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Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 10 20240622 : comparemela

Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 10 20240622

announcer: it is 10:00 p.m. do you know where your children are. right now on "fox 5 news" at 10:00. >> a casino bus crashes in queens leaving a gapping hole and number of people injure. now shoring that you building. >> yeah, making sure to secure the sight of the impact is a pile of rubble. emergency crews and building experts spent the evening trying to safely remove the bus from the scene. sharon crowley has the latest on the accident and the investigation. >> that is right. well, behind me, you can see workers are hard at work trying to see core the area around the building because the building is in a precarious position after a bus rammed into the side of it at 2:30 afternoon injuring six people including the bus driver. on the kosher of 63rd avenue and wood haven boulevard in the regel park section of queens. >> i heard a big crash and i saw it because i was coming down from there. i saw the bus the building there. i looked over at the bus driver. was in a bad condition because there was whole bunch of bricks and glass covering his face. investigators say at 2:30 are this afternoon, the bus driver crashed into the side of the three story bring destroying the walls and injury aring four passengers and one person who was with in the building. the bus driver was the most seriously injured. witnesses say he was swerving to avoid hitting a car. i helped people out of the puss through the window. the door was jammed. cue not open the door. there was so much stuff. the guy was penned. >> neighbors in the residential area rushed to try help the injured. >> this other lady was screaming because the was scared. i helped her out of there. got stuck. lifted him up and put him over the window and just picked him down from there. the pot tom floor houses a law office. tonight, employees returned here with boxes but unable to get inside until the building is repaired. >> it is a happy day. >> no. no. >> and certainly, the gleams of the law firm are grateful that nobody at the law firm was there at the time. in fact, one lady had just left at 12 chon 30 now. the brick building residences. return home tonight safe. investigators tell me, they are still trying to figure out the exact cause of this accident. it appears the driver another car. but because he is still being treated in the hospital. they have to undergo sper sr. views p. witnesses i talked to say it didn't appear the driver was speeding. we should be able to days. for now pack to you. >> thanks, sharon. >> a stomach-churning roller coaster ride on wall street that started from the opening well with the dow dropping more than 1,000 points rebounding and ebbing the day off 600 points. linda schmidt in the newsroom. lynn dap? reporter: woe, that is while wind to say the least. the sell-off set a record and sent sh remembers from wall street to main street. now it was the eighth worst. the eighth worst sin dwell day point decline, but experts are telling us, as long as you didn't have to get a hold of your money today and able to ride this you are going to be just fine. >> within the first five minutes of the opening bell. the dow jones plunged more than 1,000 points. i was rocky morning but stocks regained that ground and finished the day down 588 points. adam shapiro, of fox business, says answer one who was swet saturdaying this out worried needlessly. market. if you live and breath the markets on a daily basis. are giving yourself anxiety. you need not fife yourself. >> the sell-off was reaction to a potential global economic slowdown starting with china which he is the world's second largest economy. many u.s. companies like apple and dm do a huge a. business in china. at the end of the day. what does this all mean for you? well, if you have a pension oar 401(k), your age determines if you should be concerned about the market plunge. >> well, if you were the 40's. no sweat. you sit this out. you should not be watching the stock market. if you are in the 30's. are lucky you are buying. it is low as opposed to higher. in the 50's, you will be table to ride this out. reporter: however, if you are 60 or older, the retirement should be less reliant on stocks and should be talking to the financial manager about that. if you have noted that discussion, you are 60 or over, it is time to that that discussion, you are approaching retirement and don't want to have the major think of retirement portfolio stock. it is that simple. >> shapiro says we can folks see a wild rid on wall street through most this is going to be going on for the next several weeks. event. it is going to go on this week annex week up to mid-september. because we're waiting for direction from the federal reserve, we are waiting for congress to get back into session so it can deal with spending issues that it has got to deal with. there is a little bit of a silver lining here with this today. shapiro is saying a lot of people ended up making a lot of money today because after the stocks tanked they were able to buy them and a incredibly low price and what happens after this. the prices go back up, and that is where you make the money. jen, back up to. >> thank you, linda. >> as vice president joe biden leaning closer to he had private lunch at the white house today. one report said it was to get the president's blessing if he decided to enter the race but bind met privately with elizabeth warn over the weekend which caused further speculation about the ambitions. >> all right. developing you news now. justin wilson has died from a hand injury he suffered yesterday. wilson hit in the head during a race by a piece of debris that had broken off from the car causing him to crash the rack. today at indianapolis motor speedway. wilson leaves behind a wife, two crowning daughters,who was just 37 years old. the ntsb says air traffic controller on long island made a mistake when giving advise regain a pi lot in need of emergency landing. 59-year-old was killed last week when the plane went down in hicksville. now moments before the crash he was told to find the landing strip inner that bye bethpage but that runway no longer exists and now in the industrial we're and the pilot kept searching for the runway while the controller gave him directions to nowhere. >> it is at bethpage airport. if you want to try one, you can do that too. >> you are up with on the center line. >> that plane went down on long island railroad tracks in hicksville. we reached out to the faa regarding the error. still under investigation. >> france's highest award is being given to the heros who took down a gunman in a high speed rain in was headed for paris. american airman spencer stone, national guardsmen, their friend, al and hon think sadler, were among those who helped subdue the gunman who had assault rifle strapped to the chest. this the gunman has been identified as 26-year-old man from more roweco who is being >> all right. the han charged with shooting and killing a louisiana state trooper last night now us pected of killing his roommate as well. 54-year-old company of did a daggle pulled a shotgun are gun after they saw the pickup ditch. the pickup truck is registered to dealing roommate. >> a teen is accused of shooting a pellet gun at nypd officer who was guarding daisy mansion. lisa evers spoke to boy who is say the suspect has been in trouble with the law before. >> 19-year-old michael was fact in into into handcuffs as being charged with a sunday night shooting of a plain clothes police officer. the officer is assigned to mayor de blasio's protection detill and going to grisy mansion when he felt something pack. the may area and the family were not there at the time. we all understand we the families the center of my life, but we have faith in the nypd. they are the security experts. we know they will take care of the situation. the nypd says he was shooting from open window in the luxury doorman building. police sources tell fle have been two other pee begun shooting incidents on east en avenue in the last week where glass was proc in end that has had run-ins with police since 2011. this the teens now facing six serious charges including assault on police officer a deadly weapon. the officer was taken to lenox hill hospital where she was treated and released. news." >> bronx man filed a lawsuit after being hospitalized for region nar's disease them city health coming this says the lo tell's roof was the source of the outbreak that left more than 120 others sick. the 54-year-old is now seek unspecified damages claiming the hotel's negligent carelessness and recklessness caused him mental an gish. >> the pope's visit to the u.s. right around the corner. organizers of the world meeting of families have come without a on-line guide called the papal visit playbook. the web site answers questions on how to best navigate around and what visitors will be allowed to ring to the pope's events. the holiness in new york on september 24th and 25th and i philadelphia on the 26th and the 27th. >> apple recalling some of the iphone 6 plus phones the company says cameras in some of them take blur rid pictures. the problem affects phones sold between september 2014 and january 2015. there is easy way to find out if the fines involved, you can also head to apple's iphone support page to click on eyesight cameral replacement a list of the serial numbers. apple says it will replace them for free. >> nfl hall of fame rookies. >> that is right. why chris carter may have been a bit too we'll the advice. >> yeah, a couple's awkward breakup on plane getting lots of attention them ply by play as it was live tweeted. >> the amount of follows a person who got from tweeting it as well. all right. you think are eating healthy by ordering a sal dad. i may not be quite as good as you would like to think. >> nfl half famer is apologizing for remarks he made year ago. >> all right. the time he told a room full of rookies they should have a fall guy. matt king shows us the cart ear statements are now caution him a year later. >> shall not go to decide to do the right thing. if you all got a crew, you got have a fall guy in the crew. >> hall of fame wide veer offered that advise regain a room full of nfl rookies during the 2014 symposium. >> under no circumstances. at vicing a bunch 19 through 22-year-old new millionaires and nfl sanctioned event to a point to take the blame when they get in trouble has led many to call cart ear hypocrite the former viking has repeatedly stressed disabriefal the deflecting of such allegation again him. >> this was 205 years ago. about this story because it would not be on tape. >> he spent 22 years in this he league and won two super ball rings. in the moment, the hall of famer just wanted to relate to the rookies to help them out. >> obviously, he thought about it later. has apologized. he knows it was not certainly not the right thing to say. >> in a couple of tweet, carter wrote seeing that video has made me realize how wrong i was. i was brought here to educate young people and instead i gave them bad should take responsibility for his own actions. i am sorry and truly great what i said that day. espn issued a statement reading we disagree with the remarks and made him. views were entirely his own and do not reflect the company's point of view in anyway. the league said this was unfortunate nand appropriate comment made by cris carter during the 2014 symposium. >> all right, i got to tape of all how to get around all of this stuff, too. you if go have a crew, one of them fools got know, he is going to jail. >> the league threat of video of the comments on the web site for more than a year before removing it sunday. >> i am matt king. "fox 5 news." jets' quarterback returned to the team's training calm today two weeks after suffering a wrong jaw after being punched bay teammate. the judge tweeted that smiths with at practice but won playing. he is stage on the sidelines in the new jersey and would you tell hellment. smith had surgery to replace jaw a week and a half ago. he is expected to miss stock ten weeks. >> all right. the new jersey man found with rosy oh done held in teenage daughter sent the photo. he is charged with child endangerment and distribution obscenity to a minor and accused of having this appropriate on-line locations with kelcey o'donnell. he did not end tear plea. the 17-year-old was hin barn the gut last week after being missing for week. >> the new fraternity has suspended actives at old dominion university after several sexually suggested banners were flung the home where frat members lived. one banner read, freshman daughter drop-off and was in the balcony of the off-campus home. university official condemn the messaging of the banners and investigating if any frat members could have been involved. >> all right. rocker courtney love is reaching out. it is courtney love. i didn't need to say rocker courtney love. all right. courtney love reach aring out in memory of of the late husband. he posted old family photo of her holding the baby daughter but she wrote our babies all grown up. what on earth were you thinking referring to i miss you. 27 years old then and francis beam just turned 23 last week. >> with you. posh sure are trillion the massive hack is reportedly triggered crimes. police in dan confirming attempts to expose some of the cheating web site's users to mun think and also say at least two unconfirmed suicides could be linked to that hack. ashley madison is now offering00,000 reward or $378,000 in u.s. dollar for information leading to the arrest of those hackers who broke ton the web site. >> this hack is one of the largest, data breaches in the world. and it is very unique on its own that an exposed tens of millions of people's personal information including the credit card data. >> the hackers leased a the personal information of millions of users last week after a demand to shut down the web site was ignored. all right. a drunk couple went through emotional breakup on raleigh, new jersey. this is my favorite story. how do we snow a telllow passenger on the plane live tweeted the breakup blow by blow. hashtag plane breakup was trending on twitter. it all started with this photo tweeted by kell loy has ton of follows? more follows by i do than trouble. >> she was sitting across the aisle from the couple. this dy on the plane just broke up with his girlfriend. >> all right. after urge with twitter followers. in the tired back and forth. i can't stand you. can't be near you. i would switch seat guys. that is harsh. the woman goes great. just treat. am so glad that i paid $40 extra dollars to be on this flight with you. >> all right. this went on and on until the plane took off. we get the final tweet. we took off and immediately ordered six vodkas and bloody mary make force the 50-minute flight and chugged them in silence. this is where the radar guess off. i don't know. i would love to you try to get three bloody maries a a piece on the 15 minute flight. don't think it is possible. i searched this story in and out to see if it is real. cannot tell. that's the part that seems suspicious me. it is unclear if this vodka-fueled rect sillation. have you soon the vegetable lasagna episode. they have the breakup on the plane. >> right. >> yeah. well, she is getting ready another u.s. open. all right. of wait until you hear what carolyn is serving up. our baruch shemtov. the go-to carry he okie tunes. a serena williams a the tmz up next. [excited yelling] ah, yes! you can't stop it! aww...your mom liked my post. you're friends with my mother? whoa. another episode? definitely. we all use it differently. so why should we get it all the same way? call time warner cable to get the internet speed you need. are you guys texting each other? whether it's 3 megs or 300 megs. yeah. for the right price. from $14.99 everyday low price internet, to 300 meg ultra-fast internet, we have you covered. even with wifi at home and on the go. plans start at $14.99 per month. call 1-855-want twc to switch today. time warner cable. enjoy better. >> all right. one direction set to try things out. they addressed the rumors this afternoon saying the been a is not splitting up but with you will be taking a well-earned pright break. don't worry the album will be released before they go on hiatus. >> one of the best women tennis players in the world. all right p. she is untown gearing up for next week's u.s. open. fox 5's baruch shemtov caught up with her today to ask about life off the court. reporter: caroline is serving up a healthy dose of confidence as she gears up fo the u.s. open. she serves as a spokesperson for godiva. we caught up with her. let's talk ten this is. what are you flashing toward this year at the u.s. hope? >> i am look forward to playing again. the amazing crowd. he is a special event. i love boeing back here. >> take know the moments before you hit the court. how are you yourself up mentally. it is going to be crazy lout and people will cher you on. it is just complete see you silence for few minutes before you go out there. you rethink what you want to do out there and how you want to play it and that is it. >> off the courts who knee ache has developed a a deep friendship with one of the encore rivals. a lot of people are surprised to hear you are such close friends. how do you balance the competition the friendship. >> well, when wear on the court. we are competitive. we want to win and we do everything we want to win. once we're off the court. we're friends. >> do you look up to her when you are growing up? for sure. she has been there for so many years. she is in ir racial to me every time i want to go on the court. i want to be better to time. >> what has the favorite ting to do together as best friends. >> sing karaoke. that is our thing. yeah. yeah. what is your go-to karaoke song. so anything cher. anything cher. >> turn back time. >> you heard it here, wow. >> good look at the u.s. >> thank you. >> you can catch carolyn competing in the u.s. open which reasons from august 31st through september 13th. reporting from midtown, news." getting ford the u.s. open in a different way. according to tmn, she was caught on camera kissing drake last night at a fancy rest rain since nay math ty. decide for yourself. the web site posted these photos that shows the two upcress and personal. the two did date for a a. all right. almost time to cooldown. get ready for the onslaught of homework. a mu study that says kids are getting a lot more homework than they can handle. >> plus. >> i don't know. >> we saw the couple break up. now we may see another couple on the bring were of it. the most annoying shopping trip ever. just wan withs her boyfriend to shut up. i liability. my theory is pretty simple. happiness, before cleanliness. gooey. flaky. happy. toaster strudel. now with more icing. you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh thirst for the extraordinary. ahhh perrier! >> kids are head took crass in the next few weeks to start the school clear. it can a stressful time. one of the biggest struggle is getting kids do their homework. all right. kids in elementary school are getting more homework than education experts recommend. lidia curanaj find out what mom and dad can do to help when the kids it get swamped. >> class never end once the school bell ridge. once students get home, that is when more work begins. they get hours and hours of homework and i believe that 2:00 at this time is too much. >> that mom is right. according to a study in the american jurn nal of tamly therapy, early elementary school students are getting significantlily more homework than ex recommended by education leaders in some cases nearly three times as much. >> i am not surprised by that at all and i also think that some of the teachers they have a schedulele that they need to adhere and cover certain amount of material. i don't blame them but the only way that they can disperse all the material is to give it for homework. >> far par reg expert and blogger knows this firsthand. she has spent countless hours going over her 12-year-old daughter's homework. >> through sports and like other things i want to do and just like, if i am not feeling well, it is so much homework. the national owedcation association and national pta says students should get tenmens per grade level per night. for example, the first graders should get only thens. a second gradeer 20 and so on. >> you have been getting two horse. yeah. do you feel liability ties much? >> well, when we were that young, yeah. you get used it to over time. >> one study tound that sexive homework can cause high levels of strines children and increase cop flict him to. it is why they say the case is communicating with the child and their teacher. one talked to the teacher if it is becomeing too much and xi in and stress and the household. and i also think that the kids should do the homework as soon as they get home from school. have a snack tooned the homework pause they are in school mode. >> klaid ser ron ni, "fox 5 news." >> a female teacher being accused of sexually aharassing two male coworkers the valley stream north high school against cecilia much this they say her m appropriate poe haivier has den on for five years in front of student and school officialles are not doing anything about pit. >> my first year in the department. it was 2009-2010 immediately once a wanted touching, a racing, massaging. >> ten people in the department 2:00 collectively wrote a letter. this letter to the superintendent and the administration claiming that it is n to materialable. >> school district says it is aware of allegation ap launched a internal investigation and ohs ago complaint has been filed about w the state. >> furniture shopping at ikea always a trip. one guy decided to tag along with the girl friend and to make it interesting, started making fun of the swedish name and probably wishes that maybe he had stayed home. >> i just cannot teak it any more. >> i am so skilled at this. >> stop. >> you are not. >> i will stop if you want me to. >> stop. >> you are in a rush. >> all right. i don't know. i think it is funny, right. yeah. the video posted earlier this month and ap quickly went viral. the boyfriend joked the way through eyeee to get through the store as quickly as possible. >> all right. time for on brand and off brand. our daily look at which people are living up or down to our expectations. on brand may weather who continues to find new ways to drop loot may weather just purchased this hooper car. one of two in the world for $4.00 8 million. off brand, me and anyone else who spent years racked with guilt and regret for never drink anywhere close to lendinged eight glass of water a day. now, those guidelines are being revised, get me another coffee or another beverage of your choice. [cheering and applauding] >> all right. this is classic onprand. the few fighters who one upped a west for rowe baptist church the protest of the band by rolling thing outside of the arena last week them band blaring they are were going to give up by ashley as they drove by in the back. pretty classic move right there. >> best way to do it. >> indeed. ordering the salad to plan at least. you may be ordering all wrong. why the bowl of greens may not be as good for you. >> the mar kits slumping why not in vest in die in mos. why right now may not the best time to buy that lock. >> here is tonight's new york minute. >> the city foundation's novice tennis tournament finals were held today in central park. dozens of kids between 8 and 116 years old competed after spen the summer learning how to play tennis in city park is a cross five burroughs. life is a picnic in grand central. that is the theme this week as the hall is transformed into a big indoor picnic arrive arein na. there is live entertainment and cook demonstration. i am here to show how to do it. >> the area is open wean 7:00 and 7:00 monday through thursday and then 7:00 to 2:00 prine day. i think it is really awesome. it is really good for the community. everybody is together. i really had fun. >> i brought my son with me. it is really cool. you feel look are in a picnic for real. >> you can get full sked youual of this week's event on grand central terminal.com. that is the new yorkmen00. >> all right. make sure to check out the fox ny weather app that features daily and hourly forecast and live interactive are a door track storm us where are and plus you can get storm alerts even warnings when lightning in the area. you can download the app. it is free. search fox 5ny in the google play or itunes store. feel like a kid again oreo and chips ahoy flavored coolatta and iced coffees. in every sip. america runs on dunkin'. [excited yelling] ah, yes! you can't stop it! aww...your mom liked my post. you're friends with my mother? whoa. another episode? we all use it differently. so why should we get it all the same way? call time warner cable to get the internet speed you need. are you guys texting each other? whether it's 3 megs or 300 megs. yeah. from $14.99 everyday low price internet, to 300 meg ultra-fast internet, we have you covered. even with wifi at home and on the go. plans start at $14.99 per month. call 1-855-want twc to switch today. time warner cable. enjoy better. >> a wild tried solve the woke on wall street. this the dow most diving at the opening bell tanking nearly 1100 noints first few minutes. markets tried to fight pack but when all the dust settled blue chips finishing the day down 588 points. yes, once again, china pee on the grobbal sell-off. oil price also you tumbling and having impact at the pumpp. gas price down 7 cents in the last week. the national average for regular unlead now at $2.66 a dal hon. you better boost the credit score before buying a home and a new report showing homeowner was fair or medium credit score pay an average up to 32 important more home insurance than someone with excellent credit. if you have credit, cue pay double. >> ready to finally settle down and a enjoy the golden years in then you may want to look at tampa, florida. a new survey just ranking it at the pest flies ir. things like cost of living and equal tie of life. and that is bus mess, i am stewart vanni reporting. >> okay. listen up. if you are looking to buy your significant other a diamond ring, now is the time to do it. the world's biggest diamond producers lowering the price buy bias much as 9% due to lack of demand them diamond producer plans to offer about $250 million worth of diamond force sale. the diamond industry is under pressure right now to cut supply and lower prices at traders, cut kerrs and poll leshs struggle to turn a prophet. >> all right. need job. sent 9th, mackment teams of each restaurant in the u.s. will hold open interviews for up to 60 ap my cans starting at 8:00 a.m. the company's goal is to hire 4,000 worker force in tre level position and a invited to register for interview on chipotle's national web site. >> well, republican presidential candidate donald trump spread message across the done try. one woman in missouri claims she can spread him on her toast. jan snapped this picture what she says is a billion a air's face in a tough organic butter. many people on social media do think it is looks like trum when he gets passionate. so it does. it looks like him. >> i does. >> it does. remarkable you get the point. >> all right. salad, it is sort of good for your health. you may want to think again. >> why that bowl of lettuce may not be such a nutritious option afterall. >> all right. it went viral. it was locale call to what they are saying about the customers who left a haunt note in lou of a tip. prep trauma unit 5. what've we got? bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, r you switch to geico. r it's what you do. >> all right. that is unfortunate. i had salad for dern today. everything from our choice of let us to all the toppings we add to bowl often make force one unhealthy meal. baruch shemtov talked to export be how to create a trolley thu trish cious salad. whether it is toppedded or tossed. new yorkers love their salads but what you mule the salad can make all the difference between a at the hi meal and a fanting binge. >> onions, corn. >> cherry tomatoes. >> just dressing nothing else. >> to get the skinny on the salad with we turn to a nutritious for the thumbs up or the thumbs down starting with the pace. >> lettuce. >> ix med greens. >> i go for the within as there birth. they are excellent for digression. >> then the protein. >> tuna fish, turkey. go with the egg white, ching breast, sardines. >> stay away from those heave heave of i have greasy fried piece of chopped chicken. >> cheese. >> keep low on the keys. go far crumble or di ce. >> avocado. portion. go for quarter. >> some walnuts. nuts are excellent source of healthy nutrition. finally the dressing. >> ta krillian. >> ranch. >> fresh squeeze of lemon, olive opp ail vinegar. keep it fresh and light. >> what makes the ultimate salad? >> time to head over to the neighborhood lunch spot, america's burger and wraps to put it together. we are going to start out with dehr cious greens so we have spinach as our is about and add healthy source of car be hydrates which will be chick peas and let's add tomatoes and happen to love cucumbers. >> and i would like to get orange. how about grated carrots and then a little gift onion for some flavor. >> and i would like to have some avocado to the bit of protein. these topper sh. that salad dressing can triple. i will gol far beautiful squeeze of fresh lemon then i wyck like to add a fresh herbs and spices. this is looking delicious. so and it was indeed. >> about a rum shemtov, "fox 5 news." >> that is right. everybody eats salads ale the time. >> i do. a. >> i squeeze lemon it. yeah. >> i use the cesar. i use the ranch. all of that junk. i know. he am terrible. >> all right. >> it is still a salad. >> for sure. >> yeah. >> great point. >> all right. >> all right. weather-wise, nice. right now, perfect. upper 70's. a little ming though. we are pking up rain on the are are did a i which i will shoal you. everyone under the gun for couple of showers tonight and into the first part of tomorrow. then, after this, we have some spectacular weather heading our way for the second half of the week. let's talk the start of the week, though. today's high, 87 in central park income we hit that at 1:30 earlier. this morning we start off with a muggy 73 degrees in the park. area-wide, most of the high raidings in the 80's. 84 islip. 80 out toward montauk point. prigport came in at 84 degrees. 87 in poughkeepsie. done the shop in bellmawr. 84. right now, 75 in bellmawr. we are in the 70 way 75 in islip. 74 in montauk. 77 toward bridgeport but really about the dewpoints. this is a measure of moisture in the atmosphere. we see readings in the 60's that feels uncomfortable. that's the case tonight and will be for the first half of tomorrow. once the front clear, things get much more comfortable. check out the dewpoints after the west here. we have readings teen's across detroit. that is refreshingly drier air. that is in place and that section of the nation. it is headed in our direction. that will arrive here starting tomorrow might. but first we have to get a cold front through the area that is at 90. a couple of scattered showers along it from the capital district ofle a been a think through northwestern new jersey and a extending southwest of philadelphia that is heading in our direction, but it is a slow mover and a lot of moisture in the atmosphere that it will work with as we through the next 12 hours so we pecks showers to pop up along the front in time for the morning commute tomorrow unfortunately. behind thatnt fro. high pressure is nosing the wayne across the ohio valley. that will gint here starting tomorrow night and leave with us a nice second half. meantime, let's start here. clouds plug as we go through the fight. a couple of scattered showers overnight for tomorrow morning's commute we could see good soak along the 2:00 new jersey turnpike and as well as the garden state parkway. the front again is slow to exit so around noontime. it is still hovering over the area and with some instability in we could spark off of a couple of showers and maybe an isolated thunderstorm around lunch time. then as sunset approaches the front will exit the east and things look better from west to east as we go though evening. drier air begins to workin. you will feel difference on wednesday. now what is heap heathing ups the tropics. let's check it out here. we have danny that reduced down. that is heading to the islands but this he feature the national hurricane center is keeping a close eye on. this is expected with 90% chance of developing a tropical storm over the next 48 hours. if it does so it will be named erica. meantime, danny headed to the caribbean as well as puerto rico getting some beneficial rain there because they have bane drought over the last several months and they do need the rain from danny. tonight, mostly crowdie with scattered showers developing. a couple of isolated storms. mild and muggy tomorrow the rain moves east slowly through the day. it will see it clear by the afternoon. we left with a mix of sun and clouds. warm tomorrow with highs in the 80's. look good for wednesday. mix of sun and clouds high temperature of 84 nice and dry for thursday, friday. plenty of sunshine. temperatures seasonable this time of year. another great weekend is on tap. wewe have been lucking without the weekend weather over the last month or so. going to next week we heat things up close to 90 as we get to monday and tuesday. little bit of blip on the radar tonight into the first half of tomorrow. after this, smooth sailing. >> no pig deal. >> that is good you good stuff. loving those. >> thank you. >> ryan is in next with sports. traffic tracker right to you by toyota. >> i am ines rosales the toyota traffic tracker. heading to you wart route 117 the left lane il with be closed for tomorrow through construction for 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. tun in to good day new york starting at 4:30 inner ang ke ok. so everyone is saying 'hey, you've gotta get fios.' but why? why fios? well, fios is a 100 percent fiber optics network to the home, so you can get 100% out of all your devices. and access to the fastest internet and in home wifi available from any provider. with big capacity too, so everyone in the house can be online all at once. only fios has 500 meg download speeds, with equal upload speeds. so you can upload your favorite videos up to 5x faster than cable. and with the 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take 8-7 lead and they were not done after michael home run. murphy comes to the what it the man on. what does do? of course he is going yard. a franchise record eight home reasons tonight and compaq to win it. 16-7 was the final. >> all right. now toll the yankees who may have seen the last of c.c. sabathia on the mound this season. the yanks placed on the disabled list today with soreness in the right knee. there is not a whole lot the doctors can do repaired multiple times. the manager hinted tonight that cc's season may be over. without sabathia. yankees opening up a three-game set and all the phenomenal eight scoreless innings. he strikes out seven. yanks threaten score in a scoreless seventh here. the line drive to left field. mccann will try to tag out score. gonzelez guns him out of the plot and a would stay scores. they go that way. bases loaded. outs for carlos beltran. he sens everyone hope happy. the deep fly. yankees walk off with astros. all right. it has been a month and a half since the infamous fireworks incident that resulted in defense en lose thing finger but tonight there is finally some dodgerring news surrounding jpp. according to the network, progressing very well and a expected to report to the giant's facility before the start of the season. speaking of injuries. how about this? that is geno smith back in jets' practice today in florham park. the jet east quarterback who undersurgery on the field less than two weeks after being clocked. smith took part in running drills and did a little bit of light throwing and expected to be out another four to eight weaning supposedly coming out. they players have a policy anyone who talks to the peed ya about the incident will have to run laps the next time. >> pooh. we hate that policy. >> we want to tip out. all we want to hear about it. all right. thank. >> all right. >> okay. finally, a waitress in new jersey say she's was served up a real kick in thent pas. >> right. she works as a serve in bellmawr to help pay tuition at rutger and posted this pic of a receipt from the table she served if you look where the tips should be. just lol. next to that one ho you are for food blaming forethe wait. they did wait an thundershower eat you with but claims she told them the kitchen wases about sane calls it cruel and unnecessary serves inspection just make $2.50 an hour before tips. yeah. yeah. >> ty have been totally with this server in this. i have done the time. i think everybody should do it. it is good for the soul. i cannot deal with people who don't treat their serve hers correctly. >> the lol next to it. >> it is even more. >> yeah. >> it does. >> all right. you can tell. >> i waited tables. waited on a well-known npa player. $1 7 bill. he left me $3. >> no way. >> that's the worth. >> yeah. he had $10 million contract, too. >> nation. will never for get. >> nice. >> i won't give his name. >> i won't give it. >> all right. >> yeah. >> you caught that. >> 2:00 there is no worse than that to me. i really do that i to be cheap to your waiters and waitress is terrible. all right that is sew soap box rant. see you tomorrow night. take care. installed as early as today. mom switched. we switched. i switched to time warner cable coming. appointment window. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100 meg internet, hundreds of hd channels, u.s., puerto rico, canada, mexico, china and india. and for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card plus tv equipment and epix included. get installed for free as early as today. call 1-800-341-9716. i knew that if i had ice in my water, it would just be so painful and i couldn't even drink it. i would like almost scoot the ice over and try to sip it very slowly so that it wouldn't trigger the pain. that's when i realized i had to do something. my dentist recommended that i use sensodyne. i think that sensodyne has been great in terms of reducing the sensitivity and pain that i was experiencing. now i can put ice in my water.

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Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 10 20240622

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announcer: it is 10:00 p.m. do you know where your children are. right now on "fox 5 news" at 10:00. >> a casino bus crashes in queens leaving a gapping hole and number of people injure. now shoring that you building. >> yeah, making sure to secure the sight of the impact is a pile of rubble. emergency crews and building experts spent the evening trying to safely remove the bus from the scene. sharon crowley has the latest on the accident and the investigation. >> that is right. well, behind me, you can see workers are hard at work trying to see core the area around the building because the building is in a precarious position after a bus rammed into the side of it at 2:30 afternoon injuring six people including the bus driver. on the kosher of 63rd avenue and wood haven boulevard in the regel park section of queens. >> i heard a big crash and i saw it because i was coming down from there. i saw the bus the building there. i looked over at the bus driver. was in a bad condition because there was whole bunch of bricks and glass covering his face. investigators say at 2:30 are this afternoon, the bus driver crashed into the side of the three story bring destroying the walls and injury aring four passengers and one person who was with in the building. the bus driver was the most seriously injured. witnesses say he was swerving to avoid hitting a car. i helped people out of the puss through the window. the door was jammed. cue not open the door. there was so much stuff. the guy was penned. >> neighbors in the residential area rushed to try help the injured. >> this other lady was screaming because the was scared. i helped her out of there. got stuck. lifted him up and put him over the window and just picked him down from there. the pot tom floor houses a law office. tonight, employees returned here with boxes but unable to get inside until the building is repaired. >> it is a happy day. >> no. no. >> and certainly, the gleams of the law firm are grateful that nobody at the law firm was there at the time. in fact, one lady had just left at 12 chon 30 now. the brick building residences. return home tonight safe. investigators tell me, they are still trying to figure out the exact cause of this accident. it appears the driver another car. but because he is still being treated in the hospital. they have to undergo sper sr. views p. witnesses i talked to say it didn't appear the driver was speeding. we should be able to days. for now pack to you. >> thanks, sharon. >> a stomach-churning roller coaster ride on wall street that started from the opening well with the dow dropping more than 1,000 points rebounding and ebbing the day off 600 points. linda schmidt in the newsroom. lynn dap? reporter: woe, that is while wind to say the least. the sell-off set a record and sent sh remembers from wall street to main street. now it was the eighth worst. the eighth worst sin dwell day point decline, but experts are telling us, as long as you didn't have to get a hold of your money today and able to ride this you are going to be just fine. >> within the first five minutes of the opening bell. the dow jones plunged more than 1,000 points. i was rocky morning but stocks regained that ground and finished the day down 588 points. adam shapiro, of fox business, says answer one who was swet saturdaying this out worried needlessly. market. if you live and breath the markets on a daily basis. are giving yourself anxiety. you need not fife yourself. >> the sell-off was reaction to a potential global economic slowdown starting with china which he is the world's second largest economy. many u.s. companies like apple and dm do a huge a. business in china. at the end of the day. what does this all mean for you? well, if you have a pension oar 401(k), your age determines if you should be concerned about the market plunge. >> well, if you were the 40's. no sweat. you sit this out. you should not be watching the stock market. if you are in the 30's. are lucky you are buying. it is low as opposed to higher. in the 50's, you will be table to ride this out. reporter: however, if you are 60 or older, the retirement should be less reliant on stocks and should be talking to the financial manager about that. if you have noted that discussion, you are 60 or over, it is time to that that discussion, you are approaching retirement and don't want to have the major think of retirement portfolio stock. it is that simple. >> shapiro says we can folks see a wild rid on wall street through most this is going to be going on for the next several weeks. event. it is going to go on this week annex week up to mid-september. because we're waiting for direction from the federal reserve, we are waiting for congress to get back into session so it can deal with spending issues that it has got to deal with. there is a little bit of a silver lining here with this today. shapiro is saying a lot of people ended up making a lot of money today because after the stocks tanked they were able to buy them and a incredibly low price and what happens after this. the prices go back up, and that is where you make the money. jen, back up to. >> thank you, linda. >> as vice president joe biden leaning closer to he had private lunch at the white house today. one report said it was to get the president's blessing if he decided to enter the race but bind met privately with elizabeth warn over the weekend which caused further speculation about the ambitions. >> all right. developing you news now. justin wilson has died from a hand injury he suffered yesterday. wilson hit in the head during a race by a piece of debris that had broken off from the car causing him to crash the rack. today at indianapolis motor speedway. wilson leaves behind a wife, two crowning daughters,who was just 37 years old. the ntsb says air traffic controller on long island made a mistake when giving advise regain a pi lot in need of emergency landing. 59-year-old was killed last week when the plane went down in hicksville. now moments before the crash he was told to find the landing strip inner that bye bethpage but that runway no longer exists and now in the industrial we're and the pilot kept searching for the runway while the controller gave him directions to nowhere. >> it is at bethpage airport. if you want to try one, you can do that too. >> you are up with on the center line. >> that plane went down on long island railroad tracks in hicksville. we reached out to the faa regarding the error. still under investigation. >> france's highest award is being given to the heros who took down a gunman in a high speed rain in was headed for paris. american airman spencer stone, national guardsmen, their friend, al and hon think sadler, were among those who helped subdue the gunman who had assault rifle strapped to the chest. this the gunman has been identified as 26-year-old man from more roweco who is being >> all right. the han charged with shooting and killing a louisiana state trooper last night now us pected of killing his roommate as well. 54-year-old company of did a daggle pulled a shotgun are gun after they saw the pickup ditch. the pickup truck is registered to dealing roommate. >> a teen is accused of shooting a pellet gun at nypd officer who was guarding daisy mansion. lisa evers spoke to boy who is say the suspect has been in trouble with the law before. >> 19-year-old michael was fact in into into handcuffs as being charged with a sunday night shooting of a plain clothes police officer. the officer is assigned to mayor de blasio's protection detill and going to grisy mansion when he felt something pack. the may area and the family were not there at the time. we all understand we the families the center of my life, but we have faith in the nypd. they are the security experts. we know they will take care of the situation. the nypd says he was shooting from open window in the luxury doorman building. police sources tell fle have been two other pee begun shooting incidents on east en avenue in the last week where glass was proc in end that has had run-ins with police since 2011. this the teens now facing six serious charges including assault on police officer a deadly weapon. the officer was taken to lenox hill hospital where she was treated and released. news." >> bronx man filed a lawsuit after being hospitalized for region nar's disease them city health coming this says the lo tell's roof was the source of the outbreak that left more than 120 others sick. the 54-year-old is now seek unspecified damages claiming the hotel's negligent carelessness and recklessness caused him mental an gish. >> the pope's visit to the u.s. right around the corner. organizers of the world meeting of families have come without a on-line guide called the papal visit playbook. the web site answers questions on how to best navigate around and what visitors will be allowed to ring to the pope's events. the holiness in new york on september 24th and 25th and i philadelphia on the 26th and the 27th. >> apple recalling some of the iphone 6 plus phones the company says cameras in some of them take blur rid pictures. the problem affects phones sold between september 2014 and january 2015. there is easy way to find out if the fines involved, you can also head to apple's iphone support page to click on eyesight cameral replacement a list of the serial numbers. apple says it will replace them for free. >> nfl hall of fame rookies. >> that is right. why chris carter may have been a bit too we'll the advice. >> yeah, a couple's awkward breakup on plane getting lots of attention them ply by play as it was live tweeted. >> the amount of follows a person who got from tweeting it as well. all right. you think are eating healthy by ordering a sal dad. i may not be quite as good as you would like to think. >> nfl half famer is apologizing for remarks he made year ago. >> all right. the time he told a room full of rookies they should have a fall guy. matt king shows us the cart ear statements are now caution him a year later. >> shall not go to decide to do the right thing. if you all got a crew, you got have a fall guy in the crew. >> hall of fame wide veer offered that advise regain a room full of nfl rookies during the 2014 symposium. >> under no circumstances. at vicing a bunch 19 through 22-year-old new millionaires and nfl sanctioned event to a point to take the blame when they get in trouble has led many to call cart ear hypocrite the former viking has repeatedly stressed disabriefal the deflecting of such allegation again him. >> this was 205 years ago. about this story because it would not be on tape. >> he spent 22 years in this he league and won two super ball rings. in the moment, the hall of famer just wanted to relate to the rookies to help them out. >> obviously, he thought about it later. has apologized. he knows it was not certainly not the right thing to say. >> in a couple of tweet, carter wrote seeing that video has made me realize how wrong i was. i was brought here to educate young people and instead i gave them bad should take responsibility for his own actions. i am sorry and truly great what i said that day. espn issued a statement reading we disagree with the remarks and made him. views were entirely his own and do not reflect the company's point of view in anyway. the league said this was unfortunate nand appropriate comment made by cris carter during the 2014 symposium. >> all right, i got to tape of all how to get around all of this stuff, too. you if go have a crew, one of them fools got know, he is going to jail. >> the league threat of video of the comments on the web site for more than a year before removing it sunday. >> i am matt king. "fox 5 news." jets' quarterback returned to the team's training calm today two weeks after suffering a wrong jaw after being punched bay teammate. the judge tweeted that smiths with at practice but won playing. he is stage on the sidelines in the new jersey and would you tell hellment. smith had surgery to replace jaw a week and a half ago. he is expected to miss stock ten weeks. >> all right. the new jersey man found with rosy oh done held in teenage daughter sent the photo. he is charged with child endangerment and distribution obscenity to a minor and accused of having this appropriate on-line locations with kelcey o'donnell. he did not end tear plea. the 17-year-old was hin barn the gut last week after being missing for week. >> the new fraternity has suspended actives at old dominion university after several sexually suggested banners were flung the home where frat members lived. one banner read, freshman daughter drop-off and was in the balcony of the off-campus home. university official condemn the messaging of the banners and investigating if any frat members could have been involved. >> all right. rocker courtney love is reaching out. it is courtney love. i didn't need to say rocker courtney love. all right. courtney love reach aring out in memory of of the late husband. he posted old family photo of her holding the baby daughter but she wrote our babies all grown up. what on earth were you thinking referring to i miss you. 27 years old then and francis beam just turned 23 last week. >> with you. posh sure are trillion the massive hack is reportedly triggered crimes. police in dan confirming attempts to expose some of the cheating web site's users to mun think and also say at least two unconfirmed suicides could be linked to that hack. ashley madison is now offering00,000 reward or $378,000 in u.s. dollar for information leading to the arrest of those hackers who broke ton the web site. >> this hack is one of the largest, data breaches in the world. and it is very unique on its own that an exposed tens of millions of people's personal information including the credit card data. >> the hackers leased a the personal information of millions of users last week after a demand to shut down the web site was ignored. all right. a drunk couple went through emotional breakup on raleigh, new jersey. this is my favorite story. how do we snow a telllow passenger on the plane live tweeted the breakup blow by blow. hashtag plane breakup was trending on twitter. it all started with this photo tweeted by kell loy has ton of follows? more follows by i do than trouble. >> she was sitting across the aisle from the couple. this dy on the plane just broke up with his girlfriend. >> all right. after urge with twitter followers. in the tired back and forth. i can't stand you. can't be near you. i would switch seat guys. that is harsh. the woman goes great. just treat. am so glad that i paid $40 extra dollars to be on this flight with you. >> all right. this went on and on until the plane took off. we get the final tweet. we took off and immediately ordered six vodkas and bloody mary make force the 50-minute flight and chugged them in silence. this is where the radar guess off. i don't know. i would love to you try to get three bloody maries a a piece on the 15 minute flight. don't think it is possible. i searched this story in and out to see if it is real. cannot tell. that's the part that seems suspicious me. it is unclear if this vodka-fueled rect sillation. have you soon the vegetable lasagna episode. they have the breakup on the plane. >> right. >> yeah. well, she is getting ready another u.s. open. all right. of wait until you hear what carolyn is serving up. our baruch shemtov. the go-to carry he okie tunes. a serena williams a the tmz up next. [excited yelling] ah, yes! you can't stop it! aww...your mom liked my post. you're friends with my mother? whoa. another episode? definitely. we all use it differently. so why should we get it all the same way? call time warner cable to get the internet speed you need. are you guys texting each other? whether it's 3 megs or 300 megs. yeah. for the right price. from $14.99 everyday low price internet, to 300 meg ultra-fast internet, we have you covered. even with wifi at home and on the go. plans start at $14.99 per month. call 1-855-want twc to switch today. time warner cable. enjoy better. >> all right. one direction set to try things out. they addressed the rumors this afternoon saying the been a is not splitting up but with you will be taking a well-earned pright break. don't worry the album will be released before they go on hiatus. >> one of the best women tennis players in the world. all right p. she is untown gearing up for next week's u.s. open. fox 5's baruch shemtov caught up with her today to ask about life off the court. reporter: caroline is serving up a healthy dose of confidence as she gears up fo the u.s. open. she serves as a spokesperson for godiva. we caught up with her. let's talk ten this is. what are you flashing toward this year at the u.s. hope? >> i am look forward to playing again. the amazing crowd. he is a special event. i love boeing back here. >> take know the moments before you hit the court. how are you yourself up mentally. it is going to be crazy lout and people will cher you on. it is just complete see you silence for few minutes before you go out there. you rethink what you want to do out there and how you want to play it and that is it. >> off the courts who knee ache has developed a a deep friendship with one of the encore rivals. a lot of people are surprised to hear you are such close friends. how do you balance the competition the friendship. >> well, when wear on the court. we are competitive. we want to win and we do everything we want to win. once we're off the court. we're friends. >> do you look up to her when you are growing up? for sure. she has been there for so many years. she is in ir racial to me every time i want to go on the court. i want to be better to time. >> what has the favorite ting to do together as best friends. >> sing karaoke. that is our thing. yeah. yeah. what is your go-to karaoke song. so anything cher. anything cher. >> turn back time. >> you heard it here, wow. >> good look at the u.s. >> thank you. >> you can catch carolyn competing in the u.s. open which reasons from august 31st through september 13th. reporting from midtown, news." getting ford the u.s. open in a different way. according to tmn, she was caught on camera kissing drake last night at a fancy rest rain since nay math ty. decide for yourself. the web site posted these photos that shows the two upcress and personal. the two did date for a a. all right. almost time to cooldown. get ready for the onslaught of homework. a mu study that says kids are getting a lot more homework than they can handle. >> plus. >> i don't know. >> we saw the couple break up. now we may see another couple on the bring were of it. the most annoying shopping trip ever. just wan withs her boyfriend to shut up. i liability. my theory is pretty simple. happiness, before cleanliness. gooey. flaky. happy. toaster strudel. now with more icing. you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh thirst for the extraordinary. ahhh perrier! >> kids are head took crass in the next few weeks to start the school clear. it can a stressful time. one of the biggest struggle is getting kids do their homework. all right. kids in elementary school are getting more homework than education experts recommend. lidia curanaj find out what mom and dad can do to help when the kids it get swamped. >> class never end once the school bell ridge. once students get home, that is when more work begins. they get hours and hours of homework and i believe that 2:00 at this time is too much. >> that mom is right. according to a study in the american jurn nal of tamly therapy, early elementary school students are getting significantlily more homework than ex recommended by education leaders in some cases nearly three times as much. >> i am not surprised by that at all and i also think that some of the teachers they have a schedulele that they need to adhere and cover certain amount of material. i don't blame them but the only way that they can disperse all the material is to give it for homework. >> far par reg expert and blogger knows this firsthand. she has spent countless hours going over her 12-year-old daughter's homework. >> through sports and like other things i want to do and just like, if i am not feeling well, it is so much homework. the national owedcation association and national pta says students should get tenmens per grade level per night. for example, the first graders should get only thens. a second gradeer 20 and so on. >> you have been getting two horse. yeah. do you feel liability ties much? >> well, when we were that young, yeah. you get used it to over time. >> one study tound that sexive homework can cause high levels of strines children and increase cop flict him to. it is why they say the case is communicating with the child and their teacher. one talked to the teacher if it is becomeing too much and xi in and stress and the household. and i also think that the kids should do the homework as soon as they get home from school. have a snack tooned the homework pause they are in school mode. >> klaid ser ron ni, "fox 5 news." >> a female teacher being accused of sexually aharassing two male coworkers the valley stream north high school against cecilia much this they say her m appropriate poe haivier has den on for five years in front of student and school officialles are not doing anything about pit. >> my first year in the department. it was 2009-2010 immediately once a wanted touching, a racing, massaging. >> ten people in the department 2:00 collectively wrote a letter. this letter to the superintendent and the administration claiming that it is n to materialable. >> school district says it is aware of allegation ap launched a internal investigation and ohs ago complaint has been filed about w the state. >> furniture shopping at ikea always a trip. one guy decided to tag along with the girl friend and to make it interesting, started making fun of the swedish name and probably wishes that maybe he had stayed home. >> i just cannot teak it any more. >> i am so skilled at this. >> stop. >> you are not. >> i will stop if you want me to. >> stop. >> you are in a rush. >> all right. i don't know. i think it is funny, right. yeah. the video posted earlier this month and ap quickly went viral. the boyfriend joked the way through eyeee to get through the store as quickly as possible. >> all right. time for on brand and off brand. our daily look at which people are living up or down to our expectations. on brand may weather who continues to find new ways to drop loot may weather just purchased this hooper car. one of two in the world for $4.00 8 million. off brand, me and anyone else who spent years racked with guilt and regret for never drink anywhere close to lendinged eight glass of water a day. now, those guidelines are being revised, get me another coffee or another beverage of your choice. [cheering and applauding] >> all right. this is classic onprand. the few fighters who one upped a west for rowe baptist church the protest of the band by rolling thing outside of the arena last week them band blaring they are were going to give up by ashley as they drove by in the back. pretty classic move right there. >> best way to do it. >> indeed. ordering the salad to plan at least. you may be ordering all wrong. why the bowl of greens may not be as good for you. >> the mar kits slumping why not in vest in die in mos. why right now may not the best time to buy that lock. >> here is tonight's new york minute. >> the city foundation's novice tennis tournament finals were held today in central park. dozens of kids between 8 and 116 years old competed after spen the summer learning how to play tennis in city park is a cross five burroughs. life is a picnic in grand central. that is the theme this week as the hall is transformed into a big indoor picnic arrive arein na. there is live entertainment and cook demonstration. i am here to show how to do it. >> the area is open wean 7:00 and 7:00 monday through thursday and then 7:00 to 2:00 prine day. i think it is really awesome. it is really good for the community. everybody is together. i really had fun. >> i brought my son with me. it is really cool. you feel look are in a picnic for real. >> you can get full sked youual of this week's event on grand central terminal.com. that is the new yorkmen00. >> all right. make sure to check out the fox ny weather app that features daily and hourly forecast and live interactive are a door track storm us where are and plus you can get storm alerts even warnings when lightning in the area. you can download the app. it is free. search fox 5ny in the google play or itunes store. feel like a kid again oreo and chips ahoy flavored coolatta and iced coffees. in every sip. america runs on dunkin'. [excited yelling] ah, yes! you can't stop it! aww...your mom liked my post. you're friends with my mother? whoa. another episode? we all use it differently. so why should we get it all the same way? call time warner cable to get the internet speed you need. are you guys texting each other? whether it's 3 megs or 300 megs. yeah. from $14.99 everyday low price internet, to 300 meg ultra-fast internet, we have you covered. even with wifi at home and on the go. plans start at $14.99 per month. call 1-855-want twc to switch today. time warner cable. enjoy better. >> a wild tried solve the woke on wall street. this the dow most diving at the opening bell tanking nearly 1100 noints first few minutes. markets tried to fight pack but when all the dust settled blue chips finishing the day down 588 points. yes, once again, china pee on the grobbal sell-off. oil price also you tumbling and having impact at the pumpp. gas price down 7 cents in the last week. the national average for regular unlead now at $2.66 a dal hon. you better boost the credit score before buying a home and a new report showing homeowner was fair or medium credit score pay an average up to 32 important more home insurance than someone with excellent credit. if you have credit, cue pay double. >> ready to finally settle down and a enjoy the golden years in then you may want to look at tampa, florida. a new survey just ranking it at the pest flies ir. things like cost of living and equal tie of life. and that is bus mess, i am stewart vanni reporting. >> okay. listen up. if you are looking to buy your significant other a diamond ring, now is the time to do it. the world's biggest diamond producers lowering the price buy bias much as 9% due to lack of demand them diamond producer plans to offer about $250 million worth of diamond force sale. the diamond industry is under pressure right now to cut supply and lower prices at traders, cut kerrs and poll leshs struggle to turn a prophet. >> all right. need job. sent 9th, mackment teams of each restaurant in the u.s. will hold open interviews for up to 60 ap my cans starting at 8:00 a.m. the company's goal is to hire 4,000 worker force in tre level position and a invited to register for interview on chipotle's national web site. >> well, republican presidential candidate donald trump spread message across the done try. one woman in missouri claims she can spread him on her toast. jan snapped this picture what she says is a billion a air's face in a tough organic butter. many people on social media do think it is looks like trum when he gets passionate. so it does. it looks like him. >> i does. >> it does. remarkable you get the point. >> all right. salad, it is sort of good for your health. you may want to think again. >> why that bowl of lettuce may not be such a nutritious option afterall. >> all right. it went viral. it was locale call to what they are saying about the customers who left a haunt note in lou of a tip. prep trauma unit 5. what've we got? bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, r you switch to geico. r it's what you do. >> all right. that is unfortunate. i had salad for dern today. everything from our choice of let us to all the toppings we add to bowl often make force one unhealthy meal. baruch shemtov talked to export be how to create a trolley thu trish cious salad. whether it is toppedded or tossed. new yorkers love their salads but what you mule the salad can make all the difference between a at the hi meal and a fanting binge. >> onions, corn. >> cherry tomatoes. >> just dressing nothing else. >> to get the skinny on the salad with we turn to a nutritious for the thumbs up or the thumbs down starting with the pace. >> lettuce. >> ix med greens. >> i go for the within as there birth. they are excellent for digression. >> then the protein. >> tuna fish, turkey. go with the egg white, ching breast, sardines. >> stay away from those heave heave of i have greasy fried piece of chopped chicken. >> cheese. >> keep low on the keys. go far crumble or di ce. >> avocado. portion. go for quarter. >> some walnuts. nuts are excellent source of healthy nutrition. finally the dressing. >> ta krillian. >> ranch. >> fresh squeeze of lemon, olive opp ail vinegar. keep it fresh and light. >> what makes the ultimate salad? >> time to head over to the neighborhood lunch spot, america's burger and wraps to put it together. we are going to start out with dehr cious greens so we have spinach as our is about and add healthy source of car be hydrates which will be chick peas and let's add tomatoes and happen to love cucumbers. >> and i would like to get orange. how about grated carrots and then a little gift onion for some flavor. >> and i would like to have some avocado to the bit of protein. these topper sh. that salad dressing can triple. i will gol far beautiful squeeze of fresh lemon then i wyck like to add a fresh herbs and spices. this is looking delicious. so and it was indeed. >> about a rum shemtov, "fox 5 news." >> that is right. everybody eats salads ale the time. >> i do. a. >> i squeeze lemon it. yeah. >> i use the cesar. i use the ranch. all of that junk. i know. he am terrible. >> all right. >> it is still a salad. >> for sure. >> yeah. >> great point. >> all right. >> all right. weather-wise, nice. right now, perfect. upper 70's. a little ming though. we are pking up rain on the are are did a i which i will shoal you. everyone under the gun for couple of showers tonight and into the first part of tomorrow. then, after this, we have some spectacular weather heading our way for the second half of the week. let's talk the start of the week, though. today's high, 87 in central park income we hit that at 1:30 earlier. this morning we start off with a muggy 73 degrees in the park. area-wide, most of the high raidings in the 80's. 84 islip. 80 out toward montauk point. prigport came in at 84 degrees. 87 in poughkeepsie. done the shop in bellmawr. 84. right now, 75 in bellmawr. we are in the 70 way 75 in islip. 74 in montauk. 77 toward bridgeport but really about the dewpoints. this is a measure of moisture in the atmosphere. we see readings in the 60's that feels uncomfortable. that's the case tonight and will be for the first half of tomorrow. once the front clear, things get much more comfortable. check out the dewpoints after the west here. we have readings teen's across detroit. that is refreshingly drier air. that is in place and that section of the nation. it is headed in our direction. that will arrive here starting tomorrow might. but first we have to get a cold front through the area that is at 90. a couple of scattered showers along it from the capital district ofle a been a think through northwestern new jersey and a extending southwest of philadelphia that is heading in our direction, but it is a slow mover and a lot of moisture in the atmosphere that it will work with as we through the next 12 hours so we pecks showers to pop up along the front in time for the morning commute tomorrow unfortunately. behind thatnt fro. high pressure is nosing the wayne across the ohio valley. that will gint here starting tomorrow night and leave with us a nice second half. meantime, let's start here. clouds plug as we go through the fight. a couple of scattered showers overnight for tomorrow morning's commute we could see good soak along the 2:00 new jersey turnpike and as well as the garden state parkway. the front again is slow to exit so around noontime. it is still hovering over the area and with some instability in we could spark off of a couple of showers and maybe an isolated thunderstorm around lunch time. then as sunset approaches the front will exit the east and things look better from west to east as we go though evening. drier air begins to workin. you will feel difference on wednesday. now what is heap heathing ups the tropics. let's check it out here. we have danny that reduced down. that is heading to the islands but this he feature the national hurricane center is keeping a close eye on. this is expected with 90% chance of developing a tropical storm over the next 48 hours. if it does so it will be named erica. meantime, danny headed to the caribbean as well as puerto rico getting some beneficial rain there because they have bane drought over the last several months and they do need the rain from danny. tonight, mostly crowdie with scattered showers developing. a couple of isolated storms. mild and muggy tomorrow the rain moves east slowly through the day. it will see it clear by the afternoon. we left with a mix of sun and clouds. warm tomorrow with highs in the 80's. look good for wednesday. mix of sun and clouds high temperature of 84 nice and dry for thursday, friday. plenty of sunshine. temperatures seasonable this time of year. another great weekend is on tap. wewe have been lucking without the weekend weather over the last month or so. going to next week we heat things up close to 90 as we get to monday and tuesday. little bit of blip on the radar tonight into the first half of tomorrow. after this, smooth sailing. >> no pig deal. >> that is good you good stuff. loving those. >> thank you. >> ryan is in next with sports. traffic tracker right to you by toyota. >> i am ines rosales the toyota traffic tracker. heading to you wart route 117 the left lane il with be closed for tomorrow through construction for 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. tun in to good day new york starting at 4:30 inner ang ke ok. so everyone is saying 'hey, you've gotta get fios.' but why? why fios? well, fios is a 100 percent fiber optics network to the home, so you can get 100% out of all your devices. and access to the fastest internet and in home wifi available from any provider. with big capacity too, so everyone in the house can be online all at once. only fios has 500 meg download speeds, with equal upload speeds. so you can upload your favorite videos up to 5x faster than cable. and with the 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take 8-7 lead and they were not done after michael home run. murphy comes to the what it the man on. what does do? of course he is going yard. a franchise record eight home reasons tonight and compaq to win it. 16-7 was the final. >> all right. now toll the yankees who may have seen the last of c.c. sabathia on the mound this season. the yanks placed on the disabled list today with soreness in the right knee. there is not a whole lot the doctors can do repaired multiple times. the manager hinted tonight that cc's season may be over. without sabathia. yankees opening up a three-game set and all the phenomenal eight scoreless innings. he strikes out seven. yanks threaten score in a scoreless seventh here. the line drive to left field. mccann will try to tag out score. gonzelez guns him out of the plot and a would stay scores. they go that way. bases loaded. outs for carlos beltran. he sens everyone hope happy. the deep fly. yankees walk off with astros. all right. it has been a month and a half since the infamous fireworks incident that resulted in defense en lose thing finger but tonight there is finally some dodgerring news surrounding jpp. according to the network, progressing very well and a expected to report to the giant's facility before the start of the season. speaking of injuries. how about this? that is geno smith back in jets' practice today in florham park. the jet east quarterback who undersurgery on the field less than two weeks after being clocked. smith took part in running drills and did a little bit of light throwing and expected to be out another four to eight weaning supposedly coming out. they players have a policy anyone who talks to the peed ya about the incident will have to run laps the next time. >> pooh. we hate that policy. >> we want to tip out. all we want to hear about it. all right. thank. >> all right. >> okay. finally, a waitress in new jersey say she's was served up a real kick in thent pas. >> right. she works as a serve in bellmawr to help pay tuition at rutger and posted this pic of a receipt from the table she served if you look where the tips should be. just lol. next to that one ho you are for food blaming forethe wait. they did wait an thundershower eat you with but claims she told them the kitchen wases about sane calls it cruel and unnecessary serves inspection just make $2.50 an hour before tips. yeah. yeah. >> ty have been totally with this server in this. i have done the time. i think everybody should do it. it is good for the soul. i cannot deal with people who don't treat their serve hers correctly. >> the lol next to it. >> it is even more. >> yeah. >> it does. >> all right. you can tell. >> i waited tables. waited on a well-known npa player. $1 7 bill. he left me $3. >> no way. >> that's the worth. >> yeah. he had $10 million contract, too. >> nation. will never for get. >> nice. >> i won't give his name. >> i won't give it. >> all right. >> yeah. >> you caught that. >> 2:00 there is no worse than that to me. i really do that i to be cheap to your waiters and waitress is terrible. all right that is sew soap box rant. see you tomorrow night. take care. installed as early as today. mom switched. we switched. i switched to time warner cable coming. appointment window. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100 meg internet, hundreds of hd channels, u.s., puerto rico, canada, mexico, china and india. and for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card plus tv equipment and epix included. get installed for free as early as today. call 1-800-341-9716. i knew that if i had ice in my water, it would just be so painful and i couldn't even drink it. i would like almost scoot the ice over and try to sip it very slowly so that it wouldn't trigger the pain. that's when i realized i had to do something. my dentist recommended that i use sensodyne. i think that sensodyne has been great in terms of reducing the sensitivity and pain that i was experiencing. now i can put ice in my water.

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