Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20171020 : compare

Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20171020

apologizing saying he knew about weinstein's behavior and should have done more. ♪ nothing holding me back the dodgers are headed to the world series. >> and in it to win it, the l.a. dodgers on the way to the world series crushing the defending champion cubs. the unlikely hero who hit three home runs and the yankees just one win away from a coast-to-coast showdown. ♪ nothing holding me back and good morning, america. happy friday. it is a happy friday for the l.a. dodgers heading to the world series first time since 1988. >> and, of course, all of los angeles was celebrating last night. take a look at the jumbotron at the lakers game. they interrupted the kiss cam to show the dodgers clinch their trip to the world series, the winning moment for the city there. everybody in that city is really excited. >> i think a few people in this studio might be hoping the yankees win and then quite a showdown. we'll have more on that later. right now lots of reaction coming in to that emotional appearance in the white house briefing room by john kelly. raw and red-eyed as he attacked the president's critics and remembered the death of his own son on the battlefield. jon karl starts us off. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. white house officials say it was entirely general kelly's decision to speak out on this and he is furious about how the controversy has unfolded. with his emotional appearance in the white house briefing room, chief of staff john kelly himself a gold star father sought to put an end to the controversy sparked by comments made by the president earlier this week. >> there's no perfect way to make that phone call. when i took this job and talked to president trump about how to do it, my first recommendation was he not do it because it's not the phone call that parents, family members are looking forward to. >> reporter: kelly's son robert was killed in afghanistan in 2010. >> he asked me about previous presidents and i said i can tell you that president obama, who was my commander in chief when i was on active duty did not call my family. that was not a criticism. that was just to simply say i don't believe president obama called. that's not a negative thing. >> reporter: describing his own experience with loss, kelly said he counseled the president on what to say. >> he said to me, what do i say? i said to him, sir, there's nothing you can do to lighten the burden on these families. but let me tell you what i told him and let me tell you what my best friend joe dunford told me because he was my casualty officer. he said, kel, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. he knew what he was getting into by joining that 1%. that's what the president tried to say to a -- to four families the other day. >> reporter: president trump told the widow of sergeant la david johnson that her husband knew what he was signing up for. kelly said he was echoing the words he was told about his son. >> the enlisted. he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken. that was the message. >> reporter: as for the congresswoman who was with sergeant johnson's widow when she received the call from the president and said it was disrespectful -- >> it stuns me that a member of congress would have listened in on that conversation. absolutely stuns me. and i thought at least that was sacred. >> reporter: and the brother of staff sergeant dustin wright one of the four soldiers killed in niger says he doesn't want his brother's death to be politicized. >> nothing good is coming out of talking about president trump and a phone call or, you know, what letters have been sent or anything else. and there are legacies that need to be carried on. there are sons and daughters without fathers. there are wives without husbands, and we want to focus on helping them. >> reporter: overnight the president weighed in on this yet again tweeting, quote, the fake news is going crazy with wacky congresswoman wilson who secretly -- who was secretly on a very personal call and gave a total lie on content. by the way, the congresswoman, congresswoman wilson is a close family friend of the johnsons. she heard that telephone call because she was on riding in the car with sergeant johnson's widow when the call came in. george. >> okay, jon karl, thanks very much. we bring in martha raddatz who is in tokyo this morning and, martha raddatz, you've covered general kelly for a long time and know him well. simply extraordinary that he would come to the briefing room and open up about his own personal loss in that way. >> reporter: george, i was very, very surprised by that. general kelly has been so private about his son. his staff and general kelly himself have asked reporters, have asked me in the past not to bring up the death of his son when we have interviewed him soy it was very surprising, but it shows you how profoundly he feels about this, how profoundly protective of president trump he is being and, of course, he was in the room with him. george, as you know, i know many gold star families, they all grieve differently. they all grieve privately or publicly but it is all a unique experience that really none of us can understand. >> certainly and, martha, he expressed that real gulf he feels between the 1%, those who serve in the military and the rest of the country. >> reporter: yeah, you know what struck knee, part of him was still talking about that -- as a marine corps general about the sacrifice and service and, you know, george, i've been out here with the troops the last couple of days, and the sailors on a carrier, they do not like any of this politicized. they do not like to talk about things like this, but interestingly enough, when i asked one young pilot, an f-35 pilot whether he feared that war might break out on the korean peninsula, he said, ma'am, that's what we signed up for. george. >> okay, martha raddatz, thanks very much. amy. meanwhile, george, there are still unanswered questions about that deadly ambush in niger that took the lives of sergeant la david johnson and three other special forces. the pentagon has now launched an official investigation and our chief investigative correspondent brian ross is here with the latest details. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning, amy. as you said still no answers this morning as to what happened in that ambush in a remote african village more than two weeks since it happened. the american soldiers were part of a green beret battalion assigned to train and assist the n army there. the four who died were overwhelmed by a force of some 50 militants. but the pentagon still cannot provide a full and cogent narrative of how it happened. citing the ongoing investigation which was only launched on thursday. >> we'll investigate this. we'll have conclusions and those conclusions will be presented. i'm not prepared to go further. >> reporter: two key questions remain, one, did the unit have the proper advance intelligence and backup air and ground support in case something went wrong. officials said the unit did not expect to be in combat. >> over the last six months we have conducted 29 partnered patrols this this general area without contact of any kind. >> reporter: a second question, did sergeant la david johnson get left behind when the rest of his unit pulled out? his body was not recovered for at least 0 hours. >> it took us a little while to do it. we didn't leave him behind and searched until we found him and brought him home. >> reporter: u.s. forces have been in niger for the last four years as the threat of this terror group has escalated with its leader last year pledging allegiance to isis. >> there's a reason we have u.s. army soldiers there and not the peace corps, because we carry guns. >> reporter: and now part of the investigation is whether some of the local troops working with the u.s. forces tipped off the militants about their travel plans and their movements which set up that ambush. >> okay, brian ross, thank you. two former presidents also making headlines this morning. both george w. bush and barack obama rebuking president trump without mentioning him by name sounding the alarm on the deep divisions they see in our country right now and mary bruce is at the white house with the story. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. well, for months president obama and bush have avoided weighing in on the day to to day politics of the trump administration but now delivering a one-two punch and while neither mentioned the current president directly, they didn't have to. president obama stepping back into the political spotlight and back into the fray. >> our politics just seem so divided and so angry and so nasty. >> reporter: at a campaign event overnight in virginia the former president never uttered the words "donald trump" but his target was clear. >> we have folk who are deliberately trying to make folks angry. to demonize people who have different ideas. to get the base all riled up because it provides a short-term tactical outlet. >> reporter: president bush -- >> bigotry seems emboldened and politics seem more vulnerable to conspiracy theorist and outright fabrication. we've seen our discourse degraded by casualty cruelty. it seems it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the ones binding us together. >> reporter: adamant on some issues there is no wiggle room. >> bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the american creed. >> reporter: don't expect to have been a regular thing. president bush isn't expected to weigh in again any time soon. >> reporter: meantime, late last night in the senate they passed that budget which is the first step. >> reporter: overnight senate republicans cleared that first major hurdle in their quest to overall the nation's tax code. "last week tonight with john oliver" night passing a budget resolution and paves the way for tax reform with a majority vote. >> mary bruce, thanks very much. on to florida where police discovered an arsenal of weapons in a home where they were investigating an unrelated crime. abc's gio benitez is here with that story and, gio, this could have, may have prevented disaster. >> reporter: it really could. the man is not talking to police but they're already making comparisons to the las vegas shooter, a total unknown who wasn't on anyone's radar, not even the fbi is involved. this morning, a troubling surprise for police in florida who believe they may have thwarted an attack. detectives conducting a separate crimes against children investigation and instead finding a large arsenal of weapon, ammunition, side by side with maps of two schools and a water treatment plant. >> these are the people that are most concerning to us. what we call the lone wolf, you know, the sleepers out there, the people who are not on our radar. >> reporter: the man, 24-year-old randall drake had three explosive devices, ten rifle, eight handguns, more than 15 knife, a baseball bat with nails, even a crossbow. >> he named his guns. that's weird. i mean, i don't know how else to say it. >> reporter: detectives found notes on how to build bombs and this, a randwritten note saying i shall have my bloody revenge and then the world will burn, burn. he is charged with unlawfully making destructive devices or attempting to. police don't know what he planned to do with the maps and weapons but the fbi's joint terrorism task force is investigating, boy, this was a scary one. >> thank god he found him. thank you. now to major lawsuits targeting three of the biggest diet soda brands accusing them of misleading marketing and saying that artificial sweeteners they used may cause weight gain. paula faris is here with the story. good morning, paula. >> reporter: good morning, michael. these lawsuits which are filed just last week center on the use of aspartame and its controversial nature citing a recent report that shows a link between artificial sweeteners and type 2 diabetes and heart disease. this morning diet soda is under fire. coca coal lay, pepsi and dr. pepper, the three largest u.s. makers of carb natured beverages are facing proposed class action lawsuits alleging the marketing of their sodas are false, m misleading and deceiving shoppers into thinking the beverages will help them manage or lose weight. >> products marketed as diet products should be helpful in helping people lose weight and these products are not helpful in losing weight. they may, in fact, do the opposite. >> reporter: the suits also claim aspartame, the artificial sweetener used in the sodas is likely to cause weight gain rather than to help in weight loss or healthy weight management. >> there's no question this is deend accept tiff advertising. >> reporter: although the studies don't show conclusively aspartame directly cautions weight gain several do show a correlation between diet soda consumption and obesity, the calorie control council whose members include manufacturers of artificial sweeters like aspartame and diet sodas say in. aren't seeking any specific dollar amount but want the jury and for these beverages to stop being marketed as diet. the american beverage association reps the three calls these meritless. >> thank you, paula. we'll be joined by dr. jennifer ashton and, doc, you're board certified in obesity medicine. what is the science behind this claim? do they have a case. >> obesity is a complex disorder. multiple factors go into it, genetic, behavior, what are you drinking, eeling, some medications and environment. while drinking a zero calorie beverage has some benefits there is no clear date that that aspartame directly leads to weight loss. >> now, regardless if they are healthy or not, they are sugar-free. >> right. >> the pros outweigh the cons? >> that's a complex question, right? there is extensive data linking them to obesity, cardiovascular disease. you have to weigh the risks versus the benefits versus alternatives and when you talk about them, you need to remember our bodies are 60% water. not 60% sweetened beverage. >> good point. got to watch what you put into your body. >> that was the story behind the story. >> as we -- as i said you don't order the large fries and the large -- the big mac, large fries and a diet soda. doesn't work that way. we move to a frightening scene in north carolina caught on camera when a school bus catches on fire. the driver, look at this, pulled over after he smelled smoke. that's when flames erupted. more than a dozen students had to evacuate. one was treated for smoke inhalation, the children were pick you had up by a different bus. no word on what caused this in the first place but certainly glad everyone is okay. >> thank goodness for that. and that big win overnight, the dodgers crushed the cubs, 11-1 and hernandez hit three home runs including that grand slam with seven rbis. especially sweet win for him because his dad who just beat cancer was in the stands. back in l.a. people celebrated by waving flags across the city and see the buildings downtown lit up in dodgers blue. >> three home runs and one game. >> that's quite a night. >> and grand slam. we all need a night like that. rob has the landslide forcing an evacuation in washington state. what's going on? >> it happened yesterday morning ten inches of rain caused a mudslide. you see the trees crash into a small apartment building. 30 people evacuated there was a gas line that ruptured that's been solved. here we go a weekend storm brings rain and wind along the oregon coastline. high winds watches and ten-plus inches higher elevations snow, five to ten inches. this does not help the california wildfires. weekend forecast brought to you by crest pro health. >> reporter: all right, everybody, we're off to a decent start this morning, most of us in the 50s. it's dry. heading outside we have sunshine coming up over nice and bright at the horizon again. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, another nice afternoon ahead. we're looking at sun, high of 74. for the weekend, sunny, 76. bright on sunday, high of 76. and then 77 monday we're taking out the chance of a shower monday night, looks like great weather for eagles monday night football. happened at his home while his kids were there and wants other women to know about it. brand-new images of o.j. syrup out on parole and new questions about his life in the las vegas area when we come back. dontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. with parodontax toothpaste. ♪ one dark chocolate rises masteringabove the rest.inement. lindt excellence created by our master chocolatiers. pure, rich, elegantly thin. experience excellence with all your senses. from the lindt master chocolatiers. your body was made for better things than rheumatiod arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. it can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. get an instant pot or air sale fryer - just $99.99 cuddl duds sheets or throws - $29.99 plus - take an extra 20% off when you spend $100 or more! you'll get kohl's cash too. right now - at kohl's. a dazzling place i never knew. a new fantastic point of view. no one to tell us no, or where to go. or say we're only dreaming. let me share this whole new world with you. ♪ ("a bushel and a peck" by doris day) ♪ (whispering) i'm on the phone! ♪ towel please! (laughing) ♪ while other insurance companies just see a house, state farm sees the home you've worked really hard for. so why not give it the protection it deserves. state farm. ♪ >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, 7:23 a.m., friday, october 20. let's head over to karen rogers following up on i-95. >> reporter: we had an accident on i-95 southbound at girard. the accident has cleared, but you can see we have a good-sized delay. 40 minute jam from woodhaven to the vine, but all lanes open on i-95. we have an accident in north philadelphia, north 6th street at west, berk street. an injury on the scene, blocking lanes north 6th street at west berk street. schuylkill expressway westbound traffic heading toward king of prussia, jammed in the area, but no accidents on the schuylkill expressway, kind of the early-morning scram. we have an accident 130 northbound at neck road in burlington county. >> we'll take a short break and come back to accuweather. specit you'll meet with a physician who will discuss treatment options, answer your questions and recommend next steps for your personalized care plan. learn more about cancer treatment centers of america and schedule your appointment at >> reporter: good morning everyone, another chilly and bright start with sunshine over the horizon and a few high clouds. we're up to 59 degrees in philadelphia. upper 40s in allentown and reading. a lot of warmer than the last couple of mornings. lots of sun today, pleasant, 74. for the weekend, mostly sunny on saturday, 76. bright on sunday, 76. monday 77 we're taking out a chance of showers for monday night football it's a great evening for tailgate and great night for eagles football. we've got a meteor shower this weekend, keep your eyes on the stars at night. >> we'll go back to "g.m.a." and see you back here in 30. 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(laughter) i know last year that donald trump offended some people. i know his comments according to critics went too far. some said it was unbecoming of a public figure and they said that his comments were offensive. well, thank god he's learned his lesson. >> welcome back to "gma" and that is house speaker paul ryan roasting president trump at the annual charity fund-raiser last night getting a lot of laughs. louis c.k., kevin hart, paul ryan is coming for you. >> that guy behind looked so concerned. right now a lot of reaction coming to that briefing room comment from john kelly and taking on the president's critics and opening up about the loss of his own son. and new concerns about laptops on airlines. faa is asking they be banned and the proposed ban will be discussed next week. new accusations against harvey weinstein. actress lupita nyong'o coming forward sharing her story in "the new york times" saying she was inspired by the brave women now speaking out and abc's adrienne bankert is here with more. what a powerful read. >> reporter: absolutely. very intimate. another growing list of accusers in harvey weinstein's saga. award-winning actress lupita nyong'o saying she could no longer stay silent. oscar-winning actress lupita nyong'o speaking out about her own alleged experiences with producer harvey weinstein. in "the new york times" the "12 years a slave" star describes how an invitation to watch movies ht ace home took a sinister turn. he led me into his bedroom and announced he wanted to give me a massage. i thought he was joking. he was not. for the first time since i met him i felt unsafe and goes on to describe her fear saying she panicked a live before offering to give him one, a way to be in control physically rationalizing this awkward moment based on her experience with student massages in acting classes at yale. but when he attempted to remove his pants she ran from the room. she claims at the time she second-guessed her discomfort but years later the movie mogul invited her to dinner where she says his intentions became clear. he announced let's cut to the chase. i have a private room upstairs where we can have the rest of our meal. he told me not to be so naive. if i wanted to be an actress i had to be willing to do this sort of thing. once she declined he sent her away saying i don't know about your career but you'll be fine. before deciding to share her account, nyong'o said she felt sick in joining in the conspiracy of silence adding she was ultimately moved to speak by the bravery of others coming forward. >> i have been harassed so many times. i can't count. i've been assaulted. >> reporter: many inspired by actress alyssa milano who urged women to share their experiences with sexual harassment and assault under the #metoo. >> we are going to be vocal until this stop, not one more. it stops here. >> reporter: this morning one of miramax's biggeststars, director quentin tarantino seeing he's known for decades about weinstein's behavior and said there's more to it than just the normal rumors, the normal gossip. it wasn't secondhand. i wish i had taken responsibility for what i heard and said his former girlfriend mira sorvino told him about the unwelcome advances. he said he feels a sense of swham because he didn't say more when he knew a lot more than other people were talking about. i reason really telling story from lupita who expresses what it was like as a young actress. she was just a student when she met him. more to this, there is a woman who is being unnamed at this point, she is coming forward to tell her story, her lawyer will speak today saying that she was raped by weinstein back in 2013 in a beverly hills hotel. it's the first case reported here in southern california but, you know, it's amazing how many are speaking out. >> 2013 would be within the statute of limitations so if there is enough evidence it could go to trial. >> and the cases in london, there are two active sex crime probes there and three women at least speaking out. it's just kind of crazy. let me get the details right, new york police have two active crimes going and in london there are three women, but still -- >> so many powerful stories and so brave of all these people, men and women coming forward. >> yeah and so far from over. >> thank you, adrienne. >> thank you very much, adrienne. now we'll turn to that new twist in a so-called killer clown case. the suspect's husband is now defending his wife and the victim's family is speaking out. deborah roberts is here with the details. >> reporter: a new development in a shocker of a story that had eluded florida investigators for nearly 30 years but this morning, they're saying they finally cracked the cold case and now know who was behind that frightening clown costume in the murder of a 40-year-old woman. it's the season of the clown. stephen's king's "it" scaring up a fortune on the big screen but is this the mild-mannered face behind a real killer clown? it was a saturday morning in 1990 just before 11:00. a colorful clown drives up to the florida home of marine warren carrying flowers, balloons and rings the doorbell. >> the clown pulls out a gun and fires at point blank range to marlene's face. >> reporter: her 22-year-old son is home with friends. >> he remembers seeing the clown's brown eyes as the clown got into a white chrysler lebaron. >> reporter: two days later his mother dies. >> this is the entrance to our clown room. she liked the clowns when she was a little girl. i come in here and i think of her. >> reporter: an eerie and ironic twist. shirley and bill telling abc news their late daughter loved clowns. >> marlene was outstanding. friendly, loving, kindness, do anything for anybody. >> always courteous, always respectful. >> reporter: police quickly zeroing in on a suspect, 27-year-old sheila keen, a business partner of marlene's husband mike. detectives looking into rumors of an affair between the two which they deny but without enough evidence the case goes cold. no longer followed in the press until this past may. a journalist looking into the murderer finds sheila keen now calling herself debbie and married to marlene's husband mike. >> friendly, outgoing, nice. >> i turned angry when i heard mike had married sheila, angry. >> reporter: police conduct new dna testing and just weeks ago take sheila keen warren into custody charging her with first degree murder. prosecutors seeking the death penalty. >> sometimes justice can be delayed, but justice eventually arrives. >> reporter: and more developments this morning. marlene's widower, sheila's husband, mike, telling abc news in a phone call sheila is falsely accused and that she -- this is a very serious thing so he's saying it's unfair. investigators, of course, at this point mum on what whether there could be charges coming in his direction. >> she's still in jail. >> she was extradited brought to florida in jail awaiting trial. she has pleaded not guilty but this case seems to be changing. we can expect anything probably to happen here so more tonight on "20/20," of course. >> see deborah's complete report on "20/20" at 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on abc. thank you, deborah. we will be right back with o.j. simpson's life after prison. new images coming in. one question, is he sticking to the terms of his parole. out of every one of them. only proprietary tempur material precisely conforms to your body, instead of pushing back. you get up to twice as much pressure relieving power, so you won't toss and turn. and tempur-pedic is the best at minimizing motion transfer from your partner. so you won't be disturbed during the night. you'll sleep deeply... and wake up, feeling powerful. only the best carry tempur-pedic. find an exclusive retailer at so we know how to cover almost we've everything even a "red-hot mascot." 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[burke] that's one way to fire up the crowd. but we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ask shersave 40% ons during paints and stainssale. from october 20th through the 23rd. color is just around the corner! find your neighborhood store at see any stars out there? not really. ♪music grab your jacket. ♪music ♪music ♪music most people think doilies and cabbage roses.aper, we wanted to make wallpaper cool again. one of the greatest challenges of running a small business is having to do a little bit of everything. office 365 really lere is so am. love, love, love teams. it simplifies communication from everywhere. it makes our 10-person company feel like 50. i like that math. we're back with new details of o.j. simpson's life after prison on parole living outside las vegas and eva pilgrim is here with the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. let's be real. it was going to be pretty hard for o.j. just to blend into any neighborhood that he moved into and whether he likes it or not, people are watching his every move. the juice has to be on his best behavior. if he breaks the law at all, his parole could be revoked and he could be sent back to jail. pictures this morning of o.j.'s new normal. smiling for his new driver's license at the las vegas dmv, a far cry from where he was just 19 days ago. >> come on out. >> reporter: the 70-year-old, a free man after nine years in prison for armed robbery now one of the most famous parolees in america. justin says he saw the hall of famer at a local sports bar sipping bloody marys. >> o.j. sitting right across from us. i was like, no way. >> reporter: taking photos and selfies with his new neighbors at a local wine bar and also spotted chatting with several women and holding a martini glass. one of the conditions of simpson's parole, no drinking to excess defined as a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08, the state's limit for driving. >> mr. simpson actually has his own personal breathalyzer device and can test himself if he has a drink or two drinks. >> reporter: hanging over him a huge debt, a civil judgment worth millions to the families of ron goldman and nicole brown. while his nfl and screen actors guild pensions aren't touchable any money he makes moving forward could be seized to pay off what he owes. just days after his release, tmz releasing this photo they say shows simpson signing member beal dwra including usc and buffalo bills helmets. those items popping up for sale on sports websites. that auction taken down, steiner sports says they got the items from a third party telling abc news on thursday, we can't confirm that we no longer sell the items mentioned. we can confirm. o.j. hoping to move to florida. that's what he said all along but the proper paperwork has to be submitted in order for him to be transported from nevada to florida. that has not happened but clearly people watching his every move. >> cameras will follow him to florida too. eva, thanks very much. michael. george, coming up an exclusive look inside the brand-new apple store. how it could revolutionize the way you shop. how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? 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we are back now with an exclusive look inside the brand-new apple store revolut n revolutionizing retail. >> it's completely transparent and when you walk in, you may have a hard time finding products to buy and that is intentional. our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis is there this morning with all the details. good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: good morning, michael. amy, that's right. this is the future of in-store shopping according to apple. 20,000 square feet along the chicago river. completely surrounded by glass building with an estimated price tag of 30million. it is apple's most ambitious new store opening in a decade. apple is reimagining the in-store shopping experience starting with a giant monitor where you can do everything from create your own music -- ♪ >> i'm just putting together some music. >> reporter: to design your own artwork. add in a dash of augmented reality. are the butterflies there now? >> yes. >> i love the butterflies. >> really colorful. >> reporter: sprinkle in a few automated robots. run my code. and enjoy an amazing array of classes like coding where you can turn the virtual into real life. the woman behind it all, apple's angela orentz. >> i think our job is to carry apple's legacy forward and always keep it relevant for now, for today. this is where the best of apple comes together. >> reporter: apple says they want this to be the ultimate meeting place tore people. they have even designed it so that when the store is open or closed, you can hang out here outside right nix to the store, guys. >> so, rebecca, do they think if you make it like a gaming lounge, people will hang out more and buy more stuff or are people going to come there, use it and go home without. >> reporter: it's interesting. they tell me they're okay with either option. i said it remights me of the children's museum where i used to hang as a kid and that's by design. they want this to be a place where people come, where they can learn and where whether or not they're interested in buying they can come in and spend some time and hope that's the future of retail not just for apple but for all retailers. >> they know the kids when they start playing with it they'll start begging at home for it. >> thank you. an exclusive with the actress who met with drug kingpin el chapo and sean penn. her startling admission. the wedding dress rescue. making one bride's dream come true after she lost everything in hurricane harvey. coming up "gma's" concert series presented by carmax. drive what's possible. ♪ every time i get ahead of myself ♪ with prices clearly marked, the same online as they are in the stores. that should give you some car-buying confidence. the type of confidence you need to wear white after labor day. the type of confidence to suddenly switch to an english accent for no reason whatsoever. yep... . at carmax, it's all about confidence. nothing but net. nailed it! or should i say, nailed it gov'nor. hi, i need your help. i've been trying to find a knee specialist... but nobody has an opening for months! you can't always control your feelings... oh, i found one in-network next tuesday. but unitedhealthcare can help you control your care. thanks, stephanie. unitedhealthcare copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. get an instant pot or air sale fryer - just $99.99 cuddl duds sheets or throws - $29.99 plus - take an extra 20% off when you spend $100 or more! you'll get kohl's cash too. right now - at kohl's. [] hi, it's anne from edward jones. i'm glad i caught you. well i'm just leaving the office so for once i've got plenty of time. what's going on? so those financial regulations being talked about? they could affect your accounts, so let's get together and talk, and make sure everything's clear. thanks. yeah. that would be great. we've grown to over $900 billion in assets under care... by being proactive, not reactive. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. welcome back to "gma." look at this video out of portugal. they've had a horrible fire season. this is a fire whirl or firenado. dramatic scenes there a few days ago watching the santa cruz fire there 300 acres burned. high fire dange g. sound advice is a big deal. something good >> good morning, i'm tamala edwards, 7:56 a.m., let's go over to karen rogers. we have an accident at southbound at girard cleared on i-95. we have one northbound involving tractor-trailers, penndot with the arrow board out there. the traffic is jammed. normally i-95 northbound is fine, this is a 26 minute delay from the vine to woodhaven. it's involving a septa bus and another vehicle that fled the scene. in upper darby we have an accident involving an overturned vehicle brighten avenue at west chester pike. let's look at the roads on the vine, a little slow, westbound and eastbound. looking at the travel times, looks like some people had off, times on the majors less jammed. >> live like at the skies over the commodore barry bridge, david time to do some whether. >> reporter: commodore barry bridge. lots of sun up. a few high clouds, 58 degrees in philadelphia. fairly mild, the afternoon call nice today, lots of sunshine, low humidity high of 74. 76 on saturday, and sunday, higher on saturday if we're lucky. we have sunshine this weekend, 77 and sun and clouds on monday. tam we'll take out the mention of a shower monday night. eagles fans are in good shape. >> a security guard came under fire in northeast philadelphia. police believe it was an attempted armed robbery. the shots were fired on the 2000 block of mckinley street. police on patrol heard the shots and chased down the suspects taking them into custody. that's it for us now, we'll send you back to "g.m.a." we'll see you right here in 30. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. chief of staff john kelly's stunningly personal moment at the white house firing back at critics of the president and talked about losing his own son on the battlefield as former presidents obama and bush both speak out against trump. a new investigation now by the lapd into hollywood producer harvey weinstein as oscar winner lupita nyong'o comes out with a blistering and personal testimonial overnight about her repeated encounters with him. how he intimidated her when she was just a student and why she was inspired to speak up now. stuck in space. >> i could be stuck here forever. >> reporter: what happened to katy perry arooned in air above her concert. the videos capturing it all. get ready for wedding dress rescue. the bride-to-be who lost so much in hurricane harvey including her dream dress now getting ready to go down the aisle. her wedding is just days ago and she's finding a new dress here live this morning already trying on one after another. which one will she pick? we'll find out live as we say good morning, america. ♪ and good morning, america. welcome back this friday morning. going to be a special morning here. >> it certainly is because we have our special event, our wedding dress rescue. take a look at myrna. very emotional. she lost everything to hurricane harvey including her dream wedding gown. >> so we're here helping her out. we got a bridal boutique right here in our studio and has been shopping all morning for the perfect dress for her wedding and the question is which one will she pick right here in our studio and head to the instagram story to see her try on more than 20 wedding dresses and the big reveal coming up. >> that will be fassbender fantastic. news this morning including white house chief of staff john kelly firing back at critics of the president in that briefing at the white house yesterday. many jon karl has more from the white house this morning. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. white house officials say it was entirely general kelly's idea to speak out on this trying to put an end to the controversy sparked by the president's own words. he did so by recounting the call he received informing him that his son had been killed in afghanistan. >> let me tell you what my best friend told me because he was my casualty officer. he said, kell, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. he knew what he was getting into by joining the ma -- that 1%. that's what the president tried to say to four families the other day. >> reporter: overnight, the president waited on this yet again tweeting, quote, the fake news is going crazy with wacky congresswoman wilson who was secretly on a personal call and gave a total lie on content. it's important to point out congresswoman wilson is a family friend of the johnsons. she overheard the call because she was in the car with sergeant johnson's widow when the call came in, george. >> jon karl, thanks very much. amy. we turn to those new accusations against harvey weinstein. actress and oscar winner lupita nyong'o sharing her story in "the new york times" saying she was inspired by the other brave women speaking out and abc's adrienne bankert is here with more on that. good morning, adrienne. >> reporter: good morning. the lapd investigating a rape case against weinstein from a model and actress who says harvey assaulted her in a beverly hills hotel in 2013 and expected to learn more from that woman's lawyer today but it's her personal story in "the new york times" that is in the limelight writing how he invited her to her room when she was a student. weinstein later apologized and writes our business is complicated because we are paid to do very intimate things in public. that's why someone can have the audacity to invite you to their home or hotel room and show up. it happened to her a few types. nyong'o said the bravery of so many gave her the courage to speak up thought. >> thanks so much. >> really some piece in "the new york times." coming up our exclusive with the actress who met el chapo with sean penn. some allegations drawing fire from sean. could eight words help you find love? the dating expert people spend thousands to meet with here sharing his secrets live. i think the eight words are i love you and you are always right. lara, what's going on? >> i'm here with myrna who survived hurricane harvey, lost everything, though, including her wedding dress. this is not it helping her today. which will she wick to surprise her groom stephen. a big special reveal coming up on "good morning america." don't go anywhere. we'll be right back. fred would do anything for his daughter. get in, fred! even if it means being the back half of a unicorn. fear not fred, the front half washed his shirt with gain. and that smell puts the giddy in "giddy-up"! ah... the irresistible scent of gain flings laundry detergent. you can't help but smell happy. i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424. ask shersave 40% ons during paints and stainssale. from october 20th through the 23rd. color is just around the corner! find your neighborhood store at there's as staying at a magical disney resort hotel. so imagine... complimentary rides to and from the park... even extra time with your family in the park. and now, create a 6-night/7-day package, including a select walt disney world resort hotel room and theme park tickets for as little as $96 per person per day for a family of four. the oats break down into energy. that energy is absorbed slowly. and that's good, because energy that's absorbed slowly is energy that lasts. an epic flavor... it's cranberry. it's pineapple. and there's no. sugar. added. cranberry pineapple 100% juice. the next big thing to hit the juice aisle. cranberry pineapple 100% juice. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke as far as i used to. due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter where i ride, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis. ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ ♪ ("a bushel and a peck" by doris day) ♪ (whispering) i'm on the phone! ♪ towel please! (laughing) ♪ while other insurance companies just see a house, state farm sees the home you've worked really hard for. so why not give it the protection it deserves. state farm. ♪ ♪ i see your face hey, welcome back to "gma" on this friday. we have a great crowd. here today and of course the reveal of our wedding dress rescue. myrna in our bridal boutique. there she is right there trying on more than 20 gowns to replace the dream dress she lost in hurricane harvey. we'll find out which one she t picks. >> she's really excited. >> her fiance here. blindfolded. "pop news." happy friday. now they're quiet. let's go, people. tgif and now we'll start with katy perry with an out of this world experience during her concert in nashville and got stuck on a model of saturn suspended in the air high above her stage and hi fan posted this telling concertgoers, guy, put your phones up this is a youtube moment and they did. >> this is the first time i've been stuck in space. i know i'm a space cadet but this is stuck right now. i could be stuck here forever. what should i do? should i tell some stories? should i sing another song? [ cheers ] >> i think she did a little bit of all of that. all was well. she was finally lowered down but did have to when she was lowered down have to dive almost into the crowd in order to get off the platform. the crowd loved it. the little hiccup did not ruin the night. her fans say the show was incredible and perry later tweeted smashville, aka nashville, you were an incredible time tonight so really fun video there. thank you for sharing. social media friends. also in "pop news" on this friday, taylor swift dropped a brand-new song. have you heard it yet. >> i did. >> listen to it right now. that's why we're here. it's good right. she already released two songs from her many upcoming album and the third now called "gorgeous." here it is. ♪ you're so gorgeous i can't say anything to your face ♪ ♪ 'cause look at your face and i'm so furious ♪ >> we know they're always about someone, right when it's taylor swift so we don't know if it's about the current boyfriend. we just don't know but anticipation is building for the release of her entire album called "reputation" being released in three weeks and taylor invited a select group of super fans so lucky to her home in rhode island on the coast for a listening session of the whole album on wednesday night. they say it was fantastic. and, again, the full album comes out in november. [ applause ] >> was online and consensus is about it's her current boyfriend joe. >> my uber driver was blasting it this morning. >> oh, wow. all right, and then finally, i hope this story makes you smile. dog owners out there. do we have a lot of dog owners? [ cheers ] a new study out of the university of ports smith say dogs make facial expressions when a human is looking at them. yeah, people, of course. researchers did tests where human faced his or her dog and then the same test when their back was turned to the dog measuring -- yes. measuring movements such as eyebrow range and tongue show. they determined that dogs express much more when they're looking face-to-face at their owner or other humans and these expressions is them trying to communicate. i have pictures of my dogs. tell me lucy is not trying to say thank you for rescuing me and then i have one of dandy which we're not clear. he looks very guilty. trying to say, yes, mom, i did it. so any way that is your friday installment, people, of "pop news." [ applause ] >> thank you, lara. thank you. we'll move on to our "gma" cover story an exclusive interview with kate del castillo, the actress who took sean penn to meet fugitive drug kingpin el chapo telling her side of the story drawing some fire from penn. >> good morning. i'm sure you all remember that del castillo made global headlines with that audacious secret meet-up with el chapo and told us her goal was to make a movie about the powerful drug lord who escaped from mexican prisons twice but going after his life story turned into her story of a lifetime. this morning a very candid kate del castillo, the famous mexican-american actress on her infamous secret rendezvous with the notorious drug kingpin el chapo and the startling admission about the hollywood movie star who tagged along. sean penn. >> i never fell for him. we had sex. >> okay. >> sorry, but -- we're both adult, single and something was going on, but that was it. and it was business. >> and so there was sex but there wasn't a relationship. >> no. no in why wait until now to finally admit that you were intimate with sean? >> because nobody asked me. they were so stupid. they were all thinking i had something to do with el chapo and i'm not bragging about that but i think it was all so calculated even that. >> reporter: just one day before penn published a storing in "rolling stone" about the star's secret encounter, the drug lord was arrested. now penn strongly denying allegations he alerted u.s. authorities. his spokesperson calling the notion a complete fabrication and bald-faced lie. >> he has seen this documentary and in "variety" was quoted as saying there are profound inaccuracies. what's your reaction. >> i said the same thing about his article. so he has probably a point of view. i have another point of view. >> what is the truth? >> that i have nothing to do with him getting caught. nothing to do -- i don't work for the government and i am just interested in my career and trying to do a good story and that was it. >> reporter: del castillo now telling her side of the story in netflix's tee-part docu-series "the day i met el chapo" did you feel like you put your life in his hands in some level? >> truly. truly and i think he also did that. >> reporter: so after a night of drinking and talking, el chapo decides to escort you to your room. why do you think he did that. >> i think he wanted to have probably two minutes with me by himself and to be, you know, a gentleman. it was my only opportunity to tell him that not forget what i originally tweeted, let's do some good. >> you must have been afraid. >> yes. >> what were you afraid of. >> well, he might break me or kill me. >> it's a very candid conversation. now sean penn's spokesperson gave a withering criticism saying it was due lucien and containing egregiously reckless lies. sean penn was given the opportunity on multiple occasions to participate in the day i met el chapo and did not do so. this series gives kate a chance to finally tell her side of this stranger-than-fiction story and still pursuing the movie. >> wow. >> no kidding. >> wow. >> incredible interview. >> see it on netflix "the day i met el chapo." michael. now the intimate like of jann wenner. a new beingography called "sticky fingers" is shedding new light. with jann wenner, "rolling stone" has used top quality writing and photography to cover what began as a rock 'n' roll counter culture and would become the world we know now. >> jann recognized that the youth culture was going to be the culture and rock 'n' roll was the first expression of that power. and jann followed that narrative with rolling stone on a biweekly basis. >> reporter: hagan tells his personal and professional story with unprecedented access and phenomenal detail in his biography "sticky fingers: the life and time of jann wenner and rolling stone magazine." his star-crossed relationships with the superstars his magazine covered like john lennon. >> the beatles live in a new motion picture. ♪ let it be >> reporter: wenner saw weeping in a theater as "let it be" chronicled their demise. >> wenner was there to witness that and forms this bond with john lennon sen gets him to give him essentially the exit interview and john lennon pouring his guts out as what it meant to be with the beatles. >> reporter: his maimages pushed mainstream people to the edge. from jennifer aniston back to david cassidy. what was the significance as your book chronicles of that david cassidy cover? >> david cassidy nude on the cover of "rolling stone." he had been a teen idol before, "partridge family." nobody expected him to be break out and become counter cultural ♪ baby we were born to run >> reporter: you think of someone like bruce spring seen someone so familiar with the press, but he confided in you that being mentioned for the first time in "rolling stone," big deal in his life. >> huge. springsteen was of a generation of rock stars who actually grew up with "rolling stone." here's springsteen learning how to be a rock star from reading "rolling stone ♪ like a candle in the wind >> reporter: it was the first time anyone had ever actually asked mean a felt very comfortable about it and i didn't really think about any consequences because it was the truth. and if you're gonna come out and say something like that be it in a great magazine like "rolling stone." >> reporter: wenner would himself come out and through it the tangled relationship between wenner and the rolling stones mick jagger. ♪ i can't get no satisfaction >> reporter: how wow describe their love, hate, bonding, anti-bonding relationship over the 50 years of "rolling stone"? >> i would describe it as a volatile partnership. in fact, he launched into why did he call it that. why did he have to call it "rolling stone." >> reporter: for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, new york. >> and "sticky fingers" is out on tuesday. we'll go over to rob hanging out in the bridal section. what's up, rob? >> the bridal boutique, michael. this is where you and every other man this is from amber, reilly, max, bella and look at the centerpiece that a bouquet you will want to take home. i'm not sure whether they checked off chicken or fish, but they look like they are enjoying themselves. that's what's happening in the bridal boutique. here's the local forecast. >> reporter: all right, rob, dry on storm double scan. it's cooler than you would expect for october, but better than the last couple of morning, we're up to 60 in philadelphia. lots of sun, 74. mostly sunny on saturday, 76. 76 on sunday, fairly bright and warm, 77 and sun and clouds on monday him looks like it will be dry for the football game. secrets, dating secrets from an expert who people spend thousands of dollars to learn from. i'm here with international famous dating coach matthew hussey. before we talk, though, yeah, very excited. the audience excited and give you a quick look at his background. ♪ >> reporter: he's young, he's handsome and he's an international love guru. >> there are two words that i want to bring you today that are going to change the way you look at dating forever. >> reporter: meet matthew hussey and "the new york times" best-seller of "get the guy" charges up to $10,000 for one-on-one coaching sessions. >> how do you stay single? >> i'm attracted to you but i'm insecure. >> reporter: he shares secrets with meme around the world and online with his 3 million social media followers. get ready because your coaching session starts right now. [ cheers and applause ] right now. matthew, thank you for being on "good morning america." >> thanks for having me. good to be here. >> it so happens we have an audience filled with singles. [ cheers and applause ] you guys are all excited. matthew is excited because you say now is a great time to meet your match. >> i think now is perhaps the best time ever to date. we have never been so in need of real connection. we're lonely but we have never been so bad at connecting. people are addicted to their phones. >> yes. >> and they're never looking up anymore so if you can do the basics of being able to talk to another human being or pick up the phone and talk to someone it is so easy to win today compared to what it used to be? that sounds very simple, right? put your don't found. >> ladies day finish. >> if -- the women will say this especially. if a guy can pick up the phone to me. that already sets him apart probably from the last ten guys i dated. >> all right. right there, good advice already. so our viewers are excited. we asked them and tweeted questioned. devin tweeted us and said she's naturally quiet and needs help approaching men. you gave us one piece of advice. what do you say to devan. >> women can make the first move. any woman who says i don't make the first move, i'm old fashioned i say you don't know what old fashioned is. a hundred years ago a woman would drop her handkerchief and keep walking. the guy would see this and say this is an extraordinary opportunity to be a man and pick it up. >> how do we translate that today. >> she's said did i and she would then think, oh, my god he abroached her but she chose him. there are eight words to say to a guy. ask him a favor. i could use your help with something. you could be out tonight and say -- >> a date. >> you say i could use your help with something. my hands are full. could you hold my jacket for two seconds while i give these drinks to my friends. you come back, grab your jack. thank you, you're a gentleman. how is your night going. he's talking to you and doesn't feel like he did anything in the games are still alive and well. i want to get the audience involved, though. you talk about the power of the proper compliment. you're going to pay me two or three if you want. but two is fine. but you say one is actually much more effective at landing. listen up to this. you'll pay me two and then you will let me knee. >> i could say, i really like your eyes. you have beautiful eyes. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> the first one. >> that one worked. go on. >> the second one is i really like your style. >> okay, who liked the eye compliment? [ cheers ] who liked the style compliment? [ cheers ] >> which is more effective. >> one is easier to make if you want to talk to someone today. the eyes is something you didn't choose. right. you were born with those eyes. if i say i like your style, complimenting your choices in life. i'm compliments something you decided so that goes deeper. that's an easier one and sounds less personal even though it's more personal. >> i mean, we would love to talk more to you. thank you, matthew. matthew, we will be right back. wedding dresses, thank you. your "gma" moment brought to you by the frame from samsung. the most beautiful tv you've never seen. >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, 8:27 a.m., friday, october 20. let's head over to karen rogers for a look at traffic. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tam, i-95 is a mess all morning. the accident involving a tractor-trailer was having injuries on the scene has cleared. traffic is moving better i-95 northbound at girard. the delay is easing. we had an earlier accident. southbound at girard that has cleared. this accident involving a septa bus off to the side on north 6th street at west berk street in north philadelphia. upper darby an overturned vehicle at brighten avenue and west chester pike. schuylkill expressway 12 miles per hour eastbound near girard, 18. westbound near city avenue. i-95 15, 16-mile an hour southbound. northbound delay has cleared now that the accident got out of there, tam. >> thank you are -- thank you, karen. now, let's go outside to dave dave, i wish we could take the set out there, david. >> reporter: this is beautiful, sunshine, temperatures in the 60s. 74 is the high today. for the weekend looking good, mostly sunny saturday high around 76. sunday still fairly bright and warm, another high 76 degrees great for the union's final match. monday, sun and clouds going up to 77. we're taking out a mention of a shower at night. looks like it's going to be a great evening to go tailgating and watch football at lincoln financial field on monday night. tuesday, we cloud up, periods of rain develop during the day. some of it steady to heavy. there might be isolated pockets of street flooding where the downpours come down. tuesday, high of 72. after that, tam, we're back in the 60s. >> all right, david. thank you. we'll send you back to "g.m.a." see you in 30. ♪ welcome back to "gma," everybody. fantastic friday morning. we have a fantastic audience in our studio. [ cheers and applause ] and to top it all off look who we have, the fantastic emmy winning actor greg kinnear. [ cheers and applause ] and, greg, starring in the brand-new new "same but different." >> let me just say it really is a great audience. i just wanted to make sure. >> the thing is you started your career in tv. >> i did. >> you know, you were interviewing people on your late night show. would you ever go back to tv again now that you have to experience in this morning? >> you're ready to break a story here right now. well, if it was like this, yeah, man. i mean i felt like we were doing public access. this is like a real show here. this is fantastic. no, i don't know. i mean like i enjoy doing it. you get different guests. as you will see you don't have a great one here but when you have a great guest it's a great format. it's a great -- we had longer interview, they were about 30 minutes so you run out of questions at some point but this is a little snap injure. >> i got a hard-hitting question for you. do you have an album you can listen to over and over again and we ask because billboard posted this question on twitter. if you had to listen to one album for the rest of your life what would that album be, i ask you this, greg. >> i would say if you got to go with one, how about the eagles' "greatest hits". >> that was mine. >> is that true? that was yours as well? >> i found a second buzz tht th the greatest. >> iconic. >> you can listen to it over and over again. >> until you're sick of it. >> but it's the only one you got. you got to stick with it in all three picked the same. >> i went for my second choice another great one by the police "z "zenyatta mondatta." >> i know one song on that whole album. >> okay. >> i'm curious with george -- >> i was going to break into karaoke. >> "born to run," classic. >> i was thinking like michael jackson "thriller"? that's a good one too. [ cheers and applause ] >> all right. >> can't beat it. >> i still have that album, by the way. i saved it i loved it so much. >> not your first choice. >> second choice. >> okay, we'll take that. >> she chose the right choice. >> all right, so can you tell us about the movie please. >> the is called "same kind of different as me" and deals with subject of homelessness which is an important issue, more important than ever. true story. book was on "the new york times" best-seller list an and off for about 3 1/2 years and the story is about three different people are brought together by this woman debbie hall who in this idea of helping this cause and her husband, ron hall, is the co-writer of the book and when i first met ron it was here in new york and i sat down with him and talked to him about the story. and i says, very nice to meet you. he said then you don't know me very well and he proceeded to kind of outline this indiscretion that had happened with him and his marriage with a woman he loved very much and, you know, they ended up kind of figuring that out but he was introduced to this mission that she was very involved in and ultimately met this guy denver moore who is a remarkable human being, great guy who they had a friendship that ended up i think raising something like $100 million for homelessness and brought a lot of attention to the cause so it's an incredible story of three very different people that go through something extraordinary. >> let's see a little bit of it. >> my wife is concerned you're not eating so made you a little something here. man-to-man you'd be doing me a big favor to just, you know, have a little something. you don't have to eat the whole thing. >> just a few bites. no? you don't like italian. you're walking away, aren't you? he's walking away. [ applause ] >> relationship starts a little dicey. it gets better from there. but it's with djimon hounsou and it's a nice film about an issue we all should be paying more attention to. >> great cast. >> personally you and your wife have three daughters. you and george could probably compare notes. >> you have three daughters? >> two. >> two. two. >> i have two daughters too. >> i have three. >> all right, all right, you're a pro then. >> a lot of girls at this table. what's it like being outnumbered. >> yeah, i think that's a good word for it like waking up on "the view" every day. [ laughter and applause ] >> constant state of surrender. >> yeah, wouldn't you say? >> absolutely. [ applause ] you do the best you can. three of a kind which is kind of great because i only have to -- i don't have to be a good father for a boy. i just have to know how to handle girls which is an ongoing learning process. mostly about being quiet is what i've learned. >> you know what, we're glad you're here and weren't quiet and it is "same kind of different as me" starring greg kinnear. it is in theaters today. we appreciate you. >> just invited on to the show when you get it. myrna and her groom stephen lost everything in hurricane harvey including her dream wedding dress, well, we're teaming up with kleinfeld to help her out but first let's take a look at her story. >> what were you going to say. >> we met on match -- >> dotcom so it works. >> been close to three years. >> our wedding is going to be october 28th. i'm really excited to meet the rest of his family for him to meet mine. i ended up in new york on a work trip. i took my cousin with me. we said let's go to the kleinfeld sample studio and to just look at dresses. i was trying on a dress. it was everything that i had like asked for. it was lace and tulle and flowy and area and everybody was crying and my cousin was like you have to get this dress, it's so beautiful. it was over my budget. it was already on sale. she came back and basically said that they could do what i could work with. i had the gown six months before harvey hit. i knew i lost a lot of things but that was definitely like the thing that hit me the hardest. because it was like super special for me if seeing her eyes pop up and then seeing it taken away, it definitely left a toll on her. >> i feel really blessed that we're still able to celebrate our love. my friends have pitched in financially. the flower girl dresses were also lost in that so they rebought everything and were really nice about it. >> no matter what dress, she makes it special. she's the one i want to be with. >> i'm looking forward to walking down the aisle. [ cheers and applause ] >> it is great to have myrna's fiance stephen, mother frances and mother reiyna. you nervous? >> a little. >> you lost so much in the storm so do you see this wedding as a new beginning for you guys? >> yeah, definitely. it's something that we had a lot of displacement but everyone was safe. our family is safe and the most important thing is we can restart with the wedding that she deserves. >> absolutely. now, you bolton deserve. everybody deserves it and mom, mother-in-law. you're a little nervous about this? >> yes. >> you are excited. >> yeah. >> myrna is in the back getting ready to come out here and show us which dress she picked. you can't see her until the big day so i'll hand you this, my friend. you're going to put that on, all right. >> when we come back, we're going to do the big reveal. myrna has tried on more than 20 dresses. which one does she choose is the big question? we'll be right back to find out. when you're a double-dipping pension-padder like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us. how about this crew out here? we have people from georgia, a sg ten years of marriage. you're in new york to celebrate, what are you doing? >> lion king. we're minutes away from the big reveal. what gown did she choose? we'll find out after a check of the local weather. >> reporter: rob we're cool and not too bad in the 50s, a nice high of 74. and sun. 76 tomorrow, 76 sunday, still bright, 77 monday. b. now for our wedding dress rescue. our lovely texas bride myrna lost everything during hurricane harvey including her dream wedding dress in that's right and she saved for a long time and got a great deal but now she cannot afford a new gown so our friends at kleinfeld have set up her with more than 20 beautiful designer dresses to choose from and has been trying them on all morning long. we are here with her blindfolded groom and their moms for the big reveal. >> they are all nervous. i'm nervous for this. myrna, that is your cue. come on down the aisle. >> thank. >> hold my hand. >> stephen, i know you're not married yet but when everybody else is clapping, you better clap. you chose a replica of your original dress. why did you go back to the original style? >> because this was my dream dress. >> myrna, it was a big splurge for you. you saved to get this and it's pretty incredible kleinfeld was able to enlist the designer, pni pnina torrnay. now you have it. can you imagine that you'd be back in that gown again? >> i couldn't and i'm thankful to kleinfeld's. everybody that helped. i love this dress and am excited to walk down the aisle with it. >> your reaction. were you surprised? >> i was. they had told me that it was discontinued so i didn't expect to get the same dress and everything that they showed me was beautiful but when i saw it, i -- >> you knew. >> yes. >> special dress, special occasion and especially for you. and, moms, how are you feeling looki looking at myrna in her beautiful dress. >> i think she deserves, it's just as beautiful as she is. >> yeah. i'm going to cry right now. >> you can cry just don't make me cry. it's okay. >> a lot of tears and happy tears. stephen just has a smile on his face. [ laughter ] you're the only one in america who hasn't seen the dress. what does it sound like to you? [ laughter ] >> the suspense is killing me. >> well, you're just going to have to wait but take it from us your bride-to-be looks beautiful and the smile on her face says it all so keep smiling, stephen. it's all going to be good. >> absolutely. [ applause ] >> and thank you, guys, for letting us be a part and helping you get back on your journey and your marriage. congratulations, it will be on october 28th, everybody. dwlat congratulations to these two and want to thank kleinfeld's and want to wish you all the best. coming up. x ambassadors are here to perform live. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ welcome back to "good morning america." we are so thrilled this morning to have the xem wi ambassadors. their hit "reng guede" climbed the charts. enough they have a new album coming out next year. this is the lead single called "ahead of myself." [ applause ] two, three, four. ♪ yeah ♪ thought i was ready ready for someone else ♪ ♪ but every time i get ahead of myself every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ thought i was rock steady that i didn't need no help ♪ ♪ but every time i get ahead of myself every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ guess i went ahead and jumped the gun again some situation that i put you in ♪ ♪ and i know we poured champagne maybe we was just too quick to celebrate ♪ ♪ thought i was ready, ready for someone else but every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ every time i get ahead of myself thought i was rock steady ♪ ♪ that i didn't need no help but every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ every time i get ahead of my ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah babe i get ahead of myself yeah babe ♪ ♪ i know that i was first to say i love you babe moved my things to your apartment down on second street ♪ ♪ i thought i'd cleaned the slate but i guess i didn't clean it all away ♪ ♪ and i thought i was ready ready for someone else but every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ every time i get ahead of myself thought i was rock steady ♪ ♪ that i didn't need no help but every time i get ahead of myself every time i get ahead of my ♪ ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah babe i get ahead of myself yeah babe ♪ ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah baby ♪ ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah babe yeah babe ♪ ♪ i get ahead of myself ♪ i get ahead of myself ♪ yeah ♪ thought i was ready ready for someone else ♪ ♪ someone else ♪ but every time i get ahead of myself every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ thought i was rock steady that i didn't need no help ♪ ♪ i didn't need no help ♪ but every time i get ahead of myself every time i get ahead of my ♪ ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah babe i get ahead of myself yeah baby ♪ ♪ oh ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah babe i get ahead of myself yeah babe, yeah babe ♪ [ cheers and applause ] "gma's" concert series presented by carmax. i'm danny. you're danny? i'm steve. joseph, i'm steve. how are you? nice to meet you sir. no different from everyone else. they just want a job. they want respect and they want dignity. steve called fairly frantic. you know, he had a premature baby and i think he had just been given the diagnosis that she had down syndrome. lauren brought out the best in me. she made me a different person. lauren's the spark that started the fire. the goal is keep places like this open so all people, regardless of disability, have an opportunity for employment. sweet 4k tv, mr. peterson. thanks. i'm pretty psyched. did you get fios too? no, was i supposed to get fios? mr. peterson. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network. it's like it was invented to stream 4k movies and shows. how do you know so much about tv and internet? the internet. right. streaming is only as good as your internet. so get the best internet - with the 100% fiber-optic network - get fios - now just $79.99 per month for fios gigabit connection plus tv and phone. now does this sound fly to new york stay in a hotel and get $500 spending cash and see one of the biggest acts performing on "gma." go to and find out how to enter the fall sweepstakes. >> we have to say thanks to the x ambassadors. >> everybody out there, we want to thank our amazing couple, myrna and stephen for joining us this morning. poor stephen hasn't gotten a chance to see his beautiful bride's wedding gown. don't worry, we'll be at the wedding and show everybody his reaction. everybody, have a great weekend and we'll see you on monday. >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, 8:56 a.m., friday october 20. let's end things with karen rogers starting on 42. >> reporter: we have a serious does he want northbound on 42. speeds 12 miles per hour. chopper 6 hd is live on the scene this is breaking news in gloucester township new jersey. you can see the fire crews the emergency and the ambulance on the scene. earlier chopper was zoomed in, we saw the car in the woods completely off the roadway there. a serious accident on 42 northbound. this breaking news. you can see the traffic is snarled because of this traveling about 13 miles per hour with people stopping and checking out the accident scene with the car that's veered off into the woods. let's take a live look at i-95 at the betsy ross bridge. we had accidents northbound and southbound now we're just simply jammed. at least no accidents. 27 minute ride southbound, northbound has gotten better, tam. >> thank you are karen. now let's go outside to david murphy. what a great day. >> reporter: another beauty building across the region. 62 degrees under the sun in philadelphia. 56 in allentown. this afternoon we are racing up to 74 for the high. lots of sun, low humidity really nice. for the weekend, sunny on saturday, 76 degrees. 76 bright on sunday, good for the union. we're going sun and clouds on monday, 77, very mild as we head to the eagles game. looks like it will be dry for the game, tam. >> coming up today on "action news" at noon, a security guard comes under fire in northeast philadelphia. we'll have more on what police believe was an attempted robbery. tensions are high in the washington township school district after a string of racially charged text messages are exchanged. we're live with the latest. right now it's time for "live with kelly and ryan" on 6abc. i'm tamala edwards. have a great friday and wonderful weekend! she never let anything slow her down. even now. and aetna is moving medicare forward right along with her, starting with the medicare rx select prescription drug plan. featuring 18 dollar average plan premiums. and zero dollar tier 1 generic drug copays at preferred pharmacies like cvs pharmacy and shoprite. aetna's medicare part d drug coverage options are helping her enjoy life her way. call aetna and enroll today. because getting older clearly isn't what it used to be. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today's star of the series "the brave," anne heche. and on mom from ohio gets a new look as we wrap up our style regrets week. it's that time of the year to check out the biggest pumpkin in america. and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest. [cheers and applause] >> ryan: what's up?

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Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20171020 :

Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20171020

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apologizing saying he knew about weinstein's behavior and should have done more. ♪ nothing holding me back the dodgers are headed to the world series. >> and in it to win it, the l.a. dodgers on the way to the world series crushing the defending champion cubs. the unlikely hero who hit three home runs and the yankees just one win away from a coast-to-coast showdown. ♪ nothing holding me back and good morning, america. happy friday. it is a happy friday for the l.a. dodgers heading to the world series first time since 1988. >> and, of course, all of los angeles was celebrating last night. take a look at the jumbotron at the lakers game. they interrupted the kiss cam to show the dodgers clinch their trip to the world series, the winning moment for the city there. everybody in that city is really excited. >> i think a few people in this studio might be hoping the yankees win and then quite a showdown. we'll have more on that later. right now lots of reaction coming in to that emotional appearance in the white house briefing room by john kelly. raw and red-eyed as he attacked the president's critics and remembered the death of his own son on the battlefield. jon karl starts us off. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. white house officials say it was entirely general kelly's decision to speak out on this and he is furious about how the controversy has unfolded. with his emotional appearance in the white house briefing room, chief of staff john kelly himself a gold star father sought to put an end to the controversy sparked by comments made by the president earlier this week. >> there's no perfect way to make that phone call. when i took this job and talked to president trump about how to do it, my first recommendation was he not do it because it's not the phone call that parents, family members are looking forward to. >> reporter: kelly's son robert was killed in afghanistan in 2010. >> he asked me about previous presidents and i said i can tell you that president obama, who was my commander in chief when i was on active duty did not call my family. that was not a criticism. that was just to simply say i don't believe president obama called. that's not a negative thing. >> reporter: describing his own experience with loss, kelly said he counseled the president on what to say. >> he said to me, what do i say? i said to him, sir, there's nothing you can do to lighten the burden on these families. but let me tell you what i told him and let me tell you what my best friend joe dunford told me because he was my casualty officer. he said, kel, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. he knew what he was getting into by joining that 1%. that's what the president tried to say to a -- to four families the other day. >> reporter: president trump told the widow of sergeant la david johnson that her husband knew what he was signing up for. kelly said he was echoing the words he was told about his son. >> the enlisted. he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken. that was the message. >> reporter: as for the congresswoman who was with sergeant johnson's widow when she received the call from the president and said it was disrespectful -- >> it stuns me that a member of congress would have listened in on that conversation. absolutely stuns me. and i thought at least that was sacred. >> reporter: and the brother of staff sergeant dustin wright one of the four soldiers killed in niger says he doesn't want his brother's death to be politicized. >> nothing good is coming out of talking about president trump and a phone call or, you know, what letters have been sent or anything else. and there are legacies that need to be carried on. there are sons and daughters without fathers. there are wives without husbands, and we want to focus on helping them. >> reporter: overnight the president weighed in on this yet again tweeting, quote, the fake news is going crazy with wacky congresswoman wilson who secretly -- who was secretly on a very personal call and gave a total lie on content. by the way, the congresswoman, congresswoman wilson is a close family friend of the johnsons. she heard that telephone call because she was on riding in the car with sergeant johnson's widow when the call came in. george. >> okay, jon karl, thanks very much. we bring in martha raddatz who is in tokyo this morning and, martha raddatz, you've covered general kelly for a long time and know him well. simply extraordinary that he would come to the briefing room and open up about his own personal loss in that way. >> reporter: george, i was very, very surprised by that. general kelly has been so private about his son. his staff and general kelly himself have asked reporters, have asked me in the past not to bring up the death of his son when we have interviewed him soy it was very surprising, but it shows you how profoundly he feels about this, how profoundly protective of president trump he is being and, of course, he was in the room with him. george, as you know, i know many gold star families, they all grieve differently. they all grieve privately or publicly but it is all a unique experience that really none of us can understand. >> certainly and, martha, he expressed that real gulf he feels between the 1%, those who serve in the military and the rest of the country. >> reporter: yeah, you know what struck knee, part of him was still talking about that -- as a marine corps general about the sacrifice and service and, you know, george, i've been out here with the troops the last couple of days, and the sailors on a carrier, they do not like any of this politicized. they do not like to talk about things like this, but interestingly enough, when i asked one young pilot, an f-35 pilot whether he feared that war might break out on the korean peninsula, he said, ma'am, that's what we signed up for. george. >> okay, martha raddatz, thanks very much. amy. meanwhile, george, there are still unanswered questions about that deadly ambush in niger that took the lives of sergeant la david johnson and three other special forces. the pentagon has now launched an official investigation and our chief investigative correspondent brian ross is here with the latest details. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning, amy. as you said still no answers this morning as to what happened in that ambush in a remote african village more than two weeks since it happened. the american soldiers were part of a green beret battalion assigned to train and assist the n army there. the four who died were overwhelmed by a force of some 50 militants. but the pentagon still cannot provide a full and cogent narrative of how it happened. citing the ongoing investigation which was only launched on thursday. >> we'll investigate this. we'll have conclusions and those conclusions will be presented. i'm not prepared to go further. >> reporter: two key questions remain, one, did the unit have the proper advance intelligence and backup air and ground support in case something went wrong. officials said the unit did not expect to be in combat. >> over the last six months we have conducted 29 partnered patrols this this general area without contact of any kind. >> reporter: a second question, did sergeant la david johnson get left behind when the rest of his unit pulled out? his body was not recovered for at least 0 hours. >> it took us a little while to do it. we didn't leave him behind and searched until we found him and brought him home. >> reporter: u.s. forces have been in niger for the last four years as the threat of this terror group has escalated with its leader last year pledging allegiance to isis. >> there's a reason we have u.s. army soldiers there and not the peace corps, because we carry guns. >> reporter: and now part of the investigation is whether some of the local troops working with the u.s. forces tipped off the militants about their travel plans and their movements which set up that ambush. >> okay, brian ross, thank you. two former presidents also making headlines this morning. both george w. bush and barack obama rebuking president trump without mentioning him by name sounding the alarm on the deep divisions they see in our country right now and mary bruce is at the white house with the story. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. well, for months president obama and bush have avoided weighing in on the day to to day politics of the trump administration but now delivering a one-two punch and while neither mentioned the current president directly, they didn't have to. president obama stepping back into the political spotlight and back into the fray. >> our politics just seem so divided and so angry and so nasty. >> reporter: at a campaign event overnight in virginia the former president never uttered the words "donald trump" but his target was clear. >> we have folk who are deliberately trying to make folks angry. to demonize people who have different ideas. to get the base all riled up because it provides a short-term tactical outlet. >> reporter: president bush -- >> bigotry seems emboldened and politics seem more vulnerable to conspiracy theorist and outright fabrication. we've seen our discourse degraded by casualty cruelty. it seems it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the ones binding us together. >> reporter: adamant on some issues there is no wiggle room. >> bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the american creed. >> reporter: don't expect to have been a regular thing. president bush isn't expected to weigh in again any time soon. >> reporter: meantime, late last night in the senate they passed that budget which is the first step. >> reporter: overnight senate republicans cleared that first major hurdle in their quest to overall the nation's tax code. "last week tonight with john oliver" night passing a budget resolution and paves the way for tax reform with a majority vote. >> mary bruce, thanks very much. on to florida where police discovered an arsenal of weapons in a home where they were investigating an unrelated crime. abc's gio benitez is here with that story and, gio, this could have, may have prevented disaster. >> reporter: it really could. the man is not talking to police but they're already making comparisons to the las vegas shooter, a total unknown who wasn't on anyone's radar, not even the fbi is involved. this morning, a troubling surprise for police in florida who believe they may have thwarted an attack. detectives conducting a separate crimes against children investigation and instead finding a large arsenal of weapon, ammunition, side by side with maps of two schools and a water treatment plant. >> these are the people that are most concerning to us. what we call the lone wolf, you know, the sleepers out there, the people who are not on our radar. >> reporter: the man, 24-year-old randall drake had three explosive devices, ten rifle, eight handguns, more than 15 knife, a baseball bat with nails, even a crossbow. >> he named his guns. that's weird. i mean, i don't know how else to say it. >> reporter: detectives found notes on how to build bombs and this, a randwritten note saying i shall have my bloody revenge and then the world will burn, burn. he is charged with unlawfully making destructive devices or attempting to. police don't know what he planned to do with the maps and weapons but the fbi's joint terrorism task force is investigating, boy, this was a scary one. >> thank god he found him. thank you. now to major lawsuits targeting three of the biggest diet soda brands accusing them of misleading marketing and saying that artificial sweeteners they used may cause weight gain. paula faris is here with the story. good morning, paula. >> reporter: good morning, michael. these lawsuits which are filed just last week center on the use of aspartame and its controversial nature citing a recent report that shows a link between artificial sweeteners and type 2 diabetes and heart disease. this morning diet soda is under fire. coca coal lay, pepsi and dr. pepper, the three largest u.s. makers of carb natured beverages are facing proposed class action lawsuits alleging the marketing of their sodas are false, m misleading and deceiving shoppers into thinking the beverages will help them manage or lose weight. >> products marketed as diet products should be helpful in helping people lose weight and these products are not helpful in losing weight. they may, in fact, do the opposite. >> reporter: the suits also claim aspartame, the artificial sweetener used in the sodas is likely to cause weight gain rather than to help in weight loss or healthy weight management. >> there's no question this is deend accept tiff advertising. >> reporter: although the studies don't show conclusively aspartame directly cautions weight gain several do show a correlation between diet soda consumption and obesity, the calorie control council whose members include manufacturers of artificial sweeters like aspartame and diet sodas say in. aren't seeking any specific dollar amount but want the jury and for these beverages to stop being marketed as diet. the american beverage association reps the three calls these meritless. >> thank you, paula. we'll be joined by dr. jennifer ashton and, doc, you're board certified in obesity medicine. what is the science behind this claim? do they have a case. >> obesity is a complex disorder. multiple factors go into it, genetic, behavior, what are you drinking, eeling, some medications and environment. while drinking a zero calorie beverage has some benefits there is no clear date that that aspartame directly leads to weight loss. >> now, regardless if they are healthy or not, they are sugar-free. >> right. >> the pros outweigh the cons? >> that's a complex question, right? there is extensive data linking them to obesity, cardiovascular disease. you have to weigh the risks versus the benefits versus alternatives and when you talk about them, you need to remember our bodies are 60% water. not 60% sweetened beverage. >> good point. got to watch what you put into your body. >> that was the story behind the story. >> as we -- as i said you don't order the large fries and the large -- the big mac, large fries and a diet soda. doesn't work that way. we move to a frightening scene in north carolina caught on camera when a school bus catches on fire. the driver, look at this, pulled over after he smelled smoke. that's when flames erupted. more than a dozen students had to evacuate. one was treated for smoke inhalation, the children were pick you had up by a different bus. no word on what caused this in the first place but certainly glad everyone is okay. >> thank goodness for that. and that big win overnight, the dodgers crushed the cubs, 11-1 and hernandez hit three home runs including that grand slam with seven rbis. especially sweet win for him because his dad who just beat cancer was in the stands. back in l.a. people celebrated by waving flags across the city and see the buildings downtown lit up in dodgers blue. >> three home runs and one game. >> that's quite a night. >> and grand slam. we all need a night like that. rob has the landslide forcing an evacuation in washington state. what's going on? >> it happened yesterday morning ten inches of rain caused a mudslide. you see the trees crash into a small apartment building. 30 people evacuated there was a gas line that ruptured that's been solved. here we go a weekend storm brings rain and wind along the oregon coastline. high winds watches and ten-plus inches higher elevations snow, five to ten inches. this does not help the california wildfires. weekend forecast brought to you by crest pro health. >> reporter: all right, everybody, we're off to a decent start this morning, most of us in the 50s. it's dry. heading outside we have sunshine coming up over nice and bright at the horizon again. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, another nice afternoon ahead. we're looking at sun, high of 74. for the weekend, sunny, 76. bright on sunday, high of 76. and then 77 monday we're taking out the chance of a shower monday night, looks like great weather for eagles monday night football. happened at his home while his kids were there and wants other women to know about it. brand-new images of o.j. syrup out on parole and new questions about his life in the las vegas area when we come back. dontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. with parodontax toothpaste. ♪ one dark chocolate rises masteringabove the rest.inement. lindt excellence created by our master chocolatiers. pure, rich, elegantly thin. experience excellence with all your senses. from the lindt master chocolatiers. your body was made for better things than rheumatiod arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. it can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. get an instant pot or air sale fryer - just $99.99 cuddl duds sheets or throws - $29.99 plus - take an extra 20% off when you spend $100 or more! you'll get kohl's cash too. right now - at kohl's. a dazzling place i never knew. a new fantastic point of view. no one to tell us no, or where to go. or say we're only dreaming. let me share this whole new world with you. ♪ ("a bushel and a peck" by doris day) ♪ (whispering) i'm on the phone! ♪ towel please! (laughing) ♪ while other insurance companies just see a house, state farm sees the home you've worked really hard for. so why not give it the protection it deserves. state farm. ♪ >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, 7:23 a.m., friday, october 20. let's head over to karen rogers following up on i-95. >> reporter: we had an accident on i-95 southbound at girard. the accident has cleared, but you can see we have a good-sized delay. 40 minute jam from woodhaven to the vine, but all lanes open on i-95. we have an accident in north philadelphia, north 6th street at west, berk street. an injury on the scene, blocking lanes north 6th street at west berk street. schuylkill expressway westbound traffic heading toward king of prussia, jammed in the area, but no accidents on the schuylkill expressway, kind of the early-morning scram. we have an accident 130 northbound at neck road in burlington county. >> we'll take a short break and come back to accuweather. specit you'll meet with a physician who will discuss treatment options, answer your questions and recommend next steps for your personalized care plan. learn more about cancer treatment centers of america and schedule your appointment at >> reporter: good morning everyone, another chilly and bright start with sunshine over the horizon and a few high clouds. we're up to 59 degrees in philadelphia. upper 40s in allentown and reading. a lot of warmer than the last couple of mornings. lots of sun today, pleasant, 74. for the weekend, mostly sunny on saturday, 76. bright on sunday, 76. monday 77 we're taking out a chance of showers for monday night football it's a great evening for tailgate and great night for eagles football. we've got a meteor shower this weekend, keep your eyes on the stars at night. >> we'll go back to "g.m.a." and see you back here in 30. 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(laughter) i know last year that donald trump offended some people. i know his comments according to critics went too far. some said it was unbecoming of a public figure and they said that his comments were offensive. well, thank god he's learned his lesson. >> welcome back to "gma" and that is house speaker paul ryan roasting president trump at the annual charity fund-raiser last night getting a lot of laughs. louis c.k., kevin hart, paul ryan is coming for you. >> that guy behind looked so concerned. right now a lot of reaction coming to that briefing room comment from john kelly and taking on the president's critics and opening up about the loss of his own son. and new concerns about laptops on airlines. faa is asking they be banned and the proposed ban will be discussed next week. new accusations against harvey weinstein. actress lupita nyong'o coming forward sharing her story in "the new york times" saying she was inspired by the brave women now speaking out and abc's adrienne bankert is here with more. what a powerful read. >> reporter: absolutely. very intimate. another growing list of accusers in harvey weinstein's saga. award-winning actress lupita nyong'o saying she could no longer stay silent. oscar-winning actress lupita nyong'o speaking out about her own alleged experiences with producer harvey weinstein. in "the new york times" the "12 years a slave" star describes how an invitation to watch movies ht ace home took a sinister turn. he led me into his bedroom and announced he wanted to give me a massage. i thought he was joking. he was not. for the first time since i met him i felt unsafe and goes on to describe her fear saying she panicked a live before offering to give him one, a way to be in control physically rationalizing this awkward moment based on her experience with student massages in acting classes at yale. but when he attempted to remove his pants she ran from the room. she claims at the time she second-guessed her discomfort but years later the movie mogul invited her to dinner where she says his intentions became clear. he announced let's cut to the chase. i have a private room upstairs where we can have the rest of our meal. he told me not to be so naive. if i wanted to be an actress i had to be willing to do this sort of thing. once she declined he sent her away saying i don't know about your career but you'll be fine. before deciding to share her account, nyong'o said she felt sick in joining in the conspiracy of silence adding she was ultimately moved to speak by the bravery of others coming forward. >> i have been harassed so many times. i can't count. i've been assaulted. >> reporter: many inspired by actress alyssa milano who urged women to share their experiences with sexual harassment and assault under the #metoo. >> we are going to be vocal until this stop, not one more. it stops here. >> reporter: this morning one of miramax's biggeststars, director quentin tarantino seeing he's known for decades about weinstein's behavior and said there's more to it than just the normal rumors, the normal gossip. it wasn't secondhand. i wish i had taken responsibility for what i heard and said his former girlfriend mira sorvino told him about the unwelcome advances. he said he feels a sense of swham because he didn't say more when he knew a lot more than other people were talking about. i reason really telling story from lupita who expresses what it was like as a young actress. she was just a student when she met him. more to this, there is a woman who is being unnamed at this point, she is coming forward to tell her story, her lawyer will speak today saying that she was raped by weinstein back in 2013 in a beverly hills hotel. it's the first case reported here in southern california but, you know, it's amazing how many are speaking out. >> 2013 would be within the statute of limitations so if there is enough evidence it could go to trial. >> and the cases in london, there are two active sex crime probes there and three women at least speaking out. it's just kind of crazy. let me get the details right, new york police have two active crimes going and in london there are three women, but still -- >> so many powerful stories and so brave of all these people, men and women coming forward. >> yeah and so far from over. >> thank you, adrienne. >> thank you very much, adrienne. now we'll turn to that new twist in a so-called killer clown case. the suspect's husband is now defending his wife and the victim's family is speaking out. deborah roberts is here with the details. >> reporter: a new development in a shocker of a story that had eluded florida investigators for nearly 30 years but this morning, they're saying they finally cracked the cold case and now know who was behind that frightening clown costume in the murder of a 40-year-old woman. it's the season of the clown. stephen's king's "it" scaring up a fortune on the big screen but is this the mild-mannered face behind a real killer clown? it was a saturday morning in 1990 just before 11:00. a colorful clown drives up to the florida home of marine warren carrying flowers, balloons and rings the doorbell. >> the clown pulls out a gun and fires at point blank range to marlene's face. >> reporter: her 22-year-old son is home with friends. >> he remembers seeing the clown's brown eyes as the clown got into a white chrysler lebaron. >> reporter: two days later his mother dies. >> this is the entrance to our clown room. she liked the clowns when she was a little girl. i come in here and i think of her. >> reporter: an eerie and ironic twist. shirley and bill telling abc news their late daughter loved clowns. >> marlene was outstanding. friendly, loving, kindness, do anything for anybody. >> always courteous, always respectful. >> reporter: police quickly zeroing in on a suspect, 27-year-old sheila keen, a business partner of marlene's husband mike. detectives looking into rumors of an affair between the two which they deny but without enough evidence the case goes cold. no longer followed in the press until this past may. a journalist looking into the murderer finds sheila keen now calling herself debbie and married to marlene's husband mike. >> friendly, outgoing, nice. >> i turned angry when i heard mike had married sheila, angry. >> reporter: police conduct new dna testing and just weeks ago take sheila keen warren into custody charging her with first degree murder. prosecutors seeking the death penalty. >> sometimes justice can be delayed, but justice eventually arrives. >> reporter: and more developments this morning. marlene's widower, sheila's husband, mike, telling abc news in a phone call sheila is falsely accused and that she -- this is a very serious thing so he's saying it's unfair. investigators, of course, at this point mum on what whether there could be charges coming in his direction. >> she's still in jail. >> she was extradited brought to florida in jail awaiting trial. she has pleaded not guilty but this case seems to be changing. we can expect anything probably to happen here so more tonight on "20/20," of course. >> see deborah's complete report on "20/20" at 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on abc. thank you, deborah. we will be right back with o.j. simpson's life after prison. new images coming in. one question, is he sticking to the terms of his parole. out of every one of them. only proprietary tempur material precisely conforms to your body, instead of pushing back. you get up to twice as much pressure relieving power, so you won't toss and turn. and tempur-pedic is the best at minimizing motion transfer from your partner. so you won't be disturbed during the night. you'll sleep deeply... and wake up, feeling powerful. only the best carry tempur-pedic. find an exclusive retailer at so we know how to cover almost we've everything even a "red-hot mascot." 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we are back now with an exclusive look inside the brand-new apple store revolut n revolutionizing retail. >> it's completely transparent and when you walk in, you may have a hard time finding products to buy and that is intentional. our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis is there this morning with all the details. good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: good morning, michael. amy, that's right. this is the future of in-store shopping according to apple. 20,000 square feet along the chicago river. completely surrounded by glass building with an estimated price tag of 30million. it is apple's most ambitious new store opening in a decade. apple is reimagining the in-store shopping experience starting with a giant monitor where you can do everything from create your own music -- ♪ >> i'm just putting together some music. >> reporter: to design your own artwork. add in a dash of augmented reality. are the butterflies there now? >> yes. >> i love the butterflies. >> really colorful. >> reporter: sprinkle in a few automated robots. run my code. and enjoy an amazing array of classes like coding where you can turn the virtual into real life. the woman behind it all, apple's angela orentz. >> i think our job is to carry apple's legacy forward and always keep it relevant for now, for today. this is where the best of apple comes together. >> reporter: apple says they want this to be the ultimate meeting place tore people. they have even designed it so that when the store is open or closed, you can hang out here outside right nix to the store, guys. >> so, rebecca, do they think if you make it like a gaming lounge, people will hang out more and buy more stuff or are people going to come there, use it and go home without. >> reporter: it's interesting. they tell me they're okay with either option. i said it remights me of the children's museum where i used to hang as a kid and that's by design. they want this to be a place where people come, where they can learn and where whether or not they're interested in buying they can come in and spend some time and hope that's the future of retail not just for apple but for all retailers. >> they know the kids when they start playing with it they'll start begging at home for it. >> thank you. an exclusive with the actress who met with drug kingpin el chapo and sean penn. her startling admission. the wedding dress rescue. making one bride's dream come true after she lost everything in hurricane harvey. coming up "gma's" concert series presented by carmax. drive what's possible. ♪ every time i get ahead of myself ♪ with prices clearly marked, the same online as they are in the stores. that should give you some car-buying confidence. the type of confidence you need to wear white after labor day. the type of confidence to suddenly switch to an english accent for no reason whatsoever. yep... . at carmax, it's all about confidence. nothing but net. nailed it! or should i say, nailed it gov'nor. hi, i need your help. i've been trying to find a knee specialist... but nobody has an opening for months! you can't always control your feelings... oh, i found one in-network next tuesday. but unitedhealthcare can help you control your care. thanks, stephanie. unitedhealthcare copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. get an instant pot or air sale fryer - just $99.99 cuddl duds sheets or throws - $29.99 plus - take an extra 20% off when you spend $100 or more! you'll get kohl's cash too. right now - at kohl's. [] hi, it's anne from edward jones. i'm glad i caught you. well i'm just leaving the office so for once i've got plenty of time. what's going on? so those financial regulations being talked about? they could affect your accounts, so let's get together and talk, and make sure everything's clear. thanks. yeah. that would be great. we've grown to over $900 billion in assets under care... by being proactive, not reactive. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. welcome back to "gma." look at this video out of portugal. they've had a horrible fire season. this is a fire whirl or firenado. dramatic scenes there a few days ago watching the santa cruz fire there 300 acres burned. high fire dange g. sound advice is a big deal. something good >> good morning, i'm tamala edwards, 7:56 a.m., let's go over to karen rogers. we have an accident at southbound at girard cleared on i-95. we have one northbound involving tractor-trailers, penndot with the arrow board out there. the traffic is jammed. normally i-95 northbound is fine, this is a 26 minute delay from the vine to woodhaven. it's involving a septa bus and another vehicle that fled the scene. in upper darby we have an accident involving an overturned vehicle brighten avenue at west chester pike. let's look at the roads on the vine, a little slow, westbound and eastbound. looking at the travel times, looks like some people had off, times on the majors less jammed. >> live like at the skies over the commodore barry bridge, david time to do some whether. >> reporter: commodore barry bridge. lots of sun up. a few high clouds, 58 degrees in philadelphia. fairly mild, the afternoon call nice today, lots of sunshine, low humidity high of 74. 76 on saturday, and sunday, higher on saturday if we're lucky. we have sunshine this weekend, 77 and sun and clouds on monday. tam we'll take out the mention of a shower monday night. eagles fans are in good shape. >> a security guard came under fire in northeast philadelphia. police believe it was an attempted armed robbery. the shots were fired on the 2000 block of mckinley street. police on patrol heard the shots and chased down the suspects taking them into custody. that's it for us now, we'll send you back to "g.m.a." we'll see you right here in 30. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. chief of staff john kelly's stunningly personal moment at the white house firing back at critics of the president and talked about losing his own son on the battlefield as former presidents obama and bush both speak out against trump. a new investigation now by the lapd into hollywood producer harvey weinstein as oscar winner lupita nyong'o comes out with a blistering and personal testimonial overnight about her repeated encounters with him. how he intimidated her when she was just a student and why she was inspired to speak up now. stuck in space. >> i could be stuck here forever. >> reporter: what happened to katy perry arooned in air above her concert. the videos capturing it all. get ready for wedding dress rescue. the bride-to-be who lost so much in hurricane harvey including her dream dress now getting ready to go down the aisle. her wedding is just days ago and she's finding a new dress here live this morning already trying on one after another. which one will she pick? we'll find out live as we say good morning, america. ♪ and good morning, america. welcome back this friday morning. going to be a special morning here. >> it certainly is because we have our special event, our wedding dress rescue. take a look at myrna. very emotional. she lost everything to hurricane harvey including her dream wedding gown. >> so we're here helping her out. we got a bridal boutique right here in our studio and has been shopping all morning for the perfect dress for her wedding and the question is which one will she pick right here in our studio and head to the instagram story to see her try on more than 20 wedding dresses and the big reveal coming up. >> that will be fassbender fantastic. news this morning including white house chief of staff john kelly firing back at critics of the president in that briefing at the white house yesterday. many jon karl has more from the white house this morning. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. white house officials say it was entirely general kelly's idea to speak out on this trying to put an end to the controversy sparked by the president's own words. he did so by recounting the call he received informing him that his son had been killed in afghanistan. >> let me tell you what my best friend told me because he was my casualty officer. he said, kell, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. he knew what he was getting into by joining the ma -- that 1%. that's what the president tried to say to four families the other day. >> reporter: overnight, the president waited on this yet again tweeting, quote, the fake news is going crazy with wacky congresswoman wilson who was secretly on a personal call and gave a total lie on content. it's important to point out congresswoman wilson is a family friend of the johnsons. she overheard the call because she was in the car with sergeant johnson's widow when the call came in, george. >> jon karl, thanks very much. amy. we turn to those new accusations against harvey weinstein. actress and oscar winner lupita nyong'o sharing her story in "the new york times" saying she was inspired by the other brave women speaking out and abc's adrienne bankert is here with more on that. good morning, adrienne. >> reporter: good morning. the lapd investigating a rape case against weinstein from a model and actress who says harvey assaulted her in a beverly hills hotel in 2013 and expected to learn more from that woman's lawyer today but it's her personal story in "the new york times" that is in the limelight writing how he invited her to her room when she was a student. weinstein later apologized and writes our business is complicated because we are paid to do very intimate things in public. that's why someone can have the audacity to invite you to their home or hotel room and show up. it happened to her a few types. nyong'o said the bravery of so many gave her the courage to speak up thought. >> thanks so much. >> really some piece in "the new york times." coming up our exclusive with the actress who met el chapo with sean penn. some allegations drawing fire from sean. could eight words help you find love? the dating expert people spend thousands to meet with here sharing his secrets live. i think the eight words are i love you and you are always right. lara, what's going on? >> i'm here with myrna who survived hurricane harvey, lost everything, though, including her wedding dress. this is not it helping her today. which will she wick to surprise her groom stephen. a big special reveal coming up on "good morning america." don't go anywhere. we'll be right back. fred would do anything for his daughter. get in, fred! even if it means being the back half of a unicorn. fear not fred, the front half washed his shirt with gain. and that smell puts the giddy in "giddy-up"! ah... the irresistible scent of gain flings laundry detergent. you can't help but smell happy. i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424. ask shersave 40% ons during paints and stainssale. from october 20th through the 23rd. color is just around the corner! find your neighborhood store at there's as staying at a magical disney resort hotel. so imagine... complimentary rides to and from the park... even extra time with your family in the park. and now, create a 6-night/7-day package, including a select walt disney world resort hotel room and theme park tickets for as little as $96 per person per day for a family of four. the oats break down into energy. that energy is absorbed slowly. and that's good, because energy that's absorbed slowly is energy that lasts. an epic flavor... it's cranberry. it's pineapple. and there's no. sugar. added. cranberry pineapple 100% juice. the next big thing to hit the juice aisle. cranberry pineapple 100% juice. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke as far as i used to. due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter where i ride, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis. ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ ♪ ("a bushel and a peck" by doris day) ♪ (whispering) i'm on the phone! ♪ towel please! (laughing) ♪ while other insurance companies just see a house, state farm sees the home you've worked really hard for. so why not give it the protection it deserves. state farm. ♪ ♪ i see your face hey, welcome back to "gma" on this friday. we have a great crowd. here today and of course the reveal of our wedding dress rescue. myrna in our bridal boutique. there she is right there trying on more than 20 gowns to replace the dream dress she lost in hurricane harvey. we'll find out which one she t picks. >> she's really excited. >> her fiance here. blindfolded. "pop news." happy friday. now they're quiet. let's go, people. tgif and now we'll start with katy perry with an out of this world experience during her concert in nashville and got stuck on a model of saturn suspended in the air high above her stage and hi fan posted this telling concertgoers, guy, put your phones up this is a youtube moment and they did. >> this is the first time i've been stuck in space. i know i'm a space cadet but this is stuck right now. i could be stuck here forever. what should i do? should i tell some stories? should i sing another song? [ cheers ] >> i think she did a little bit of all of that. all was well. she was finally lowered down but did have to when she was lowered down have to dive almost into the crowd in order to get off the platform. the crowd loved it. the little hiccup did not ruin the night. her fans say the show was incredible and perry later tweeted smashville, aka nashville, you were an incredible time tonight so really fun video there. thank you for sharing. social media friends. also in "pop news" on this friday, taylor swift dropped a brand-new song. have you heard it yet. >> i did. >> listen to it right now. that's why we're here. it's good right. she already released two songs from her many upcoming album and the third now called "gorgeous." here it is. ♪ you're so gorgeous i can't say anything to your face ♪ ♪ 'cause look at your face and i'm so furious ♪ >> we know they're always about someone, right when it's taylor swift so we don't know if it's about the current boyfriend. we just don't know but anticipation is building for the release of her entire album called "reputation" being released in three weeks and taylor invited a select group of super fans so lucky to her home in rhode island on the coast for a listening session of the whole album on wednesday night. they say it was fantastic. and, again, the full album comes out in november. [ applause ] >> was online and consensus is about it's her current boyfriend joe. >> my uber driver was blasting it this morning. >> oh, wow. all right, and then finally, i hope this story makes you smile. dog owners out there. do we have a lot of dog owners? [ cheers ] a new study out of the university of ports smith say dogs make facial expressions when a human is looking at them. yeah, people, of course. researchers did tests where human faced his or her dog and then the same test when their back was turned to the dog measuring -- yes. measuring movements such as eyebrow range and tongue show. they determined that dogs express much more when they're looking face-to-face at their owner or other humans and these expressions is them trying to communicate. i have pictures of my dogs. tell me lucy is not trying to say thank you for rescuing me and then i have one of dandy which we're not clear. he looks very guilty. trying to say, yes, mom, i did it. so any way that is your friday installment, people, of "pop news." [ applause ] >> thank you, lara. thank you. we'll move on to our "gma" cover story an exclusive interview with kate del castillo, the actress who took sean penn to meet fugitive drug kingpin el chapo telling her side of the story drawing some fire from penn. >> good morning. i'm sure you all remember that del castillo made global headlines with that audacious secret meet-up with el chapo and told us her goal was to make a movie about the powerful drug lord who escaped from mexican prisons twice but going after his life story turned into her story of a lifetime. this morning a very candid kate del castillo, the famous mexican-american actress on her infamous secret rendezvous with the notorious drug kingpin el chapo and the startling admission about the hollywood movie star who tagged along. sean penn. >> i never fell for him. we had sex. >> okay. >> sorry, but -- we're both adult, single and something was going on, but that was it. and it was business. >> and so there was sex but there wasn't a relationship. >> no. no in why wait until now to finally admit that you were intimate with sean? >> because nobody asked me. they were so stupid. they were all thinking i had something to do with el chapo and i'm not bragging about that but i think it was all so calculated even that. >> reporter: just one day before penn published a storing in "rolling stone" about the star's secret encounter, the drug lord was arrested. now penn strongly denying allegations he alerted u.s. authorities. his spokesperson calling the notion a complete fabrication and bald-faced lie. >> he has seen this documentary and in "variety" was quoted as saying there are profound inaccuracies. what's your reaction. >> i said the same thing about his article. so he has probably a point of view. i have another point of view. >> what is the truth? >> that i have nothing to do with him getting caught. nothing to do -- i don't work for the government and i am just interested in my career and trying to do a good story and that was it. >> reporter: del castillo now telling her side of the story in netflix's tee-part docu-series "the day i met el chapo" did you feel like you put your life in his hands in some level? >> truly. truly and i think he also did that. >> reporter: so after a night of drinking and talking, el chapo decides to escort you to your room. why do you think he did that. >> i think he wanted to have probably two minutes with me by himself and to be, you know, a gentleman. it was my only opportunity to tell him that not forget what i originally tweeted, let's do some good. >> you must have been afraid. >> yes. >> what were you afraid of. >> well, he might break me or kill me. >> it's a very candid conversation. now sean penn's spokesperson gave a withering criticism saying it was due lucien and containing egregiously reckless lies. sean penn was given the opportunity on multiple occasions to participate in the day i met el chapo and did not do so. this series gives kate a chance to finally tell her side of this stranger-than-fiction story and still pursuing the movie. >> wow. >> no kidding. >> wow. >> incredible interview. >> see it on netflix "the day i met el chapo." michael. now the intimate like of jann wenner. a new beingography called "sticky fingers" is shedding new light. with jann wenner, "rolling stone" has used top quality writing and photography to cover what began as a rock 'n' roll counter culture and would become the world we know now. >> jann recognized that the youth culture was going to be the culture and rock 'n' roll was the first expression of that power. and jann followed that narrative with rolling stone on a biweekly basis. >> reporter: hagan tells his personal and professional story with unprecedented access and phenomenal detail in his biography "sticky fingers: the life and time of jann wenner and rolling stone magazine." his star-crossed relationships with the superstars his magazine covered like john lennon. >> the beatles live in a new motion picture. ♪ let it be >> reporter: wenner saw weeping in a theater as "let it be" chronicled their demise. >> wenner was there to witness that and forms this bond with john lennon sen gets him to give him essentially the exit interview and john lennon pouring his guts out as what it meant to be with the beatles. >> reporter: his maimages pushed mainstream people to the edge. from jennifer aniston back to david cassidy. what was the significance as your book chronicles of that david cassidy cover? >> david cassidy nude on the cover of "rolling stone." he had been a teen idol before, "partridge family." nobody expected him to be break out and become counter cultural ♪ baby we were born to run >> reporter: you think of someone like bruce spring seen someone so familiar with the press, but he confided in you that being mentioned for the first time in "rolling stone," big deal in his life. >> huge. springsteen was of a generation of rock stars who actually grew up with "rolling stone." here's springsteen learning how to be a rock star from reading "rolling stone ♪ like a candle in the wind >> reporter: it was the first time anyone had ever actually asked mean a felt very comfortable about it and i didn't really think about any consequences because it was the truth. and if you're gonna come out and say something like that be it in a great magazine like "rolling stone." >> reporter: wenner would himself come out and through it the tangled relationship between wenner and the rolling stones mick jagger. ♪ i can't get no satisfaction >> reporter: how wow describe their love, hate, bonding, anti-bonding relationship over the 50 years of "rolling stone"? >> i would describe it as a volatile partnership. in fact, he launched into why did he call it that. why did he have to call it "rolling stone." >> reporter: for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, new york. >> and "sticky fingers" is out on tuesday. we'll go over to rob hanging out in the bridal section. what's up, rob? >> the bridal boutique, michael. this is where you and every other man this is from amber, reilly, max, bella and look at the centerpiece that a bouquet you will want to take home. i'm not sure whether they checked off chicken or fish, but they look like they are enjoying themselves. that's what's happening in the bridal boutique. here's the local forecast. >> reporter: all right, rob, dry on storm double scan. it's cooler than you would expect for october, but better than the last couple of morning, we're up to 60 in philadelphia. lots of sun, 74. mostly sunny on saturday, 76. 76 on sunday, fairly bright and warm, 77 and sun and clouds on monday him looks like it will be dry for the football game. secrets, dating secrets from an expert who people spend thousands of dollars to learn from. i'm here with international famous dating coach matthew hussey. before we talk, though, yeah, very excited. the audience excited and give you a quick look at his background. ♪ >> reporter: he's young, he's handsome and he's an international love guru. >> there are two words that i want to bring you today that are going to change the way you look at dating forever. >> reporter: meet matthew hussey and "the new york times" best-seller of "get the guy" charges up to $10,000 for one-on-one coaching sessions. >> how do you stay single? >> i'm attracted to you but i'm insecure. >> reporter: he shares secrets with meme around the world and online with his 3 million social media followers. get ready because your coaching session starts right now. [ cheers and applause ] right now. matthew, thank you for being on "good morning america." >> thanks for having me. good to be here. >> it so happens we have an audience filled with singles. [ cheers and applause ] you guys are all excited. matthew is excited because you say now is a great time to meet your match. >> i think now is perhaps the best time ever to date. we have never been so in need of real connection. we're lonely but we have never been so bad at connecting. people are addicted to their phones. >> yes. >> and they're never looking up anymore so if you can do the basics of being able to talk to another human being or pick up the phone and talk to someone it is so easy to win today compared to what it used to be? that sounds very simple, right? put your don't found. >> ladies day finish. >> if -- the women will say this especially. if a guy can pick up the phone to me. that already sets him apart probably from the last ten guys i dated. >> all right. right there, good advice already. so our viewers are excited. we asked them and tweeted questioned. devin tweeted us and said she's naturally quiet and needs help approaching men. you gave us one piece of advice. what do you say to devan. >> women can make the first move. any woman who says i don't make the first move, i'm old fashioned i say you don't know what old fashioned is. a hundred years ago a woman would drop her handkerchief and keep walking. the guy would see this and say this is an extraordinary opportunity to be a man and pick it up. >> how do we translate that today. >> she's said did i and she would then think, oh, my god he abroached her but she chose him. there are eight words to say to a guy. ask him a favor. i could use your help with something. you could be out tonight and say -- >> a date. >> you say i could use your help with something. my hands are full. could you hold my jacket for two seconds while i give these drinks to my friends. you come back, grab your jack. thank you, you're a gentleman. how is your night going. he's talking to you and doesn't feel like he did anything in the games are still alive and well. i want to get the audience involved, though. you talk about the power of the proper compliment. you're going to pay me two or three if you want. but two is fine. but you say one is actually much more effective at landing. listen up to this. you'll pay me two and then you will let me knee. >> i could say, i really like your eyes. you have beautiful eyes. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> the first one. >> that one worked. go on. >> the second one is i really like your style. >> okay, who liked the eye compliment? [ cheers ] who liked the style compliment? [ cheers ] >> which is more effective. >> one is easier to make if you want to talk to someone today. the eyes is something you didn't choose. right. you were born with those eyes. if i say i like your style, complimenting your choices in life. i'm compliments something you decided so that goes deeper. that's an easier one and sounds less personal even though it's more personal. >> i mean, we would love to talk more to you. thank you, matthew. matthew, we will be right back. wedding dresses, thank you. your "gma" moment brought to you by the frame from samsung. the most beautiful tv you've never seen. >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, 8:27 a.m., friday, october 20. let's head over to karen rogers for a look at traffic. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tam, i-95 is a mess all morning. the accident involving a tractor-trailer was having injuries on the scene has cleared. traffic is moving better i-95 northbound at girard. the delay is easing. we had an earlier accident. southbound at girard that has cleared. this accident involving a septa bus off to the side on north 6th street at west berk street in north philadelphia. upper darby an overturned vehicle at brighten avenue and west chester pike. schuylkill expressway 12 miles per hour eastbound near girard, 18. westbound near city avenue. i-95 15, 16-mile an hour southbound. northbound delay has cleared now that the accident got out of there, tam. >> thank you are -- thank you, karen. now, let's go outside to dave dave, i wish we could take the set out there, david. >> reporter: this is beautiful, sunshine, temperatures in the 60s. 74 is the high today. for the weekend looking good, mostly sunny saturday high around 76. sunday still fairly bright and warm, another high 76 degrees great for the union's final match. monday, sun and clouds going up to 77. we're taking out a mention of a shower at night. looks like it's going to be a great evening to go tailgating and watch football at lincoln financial field on monday night. tuesday, we cloud up, periods of rain develop during the day. some of it steady to heavy. there might be isolated pockets of street flooding where the downpours come down. tuesday, high of 72. after that, tam, we're back in the 60s. >> all right, david. thank you. we'll send you back to "g.m.a." see you in 30. ♪ welcome back to "gma," everybody. fantastic friday morning. we have a fantastic audience in our studio. [ cheers and applause ] and to top it all off look who we have, the fantastic emmy winning actor greg kinnear. [ cheers and applause ] and, greg, starring in the brand-new new "same but different." >> let me just say it really is a great audience. i just wanted to make sure. >> the thing is you started your career in tv. >> i did. >> you know, you were interviewing people on your late night show. would you ever go back to tv again now that you have to experience in this morning? >> you're ready to break a story here right now. well, if it was like this, yeah, man. i mean i felt like we were doing public access. this is like a real show here. this is fantastic. no, i don't know. i mean like i enjoy doing it. you get different guests. as you will see you don't have a great one here but when you have a great guest it's a great format. it's a great -- we had longer interview, they were about 30 minutes so you run out of questions at some point but this is a little snap injure. >> i got a hard-hitting question for you. do you have an album you can listen to over and over again and we ask because billboard posted this question on twitter. if you had to listen to one album for the rest of your life what would that album be, i ask you this, greg. >> i would say if you got to go with one, how about the eagles' "greatest hits". >> that was mine. >> is that true? that was yours as well? >> i found a second buzz tht th the greatest. >> iconic. >> you can listen to it over and over again. >> until you're sick of it. >> but it's the only one you got. you got to stick with it in all three picked the same. >> i went for my second choice another great one by the police "z "zenyatta mondatta." >> i know one song on that whole album. >> okay. >> i'm curious with george -- >> i was going to break into karaoke. >> "born to run," classic. >> i was thinking like michael jackson "thriller"? that's a good one too. [ cheers and applause ] >> all right. >> can't beat it. >> i still have that album, by the way. i saved it i loved it so much. >> not your first choice. >> second choice. >> okay, we'll take that. >> she chose the right choice. >> all right, so can you tell us about the movie please. >> the is called "same kind of different as me" and deals with subject of homelessness which is an important issue, more important than ever. true story. book was on "the new york times" best-seller list an and off for about 3 1/2 years and the story is about three different people are brought together by this woman debbie hall who in this idea of helping this cause and her husband, ron hall, is the co-writer of the book and when i first met ron it was here in new york and i sat down with him and talked to him about the story. and i says, very nice to meet you. he said then you don't know me very well and he proceeded to kind of outline this indiscretion that had happened with him and his marriage with a woman he loved very much and, you know, they ended up kind of figuring that out but he was introduced to this mission that she was very involved in and ultimately met this guy denver moore who is a remarkable human being, great guy who they had a friendship that ended up i think raising something like $100 million for homelessness and brought a lot of attention to the cause so it's an incredible story of three very different people that go through something extraordinary. >> let's see a little bit of it. >> my wife is concerned you're not eating so made you a little something here. man-to-man you'd be doing me a big favor to just, you know, have a little something. you don't have to eat the whole thing. >> just a few bites. no? you don't like italian. you're walking away, aren't you? he's walking away. [ applause ] >> relationship starts a little dicey. it gets better from there. but it's with djimon hounsou and it's a nice film about an issue we all should be paying more attention to. >> great cast. >> personally you and your wife have three daughters. you and george could probably compare notes. >> you have three daughters? >> two. >> two. two. >> i have two daughters too. >> i have three. >> all right, all right, you're a pro then. >> a lot of girls at this table. what's it like being outnumbered. >> yeah, i think that's a good word for it like waking up on "the view" every day. [ laughter and applause ] >> constant state of surrender. >> yeah, wouldn't you say? >> absolutely. [ applause ] you do the best you can. three of a kind which is kind of great because i only have to -- i don't have to be a good father for a boy. i just have to know how to handle girls which is an ongoing learning process. mostly about being quiet is what i've learned. >> you know what, we're glad you're here and weren't quiet and it is "same kind of different as me" starring greg kinnear. it is in theaters today. we appreciate you. >> just invited on to the show when you get it. myrna and her groom stephen lost everything in hurricane harvey including her dream wedding dress, well, we're teaming up with kleinfeld to help her out but first let's take a look at her story. >> what were you going to say. >> we met on match -- >> dotcom so it works. >> been close to three years. >> our wedding is going to be october 28th. i'm really excited to meet the rest of his family for him to meet mine. i ended up in new york on a work trip. i took my cousin with me. we said let's go to the kleinfeld sample studio and to just look at dresses. i was trying on a dress. it was everything that i had like asked for. it was lace and tulle and flowy and area and everybody was crying and my cousin was like you have to get this dress, it's so beautiful. it was over my budget. it was already on sale. she came back and basically said that they could do what i could work with. i had the gown six months before harvey hit. i knew i lost a lot of things but that was definitely like the thing that hit me the hardest. because it was like super special for me if seeing her eyes pop up and then seeing it taken away, it definitely left a toll on her. >> i feel really blessed that we're still able to celebrate our love. my friends have pitched in financially. the flower girl dresses were also lost in that so they rebought everything and were really nice about it. >> no matter what dress, she makes it special. she's the one i want to be with. >> i'm looking forward to walking down the aisle. [ cheers and applause ] >> it is great to have myrna's fiance stephen, mother frances and mother reiyna. you nervous? >> a little. >> you lost so much in the storm so do you see this wedding as a new beginning for you guys? >> yeah, definitely. it's something that we had a lot of displacement but everyone was safe. our family is safe and the most important thing is we can restart with the wedding that she deserves. >> absolutely. now, you bolton deserve. everybody deserves it and mom, mother-in-law. you're a little nervous about this? >> yes. >> you are excited. >> yeah. >> myrna is in the back getting ready to come out here and show us which dress she picked. you can't see her until the big day so i'll hand you this, my friend. you're going to put that on, all right. >> when we come back, we're going to do the big reveal. myrna has tried on more than 20 dresses. which one does she choose is the big question? we'll be right back to find out. when you're a double-dipping pension-padder like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us. how about this crew out here? we have people from georgia, a sg ten years of marriage. you're in new york to celebrate, what are you doing? >> lion king. we're minutes away from the big reveal. what gown did she choose? we'll find out after a check of the local weather. >> reporter: rob we're cool and not too bad in the 50s, a nice high of 74. and sun. 76 tomorrow, 76 sunday, still bright, 77 monday. b. now for our wedding dress rescue. our lovely texas bride myrna lost everything during hurricane harvey including her dream wedding dress in that's right and she saved for a long time and got a great deal but now she cannot afford a new gown so our friends at kleinfeld have set up her with more than 20 beautiful designer dresses to choose from and has been trying them on all morning long. we are here with her blindfolded groom and their moms for the big reveal. >> they are all nervous. i'm nervous for this. myrna, that is your cue. come on down the aisle. >> thank. >> hold my hand. >> stephen, i know you're not married yet but when everybody else is clapping, you better clap. you chose a replica of your original dress. why did you go back to the original style? >> because this was my dream dress. >> myrna, it was a big splurge for you. you saved to get this and it's pretty incredible kleinfeld was able to enlist the designer, pni pnina torrnay. now you have it. can you imagine that you'd be back in that gown again? >> i couldn't and i'm thankful to kleinfeld's. everybody that helped. i love this dress and am excited to walk down the aisle with it. >> your reaction. were you surprised? >> i was. they had told me that it was discontinued so i didn't expect to get the same dress and everything that they showed me was beautiful but when i saw it, i -- >> you knew. >> yes. >> special dress, special occasion and especially for you. and, moms, how are you feeling looki looking at myrna in her beautiful dress. >> i think she deserves, it's just as beautiful as she is. >> yeah. i'm going to cry right now. >> you can cry just don't make me cry. it's okay. >> a lot of tears and happy tears. stephen just has a smile on his face. [ laughter ] you're the only one in america who hasn't seen the dress. what does it sound like to you? [ laughter ] >> the suspense is killing me. >> well, you're just going to have to wait but take it from us your bride-to-be looks beautiful and the smile on her face says it all so keep smiling, stephen. it's all going to be good. >> absolutely. [ applause ] >> and thank you, guys, for letting us be a part and helping you get back on your journey and your marriage. congratulations, it will be on october 28th, everybody. dwlat congratulations to these two and want to thank kleinfeld's and want to wish you all the best. coming up. x ambassadors are here to perform live. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ welcome back to "good morning america." we are so thrilled this morning to have the xem wi ambassadors. their hit "reng guede" climbed the charts. enough they have a new album coming out next year. this is the lead single called "ahead of myself." [ applause ] two, three, four. ♪ yeah ♪ thought i was ready ready for someone else ♪ ♪ but every time i get ahead of myself every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ thought i was rock steady that i didn't need no help ♪ ♪ but every time i get ahead of myself every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ guess i went ahead and jumped the gun again some situation that i put you in ♪ ♪ and i know we poured champagne maybe we was just too quick to celebrate ♪ ♪ thought i was ready, ready for someone else but every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ every time i get ahead of myself thought i was rock steady ♪ ♪ that i didn't need no help but every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ every time i get ahead of my ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah babe i get ahead of myself yeah babe ♪ ♪ i know that i was first to say i love you babe moved my things to your apartment down on second street ♪ ♪ i thought i'd cleaned the slate but i guess i didn't clean it all away ♪ ♪ and i thought i was ready ready for someone else but every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ every time i get ahead of myself thought i was rock steady ♪ ♪ that i didn't need no help but every time i get ahead of myself every time i get ahead of my ♪ ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah babe i get ahead of myself yeah babe ♪ ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah baby ♪ ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah babe yeah babe ♪ ♪ i get ahead of myself ♪ i get ahead of myself ♪ yeah ♪ thought i was ready ready for someone else ♪ ♪ someone else ♪ but every time i get ahead of myself every time i get ahead of myself ♪ ♪ thought i was rock steady that i didn't need no help ♪ ♪ i didn't need no help ♪ but every time i get ahead of myself every time i get ahead of my ♪ ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah babe i get ahead of myself yeah baby ♪ ♪ oh ♪ i get ahead of myself yeah babe i get ahead of myself yeah babe, yeah babe ♪ [ cheers and applause ] "gma's" concert series presented by carmax. i'm danny. you're danny? i'm steve. joseph, i'm steve. how are you? nice to meet you sir. no different from everyone else. they just want a job. they want respect and they want dignity. steve called fairly frantic. you know, he had a premature baby and i think he had just been given the diagnosis that she had down syndrome. lauren brought out the best in me. she made me a different person. lauren's the spark that started the fire. the goal is keep places like this open so all people, regardless of disability, have an opportunity for employment. sweet 4k tv, mr. peterson. thanks. i'm pretty psyched. did you get fios too? no, was i supposed to get fios? mr. peterson. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network. it's like it was invented to stream 4k movies and shows. how do you know so much about tv and internet? the internet. right. streaming is only as good as your internet. so get the best internet - with the 100% fiber-optic network - get fios - now just $79.99 per month for fios gigabit connection plus tv and phone. now does this sound fly to new york stay in a hotel and get $500 spending cash and see one of the biggest acts performing on "gma." go to and find out how to enter the fall sweepstakes. >> we have to say thanks to the x ambassadors. >> everybody out there, we want to thank our amazing couple, myrna and stephen for joining us this morning. poor stephen hasn't gotten a chance to see his beautiful bride's wedding gown. don't worry, we'll be at the wedding and show everybody his reaction. everybody, have a great weekend and we'll see you on monday. >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, 8:56 a.m., friday october 20. let's end things with karen rogers starting on 42. >> reporter: we have a serious does he want northbound on 42. speeds 12 miles per hour. chopper 6 hd is live on the scene this is breaking news in gloucester township new jersey. you can see the fire crews the emergency and the ambulance on the scene. earlier chopper was zoomed in, we saw the car in the woods completely off the roadway there. a serious accident on 42 northbound. this breaking news. you can see the traffic is snarled because of this traveling about 13 miles per hour with people stopping and checking out the accident scene with the car that's veered off into the woods. let's take a live look at i-95 at the betsy ross bridge. we had accidents northbound and southbound now we're just simply jammed. at least no accidents. 27 minute ride southbound, northbound has gotten better, tam. >> thank you are karen. now let's go outside to david murphy. what a great day. >> reporter: another beauty building across the region. 62 degrees under the sun in philadelphia. 56 in allentown. this afternoon we are racing up to 74 for the high. lots of sun, low humidity really nice. for the weekend, sunny on saturday, 76 degrees. 76 bright on sunday, good for the union. we're going sun and clouds on monday, 77, very mild as we head to the eagles game. looks like it will be dry for the game, tam. >> coming up today on "action news" at noon, a security guard comes under fire in northeast philadelphia. we'll have more on what police believe was an attempted robbery. tensions are high in the washington township school district after a string of racially charged text messages are exchanged. we're live with the latest. right now it's time for "live with kelly and ryan" on 6abc. i'm tamala edwards. have a great friday and wonderful weekend! she never let anything slow her down. even now. and aetna is moving medicare forward right along with her, starting with the medicare rx select prescription drug plan. featuring 18 dollar average plan premiums. and zero dollar tier 1 generic drug copays at preferred pharmacies like cvs pharmacy and shoprite. aetna's medicare part d drug coverage options are helping her enjoy life her way. call aetna and enroll today. because getting older clearly isn't what it used to be. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today's star of the series "the brave," anne heche. and on mom from ohio gets a new look as we wrap up our style regrets week. it's that time of the year to check out the biggest pumpkin in america. and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest. [cheers and applause] >> ryan: what's up?

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