Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Tonight With David Muir

Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180116

was, quote, treasonous. the fireworks on the hill on immigration, the dreamers and on the president's profane comments. the head of homeland security testifying under oath, pressed on why she could not remember specifics from the oval office. and how she answered when asked norway is a predominantly white country, isn't it? and the deadly flu tonight, the mother of three, a marathon runner, just 40 years old, who died 48 hours after coming down with the flu. good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy tuesday night. and we begin with new reporting and new video, after 13 siblings were allegedly held captive in their own home, some shackled to furniture and malnourished. family photos have been made public. the brothers and sisters, the youngest, just 2 years old. david and louise turpin are now accused of torture and child endangerment. and now they are the ones in handcuffs. tonight, we are now learning the story of the daughter who bravely crawled through a window to get out and get help. she was so thin, authorities thought she was just 10 years old. she is 17. abc's matt gutman leads us off. >> reporter: tonight, the dramatic escape from that tortured household. authorities praising that 17-year-old girl who called for help, clam boring through a window early sunday morning, calling 911 from a deactivated cell phone, showing deputies photos of her siblings in their prison. >> if you can imagine being 17 years old and appearing to be a 10-year-old, being chained to a bed, being malnourished and juries associated with that? i would call that torture. >> reporter: neighbors' very say surveillance video showing the moment david and louise turpin were led away from their southern california home in cuffs. when the deputies arrived to arrest them, louise turpin was, quote, perplexed. but what police found inside was shocking. >> there were three individuals that were chained to some type of furniture inside the residence. there was a very foul smell inside the residence. it was extremely dirty. >> reporter: investigators say the turpin's 13 children were horrifically malnourished. ranging in age from 2 to 29, the doctor who has been treating the adults say they have likely been enduring this for years. >> everybody thought they were children. >> reporter: even the 29-year-old? >> the 29-year-old specifically. she has a body that is underdeveloped, 15 years old. >> reporter: 29-year-old has the body of an underdeveloped 15-year-old? >> yes. >> reporter: in family photos, at least, it seemed a happy family. a trip to disneyland. at this renewal of vows ceremony in las vegas, the elvis chapel posting their ceremony online. >> they sang with me. they had fun. they seemed to be happy. all of them. >> reporter: several neighbors telling us they never even knew children lived at the house or only caught a glimpse of them at night. >> they've been outside before doing yardwork at 11:00 at night. >> reporter: 11:00 at knight they were doing yard work? >> yeah. >> all the neighbors there stunned. matt gutman there outside the hospital where a number of the children are being treated. and you are learning more tonight about what the doctors are trying to do to help them, matt? >> reporter: that's right, david. the doctors told me tonight that it took years of abuse to so severely stunt the physical development of those young adults, and it will take many months of gentle nourishment to build their strength back up. it will take much longer to heal those psychological scars. david? >> matt gutman leading us off again tonight. we turn next here this evening to the dangerous winter storm hitting right now. just incredible images coming in. the chain reaction crashes. 90 million in the path of snow, ice, bitter cold from texas all the way up to the northeast. the treacherous come meet. a major pileup involving a greyhound bus and trucks near bonneville, kentucky. snow pushing into the northeast tonight, through tomorrow, d.c. to philly, new york to boston. here's abc's gio benitez tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a 1,700-mile swath of ice and snow is making travel treacherous for millions and it's all moving east. watch this pickup truck try to pass on icy interstate 55 in senatobia, mississippi, four-wheel drive no help on these roads. another one nearly crashing into oncoming lanes. the deep freeze shutting multiple interstates across the deep south, from louisiana to alabama, where there's a state of emergency in effect, to texas. >> if you don't have to be on the roads, please don't be on the roads. >> reporter: watch kevin quinn from our station ktrk getting ready to report from this crash when -- >> one, two, three, four -- whoa! there's -- >> reporter: another truck careens down the same embankment, nearly crashes into other cars. further north on interstate 65, multiple tractor trailers and a greyhound bus piling up. at least seven injured. traffic snaking back for miles. the icy conditions doing a number on airports, too. more than 1,500 flights canceled and thousands more delayed. >> gio with us live from the west side highway tonight. and gio, we know that authorities are warning about the dangerous driving overnight and into the morning. >> reporter: that's right, david. that's when we're going to see the storm move along the coast from florida up to new england. in fact, north carolina's governor has just issued a state of emergency, so, no doubt, this is going to be a messy and dangerous commute. david? >> been a long winter already. gio, thank you. the mix of freezing rain and snow will make it very difficult for that come mute in the morning. let's get right to ginger zee, tracking it again tonight for us. >> reporter: believe it or not, david, schools closing again for places around houston, lsu is closed tomorrow, and you can see why, right along i-10 there, the gulf through harrisburg, pennsylvania, snowing now. the winter weather advisories stretch from florida to virginia to new hampshire. i chuckle because it's so deep south that this snow is hitting again. if a place like mobile gets their second snow of the season, measurable, they haven't done that but once in recorded history. it's a big deal. and the east coast, interior could see six-plus inches. and the cold, it settles in. subzero wind exits for alabama. >> ginger, thank you. now to news coming in about the president's health. his doctor, before the cameras late today. the president's health, his weight, his diet and the cognitive test president trump asked for himself. here's abc's senior white house correspondent cecilia vega tonight. >> reporter: with questions swirling about his fitness for office, today president trump sent the white house physician out to face reporters, telling him to answer everything and hide nothing. >> absolutely, he's fit for duty. i think he will remain fit for duty for the remainder of this term and even for the remainder of another term, if he's elected. >> reporter: dr. ronny jackson said president trump himself requested a cognitive assessment to detect neurological inpairment, something not usually part of a president's annual physical. there have been reports the president has forgotten names. that he is repeating himself. are you ruling out things like early onset alzheimer's? are you looking at dementia-like symptoms? >> yeah, it screens for all those things, it screens for any type of cognitive issues, alzheimer's and all those things. the fact the president got 30 out of 30 on that exam, i think that there's no indication whatsoever that he has any cognitive issues. on a day-to-day basis, it has been my experience the president is very sharp. >> reporter: at 71, president trump's biggest health risk, his weight. dr. jackson says he needs lose 10 to 15 pounds. our jon karl asking -- >> can you explain to me how a guy who eats mcdonald's, frided chicken and all those diet cokes and never exercises is as good a shape as he's in? >> it is called genetics. i don't know. some people have great genes. >> cecilia vega with us tonight from the white house. and cecilia, extraordinary moments. the doctor taking questions himself and bringing up that cognitive test that the president asked for himself? >> reporter: yeah, david. the president very much wants to put an end to this narrative that he is unfit to serve. the doctor took questions for just under an hour. it was really extraordinary. and before this briefing started, the president called press secretary sara sanders and asked her not to put an end to it until every last question was answered, david. >> all right, cecilia vega, our thanks to you. meantime, across town, the fireworks on capitol hill, heated words over immigration, the dreamers and the president's profane comments. in fact, the head of homeland security testifying under oath, grilled about why she could not specifically remember the president's words from the oval office. and how she answered when asked, norway is a predominantly white country, isn't it? abc's mary bruce on the hill tonight. >> reporter: in the oval office today, president trump tried to extinguish the racial firestorm he ignited, saying he welcomes all immigrants. >> i want them to come in from everywhere, everywhere. >> reporter: but on capitol hill, his dhs secretary kristjen nielsen faced a barrage of questions. she was in the room when sources say the president used a vulgar slur to describe african countries. >> you're under oath. did president trump use this word or a substantially similar word to describe certain countries? >> i did not hear that word used, no, sir. >> i'm not -- that's not the question. did he use anything similar to that describing certain countries? >> the conversation was very impassioned. i don't dispute the president was using tough language. >> reporter: that answer didn't satisfy democratic senator dick durbin, who was also in the room with the president. >> what was that strong language? >> ah, let's see. strong language, there was -- i -- apologies, i don't remember specific words. what i was struck with, frankly, as i'm sure you were, as well, was just the general profanity that was used in the room by almost everyone. >> reporter: but it's not just the specific word sparking outrage. according to senator durbin, president trump also asked why the u.s. couldn't take in more immigrants from europe, norway in particular. >> what he was specifically referring to is the prime minister telling him that the people of norway work very hard. >> norway is a predominantly white country, isn't it? >> i actually do not know that, sir. but i imagine that is the case. >> reporter: senator cory booker seething with anger and frustration. >> your silence and your amnesia is complicity. >> reporter: the focus of the oval office showdown, a bipartisan plan to protect the nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought here as children. durbin says when the president's tone turned vulgar and racist, graham confronted him. >> i think dick durbin has been one of the best people you could ever hope to work with. >> reporter: durbin and republican lindsey graham say the president seemed to be onboard with their plan, but then he changed his mind. >> if the president is watching, i'm still in the phone book. don't give my number out, but call me. this has turned into a s-show, and when need to get back to being a great country. >> reporter: later, graham blasted the mixed messages coming from the white house. >> what we need to do better is a reliable partner at the white house. we cannot do this with people in charge at the white house who have an irrational view of how to fix immigration. >> mary bruce with us live on the hill tonight. mary, the homeland security secretary was pressed on whether she had ever met with dreamers, had she ever met a dreamer herself. and what are the chances at this point of a government shutdown? >> reporter: david, the secretary says she has not yet met with any daca recipients. now, as for a shutdown, republicans are pushing for a short-term extension while democrats want to tie any action on dreamers to a must-pass spending bill. both sides are optimistic that they can come to an agreement, but bottom line, david a shutdown here is a real possibility. >> all right, mary bruce on a long day on the hill for you, mary, thank you. one more image coming out on this topic, out of detroit. it's making national headlines tonight. jorge garcia, a married father of two, sobbing as he was deported to mexico after living in the u.s. for nearly 30 years as a landscaper. brought here by family when he was just 10. garcia says he first tried to apply for legal status in 2005. supporters say hem has no criminal record, not even a traffic ticket. immigration authorities ordering him to leave the country. to the russia investigation tonight, and stephen bannon has reportedly been subpoenaed by robert mueller. the report comes after the book "fire and fury" where bannon said donald trump jr.'s meeting at trump tower was, quote, treasonous. here's abc's senior justice correspondent pierre thomas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, steve bannon on the hot seat. "the new york times" reporting the former white house chief strategist has been subpoenaed by the special counsel to appear before a grand jury. abc news has not independently confirmed this report, but today, bannon met with house investigators over comments he allegedly made in the book "fire and fury." >> obviously i have a lot of questions based on his comments in the book. >> reporter: in the bombshell book, bannon allegedly calls don jr.'s infamous meeting at trump tower with the russians "treasonous," saying, "the chance that don jr. did not walk these jumos up to his father's office on the 26th floor is zero." and saying the investigation would cause don jr. to "crack like an egg on national tv." bannon also allegedly suggested that don jr., jared kushner and his former campaign chairman paul manafort, might have engaged in money laundering. >> what's the basis for his assertion that the president met with the participants in the trump tower meeting. as well as his concerns over money laundering. >> reporter: members of the committee claiming that bannon refused to answer certain questions, declining to comment about the transition or his time at the white house. if mueller wants bannon to appear before a grand jury, our sources are telling us, it's because of that book. and what bannon allegedly said about that trump tower meeting and those allegations about money laundering. this investigation appears to be far from over, david. >> pierre thomas with us tonight from washington. pierre, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. what we learned today about the flu and the mother of three, a marathon runner, who died 48 hours after coming down with the flu. also, the husband and wife murdered inside their home. police are asking for the public's help tonight. and the new video they hope will help solve the mystery. gold medalist simon biles coming forward, just hours later, now today, the emotional testimony in that courtroom. and this question tonight. how could this happen again? just days after hawaii was thrown into panic, told a missile was coming, that it was not a drill, another false alarm. we'll be right back. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,... ...isn't it time to let the real you shine through? maybe it's time for otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,... ...with reduced redness,... ...thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has... requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased... ...risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have... ...a history of depression... ...or suicidal thoughts,... ...or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla... ...reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper... ...respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take... ...and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. but through goodt times and bad at t. rowe price we've helped our investors stay confident for over 80 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. are cream conditioners bringing your hair down? switch to new pantene light as air foam conditioner, full of rich pro-v nutrients. for 100% conditioning, 0% weight. new pantene. foam conditioner. but he's got work to do. with a sore back. so he took aleve this morning. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. tylenol can't do that. aleve. all day strong. all day long. and for pain relief and a good night's rest, try aleve pm for a better am. next tonight here, the deadly flu. the cdc today warning about this dangerous strain and word of a mother of three, a marathon runner, who died within hours. abc's steve osunsami is at the cdc tonight. >> reporter: the family of katie oxley thomas tonight tells us they're pretty sure she got a flu shot this season, but it didn't protect her. just 48 hours after she first started showing signs of the flu, this 40-year-old mother of three from california was dead. >> this was like nothing i've ever seen, how quickly this deteriorated her and attacked her. >> reporter: this particular strain of flu that doctors are seeing most can be a quick killer. in alabama, 38-year-old adam york is suddely fighting for his life tonight and needing a machine to breathe. >> it was a 24-hour period, he went from talking to me on the phone to being in the bed on these machines. >> reporter: at the cdc today in atlanta, health officials shared that 20 children across the country have died from the flu this winter. seven of them reported just last week. one of them is a 4-year-old from dayton, ohio. >> one of the most difficult things i've ever had to do was tell my other children on saturday morning that their little brother wasn't coming home. >> reporter: health officials here underline that the flu shot still works, and that families should go out there and get them, pointing out that 80% of children who died from the flu last year weren't vaccinated. david? >> steve, thank you. when we come back here, how did this happen again? another false alarm over a missile incoming. and authorities need your help tonight. this couple murdered, and we have new video right after the have new video right after the break. . before ynd your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. it can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. when i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name yes, we are twins. of my parents and my grandparents. i was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. you start to see documents and you see signatures of people that you've never met. i mean, you don't know these people, but you feel like you do. you get connected to them. i wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. discover your story. start searching for free now at we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. ait'sanyone ever haveady!de occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? 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[ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. thank you, everyone, and welcome. i've been talking about this in the new year that our wins this season on "jeopardy!" have been modest wins -- $14,000, $15,000. case in point, our champion, gilbert, 50 grand for 4 appearances.

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Norway , New York , United States , Louisiana , Japan , Alabama , New Hampshire , North Carolina , Texas , Kentucky , Florida , California , Washington , Russia , Seattle , Mississippi , Mexico , New Jersey , Pennsylvania , Houston , Ohio , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Hawaii , America , Russians , Japanese , Jorge Garcia , Dick Durbin , Matt Gutman , Mary Bruce , Badat T Rowe , Don Jr , Larry Nassar , Oxley Thomas , Kevin Ktrk , Sara Sanders , Jared Kushner , David Pierre Thomas , Lindsey Graham , Las Vegas , Kim Jong , Jon Karl , Louise Turpin , Steve Bannon , Humira , Cecilia Vega , David Muir , Stephen Bannon ,

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Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180116 :

Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180116

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was, quote, treasonous. the fireworks on the hill on immigration, the dreamers and on the president's profane comments. the head of homeland security testifying under oath, pressed on why she could not remember specifics from the oval office. and how she answered when asked norway is a predominantly white country, isn't it? and the deadly flu tonight, the mother of three, a marathon runner, just 40 years old, who died 48 hours after coming down with the flu. good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy tuesday night. and we begin with new reporting and new video, after 13 siblings were allegedly held captive in their own home, some shackled to furniture and malnourished. family photos have been made public. the brothers and sisters, the youngest, just 2 years old. david and louise turpin are now accused of torture and child endangerment. and now they are the ones in handcuffs. tonight, we are now learning the story of the daughter who bravely crawled through a window to get out and get help. she was so thin, authorities thought she was just 10 years old. she is 17. abc's matt gutman leads us off. >> reporter: tonight, the dramatic escape from that tortured household. authorities praising that 17-year-old girl who called for help, clam boring through a window early sunday morning, calling 911 from a deactivated cell phone, showing deputies photos of her siblings in their prison. >> if you can imagine being 17 years old and appearing to be a 10-year-old, being chained to a bed, being malnourished and juries associated with that? i would call that torture. >> reporter: neighbors' very say surveillance video showing the moment david and louise turpin were led away from their southern california home in cuffs. when the deputies arrived to arrest them, louise turpin was, quote, perplexed. but what police found inside was shocking. >> there were three individuals that were chained to some type of furniture inside the residence. there was a very foul smell inside the residence. it was extremely dirty. >> reporter: investigators say the turpin's 13 children were horrifically malnourished. ranging in age from 2 to 29, the doctor who has been treating the adults say they have likely been enduring this for years. >> everybody thought they were children. >> reporter: even the 29-year-old? >> the 29-year-old specifically. she has a body that is underdeveloped, 15 years old. >> reporter: 29-year-old has the body of an underdeveloped 15-year-old? >> yes. >> reporter: in family photos, at least, it seemed a happy family. a trip to disneyland. at this renewal of vows ceremony in las vegas, the elvis chapel posting their ceremony online. >> they sang with me. they had fun. they seemed to be happy. all of them. >> reporter: several neighbors telling us they never even knew children lived at the house or only caught a glimpse of them at night. >> they've been outside before doing yardwork at 11:00 at night. >> reporter: 11:00 at knight they were doing yard work? >> yeah. >> all the neighbors there stunned. matt gutman there outside the hospital where a number of the children are being treated. and you are learning more tonight about what the doctors are trying to do to help them, matt? >> reporter: that's right, david. the doctors told me tonight that it took years of abuse to so severely stunt the physical development of those young adults, and it will take many months of gentle nourishment to build their strength back up. it will take much longer to heal those psychological scars. david? >> matt gutman leading us off again tonight. we turn next here this evening to the dangerous winter storm hitting right now. just incredible images coming in. the chain reaction crashes. 90 million in the path of snow, ice, bitter cold from texas all the way up to the northeast. the treacherous come meet. a major pileup involving a greyhound bus and trucks near bonneville, kentucky. snow pushing into the northeast tonight, through tomorrow, d.c. to philly, new york to boston. here's abc's gio benitez tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a 1,700-mile swath of ice and snow is making travel treacherous for millions and it's all moving east. watch this pickup truck try to pass on icy interstate 55 in senatobia, mississippi, four-wheel drive no help on these roads. another one nearly crashing into oncoming lanes. the deep freeze shutting multiple interstates across the deep south, from louisiana to alabama, where there's a state of emergency in effect, to texas. >> if you don't have to be on the roads, please don't be on the roads. >> reporter: watch kevin quinn from our station ktrk getting ready to report from this crash when -- >> one, two, three, four -- whoa! there's -- >> reporter: another truck careens down the same embankment, nearly crashes into other cars. further north on interstate 65, multiple tractor trailers and a greyhound bus piling up. at least seven injured. traffic snaking back for miles. the icy conditions doing a number on airports, too. more than 1,500 flights canceled and thousands more delayed. >> gio with us live from the west side highway tonight. and gio, we know that authorities are warning about the dangerous driving overnight and into the morning. >> reporter: that's right, david. that's when we're going to see the storm move along the coast from florida up to new england. in fact, north carolina's governor has just issued a state of emergency, so, no doubt, this is going to be a messy and dangerous commute. david? >> been a long winter already. gio, thank you. the mix of freezing rain and snow will make it very difficult for that come mute in the morning. let's get right to ginger zee, tracking it again tonight for us. >> reporter: believe it or not, david, schools closing again for places around houston, lsu is closed tomorrow, and you can see why, right along i-10 there, the gulf through harrisburg, pennsylvania, snowing now. the winter weather advisories stretch from florida to virginia to new hampshire. i chuckle because it's so deep south that this snow is hitting again. if a place like mobile gets their second snow of the season, measurable, they haven't done that but once in recorded history. it's a big deal. and the east coast, interior could see six-plus inches. and the cold, it settles in. subzero wind exits for alabama. >> ginger, thank you. now to news coming in about the president's health. his doctor, before the cameras late today. the president's health, his weight, his diet and the cognitive test president trump asked for himself. here's abc's senior white house correspondent cecilia vega tonight. >> reporter: with questions swirling about his fitness for office, today president trump sent the white house physician out to face reporters, telling him to answer everything and hide nothing. >> absolutely, he's fit for duty. i think he will remain fit for duty for the remainder of this term and even for the remainder of another term, if he's elected. >> reporter: dr. ronny jackson said president trump himself requested a cognitive assessment to detect neurological inpairment, something not usually part of a president's annual physical. there have been reports the president has forgotten names. that he is repeating himself. are you ruling out things like early onset alzheimer's? are you looking at dementia-like symptoms? >> yeah, it screens for all those things, it screens for any type of cognitive issues, alzheimer's and all those things. the fact the president got 30 out of 30 on that exam, i think that there's no indication whatsoever that he has any cognitive issues. on a day-to-day basis, it has been my experience the president is very sharp. >> reporter: at 71, president trump's biggest health risk, his weight. dr. jackson says he needs lose 10 to 15 pounds. our jon karl asking -- >> can you explain to me how a guy who eats mcdonald's, frided chicken and all those diet cokes and never exercises is as good a shape as he's in? >> it is called genetics. i don't know. some people have great genes. >> cecilia vega with us tonight from the white house. and cecilia, extraordinary moments. the doctor taking questions himself and bringing up that cognitive test that the president asked for himself? >> reporter: yeah, david. the president very much wants to put an end to this narrative that he is unfit to serve. the doctor took questions for just under an hour. it was really extraordinary. and before this briefing started, the president called press secretary sara sanders and asked her not to put an end to it until every last question was answered, david. >> all right, cecilia vega, our thanks to you. meantime, across town, the fireworks on capitol hill, heated words over immigration, the dreamers and the president's profane comments. in fact, the head of homeland security testifying under oath, grilled about why she could not specifically remember the president's words from the oval office. and how she answered when asked, norway is a predominantly white country, isn't it? abc's mary bruce on the hill tonight. >> reporter: in the oval office today, president trump tried to extinguish the racial firestorm he ignited, saying he welcomes all immigrants. >> i want them to come in from everywhere, everywhere. >> reporter: but on capitol hill, his dhs secretary kristjen nielsen faced a barrage of questions. she was in the room when sources say the president used a vulgar slur to describe african countries. >> you're under oath. did president trump use this word or a substantially similar word to describe certain countries? >> i did not hear that word used, no, sir. >> i'm not -- that's not the question. did he use anything similar to that describing certain countries? >> the conversation was very impassioned. i don't dispute the president was using tough language. >> reporter: that answer didn't satisfy democratic senator dick durbin, who was also in the room with the president. >> what was that strong language? >> ah, let's see. strong language, there was -- i -- apologies, i don't remember specific words. what i was struck with, frankly, as i'm sure you were, as well, was just the general profanity that was used in the room by almost everyone. >> reporter: but it's not just the specific word sparking outrage. according to senator durbin, president trump also asked why the u.s. couldn't take in more immigrants from europe, norway in particular. >> what he was specifically referring to is the prime minister telling him that the people of norway work very hard. >> norway is a predominantly white country, isn't it? >> i actually do not know that, sir. but i imagine that is the case. >> reporter: senator cory booker seething with anger and frustration. >> your silence and your amnesia is complicity. >> reporter: the focus of the oval office showdown, a bipartisan plan to protect the nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought here as children. durbin says when the president's tone turned vulgar and racist, graham confronted him. >> i think dick durbin has been one of the best people you could ever hope to work with. >> reporter: durbin and republican lindsey graham say the president seemed to be onboard with their plan, but then he changed his mind. >> if the president is watching, i'm still in the phone book. don't give my number out, but call me. this has turned into a s-show, and when need to get back to being a great country. >> reporter: later, graham blasted the mixed messages coming from the white house. >> what we need to do better is a reliable partner at the white house. we cannot do this with people in charge at the white house who have an irrational view of how to fix immigration. >> mary bruce with us live on the hill tonight. mary, the homeland security secretary was pressed on whether she had ever met with dreamers, had she ever met a dreamer herself. and what are the chances at this point of a government shutdown? >> reporter: david, the secretary says she has not yet met with any daca recipients. now, as for a shutdown, republicans are pushing for a short-term extension while democrats want to tie any action on dreamers to a must-pass spending bill. both sides are optimistic that they can come to an agreement, but bottom line, david a shutdown here is a real possibility. >> all right, mary bruce on a long day on the hill for you, mary, thank you. one more image coming out on this topic, out of detroit. it's making national headlines tonight. jorge garcia, a married father of two, sobbing as he was deported to mexico after living in the u.s. for nearly 30 years as a landscaper. brought here by family when he was just 10. garcia says he first tried to apply for legal status in 2005. supporters say hem has no criminal record, not even a traffic ticket. immigration authorities ordering him to leave the country. to the russia investigation tonight, and stephen bannon has reportedly been subpoenaed by robert mueller. the report comes after the book "fire and fury" where bannon said donald trump jr.'s meeting at trump tower was, quote, treasonous. here's abc's senior justice correspondent pierre thomas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, steve bannon on the hot seat. "the new york times" reporting the former white house chief strategist has been subpoenaed by the special counsel to appear before a grand jury. abc news has not independently confirmed this report, but today, bannon met with house investigators over comments he allegedly made in the book "fire and fury." >> obviously i have a lot of questions based on his comments in the book. >> reporter: in the bombshell book, bannon allegedly calls don jr.'s infamous meeting at trump tower with the russians "treasonous," saying, "the chance that don jr. did not walk these jumos up to his father's office on the 26th floor is zero." and saying the investigation would cause don jr. to "crack like an egg on national tv." bannon also allegedly suggested that don jr., jared kushner and his former campaign chairman paul manafort, might have engaged in money laundering. >> what's the basis for his assertion that the president met with the participants in the trump tower meeting. as well as his concerns over money laundering. >> reporter: members of the committee claiming that bannon refused to answer certain questions, declining to comment about the transition or his time at the white house. if mueller wants bannon to appear before a grand jury, our sources are telling us, it's because of that book. and what bannon allegedly said about that trump tower meeting and those allegations about money laundering. this investigation appears to be far from over, david. >> pierre thomas with us tonight from washington. pierre, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. what we learned today about the flu and the mother of three, a marathon runner, who died 48 hours after coming down with the flu. also, the husband and wife murdered inside their home. police are asking for the public's help tonight. and the new video they hope will help solve the mystery. gold medalist simon biles coming forward, just hours later, now today, the emotional testimony in that courtroom. and this question tonight. how could this happen again? just days after hawaii was thrown into panic, told a missile was coming, that it was not a drill, another false alarm. we'll be right back. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,... ...isn't it time to let the real you shine through? maybe it's time for otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,... ...with reduced redness,... ...thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has... requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased... ...risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have... ...a history of depression... ...or suicidal thoughts,... ...or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla... ...reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper... ...respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take... ...and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. but through goodt times and bad at t. rowe price we've helped our investors stay confident for over 80 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. are cream conditioners bringing your hair down? 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>> steve, thank you. when we come back here, how did this happen again? another false alarm over a missile incoming. and authorities need your help tonight. this couple murdered, and we have new video right after the have new video right after the break. . before ynd your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. it can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. when i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name yes, we are twins. of my parents and my grandparents. i was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. you start to see documents and you see signatures of people that you've never met. i mean, you don't know these people, but you feel like you do. you get connected to them. i wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. discover your story. start searching for free now at we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. ait'sanyone ever haveady!de occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? 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[ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. thank you, everyone, and welcome. i've been talking about this in the new year that our wins this season on "jeopardy!" have been modest wins -- $14,000, $15,000. case in point, our champion, gilbert, 50 grand for 4 appearances.

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Norway , New York , United States , Louisiana , Japan , Alabama , New Hampshire , North Carolina , Texas , Kentucky , Florida , California , Washington , Russia , Seattle , Mississippi , Mexico , New Jersey , Pennsylvania , Houston , Ohio , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Hawaii , America , Russians , Japanese , Jorge Garcia , Dick Durbin , Matt Gutman , Mary Bruce , Badat T Rowe , Don Jr , Larry Nassar , Oxley Thomas , Kevin Ktrk , Sara Sanders , Jared Kushner , David Pierre Thomas , Lindsey Graham , Las Vegas , Kim Jong , Jon Karl , Louise Turpin , Steve Bannon , Humira , Cecilia Vega , David Muir , Stephen Bannon ,

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