where the 24-year-old grew up. those who knew him say the always-happy guy was transformed by studying at american university and then living in washington, d.c. a statement from his parents was read by a family friend. >> his last six years in washington, d.c., were the happiest times of his life. >> reporter: friends of sutherland are still shocked by his sudden passing. police say he was on his way to a fourth of july party when he was stabbed to death during a robbery on a d.c. metro train. friends say sutherland had a bright future. >> i think kevin's willingness to help anybody is something to very much be remembered. >> reporter: sutherland loved photography and his shot of the u.s. capitol was one of his favorites. his other passion was politics. he previously interned for connecticut congressman jim himes. souther land's recent work -- >> and we apologize. we had a little bit of technical difficulty. moving on, buffalo bills offensive lineman coach aaron cropper was cromer was arrested today after police say he got in an argument over beach chairs in the panhandle. chromer and his son confronted three boys while using those chairs while fish october beach. cromer is accused of punching one of the boys. he faces misdemeanor battery charges. the bills say the team is gathering facts on the case. mexico's most active volcano has been more active than usual this weekend. we want to show you some time lapse video here coming up there. this sis is a sol volcano that started spewing smoke and ash into the sky in central mexico last night. today, a dramatic explosion of lava there from the volcano's crater. there are no reports of injuries, but authorities have evacuated everyone within a three-mile radius on the volcano for safety sake. the homefront much more guy yet a break from the humidity. >> start to notice the humidity a little bit tomorrow, the mugginess returns in full force on tuesday. tomorrow is going to be one of those days where she needs of the umbrella handy but might not need to use it throughout the entire day just chance of isolated showers and maybe a thunderstorm as we get on into the afternoon hours. so here are your weather headlines plenty of clouds around tomorrow, especially for the morning and midday hours, could get in on limited sunshine as we move into the afternoon hours. also, the humidity low today was bearable, a little bit muggy tomorrow. on tuesday tracking the potential for strong to severe thunderstorms during the afternoon and evening hours. potentially a weather alert day is not for certain that we are going to be dealing with severe weather definitely a day we are keeping a close eye on. right now keeping thursday and friday drint seven-day forecast. tomorrow, your impact forecast, just heading to work, really don't have a lot of plans outside, weather a low impact on your day. something outside you want to get done, having a low to moderate impact on your day because of that threat you are dealing with a shower or thunderstorm. temperatures right now, generally in the 80s. 84, washington 82, manassas, 83 degrees up in hagerstown. clouds moving in overnight tonight, mostly cloudy the latest check of storm team4 radar, tracking showers moving to luray and harrisonburg impacting petersonburg right now these continue overnight tonight and touch off light rain in spots. here is future weather at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning. notice it is a mostly cloudy start and mainly dry in the metro area. once we hit 9 a.m., the clouds still hanging on strong, tracking areas of light rain and sprinkles. 11 a.m. much of the same. as we work our way into the afternoon hours, you can notice some peek of sun starting to develop and best chance dealing with thunderstorms and heavier rain tomorrow is going to be west of fauquier and loudoun counties, back around winchester luray and petersburg, around theism-81 corridor. heading into the evening, most of us again looking mainly dry. highs tomorrow low to middle 80s, high in washington, 85 degrees. on tuesday, we warm up and it is very humid on tuesday. a high temperature of 90 degrees. some showers and thunderstorms are possible during the morning hours scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely later in the day on tuesday. the greatest concerns would be some heavy rain that could lead to some flash flooding and some gusty winds that could produce some wind damage. some late-day showers and thunderstorms possible on wednesday. the severe weather threat is not as high, a high of 91. right now, jim, thursday friday, looking partly sunny highs around 90. >> thanks amelia. max scherzer shines in the battle of the beltway tod max is back and hey, battle of the beltways took an interesting finish there us for. >> well, here is the thing about max scherzer, you know he is not going to give you back-to-back bad performances, bounce fwhakd a huge way today the last time we saw max scherzer take the mound, he had his worst performance of the season against the cincinnati reds. scherzer got back to being the pitcher we are accustomed to seeing this year, final game before the all-star break, max delivered a big-time performance the bat of the beltway series if the nation ast. nats fans making the trip to baltimore to see scherzer today won't see him at the all-star game, the nationals not gonna playing him. here we go in this game scherzer facing adam jones, watching him reach out and send this ball out of the park. one of the few mistakes scherzer made all day. that's number 13th home run of the accept a, adam jones there top of the fourth now, two on, two out for dan uggla. they call him hugla, rip this ball up the middle, trying to make a play, the throw off the mark, yunel escobar comes in easily, jones charging there, look to be in some pain after that throw. later on very next battle, tyler moore two on sends that one to the wall. two runs come in to xorpt double for more, the nats take a 3-1 lead. scherzer still in command of this game, facing chris davis there gets him to go down swinging, the eight inning, second baseman can't handle that. seven strikeouts in the game for scherzer. frustrating baltimore batters all day long, except for one in particular, this guy right here, adam jones up again. and he is going yard again. another solo shot off scherzer. max gave up those two runs right there. he pitched eight two-thirds innings jones now 11-22 with three homers off scherzer. go to the futures game now, nats pitching prospect getting the start for the united states. top of the first, the man on, rodriguez goes down swinging. a little strike him out, throw him out there. two innings of shutout baseball. the other nats top prospect, trey turner, impressing today in the sixth, two on. the shortstop takes this to the left. it would bring home two runs give him a two-run double. he was 2-2 at the dish. also a triple in this game the united states beat the world by a final score of 10-1. let's move on to tennis now. today was the men's final at wimbledon. time might be running out for roger federer to win major number 18. at the age of 33, fed has now lost to novack djokovic in back-to-back finals in wimbledon. rematch definitely lived up to the hype. djokovic going for his ninth grand slam. first set tie break, federer, serving near court. watch joker here. just a beautiful shot right there. fed can't do anything about that. djokovic would take the first set, 7-6, despite federer playing extremely well that first set. second set now, federer serving set point. finish that one off. he would take the second set, 7-6. play was suspended in the third because of rain, but not for too long. joker took that third set in the fourth. some great tennis right here. both guys going back and forth, attacking the net. joker wins that one. their money's worth today. later in the set championship point for me to vac djokovic cap things off with that nasty forehand winner. novack djokovic wins his ninth grand slam title, his second straight at wimbledon. >> for this particular matches you work all your life you wake up every day and you work repetitively maybe sometimes on certain things but you know you envision yourself being in the center court at the biggest tournament in sport and holding this trophy, so it is a very thrilling feeling. >> congrats to djokovic. and fedor won that first set, we have won the entire match. >> the joke was he was fired up. a lot of first punc mmm yoplait! it's snack time! oh, look! yoplait original now has 25% less sugar. time to taste it. how is it? it tastes good! congratulations yoplait! you did it! yoplait! on this sunday night, breakout. the daring escape of el chapo, the world's top drug kingpin and how his mexican drug cartel fuels the heroin epidemic in this country. crowded field as donald trump dominates the 2016 conversation. another contender is about to jump in. diabetes drug. why millions of americans could benefit from a new way to fight the disease all because of the changing relationship with cuba. and slam-dunk. meet the inspiring grandmothers who hit the court twice a week showing age is just a number. "nightly news" begins now.

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