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Yard are saying tonight about Harvey Weinstein. And the passenger jet that plunged more than 20,000 feet. Good evening. And its great to start another week with you. And the president started the week with an impromptu press conference, summoning reporters to the rose garden today with little notice. After weeks of blistering attacks with mitch mccome, he was suddenly standings right there with the president. The president saying were closer than ever before. Then, the president took questions on puerto rico, the social council on russia. And what he said about former president s not calling families when they lost loved ones at war. Three former president s and their teams not reacting tonight. We begin with abcs chief White House Correspondent jonathan karl. Reporter after repeatedly lashing out at him, President Trump held a hastily arranged press conference with Mitch Mcconnell in the rose garden today to declare their relationship outstanding. We have been friends for a long time. We are probably now, despite what we read, were probably now, i think, at least as far as im concerned, closer than ever before. Reporter thats a change in tone for the president , whose former chief strategist steve bannon has declared war on mcconnell. Yeah mitch, the donors are not happy, they have all left you. Weve cut your oxygen off, mitch. Reporter mr. President , do you approve on Steve Bannons war on Mitch Mcconnell and the republican establishment . Steve is very committed. Hes a friend of mine and hes very committed to getting things passed. I have great relationships with actually many senators, but in particular with most republican senators, but we are not getting the job done, and im not going to blame myself, ill be honest. They are not getting the job done. Reporter i asked the president about bannons vow to take on nearly every republican senator up for reelection. But youre okay with bannon campaigning against republicans running for reelection . I know how he feels, depends on who you are talking about. There are republicans frankly that should be ashamed of themselves. I can understand how steve bannon feels. Reporter but in the rose garden, mcconnell fired back at ban n bannons plan to promote hardline conservatives. You have to nominate people who can actually win because winners make policy and losers go home. Reporter and standing with mcconnell, the president said he would talk to bannon. Steve is doing what steve thinks is the right thing. Some of the people he may be looking at, im going to see if we talk him out of that because frankly, theyre great people. Reporter the president took questions for about 40 minutes on a wide range of subjects, including puerto rico. We have massive amounts of water. We have massive amounts of food. But they have to distribute the food and they have to do this, they have to distribute the food to the people of the island. So, what weve done, we now actually have military distributing food. Something 245 they really shouldnt have to be doing. Reporter and on the investigation into russian meddling and possible collusion, the president signaled he wont pull the plug on the special prosecutor. Are you considering firing Robert Mueller . Not at all. Jon karl live from the white house tonight. And Something Else the president said today. He said that unlike some of his predecessors, he actually calls the families of fallen troops. Heres what the president said. The traditional way, if you look at president obama and other president s, most of them didnt make calls, a lot of them didnt make calls. I like to call when its appropriate, when i think im able to do it. They have made the ultimate sacrifice, so, generally, i would say that i like to call. So, jon, tonight, three former president s teams are responding now . Reporter all three of the last three president s have said that the president went too far in what he said today. An aide to president clinton said that president clinton did place calls to the fallen. A spokesperson for george w. Bush said president bush wrote all the families of the fallen and called or met privately with hundreds, if not thousands. As for president obama, a spokesperson for him said that president obama engaged the families of the fallen and Wounded Warriors throughout his presidency, through calls, letters, visits to section 60 at arlington, visits to water reed, visits to dover and regular meetings with gold star families at the white house and across the country. The spokesperson for president obama, david, said that the president , trumps world words were unequivocally wrong. Thank you, jon. We turn next today to the massive rig explosion near new orleans. People on land said it felt like a bomb was dropped. Workers jumping into the water. They had to be rescued. But there is still a search under way tonight. That rig in lake upon char chain. Authority, talking before the families a short time ago. And heres Abcs Steve Osunsami from the scene tonight. Reporter rescue teams from the u. S. Coast guard have helicopters in the air, and boats in the water tonight, rushing to find the missing Oil Rig Worker who disappeared after this explosion right outside new orleans. Theres a platform fire in the lake. Reporter what caused the oil rig to blow late sunday is still a mystery this evening. Its still popping and flaming away. Reporter families on the shores of lake pontchartrain are a mile and a half away and say it still felt like someone dropped a bomb. We were just sitting in my house and the whole entire house shook. House lit up with a big orange flash. Reporter seven people who jumped from the rig in the dark had to be pulled from the water, five were seriously hurt. They had severe burns on them. Theyre going to be in a lot of trouble for a long period of time. Reporter authorities are identifying the missing worker tonight, 44yearold Timothy Morrison from katy, texas. Theyve already searched 90 square miles. And at 82 degrees, the water is warm, so, theyre hopeful. And steve with us live tonight from new orleans. And steve, authorities also telling you that they havent seen any oil leaking from the rig yet . Reporter thats right, david. No reports of any oil sheen. And we can see this for ourselves. This is lake pontchartrain. Theres the oil rig in the distance. Weve seen no oil wash upon this shore. Residents get their Drinking Water from the mississippi river, and not the lake, but theyre still testing the lake tonight, just in case. David . All right, steve osunsami, our thanks to you. And now to california, and a harrowing number tonight. More than a week now after the deadly wild fires began. More than 100 people are still missing tonight. Flames still spreadi ining thro the hills of napa county. The couple married 55 years, trying to survive the fire in the pool. The wife then dying in her husbands arms. Abcs Clayton Sandell is in santa rosa. Reporter the staggering death tolls from the wildfires in california added more today, when a water tank driver was killed in a crash. Possible water tender rollover. Reporter the first firefighting death in a weeklong firestorm. This is day eight. For these fires to be raging through napa and Sonoma County and fatigue is definitely a factor. Reporter the blazes have killed 40 other people. Carmen barriz and her husband armando jumped into a Swimming Pool last week trying to survive the intense heat and smoke. She died in his arms. No one should have to live though that violent fury. It is just remarkable what my father has endured. Reporter tonight, as firefighters battle fatigue, there is progress, but flames are still spreading in hard to reach areas. These water dropping helicopters are critical to the firefighting effort, because the terrain is so steep. Its hard for firefighters to get in. You can see from all the smoke theres a long way to go. The devil winds that created hell on earth are gone for now. Were going to [ bleep ] die dude, we got to get out of here reporter but firefighters are still on high alert. This fire is still very capable of turning on us, so we just need to keep an eye on it, stay vigilant and work as hard as we have been. Reporter many residents with homes Still Standing can now go back. Some reunited with furry survivors. Oh, thank you youre welcome. Reporter the pelts they were forced to leave behind. Izzy come here baby great scene to see. Clayton live with us from santa rosa. Clayton, a number you pointed out to us, 700 people still in shelters there . Reporter thats right, david. And many of those people will have nothing to come back to. I want to show you the arbitrary nature of the damage here if you look in this direction, its just destruction, as far as the eye can see. But take a look over here. The other side of this very same street, all the houses, completely untouched. David . All right, Clayton Sandell for us tonight. Clayton, thank you. Here in new york city, a verdict in the bombing of the chelsea neighborhood of manhattan. Convicted on all eight counts for planting two Pressure Cooker bombs on the street. One of them exploding, injuring 30 people. Jurors were shown video. Prosecutors say he was inspired by isis and al qaeda. The charges carry a mandatory punishment now of life in prison. Next tonight here to the interview. Army Sergeant Bowe bergdahl, pleading guilty today. We all remember that moment after years of captivity, held by the taliban, squinting at the sight of the sun. Tonight, in an abc news exclusive, bergdahl, before the camera for the first time. Why he says he should not be called a traitor. Heres abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross tonight. Reporter appearing before a military judge today, Sergeant Bowe bergdahl pleaded guilty to desserting his platoon, walking off his fwhas after gbase in af into the hands of the taliban. My name is Bowe Bergdahl. Reporter bergdahl was held by the taliban for five years. Released in this dramatic moment, squinting into the sun after years as a prisoner. U. S. Special forces hustled him to a waiting helicopter to begin the journey home. In his First Television interview, with british filmmaker sean langan, bergdahl says he was held in a cage for most of his captivity as punishment for trying to escape. Its a cage that was welded together, probably sevenfoot long, probably about sixfoot wide. And how long were you in that cage for . Second, third, fourth and into the fifth year. Reporter the u. S. Released five taliban prisoners to gain his freedom, and the homecoming celebrate for bergdahl was short lived. Bergdahl was attacked for risking the lives of fellow soldiers who went searching for him, two of them seriously wounded. Hes a traitor a nogood traitor who should have been executed. Reporter bergdahl says a fair trial would have been impossible given the words of donald trump. We may as well go back to kangaroo courts and lynch mobs that got what they wanted. The people who are to the point of saying, yeah, just shoot him, you can never convince those people to change their minds. It hurts though . It does hurt. Reporter in court today, bergdahl acknowledged he broke the law by leaving the base, saying, i understand i endangered the safety of my platoon. At a hearing next week, he could face up to life in prison. And brian back with us again tonight. And Bowe Bergdahl insists, brian, that he is not a day or the here. Reporter he does, david. Scoffing at reports that he joined the taliban and had it easy as their prisoner. He membership tans he walked off his base to report a commander for incompetence, a belief the military judge has already ruled, david, was unfounded. Brian ross tonight, thank you. Overseas tonight, the death toll for an horrific bombing in somalia, climbing above 300 now. A father of three from minnesota is among the victims. No claim of responsibility yet, but the Somali Government tonight is blaming al shabab. Back here at home this even, and to movie producer Harvey Weinstein. Tonight, what the nypd and Scotland Yard are now saying, as weinsteins own brother breaks his silence. What he now acknowledges. Abcs linsey davis again tonight. Reporter tonight, Harvey Weinstein is in danger of criminal prosecution. The nypd says multiple women have come forward with allegations of Sexual Assault by the movie mogul, and they are looking into those claims. In london, Scotland Yard says theyre investigating five alleged crimes against weinstein. Weinstein has denied any allegations of nonconsensual sex. We all make mistakes. A second chance, i hope. Okay . Reporter in an emotional interview, weinsteins brother and longtime business partner, bob wean stein, says he knew his brother was a philanderer, but thought the situations were consensual kwchlt my brother has caused unconscionable suffer, he told the hollywood reporter. I am heartbroken for the women that he harmed. He add. Reporter what is being heard tonight, the words, me too, after Actress Alyssa Milano tweeted, if youve been sexually harassed or assaulted write me too as a replay to this tweet. And linsey davis tonight. Millimeters of people have responded to that social media call. Reporter more than 5 million have responded on facebook and twitter. Think about it. That means that more than 45 of people in this country have a facebook friend who has already replied me, too. Linsey davis on this story again tonight. Thank you, linsey. Next here, the nfl owners meeting in new york city, and all of them facing lawsuits from colin kaepernick, who claims the league and the owners worked together to deny him work. Heres abcs ryan smith. Reporter tonight, former 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick, taking on the nfl. Accusing the league and team owners of come colluding to keep him sidelined. And bright stars reporter the cause, kaepernick says . His refusal to stand during the National Anthem last season, as a protest against racial injustice. The grievance alleges teams wanted to sign him, only to mysteriously go silent with no explanation. While kaepernick played six seasons for the 49ers, and took them to a super bowl, some three dozen other quarterbacks have been signed since he last played. Get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now. Out. Hes fired. Reporter last month, President Trump reignited the take a knee debate. Today, he stood his ground. Youre disrespecting our flag and youre disrespecting our country. Reporter tonight, all teams asked to preserve documents that could relate to the case. Kaepernick has to meet a high burden of proof to show collusion. The nfl isnt commenting. David . Ryan smith, thank you. And the remnants of hurricane ophelia tonight turning deadly in ireland. Winds at 80 miles an hour leaving tens of thousands without power. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this monday. The urgent manhunt under way right now. Surveillance video of the inmates on the run. Authorities revealing how they got away. Then tonight, the midair scare. The passenger plane plunging more than 20,000 feet. Passengers now describing the crew panicked. And there is news coming in tonight about the missing couple vanishing at a national park. A lot more news ahead. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has. No requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased. Risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have. A history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts,. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla. Reported weight loss. 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I picked up my phone and sent a text message to my family, just hoping they would get it. Reporter chris jeanes who was reportedly planning to propose to his girlfriend in bali, instead grabbing an oxygen mask and proposing right there. Those passengers making it safely to berth. The airline apologizing, calling it a technical issue. The incident is under investigation, and david, what makes this so scary is passengers say they could see how panics the crew was. David . Adrienne, thank you. When we come back tonight, the urgent manhunt for those two escaped prisoners, and the outrage here in new york city. The fiery car crash. The driver accused of hafling a cab while leaving his passenger inside that burning car. Toothbrush reall eans better than a manual. Ing a cab while leaving his passenger inside that burning car. Ing a cab while leaving his passenger inside that burning car. Ling a cab while leaving his passenger inside that burning car. 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Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. Ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. To the index of other news. The urgent than manhunt in missouri. Two violent prisoners escaped from jail by crawling through an air duct and jumping a fence. They were last seen on this surveillance, hefgd toward the mississippi river. Families in that region have been urged to stay indoors. The fiery crash here in new york city. Babc obtaining exclusive video. The driver is seen hailing a cab while his passenger was still inside the burning car. That passenger did not survive. Ahmed has now been charged with manslaughter and leaving the scene of an accident. To a missing couple, possibly found in southern california. Authorities believe they have found the bodies of rachel and joseph. Reported missing in josh what Tree National Park in july. The bolds were discovered locked in an embrace. And to what could be a major scientific discovery. A sort of cosmic gold mine. For the first time, astronomers detecting the collision of two neutron stars, kraegt both light and gravitational waves. Scientists say the collision actually reveals how gold, platinum and Precious Metals are created and then thrust into the universe. Wrap your head around that. When we come back tonight, the dad off at basic training, and the surprise in the box. You wont be able to guess this one. What is the power of pacific . Its Life Insurance and Retirement Solutions to help you reach your goals. Its having the confidence to create the future thats most meaningful to you. Its protection for generations of families, and 150 years of strength and stability. 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Well, the truth is, that advice was never meant for you. I like you. You want to show me your swing . Its too soon. Get advice thats right for you. Investment Management Services from td ameritrade. Whstuff happens. Old shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Finally tonight here, america strong. The little girl celebrating her 5th birthday. Dad wasnt there, but still, one giant bear hug. Meet the vie yeah ga from san antonio, texas. David in basic training, mom vanessa and their little girl, eliana, who just turned five. David is at ft. Jaxson, south carolina. He wasnt there when she opened her gift, but watch as she pulls out her teddy bear in army fatigues. It looks like daddy yeah . Can i show you something cool . Yeah. Reporter mom pulls out that bear and its more than just the outfit. Can you press right here . Hey, baby, daddy loves you so, so much. I cant wait for you to be in my arms again. I love you. Oh, my god, thats daddy reporter vanessa says her husbands training has also been a test for their daughter, who has never been away from her father for this long. Dad and mom write every day with messages for her. And now, the teddy bear with dads voice. I love you. Daddys little girl. Thanks for watching here on a monday night. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. From all of us here at abc news, have a good evening. Good night. This is jeopardy please welcome todays contestants a finance manager from austin, texas. A Nonprofit Fundraising Operations Manager from brooklyn, new york. And our returning champion a naval officer from lacey, washington. Whose 1day cash winnings total. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, johnny. Hi, folks. Good to have you with us today as we start another great week on jeopardy the navy well represented by our current champion. Emily and jayanthi, welcome aboard, and good luck to all three of you. Here comes the jeopardy round. First round of play with one daily double

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