Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4pm 20240622 : compareme

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4pm 20240622

>> police are looking for the two men who robbed a popular center city restaurant tria early this morning and the thieves got away with thousands of dollars. david henry live outside that restaurant at 12th and spruce with more on the investigation today. david. >> reporter: yeah, brian the robbery has gelled residents of this neighborhoods of townhouses, apartments and corner shops. it happened early this morning at closing time around 1:15. >> outside of tria which is a busy corner got robbed. i guess go for something that you wouldn't expect. >> reporter: it was business as usual for the tria cafe after a terrifying ordeal for one of the employees early this morning. the cafe had closed and the night manager was in the basement office countering money. police say the two robbers walked into the office and forced the manager to the floor. one of them placed a hard object to the back of his head and threatened to shoot him. they then forced him to open the safe and hand over the cash. they got about $3,500. police say the bandits got into the restaurant through an opened cellar door. they say another employee had left the door opened while taking out the trash. one of the robbers is a black man about five-seven to 5-foot ninely he was wearing a black hoodie and a dark bandana over his face t the other is a light skinned man possibly hispanic with short curly hair wearing a black and red wind breaker outfit and had a mask over his face. it appears the joggers had prepared earlier after monitoring the cafe's closing routine. residents are upset to hear about the robbery but say they generally feel safe here. >> i feel comfortable here. and like walking home at night i never really feel scared. i think it's a pretty safe neighborhood. >> reporter: now the management of tria has no comment but other shop keepers in the area we've talked to say they're thinking of adjusting schedules to make sure at least two people are present at closing time. live in washington square, david henry, channel6 "action news." sarah and brian. >> all right, david, thank you. time now for a check of your accuweather forecast on a steamy afternoon. >> yeah, it is steamy. meteorologist melissa magee in for adam joseph. she's live outside with more on these steamy temperatures. hi melissa. >> hi, brian and sarah. you'll notice an uptick in the humidity but not a bad start back to work on this monday with temperatures for the most part in the 80's. check out the numbers right now across the midatlantic region. it's 86 in philadelphia, 83 in new york city, 80 in richmond but let's talk about those dewpoints, the level of moisture in the atmosphere. here in philadelphia we have dewpoint temperatures in the lower 60's so not bad especially for july standards but you look down to the south, washington d.c. richmond virginia we have oppressive humidity and that is going to be building up from a south to north direction. storm tracker6 live double scan radar showing you we are find something activity, severe weather out across the ohio valley. we've seen more than 2,000 lightning strikes within the past 15 minutes with that bowing line moving across areas in cincinnati and this will be heading to our south and east. so we'll talk about what's ahead, oppressive humidity on the way followed by tropical downpours on tuesday and some localized flooding. we'll take a closer look with the full and exclusive accuweather forecast. we'll send it backing side you to sarah. >> melissa thank you. as you start your week be sure to check with you can find live satellite images and street level radar plus the hourly forecasts from accuweather. and get a personal look at the accuweather team by following our meteorologist on facebook and twitter. well, with the cement foundation being poured in today a first and if a first look inside a $500 million development project in the heart of center city. the the east market development taken an entire city block between market and chestnut from 11th to 12th street and it will feature retail and residential spaces. check it out. this morning 35 trucks poured in the first foundation level and here's a look at the renderings including a 17 story residential tower with 332 units digital signage and upscale organic market and shops and restaurants. now, some businesses have been in the area for years and while they say the construction could take its toll, they are eagerly awaiting a renaissance in the area. >> it's a good thing. more people in the area. definitely helping business and it's definitely better than what's there now so i'm excited. >> developers say they hope the urban experience will give residents workers and tourists a reason to visit and stay and chopper six getting a great shot overhedda as they laid in that first part of the cement and of course while today marked the beginning of that process east market is a big undertaking and could take anywhere between four to six years to complete. sarah. >> look forward to seeing it. thank you alicia. philadelphia archbishop charles chaput responded to the controversial firing of a staff member at waldron mercy academy. margie winters says she lost her job as the religious education director because she's married to a woman. the montgomery county school released a statement that cited the authority of the archbishop as part of the decision to let her go. well the archdiocese has denied involvement. chaput did release a statement earlier today. it says he is grateful to the school "for taking the steps to ensure the catholic faith is presented in a way fully in accord with the teaching of the church." he says administrators have "shown character and common sense at a moment when both seem to be uncommon." >> the naacp convention continued today in center city and one of the big themes of the day was criminal justice reform. the group also heard from pennsylvania senator bob casey and of course everyone is waiting for president obama's visit tomorrow. annie mccormick now live at the pennsylvania convention center where the organization is meeting this week. another eventful day annie. >> reporter: another event full day here brian, third day into the convention and today the naacp president did address the crowd talking about their message this year moving ahead and also issues plaguing the african-american community. now, there are more key note speakers expected this week including president obama who is expected to be the biggest draw tomorrow. >> ♪♪ >> reporter: naacp president cornell william brooks got a standing ovation this afternoon during his key note speech. >> we've seen more civil rights challenges this year than we've 17 quite some time. and to be clear, there are many who wonder whether or not we are up to the task. >> reporter: outlining what's ahead following a tense year in race relations across the country. >> so in 2015, your naacp faced with challenges on every side said it's time for america's journey for justice. >> reporter: today also focused on reform to the criminal justice system. a panel discussed ridding minor offenses and how prosecutors can fairly handle cases. senator bob casey pushed a senate bill aimed to steer people from incarceration by offering more education. >> that's the tragic irony is we have all the data to support prekindergarten education leading to fewer folks ended up in the prison system. >> reporter: and this afternoon president obama actually commuted the sentences of 46 convicts. tomorrow here he is expected to include in his remarks his ideas, a layout of his ideas to improve the criminal justice system. for now reporting live in center city, annie mccormick channel6 "action news." brian. >> all right, annie, thank you. police in new jersey respect investigating a crash that caused major delays in both directions of the a.c. expressway this morning. a total of three vehicles were involved here including one that jumped the median into oncoming traffic. this was the view from chopper six. you can see police and fire crews on the scene and debris strewn all over that roadway. the crash happened between exits 41 and 44 in washington township snarling traffic for the morning commute. two of the vehicles have major damage but police say the occupants escaped with just minor injuries. >> good time to get a check of that "action news" traffic report. >> we turn things over to matt pelman in the "action news" traffic center for an update and looks like more delays behind you matt. >> snarls for this morning snarls for this afternoon snarls for everyone and welcome back to you brian and sarah. good afternoon. we're here along 202. snarled traffic on the southbound side from past chesterbrook boulevard through this point at 29 on down to approaching the route 30 bypass in exton. that's where there was a crash right in the work zone that cleared out just about five minutes ago. so it's gone now but damage is done with a 27 minute travel time on the southbound side of 202 which ideally should be about 13 minutes which is what it is on the northbound side. you remember from last week in edgemont township delaware county, gradyville road partially collapsed. so that remains closed this afternoon. no word on when it will reopen but nearby this afternoon a tree is leaning on wires along bishop hollow road at gradyville road and that is a good spot to avoid. a crash earlier this afternoon on the schuylkill expressway multi vehicle on the eastbound side approaching gulph mills. it's off to the side but a bunch of police officers remain on the scene so it is attracting some attention causing a jam coming eastbound away from 202 on the schuylkill and on 295 in gloucester county as you head toward camden county there's a crash on the northbound side at route 45. traffic can squeeze by but it's cause something slowing. let's grab the ipad do the commuter report on this monday afternoon and one of our friends using the waze app talking about a crash along 295 northbound near route 38. there's also one there on the southbound side so multiple accidents on 295. we'll check it again brian and sarah coming up in the next half hour. >> all right, matt, see you then much thank you. still ahead here today there's a new deal to bail out greece. we'll tell you how it affect your stock portfolio today. >> one candidate enters the race for president and sits down exclusively with abc news. another lays outer her economic plan. we'll break it all down next. >> an explosion at a popular beach sends at least one person to the hospital. what we know about why it happened. ♪ ♪ one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle great rates for great rides. >> and we are back right now with some breaking news out of irvine california where evacuations are under way right now as a result of what you see right here on your screen. this is a live look at what began as brush fire near state route 241 which apparently is near the santiago canyon road in irvine, california. but that brush fire has now spread to structures nearby. there's a campground in the vicinity. that campground has been evacuated. no reports of any injuries just yet. but many fire crews are on the scene working to contain this for fear that it could spread throughout the brush in irvine, california. we will keep you posted on this as we continue to watch it live. >> here at big board now in the field of contenders in the 2016 race for president expanded today with wisconsin governor scott walker becoming the 15th republican seeking the nomination. here's the field here. walker took to twitter actually to announce his candidacy seeing i'm saying i'm in, i'm running for president and he'll make a more formal announcement later tonight and he sat down with david muir anchor of world news tonight to discuss his white house bid in an increasingly crowded field one that includes a member of the bush family. >> is jeb bush a name from the past or a name for the future. >> i don't think a name from the past, i think you need a name from the future. >> reporter: you can see more of that interview tonight on world news tonight with david muir. in the meantime democratic candidate hillary clinton laid out her strategy today to strengthen the middle class she says pledging to increase wages for workers if she becomes president. >> the measure of our success must be how much incomes rise for hard working families, not just for successful ceo's and money managers and not just some arbitrary. >> reporter: clinton spoke about her economic vision today in new york saying wages have to keep up with rising costs and one of her proposals to make that happen includes offering companies tax incentives to share profits with their employees so they can grow together. so a lot happening in that 2016 presidential race today sarah. >> it is a crowded field for the republicans. >> reporter: sure. >> thank you alicia. >> reporter:. diplomats made it close to a deal that would curb iran's nuclear program. negotiators in vienna hope to wrap up an agreement by midnight. it would include inspections of iran's nuclear facilities. in exchange economic sanctions on iran will be lifted. on going disputes over key sticking points could delay a final agreement. >> another bailout could save greece from financial collapse. european creditors will commit $96 billion to keep the struggling country afloat for the next three years. but in order to get that money, greece will be forced to make drastic economic reforms. that includes higher sales tax and reforms to pensions. greek lawmakers must approve the austerity measures by wednesday. in had an effect on the dow. the dow up today 217 points to close at 17,978. nasdaq up about 74, the s & p also up 23 points on the day. >> delaware congressman john kearny is helping veterans receive their benefits. the democrat held a session today at the national guard headquarters in new castle to connect vets with caseworkers and representatives from veterans affairs. workers from a number of other service organizations were also on hand. if you need help, there is still time. the office hours continue at various locations throughout the month. "action news"'s matt o'donnell hit the links on hand for the third annual golf outing benefiting camp cadet put on by the pennsylvania state police. the breakfast shot gun start barbecue lunch was held at the bala golf club. 80 young people from delaware, montgomery and philadelphia counties what it is like to be a police officer. how did you look out there. >> look at that. two putts. >> that was the seventh take though i think. >> you think so. >> i think that was edited vehicle. >> quite the golfer give him a little credit. >> time for accuweather. >> let's get a check from melissa magee. >> hi, sarah high hi brian. >> sky6 live in hd down at the shore in cape may. wouldn't you love to be on the beach and on the sand this afternoon really comfortable conditions especially along the coast with an on shore flow moving in thanks to that southeasterly wind. it's 86 in philadelphia but in atlantic city at the boardwalk 79, 79 as well in sea isle city. as you head in allentown the lehigh valley 85. out to the west and lancaster coming in at 80 degrees. here's satellite6 along with action radar. relatively quiet across much of the midatlantic region but you could see what's off to our west right to the ohio valley, a cluster of showers and storms and some severe weather over this region over ohio and also moving into kentucky and tennessee and that bow line moving on through as well. the good news for us, this moisture will bypass us to our south and east and we're just dealing with some light activity for the rest of tonight. the call from accuweather for later on this evening it will be turning more humid. it was a passing shower or two. we'll drop down 71 in the city, 71 in cape may. the overnight low in allentown dropping down to 66. couple of changes up ahead. you'll notice the uptick in the humidity by tuesday and some showers and storms with a warm front moving through so 8 o'clock in there morning tomorrow i would allow for a pop-up shower or thunderstorm especially with so much building heat and humidity. by tuesday 3 o'clock in the afternoon these showers and storms look to be more numerous n-fact tropical downpours are not out of the question. right now we're not tracking anything severe but flooding downpours is a concern as we go throughout the day tomorrow. take you over to the tropics keeping a close eye on tropical storm claudette winds sustained at 50 miles per hour, moving to the east at about 15 miles per hour and this will eventually head over into newfoundland as we get into wednesday and by then just become a remnant low so staying well away from the mainland. here's the four day at 4:00 showing you it's humid tomorrow. wednesday it's humid still. have to allow for some unsettled weather with this frontal boundary stalling out essentially midweek. high of 87 but after that, on thursday it's bright with lower humidity a high of 83. check out that overnight low. 66 degrees. that is so comfortable in the city by then and on friday, it's sunny and nice a high of 85 as the phils are at home, an overnight low dropping down to 70. tuesday and wednesday, guys, look to be quite active with those showers and storms and not everyone sees them but where you do watching out for that hard downpour. >> thank you. a familiar face will soon become a permanent fixture on the view. comedian michelle collins has been flamed a co-host on that show. collins replaces actress rosy perez who announced that she's stepping down last week. the view airs every day at 11:00 a.m. right here on 6abc. >> still ahead an explosion at a popular beach. what we know now about the blast that sent at least one person to the hospital. >> plus, she's a key player in -- he's a key player in a mexican drug cartel and he just broke out of prison in an elaborate plan. >> how people around the world are paying it forward to honor a teen who was so selfless to save a friend's life she risked her only we'll explain why it was on her bucket list coming up in big talkers. we want to row mind you to go to facebook and watch the 6abc "action news" facebook page. that will give you access to all the top stories we're following, weather updates breaking news, best and most current viral videos. you can also communicate with members of the "action news" team including all of us right here in the studio. we'll be right back. i'm sigourney weaver and new york is my home. there's no place like it in the world... like our state parks. the adirondacks are my favorite. for hiking, fishing, camping, you name it. niagara falls is the oldest state park, but visiting it never gets old. the readers of a national newspaper voted letchworth the #1 state park in america. watkins glen, #3. new york state parks are a gift. plan your vacation at there's something for everyone. >> ♪♪ >> from our delaware news room the fire marshal is trying to figure out just what started the flames that destroyed a home today in talleyville. the action cam was on weldon park drive just after 6 o'clock this morning when the fire broke out. the homeowner said he was feeling dizzy and medics treated him on the lawn. the flames were so intense they caused $250,000 in damage to that home. and they also melted the siding off a home next door. one man is fighting for his life right now after he was shot in philadelphia's point breeze section today. the action cam was on the 1700 block of tasker street. that's where the 25-year-old man was shot in the leg and the arm. he's in the hospital in critical condition right now. police say they are looking for a white ford mustang or chevy impala with partial license plate jmr. they're asking anyone with any information to please call them. >> investigators are still trying to figure out what sent a woman airborne at a rhode island beach on saturday. witnesses heard a loud bang before 60-year-old kathleen denise was thrown about 10 feet from her beach chair. she landed on a rock jetty and fractured a rib. officials say there was no gas line under that section of the sand. they couldn't find any physical evidence of an explosion nothing like charring or debris. at this point they're not ruling anything out. >> it's an odd thing. >> right. >> still ahead how small changes to your water heater and lightbulbs could save you hundreds on your electric bill. >> plus, on the run. two days after the world's most dangerous drug lord escaped from a mexican prison, the fbi has joined the search. the tweets that peaked their interest. >> people around the globe are paying it forward to pay tribute to a teenage here died while saving her friend. while her family discovered her ultimate sacrifice was something that was on her bucket list for years. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. >> ♪♪ >> "action news" continues. >> it is 4:30 and "action news" continues with new video of a robbery suspect with a distinctive approach to holding up banks. what she wears during each crime. >> forget crunches or restricted diets. some experts say the secret to a flat belly is something called stomach. it is not what it sounds like. we will explain. >> and later, a pair of tiny glasses led to one big smile. you don't want to miss the precious moment a baby sees her parents clearly for the first time in her young life. >> you are going to love that. but we begin now with the all out manhunt for the world's most dangerous drug lord. right now thousands are searching for joaquin guzman also known as el chapo on this bone sides of the border. this after the notorious king pin and killer broke out of a maximum security prison in mexico to a mile long tunnel. abc's marci gonzalez live in new york city with the latest details on this. hi marcy. >> reporter: hi, brian. mexico's president is touring that prison. he says he's confident el chapo will be caught. with frustrated law enforcement officials say they actually learned a about his tactics following his last prison break. an intense manhunt today for the most powerful and dangerous drug lord in the world. a man mexican officials said would never escape from prison again. joaquin el chapo guzman proving them wrong breaking out of this maximum security prison outside of mexico city saturday night. >> guzman is like the osama bin laden of drug trafficking. >> reporter: officials believe he dug a somehow hole bee beneath the shower in his cell then used a ladder to drop himself 30 feet blow ground winding through a mile long tunnels before climbing out. investigators questioning 18 prison workers trying to figure out why the man officials say is responsible for thousands of overdose deathy deaths and murders wasn't more closely guarded. >> whenever there's a community in the united states where you can find the presence of drugs such as heroin cocaine marijuana methamphetamine even design are drugs those drugs are connected to el chapo. >> reporter: the last time el chapo broke out of a maximum security prison in 2001 he wasn't captured for 13 years. investigators concerned the king pin who was once on forbes billionaire list has the resources to stay hidden again. and we're now told the fbi is looking into tweets from someone claiming to be el chapo's son sent to donald trump threatening to make the presidential candidate "swallow his words after he made disparaging comments about the drug king pin. reporting live, marci gonzalez channel6 "action news." sarah, back to you. >> thank you. abc news will be covering the latest developments on the manhunt live from mexico tonight. benitez's report on world news tonight with david muir right after "action news" at 6:00. >> the second suspect in a deadly drag racing accident has been found guilty now of third degree murder. a judge announced that verdict today against cues san akhmedov after a nonjury trial. he was raising a man before a crash that killed samaria banks and her three young sons. the family was trying to cross the roosevelt boulevard at the time. akhmedov will be sentenced on first. the other suspect already entered a guilty plea. >> philadelphia police hope new surveillance video will lead them to a woman accused of robbing at least four banks. this is footage from inside a citizens bank on the 10,000 block of bustleton avenue last thursday. the woman dressed in full muslim garb can be seen handing the teller a note indicating she had a bomb and then leaving with crash. the fbi believes she's the same woman responsible for robbing at least three other banks in northeast philadelphia since june 9th. if you have any information about the holdup, call the fbi or philadelphia police. delaware state police say someone robbed the same newark toll plaza twice in three days. the northbound booth on i-95 was first held up on friday night. it happened again on sunday night. in both robberies a masked man got out of his car and then either reached inside the booth or opened the door to steal the cash. neither worker was hurt. >> meanwhile police are looking for the witnesses of a shooting in a wilmington neighborhood. someone shot a man just before 5:30 this morning in edgemoor gardens new castle county police found the 27-year-old victim on bedford drive. he was taken to christiana hospital and is expected to survive. officers took a juvenile into custody at the scene but it's unclear at this time how he is related to this investigation. >> a tractor-trailer accident snarled traffic in westville gloucester county this afternoon. chopper 6hd was over the area of routes 295 and 628 just before 3:00 p.m. that's when a semi truck went over the guardrail and down a grassy embankment. new jersey state police say the driver was not hurt. they are still on the scene right now investigating. a firefighter had to be treated for heat exhaustion after an early morning row home fire in camden. an "action news" viewer captured the flames tearing through the structure on the 800 block of newtown avenue just after 3:30 a.m. because the home was vacant firefighters say they had to break in through windows and doors to fight the fire. the cause is still under investigation. >> and of course the weather continuing to be a concern as this week goes on in addition to those high temperatures you see, the humidity is going to be on the rise melissa. >> oh, yeah you guys will really notice the difference as we go throughout the overnight hours and throughout the day tomorrow. oppressive humidity and with that comes the threat of those showers and storms but let's head north my friend. sky6 live in hd looking at camelback beach there a temperature of 80 degrees, dewpoint at 56. really comfortable up north. winds out of the south at 9 miles per hour and that pressure 29.86. now we'll head over to center city looking at the skyline from our temple university camera. the temperature coming in at 86 degrees. the dewpoint 61. so, there is a touch of humidity in the air but with that southerly wind pumping up more moisture you'll notice the difference later on this evening and throughout the day on tuesday. the heat index not bad feeling like 86 degrees. and down the shore in cape may it's a gorgeous shot, a temperature of 79 degrees and a nice afternoon sea breeze kicking on in. but we do have showers and storms on the way but it's not just for tuesday, kind of an unsettled time period we're looking at. we'll detail that coming up with the full and exclusive accuweather 7-day. >> melissa thanks very much. >> several run down buildings in west atlantic city are being demolished to make room for the future. five old motels and a hickory log restaurant all coming down. egg harbor township bought those buildings with a $3 million grant from the casino reinvestment development authority. township officials say getting rid of these dilapidated properties is the first step toward redeveloping that area. now to some interesting health news about your feet. some doctors say you should be careful if you polish you toenails. rick williams has been conducting exhaustive research but workplace appropriate research. what have you learned. >> something i've always wondered about. foot experts say you shouldn't keep polish on your toenails all summer long because the dye will soak into the nail and dry it out. and a dry nail could make it easier for bacteria to grow. coming up tonight at 5:00 on health check ali gorman tells us how specialists recommend you protect your toes and what you can do if it's already a problem. also coming up tonight at 5:00 it's a local celebration for the french fry. we'll tell you about chickie and pete's fundraiser that's serving up a favorite food for less and helping the families of our local heroes. just some of the stories we're covering for you diligently when we see it on "action news" coming up tonight at 5:00. sarah back to you. >> all right, rick, thank you. young people treated to the sights and sounds of tradition in south american music and dance at the mean theater this --mann theater this morning. >> ♪♪ this performance by the group inca son picked up the mann's young people's concert series. the series exposes kids to cultures and musical genres from around the globe. the concerts are free and open to the public on mondays through the month of august. >> and still ahead here at 4 o'clock today the small changes you can make at your home to save you pretty big on your electric bill. >> tighten your abs by vacuuming your stomach. sounds strange but many experts swear it works. detail on the natural skies that has nothing to do with cleaning. >> plus it's the smile taking the internet by storm. do you not want to miss the magic moment a baby sees her parents clearly for the first time in her young life. >> trying to vacuum right now. meteorologist melissa magee returns with a full forecast from accuweather when "action news" at 4:00 continues next. is it working? >> police in east saint louis, illinois, are conducting a massive search right now for a teenager thought to be involved in a brazen hit and run that was caught on camera and before you see this video we should tell that you everyone did survive. >> (screaming). >> man it's hard to watch. that was the moment police say 18-year-old moesha allen plowed into a group with whom they say she had been feuding. incredibly none of the four girls hit right here were seriously injured. it happened back on june 27th moments after a fight in a nearby park. at this point allen is the only person facing charges but she has not been seen since that hit and run. >> wow. one bride's wedding day memories includes a police investigation because somebody stole her wallet while she was saying her vows. the thief took the purse from michelle wilcox's bridal suite during her ceremony at a resort in california. officials were able to track down surveillance pictures of a woman who used the stolen credit cards while the wedding was still going on. the suspect spent $1,400 within one hour. wilcox got permission to share the culprit's photo on facebook and hopes -- in hopes of catching the criminal. >> by the time i woke up in the morning, i had 387 shares, a lot of in boxes with some leads, none of which have panned out yet and just a lot of attention. nobody can believe that somebody would take it from a bridal suite. >> wilcox said she is grateful the thief left her passport behind. she needed it for her canadian honeymoon the very day after the wedding. >> on health check at 4:00 today if you want flat abs forget about the crunches and start vacuuming. hold on. don't go to the cleaning closet. >> you should do this from sitting, standing flat on your back, that's the easiest way to start. >> yes, this vacuuming is an exercise to tone your stomach muscles specifically to transverse abs the deep muscle that wraps around your torso. it's all the buzz in fitness clubs with trainers and across the internet. you start by exhailing as much air as possible then pulling your navel in as far as possible. you've lost me already. the deeper it goes the greater the contraction. you hold that pose taking small breaths and gradually working up to longer holds. experts say it also strengthens the spine and helps stave off back pain. all right. >> sarah is laughing and actually trying it over here as you're explaining it and i don't know. need a little more, on that. here at the big board with the big talk terse. around the country people are paying it forward to honor a selfless teenager who risked her own life to save a friend and in the end she completed her very own bucket list. this is 17-year-old remember 17-year-old rebecca townsend a senior who died after pushing her friend out of the way when a car was coming toward them. the friend lived she died. to keep her memory and bravery alive ler family started a movement called remembering rebecca and people are sharing their pictures of just how they're doing that from donating to someone who needs a bone marrow transplant to baking cookies or buying someone a cup of coffee, one kind gesture at a time to celebrate this young girl who did not think twice when someone needed her. brian can attest to this. twins they're double the love, double the cute, double the work and apparently according to one mom, they are double the annoying inquiries that come in about those twins. one australian mommy blogger of twin dolls got a little tired of answering all the questions that strangers had about the girls so she created a hilarious set of answers to those faq's and attached them to their double stroller, yes they are mine, they are twins both girls, not identical even though they look alike and yes, i'm sure they aren't identical. she answered how they were conceived. let's everyone know they were born via c-section. that it's a popular question. twins don't run in her family she says until now, yes, her hands are full, sometimes it's two glasses of wine just to get through and yes triplets could be harder she says. she says she does know that people mean well when they ask all those questions but sometimes it can get a little intrusive and just plane exhausting. so those are your answers everyone and finally it is a smile that has the internet smiling too and sharing the love at record social media speed. it's the moment a 10 month old girl sees her family for the first time. >> hi. hi. how are you? can you see? can you see. >> reporter: cutest. piper is delightd to be able to actually see her parents when they put on those custom-made glasses for the first time. mom and dads say she's extremely farsighted so the doctor had to make her some special glasses and they say the pure joy at seeing their faces has touched so many people and they hope that this viral video will raise awareness about the importance of eye health and of course getting infants' eyes checked. we can't see it enough because that big smile and she's like that's what you guys look like? >> so cute. >> you love that smile. when you put glasses on most kids they pull them right off their face. >> this is fantastic. >> she likes what she saw, too. >> awesome. alicia thanks for sharing. that we loved it. let's get another check on the roads right now. >> matt pelman in to get a look at how things are going out there, matt. >> we did love that but you're not going to love what you have to see here on the schuylkill expressway. always have to be a diana rocco, right. here on the eastbound side of 76 there was a crash. now off to the side. police penndot still on the scene it is attracting some attention as you come off 202 onto eastbound 76 it's extra slow this afternoon. headed the other way southbound on 202 through malvern looking at speeds like 12, 16 miles per hour headed through frazier down toward exton. we had an earlier accident southbound approaching the 30 bypass. long gone now but got us off to a bad start this afternoon. just in case you were wondering, yes, it's going to be another week and several more weeks and several more months of construction on the westbound ben franklin bridge. two westbound right lanes out of commission for the ongoing patco work. some slight slowing this afternoon as you head towards center city. not quite as bad as some of the afternoons last week. have an overturned tractor-trailer partially blocking the ramp from exit 7206 to the northbound new jersey turnpike in burlington county. a crash on 295 southbound side in burlington county near 38 just 21 miles per hour there and in westville gloucester county, still have that truck that ran off the road 295 northbound at 45. that, too, is a spot where you don't want to go this afternoon. we'll check it again brian and sarah coming up in the 5 o'clock hour. >> all right, matt see you shortly. thank you. meteorologist melissa magee back with that exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast coming up next. >> ♪♪ >> all right, melissa magee along. it is hot now. going to be humid tomorrow. >> yeah. >> a little wet. >> for sure. you're going to notice the difference with the humidity and also those showers and storms popping up as we go throughout the day tomorrow. but we've got a gorgeous picture to share with you. the action cam was outside earlier today in washington square. beautiful roses. everything in bloom and we don't need any rain we need a respite from the wet weather and looks like we're getting it for a good clunk of today before things refire as we get into tomorrow. here's storm tracker6 live double scan radar. pretty quiet across much of philadelphia, points to the north and west but you move over to the south across delaware and we are tracking a little bit of unsettled weather. future tracker six and storm tracker six street level showing that you in kent county delaware just to the south of dover along route 13, we are noticing some showers some moderate pockets even to the south and east of milford. we will allow for a little bit of activity but again the bulk of that moisture comes in as we get into tuesday and for that matter into wednesday. outside currently it's 86 in philadelphia, 80 in the poconos. 79 in sea isle city with that on shore flow thanks to that southeasterly wind. out to the west in lancaster coming in at 80, 85 in reading. here's satellite6 along with action radar. high pressure starting to lose its grip across much of the midatlantic region and these are the showers that we are tracking thanks to that southerly wind and that moisture coming in. a complex of showers and storms currently skirting through the ohio valley and this is pressing on off to our south and east so this will bypass our region for the rest of tonight. here's the call from accuweather tonight. it will be turning more humid. you're going to notice the increase in the humidity. a passing shower is possible as well. 66 in the suburbs for the overnight low and 71 in philadelphia. here's the setup for us on our tuesday. we're tracking a warm front essentialing that will be lifting northward so it's warm and it's humid oppressive humidity overhead and some tropical downpours overhead as well. i think the activity is scattered in nature. not everyone sees it but where you do watching on the for localized flooding. there's tropical storm claudette moving to the north and east sustained at 50 miles an hour. wednesday however it's partly sunny, high temperature coming in at 87 degrees and some scattered afternoon showers and storms cannot be ruled out either on wednesday until this cool front completely moves out of our region. down the shore the ocean temperature really warm, 78 degrees and as you head on the beach and on the sand tomorrow 80 degrees, breaks of sunshine in those showers and storms firing tup as we go throughout the afternoon hours. the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast showing you tomorrow is humid. high temperature up to 87 degrees. watching out for those downpours. same thing holds true on wednesday, a high up to 87. then after that on thursday it's a good looking day. bright and less humid a high up to 83 and the overnight low 66. really comfortable. we'll close out our week on friday with nice conditions. high up to 85. 88 next saturday. 89 on sunday. we're heating up on monday with a high of 90 so have your umbrella close to you just in case we get some of those tropical downpours tomorrow, guys. >> thank you melissa. what's the deal? that's next. >> summer heat has been cranking um. with the ac's and fans in full force so are those electric bills. a few small changes changes can make a big difference. >> the merit family is trying to beat the summer heat by cranking up the ac but their power bill not so cool. >> i wish i could say we had consistent energy saving habits in our house. >> they say they pay a scorching $3,700 a year in electric bills. enter energy expert ben bixby to find hidden cash. >> let's do it. >> first way to put money back in your wallet replace your old thermostat with a smart one like this nest or honey we will controlled through your phone then nest general manage of energy services says it monitors the family's heating and cooling habits and turns off when not needed giving them an estimated $173 back this year. >> this is perfect. >> and that's not all. their old 65 watt lightbulbs were not only making the house hotter. >> temperature is over 170 degrees. >> they were also zapping a lot of electricity switching to new energy saving nine and a half watt led's nets them an extra 288 bucks a year. finally the hot water heater. just watch. it's stoat a sizzling 145 degrees. >> much hotter than it needs to be and that's costing you on your energy bill. >> reporter: turning it down 20 degrees nets them an extra 40 bucks. >> that's great. >> reporter: all in all plugging an extra 600 bucks back into the family's budget this year. >> try reducing how hard your ac has to work by covering skylights and window shades. it all adds up you guys. >> certainly does. alicia thanks very much. and that will do it for "action news" at 4:00 today. for sarah bloomquist alicia vitarelli adam joseph and melissa magee, i'm brian taff. hope you'll join me along with adam and ducis rodgers tonight and every night for a full hour of "action news" at 10:00 on phl17. >> "action news" at 5 o'clock is next. >> see you tonight. >> ♪♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody meteorologist cecily tynan rick williams and monica malpass. >> ♪♪ >> a 500 million-dollar new construction project in center city is taking shape. it will bring new life to an entire city block with office space apartments, shops restaurants and more. it is monday night. the big story on "action news" is the major step in the project called east market. >> the first part of the foundation was poured. john rawlins joins us live from the site at 1100 mark. hi, john. >> reporter: hi, monica, good evening. all quiet now, the 35 cement trucks are gone, so are all the workers as you take a look but they will be back. what's going on here is a big change from the past. for decades much of center city flourished parts of market east stalled considered by many a troubled area, now that is changing. hundreds of cubic yards of concrete pumped into what will become the sub foundation of east market. a big money bet that millennials and maybe their empty nester parents will want to live, work and play here. it includes an apartment tower with 322 units retail spaces will be wrapped in electronic signage. the old family court building will be replaced by an office building with an organic market. the 4-acre footprint will be crisscrossed with walkways and small streets. >> market street will be lined with both a combination of new market restaurants, concepts that are in new york and d.c. and local operators who maybe have a shop down on passyunk avenue. >> reporter: the construction brings dust noise and closed sidewalks but nearby neighbors like barber fred green

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