Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 600 AM 20171204 : compar

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 600 AM 20171204

windshields and possibly icy patches here and there. generally speaking we'll have sunshine if we get rid of the low-lying cloud cover and sun comes in and we wind up with sun and clouds mix. 30 degrees in allentown. 26 in trenton. 29 in wilmington, 27 in reading, 26 in millville and philadelphia holding 36. as we go to the afternoon it will be milder, 35 degrees by 7:00. noon, 46. 3:00 p.m., 54 degrees, not a bad high, several degrees above average. 7:00 p.m., 47. a couple of issues this morning, the first is the visibility you can see a lot of gray over the map. actually this is a lower visibility down in millville than we've had so far this morning, wilmington dropping a bit. ac low. allentown, lowest of all. lancaster is starting to drop. the issues is not so much wroo you've got the -- whether or not you've got the dense fog, wherever you see the gray close to the surface, you can see an icy patch. a heads up for drivers, patchy fog and icy windshields. take it slow if you see the fog especially in the colder air. milder tomorrow rain coming and then chilly air, karen. >> reporter: you can see the fog in collegeville, you can see the frost on the grassy surfaces, as well. route 29 heading toward phoenixville. traffic is moving just fine, you're driving in the fog, slow it down a little bit as you head out. let's check the big picture, overall it's a good start to the day, i think monday mornings especially after the eagles game, people kind of sleeping a little bit, the blue route, schuylkill expressway, i-95 moving in good shape here, upper 40s and 50s for the most part. the boulevard extension jamming up here, they narrowed the problem on the boulevard southbound to the schuylkill expressway westbound. we're jamming as people head toward the ramp. let's check the schuylkill expressway, city avenue, a spot for a big jam, it has not happened yet. we'll continue our camera tour, 42 in new jersey, moving just fine, a little building volume here,. breaking this morning, a bloody deadly scene in south philadelphia. someone called police with concerns, when authorities got to a home they found a map stabbed to death. katherine scott is live at the scene on the 1200 block of south johnston street with more on the story, good morning, katherine. >> reporter: good morning, tam, the circumstances rounding -- surrounding this remain under investigation. a 65-year-old man was pronounced on the scene. you can see the officers where this occurred. however appears they are wrapping up. with called to the 1200 block of johnston street after 1:00 a.m. a concerned caller contacted police and wanted them to check on the man who lived here. she thought he might need medical assistance. the front door was unlocked when police arrived. officers wentz upstairs and found his body on the floor of an upstairs bedroom, he was stabbed in the abdomin and pronounced after 1:30 a.m. police don't have any suspects in the case, but they are interviewing a woman at the homicide division who knew the man. >> we do have one female at homicide at this time being interviewed because as far as we know she knows the victim, and that's the only rip we know between her and the victim at this time. >> reporter: and back here live where this all remains under investigation, at this point we don't know what led up to this or what prompted the person to call police to begin with. live in south philadelphia, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." tam. >> okay, katherine, thank four that. new this morning, three masked men robbed a papa john's pizza at gunpoint on the 6500 block of roosevelt boulevard, the robbers made off with cash and food. all three ran away no injuries were reported. an apartment fire in gloucester township camden county left a man dead and two others injured including a child. a man in his 30s was pronounced dead at the scene. a woman and ten-year-old girl are in critical condition. investigators are trying to figure out what sparked the blaze. 6:05 a.m., happening today the shooting death of an unarmed black man shot in the back as he fled from an officer got national attention, the former officer involved will be sentenced. michael slager grew up in south jersey, he pulled scott over for a broken brake light he tried to run from the scene and that's when he was shot five times. the incident was captured on cell phone video by a witness and kicked off a public outcry. actually this is what we just did about michael slager, he grew up in burlington county. we'll go on to this, a blockbuster announcement, no. >> matt i think it's time to go to business. >> blockbuster announcement in healthcare, pharmacy giant cvs is looking to to acquire aetna. maribel aber has more. >> reporter: the drugstore operator is paying $69 billion having access to the vast supply of data to offer more healthcare officers such as vision and hearing and nutrition services. stocks posted modest losses. futures point to a sharply higher open thanks to the senate passing a tax reform plan. jobs report is due out later this week. devices with third party apps send recurring notifications to work out were hit by a bug, apple moved to fix the issue, they issued a software update later in the day. your package is being sent today, your separate box, your cookies, david's cookies and karen's cookies and tam cookies. >> thank you so much. the birds look vulnerable to a competitive nfl team. they let the nine game winning streak slip away. "action news" caught up with fans last night. they were hoping for a better outcome, but believe in the birds. >> it's been a rollercoaster we're in a 10-1 streak. >> i believe we can do this and pull it out, i believe in the wentz machine. >> they did not pull it out, ron jaworski called the game a litmus test. they play the rams on sunday in los angeles, and then the giants in north jersey. seattle game and the rams game could be the most difficult game on the calendar. >> i'm glad this happened, when you get things right you enjoy it. when you get things wrong you focus and you do better. that's my story and i am still wearing green. >> reporter: storm tracker 6 live double scan showing no green this morning. we have a lack of precipitation, a little bit of fog has popped up here and there, it's cold enough to chip frost off the wind sheedle later this morning. -- windshields later this morning. if if you pull up real quick approaching a stop sign it might be slick. reading, 27. all these areas would be among those if you see the fog you might want to slow it down and avoid having to make quick stops. 36 degrees in philadelphia. still 27 in millville. 29 in cape may. satellite and radar shows you once we dump the morning cloud cover close to the ground we may get additional cloud cover high above the surface rolling in. overall it's sun and clouds today. up in the lehigh valley, clouds at times, 50 degrees is the high, a chilly start, but we wind up mild later on. it's the same story at the shore, 55 degrees, a few clouds around, milder as we go into the afternoon. in philadelphia, sun mixing with clouds, kind of going back and forth, mild high of 54 degrees. winds light today out of the southeast at 4 to 8 miles per hour. overnight tonight we could get more patchy fog, i don't think we'll be worried about the icy patches it's not going to be as chilly. we're going down to 46 in philadelphia. the cooler suburbs not too much below that. breezy overnight. there's the possibility of light sprinkles and showers through the morning. by 12:00 the latest model run has steadier cells here and there, especially by the shore. i don't know that all of you will see the rain in the morning. we go through the afternoon and into the later afternoon and night it becomes a little bit better of a chance. through the morning and afternoon we'll build the shower activity. later at flight, the steadier stuff comes in, this will be done failure early on wednesday morning. say goodbye to the mild air. after the rain goes off we get a trough of air coming in. on friday night into saturday morning we have a coastal storm that's far enough off the coast that could give us precipitation, if it gets closer to land that could give us snow in south jersey and into philadelphia. that's friday night into saturday morning. we'll keep our eye on it. 63 and mild tomorrow rain building in during the day, the best chance in the afternoon and night. wednesday additional rain in the morning, but generally speaking it's clouds to sun, chill crer high -- chillier, high of 59 degrees, breezy on wednesday. thursday, sunshine, chilly, thursday's high, 45 degrees, friday, 43 we're watching the coastal storm that hopefully misses us, if it was close enough it could put light snow into the region friday night into saturday morning. otherwise the weekend looks chilly. >> coming up on 6:12 a.m., republicans in congress try to deliver a tax reform bill. now the house's turn there's differences between their bill and the senate. a big rig driver causes a sleepy crash. >> reporter: not a jam just yet, on i-95, betsy ross bridge slowing from this point to girard. we'll check the fog in conshohocken coming up next. first apartment 60 second rotini ah, here we go. hi, honey! hey mom! are you eating well? umm...yeah i'm actually making something right now. new barilla ready pasta. deliciously al dente in just 60 seconds. simply add your favorite ingredients... that looks amazing! ...and enjoy. hey, there you go. i can almost smell it. new barilla ready pasta. 60 seconds to wonderful. um, elbow! oh, sorry mom! ♪ ♪ it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ christmas, but it almost looks like halloween out there. we're dealing with serious fog throughout the area. you should be able to see philadelphia international, i imagine we have delays there and on the roads. karen rogers has traffic. >> reporter: that's worst than in areas. imagine driving around in spots where you have lower visibility. this is conshohocken, we've noticed shots of fog on the blue route. this is the blue route near ridge pike southbound traffic heading toward the schuylkill expressway no delays just yet. kind of an easy ride, slow it down, you can't i wouldn't say your high beams in the -- you can't use your high beams in the fog. i-95 tonight through thursday night, they are doing construction northbound between the blue route and 320 from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. they will be restrictioning traffic each night this week. watch for the overnight closures. i want to show you the travel times, we have the green traffic flow on all the major highways. it get the sense people are easing into monday, sleeping in a little bit, so volume is not too bad. let's look at the visibility with the fog. philadelphia international four miles, half a mile in trenton of course half a mile in atlantic city. .3 in allentown. .3 in dover. the problem with the low-level moisture we have temperatures below freezing. 21 in lake harmony. 26 in quakertown and coatsville. 30 in malvern. 29 in media this morning. it's cold. 34 degrees in center city. in the suburbs in new jersey, new jersey we're looking at vineland, 26 degrees, 28 in hammonton, glassboro, 0 in smyrna. there could be a slick spot or two around, matt. >> thank you, karen. a dash cam captured this dramatic video of a big rig as you it plowed into cars in england. the truck was traveling rapidly as it smashed into the car in birmingham. that car loses control and strikes a minivan in front of it. the driver of the tractor-trailer fell asleep at the wheel. the accident happened in march, the driver has since been sentenced to 16 months in jail. republicans have made significant strides on their tax bill, but there's more to do to get it across the finish line as a law. it has to be reconciled with a bill passed by the house in november. there are differences between the two versions that includes mortgage interest deduction. the house capped it at $500,000 while the senate bill keeps it at a million. senators are hoping to eliminate a mandate to purchase health insurance. that is not in the house version. republicans are aiming to get the bill passed and to trump by chris matt. >> reporter: in tech bytes, the jeep goes hitech. the automaker announced a plug-in version of the wrangler. it's a departure from the rugged wrangler brand, but they are trying to improve fuel efficiency for their lines. agency santa website is up and running. it will be limited to games and other activities until early christmas eve morning. 1992, a british engineer sent a text message to a phone company executive. just two words, merry christmas. americans send five times as many texts as phone calls. >> reporter: parents are doing that, as well. those are tech bytes. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% aneven 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened asave blood, liver, and nervous syem problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infectns are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis 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fog can put a frozen freeze up on the roads. not a good morning to make a quick stop at a stop sign. temperatures warm up, we're going to 54 degrees at 3:00 p.m. upper 40s for the evening commute. not as chilly for the evening commute as this morning. we have rain popping up in chicago and down in dallas, fort worth, a couple of places to keep an eye on. >> in "healthcheck" this morning, we could learn about the first birth in the united states to a woman who underwent a uterus transport, in dallas. the mother's identity has not been released. what a gorgeous little boy. a news conference is scheduled for today. last year they did four trenton, but -- transplants but four had to be removed because of poor blood floe. >> the sixers come off a win against the pin is to say and they face the phoenix sons. the flyers try to break a ten game losing streak. >> katherine scott is in the south philadelphia investigating a stabbing. >> reporter: a man is found dead inside his home in south philadelphia. we'll have the latest on the investigation coming up at 6:30 a.m. looking for the sun g over the horizon here. taking a live look at the commodore barry bridge. 33 degrees on city avenue. there's fog out there, could be a chance of a a little bit of slipperiness on the road we have not seen that, but getting up to 53 today. happening in new jersey, the high supreme court will hear about betting in new jersey. all four major sports leagues arguing that expanding gambling would hurt the integrity of their games, if the supreme court strikes down federal law, several states will quickly legalize sports betting. no gravity, no problem, astronauts at the international space station work together to make pizza. they worked together to add sauce and toppings to the crust. they passed around plenty of floating pizzas. they said it was part of the movie night. >> eagles quarterback carson wentz talks about the team's first loss in 11 weeks. see the moment a firefighter puts his own life in danger to save a pup who fell into freezing cold water. breaking news this morning, a man is stabbed to death inside his home in his bedroom, police on the scene in south philadelphia. >> a mother makes an emotional plea for a driver who hit and killed her daughter in bucks county to come forward. the eagles nine-game winning streak comes to an ugly end in seattle. the team is talking about what went wrong. >> good morning, 6:30, december 4. david and karen we have not had a lot of practice dealing with losses adhere. >> reporter: and not a lot of practice with temperatures in the 20s. it's cold out there, and we have fog that could give you icy patches on roads. not a good morning to pull up fast to a stop sign in case you slide a little bit. we have sun possible before clouds dig in and then it's kind of a clouds and sun mix for a good portion of the day. 33 degrees in philadelphia. close to freezing, a lot of ice on the windshields this morning. 28 in trenton. 27 in reading, 27 in lancaster. 26 degrees in millville. wilmington was in the 20s now up to 31. as we get rid of the cold in the morning it turns out to be a nice afternoon. mix of clouds and sun, 54 is the high at 3:00 p.m. a decent 47 by 7:00 p.m. overnight tonight not as cold as what you're experiencing this morning. visibility is down under a mile in philadelphia. we've still got fairly low numbers in allentown and toward the airport in atlantic city, dover, everywhere you see the gray is at least some fog and again with the temperatures as cool as they are, anywhere you see a little bit of fog could give you that problem on the roadway. patchy fog, frosty windshields, plan for that and icy patches with slick spots on the road. not a good morning to make that quick stop. karen we have another mild one with rain and the chill arrives. >> reporter: we're noticing a jam on i-95, southbound traffic heading toward center city. bridge street to girard 20 minute ride from woodhaven to vine i-95 southbound. overall not looking too bad on the big picture. slow on i-95. you know the schuylkill expressway is slow. westbound 20 miles per hour approaching the boulevard to past belmont. slow in both directions between the blue route and the boulevard right now. we have a couple of new accidents that popped up. one over here in east oak lane, montgomery county 11th street at 66th avenue. watch for that one. upper hanover we have an accident just coming into us on 663 at geryville pike. 42 noticing building volume, not a major jam and some of the fog in the distance. breaking news, a man was found stabbed to death inside his south philadelphia home along the 2500 block of south johnston street. katherine scott is gathering information and joins us live at the scene. katherine. >> reporter: matt, the victim was 65 years old, found here and pronounced dead on the scene inside the home. there's a police vehicle holding the scene here. crime scene unit and homicide detectives were here earlier trying to determine what happened overnight. police were called to the 1200 block of johnston street after 1:00 a.m. a concerned caller contacted police and wanted them to check on the man who lived here. she told them he might need medical assistance. the front door was unlocked when officers got here. there was no sign of forced entry. police say the house does not appear ransacked in anyway. ed body was found on the floor of the upstairs bedroom. >> they found a 65-year-old male who was laying on the floor next to his bed. he appeared to have one stab wound to his abdomin, he was weaker a t-shirt was completely covered with blood, blood-soaked. medics pronounced the male dead at 1:36 a.m. >> reporter: at this point we don't know what led up to this, or what prompted that person to contact police to begin with. police say they don't have any suspects. they are interviewing a woman who knew him at the homicide division. katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. friends and family gathered for an emotional vigil to remember 19-year-old jessica ku are. kurtz who was struck with her friend. the driver got out and carried her to the side of the road and jumped back in the truck and fled the scene. police recovered the vehicle and is they have a person of interest. last night her mother said she had no malice but made an appeal to turn himself in. >> messed up his future, you know what i am, for me to hate on him or anything like that, that disuse me, i pray for him -- that destroys me, i pray for him that he do the right thing and step forward. police are asking anyone with information to give them a call. we should get more information about the three teenagers arrested for the beating death of the homeless man in the mayfair section. kevin cullen was found lying on the street. neighbors said the beating was so vicious they could feel the revery -- reverberations were felt inside their homes. a new bill in philadelphia would require store owners to take down plexiglass windows. councilwoman sinld -- cindy bass said the stop and goes were operating as restaurants, but mainly serve beer. she said the barriers are disrespectful to customers and treating them as criminals rather than consumers. she said it would tighten the rierlts to -- requirements to get a liquor license in the city. eagles saw their nine-game winning streak snapped by the seahawks. it didn't have to be that way, it did happen and they failed to clinch the nfc east crown. carson wentz threw touchdown and interception. "action news" reporter, jeff skeverski was in seattle and how has more on how the team is trying to make sense out of the loss. >> reporter: one of the best runs in eagles history is over, the eagles lose their first game since the middle of september, the dinners in the game, two turnovers in the second half, one at the one yard line, the other in the end zone. you do the math that's 14 points, the dinners in the game. >> we turned the ball over on a road game like this in this atmosphere and a great team thick they they -- like they aru couldn't do that. >> we didn't put up enough points, we didn't make enough plays. >> reporter: as much as this loss stings, you can look back and say that happened and we'll learn better in the down stretch. >> that's the truth. we understand what we gave away today. we gave away a lot of little things, and the little things caught up with us. >> the beauty of the whole thing it is still in our control. guys in the locker room are sick to their stomachs obviously for the loss, but at the same time we have a great opportunity again against another playoff caliber football team. >> reporter: eagles center jason kelsey said leading up to the game in seattle they did not have their best week of practice. quarterback carson wentz said he knows they will respond in l.a. next week and show everyone what the team is made of. with the eagles in seattle, jeff skeverski. >> we have a school delay, smyrna school district is opening up on a two hour delay because it's so foggy. >> reporter: we've been talking about the fog being thick in some spots and causing a problem in general because temperatures are so cold. sometimes the fog can freeze up on roads a little. storm tracker 6 live showing we are dry free of active precipitation. looking live outside on sky6 live hd, there's the fog that moved in over philadelphia international. we looked at the same picture to minutes ago, you didn't see anything other than a little bit in the lights. you can see it rolling in slowly coming from the direction of the river, the fog getting to be a bigger problem out there. temperatures, 33 degrees currently in philadelphia. the winds are calm, but that of course is aiding an abetting that fog which will hang in there through the morning commute in spots. and then we get additional cloud cover coming in. if we break the fog up fast enough we might get sunshine and then it's clouds and country mix the rest of the day. by 8:00 a.m., 35 degrees. still kind of chilly. so a.m., 40, more sun -- 10:00 a.m., 40, more sun coming out. 3:00 p.m., 54 degrees that the high, mixture of sun and clouds. high temperatures in the afternoon, 50 degrees in allentown. 52 in trenton. 52 in reading. 54 in philadelphia. 53 in wilmington, the issue is temperatures around or below the freezing mark, fog moving in and the water droplets adhering to the road surfaces. add time to your morning commute to scrape your windshield. as we go into tomorrow morning there's possibility of speckled light precipitation around until noon. by 1:00 you might be experiencing a steady shower. the bulk of the rain and steady rain holds off until later in the day and at night. and then you see it filling in. rain building through the day tomorrow, getting steadier late in the day and at night and finishing pretty quickly on wednesday morning. wednesday behind the rain look out, colder air comes in. this will be with us through the weekend and beyond. friday night into saturday morning there's a coastal low that some models have it far enough off the coast that would not bring us any precipitation, other models have it coming in closer that would bring us light snow. that would be friday night into saturday morning, if it happens. today, sun and clouds, 54. tomorrow, clouds and rain building in later in the day, 63. wednesday morning could be damp, otherwise clouds and sun, chilly, 49. thursday, sunny and 45. friday, 43. we are watching the coastal storm that hopefully stays off the coast should it come close enough snow is possible friday night into saturday morning. saturday we're looking at 44 with sun coming back later in the day and 41 on sunday look at the numbers, obviously we're transitioning to cooler air are we not. >> yes we are. thank you i think. new this morning there's a startling report that an airline crew saw the suspected north korea missile in the sky after it was fired. billy bush offers a message about president trump after the infamous access hollywood tape. we'll check 422 to see if it is foggy there coming up next. copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of 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on 422 jammed from oaks to 202. it's a nine minute ride, the volume is kicking in and slowing you down. i can show you the latest with the fog in dover, .3. visibility is a big deal in southern delaware. one mile in atlantic city. half a mile in trenton. .8 in philadelphia international. .3 in allentown. anytime you see fog out there, and with the low-level moisture, temperatures below freezing you could get a slick spot or two, we've been warning people about that. we have a jam on 422. 422 eastbound is going to close, when this happens everybody twitters again? 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., all this week you'll have a closure on 422. east oaks we have an accident 11th street at 67th in east oak lane. i-95 southbound a 24 minute drive from the window haven to the vine. schuylkill expressway westbound, 26 minutes, kind of took a while to get the morning jams, but they are kicking in now. look how cold it is, 25 degrees in 26 in coatsville, 28 in media. 33 in the city. new jersey 28 in browns mills, hammonton. 26 degrees in vineland and 30 in smyrna. watch for a slick spot, matt. >> former tv host billy bush is speaking out responding to comments president trump is making about the infamous hot mic tape. in a op-ed he said yes, donald trump you said that. bush said he decided to speak out because the president doubting the tape hit a raw nerve in him. president trump has not responded to the article. north korea is calling u.s. military exercises between the u.s. and south korea is pushing the area toward nuclear ware. h.r.mcmaster is saying the chance of a nuclear war is getting closer every day. a flight crew saw the north korea missile testing while flying overhead last week. the flight was heading from honor congress to san francisco. toasting dad: i'm not one for speeches. but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. >> 6:50 a.m., good "good mornig america" is right around the corner. >> that means our friend robin roberts is here, good monday morning to you. >> reporter: to you, too, matt. in the wake of michael flynn's guilty plea what is the next step for the president trump's legal team. a young american college student speaking out after she was sexually assaulted by italian police while studying abroad. what she has to say about the terrifying experience in the popular tourist area. we're going to dance, and neil patrick harris is here that will kick off your monday on "g.m.a." >> that movie is getting to which attention and max and pita could they have created a more beautiful baby. >> reporter: 11 months old today. >> beautiful people make beautiful babies. >> reporter: she was back in her jeans the next day, we lob her for that. i-95 approaching highland, northbound traffic on the right-hand side heading toward the blue route in delaware county. you're moving okay, you can see the fog in this shot. be careful as you're traveling, we have a new issue that popped up, disabled truck in kennett square route 1 oxford one northbound approaching kennett square. newark line mass transit delays and a couple of in the trenton line. >> reporter: 26 in reading, 27 in lancaster. 34 in philadelphia. 28 in trenton. 38 in wilmington. 26 in millville. there is some patchy fog around the region. in some cases it's dense. even where it is not denies it can adhere to the road surfaces, it's not a good morning to make a quick stop at a stop sign. take it slow out there. once we get finished with the morning we warm up, 54 degrees and upper 40s by 7:00 p.m. the eerpg commute looking -- evening commute looking milder than the morning commute. firefighters in canada saved the family's dog. the dog ran on to the size and promptly had that break under his weight becoming trapped. the firefighters seen sliding along the freezingize toward the dog on his stomach, a rope tied toddes waist and held tight they were successful and got him back to shore safely. the pooch got out safely. running a small business is demanding. and that's why small business owners need more. like internet that's up to the challenge. the gig-speed network from comcast business gives you more. with speeds up to 20 times faster than the average. that means powering more devices, more video conferencing, and more downloads in seconds, not minutes. get fast internet and add phone and tv for only $24.90 more per month. comcast is building america's largest gig-speed network to give small businesses more. call 1-800-501-6000 today. >> a concerned person's call to police lead officers to fatal stabbing scene in south philadelphia. he was found dead in his bedroom after being stabbed in the abdomin. friends and family gathered for a vigil to remember jessica kurtz. police say they have a person of interest in mind in the hit-and-run accident. eagles lost 24-10 failing to clinch. nfc east crown. they play the cramps in l.a. on sunday. >> reporter: be careful driving in the fog this morning. you can see it on 422 approaching the pennsylvania turnpike, eastbound traffic on the left heading toward king of prussia slowing down driving in the fog. an accident east oak lane on north 11th street. >> reporter: fog an issue getting worse, and we have upper level clouds assuming in from the west. temperatures around freezes, the fog can adhere to road surfaces. this afternoon, sun and clouds, 54. this is a temporary issue we'll be dealing with this morning. >> we'll be back in 30 minutes with updates this is the kind of morning you want to know before you step out the door, go to that road not that road. for matt, david, karen, i'm tam, have a great week! first apartment 60 second rotini ah, here we go. hi, honey! hey mom! are you eating well? umm...yeah i'm actually making something right now. new barilla ready pasta. deliciously al dente in just 60 seconds. simply add your favorite ingredients... that looks amazing! ...and enjoy. hey, there you go. i can almost smell it. new barilla ready pasta. 60 seconds to wonderful. um, elbow! oh, sorry mom! mii'm alive and have a second chance. james: i'm thankful for the help and the opportunity that i received. darlene: i'm thankful to be able to help people in crisis. vanessa: i'm thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. christie: new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. but if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know: we are here for you. this holiday season, choose help. call 844 reach nj or visit good morning, america. the big chill. heavy snow moving in. icy roads sparking this deadly accident. and now winter weather alerts spreading from the rockies to the northeast as a new storm is on the way. while bitter cold sweeps the country, temperatures plunging by 30 degrees. braking news in the russia investigation. president trump's team unveils a new argument saying he cannot be guilty of obstruction of justice. a new message from billy bush, what he's saying about the president, his accusers and that infamous "access hollywood" tape. >> hi. an abc news exclusive. study abroad nightmare. two american students allegedly assaulted by italian police while study in florence. now one of them telling her story. >> i was terrified. i mean, he had

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