Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20171213 : compareme

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20171213

boys. >> always doing something and always have the basketball courts and everything here and the boys are out playing. >> one chased the other one and the other one and chased the dog around. >> a family friend is already raising funds via a go fund me site. i can't imagine losing one child let alone two and knowing you could do everything you could to save them and both parents it's difficult, you know, i don't know how you move on and we as a community have to rally around them. >> well, raised so far some excess of $60,000. help the family with the material needs as it grieves the loss of its two little boys. >> live in swanksville, john rawlins. >> it's so devastating thank you. we are following new developments on this story all day long on right now you can get the latest updates from the scene along with video from chopper 6 hd. now to an accuweather alert today. it's bitter cold out there this afternoon with biting winds and a light round of snow in the overnight forecast. lets get the details from adam joseph. >> we all felt the wind late last night and throughout the entire day. peak wind gusts 43 miles per hour and 46 in allentown and 40 in tnton and 40 miles per hour for atlantic city as well as wilmington. the temperatures how it feels out there. 16 allentown and 15 in reading and 18 in philadelphia. and 20s on the board in southern areas, but still bitter out there today. meaning every surface is extremely cold and with snow on the way every flake will stick where nothing has been tweeted. i have seen some brined roadways they may fair better overnight. a clipper system is passing by with a hit of snow and early not morning. and weather advisory 8:00 tonight through 10:00 tomorrow morning just for the pennsylvania counties. this is where we expect the higher snow totals, outside of this area for new jersey and de ground covered here by tomorrow morning despite theres no advisory there. gusts as we go into tomorrow. 30 to 45 miles per hour and the light snow and how much to expect in the full accuweather forecast. >> thank you. and with that snow moving in overnight the "action news" morning team will get an early start. tune in for the latest weather and traffic conditions starting tomorrow morning at 4:00 a.m. to the sister network espn has undergone surger t repair the torn acl on his left knee.rmed in pittsb and wentz will miss the rest of the season after getting hit in sunday's game against the los angeles rams. we give yourself to send your wellishes to carson send usoris see it here on "action news." " news" facebook page or use the #6abcaction on instagram or twitter. accused killer cosmo dinardo may face the death penalty despite making a deal to avoid it. he is accused of killing four men in july on his parents property. and agreed to cooperate with the prosecution, and in exchange they agreed to spare him from peruse. but in court documents, bucks county da is now reserving the right to seek capital punishment in the event that dinardo stops cooperating. one day before dinardo cousin are expected to appear in court for arraignment. >> and the search is on for a man involved in a deadly hit and philadelphia. two cars hit overnight in tacony and a 33-year-old man was ejected from one vehicle and died and the driver and a passenger from the other vehicle ditched their car and took off on foot. >> one of them is now questioned. "action news's" vernon odom will have more on the investigation coming up at 4:30. it's an eventful 24 in politics and one of the most hotly contested races in u.s. history. doug jones won the open senate seat in alabama. what does it mean for the rest of the nation and w challenger, roy moore concede. >> we head to lana zach in good afternoon bn ary for democrat doug jones but it is actually two weeks before he is office. assuming there is not a recount but we hear from republicans and democrats in washington as they start to make their plans. in alabama democrat, doug jones is celebrating his unlikely victory. >> the people of alabama have spoken.t years in alabama to be elected to the senate and roy moore remains defiant not conceding his lost. >> realize when the vote is this close that it is not over. >> moore's campaign was bee set by allegations of sexual his conduct including assault of two teenagers. moore denied the allegations but moore saw a boost in th vote by young women especially with but they saw acan candidate but a referendum on president trump and the majority. democrats have a shoto tak over the u.s. senate. shuck schumer called on republicans today to call off on the vote of the tax bill until jones is sworn in. it's wrong of senate republicans to jam through this tax bill without giving the newly elected senator from alabama the opportunity to cast his vote. >> but the president plans to push forward with tax reform as soon as possible. >> the leader of the party i would like to have had the seat. i want to endorse the people running but i'll tell you it's very, very important to get this vote. >> moore is not talking about conceding today but inlabama believe the race is over and when jones is seated in the senate democrats will control 49 seats and republicans 51, given the razor thin margins we see in congress that may tip the balance of power. channel 6 "action news." time now for the "action news" traffic report. matt pellman is standing by in the traffic center with a first check this afternoon. >> we have more problems than we would like to start the frigid ride home and what would by buse headed to the girard point double decker bridge because of sun glare and a crash on the southbound lanes approaching broad street now off to the side and extra heavy and norbound isacking up heading to the walt whitman bridge and and 95 in delco extra slow interest chichester match knew to the 322 merge and there is a crash on the on r the left lane. and crowded toward the blue nd vehle hit a u the media mattress in the roadway there. that neck of the woods. >> lower merion, lancaster, wood side road watching construction going until 7:00 out there. blocking one of the lanes, i would stick with montgomery avenue instead of lancaster lon. and the fire in swa gravel pike gets you around it. and speeds of miles per hour on e northbound side of 1 at 571 washington road. lets check the ipad and check the waze app. 73 in voorhees watch for a crash and slowing there as well. >> thank you. still ahead at 4:00 today. a school bus flipped over on a florida highway, what led to this crash that led 22 adults and children in the hospital. >> and star wars mania is just beginning. we go one-on-one with the stars of the last jedi before it hits theaters here in the u.s. get a steak. don't stop there. get it with lobster. get a steak, topped with crab cake. eat like you own the place. because tonight, you do. get it now, longhorn's turf and surf. w filet and citrus grilled lobster tail, the new crab cake filet, or flo's filet and lobster tail. the feeling. the flavor. the place. longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. they cahow many of 'em?e, sir! we don't know. dozens. all right! let's teach these freaks some manners! good luck out there, captain! thanks! but i don't need luck, i have skills... i don't have mkeys. (on intercom) all hands. we are looking for the captain's keys again. they are on a silver carabiner. oh, this is bad. as long as people misplace their keys, you cacount on geico fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. there were frightening moments in florida when a bus flipped over with 59 students bon on board. t impact caused it to flip. and people were taken to various hospitals with serus injuries and the truck driver that caused the crash is caused with carelesshe man charged with ter after setting off aexplosion in a new york city transportation hub went before a judge today. he remains hospitali pipe bomb failed to fully detonate. the hearing was on close circuit video from the hospital. and investigators say that he has admitted he wanted to cause rnage with his homemade bomb to curb aggression with the u.s. and isis. and we are getting a look at newly revealed text messages from former members of robert mueller's team calling president trump everything from an idiot to a loathesome human. and those text messages sent between peter struck and lisa paige. and they show a conflict of interest inler's investigation and rob rosenstein faced congressional questions about this particularly the anti-trump tone of the messages. >> the department of justice investigations must not be tainted by individuals imposing their own political prejudices. >> we recognize with we have employees with political opinions and it's our respono pick sure the opinions to do the influence their actions. >> he also defended mueller and him.the release of the text com after reports surfaced that he removed struck from the team because of the texts. they are reviewing the issue but nobody alleged that the fbi or any officials there committed any crimes. in the meantime, happening today donald trump jr. on capitol hill answering questions about the election. and a key topic of interest that he attended with russian operatives at trump ter summer. a hot topic in washington today. >> a coalition of activists seized on a somber anniversary today to renew their call for legislation. this week marks five years sin the deadly mass shooting at sandy hook elementary in newtown, connecticut. cease fire pa and mothers in charged joined with survivors of gun violence in philadelphia. and calling on congress to enact tighter controls on guns and funding for improved mental health treatment. new jersey's next governor announced a democratic assembly woman to be the state's next treasurer. revealing elizabeth moyer for the job in new jerseyth represents the 15th district that includes part of mercer county and she will be responsible for helping to craft the state budget and overseeing the state'senefits program. target is giving amazon a run for its money. the traditional brick and mortar wantsday deliv from all of its stores. they purchased shipped for $550 million. they use 20,000 personal shoppers to fulfill orders from personal retailers. and they will offer the service by the end of the next year. it's below freezing at this point. >> we are, and you know we are below freezing for quite sometime. ice cold with snow coming in and every flake will stick here tonight guys. we look at the weather center, one place that loves the cold is the mountains. sky 6 hd live at spring mountain here the snow machines they turn them on early last night and they are just cranking it out here trying to gain ground, of that bare ground trying to whiten it up for the skiers and snowboarders. we take a look, we move on here, as we look at satellite 6 along with action radar, there we see to the north and west clouds and snow showers coming in with a very quick clipper system. that system doesn't have a lot of moisture with it but again quick hitting and will dust the ground at least in most areas if not grab an inch or two especially philadelphia to the the north and west. here is the timing with future tracker here. 9:00 at night. you start to see the flakes falling berks county and lancaster and southern chester and the state of delaware as it passes in. should hit philadelphia by 9:00, 10:00 tonight and the ribbon of snow at 11:30 and maybe 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. not a heavy snow but again it will be at least light to moderate at times but by 4:00 in the morning effect starts to lift away quickly and break apart way before the morning rush, so at least the timing is key when most of us are off the roads and 8:30 tomorrow ing we are trying to break the clouds apart with sunshine returning here but again as this passes by. we'll see about a coating to 1 inch, that pa turnpike and all points down to the south and inch line to wilmington and the colting is morareas and 1 to 2 . montgomery and bucks county in the lehigh valley and poconos. and sunsets are getting later. starting today. 4:37 p.m. it only goes up from there. march 8th at 6:00 p.m. and tomorrow a brisk day and temperatures feel like theyre 25 miles per hour. and after that snow overnight tonight better than today. but still a little bit on the cool side. the four day at 4:00 forecast. 39 tomorrow and mostly cloudy and a flurry and late friday afternoon 44 and turning cloudy on sunday with temperatures of 42 degrees. again, allow a little extra time tomorrow morning the snow won't be falling but everything will be snow covered to start your thursday. >> thank you. now to a story out of this world. star wars the last jedi is the hot topic as the film prepares on in the u.s. i flew to los angeles to sit down with the cast of the most anticipated movie of the year budding jedi liketic the re all part of it. >> actress daisy ridley leads the cast of star wars the last jedi, and plays rey a scavenger warrior strong with the force. for those of you following it ended with rey standing on a cliff and found missing jedi master luke sky walker. >> i think the characters in the story rey include ready taken aback by the force connection that rey has and i think it's that funny thing is being underestimated as everyone knows how that feels in real life. >> here you go again. >> here i go again. veteran actor mark hamill is back as luke sky walker. a larger than life persona he as not been able to shake. and in reading the script hamill was in total shock. >> i have to ask you off the bat. what is up with this line, i t' time for the jedi to end. >> when i read that i was stunned. >> you will be training rey though is that what we can expect? that is where we left off. >> that is implied, there is another line in the trailer, this is not going to go the way you think. >> there was expansion and things explored and resulting in a rey that understands everything more. >> will we learn where you come from and your background and who your parents are. >> maybe. >> maybe is an answer i heard from many of the actors who were mum on any of the juicy details. >> i was raised to do one thing. actor john can attest to that, repricing his role as sen, the storm trooper that defected in the first order. >> so much secrecy. >> but we love it. we love it. it's how the film and the effect of the stories is best. >> so dramatic, the movie getting so much buzz worldwide and produced by disney the parent company of 6 abc, it was cool to get invited to go out to l.a. and sit down with the cast. tomorrow we go one-on-one with the writer and director, ryan johnson behind the vision of episode eight. >> you tried. you were digging for information. >> did you get to use a light saber. i did have a light saber not the one in the movie but close to it. >> use a light saber and met luke sky walker. >> a great assignment yes. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in north philadelphia a who are in the country illegally. are taking sanctuary at a local church as they fight deportation. carmela says she left mexico with her children seeking safety here in america. they were issued an order of deportation after their asylum was dekneed they will stay there until they fight a reprieve they say it's not an option. >> she wants for her children what each and everyone of us want. an opportunity for our children to grow into healthy adults with the capacity to fully embrace life. >> the family is helped by the new sanctuary movement by philadelphia as well. the justice community organization along with the folks of the advocate and this is the third sanctuary case in philadelphia in resenyears and the other two were successfully won, getting the reprieves from deportation. sara bloomquist will have more on the story coming up on "action news" at 5:00. >> philadelphia police officers were recognized today for their hard work and dedication including the efforts to save one of their own in the line of duty. sarge sylvia young was shot and killed in 2016. her vest saved her life and frs sergeant young was there as she and the offict helped her were given commendations for medals and bravery and valor. michael: i'm thankful that i'm alive and have a second chance. james: i'm thankful for the help and the opportunity that i received. darlene: i'm thankful to be able to help people vanessa: i'm thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. christie: new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. but if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know: we are here for you. this holiday season, choose help. call 844 reach nj or visit "action news" tips with adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian taff. hello again 4:30 now and "action news" continues with the game changing sauce solution turning dipping dreams into a reality. >> plus, from dyipcas if you ar to deck the halls this season stay with us we'll share easy mess free ideas. and new information about a hit and run accident that claimed the life of a man in philadelphia's tacony section what we know about a woman now being questioned by police. be begin 4:30 for an accuweather alert in the delaware valley. all of southeastern pennsylvania is under a winter weather advisory. it may look cold and clear from sky 6 hd and our stormtracker 6 live double scan radar, that will change soon and light snow is moving into the region and that could spell trouble for the frozen roads. let go to adam joseph. >> especially the roads not treated. a lot of higay coming into work were brined already that will help them. the main highways. this is a pseudo warm front and i use that term relatively here because it's not so warm behind it but breaks the snow out and pushes through here and that brings temperatures up a lit bit tomorrow before we get a shot of light snow. in fact, the winter weather advisory goes into effect at 8:00 and end tomorrow morning. it will end at 10:00 a.m. that is a buffer. and all of our counties in southeastern pennsylvania will see some snow covered suburb as and this is where we'll see the highest totals as we get into our thursday morning. in fact, as we look at the impact scale, low at 8:00 tonight. now, the peak of the high impant here with the snow is between 11:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. and by 5:00 a.m. the snow is starting to push out and goes down to moderate and 8:00 in the morning. when most roadways tend to be busy the impact scale back down to low. good timing for the snow. we'll chat about the snow totals in the warm seven-day forecast somewhere in there coming up in just a little bit. thanks adam. >> the "action news" team is on early to help you get through whatever snow comes our way, join matt, tam, david and karen starting at 4:00 a.m. stay on top of this cold snap and possible snowflakes on there you will find the hourly forecast and live radar and any alerts with this icy blast. now to the latest onhe t hit and run accident in the tacony section. "action news" has confirmed that a woman is questioned in connection to the crash. that killed one and injured two others. "action news" reporter vernon odom is live for us now near the scene of the accident with what we know this hour. >> reporter: good evening sharrie, at this hour police are interrogating a person of interest who they know is involved in a deadly hit and run in tacony. a second person of interest is being sought at this hour. >> the incident happened after 12:30 this morning at torresdale and the toyota with two people inside rammed another toyota and rammed into this residential fence. and one male was killed. and they reconstructed the crash this way. >> the car struck was occupied by three people. the rear passenger was ejected from the vehicle. and ultimately did succumb to his injuries. >> the female passenger turning up at the hospital hours later with head injuries and now questioned by police. >> we have a person of interest we are interviewing now we are ascertaining where she was in t. what happened to the two occupants of the striking vehicle did flee on foot. we have the vehicle on the location. >> reporter: brian, police found that the ramming car is registered to aelativ woman who is now being interrogated this hour at the hospital. an rests in this case appear imminent as two other victims remain hospitalized tonight. >> all right vernon thank you. investigators in burlington county hope you can help get an armed bank robber off the street. evesham township police released this video of the crime from this past friday. you see the man dressed all in black as he walked into the pnc bank and immediately pulled a gun and fled on foot after filling a bag with money. cameras only got a partial look at this guy's face, but police would like to hear from you if you know anything about this police released this surveillance video of a man wanted for mugging a temple studentne month ago today. the suspect seen in th restaurant grabbed the 20-year-old's backpack while ne west cecil b. moore avenue. and the assailant got the upper hand and ran away after $240 from her bag. philadelphians were reminded today for the safe ways to care for live christmas trees. fire commissioner adam teal was joined by members of the junior fire parole for what to do and not to do. never leave a light the tree unattended and keep it watered constantly and keep live trees away from space heaters and candles. and the fire department recommends of disposing of live trees soon after christmas. >> from the boardroom to the white house. and now out the door. one of president trump's biggest and well known advisers is leaving her post. "action news" anchor, rick williams, is live now with more on this. >> thank you, amarosa, was known for her cutting business sense on the apprentice tv show featuring donald trump. and it was not much of surprise when she joined president trump in the white house as an adviser. amarosa has officially left her post as communications director for the office of public liaison and conflicting reports on how it all went down, was she fired or did she quit? we'll have details tonight at 5:00. what do megan markle and super bowl and the starbuck unicorn frappuccino all have in common. we'll explain on "action news" at 5:00 until then back to the studio, think about that. >> that is a heck of a riddle. >> i'm totally lost. >> you know what i'll watch at 5:00. they had a great time partying at the mummers museum in philadelphia. the annual kids christmas party, music and dancing and face painting and beauty and the beast showed up to entertain the kids from the neighborhood. and children spent the second day of hanukkah at the please touch museum. the kids learned about the eight night celebration for the holy temple in jerusalem a one day supply of menorah oil lasted for eight. and it included dreidel games and treats. and a man in delaware is in the spotlight for his dedication in the country and his talented dance moves. ♪ ♪ >> impressive right, senior air man marcus ward is chosens the air force entertainer of the year. this is a national competition and ward is located here in our area. at dover air force base. he submitted this elaborate video showing off his routine filled with pop and lock dance moves. ward won $5,000 for this, to go along with that title of entertainer of the year as well. >> awesome. >> i think we may see more of him. >> from cookies to ornaments we are helping you decorate for the holidays without spending a lot of time or money. >> and it should go without saying, don't joke about your baby and post the joke on craigslist. >> plus, if you love a side sauce and hate pulling over to dunk your fast stick around an invention to make your dipping dreams come true. from western edge of the thomas fire in california. fire officials say that the fire has grown to more than 237 acres and decide more than 900 structures. most of them were homes. officials say that the area has not had rain for 250 days. and the thomas fire is only 25% contained. >> big talkers now and we start if ohio where a woman says she saved this neglected emaceated dog only to get arrested. rhonda rhodes is charged with criminal trespass and facing a trial. rose tells the story she saw the pup on a vacant property and fed it and took it to the vet and called the county sheriff for help. >> i took the dog and took it to the vet and the vet verified it was starvation. eight days after she rescued the dog she was slapped with charges. the city prosecutor cannot talk about the details only that rose has a long history with their court system. can you find a lot of things for sale on craigslist and for a good deal too. in colorado a sleeping baby is one of them. in colorado springs a dad posted a for sale ad that reeds healthy white baby for sale cheap and is fine but leaks out of his eyes occasionally. the price tag $2500. the whole thing was a joke and the post was meant for his quote, sarcastic girlfriend. >> my baby was crying this morning and i was joking this morning and i thought it would be funny to post it on craigslist and send it to this kid is crying to much i'm going to sell the baby. >> and a lot of people did not find humor in this and the couple pulled down the ad before cops found out about it. still no word on any possible legal consequences from any of this. the family clarified they love their baby he is not foresale. if you ever tried to eat nuggets or chips or fries behind the wheel and had to sacrifice sauce or condiments for fear of messes. and now on the go multitasking is possible. you can dunk and drive mess free. we present the dip clip. the maker says it fits in any vehicle, front seat for you and back for the kids. sauces inside and to messes or drips, you should know this is a kick starter campaign and raised more than five times their goal so we think this is happening people. and of course, you want to know what kind of dips fit in there? they created this on the four most commonly used sizes and shapes and sauce from popular fast road raest restaurants, if you don't eat fast food try hummus. >> it's a real issue for sharr. >> where do i put the container? what if it spills? >> a stocking stuffer. >> good idea. get one for me. time for a check of the roads tonighmatt is here with tr us. >> speeds dip in spots this afternoon. mean requesting not moving at a good clip because the roads arep from the delaware state line from 32 there was the on ramp comes ina partially blocking the left lane. on the southbounde of 95 here in south philadelphiaent i shoulder and extra slow southbound from penn's landing and head towards the girard point double decker bridge and busy ride through philadelphia this evening. and across the board slow speeds and 12 and 10 on the eastbound schuylkill on the girard avenue, 16 on the southboun side of the blue route 476, the disabled vehicle that hit the mattress on the northbound lanes north of the media bypass. not open on the main line, lancaster wood side road by the infinity of ardmore, one of the two lanes blocked until 7:00 for construction and stay on montgomery avenue to get around that. downed tree and wires in west pottsgrove. and the ramp connecting had 22 westbound with stowe closed today they were relocated farther west and things look different and slow there coming west of pottstown on 422. if langhorne a vehicle fire along maple avenue at old lincoln highway business one. avoid that intersection. in south jersey, a broken down vehicle on 38 eastbound at the cherry hill mall and a crash on voorhees has cleared and doing emergency construction on 73 northbound near dutch town road and right lane is out of commission there. in washington township a serious overturned vehicle accident and avoid new town road. and we'll check it again in the 5:00 hour. >> matt, thank you. stepping outside a live look this wednesday afternoon as the afternoon is winding down. >> looks like a painting out there from our center city camera atop temple university. adam joseph has more with accuweather next. hey, man. oh! nice man cave! nacho? [ train whistle blows ] what?! -stop it! -mm-hmm. we've been saving a lot of money ever sincwe switched to progressive. this bar is legit. w we get an even bigger discount switched to progressive. from bundling home and auto. i can get used to this. it might take a minute. -swing and a miss! -slam dunk! touchdown! together: sports! meteorolog adam joseph, wither saying after we go to bed some flakes may fall. >> they will fall before people go to bed. >> i was going to say 8:00 p.m. in the western suburbs and 9:00, 10:00 and thereafter eastbound and snowing in tonight as we look at the weather center here at stormtracker 6 live double scan a clipper system coming in from the north and west. the low pressure near chicago right now. some of that precipitation outrunning the low that tends to happen here and stretching its legs to the south and east. and the snow now heading east of point. the accuweather headlines here an alberta clipper system passing through overnight and the origin is alberta canada and where it comes in no moisture source and this is technically moisture starved and quick hitters and don't drop a lot of snow overnight tonight. and highest totals from the north western suburbs near the pennsylvania turnpike to the lehigh valley. and windchills stay in the 20s tomorrow. and a little better today. and still on the brisk side. as we look at the daylight hours of today the high came in below freezing in philadelphia of 31 degrees and the coldest of the season and this morning felt as cold as 7 in the city of philadelphia and this afternoon only 19 degrees with the windchill with a peak wind gust of 42 miles per hour. right now it feels like the teens pretty much everyone in our pennsylvania counties from reading allentown and philadelphia, and including willing around 20 degrees south jersey and central parts of delaware. clouds race in from the north and west and notice from the south the clouds are quickly blossoming and developing a storm off the coast that does miss us. we'll get clipped by the clipper. out on the open water. we see the energy develop here. with the cloud blossoming and there is that snow in the western suburbs overspreading the region 11:00, 11:30 to the shore and as quickly as this radar fills in, it falls apart by 4:00 in the morning and pushes off into new length. and clouds linger and no snow will be falling. sunshine returns here as we get into the afternoon tomorrow. and points to the south a coating to an inch and nuisance event and a lot of if falling when most of us are home and north and west of the pennsylvania turnpike. and northern montgomery and chester and bucks county and 1 to 2 inches and a fluffy snow you can brush off the car and sidewalk tomorrow morning with the broom. do expect some delays tomorrow morning's rush hour. and the snow ends in the early part of the rush hour. 4:00 until 6:00 a.m. and sidewalks slick. and driveways and sidewalks are covered and you need to deal with that early in the morning. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast brisk and clouds giving way to sun and high of 39. and sun melting in the direct sun and mostly cloudy and flurries late tomorrow at 34. and windy on saturday. peaks of sun and 40 degrees, the clouds are the second half of the weekend and scattered shower sunday afternoon and 42 and rather mild monday and tuesday and back up to 50 degrees. and falling temperatures on wednesday, of 42 and the winds will be picking up some snow in the forecast and as you can see the temperatures going back above normal at the beginning of next week. >> holiday hacks, the things you can do with your own home diy on the cheap. today we are talking diy holiday decorating big on style and tradition but not big on bunt and the craft oligist on the store on broad and chestnut showed us with recycling and re. great for kids to do or get your girlfriends together and super simple and low mess. the e diy ornaments are about the holiday sparkle. clear glitter glue into the clear ornament and the mix of your dreams. >> is there such a thing of too much glitter and another swirl and ta-da use them to trim your tree or make customift tags and if glitter go awry. >> it coming up on the roller. >> now a quick budget cheery centerpiece. >> get a lantern and change it out for the season. >> tree branches and trimmings of your choice. >> this is something you use all year and you don't have to pack it away, you just change what it inside. cut left over corks in half and adorn away. we took a pine cone and adorned it with pom pom and paint. and mess free holiday cookies, they say forget piping go with f f fondone. and this is easy and looking adore ago. >> use an edible food marker. >> a fun craft you can eat at the end. >> a great instagram hack santa will love too. and save it for the next batch and nothing gets wasted there am putting it on there too. includeling the lint roller. finally at 4:00 you think of a penguin thishe image that comes to mind. adorable birds waddling around and they have not always been this charming cartoonish. they discovered a partial penguin skeleton between 5'7" and 555'11". i'm sharrie williams join me with long with brian and ducis rogers tonight and every night for a full hour of "action news" at 10:00 on phl 17. "action news" at 5:00 is coming up next. get a steak. don't stop there. get it with lobster. get a steak, topped with crab cake. eali oce. because tonight, you do. get it now, longhorn's turf and surf. the new filet and citrus grilled lobster tail, the new crab cake filet, or flo's filet d . the feeling. the flavor. the place. longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. looking live at the sky 6 hd cameras and the snow machine the weather is perfect for churning out man made winter weather and mother nature will also be adding to it. >> it's wednesday night and the big story on "action news" is an accuweather alert in addition to the bitter temperatures we are tracking the threat of snow. it's not more than a nuisance but the time impacts the morning commute tomorrow. and if you needed the full winter getup and hat and gloves and sturdy scarf. right there "action news" in center city philadelphia today. folks were not taking leisurely strolls and moving quickly to get indoors. walter perez along the ben franklin parkway and meteorologist cecily tynan with the latest on the timeline with the next round of snow. >> it will be moving in later on tonight. today it was all about the winds, philadelphia a peak wind gust of 42 miles per hour. we were wind whipped. allentown 46 and atlantic city 48 and wilmington' peak wind gust of 39 miles per hour. and the winds are diminishing and we have windchills in most of our region in the teens now, you want to bundle up as you step out. >> double scan live radar showing the system i'm tracking

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20171213 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20171213

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boys. >> always doing something and always have the basketball courts and everything here and the boys are out playing. >> one chased the other one and the other one and chased the dog around. >> a family friend is already raising funds via a go fund me site. i can't imagine losing one child let alone two and knowing you could do everything you could to save them and both parents it's difficult, you know, i don't know how you move on and we as a community have to rally around them. >> well, raised so far some excess of $60,000. help the family with the material needs as it grieves the loss of its two little boys. >> live in swanksville, john rawlins. >> it's so devastating thank you. we are following new developments on this story all day long on right now you can get the latest updates from the scene along with video from chopper 6 hd. now to an accuweather alert today. it's bitter cold out there this afternoon with biting winds and a light round of snow in the overnight forecast. lets get the details from adam joseph. >> we all felt the wind late last night and throughout the entire day. peak wind gusts 43 miles per hour and 46 in allentown and 40 in tnton and 40 miles per hour for atlantic city as well as wilmington. the temperatures how it feels out there. 16 allentown and 15 in reading and 18 in philadelphia. and 20s on the board in southern areas, but still bitter out there today. meaning every surface is extremely cold and with snow on the way every flake will stick where nothing has been tweeted. i have seen some brined roadways they may fair better overnight. a clipper system is passing by with a hit of snow and early not morning. and weather advisory 8:00 tonight through 10:00 tomorrow morning just for the pennsylvania counties. this is where we expect the higher snow totals, outside of this area for new jersey and de ground covered here by tomorrow morning despite theres no advisory there. gusts as we go into tomorrow. 30 to 45 miles per hour and the light snow and how much to expect in the full accuweather forecast. >> thank you. and with that snow moving in overnight the "action news" morning team will get an early start. tune in for the latest weather and traffic conditions starting tomorrow morning at 4:00 a.m. to the sister network espn has undergone surger t repair the torn acl on his left knee.rmed in pittsb and wentz will miss the rest of the season after getting hit in sunday's game against the los angeles rams. we give yourself to send your wellishes to carson send usoris see it here on "action news." " news" facebook page or use the #6abcaction on instagram or twitter. accused killer cosmo dinardo may face the death penalty despite making a deal to avoid it. he is accused of killing four men in july on his parents property. and agreed to cooperate with the prosecution, and in exchange they agreed to spare him from peruse. but in court documents, bucks county da is now reserving the right to seek capital punishment in the event that dinardo stops cooperating. one day before dinardo cousin are expected to appear in court for arraignment. >> and the search is on for a man involved in a deadly hit and philadelphia. two cars hit overnight in tacony and a 33-year-old man was ejected from one vehicle and died and the driver and a passenger from the other vehicle ditched their car and took off on foot. >> one of them is now questioned. "action news's" vernon odom will have more on the investigation coming up at 4:30. it's an eventful 24 in politics and one of the most hotly contested races in u.s. history. doug jones won the open senate seat in alabama. what does it mean for the rest of the nation and w challenger, roy moore concede. >> we head to lana zach in good afternoon bn ary for democrat doug jones but it is actually two weeks before he is office. assuming there is not a recount but we hear from republicans and democrats in washington as they start to make their plans. in alabama democrat, doug jones is celebrating his unlikely victory. >> the people of alabama have spoken.t years in alabama to be elected to the senate and roy moore remains defiant not conceding his lost. >> realize when the vote is this close that it is not over. >> moore's campaign was bee set by allegations of sexual his conduct including assault of two teenagers. moore denied the allegations but moore saw a boost in th vote by young women especially with but they saw acan candidate but a referendum on president trump and the majority. democrats have a shoto tak over the u.s. senate. shuck schumer called on republicans today to call off on the vote of the tax bill until jones is sworn in. it's wrong of senate republicans to jam through this tax bill without giving the newly elected senator from alabama the opportunity to cast his vote. >> but the president plans to push forward with tax reform as soon as possible. >> the leader of the party i would like to have had the seat. i want to endorse the people running but i'll tell you it's very, very important to get this vote. >> moore is not talking about conceding today but inlabama believe the race is over and when jones is seated in the senate democrats will control 49 seats and republicans 51, given the razor thin margins we see in congress that may tip the balance of power. channel 6 "action news." time now for the "action news" traffic report. matt pellman is standing by in the traffic center with a first check this afternoon. >> we have more problems than we would like to start the frigid ride home and what would by buse headed to the girard point double decker bridge because of sun glare and a crash on the southbound lanes approaching broad street now off to the side and extra heavy and norbound isacking up heading to the walt whitman bridge and and 95 in delco extra slow interest chichester match knew to the 322 merge and there is a crash on the on r the left lane. and crowded toward the blue nd vehle hit a u the media mattress in the roadway there. that neck of the woods. >> lower merion, lancaster, wood side road watching construction going until 7:00 out there. blocking one of the lanes, i would stick with montgomery avenue instead of lancaster lon. and the fire in swa gravel pike gets you around it. and speeds of miles per hour on e northbound side of 1 at 571 washington road. lets check the ipad and check the waze app. 73 in voorhees watch for a crash and slowing there as well. >> thank you. still ahead at 4:00 today. a school bus flipped over on a florida highway, what led to this crash that led 22 adults and children in the hospital. >> and star wars mania is just beginning. we go one-on-one with the stars of the last jedi before it hits theaters here in the u.s. get a steak. don't stop there. get it with lobster. get a steak, topped with crab cake. eat like you own the place. because tonight, you do. get it now, longhorn's turf and surf. w filet and citrus grilled lobster tail, the new crab cake filet, or flo's filet and lobster tail. the feeling. the flavor. the place. longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. they cahow many of 'em?e, sir! we don't know. dozens. all right! let's teach these freaks some manners! good luck out there, captain! thanks! but i don't need luck, i have skills... i don't have mkeys. (on intercom) all hands. we are looking for the captain's keys again. they are on a silver carabiner. oh, this is bad. as long as people misplace their keys, you cacount on geico fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. there were frightening moments in florida when a bus flipped over with 59 students bon on board. t impact caused it to flip. and people were taken to various hospitals with serus injuries and the truck driver that caused the crash is caused with carelesshe man charged with ter after setting off aexplosion in a new york city transportation hub went before a judge today. he remains hospitali pipe bomb failed to fully detonate. the hearing was on close circuit video from the hospital. and investigators say that he has admitted he wanted to cause rnage with his homemade bomb to curb aggression with the u.s. and isis. and we are getting a look at newly revealed text messages from former members of robert mueller's team calling president trump everything from an idiot to a loathesome human. and those text messages sent between peter struck and lisa paige. and they show a conflict of interest inler's investigation and rob rosenstein faced congressional questions about this particularly the anti-trump tone of the messages. >> the department of justice investigations must not be tainted by individuals imposing their own political prejudices. >> we recognize with we have employees with political opinions and it's our respono pick sure the opinions to do the influence their actions. >> he also defended mueller and him.the release of the text com after reports surfaced that he removed struck from the team because of the texts. they are reviewing the issue but nobody alleged that the fbi or any officials there committed any crimes. in the meantime, happening today donald trump jr. on capitol hill answering questions about the election. and a key topic of interest that he attended with russian operatives at trump ter summer. a hot topic in washington today. >> a coalition of activists seized on a somber anniversary today to renew their call for legislation. this week marks five years sin the deadly mass shooting at sandy hook elementary in newtown, connecticut. cease fire pa and mothers in charged joined with survivors of gun violence in philadelphia. and calling on congress to enact tighter controls on guns and funding for improved mental health treatment. new jersey's next governor announced a democratic assembly woman to be the state's next treasurer. revealing elizabeth moyer for the job in new jerseyth represents the 15th district that includes part of mercer county and she will be responsible for helping to craft the state budget and overseeing the state'senefits program. target is giving amazon a run for its money. the traditional brick and mortar wantsday deliv from all of its stores. they purchased shipped for $550 million. they use 20,000 personal shoppers to fulfill orders from personal retailers. and they will offer the service by the end of the next year. it's below freezing at this point. >> we are, and you know we are below freezing for quite sometime. ice cold with snow coming in and every flake will stick here tonight guys. we look at the weather center, one place that loves the cold is the mountains. sky 6 hd live at spring mountain here the snow machines they turn them on early last night and they are just cranking it out here trying to gain ground, of that bare ground trying to whiten it up for the skiers and snowboarders. we take a look, we move on here, as we look at satellite 6 along with action radar, there we see to the north and west clouds and snow showers coming in with a very quick clipper system. that system doesn't have a lot of moisture with it but again quick hitting and will dust the ground at least in most areas if not grab an inch or two especially philadelphia to the the north and west. here is the timing with future tracker here. 9:00 at night. you start to see the flakes falling berks county and lancaster and southern chester and the state of delaware as it passes in. should hit philadelphia by 9:00, 10:00 tonight and the ribbon of snow at 11:30 and maybe 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. not a heavy snow but again it will be at least light to moderate at times but by 4:00 in the morning effect starts to lift away quickly and break apart way before the morning rush, so at least the timing is key when most of us are off the roads and 8:30 tomorrow ing we are trying to break the clouds apart with sunshine returning here but again as this passes by. we'll see about a coating to 1 inch, that pa turnpike and all points down to the south and inch line to wilmington and the colting is morareas and 1 to 2 . montgomery and bucks county in the lehigh valley and poconos. and sunsets are getting later. starting today. 4:37 p.m. it only goes up from there. march 8th at 6:00 p.m. and tomorrow a brisk day and temperatures feel like theyre 25 miles per hour. and after that snow overnight tonight better than today. but still a little bit on the cool side. the four day at 4:00 forecast. 39 tomorrow and mostly cloudy and a flurry and late friday afternoon 44 and turning cloudy on sunday with temperatures of 42 degrees. again, allow a little extra time tomorrow morning the snow won't be falling but everything will be snow covered to start your thursday. >> thank you. now to a story out of this world. star wars the last jedi is the hot topic as the film prepares on in the u.s. i flew to los angeles to sit down with the cast of the most anticipated movie of the year budding jedi liketic the re all part of it. >> actress daisy ridley leads the cast of star wars the last jedi, and plays rey a scavenger warrior strong with the force. for those of you following it ended with rey standing on a cliff and found missing jedi master luke sky walker. >> i think the characters in the story rey include ready taken aback by the force connection that rey has and i think it's that funny thing is being underestimated as everyone knows how that feels in real life. >> here you go again. >> here i go again. veteran actor mark hamill is back as luke sky walker. a larger than life persona he as not been able to shake. and in reading the script hamill was in total shock. >> i have to ask you off the bat. what is up with this line, i t' time for the jedi to end. >> when i read that i was stunned. >> you will be training rey though is that what we can expect? that is where we left off. >> that is implied, there is another line in the trailer, this is not going to go the way you think. >> there was expansion and things explored and resulting in a rey that understands everything more. >> will we learn where you come from and your background and who your parents are. >> maybe. >> maybe is an answer i heard from many of the actors who were mum on any of the juicy details. >> i was raised to do one thing. actor john can attest to that, repricing his role as sen, the storm trooper that defected in the first order. >> so much secrecy. >> but we love it. we love it. it's how the film and the effect of the stories is best. >> so dramatic, the movie getting so much buzz worldwide and produced by disney the parent company of 6 abc, it was cool to get invited to go out to l.a. and sit down with the cast. tomorrow we go one-on-one with the writer and director, ryan johnson behind the vision of episode eight. >> you tried. you were digging for information. >> did you get to use a light saber. i did have a light saber not the one in the movie but close to it. >> use a light saber and met luke sky walker. >> a great assignment yes. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in north philadelphia a who are in the country illegally. are taking sanctuary at a local church as they fight deportation. carmela says she left mexico with her children seeking safety here in america. they were issued an order of deportation after their asylum was dekneed they will stay there until they fight a reprieve they say it's not an option. >> she wants for her children what each and everyone of us want. an opportunity for our children to grow into healthy adults with the capacity to fully embrace life. >> the family is helped by the new sanctuary movement by philadelphia as well. the justice community organization along with the folks of the advocate and this is the third sanctuary case in philadelphia in resenyears and the other two were successfully won, getting the reprieves from deportation. sara bloomquist will have more on the story coming up on "action news" at 5:00. >> philadelphia police officers were recognized today for their hard work and dedication including the efforts to save one of their own in the line of duty. sarge sylvia young was shot and killed in 2016. her vest saved her life and frs sergeant young was there as she and the offict helped her were given commendations for medals and bravery and valor. michael: i'm thankful that i'm alive and have a second chance. james: i'm thankful for the help and the opportunity that i received. darlene: i'm thankful to be able to help people vanessa: i'm thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. christie: new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. but if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know: we are here for you. this holiday season, choose help. call 844 reach nj or visit "action news" tips with adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian taff. hello again 4:30 now and "action news" continues with the game changing sauce solution turning dipping dreams into a reality. >> plus, from dyipcas if you ar to deck the halls this season stay with us we'll share easy mess free ideas. and new information about a hit and run accident that claimed the life of a man in philadelphia's tacony section what we know about a woman now being questioned by police. be begin 4:30 for an accuweather alert in the delaware valley. all of southeastern pennsylvania is under a winter weather advisory. it may look cold and clear from sky 6 hd and our stormtracker 6 live double scan radar, that will change soon and light snow is moving into the region and that could spell trouble for the frozen roads. let go to adam joseph. >> especially the roads not treated. a lot of higay coming into work were brined already that will help them. the main highways. this is a pseudo warm front and i use that term relatively here because it's not so warm behind it but breaks the snow out and pushes through here and that brings temperatures up a lit bit tomorrow before we get a shot of light snow. in fact, the winter weather advisory goes into effect at 8:00 and end tomorrow morning. it will end at 10:00 a.m. that is a buffer. and all of our counties in southeastern pennsylvania will see some snow covered suburb as and this is where we'll see the highest totals as we get into our thursday morning. in fact, as we look at the impact scale, low at 8:00 tonight. now, the peak of the high impant here with the snow is between 11:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. and by 5:00 a.m. the snow is starting to push out and goes down to moderate and 8:00 in the morning. when most roadways tend to be busy the impact scale back down to low. good timing for the snow. we'll chat about the snow totals in the warm seven-day forecast somewhere in there coming up in just a little bit. thanks adam. >> the "action news" team is on early to help you get through whatever snow comes our way, join matt, tam, david and karen starting at 4:00 a.m. stay on top of this cold snap and possible snowflakes on there you will find the hourly forecast and live radar and any alerts with this icy blast. now to the latest onhe t hit and run accident in the tacony section. "action news" has confirmed that a woman is questioned in connection to the crash. that killed one and injured two others. "action news" reporter vernon odom is live for us now near the scene of the accident with what we know this hour. >> reporter: good evening sharrie, at this hour police are interrogating a person of interest who they know is involved in a deadly hit and run in tacony. a second person of interest is being sought at this hour. >> the incident happened after 12:30 this morning at torresdale and the toyota with two people inside rammed another toyota and rammed into this residential fence. and one male was killed. and they reconstructed the crash this way. >> the car struck was occupied by three people. the rear passenger was ejected from the vehicle. and ultimately did succumb to his injuries. >> the female passenger turning up at the hospital hours later with head injuries and now questioned by police. >> we have a person of interest we are interviewing now we are ascertaining where she was in t. what happened to the two occupants of the striking vehicle did flee on foot. we have the vehicle on the location. >> reporter: brian, police found that the ramming car is registered to aelativ woman who is now being interrogated this hour at the hospital. an rests in this case appear imminent as two other victims remain hospitalized tonight. >> all right vernon thank you. investigators in burlington county hope you can help get an armed bank robber off the street. evesham township police released this video of the crime from this past friday. you see the man dressed all in black as he walked into the pnc bank and immediately pulled a gun and fled on foot after filling a bag with money. cameras only got a partial look at this guy's face, but police would like to hear from you if you know anything about this police released this surveillance video of a man wanted for mugging a temple studentne month ago today. the suspect seen in th restaurant grabbed the 20-year-old's backpack while ne west cecil b. moore avenue. and the assailant got the upper hand and ran away after $240 from her bag. philadelphians were reminded today for the safe ways to care for live christmas trees. fire commissioner adam teal was joined by members of the junior fire parole for what to do and not to do. never leave a light the tree unattended and keep it watered constantly and keep live trees away from space heaters and candles. and the fire department recommends of disposing of live trees soon after christmas. >> from the boardroom to the white house. and now out the door. one of president trump's biggest and well known advisers is leaving her post. "action news" anchor, rick williams, is live now with more on this. >> thank you, amarosa, was known for her cutting business sense on the apprentice tv show featuring donald trump. and it was not much of surprise when she joined president trump in the white house as an adviser. amarosa has officially left her post as communications director for the office of public liaison and conflicting reports on how it all went down, was she fired or did she quit? we'll have details tonight at 5:00. what do megan markle and super bowl and the starbuck unicorn frappuccino all have in common. we'll explain on "action news" at 5:00 until then back to the studio, think about that. >> that is a heck of a riddle. >> i'm totally lost. >> you know what i'll watch at 5:00. they had a great time partying at the mummers museum in philadelphia. the annual kids christmas party, music and dancing and face painting and beauty and the beast showed up to entertain the kids from the neighborhood. and children spent the second day of hanukkah at the please touch museum. the kids learned about the eight night celebration for the holy temple in jerusalem a one day supply of menorah oil lasted for eight. and it included dreidel games and treats. and a man in delaware is in the spotlight for his dedication in the country and his talented dance moves. ♪ ♪ >> impressive right, senior air man marcus ward is chosens the air force entertainer of the year. this is a national competition and ward is located here in our area. at dover air force base. he submitted this elaborate video showing off his routine filled with pop and lock dance moves. ward won $5,000 for this, to go along with that title of entertainer of the year as well. >> awesome. >> i think we may see more of him. >> from cookies to ornaments we are helping you decorate for the holidays without spending a lot of time or money. >> and it should go without saying, don't joke about your baby and post the joke on craigslist. >> plus, if you love a side sauce and hate pulling over to dunk your fast stick around an invention to make your dipping dreams come true. from western edge of the thomas fire in california. fire officials say that the fire has grown to more than 237 acres and decide more than 900 structures. most of them were homes. officials say that the area has not had rain for 250 days. and the thomas fire is only 25% contained. >> big talkers now and we start if ohio where a woman says she saved this neglected emaceated dog only to get arrested. rhonda rhodes is charged with criminal trespass and facing a trial. rose tells the story she saw the pup on a vacant property and fed it and took it to the vet and called the county sheriff for help. >> i took the dog and took it to the vet and the vet verified it was starvation. eight days after she rescued the dog she was slapped with charges. the city prosecutor cannot talk about the details only that rose has a long history with their court system. can you find a lot of things for sale on craigslist and for a good deal too. in colorado a sleeping baby is one of them. in colorado springs a dad posted a for sale ad that reeds healthy white baby for sale cheap and is fine but leaks out of his eyes occasionally. the price tag $2500. the whole thing was a joke and the post was meant for his quote, sarcastic girlfriend. >> my baby was crying this morning and i was joking this morning and i thought it would be funny to post it on craigslist and send it to this kid is crying to much i'm going to sell the baby. >> and a lot of people did not find humor in this and the couple pulled down the ad before cops found out about it. still no word on any possible legal consequences from any of this. the family clarified they love their baby he is not foresale. if you ever tried to eat nuggets or chips or fries behind the wheel and had to sacrifice sauce or condiments for fear of messes. and now on the go multitasking is possible. you can dunk and drive mess free. we present the dip clip. the maker says it fits in any vehicle, front seat for you and back for the kids. sauces inside and to messes or drips, you should know this is a kick starter campaign and raised more than five times their goal so we think this is happening people. and of course, you want to know what kind of dips fit in there? they created this on the four most commonly used sizes and shapes and sauce from popular fast road raest restaurants, if you don't eat fast food try hummus. >> it's a real issue for sharr. >> where do i put the container? what if it spills? >> a stocking stuffer. >> good idea. get one for me. time for a check of the roads tonighmatt is here with tr us. >> speeds dip in spots this afternoon. mean requesting not moving at a good clip because the roads arep from the delaware state line from 32 there was the on ramp comes ina partially blocking the left lane. on the southbounde of 95 here in south philadelphiaent i shoulder and extra slow southbound from penn's landing and head towards the girard point double decker bridge and busy ride through philadelphia this evening. and across the board slow speeds and 12 and 10 on the eastbound schuylkill on the girard avenue, 16 on the southboun side of the blue route 476, the disabled vehicle that hit the mattress on the northbound lanes north of the media bypass. not open on the main line, lancaster wood side road by the infinity of ardmore, one of the two lanes blocked until 7:00 for construction and stay on montgomery avenue to get around that. downed tree and wires in west pottsgrove. and the ramp connecting had 22 westbound with stowe closed today they were relocated farther west and things look different and slow there coming west of pottstown on 422. if langhorne a vehicle fire along maple avenue at old lincoln highway business one. avoid that intersection. in south jersey, a broken down vehicle on 38 eastbound at the cherry hill mall and a crash on voorhees has cleared and doing emergency construction on 73 northbound near dutch town road and right lane is out of commission there. in washington township a serious overturned vehicle accident and avoid new town road. and we'll check it again in the 5:00 hour. >> matt, thank you. stepping outside a live look this wednesday afternoon as the afternoon is winding down. >> looks like a painting out there from our center city camera atop temple university. adam joseph has more with accuweather next. hey, man. oh! nice man cave! nacho? [ train whistle blows ] what?! -stop it! -mm-hmm. we've been saving a lot of money ever sincwe switched to progressive. this bar is legit. w we get an even bigger discount switched to progressive. from bundling home and auto. i can get used to this. it might take a minute. -swing and a miss! -slam dunk! touchdown! together: sports! meteorolog adam joseph, wither saying after we go to bed some flakes may fall. >> they will fall before people go to bed. >> i was going to say 8:00 p.m. in the western suburbs and 9:00, 10:00 and thereafter eastbound and snowing in tonight as we look at the weather center here at stormtracker 6 live double scan a clipper system coming in from the north and west. the low pressure near chicago right now. some of that precipitation outrunning the low that tends to happen here and stretching its legs to the south and east. and the snow now heading east of point. the accuweather headlines here an alberta clipper system passing through overnight and the origin is alberta canada and where it comes in no moisture source and this is technically moisture starved and quick hitters and don't drop a lot of snow overnight tonight. and highest totals from the north western suburbs near the pennsylvania turnpike to the lehigh valley. and windchills stay in the 20s tomorrow. and a little better today. and still on the brisk side. as we look at the daylight hours of today the high came in below freezing in philadelphia of 31 degrees and the coldest of the season and this morning felt as cold as 7 in the city of philadelphia and this afternoon only 19 degrees with the windchill with a peak wind gust of 42 miles per hour. right now it feels like the teens pretty much everyone in our pennsylvania counties from reading allentown and philadelphia, and including willing around 20 degrees south jersey and central parts of delaware. clouds race in from the north and west and notice from the south the clouds are quickly blossoming and developing a storm off the coast that does miss us. we'll get clipped by the clipper. out on the open water. we see the energy develop here. with the cloud blossoming and there is that snow in the western suburbs overspreading the region 11:00, 11:30 to the shore and as quickly as this radar fills in, it falls apart by 4:00 in the morning and pushes off into new length. and clouds linger and no snow will be falling. sunshine returns here as we get into the afternoon tomorrow. and points to the south a coating to an inch and nuisance event and a lot of if falling when most of us are home and north and west of the pennsylvania turnpike. and northern montgomery and chester and bucks county and 1 to 2 inches and a fluffy snow you can brush off the car and sidewalk tomorrow morning with the broom. do expect some delays tomorrow morning's rush hour. and the snow ends in the early part of the rush hour. 4:00 until 6:00 a.m. and sidewalks slick. and driveways and sidewalks are covered and you need to deal with that early in the morning. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast brisk and clouds giving way to sun and high of 39. and sun melting in the direct sun and mostly cloudy and flurries late tomorrow at 34. and windy on saturday. peaks of sun and 40 degrees, the clouds are the second half of the weekend and scattered shower sunday afternoon and 42 and rather mild monday and tuesday and back up to 50 degrees. and falling temperatures on wednesday, of 42 and the winds will be picking up some snow in the forecast and as you can see the temperatures going back above normal at the beginning of next week. >> holiday hacks, the things you can do with your own home diy on the cheap. today we are talking diy holiday decorating big on style and tradition but not big on bunt and the craft oligist on the store on broad and chestnut showed us with recycling and re. great for kids to do or get your girlfriends together and super simple and low mess. the e diy ornaments are about the holiday sparkle. clear glitter glue into the clear ornament and the mix of your dreams. >> is there such a thing of too much glitter and another swirl and ta-da use them to trim your tree or make customift tags and if glitter go awry. >> it coming up on the roller. >> now a quick budget cheery centerpiece. >> get a lantern and change it out for the season. >> tree branches and trimmings of your choice. >> this is something you use all year and you don't have to pack it away, you just change what it inside. cut left over corks in half and adorn away. we took a pine cone and adorned it with pom pom and paint. and mess free holiday cookies, they say forget piping go with f f fondone. and this is easy and looking adore ago. >> use an edible food marker. >> a fun craft you can eat at the end. >> a great instagram hack santa will love too. and save it for the next batch and nothing gets wasted there am putting it on there too. includeling the lint roller. finally at 4:00 you think of a penguin thishe image that comes to mind. adorable birds waddling around and they have not always been this charming cartoonish. they discovered a partial penguin skeleton between 5'7" and 555'11". i'm sharrie williams join me with long with brian and ducis rogers tonight and every night for a full hour of "action news" at 10:00 on phl 17. "action news" at 5:00 is coming up next. get a steak. don't stop there. get it with lobster. get a steak, topped with crab cake. eali oce. because tonight, you do. get it now, longhorn's turf and surf. the new filet and citrus grilled lobster tail, the new crab cake filet, or flo's filet d . the feeling. the flavor. the place. longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. looking live at the sky 6 hd cameras and the snow machine the weather is perfect for churning out man made winter weather and mother nature will also be adding to it. >> it's wednesday night and the big story on "action news" is an accuweather alert in addition to the bitter temperatures we are tracking the threat of snow. it's not more than a nuisance but the time impacts the morning commute tomorrow. and if you needed the full winter getup and hat and gloves and sturdy scarf. right there "action news" in center city philadelphia today. folks were not taking leisurely strolls and moving quickly to get indoors. walter perez along the ben franklin parkway and meteorologist cecily tynan with the latest on the timeline with the next round of snow. >> it will be moving in later on tonight. today it was all about the winds, philadelphia a peak wind gust of 42 miles per hour. we were wind whipped. allentown 46 and atlantic city 48 and wilmington' peak wind gust of 39 miles per hour. and the winds are diminishing and we have windchills in most of our region in the teens now, you want to bundle up as you step out. >> double scan live radar showing the system i'm tracking

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