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World leaders join Pakistan for SOS on flood and debt - Worl
World leaders join Pakistan for SOS on flood and debt - Worl
World leaders join Pakistan for SOS on flood and debt - World
Paris offers to host rehabilitation conference; UN chief opens UNGA with "debt-climate adaptation swaps" suggestion.
Related Keywords
Austria ,
Paris ,
France General ,
France ,
Spain ,
Pakistan ,
Islamabad ,
French ,
Mahmoud Abbas ,
Pedro Sanchez Perez Castejon ,
Shahbaz Sharif ,
Jacinda Ardern ,
Karl Nehammer ,
United Nations ,
General Antonio Guterres ,
Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif ,
General Assembly ,
Prime Minister Sharif ,
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ,
French President Emmanuel Macron ,
Spain Pedro Sanchez Perez Castejon ,
Austria Karl Nehammer ,
Islamic Republic ,
Iran Sayyid Ebrahim ,
President Mahmoud Abbas ,
Global Food Security Summit ,
President Macron ,
Flood Emrgency ,