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Wokingham councillors to stand down before 2023 elections :
Wokingham councillors to stand down before 2023 elections :
Wokingham councillors to stand down before 2023 elections
A NUMBER of councillors representing Wokingham and the surrounding area will be standing down ahead of the local elections this year.
Related Keywords
Blackthorn ,
Oxfordshire ,
United Kingdom ,
Wokingham ,
Hawkedon ,
Suffolk ,
Barkham ,
Cllr Pauline Jorgensen ,
James Aldridge ,
John Kaiser ,
Cllr Boyt ,
Cllr Gee ,
Cllr Kaiser ,
Cllr Maher ,
Maria Gee ,
Gregor Murray ,
Cllr Murray ,
Tahir Maher ,
Shirley Boyt ,
Bulmershe Whitegates ,
Borough Council ,
Sutton Court ,
Earley Town Council ,
Elections For Wokingham Borough Council ,
Democracy Reporting Service ,
Wokingham Borough Council ,
Wokingham Town Council ,
Governance Committee ,
Liberal Democrats ,
Clive Jones ,
Councillor Maria Gee ,
Liberal Democrat ,
Wokingham Borough ,
Wescott West ,
Wokingham Town ,
Councillor Gregor Murray ,
Tree Cities ,
Pauline Jorgensen ,
Borough Mayor ,
Sip Wokingham ,
Rainbow Caf ,
Councillor Shirley Boyt ,
Local Democracy Reporting ,
Blackthorn Close ,
Maiden Erlegh ,
Earley Town ,