Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20171020 : compare

Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20171020

the scene. line shot and it is caught. >> plus, wild night. the dodgers celebrate. >> the dodgers are headed to the world series. >> and thursday night football's wildest ending ever. and why these guys really wish they had paid their $7 bill at waffle house. and a good friday morning. i'm erielle reshef in for diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. we'll start with the white house chief of staff getting personal as he comes to the president's defense. >> joan john kelly invoked the memory of his son killed in combat. the growing questions this morning about that deadly ambush on u.s. soldiers in niger. >> reporter: it was a surprise visit to the white house briefing room for general john kelly hoping to end the controversy that's consumed the white house all week. it was an emotional defense of the president. not from chief of staff john kelly but gold star father john kelly. >> there's no perfect way to make that phone call. my first recommendation was he not do it. >> reporter: he lost his own son when he stepped on a land mine in afghanistan in 2010, something he doesn't talk about often but addressing an unusually silent press corps. >> my son's case in afghanistan, when he died he was surrounded by the best men on this earth. his friends. that's what the president tried to say to four families. >> reporter: kelly frustrated and brokenhearted over the politicalization. >> it stuns me that a member of congress would have listened in on that conversation. >> reporter: it's the president's words versus intention not disputing the president told the widow of la david johnson he knew what he was signing up for but it still hearts even echoing those same words in his defense. >> he knew what he was getting himself into because he enlisted. >> reporter: the president just hours later hitting congressman frederica wilson for being on the call and giving a total lie on content. what the president and kelly didn't address wilson's relationship with the family that goes back decade as cording to "the washington post" and sergeant johnson's mother who told the paper, president trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband. wilson now saying she's done talking about it. seemingly lost in it all the four soldiers killed in niger including sergeant la david johnson his funeral scheduled for saturday. kendis, erielle. >> serena marshall, thank you. speaking of niger senator john mccain is threatening to subpoena the trump administration for more information on that deadly attack more than two weeks ago. the four americans killed were overwhelmed by the isis militants. a pentagon investigation is under way. officials say the unit did not expect to be in combat. question now is whether they had proper intelligence and backup support. u.s. forces have been in niger for the last four years because of the increasingly dangerous threat from terror groups. >> there's a reason we have u.s. army soldiers there and not the peace corps because we carry guns. >> general mattis there and raising red flag, the body of sergeant la david johnson was not recovered for at least 20 hours after the ambush. they deny he was left behind. they say that's how long it took to find him. the senate has paved the way for president trump's tax reform package overnight. lawmakers passing a $4 trillion budget overnight in a party line vote. democratic leader chuck schumer called this one of the worst budgets congress has ever passed. it included language that would prevent democrats from using filibuster against tax reform measures by allowing the bills to pass with a simple majority. a new warning about the danger posed by north korea, the head of the cia says the north koreans are now months away from perfecting their nuclear weapon capabilities to hit the u.s. mike pompeo says washington still prefers diplomacy. that said the national security adviser h.r. mcmaster warned they are running out of time to deal with it diplomatically. george w. bush and barack obama are back in the spotlight blasting the current state of american politics. rat a voter rally last night former president obama said messages of division threaten our democracy echoing a speech by president bush earlier that day. >> our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories. and outright fabrication. we've seen our discourse degraded by casualty cruelty. at times it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the american creed. >> we shouldn't use the most painful parts of our history to gain political points. we saw what happened in charlottesville. but we also saw what happened after charlottesville when the biggest gatherings of all rejected fear and rejected hate. >> neither obama nor bush mentioned president trump by name during their speeches. white nationalist leader richard spencer was all but silenced when he tried to speak at the university of florida. as soon as he took the stage in gainesville the majority of the crowd booed and shouted drowning him out. he ended early and left the school campus. outside you can see there hundreds of protesters outnumbered by 500 police officers who were on patrol. a few clashes reported with two arrests and a handful of minor injuries. there's a manhunt underway for three inmates who escaped from a tennessee jail overnight. they were serving time for assault and resisting arrest. two of the men escaped from the same facility just last month. they reportedly got out through an air vent. $1 billion is the estimated cost of the damage from the wildfire disaster in northern california this month. officials expect that figure will rise. 42 deaths are blamed on the fires. about 7,000 buildings have been destroyed. now let's take a look at your weather for this friday morning. well, all the rain hitting the northwest was too much for one hillside north of seattle. it gave way triggering a mudslide. it slammed into a house and caused a natural gas leak. 30 homes in the neighborhood evacuated while the stability of the hillside was evaluated. no one was injured. it'll be 53 degrees in seattle today we should mention with more rain on the way. warmer than usual for the midwest to new england. 82 degrees in dallas and new orleans. 80 in denver. 87 in miami. coming up. o.j. simpson getting back to normal life after his release from prison. we'll show you how he's embracing his new-found freedom. serious new allegations against harvey weinstein. the bombshell claims from an oscar winning actress. and a new legal battle this morning over a key ingredient in diet soda. ♪ music guys, i'm good. say goodbye to distractions. now you can last longer with new k-y duration spray. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughsah! hey, chad! i missed you. ah! i was in the tree watching you, and then i fell. i'm not eating pizza from the trash. then i discovered mucinex. huge difference. one pill lasts 12 hours, and i'm good. oh, here kitty, kitty...ah! not a cat, not a cat! why take 4-hour medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. we're back with a pretty stunning view. so that's amazon ceo jeff bezos smashing a champagne bottle celebrating the company's latest wind farm all the way up there as you can see. that is in texas. more with dozens more in the works. the company hopes to produce enough clean energy to power the equivalent of 330,000 homes for a year. oscar winning actress lupita nyong'o is the latest to come forward with disturbing allegations against movie mogul harvey weinstein. in a "new york times" op-ed she details several incidents she describes as sexual harassment. that includes an encounter at his home where she says that harvey weinstein asked her for a massage while his children watched a movie in the next room. a spokesperson for weinstein says he, quote, has a different recollection of the events but believes lupita is a brilliant actress and a major force in the industry. last year she sent a personal invitation to mr. weinstein to see her in her broadway show "eclipsed." this comes as los angeles police launch a separate criminal investigation into claims by an italian actress who accused weinstein of raping her in her hotel room. >> some high school students in the charlotte, north carolina, area just barely managed to escape before this fire broke out on their bus. the quick-thinking driver smelled smoke, stopped the bus and evacuated the students moments before it burst into flames. everyone made it out safely. and in texas, a substitute teacher has been banned from an elementary school in the dallas area for duct taping the mouths of ten students. three of the fifth graders followed the teacher and put duct tape over their mouths. they were checked out by a nurse and were not injured. o.j. simpson is three weeks into his new life after being released from prison. part of his return to normalcy included smiling for his driver's license picture as he sat down for his written test as well. right now he's believed to be living in the summerland area of las vegas. locals have been sharing mixed opinions of having him as a neighbor. he is expected to eventually move to florida. all right, there's a new legal battle over what's inside diet soda. that story is ahead. a disturbing discovery. police finding a massive arsenal of weapons. the details, pictures and the shocking note the suspect allegedly wrote. a new warning will your laptop and how you travel with it. airline authorities making a new recommendation. man: shh you guys, there she is. group: surprise! avo: nothing comes before coffee. enjoy the perfectly balanced flavor of mccafe coffee at home. woman: ok group: surprise woman: ah what! grandpa: did we get ya? feel that tingle of a cold sore only abreva can heal it in as little as two and a half days when used at the first sign. abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too. take the olay 28 day challenge to ageless skin? see visible results day 1. by day 28? years off your skin age. but don't take it from us, take it from one of the millions of real women already in the know it's not often you can say, you know i saw results right away visible results or your money back olay. ageless there is not a friend that i have that will not own this product what's new from light and fit? greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. real fruit and 90 calories... you'll be wowed! try new light & fit with zero artificial sweeteners. i shall have my revenge and then the world will burn, burn. >> that's the sheriff in pinellas county, florida, reading the disturbing note police say was inside a man's home and authorities were conducting a child pornography sting when they found something they were not expecting. >> certainly not. they say they uncovered this arsenal of weapons including ten rifles, eight handguns, two shotguns, thousands of rounds of ammunition and even a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it. but most disturbing they found aerial photos of two schools an a water treatment plant and notes on how to make explosive devices. police say the suspect, 24-year-old randall drake, has no criminal history and no history of mental issues. even his parents claim they had no idea about his collection. >> these are the people that are most concerning to us, what we call the lone wolves, you know, the sleepers that are out there, the people who are not on our radar. the people who have fallen under the radar or offer it. >> the suspect's handwritten note mentioned hatred and revenge. right now authorities say he is not talking. it's unclear what he may have been planning. air travelers may soon face a new laptop ban if the faa gets its way. the agency wants the global airline industry to restrict laptops to checked luggage to avoid potential midair fires like that the faa says when rechargeable batteries within overheat near an aerosol spray can they can cause an explosion. makers of the motor popular soft drinks are facing multiple class action lawsuits. the makers of coke, pepsi and dr. pepper are accused of using the word diet in advertising which the lawsuit claims is false and misleading. the suit also says the companies are fooling consumers into thinking they won't gain weight drinking those beverages. >> products that are marketed as diet products should be helpful in helping people lose weight and these products are not helpful in losing weight. >> the suits also claiming that the artificial sweetener aspartame useness diet sodas is more likely to cause weight gain than weight loss. walmart may be creating its own mall online. the company has reportedly offered upscale retailer lo lord & taylor a place on its site. they may better compete with samson. children are spending more time than ever staring at computer screens. the group common sense media says that the screen time for kids under 9 years old is now about 2 hours and 20 minutes every day. that's up 25 minutes from just a few years ago and kids now spend about 45 minutes a way on smartphones and tablets. an ex-sight night for sports fans especially in los angeles. >> but there was great football action. highlights now from espn. good morning. it's "sportscenter" from los angeles. stan verrett along with neil everett. dodger fans waited 29 years but the moment is finally here. >> you know your moment is finally right here to see the highlight. the dodgers were up 3-1. the guess of seven. first team to win four wins the series. kiki hernandez off hector ranon. first first pitch home run in this highlight. clayton kershaw, hug me. one shot ain't enough, jack. you better make it three, hernandez again, first dodgers player with three home runs in postseason in a postseason game in dodger history. they've been around a long time first time since 19 8 when they beat the a's, they celebrate, tommy lasorda in there somewhere. thursday night football, raiders and chiefs in oakland. what a crazy ending. raiders down by 6, 23 seconds remaining. derek carr throwing it up. jared cook pulling it down. ruled a touchdown at first but then they say he was down inside the 1. after three penalties on three straight plays, carr, michael crabtree, that tied the game at 30. that veck cho's extra point to win it and he knocks it through and the raiders snap a four-game losing streak and win it 31-30 over the chiefs. the chiefs have won nine straight on the road, 12 straight in the division but that's all done now. >> so are we. >> back to you. >> thanks, fellows. astros and yankees tonight, world series starts tuesday. just ahead right here, the cia dog who lost interest in her job. is there really a black market for spam? what people are doing to get their hands on it. why these two guys probably wish they had paid their bill. parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. with parodontax toothpaste. ♪ the oats break down into energy. that energy is absorbed slowly. and that's good, because energy that's absorbed slowly is energy that lasts. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. with safelite's exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. advil liqui-gels minis. our first concentrated pill that rushes powerful relief. a small new size that's fast, cause it's liquid. woohoo! you'll ask, what pain? new advil liqui-gels minis. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. ♪ all right, time to check "the pulse" and for some a dog's life is better than anything else in the world. >> that appears to be the case for little lulu training to become a bomb-sniffing dog for the cia but lulu had a ruff time falling in line. >> so the agency says she was phased out of the force because she simply lost interest. but no worries. she's been adopted by her handler and now she spends her days playing with kids and sniffing out rabbits and squirrels. >> the dog's life. spam is apparently a hot commodity in hawaii. yes, spam, the canned meat product, not the annoying e-mails you get. >> the demand for spam in hawaii so great it's created its own black market of sorts. it is served in many ways in hawaii and practically a staple there. that's why thieves are stealing entire cases of it off store shelf. >> they can easily resell the stolen cans at a discount so to fight the rise in the spam scams, some stores are now keeping it under lock and key. >> that's amazing. >> locking up the spam. to the story about those two guys who didn't pay their bill at the waffle house in louisiana. they walked out on a $7.41 tab. >> well, police in louisiana finally tracked them down and they say that they found credit card scamming devices and other evidence that links them to a major identity theft scheme in california. >> okay, so after all that police say they also found that tab from waffle housein their van. $7.41. that's it. >> should have probably paid the bill. an overnight surprise from taylor swift. t. swift. >> yep, she just dropped the third single from her upcoming album. it's called "gorgeous." take a look. ♪ you're so gorgeous i can't say anything to your face." >> "gorgeous" is swift's ode to a crush apparently. some online critics saying not gorgeous at all. the album is out next month. ♪ you're gorgeous before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. it can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver 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(voice-activated double-tone) okay. here's how to make butter. pour two thirds a cup of cold heavy cream into a one cup canning... snickers® satisifes. copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, it is friday, october 20th. racial incidents are showing up across the schools across the region. president trump's chief of staff stands up for his boss. start saving astin martin is getting into the real estate business, real tell you where the luxurious tower is rising and how much it costs to get a key next on "action news." finally most of the late night comedians had the week off but they'll have plenty of material to return to. >> yes, they will. but trevor noah and our own jimmy kimmel were both on the road and had plenty to say in our "friday funnies." >> this is our third night here. third time here in brooklyn. we've been here twice before but this time, you know, i love brooklyn. but i want to be honest with you, the real reason we're here is to get as far out of north korea's missile range as possible. we don't feel safe in l.a. anymore. >> we've gone from a simple question about niger to a three-day media [ bleep ] storm about whether trump calls families and what he says when he calls these families because by the sounds of it the families may start out hoping the president would reach out and they end up wishing they had let his calls go to voice mail. >> are you familiar with the thumb down guy? okay. this is the mets fan who last month when the yankees played tampa bay at citi field did this after a yankee home run. >> watch this. followed by this guy. gary, the mets fan. >> they turn that thumbs down into a rallying cry. >> gary, how are you enjoying the show so far? [ laughter ] >> after watching last night's baseball game, i hope the cubs win forever. i hope they win forever just because i could never get tired of watching them do this. >> second and the fifth. they were dancing big time in the bullpen as a result. lots to dance about in this game. >> like i don't even know if they're celebrating a home run or is this is like a "peanuts" christmas party. my favorite guys on the video, first of all you got this guy in the back who is in a one-man conga line and this guy comes in swimming, i'm a robot. oh, i forgot my keys. >> i have to agree with trevor there. the cubs aren't dancing anymore because they lost. >> and they've got some move, though? yes, they do >> that's what's making news in america this morning. good morning it is 4:30 a.m., friday, october 20. >> here's what we're following on "action news." racial tensions at a suburban high school in new jersey have parents concerned. >> the coroner rules the death of a man at a lehigh valley assisted living facility as a homicide. >> trump criticizes a democratic congresswoman who accused him of being insensitive to a fallen soldier's widow. >> good morning, it is 430, friday morning. let's go

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Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20171020 :

Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20171020

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the scene. line shot and it is caught. >> plus, wild night. the dodgers celebrate. >> the dodgers are headed to the world series. >> and thursday night football's wildest ending ever. and why these guys really wish they had paid their $7 bill at waffle house. and a good friday morning. i'm erielle reshef in for diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. we'll start with the white house chief of staff getting personal as he comes to the president's defense. >> joan john kelly invoked the memory of his son killed in combat. the growing questions this morning about that deadly ambush on u.s. soldiers in niger. >> reporter: it was a surprise visit to the white house briefing room for general john kelly hoping to end the controversy that's consumed the white house all week. it was an emotional defense of the president. not from chief of staff john kelly but gold star father john kelly. >> there's no perfect way to make that phone call. my first recommendation was he not do it. >> reporter: he lost his own son when he stepped on a land mine in afghanistan in 2010, something he doesn't talk about often but addressing an unusually silent press corps. >> my son's case in afghanistan, when he died he was surrounded by the best men on this earth. his friends. that's what the president tried to say to four families. >> reporter: kelly frustrated and brokenhearted over the politicalization. >> it stuns me that a member of congress would have listened in on that conversation. >> reporter: it's the president's words versus intention not disputing the president told the widow of la david johnson he knew what he was signing up for but it still hearts even echoing those same words in his defense. >> he knew what he was getting himself into because he enlisted. >> reporter: the president just hours later hitting congressman frederica wilson for being on the call and giving a total lie on content. what the president and kelly didn't address wilson's relationship with the family that goes back decade as cording to "the washington post" and sergeant johnson's mother who told the paper, president trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband. wilson now saying she's done talking about it. seemingly lost in it all the four soldiers killed in niger including sergeant la david johnson his funeral scheduled for saturday. kendis, erielle. >> serena marshall, thank you. speaking of niger senator john mccain is threatening to subpoena the trump administration for more information on that deadly attack more than two weeks ago. the four americans killed were overwhelmed by the isis militants. a pentagon investigation is under way. officials say the unit did not expect to be in combat. question now is whether they had proper intelligence and backup support. u.s. forces have been in niger for the last four years because of the increasingly dangerous threat from terror groups. >> there's a reason we have u.s. army soldiers there and not the peace corps because we carry guns. >> general mattis there and raising red flag, the body of sergeant la david johnson was not recovered for at least 20 hours after the ambush. they deny he was left behind. they say that's how long it took to find him. the senate has paved the way for president trump's tax reform package overnight. lawmakers passing a $4 trillion budget overnight in a party line vote. democratic leader chuck schumer called this one of the worst budgets congress has ever passed. it included language that would prevent democrats from using filibuster against tax reform measures by allowing the bills to pass with a simple majority. a new warning about the danger posed by north korea, the head of the cia says the north koreans are now months away from perfecting their nuclear weapon capabilities to hit the u.s. mike pompeo says washington still prefers diplomacy. that said the national security adviser h.r. mcmaster warned they are running out of time to deal with it diplomatically. george w. bush and barack obama are back in the spotlight blasting the current state of american politics. rat a voter rally last night former president obama said messages of division threaten our democracy echoing a speech by president bush earlier that day. >> our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories. and outright fabrication. we've seen our discourse degraded by casualty cruelty. at times it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the american creed. >> we shouldn't use the most painful parts of our history to gain political points. we saw what happened in charlottesville. but we also saw what happened after charlottesville when the biggest gatherings of all rejected fear and rejected hate. >> neither obama nor bush mentioned president trump by name during their speeches. white nationalist leader richard spencer was all but silenced when he tried to speak at the university of florida. as soon as he took the stage in gainesville the majority of the crowd booed and shouted drowning him out. he ended early and left the school campus. outside you can see there hundreds of protesters outnumbered by 500 police officers who were on patrol. a few clashes reported with two arrests and a handful of minor injuries. there's a manhunt underway for three inmates who escaped from a tennessee jail overnight. they were serving time for assault and resisting arrest. two of the men escaped from the same facility just last month. they reportedly got out through an air vent. $1 billion is the estimated cost of the damage from the wildfire disaster in northern california this month. officials expect that figure will rise. 42 deaths are blamed on the fires. about 7,000 buildings have been destroyed. now let's take a look at your weather for this friday morning. well, all the rain hitting the northwest was too much for one hillside north of seattle. it gave way triggering a mudslide. it slammed into a house and caused a natural gas leak. 30 homes in the neighborhood evacuated while the stability of the hillside was evaluated. no one was injured. it'll be 53 degrees in seattle today we should mention with more rain on the way. warmer than usual for the midwest to new england. 82 degrees in dallas and new orleans. 80 in denver. 87 in miami. coming up. o.j. simpson getting back to normal life after his release from prison. we'll show you how he's embracing his new-found freedom. serious new allegations against harvey weinstein. the bombshell claims from an oscar winning actress. and a new legal battle this morning over a key ingredient in diet soda. ♪ music guys, i'm good. say goodbye to distractions. now you can last longer with new k-y duration spray. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughsah! hey, chad! i missed you. ah! i was in the tree watching you, and then i fell. i'm not eating pizza from the trash. then i discovered mucinex. huge difference. one pill lasts 12 hours, and i'm good. oh, here kitty, kitty...ah! not a cat, not a cat! why take 4-hour medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. we're back with a pretty stunning view. so that's amazon ceo jeff bezos smashing a champagne bottle celebrating the company's latest wind farm all the way up there as you can see. that is in texas. more with dozens more in the works. the company hopes to produce enough clean energy to power the equivalent of 330,000 homes for a year. oscar winning actress lupita nyong'o is the latest to come forward with disturbing allegations against movie mogul harvey weinstein. in a "new york times" op-ed she details several incidents she describes as sexual harassment. that includes an encounter at his home where she says that harvey weinstein asked her for a massage while his children watched a movie in the next room. a spokesperson for weinstein says he, quote, has a different recollection of the events but believes lupita is a brilliant actress and a major force in the industry. last year she sent a personal invitation to mr. weinstein to see her in her broadway show "eclipsed." this comes as los angeles police launch a separate criminal investigation into claims by an italian actress who accused weinstein of raping her in her hotel room. >> some high school students in the charlotte, north carolina, area just barely managed to escape before this fire broke out on their bus. the quick-thinking driver smelled smoke, stopped the bus and evacuated the students moments before it burst into flames. everyone made it out safely. and in texas, a substitute teacher has been banned from an elementary school in the dallas area for duct taping the mouths of ten students. three of the fifth graders followed the teacher and put duct tape over their mouths. they were checked out by a nurse and were not injured. o.j. simpson is three weeks into his new life after being released from prison. part of his return to normalcy included smiling for his driver's license picture as he sat down for his written test as well. right now he's believed to be living in the summerland area of las vegas. locals have been sharing mixed opinions of having him as a neighbor. he is expected to eventually move to florida. all right, there's a new legal battle over what's inside diet soda. that story is ahead. a disturbing discovery. police finding a massive arsenal of weapons. the details, pictures and the shocking note the suspect allegedly wrote. a new warning will your laptop and how you travel with it. airline authorities making a new recommendation. man: shh you guys, there she is. group: surprise! avo: nothing comes before coffee. enjoy the perfectly balanced flavor of mccafe coffee at home. woman: ok group: surprise woman: ah what! grandpa: did we get ya? feel that tingle of a cold sore only abreva can heal it in as little as two and a half days when used at the first sign. abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too. take the olay 28 day challenge to ageless skin? see visible results day 1. by day 28? years off your skin age. but don't take it from us, take it from one of the millions of real women already in the know it's not often you can say, you know i saw results right away visible results or your money back olay. ageless there is not a friend that i have that will not own this product what's new from light and fit? greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. real fruit and 90 calories... you'll be wowed! try new light & fit with zero artificial sweeteners. i shall have my revenge and then the world will burn, burn. >> that's the sheriff in pinellas county, florida, reading the disturbing note police say was inside a man's home and authorities were conducting a child pornography sting when they found something they were not expecting. >> certainly not. they say they uncovered this arsenal of weapons including ten rifles, eight handguns, two shotguns, thousands of rounds of ammunition and even a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it. but most disturbing they found aerial photos of two schools an a water treatment plant and notes on how to make explosive devices. police say the suspect, 24-year-old randall drake, has no criminal history and no history of mental issues. even his parents claim they had no idea about his collection. >> these are the people that are most concerning to us, what we call the lone wolves, you know, the sleepers that are out there, the people who are not on our radar. the people who have fallen under the radar or offer it. >> the suspect's handwritten note mentioned hatred and revenge. right now authorities say he is not talking. it's unclear what he may have been planning. air travelers may soon face a new laptop ban if the faa gets its way. the agency wants the global airline industry to restrict laptops to checked luggage to avoid potential midair fires like that the faa says when rechargeable batteries within overheat near an aerosol spray can they can cause an explosion. makers of the motor popular soft drinks are facing multiple class action lawsuits. the makers of coke, pepsi and dr. pepper are accused of using the word diet in advertising which the lawsuit claims is false and misleading. the suit also says the companies are fooling consumers into thinking they won't gain weight drinking those beverages. >> products that are marketed as diet products should be helpful in helping people lose weight and these products are not helpful in losing weight. >> the suits also claiming that the artificial sweetener aspartame useness diet sodas is more likely to cause weight gain than weight loss. walmart may be creating its own mall online. the company has reportedly offered upscale retailer lo lord & taylor a place on its site. they may better compete with samson. children are spending more time than ever staring at computer screens. the group common sense media says that the screen time for kids under 9 years old is now about 2 hours and 20 minutes every day. that's up 25 minutes from just a few years ago and kids now spend about 45 minutes a way on smartphones and tablets. an ex-sight night for sports fans especially in los angeles. >> but there was great football action. highlights now from espn. good morning. it's "sportscenter" from los angeles. stan verrett along with neil everett. dodger fans waited 29 years but the moment is finally here. >> you know your moment is finally right here to see the highlight. the dodgers were up 3-1. the guess of seven. first team to win four wins the series. kiki hernandez off hector ranon. first first pitch home run in this highlight. clayton kershaw, hug me. one shot ain't enough, jack. you better make it three, hernandez again, first dodgers player with three home runs in postseason in a postseason game in dodger history. they've been around a long time first time since 19 8 when they beat the a's, they celebrate, tommy lasorda in there somewhere. thursday night football, raiders and chiefs in oakland. what a crazy ending. raiders down by 6, 23 seconds remaining. derek carr throwing it up. jared cook pulling it down. ruled a touchdown at first but then they say he was down inside the 1. after three penalties on three straight plays, carr, michael crabtree, that tied the game at 30. that veck cho's extra point to win it and he knocks it through and the raiders snap a four-game losing streak and win it 31-30 over the chiefs. the chiefs have won nine straight on the road, 12 straight in the division but that's all done now. >> so are we. >> back to you. >> thanks, fellows. astros and yankees tonight, world series starts tuesday. just ahead right here, the cia dog who lost interest in her job. is there really a black market for spam? what people are doing to get their hands on it. why these two guys probably wish they had paid their bill. parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. with parodontax toothpaste. ♪ the oats break down into energy. that energy is absorbed slowly. and that's good, because energy that's absorbed slowly is energy that lasts. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. with safelite's exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. advil liqui-gels minis. our first concentrated pill that rushes powerful relief. a small new size that's fast, cause it's liquid. woohoo! you'll ask, what pain? new advil liqui-gels minis. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. ♪ all right, time to check "the pulse" and for some a dog's life is better than anything else in the world. >> that appears to be the case for little lulu training to become a bomb-sniffing dog for the cia but lulu had a ruff time falling in line. >> so the agency says she was phased out of the force because she simply lost interest. but no worries. she's been adopted by her handler and now she spends her days playing with kids and sniffing out rabbits and squirrels. >> the dog's life. spam is apparently a hot commodity in hawaii. yes, spam, the canned meat product, not the annoying e-mails you get. >> the demand for spam in hawaii so great it's created its own black market of sorts. it is served in many ways in hawaii and practically a staple there. that's why thieves are stealing entire cases of it off store shelf. >> they can easily resell the stolen cans at a discount so to fight the rise in the spam scams, some stores are now keeping it under lock and key. >> that's amazing. >> locking up the spam. to the story about those two guys who didn't pay their bill at the waffle house in louisiana. they walked out on a $7.41 tab. >> well, police in louisiana finally tracked them down and they say that they found credit card scamming devices and other evidence that links them to a major identity theft scheme in california. >> okay, so after all that police say they also found that tab from waffle housein their van. $7.41. that's it. >> should have probably paid the bill. an overnight surprise from taylor swift. t. swift. >> yep, she just dropped the third single from her upcoming album. it's called "gorgeous." take a look. ♪ you're so gorgeous i can't say anything to your face." >> "gorgeous" is swift's ode to a crush apparently. some online critics saying not gorgeous at all. the album is out next month. ♪ you're gorgeous before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. it can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver 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(voice-activated double-tone) okay. here's how to make butter. pour two thirds a cup of cold heavy cream into a one cup canning... snickers® satisifes. copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, it is friday, october 20th. racial incidents are showing up across the schools across the region. president trump's chief of staff stands up for his boss. start saving astin martin is getting into the real estate business, real tell you where the luxurious tower is rising and how much it costs to get a key next on "action news." finally most of the late night comedians had the week off but they'll have plenty of material to return to. >> yes, they will. but trevor noah and our own jimmy kimmel were both on the road and had plenty to say in our "friday funnies." >> this is our third night here. third time here in brooklyn. we've been here twice before but this time, you know, i love brooklyn. but i want to be honest with you, the real reason we're here is to get as far out of north korea's missile range as possible. we don't feel safe in l.a. anymore. >> we've gone from a simple question about niger to a three-day media [ bleep ] storm about whether trump calls families and what he says when he calls these families because by the sounds of it the families may start out hoping the president would reach out and they end up wishing they had let his calls go to voice mail. >> are you familiar with the thumb down guy? okay. this is the mets fan who last month when the yankees played tampa bay at citi field did this after a yankee home run. >> watch this. followed by this guy. gary, the mets fan. >> they turn that thumbs down into a rallying cry. >> gary, how are you enjoying the show so far? [ laughter ] >> after watching last night's baseball game, i hope the cubs win forever. i hope they win forever just because i could never get tired of watching them do this. >> second and the fifth. they were dancing big time in the bullpen as a result. lots to dance about in this game. >> like i don't even know if they're celebrating a home run or is this is like a "peanuts" christmas party. my favorite guys on the video, first of all you got this guy in the back who is in a one-man conga line and this guy comes in swimming, i'm a robot. oh, i forgot my keys. >> i have to agree with trevor there. the cubs aren't dancing anymore because they lost. >> and they've got some move, though? yes, they do >> that's what's making news in america this morning. good morning it is 4:30 a.m., friday, october 20. >> here's what we're following on "action news." racial tensions at a suburban high school in new jersey have parents concerned. >> the coroner rules the death of a man at a lehigh valley assisted living facility as a homicide. >> trump criticizes a democratic congresswoman who accused him of being insensitive to a fallen soldier's widow. >> good morning, it is 430, friday morning. let's go

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