Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 6PM 20170924 : comp

Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 6PM 20170924

players over 130 took a knee while others like the eagles, including owner jeffery lurie stood arm and arm. >> ♪ oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light ♪ >> and that image was a common one today as players, all across the country linked arms , others need, but pittsburgh steeler, seattle seahawks and tennessee titans didn't even take the field until after the national anthem was played. >> 1lone exception as you just saw steelers cast left tackle, villa knew of a a former arm i ranger and graduate of west point, former eagle as well he stood outside at solder field with his hand over his heart during the national anthem. a demonstration where is mostly visible on the field but off the field, fans also had their say. >> "action news" reporter bob brooks says that part of our coverage from lincoln financial field. >> i hate you. >> reporter: as you can see here it wasn't just a football game outside lincoln financial field this morning. groups marching, those who didn't like it shrouded back and forth. controversy spark by president trump earlier this week, made this statement. >> wouldn't you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag, to say get that son of the bleep off the field right now. out. he is fired. fired. >> reporter: here's what it was a group organized and marching around tailgate, they support players right toss neil calling it democracy. >> everybody should be standing for democracy. >> reporter: there were many fans around the link who did as well. >> we have gone through this journey to achieve this platform and it is their right to have something to say. >> it takes away from human right. this is land of the free f we are here to protest whatever we want to protest we have a freedom to do that. >> reporter: is there a large contingent side with president trump. >> you don't like this country , find another one, just that simple. >> reporter: another woman says its a slap in the face to all of the military men and women. >> this is united states of america. i'm proud here here. you should stand for the national anthem. that is what we fight for. >> reporter: heated exchanges between protesters and those, who didn't want them there things did remain peaceful. credit the philadelphia police department for that, they were prepared. they kept things in order. reporting from the link bob brooks, channel six "action news". and during the height of today's protest president trump decided to weigh in once again this time approving of some of what happened today. this afternoon, trump tweeted quote, great solidarity for our national anthem, and for our country. standing with locked arms is good, kneeling is not acceptable. a few hours later he tweeted once again writing quote, courageous patriots have for the and died for our great american flag and great flag and we must honor and respect it. amid protests and discussion today there was also, an amazing game, played at the link today. >> wow. it is all i can say. one second left, tied score and instead of throwing hail marry bird tried a 61-yard field goal with rookie jake elliott. he started as a long shot ended as a seventh long he field goal in nfl history. >> jeff skversky has highlights of those long necessary franchise history, is that right. >> absolutely. it was ace hail mary king. what drama, for the home opener, for the eagles in that first game at the link, and unbelievable, the eagles coming up, with a giant, come from behind win, in the home opener from the most unlikely hero. eye rookie kick shore was cut just three weeks ago. now not even on the eagles roster when the season kick off. eag also loud 21 straight points in the five minute span in the fourth and the giants, fall behind but back comes the bird, corry clement from glassboro, he wants town leash this week. through go. first career touchdown. ties it at 21. pick it up, tied up, one second left, rookie jake elliott 61-yard field goal for the win. listen. >> the kick is... it is good. >> wow. >> it is good. the eagles win. >> what a kick, what a call, longest field goal in eagles history. sixty-one yarder, wow, eagles win, 27-24, afterward, elliott was joking he was praying that being went threw up rights as he is helped off the field by his eagles teammates. >> it was pretty awesome. it sounded like a cannon off his foot and a great snap, great hold, protection was there, and, yeah, awesome, awesome, awesome. >> i was than the sure. sixty-one was doable. you never really think that. but coach had faith in him. i had faith in him. he got it done. pretty crazy. >> given that situation i just ran up to the coach and just kind of prayed for a chance there. it is all a blur to me. i don't know. i just know the ball was in the air for a real long time, really close that right upright. >> he has been there too, right. >> elliott says during that crazy celebration, at the link , he was just hoping he wouldn't get hurt, his guys are jumping up on top of him. we will have more in sports. a resilient win for philadelphia eag who also fell behind. >> and, that will be remembered in philadelphia for years. >> that is for sure. moving on to the accu weather forecast, how about some summer heat a few days in the fall. it is not over just yet. meteorologist melissa magee joins with us our first check of the accu weather forecast, melissa. >> yeah, walter, summer does not want to gee way. a return of summer in the first week end of fall. on friday we had a high temperature of 836789 yesterday's high a warm 88 degrees. today, it was hot, but a high temperature in philadelphia coming up to 92. typically we should be close to 75 degrees for daytime high , well above. that right now in the city, it is 88. eighty-nine in trenton. eighty in the poconos. relief is at the shore from beach haven to kaine may numbers are in the middle to upper 70's. here's satellite six with action radar it is dry, quiet thanks to the dominating ridge of high pressure from new england all the way down into the mid-atlantic region. we are dry for the rest of tonight, underneath a mostly clear sky. so, a topping weather headlines, warm, humid start to the workweek. temperatures will be 10 to 15 degrees above average. we will track rough surf and rupp currents as a result of hurricane marie a we have got latest on that coming up in the full and exclusive accu weather forecast, now back over your way, sarah. >> all right melissa, thank you. an update to a story we brought you as breaking news last night at 11:00. for the first time we are hearing 911 calls as gunman allegedly targeted two philadelphia police officer, on a north philadelphia street "action news" reporter annie mccormack is live, in philadelphia with the details, annie? >> reporter: right now we're outside 22nd district here, a person called police saying their cell phone, has been stolen and then he let the thief call them saying they could give packet to them if they met him, at 13th and york , where that person could buy it back. he did respond, police responded to 13th and york, it was there, that they believe, they became a target of at least one gunman. it was here at 13th and york, saturday night when two philadelphia police officer responding to a call, feared, that they became targets. >> the 22nd district officers, were speaking to a person who called for help about a stolen cell phone. during the conversation, two men approached the officers from behind. then... >> we have shots fired at police. >> reporter: had cording to the police report, moments before the gunfire one of the officers saw a red laser dot on his shirt. the officer reported it was indicative of firearm with an attached laser being pointed at him. both officers hit the ground. one fired six rounds in the direction of the gunman who fled west on york street. and investigators recovered a magazine clip for a handgun, in the nearby driveway. and police did check area hospitals, to see if those two people that did getaway were hit by gunfire, if they went to the hospital. they did not get any reports of that. there is no evidence from the scene that they were hit. police are looking for any information. they also say that the victim, that called police, about that cell phone, theft did remain at the scene. it is still ongoing investigation. for now reporting live from north philadelphia, anni mccormack for channel six "action news". walter and sarah back to you. we have new information tonight about a serial bank robbery suspect targeting businessness chinatown. it turns out he may be responsible for more hold ups than previously thought. police say he strict a ban much branch near tenth and arch yesterday morning. he is believed to hit four other banks over the past two months. in two of those robberies was armed with the knife. suspect has worn different hats for some of the hold ups, one is a large straw hat, another is a baseball cap with a distinctive philadelphia logo on the front. if you know hoe is, please call the philadelphia police. peco crews returned to the area today after spending name florida, helping victims of hurricane irma. the workers say they were knocked by the conditions and damage but happy to help. "action news" reporter trish hartman is live in eddystone delaware county with their stories, trish? report report well, sarah yeah those workers returned home this afternoon after a long, tiring trip they say they are glad to be home but they are grateful for the chance to help. utility trucks pulled up to peco's baldwin service building in eddystone. as suitcase where is unloaded after spending more than a week, in less than ideal accommodations. >> thirty-six men, three bunks high in the back of a tractor trailer. >> reporter: but crews say it was within of the most gratifying trips they have taken coming to the aid of those recovering from hurricane irma. >> toughest thing to see was the kids and the people who were without power at that point for up to 10 days. again, with the high heat and hugh humidity they were suffering. >> reporter: in all more than 350 peco employees and contractors traveled to florida to help with power restoration efforts after the powerful storm left millions in the dark. this particular crew did most of its work in the fort myers area. >> vegetation was almost jungle like that the crews had to deal with, in addition, putting back wires, poles, trying to restore power for the population. >> reporter: crew members say they were most impressed with the resilience of the residents that they helped. >> they never complained, they never complained to us about how long it was taking. in fact, with what little they had they offered to share with us. water, fruit, whatever they had they were willing to give to the crews. >> reporter: now workers also hell topped give out, food, water while they were down there peco says trips like these are important from a mutual aid standpoint, something like that were to happen up here crew from his florida, power, light would come up and help. reporting live, trish hartman for channel six "action news". all right, thanks, chris. much more to come on "action news" tonight one of the surviving members of the tuskegee air men was honored today for his service and it took place right here, in philadelphia. a celebration but also, brave concern in the wake of hurricane maria at today's annual puerto rican day parade we will take through. those stories and much more when "action news" comes right back. you shop around. do your research. find the best fit. why not do the same for your prescription drug plan? at silverscript, we're experts in medicare part d. and 5 million people, just like you, trust us every day. with no deductible, we could help you save money... and get better coverage with access to pharmacies across the nation. so take a closer look at silverscript. we think you'll like what you see. ♪ one of the original tuskegee air men was honored for his heroism during world war two. henry baldwin was soluted and presented with tokens of appreciation. for members of the heroes welcome and tuskegee air men association. baldwin, now in his 90's is a living ledgeend in west fail with dreams of being a pilot, something you been heard of for an african-american at the time. baldwin was honored along with more than a dozen other veterans who never received a proper welcome home, for their efforts and sacrifice. the philadelphia archdiocese is embracing a campaign of brotherhood launched by pope francis. the two year effort is being called, sharing the journey. goal, to strengthen the bond between migrants and refugees in the communities that they come to work and settle into. archbishop chapot praised the success of this campaign during mass this morning here at cathedral basilica of saints peter and paul. today marks one year anniversary of a fire that claimed the lives of three fire fighters in wilmington. honor jury fixes, christopher leach and fire fighters art hope, their collogues ran in the fire stations four, five and six and then to the scene on lake view road. leading pack was fire fighter brad speakman who was injured in the blaze and still has severe burns. today's event was planned to help those affect by the tragedy. the puerto rican day parade took over ben franklin parkway today. while everyone in attendance was well aware of the devastation and suffering in puerto rico, today's celebration of the puerto rican culture was a needed respite for many with loved won on the island. >> ♪ >> many in the crowd, donated money to help with the disaster relief efforts, the event was organized by conceal eo, i was co hosting live coverage on channel six. governor tom wolf was there to show support for people of the puerto rico and their loved won here in pennsylvania. we will be right back. t-mobile's unlimited now includes netflix on us. that's right, netflix on us. get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. taxes and fees included. and now, netflix included. so go ahead, binge on us. another reason why t-mobile is america's best unlimited network. so, it feels good to beat giants that was fun. >> today bird did witt a spectacular finish. >> this is a big one because they are two and zero begins division this could come in handy down the road, as they are fight forgo playoff spot. well, eagles fans if you were crossing your fingers and praying watching the eagles dramatic finish against the giants, you are not alone. carson wentz and rookie kicker jake elliott said a pray eras well as clock hit zero too. eagles come out making a giant statement, owner justry luire locking arms with the team after president trump's comment. 193-yard, and, 67-yard, second quarter, touchdown, 207 nothing eagles. in the end of the half giants, three shots to score from a goal line. nothing. vinny curry stuffed him. third quarter, carson wentz, to zach ertz, 14 to nothing eagles. it slipped away after ertz fumble, giants go on a tear in the third. eli manning, odell beckham. what a catch begins his helmet giants tied it at 14. they are not done. manning is to sterling shepherd, and look at the defenders, wow, gone, 77-yard. eagles allowed 21 straight points in a five minute span in the fourth. they are down 21-14. book comes bird, corry clement from glassboro, his first career rushing touchdown, ties it at 21. and then, final, 72nds, it is crunch time, wentz, what a call, what a pass, what a catch, alshon jeffery how does he make this play. he gets out of bounds, one left. so with no time left rookie jake elliott for the win. 61-yards field goal. bang. longest field goal, in eagles history. the giants are history. what a scene. eagles win 27-24. unbelievable finish, at the link. let's go live to jamie apody. it is the place to be tonight in south philadelphia. jamie, at the link three years ago in college, to beat temple but it wasn't quite like this. >> no, i'll say that. jeff, the kid's 22 years old. he has been here all of 12 days. he goes out and kicks the longest field goal in franchise history, to win a game a division game against the giants. a fairy tail, hollywood script , no, this all actually just happened. >> it is surreal, i mean, it is life of the kicker. you have your ultimate ups and ultimate downs and, you know, i'm just trying to enjoy it. >> what are your thought while the ball was in the air. >> please go in. >> as a kicker you have to have a really short memory because like i said, you miss one you never know when you will come back to make the game winner. today he did a great job and it was everyone, all 11, that is what it takes to get the job done. >> last year we might have come up short in this game last year. but we have learned to, finish games, to finish drives, and, they are never going to be easy. >> that is true, and that is point that almost is lost in this because everyone was celebrating this last second win is the fact that last year all we talk about was the fact that eagles could not win, close games. they lost so many, by just a few points. today they are proving, maybe this year it is different. that is nod a bad thing. live, jamie apody, channel six "action news", jeff. >> jamie, thank you. one win last year by a touchdown or less, and they get one today. more on the game tonight on "action news" sports sunday former eagles running back brian westbrook joins ducis rodgers and "action news" sports team coming up at 11:35 phillies win, by the way, avoiding a sweep with the braves. good day in philadelphia good day, yes. >> thanks, jeff.. >> accu weather coming up, stick around. where are we? about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online and choose what's right for you. woah. flo and jamie here to see hqx. flo and jamie request entry. slovakia. triceratops. tapioca. racquetball. staccato. me llamo jamie. pumpernickel. pudding. employee: hey, guys! home quote explorer. it's home insurance made easy. password was "hey guys." ist's home insurance made easy. facing an epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. vanessa: in honor of recovery month, we want you to know that recovery from addiction is possible. christie: the signs you spot today... vanessa: ...could save a loved one tomorrow. christie: to learn more, visit time for a final check of the accu weather forecast, hot weekend and it is not over just yet. >> that is right, i mean it still feels like summer and no reprieve come anytime soon. lets talk about the details. we will show you picture outside the action cam was outside earlier today in rittenhouse square. a lot of folks out and about but probably staying hydrated because it was hot today. here's sky six live in hd from our temple university camera, looking at the center city sky line, we've got near cloud and some sun, overhead, and then, didn't think i needed to break out dew point map in the fall season but dew points numbers are on the humid side, 64- degree dew point in philadelphia. sixty-seven in reading. in fact, as we look at dew point scale and trend over the next four days, the high of monday, tuesday and wednesday, even though temperatures will be lowered by then and then by thursday, finally we do have a break on the way. certainly a hot one across the delaware and lehigh valleys. the high today in philadelphia , 92 degrees, 17 degrees above the average, of 75 this time of the year. it is 88 in the city. eighty-nine in allentown and reading. up in the poconos 79 degrees. relief is on the coast from beach haven to cape may, numbers in the zero seven's but there is still a moderate wrist fork rip currents. not just today but as we go throughout the rest of the week here. satellite six with action radar showing you we have high pressure dominating the area mostly clear skies, and it is quiet for the rest of tonight and in fact, lots of stars around but warm, muggy, we will drop down to 66 in the suburbs, and 70 degrees in philadelphia for the overnight low. future tracker six showing you 6:00 o'clock tomorrow morning certainly a mild start to the day, and the upper 60's north and west. sixty-eight in philadelphia, wildwood coming in at 67, as we go throughout the afternoon hours tomorrow, by lunchtime, we are all ready in the middle 80's here in philadelphia and the lower 80's upper 70's, to the south and east. so lots to track over the next several days. we do want to let you know there is a tropical storm watch up for north carolina. this is because of hurricane marie a right now it has been downgraded to a category two hurricane with max sustained wind of 105 miles per hour and right now, this storm is 425 miles, to the south/southe of cape hatteras north carolina it is moving north at 9 miles an hour, and over the next day or so, we will find some fluctuating with the intensity of this storm system here. some of those tropical storm force wind will extend out into north carolina and that tropical storm watch has been posted. new will eventually take that left-hand turn, to the north and east, as we get, into the rest of our workweek and into the weekend. the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast showing very warm, humid tomorrow, high temperature up to 89. tuesday, it is humid, not as warm. in at 84 for a high, wednesday , warm, isolated shower in at 84. turning less humid on thursday , 83. refreshing by friday, 75, and then the 70's, feeling like fall next weekend, guys. >> melissa. thank you. abc world news sunday is next on channel six. >> for melissa magee, jeff skversky, sarah bloomquist and the entire news team, i'm walter perez. we will see you at 11:00. fran grenier. new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. tonight, president trump versus the nfl. across the country, the biggest plays happening before the game. a show of solidarity and defiance against the president. players taking a knee, locking arms during the national anthem. some teams even staying off the field. tom brady, one of football's biggest stars, with his hand over his heart. >> i hate you! >> fans on both sides screaming over the issue. as president trump unleashes an endless stream of tweets on game day. also breaking, the deadly church shooting. the gunman wearing a mask, opening fire. and the church member who confronted him. show of force. american bombers flying the closest to north korea in nearly two decades. president trump calling kim

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 6PM 20170924 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 6PM 20170924

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players over 130 took a knee while others like the eagles, including owner jeffery lurie stood arm and arm. >> ♪ oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light ♪ >> and that image was a common one today as players, all across the country linked arms , others need, but pittsburgh steeler, seattle seahawks and tennessee titans didn't even take the field until after the national anthem was played. >> 1lone exception as you just saw steelers cast left tackle, villa knew of a a former arm i ranger and graduate of west point, former eagle as well he stood outside at solder field with his hand over his heart during the national anthem. a demonstration where is mostly visible on the field but off the field, fans also had their say. >> "action news" reporter bob brooks says that part of our coverage from lincoln financial field. >> i hate you. >> reporter: as you can see here it wasn't just a football game outside lincoln financial field this morning. groups marching, those who didn't like it shrouded back and forth. controversy spark by president trump earlier this week, made this statement. >> wouldn't you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag, to say get that son of the bleep off the field right now. out. he is fired. fired. >> reporter: here's what it was a group organized and marching around tailgate, they support players right toss neil calling it democracy. >> everybody should be standing for democracy. >> reporter: there were many fans around the link who did as well. >> we have gone through this journey to achieve this platform and it is their right to have something to say. >> it takes away from human right. this is land of the free f we are here to protest whatever we want to protest we have a freedom to do that. >> reporter: is there a large contingent side with president trump. >> you don't like this country , find another one, just that simple. >> reporter: another woman says its a slap in the face to all of the military men and women. >> this is united states of america. i'm proud here here. you should stand for the national anthem. that is what we fight for. >> reporter: heated exchanges between protesters and those, who didn't want them there things did remain peaceful. credit the philadelphia police department for that, they were prepared. they kept things in order. reporting from the link bob brooks, channel six "action news". and during the height of today's protest president trump decided to weigh in once again this time approving of some of what happened today. this afternoon, trump tweeted quote, great solidarity for our national anthem, and for our country. standing with locked arms is good, kneeling is not acceptable. a few hours later he tweeted once again writing quote, courageous patriots have for the and died for our great american flag and great flag and we must honor and respect it. amid protests and discussion today there was also, an amazing game, played at the link today. >> wow. it is all i can say. one second left, tied score and instead of throwing hail marry bird tried a 61-yard field goal with rookie jake elliott. he started as a long shot ended as a seventh long he field goal in nfl history. >> jeff skversky has highlights of those long necessary franchise history, is that right. >> absolutely. it was ace hail mary king. what drama, for the home opener, for the eagles in that first game at the link, and unbelievable, the eagles coming up, with a giant, come from behind win, in the home opener from the most unlikely hero. eye rookie kick shore was cut just three weeks ago. now not even on the eagles roster when the season kick off. eag also loud 21 straight points in the five minute span in the fourth and the giants, fall behind but back comes the bird, corry clement from glassboro, he wants town leash this week. through go. first career touchdown. ties it at 21. pick it up, tied up, one second left, rookie jake elliott 61-yard field goal for the win. listen. >> the kick is... it is good. >> wow. >> it is good. the eagles win. >> what a kick, what a call, longest field goal in eagles history. sixty-one yarder, wow, eagles win, 27-24, afterward, elliott was joking he was praying that being went threw up rights as he is helped off the field by his eagles teammates. >> it was pretty awesome. it sounded like a cannon off his foot and a great snap, great hold, protection was there, and, yeah, awesome, awesome, awesome. >> i was than the sure. sixty-one was doable. you never really think that. but coach had faith in him. i had faith in him. he got it done. pretty crazy. >> given that situation i just ran up to the coach and just kind of prayed for a chance there. it is all a blur to me. i don't know. i just know the ball was in the air for a real long time, really close that right upright. >> he has been there too, right. >> elliott says during that crazy celebration, at the link , he was just hoping he wouldn't get hurt, his guys are jumping up on top of him. we will have more in sports. a resilient win for philadelphia eag who also fell behind. >> and, that will be remembered in philadelphia for years. >> that is for sure. moving on to the accu weather forecast, how about some summer heat a few days in the fall. it is not over just yet. meteorologist melissa magee joins with us our first check of the accu weather forecast, melissa. >> yeah, walter, summer does not want to gee way. a return of summer in the first week end of fall. on friday we had a high temperature of 836789 yesterday's high a warm 88 degrees. today, it was hot, but a high temperature in philadelphia coming up to 92. typically we should be close to 75 degrees for daytime high , well above. that right now in the city, it is 88. eighty-nine in trenton. eighty in the poconos. relief is at the shore from beach haven to kaine may numbers are in the middle to upper 70's. here's satellite six with action radar it is dry, quiet thanks to the dominating ridge of high pressure from new england all the way down into the mid-atlantic region. we are dry for the rest of tonight, underneath a mostly clear sky. so, a topping weather headlines, warm, humid start to the workweek. temperatures will be 10 to 15 degrees above average. we will track rough surf and rupp currents as a result of hurricane marie a we have got latest on that coming up in the full and exclusive accu weather forecast, now back over your way, sarah. >> all right melissa, thank you. an update to a story we brought you as breaking news last night at 11:00. for the first time we are hearing 911 calls as gunman allegedly targeted two philadelphia police officer, on a north philadelphia street "action news" reporter annie mccormack is live, in philadelphia with the details, annie? >> reporter: right now we're outside 22nd district here, a person called police saying their cell phone, has been stolen and then he let the thief call them saying they could give packet to them if they met him, at 13th and york , where that person could buy it back. he did respond, police responded to 13th and york, it was there, that they believe, they became a target of at least one gunman. it was here at 13th and york, saturday night when two philadelphia police officer responding to a call, feared, that they became targets. >> the 22nd district officers, were speaking to a person who called for help about a stolen cell phone. during the conversation, two men approached the officers from behind. then... >> we have shots fired at police. >> reporter: had cording to the police report, moments before the gunfire one of the officers saw a red laser dot on his shirt. the officer reported it was indicative of firearm with an attached laser being pointed at him. both officers hit the ground. one fired six rounds in the direction of the gunman who fled west on york street. and investigators recovered a magazine clip for a handgun, in the nearby driveway. and police did check area hospitals, to see if those two people that did getaway were hit by gunfire, if they went to the hospital. they did not get any reports of that. there is no evidence from the scene that they were hit. police are looking for any information. they also say that the victim, that called police, about that cell phone, theft did remain at the scene. it is still ongoing investigation. for now reporting live from north philadelphia, anni mccormack for channel six "action news". walter and sarah back to you. we have new information tonight about a serial bank robbery suspect targeting businessness chinatown. it turns out he may be responsible for more hold ups than previously thought. police say he strict a ban much branch near tenth and arch yesterday morning. he is believed to hit four other banks over the past two months. in two of those robberies was armed with the knife. suspect has worn different hats for some of the hold ups, one is a large straw hat, another is a baseball cap with a distinctive philadelphia logo on the front. if you know hoe is, please call the philadelphia police. peco crews returned to the area today after spending name florida, helping victims of hurricane irma. the workers say they were knocked by the conditions and damage but happy to help. "action news" reporter trish hartman is live in eddystone delaware county with their stories, trish? report report well, sarah yeah those workers returned home this afternoon after a long, tiring trip they say they are glad to be home but they are grateful for the chance to help. utility trucks pulled up to peco's baldwin service building in eddystone. as suitcase where is unloaded after spending more than a week, in less than ideal accommodations. >> thirty-six men, three bunks high in the back of a tractor trailer. >> reporter: but crews say it was within of the most gratifying trips they have taken coming to the aid of those recovering from hurricane irma. >> toughest thing to see was the kids and the people who were without power at that point for up to 10 days. again, with the high heat and hugh humidity they were suffering. >> reporter: in all more than 350 peco employees and contractors traveled to florida to help with power restoration efforts after the powerful storm left millions in the dark. this particular crew did most of its work in the fort myers area. >> vegetation was almost jungle like that the crews had to deal with, in addition, putting back wires, poles, trying to restore power for the population. >> reporter: crew members say they were most impressed with the resilience of the residents that they helped. >> they never complained, they never complained to us about how long it was taking. in fact, with what little they had they offered to share with us. water, fruit, whatever they had they were willing to give to the crews. >> reporter: now workers also hell topped give out, food, water while they were down there peco says trips like these are important from a mutual aid standpoint, something like that were to happen up here crew from his florida, power, light would come up and help. reporting live, trish hartman for channel six "action news". all right, thanks, chris. much more to come on "action news" tonight one of the surviving members of the tuskegee air men was honored today for his service and it took place right here, in philadelphia. a celebration but also, brave concern in the wake of hurricane maria at today's annual puerto rican day parade we will take through. those stories and much more when "action news" comes right back. you shop around. do your research. find the best fit. why not do the same for your prescription drug plan? at silverscript, we're experts in medicare part d. and 5 million people, just like you, trust us every day. with no deductible, we could help you save money... and get better coverage with access to pharmacies across the nation. so take a closer look at silverscript. we think you'll like what you see. ♪ one of the original tuskegee air men was honored for his heroism during world war two. henry baldwin was soluted and presented with tokens of appreciation. for members of the heroes welcome and tuskegee air men association. baldwin, now in his 90's is a living ledgeend in west fail with dreams of being a pilot, something you been heard of for an african-american at the time. baldwin was honored along with more than a dozen other veterans who never received a proper welcome home, for their efforts and sacrifice. the philadelphia archdiocese is embracing a campaign of brotherhood launched by pope francis. the two year effort is being called, sharing the journey. goal, to strengthen the bond between migrants and refugees in the communities that they come to work and settle into. archbishop chapot praised the success of this campaign during mass this morning here at cathedral basilica of saints peter and paul. today marks one year anniversary of a fire that claimed the lives of three fire fighters in wilmington. honor jury fixes, christopher leach and fire fighters art hope, their collogues ran in the fire stations four, five and six and then to the scene on lake view road. leading pack was fire fighter brad speakman who was injured in the blaze and still has severe burns. today's event was planned to help those affect by the tragedy. the puerto rican day parade took over ben franklin parkway today. while everyone in attendance was well aware of the devastation and suffering in puerto rico, today's celebration of the puerto rican culture was a needed respite for many with loved won on the island. >> ♪ >> many in the crowd, donated money to help with the disaster relief efforts, the event was organized by conceal eo, i was co hosting live coverage on channel six. governor tom wolf was there to show support for people of the puerto rico and their loved won here in pennsylvania. we will be right back. t-mobile's unlimited now includes netflix on us. that's right, netflix on us. get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. taxes and fees included. and now, netflix included. so go ahead, binge on us. another reason why t-mobile is america's best unlimited network. so, it feels good to beat giants that was fun. >> today bird did witt a spectacular finish. >> this is a big one because they are two and zero begins division this could come in handy down the road, as they are fight forgo playoff spot. well, eagles fans if you were crossing your fingers and praying watching the eagles dramatic finish against the giants, you are not alone. carson wentz and rookie kicker jake elliott said a pray eras well as clock hit zero too. eagles come out making a giant statement, owner justry luire locking arms with the team after president trump's comment. 193-yard, and, 67-yard, second quarter, touchdown, 207 nothing eagles. in the end of the half giants, three shots to score from a goal line. nothing. vinny curry stuffed him. third quarter, carson wentz, to zach ertz, 14 to nothing eagles. it slipped away after ertz fumble, giants go on a tear in the third. eli manning, odell beckham. what a catch begins his helmet giants tied it at 14. they are not done. manning is to sterling shepherd, and look at the defenders, wow, gone, 77-yard. eagles allowed 21 straight points in a five minute span in the fourth. they are down 21-14. book comes bird, corry clement from glassboro, his first career rushing touchdown, ties it at 21. and then, final, 72nds, it is crunch time, wentz, what a call, what a pass, what a catch, alshon jeffery how does he make this play. he gets out of bounds, one left. so with no time left rookie jake elliott for the win. 61-yards field goal. bang. longest field goal, in eagles history. the giants are history. what a scene. eagles win 27-24. unbelievable finish, at the link. let's go live to jamie apody. it is the place to be tonight in south philadelphia. jamie, at the link three years ago in college, to beat temple but it wasn't quite like this. >> no, i'll say that. jeff, the kid's 22 years old. he has been here all of 12 days. he goes out and kicks the longest field goal in franchise history, to win a game a division game against the giants. a fairy tail, hollywood script , no, this all actually just happened. >> it is surreal, i mean, it is life of the kicker. you have your ultimate ups and ultimate downs and, you know, i'm just trying to enjoy it. >> what are your thought while the ball was in the air. >> please go in. >> as a kicker you have to have a really short memory because like i said, you miss one you never know when you will come back to make the game winner. today he did a great job and it was everyone, all 11, that is what it takes to get the job done. >> last year we might have come up short in this game last year. but we have learned to, finish games, to finish drives, and, they are never going to be easy. >> that is true, and that is point that almost is lost in this because everyone was celebrating this last second win is the fact that last year all we talk about was the fact that eagles could not win, close games. they lost so many, by just a few points. today they are proving, maybe this year it is different. that is nod a bad thing. live, jamie apody, channel six "action news", jeff. >> jamie, thank you. one win last year by a touchdown or less, and they get one today. more on the game tonight on "action news" sports sunday former eagles running back brian westbrook joins ducis rodgers and "action news" sports team coming up at 11:35 phillies win, by the way, avoiding a sweep with the braves. good day in philadelphia good day, yes. >> thanks, jeff.. >> accu weather coming up, stick around. where are we? about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online and choose what's right for you. woah. flo and jamie here to see hqx. flo and jamie request entry. slovakia. triceratops. tapioca. racquetball. staccato. me llamo jamie. pumpernickel. pudding. employee: hey, guys! home quote explorer. it's home insurance made easy. password was "hey guys." ist's home insurance made easy. facing an epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. vanessa: in honor of recovery month, we want you to know 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though temperatures will be lowered by then and then by thursday, finally we do have a break on the way. certainly a hot one across the delaware and lehigh valleys. the high today in philadelphia , 92 degrees, 17 degrees above the average, of 75 this time of the year. it is 88 in the city. eighty-nine in allentown and reading. up in the poconos 79 degrees. relief is on the coast from beach haven to cape may, numbers in the zero seven's but there is still a moderate wrist fork rip currents. not just today but as we go throughout the rest of the week here. satellite six with action radar showing you we have high pressure dominating the area mostly clear skies, and it is quiet for the rest of tonight and in fact, lots of stars around but warm, muggy, we will drop down to 66 in the suburbs, and 70 degrees in philadelphia for the overnight low. future tracker six showing you 6:00 o'clock tomorrow morning certainly a mild start to the day, and the upper 60's north and west. sixty-eight in philadelphia, wildwood coming in at 67, as we go throughout the afternoon hours tomorrow, by lunchtime, we are all ready in the middle 80's here in philadelphia and the lower 80's upper 70's, to the south and east. so lots to track over the next several days. we do want to let you know there is a tropical storm watch up for north carolina. this is because of hurricane marie a right now it has been downgraded to a category two hurricane with max sustained wind of 105 miles per hour and right now, this storm is 425 miles, to the south/southe of cape hatteras north carolina it is moving north at 9 miles an hour, and over the next day or so, we will find some fluctuating with the intensity of this storm system here. some of those tropical storm force wind will extend out into north carolina and that tropical storm watch has been posted. new will eventually take that left-hand turn, to the north and east, as we get, into the rest of our workweek and into the weekend. the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast showing very warm, humid tomorrow, high temperature up to 89. tuesday, it is humid, not as warm. in at 84 for a high, wednesday , warm, isolated shower in at 84. turning less humid on thursday , 83. refreshing by friday, 75, and then the 70's, feeling like fall next weekend, guys. >> melissa. thank you. abc world news sunday is next on channel six. >> for melissa magee, jeff skversky, sarah bloomquist and the entire news team, i'm walter perez. we will see you at 11:00. fran grenier. new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. tonight, president trump versus the nfl. across the country, the biggest plays happening before the game. a show of solidarity and defiance against the president. players taking a knee, locking arms during the national anthem. some teams even staying off the field. tom brady, one of football's biggest stars, with his hand over his heart. >> i hate you! >> fans on both sides screaming over the issue. as president trump unleashes an endless stream of tweets on game day. also breaking, the deadly church shooting. the gunman wearing a mask, opening fire. and the church member who confronted him. show of force. american bombers flying the closest to north korea in nearly two decades. president trump calling kim

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