Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20171021 : comparemela

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20171021

>> >> 15-year-old was struck in the eye a block from the high school in wind coat. both reported the shooters were driving a dark sedan and wearing masks. >> our officers are conducting heavy surveillance in the areas where the juveniles are injured. chief fry investigated the 16-year-old who fired the gun on the bus and are working to see if they are connected to the other two. they have met with school leaders in person. they say the 16-year-old was able to ride the bus to school. >> it seems like you would stop a bully from riding the bus to school possibly shooting someone else. >> we also called the district but our calls were not returned. the student did not return to school today. his parents are not sure when he will return or if he will take the bus again. the 16-year-old faces aggravated assault charges. jeff chirico, channel channel6 n news." >> thank you, jeff. students at coatesville area high school walked out of class today to demonstrate. they say administrators are not doing enough to stop racial activity. this week someone carved pumpkins and someone hung a doll in the locker room. >> police are looking for a trespasser who set off alarms in rittenhouse scare this sunday and last month. tonight police identified him as 39-year-old michael zali charged with burglary, trespassing and criminal misscheef. >> the philadelphia police office busted one of the largest gambling operations. nine people are behind bars with gary cray at the top. he employed several people including family members to run an illegal street lottery for 20 years. the d.a. alleges cray raked in millions of dollars buying luxury cars and homes for himselfs. >> the sixers may be 0-2 but they are leading the league in buzz. the rooky sensation and joel embiid took to the home cork fot for the first time. hi, jamie. >> a disappointing result considering the atmosphere. sixer fans saw the losing in front of their eyes as 'e embidd fultz made their debut. >> you would think it was the laker game. samuel jackson court side. >> embid scored late in the third quarter, sixers up nine, their largest lead. he should be dunking like that. sixers late in the third but the game got away from them in the fourth. they lost 102-92. monica, the sixers have yet to win. they'll try again tomorrow night in toronto. with it being the third game in four night, joel embiid will not play. now to dann cuellar in the wells fargo center. the sixers were excited to see the talented team at home, weren't they? >> were they. monica, i have to tell you, it's been a long time since i have seen the place jam packed for the sixer game. the vibe you have from the fans, this is a special team. this is the season. this team will go far. >> the air was electric at the wells fargo center as the '76ers kicked off the season. the front office had tee shirts for everyone. welcome to the moment. >> i think it's the year. we make the finals this year. >> excitement is in the building. >> you're feeling? >> i'm feeling it. >> when was the last time you felt this good about the sixers? >> 2009. >> what do you think made the difference this year for the sixers? >> joel embiid. trust the process. when he's on the floor -- he plays defense out of this world. >> a few years ago you had a hard time getting rid of sixer tickets. now the fans are coming out of the booed work. >> this is my first basketball game. >> this place is packed. the lines are out the door. everyone is excited. it's the environment going on now about the sixers is amazing in the city. >> hopefully, we have a good season this year. >> what do you mean mean hopefully? >> injuries, we hope not. >> we are going all the way this year, baby. >> so the eagles are hot, the flyers are hot. now the sixers are hot. philadelphia, could this be the year we win something? at least we have a lot to cheer about, right, monica? >> channel6 "action news." >> thank you, dan. >> night owls, we have clear skies over head. the best time for viewing the meteor showers. head outside with cecily tynan. a perfect night for watching the heavens. >> timing is everything. we have high pressure over us. clear skies, satellite and radar showing not a cloud in the sky. a great night to look up. we have the o o'ryan meteor shower, the best of the fall. numbers, 10 to 20 per hour, but they are typically the brightest we see, the best viewing between midnight and dawn. stay up later or get up early. we have a new moon. no moonlight to obscure the view. it's good if you try to get away from city lights. temperaturewise, if you are stepping out, it's mild, 61, a light jacket is all you need now. temperatures are climbing through the weekend, thanks to the high pressure. we have details about how high they climb and we'll talk about changes in the seven-day forecast. >> sounds good. no complete answers about what led to the death of four american special forces in nyger. new details are being released. a village elder appeared to be stalling them, gunmen surrounded them and they realized they were out gun but they put up a valentine defense killing at least 21 of the attackers. officials now say they do not believe he was kidnapped and killed but that someone moved his body or he may have died trying to escape to safety. more details about the fa proposal to ban laptops and luggage to be approved by a united nation agency and only affects international flights thr. is a risk of catastrophic fires and explosions from the lithium batteries in laptops. the faa believe most carry on domestically reducing the threat here. >> still to come, what was he is planning to do with all this? authorities arrest a man that stockpiled an arsenal and maps of schools. and the itching burning pain of adult shingles may have met its match. a new drug approved tonight. "high school huddle" ahead and the eagles talk prepare for football. >> cecily tynan has more from accuweather, all of that >> police in florida think they may have prevented a deadly attack after finding this arsenal of weapons. 24-year-old randall drake had 20 guns, explosive devices and 15 knives in his home. detectivedetectives went there o investigate a separate pornography case. they found notes on how to build bombbombs. >> another hollywood organization will meet to discuss its association with harvey weinstein. they have scheduled the hearing next month. weinstein faces termination from the group. oscar winner is the latest of 40 women accusing him of sexual harassment or abuse. >> today is one month since hurricane maria hit puerto rico devastating it. 14% of customers have power back on. 30% don't have running water. some infrastructure is doing better. 90% of supermarkets are back open, so are 80% of gas stations. half of telecommunication networks are back up. 49 people died from the storm and 76 are missing. 4,000 people still live in shelters. >> new tonight, the fda approved a new shingles vaccine for the first time in a decade. it's largely located in philadelphia. studies from the company claim it's more effective than the only other treatment on the market. they say it prevents shingles in 90% of cases. it's given as two shots. one in three people with chicken pox develop shingles. let's talk to cecily tynan about the weather. >> temperatures on the warm side again. sky 6, i love this shot. this is from the temple university camera. the lights look bright. we have such low humidity. there is no real haze in the hat moatmosphere. the photo was posted of northeast philadelphia. the sun setting at 6:13. with clear skies, great viewing for the meteor shower. temperaturewise, mild, 61-degrees. the normal high this time of year is 65. 60s in philadelphia. it's cooling off in the suburbs. lancaster currently 48. tomorrow, a great day to get outdoors. don't bundle up. you can leave the sweaters and flannels at home. 11:67. temperatures climbing to the mid to upper 70s. we reach the high around 77. late in the day, high thin clouds rolling in. it's mostly sunny, gorgeous, stays warm through the weekend into next week. satellite and radar showing the reason we have the strong area of high pressure keeping our skies clear, bringing the winds out of the south and that's the warmer flow of air. tomorrow, 77 in philadelphia. same in reading, allentown close to that, 76. temperatures in the low 70s tomorrow. it's upper 60s sunday with cloud cover. this weekend just a warm weekend. the jet stream to the north, strong ridge, pumping up temperatures in the 70s. if you look across the center of the nation, a trough and jet stream wave of low pressure moving in tuesday, bringing a much needed soaking rain, half inch to inch of rain and then a brief but sharp cooldown. the accuweather forecast, 77 tomorrow, 74 sunday, monday, 77. heading to the monday night football game at the link, 69 the quickoff. fourth quarter, 66. dust off the umbrella. you need it. gusting winds, 66. 72 tuesday, wednesday, 76. thursday, 62 and temperatures trend back up, 69 on friday. enjoy the weekend andwear the flip-flops, it's appropriate. >> i love it. harry potter fans are living out their magical dreams in chestnut hill this weekend. a festival inspired by the book is being held until tomorrow. tomorrow the festival takes over 12 blocks of germantown avenue. >> if you prefer an enter galactic experience, the "star wars" film saga tonight at the kim wilkimmel center. audience members had fun dressing the >> jamie is here with sports. sixers may not have won but it's an excited way to get the season started. >> we have been trusting the process. got to see the sixer talent for the first time. unfortunately, same old result. simmons with 11 points. he thought this was a laker game. samuel jackson court side. embid scored the first basket late in the third. embid, 11 points in 28 minutes. game got away from them in the fourth. sixers lose 102-92. >> we let one go. we were up seven in the third period. you felt like, with a few more baskets that they might have gone away. i give the celtics credit. i feel like we let one slip. >> it's been a long time since the eagles played a football game. eagles prepare to host the redskins monday night football, a game they called the championship game. it would be a good night to bury the birds in the east. >> we know we left plays on the field. it's one of the things you know each other so well like this, both team, it comes down to making plays. hopefully we make more of them. >> white out in happy valley. will the nittany lions be out for revenges? they lost a year ago. >> i don't think last season's game has a lot to do with this saturday's game. we have to prepare like crazy for a team we have tremendous respect for. >> tomorrow at 7:30 on channel6. good college football. >> a group of third graders carved pumpkins for a good cause. these were carved in westchester. they bought the pumpkins to support bringing hope >> "high school huddle" is next here on channel6 followed by "jimmy kimmel live." guests woody harrelson with music and more from tony ben e. tomorrow, gary hall and chris sours. from the entire "action news" team, i'm monica malpass. have a great night and a good weekend! ♪ ♪ tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." talented young woman decides to devote her life to dance. >> but, fate had a different plan. >> the story of how beth nearly lost her life and the amazing team that helped her get it back. a car blogger tries out a sweet new ride. he's got it loaded up with cameras. see why those are going to come in handy. >> holy, wlhoa! >> just in time for halloween. >> how mama emma is getting her pumpkin on. and look and listen to who has been -- >> wanting a cat for so long. >> see why kitty might need to cooperate better. >> we finally got it. >> we get, send it away! you're seeing a series of clips of an aspiring pro dancer. beth johnson. she clearly had a passion for what she was doing. honestly, she saw a whole path ahead of her. a professional dancer. teaching people to dance. she'll be all about dance. but -- fate had a different plan. certainly, we see this picture. of beth on a hospital bed. because she had been involved in a car accident. a very serious car accident. and honestly, her brain scans showed no signs of life. the doctors told her mother, lynn, to say her good-byes. they didn't expect her to make it through the night. but she did. and she kept fighting. >> smile. oh. >> and then started an extremely long journey. but one that she took on with grit and determination. and over the years, started making an incredible recovery. i think what really changed it was when this guy, right here, got involved. his name is paul. he's part of a charity called paul for brain recovery. he had a brain hemorrhage in 2012. he's gone through recovery. he knows what it's like. and his charity goes out to help people in similar situations. he really wanted to help. >> in air area. we decided to go pick beth up. >> there were no services for her near where she was. they sent their van to go and pick her up once a week and bring her to treatment to help her. look at the progress she has made. >> i did not expect to see her on her feet at all. >> no, not only is she on her feet. she's up. she's mobile. she's talking. >> sheer determination that got he started. >> everybody has been working together. to help and give her the support she needs. this off the back of doctors saying, say your good-byes. she's not going to make it through the night. >> are you going to show her dancing? >> being a dancer. i'm here for a reason. and that reason to help people with brain injuries. but, i am also a dance teacher. so that inspired me. guys, and girls, really get into their cars. this guy, al, has a brand-new subaru. >> i would love that. >> all wheel drive. quick, agile. he's got it loaded up with cameras because he's a blogger. he has a number of different angles of himself. checking out the new car. describing the experience of whoa! >> holy, wloe! >> what is the worst. what happened? >> he got rear ended. >> it appears al is maybe stopped at a light or a stop sign and somebody just wasn't payi ining attention. he doesn't have dash cam. he's got plenty of others. he's got all angles of impact. doesn't look like he's injured. he crashed into the car in front. the car that hit him, kind of a nice porsche as well. >> it doesn't look like it took that much damage. >> people at the new york safety track are chasing down a bmw. they say it's packed with horsepower. three of these guys are packed in their own porsche. they're doing it right. >> the bmw goes wide. >> the guy read this is my opportunity. he gets loose. loops it around. >> his buddies say kudos. he kept it on the track. you're not going get damage from slipping through the gravel and the dirt. all right, all in all, not a bad thing. >> oh, good job. >> i'm thinking this cat needs to stay off the internet. i think that's where the cat got the idea to hang in there. yeah, that poor kitty is hanging on a clothesline. they believe it fell from a fifth floor window. it's hanging by its top paws. it's cries were heard by a tv producer and tv cameraman. the cameraman gets his bag. stands under the cat for half

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New York , United States , Florida , Allentown , Pennsylvania , Coatesville , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Philadelphia , Jimmy Kimmel , Beth Johnson , Gary Hall , Randall Drake , Harry Potter , Tony Ben , Jeff Chirico , Cecily Tynan , Woody Harrelson ,

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20171021 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20171021

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>> >> 15-year-old was struck in the eye a block from the high school in wind coat. both reported the shooters were driving a dark sedan and wearing masks. >> our officers are conducting heavy surveillance in the areas where the juveniles are injured. chief fry investigated the 16-year-old who fired the gun on the bus and are working to see if they are connected to the other two. they have met with school leaders in person. they say the 16-year-old was able to ride the bus to school. >> it seems like you would stop a bully from riding the bus to school possibly shooting someone else. >> we also called the district but our calls were not returned. the student did not return to school today. his parents are not sure when he will return or if he will take the bus again. the 16-year-old faces aggravated assault charges. jeff chirico, channel channel6 n news." >> thank you, jeff. students at coatesville area high school walked out of class today to demonstrate. they say administrators are not doing enough to stop racial activity. this week someone carved pumpkins and someone hung a doll in the locker room. >> police are looking for a trespasser who set off alarms in rittenhouse scare this sunday and last month. tonight police identified him as 39-year-old michael zali charged with burglary, trespassing and criminal misscheef. >> the philadelphia police office busted one of the largest gambling operations. nine people are behind bars with gary cray at the top. he employed several people including family members to run an illegal street lottery for 20 years. the d.a. alleges cray raked in millions of dollars buying luxury cars and homes for himselfs. >> the sixers may be 0-2 but they are leading the league in buzz. the rooky sensation and joel embiid took to the home cork fot for the first time. hi, jamie. >> a disappointing result considering the atmosphere. sixer fans saw the losing in front of their eyes as 'e embidd fultz made their debut. >> you would think it was the laker game. samuel jackson court side. >> embid scored late in the third quarter, sixers up nine, their largest lead. he should be dunking like that. sixers late in the third but the game got away from them in the fourth. they lost 102-92. monica, the sixers have yet to win. they'll try again tomorrow night in toronto. with it being the third game in four night, joel embiid will not play. now to dann cuellar in the wells fargo center. the sixers were excited to see the talented team at home, weren't they? >> were they. monica, i have to tell you, it's been a long time since i have seen the place jam packed for the sixer game. the vibe you have from the fans, this is a special team. this is the season. this team will go far. >> the air was electric at the wells fargo center as the '76ers kicked off the season. the front office had tee shirts for everyone. welcome to the moment. >> i think it's the year. we make the finals this year. >> excitement is in the building. >> you're feeling? >> i'm feeling it. >> when was the last time you felt this good about the sixers? >> 2009. >> what do you think made the difference this year for the sixers? >> joel embiid. trust the process. when he's on the floor -- he plays defense out of this world. >> a few years ago you had a hard time getting rid of sixer tickets. now the fans are coming out of the booed work. >> this is my first basketball game. >> this place is packed. the lines are out the door. everyone is excited. it's the environment going on now about the sixers is amazing in the city. >> hopefully, we have a good season this year. >> what do you mean mean hopefully? >> injuries, we hope not. >> we are going all the way this year, baby. >> so the eagles are hot, the flyers are hot. now the sixers are hot. philadelphia, could this be the year we win something? at least we have a lot to cheer about, right, monica? >> channel6 "action news." >> thank you, dan. >> night owls, we have clear skies over head. the best time for viewing the meteor showers. head outside with cecily tynan. a perfect night for watching the heavens. >> timing is everything. we have high pressure over us. clear skies, satellite and radar showing not a cloud in the sky. a great night to look up. we have the o o'ryan meteor shower, the best of the fall. numbers, 10 to 20 per hour, but they are typically the brightest we see, the best viewing between midnight and dawn. stay up later or get up early. we have a new moon. no moonlight to obscure the view. it's good if you try to get away from city lights. temperaturewise, if you are stepping out, it's mild, 61, a light jacket is all you need now. temperatures are climbing through the weekend, thanks to the high pressure. we have details about how high they climb and we'll talk about changes in the seven-day forecast. >> sounds good. no complete answers about what led to the death of four american special forces in nyger. new details are being released. a village elder appeared to be stalling them, gunmen surrounded them and they realized they were out gun but they put up a valentine defense killing at least 21 of the attackers. officials now say they do not believe he was kidnapped and killed but that someone moved his body or he may have died trying to escape to safety. more details about the fa proposal to ban laptops and luggage to be approved by a united nation agency and only affects international flights thr. is a risk of catastrophic fires and explosions from the lithium batteries in laptops. the faa believe most carry on domestically reducing the threat here. >> still to come, what was he is planning to do with all this? authorities arrest a man that stockpiled an arsenal and maps of schools. and the itching burning pain of adult shingles may have met its match. a new drug approved tonight. "high school huddle" ahead and the eagles talk prepare for football. >> cecily tynan has more from accuweather, all of that >> police in florida think they may have prevented a deadly attack after finding this arsenal of weapons. 24-year-old randall drake had 20 guns, explosive devices and 15 knives in his home. detectivedetectives went there o investigate a separate pornography case. they found notes on how to build bombbombs. >> another hollywood organization will meet to discuss its association with harvey weinstein. they have scheduled the hearing next month. weinstein faces termination from the group. oscar winner is the latest of 40 women accusing him of sexual harassment or abuse. >> today is one month since hurricane maria hit puerto rico devastating it. 14% of customers have power back on. 30% don't have running water. some infrastructure is doing better. 90% of supermarkets are back open, so are 80% of gas stations. half of telecommunication networks are back up. 49 people died from the storm and 76 are missing. 4,000 people still live in shelters. >> new tonight, the fda approved a new shingles vaccine for the first time in a decade. it's largely located in philadelphia. studies from the company claim it's more effective than the only other treatment on the market. they say it prevents shingles in 90% of cases. it's given as two shots. one in three people with chicken pox develop shingles. let's talk to cecily tynan about the weather. >> temperatures on the warm side again. sky 6, i love this shot. this is from the temple university camera. the lights look bright. we have such low humidity. there is no real haze in the hat moatmosphere. the photo was posted of northeast philadelphia. the sun setting at 6:13. with clear skies, great viewing for the meteor shower. temperaturewise, mild, 61-degrees. the normal high this time of year is 65. 60s in philadelphia. it's cooling off in the suburbs. lancaster currently 48. tomorrow, a great day to get outdoors. don't bundle up. you can leave the sweaters and flannels at home. 11:67. temperatures climbing to the mid to upper 70s. we reach the high around 77. late in the day, high thin clouds rolling in. it's mostly sunny, gorgeous, stays warm through the weekend into next week. satellite and radar showing the reason we have the strong area of high pressure keeping our skies clear, bringing the winds out of the south and that's the warmer flow of air. tomorrow, 77 in philadelphia. same in reading, allentown close to that, 76. temperatures in the low 70s tomorrow. it's upper 60s sunday with cloud cover. this weekend just a warm weekend. the jet stream to the north, strong ridge, pumping up temperatures in the 70s. if you look across the center of the nation, a trough and jet stream wave of low pressure moving in tuesday, bringing a much needed soaking rain, half inch to inch of rain and then a brief but sharp cooldown. the accuweather forecast, 77 tomorrow, 74 sunday, monday, 77. heading to the monday night football game at the link, 69 the quickoff. fourth quarter, 66. dust off the umbrella. you need it. gusting winds, 66. 72 tuesday, wednesday, 76. thursday, 62 and temperatures trend back up, 69 on friday. enjoy the weekend andwear the flip-flops, it's appropriate. >> i love it. harry potter fans are living out their magical dreams in chestnut hill this weekend. a festival inspired by the book is being held until tomorrow. tomorrow the festival takes over 12 blocks of germantown avenue. >> if you prefer an enter galactic experience, the "star wars" film saga tonight at the kim wilkimmel center. audience members had fun dressing the >> jamie is here with sports. sixers may not have won but it's an excited way to get the season started. >> we have been trusting the process. got to see the sixer talent for the first time. unfortunately, same old result. simmons with 11 points. he thought this was a laker game. samuel jackson court side. embid scored the first basket late in the third. embid, 11 points in 28 minutes. game got away from them in the fourth. sixers lose 102-92. >> we let one go. we were up seven in the third period. you felt like, with a few more baskets that they might have gone away. i give the celtics credit. i feel like we let one slip. >> it's been a long time since the eagles played a football game. eagles prepare to host the redskins monday night football, a game they called the championship game. it would be a good night to bury the birds in the east. >> we know we left plays on the field. it's one of the things you know each other so well like this, both team, it comes down to making plays. hopefully we make more of them. >> white out in happy valley. will the nittany lions be out for revenges? they lost a year ago. >> i don't think last season's game has a lot to do with this saturday's game. we have to prepare like crazy for a team we have tremendous respect for. >> tomorrow at 7:30 on channel6. good college football. >> a group of third graders carved pumpkins for a good cause. these were carved in westchester. they bought the pumpkins to support bringing hope >> "high school huddle" is next here on channel6 followed by "jimmy kimmel live." guests woody harrelson with music and more from tony ben e. tomorrow, gary hall and chris sours. from the entire "action news" team, i'm monica malpass. have a great night and a good weekend! ♪ ♪ tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." talented young woman decides to devote her life to dance. >> but, fate had a different plan. >> the story of how beth nearly lost her life and the amazing team that helped her get it back. a car blogger tries out a sweet new ride. he's got it loaded up with cameras. see why those are going to come in handy. >> holy, wlhoa! >> just in time for halloween. >> how mama emma is getting her pumpkin on. and look and listen to who has been -- >> wanting a cat for so long. >> see why kitty might need to cooperate better. >> we finally got it. >> we get, send it away! you're seeing a series of clips of an aspiring pro dancer. beth johnson. she clearly had a passion for what she was doing. honestly, she saw a whole path ahead of her. a professional dancer. teaching people to dance. she'll be all about dance. but -- fate had a different plan. certainly, we see this picture. of beth on a hospital bed. because she had been involved in a car accident. a very serious car accident. and honestly, her brain scans showed no signs of life. the doctors told her mother, lynn, to say her good-byes. they didn't expect her to make it through the night. but she did. and she kept fighting. >> smile. oh. >> and then started an extremely long journey. but one that she took on with grit and determination. and over the years, started making an incredible recovery. i think what really changed it was when this guy, right here, got involved. his name is paul. he's part of a charity called paul for brain recovery. he had a brain hemorrhage in 2012. he's gone through recovery. he knows what it's like. and his charity goes out to help people in similar situations. he really wanted to help. >> in air area. we decided to go pick beth up. >> there were no services for her near where she was. they sent their van to go and pick her up once a week and bring her to treatment to help her. look at the progress she has made. >> i did not expect to see her on her feet at all. >> no, not only is she on her feet. she's up. she's mobile. she's talking. >> sheer determination that got he started. >> everybody has been working together. to help and give her the support she needs. this off the back of doctors saying, say your good-byes. she's not going to make it through the night. >> are you going to show her dancing? >> being a dancer. i'm here for a reason. and that reason to help people with brain injuries. but, i am also a dance teacher. so that inspired me. guys, and girls, really get into their cars. this guy, al, has a brand-new subaru. >> i would love that. >> all wheel drive. quick, agile. he's got it loaded up with cameras because he's a blogger. he has a number of different angles of himself. checking out the new car. describing the experience of whoa! >> holy, wloe! >> what is the worst. what happened? >> he got rear ended. >> it appears al is maybe stopped at a light or a stop sign and somebody just wasn't payi ining attention. he doesn't have dash cam. he's got plenty of others. he's got all angles of impact. doesn't look like he's injured. he crashed into the car in front. the car that hit him, kind of a nice porsche as well. >> it doesn't look like it took that much damage. >> people at the new york safety track are chasing down a bmw. they say it's packed with horsepower. three of these guys are packed in their own porsche. they're doing it right. >> the bmw goes wide. >> the guy read this is my opportunity. he gets loose. loops it around. >> his buddies say kudos. he kept it on the track. you're not going get damage from slipping through the gravel and the dirt. all right, all in all, not a bad thing. >> oh, good job. >> i'm thinking this cat needs to stay off the internet. i think that's where the cat got the idea to hang in there. yeah, that poor kitty is hanging on a clothesline. they believe it fell from a fifth floor window. it's hanging by its top paws. it's cries were heard by a tv producer and tv cameraman. the cameraman gets his bag. stands under the cat for half

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Florida , Allentown , Pennsylvania , Coatesville , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Philadelphia , Jimmy Kimmel , Beth Johnson , Gary Hall , Randall Drake , Harry Potter , Tony Ben , Jeff Chirico , Cecily Tynan , Woody Harrelson ,

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