Share Photo: (Photo : aryapermanaid / Instagram) At ten years old, Arya Permana caught the attention of global media. The boy tipped the scales at 423 pounds. He weighed six times more than the average 10-year-old boy, which should weigh around 70.5 pounds. Now a teenager, Permana loves sports and has since lost an impressive 231 pounds with lifestyle changes and experts' help. World's Fattest Boy Now a Healthy Teenager A 10-year-old boy who sat and ate all day was still bathed by his mom in a pool outside his home and had no clothes that could fit him, but a large cloth or sarong-such was the life of Permana when he caught the eye of the media. "He is perpetually hungry and only eats and sleeps. If not, he stays in the bath for hours. If he tries to walk, he loses balance and complains of shortness of breath," cried out his mother, Rokayah Somantri.