Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 6 20240622 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 6 20240622

over? by simply inhaling the air we breathe, that's how 65 people in the south bronx were sickened with the potentially deadly legionnaires' disease. four of them have died and 55 remain hospitalized. >> that's public, you know, public places, that's very scary at a father. >> reporter: the outbreak was first detected on july 10th after all 17 commercial rooftop ac units were tested in the area, five came back positive for the area. the affected sites are lincoln hospital, concourse plaza, the opera house hotel, verizon office building and the streamlined plastic company. legionnaires' disease is not contagious. health officials suspect people were infected by inhailing the mist given off by infected units. >> once a year inspectors from the city should go around and then that's part of maintenance. >> reporter: symptoms include high fever, coughing, aches, but it is highly treatable if you receive prompt medical attention. officials say the water supply here in the bronx is completely safe. still, many can't help but wonder if an outbreak could happen again. >> we have to walk around. we have to leave, we have to be -- [inaudible] what we cannot do. >> reporter: the four people that died were elderly and had underlying conditions. also susceptible to legionnaires' disease are those with compromised immune systems. again, health officials say if you have any pneumonia-type symptoms, go to the doctor right away. that's the latest from concourse plaza, fox 5 news. antwan, back to you. >> lydia, thank you so much. conflicting reports tonight about the well being of jericho, the brother of cecil the lion. the zimbabwe conservation task force says jericho is feared dead after reports claim he was killed in the south african country, but a british researcher monitoring jericho with a gps device claims he is alive. news broke about the death of 13-year-old cecil, officials say the protected lion was lured out of a zimbabwe national park by an american dentist and his guide and was killed during an illegal hunt last month. today the funeral for bobbi kristina brown was held in georgia, but it didn't keep family members from feuding. we have the latest from new jersey where bobbi kristina will be buried on monday. >> the only child of musicians whitney houston and bobby brown remembered during a private funeral in an atlanta suburb, but the service -- attended by friends, family and celebrities -- was anything but peaceful. a longstanding feud between the two families playing out inside the st. james church when bobby brown's sister yelled at a member of houston's family. she was later removed from the service. bobbi kristina died at hospice last sunday, six months after she was found unresponsive in a bathtub by boyfriend nick gordon who some have accused of contributing to her death. gordon was not allowed at the funeral. it comes nearly three years after whitney houston's hauntingly similar passing. bobbi kristina will be laid to rest next to her mother here at the fairview cemetery in westfield, new jersey. it's expected to be a private ceremony on monday, nevertheless, law enforcement officials here in union county are already preparing for what will likely be a substantial media presence. no park being signs lining the perimeter of the 150-acre cemetery. security also parked at the front gate insuring unwanted visitors like paparazzi can't get an early look at the grave site. >> it's tragically sad. >> downtown westfield not far from the cemetery, people offering sympathies. >> she's a young person who went way too soon. >> i think that it's terrible that her life went the way it did, but she was a child of a famous person, and sometimes doesn't always go as planned. but i think it's, i think it's good that she's, she'll be near her mom now. >> bobbi kristina brown was just 22 years old. dan bow especially, fox 5 news. >> the feds are investigating two drone sightings after kennedy airport after yesterday's near miss involving a delta air lines plane, delta flight 407 from orlando was preparing to land when the pilot spotted a drone just off the right wing just 100 feet below the plane. earlier in the day the faa says the pilot of jetblue flight 1334 also reported seeing a drone. we reached out to both airlines but have not heard anything back just yet. the nypd has released a sketch of a suspect who approached a victim and asked for money, when he said no and walked away, the suspect allegedly grabbed him from behind, choked him and he then passed out before the suspect took off. the victim was treated at the hospital. anyone with information is asked to call police. a teacher from new york has been killed while on a cross-country bike trip for charity. 25-year-old patrick was hit by a car in oklahoma on thursday. the driver admitted she was looking at her cell phone and could face charges. he worked at fordham high school for the arts in the bronx -- through, rather, the teach for america program. he also taught app development at lehman college. the bike trip was raising must be for affordable housing. another possible step in solving the mystery of malaysian airlines flight 370. the wing flap was taken to a military testing facility. experts will analyze it to confirm what many already suspect, that it is, indeed, from the plane. it was found on a french island in the indian ocean this week more than 2,000 miles away from where experts believe the plane went down in march of last year. british police say three of osama bin laden's relatives and their pilot were killed in a plane crash yesterday. officials say the passengers were the mother, sister and brother-in-law of the plane's other than, but neither of their names or relationships to the former al-qaeda leader have been confirmed. authorities say the jet crashed at the site of a car auction near an airfield used by private planes southwest of london. no word on what caused the crash. fiat chrysler's recalling more than 320,000 sedans due to a defect that can cause side airbags to deflate, dodge chargers from the 2011-2014 model years mainly in the united states and canada. the news follows last week's recall of more than 800,000 dodge ram pickup trucks for the same problem. three minor injuries have been linked to the safety issue. tomorrow some verizon workers could actually be going on strike. the company says the union contract covering 39,000 employees in nine states -- including new york -- expires tonight at midnight. union officials say verizon wants workers to pay more for health care and make concessions on their pensions while the unions want more health care and retirement benefits. verizon officials say the effect of a strike on customers should be minimal. well, today the celebration of new york's roadways known as summer streets in the city kicked off. for six hours this morning, no vehicles were allowed on nearly seven miles of roads including park avenue. people were free to walk, bike and use their scooters without having to dodge any cars, and in case you missed out on today's event, summer streets returns next saturday. a great day to be outside to enjoy that, audrey. >> sure was. that water slide was amazing. >> amazing, right? [laughter] >> it's going to be there, actually, next saturday, so you get another chance to actually try it out. it was a hot day across the tristate area once again, a lot of readings in the 80s although we were at 90 degrees in parts of the area like in poughkeepsie. 91 towards newark liberty airport, 90 in belmar, 81 in monticello and out towards long island beaches, temperatures mostly in the middle to upper 80s. right now sitting at 84 in islip, 88 in bridgeport, 86 in central park at the moment, and we're just under 90 out towards newark. still feeling good in belmar, and we're in the upper 70s up towards monticello. these numbers are running a few degrees down from where they were yesterday, but the big difference is in the dew points. it's made things very comfortable across the region, and with readings in the 50s and 60s, it'll feel nice going into the evening, and i think we'll squeeze out one more dry day before the humidity builds across the area. we do have a couple of high, thin clouds rotating through. radar indicates a couple of showers, but i think the air is just too dry for a lot of that to reach the ground, maybe a sprinkle could be possible across the poconos. we have a nice west to northwest wind flow, and we're expecting another day like today as we go into tomorrow. so you can expect plenty of sunshine for your sunday. temperatures once again will be soaring through the 80s, we could be close to 90 in many locations, and it will stay dry, but things changing into next week. all the details coming up. >> all right, audrey, thank you so much. our very own simone boyce has a brand new show coming up. plus, a new report claims cell phones could be dangerous to your health. we'll tell you about it. and you may be an annoying texter and not even know about it. up next, a lesson in texting etiquette, when we come back. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like my second in command... and my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. and in my castle we only eat chex cereal. chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! >> you're watching fox 5 news at 6. >> so this weekend we're celebrating the premarry of simone in the city, a new show hosted by our own simone boyce. you check it out, here's a sneak peek. >> if you think you've seen everything there is to see in coney island, maybe it's time to take a closer look. >> this is coney artwall, right in the heart of coney island. here there are other 30 call walls, beautiful paintings that really capture the flavor of new york city. you could spend hours here just walking through this maze of murals. today i'm hanging out with two of the artists who have painted some of these amazing walls. cheers. >> cheers. >> so what do you call this? >> this is hercules, the crossroads. you see hercules in the middle, he's about to make his choice, you know? he's looking this way, going to a side of virtue and a good life which is also a sweet life. i always paint ice cream characters. for me, ice cream is a nice kind of symbol for life, you know? it's -- we've got limited time here, you know, for sure. until we melt away. but i think especially in the context of coney island and ice cream, we have ice cream vendors, it really plays into what's going on down here. local new yorkers who wouldn't normally come down to coney island want to come down and see this. >> a native from bear age, brooklyn. >> i'm a brooklyn boy, so summertime, brooklyn night, you know, bring you back, reminisce, a little nostalgia. waited to give a little -- i wanted to give a little history, so the textures with all the names is actually celebrities born and raised in brooklyn. this block would be a block that we hung out on and played stickball and, you know, hung out on the stoop and dreamed big about one day making it big. at the end of the day, we represent for one neighborhood, and that's brooklyn. >> cheese. >> nathan's is a coney island institution, but now there are a few more options for grub around here, and that's thanks to smorgasberg popular in brooklyn, queens, now there's a location right in the middle of the coney art walls. looking good. okay, where do we start? >> um, it looks delicious. >> this is great. look at all the different foods, different backgrounds. it's like it's true to the borough and one big melting pot. it's right here in this little yard, you know? >> and remember, you can catch simone's new show saturdays at 10 a.m. and again at 7 p.m., and if you missed it this morning, catch it right after this newscast at 7 tonight. some dragons are getting ready to race in queens, hundreds of dragon boats doing time trials today and tomorrow preparing for next weekend's hong kong boat festival celebrating the year of the ram with multicultural performances and international food. prospect park brooklyn was the place for those looking to adopt a pet. the alliance for nyc's animals hosted their first-ever mega pet adoption event, more than 150 lovable cats and dogs from local shelters and rescue groups all looking for a good home. >> when you're adopting a pet, it's important to know that the adult of the household will be the primary caregiver for the animal. so remember that your children, it's important that they love the animal and that they have good chemistry and get along. >> now, the adoption event had free photo ops for the pets and the owners. tonight new research adds to the debate over cell phones causing brain cancer, a study suggests it goes even further. a ukrainian scientist looked into hundreds of studies. now, he claims the damage can build up over time and lead to brain tumors, parkinsons and alzheimer's disease. he also says using your phone for just 20 minutes a day for five years triples your risk of one type of brain tumor. he recommends using hands-free devices. and when you do use your cell phone, believe it or not, there is an etiquette for texting. many people find too many emojis or messages in all caps just plain annoying. here's more. >> a recent survey by pew research found that among smartphone users, text messaging is the most commonly and widely-used feature, yet so many people are still discovering the nuances of text etiquette. what's your biggest pet peeve? >> when someone doesn't answer after they read it. >> when people put too many emojis. >> misspelling. even with spellcheck, people do not read what they're sending, and it's annoying. >> group texting, for sure. >> an etiquette consultant and the founder of gramercy protocol says there are a few faux pass many of us are making. >> not to text when you're in front of someone else without your permission. we know not to text while driving. >> also as casual as a text could be, it could have significant consequences. >> never write anything you wouldn't want to see on the cover of a national newspaper. >> and in a professional setting, texting has its own unique protocol. >> especially for business, it's helpful to sign your name to a text because sometimes we assume that everyone knows who we are based on the number. >> as for how long a text should be, yes, there's a rule for that too. >> the whole purpose of text, 160 characters, is to be brief. >> then there are those moments when we just aren't sure whether to text or, yes, actually make a phone call. be. >> if you call me, i will call you back. if you text me, i will return with a text. >> of course, you can always follow this guiding principle to help you navigate society's ever-evolving texting quandary: -- >> keep the person that you're talking to as the priority. that's always the focus. >> oh, another thing we may want to add to that list, texting while shooting a news story. sorry about that. reporting from the upper east side, fox 5 news. >> that's interesting. tell me what you think about it. go to antwan fox 5 and tweet me what you think of some of the annoying things when people are texting. now coming up, burning hundreds of calories without moving a muscle. in fact, all you have to do is just freeze for this type of weight loss therapy. why some people are paying to get blasted with icy cold air. also there's this -- >> battling it out at belmont. [laughter] from cleaning manure to feeding the animals, nothing gets in her way. [laughter] it's jan at work, coming up. [african-style music] take my hand to the land take my hand to the land, whoa-oh! (narrator) only one family goes to incredible lengths to bring the thrills, the adventure and the best of africa back home to you. kalahari resorts. now open in the pocono mountains. book now at >> so the last time she got to do the dirty work in a scrap cared in new jersey, and tonight jen is at work raising the stakes at belmont racetrack. horsing around. check this out. [cheers and applause] >> when you think bell month, you think prestige, but behind the scenes -- belmont park has over 3,000 horses -- 2,000 horses which makes for a lot of horse you know what. i met up with fran lawrence from equi cycle. >> what do you device do out here? -- guys do out here? with we pick up the manure, we bring it back to the transfer station, we sort it, make sure it's clean enough to go to compost farms, mushroom farms. >> how much of it comes in every day? >> we take out about eight to inten trailer loads every day. >> that's a lot. what are you going to have me do? >> we need to get this paper, all this garbage out of the manure loads -- >> that's an entire mountain of poop. okay. oh, my god. oh, my god, this is so disgusting. it's actually steaming. that's how fresh it is. oh, it's warm, too, oh, my god, i'm going to die. [laughter] oh, my god! >> taking care of these 2200 stalls and 445 acres of track is far from glamorous. so i'm here at belmont park with tonya, and you're going to teach me how to be a groom today, right? >> yes. we're going to teach you how to brush, give a bath. >> a groom's day begins at four in the morning, and each groom takes care of four horses a day. not only does the job take hard work, it also takes guts. >> grooms get kicked, built, thrown against the wall. it's not always fun. >> our first job was to make sure our horse got brushed and saddled. i never thought i'd be brushing a horse's butt, that's for sure. the grooms never stand behind the horse in case it kicks. at only two years old, this guy weighs just over a thousand pounds which, believe it orbit, is on the small side for a racehorse. >> okay, so there's our guy. he's going to come around the corner, and we're going to lead him out and bathe him. we start at their head. >> yep. now, why do you start with their head? >> well, this area. you're not going to do his head yet, you're going to start here. >> okay. >> and then you're going to work your way through like that. >> okay. this is very similar to washing a car. i mean, these horses are huge. >> you can wipe behind his ears -- yeah. wipe like that. wherever there's sweat. >> horses don't have earwax, do they? >> they get dirt. >> i love this guy. and i think he loved me too, or at least the perfume i was wearing. laugh -- [laughter] how would you grade me, from a to f, hopefully it's not an f, what would you give me? >> i think i'd give you an a for your first time. >> oh, my goodness, hey! i lo it, thank you. [laughter] >> you're welcome. >> at work in belmont park, fox 5 news. >> all right, jen. now, here's a question for you, would you freeze yourself if it meant burning calories? coming up, a look at the city's new beauty trend. and some creative ice cream shops are putting new twists on a classic. all this and more when the news at 6 returns. john is just two weeks away from walking down the aisle with emily. didn't see that one comin'. now we're groomsmen. we're just 475 short miles away from... shenanigans. it's not going to get too crazy. might get a little weird. you have places to go. let us worry about getting you there. bp gasoline with invigorate. fuel the journey. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like my second in command... and my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. and in my castle we only eat chex cereal. chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you' re doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, pyou don' t have to plan around either. it' s the only daily tablet approved to treatr erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats thepfrustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to gopfrequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, x or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. why pause the moment? ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to >> you're watching fox 5 news at 6. >> so take a look at this, because freezing is apparently hot right now. yes, you heard that right. it's called cry yo therapy, and people who do it swear by its health benefits. it's supposed to melt fat as well as boost your energy level, so we sent lisa evers to check it out. >> i'm going to go chill out to the tune of -264 degrees below 0. that's my assignment. can't wait. lindsay lohan is doing it and posting it on instagram. so is mandy moore. and it's supposedly the reason delaware my moore is a timeless beauty -- demimoore is a timeless beauty. many a-listers consider it better than botox and pilates. i had to jump into the cryoclaimer to see for myself. it's very cold. it feels very refreshing. my legs are a little chilly. a three-minute treatment goes for $90. the beauty benefits are the tasty side dish to the me did nag main -- medicinal main course. >> the people who come from, with different inflammatory disorders or problems, and they come out, you know, euphoric, happy, rejuvenated plus beautiful. >> you have to take off all your clothes and jewelry and are given a white robe, gloves, socks and clogs to keep your feet from freezing. my cameraman, alan, dared me to stay longer, and i had to start moving around. i have these mittens especially made in the mountains in poland where it's very, very cold. shortness of breath. i think about 1:30 i'm going to be good. >> you're getting 1:30 right now. >> okay i think i'm good in about -- my legs are starting to feel a little bit numb -- >> come on. >> all right, i'll do 1:45. [laughter] >> joanna says the therapy is an accepted part of many protocols with european doctors who appreciate the science. >> the temperatures are -184 fahrenheit to -264 degrees fahrenheit. when the body's exposed to these temperatures, the cold receptors are sending signal to your brain that you're freezing, and that activates the fight to flight response. >> at about two minutes, my flight response kicked in. lisa evers, fox 5 news. >> how cool was that? laugh just messing with lisa. all right, a new kind of street fair debuted in the meat-packing district without the usual assortment of funnel cakes. pop-up ny hosted a high-end gourmet street fare featuring oysters and south african street food along with upscale designer products and housewares and all the delicious munching was for a good cause. part of the proceeds benefit visiting neighbors, a senior support charity that serves the city's elderly. employees are beating the heat and working overtime to make deliveries. jodi goldberg takes us inside their facility on long island. >> this intricate operation pumps out 3-400 tons of ice on any given day. with the temperature above 90 degrees, the ice company says they're pushing a thousand tons. >> it's double the volume all the way around whether it's production and distribution, everything is double. >> with proper safety gear, the president walked us through the ice-making process. >> once the water reaches the filtration process and it's ready to go into the ice makers, it makes ice within 20 minutes or so. there's several machines that do that. from there it goes into a holding area, the ice gets cured, and from there it gets processed and into a bag of ice. all that is done within minutes. >> from there the bags are wrapped and moved into a 25,000 square foot numbing 20-degree freezer. bound ice is loaded onto trucks by the palette. from their location, it's delivered to stores and businesses throughout the tristate area. during the summer months the facility operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and on weeks like this where the weather is warmer, there could be as many as 100 people working here to meet the high demand. >> it's a whole different mindset, a whole different stress level, you know, work ethic compared to 80, 85 degrees. >> that means dealing with the chaos while keeping their cool n. hicksville, jodi gold persian fox 5 news. >> well, i heard you brought your appetite. coming up, some great cajun cook without even leaving the city. a place with legendary jambalaya in the latest installment of the dish. we'll take you to the scorching hot launch party for the >> now this you have to see. thrill seekers putting on a record-breaking performance in the skies over central illinois. 164 skydivers built the largest-ever vertical sky is diving -- skydiving formation before safely landing in a cornfield. seven planes were used, the sky drivers jumped from about 6,000 feet higher than normal to give them time to get into that formation. now, if you can't make it to the big easy, a restaurant on staten island has got you covered. carrie drew gives us a taste of new orleans in tonight's edition of "the dish." >> the spirit of new orleans on staten island. the chef was inspired to open bye you on bay street after a trip to the big easy. >> it was amazing. the people were so friendly, the restaurants were full and full of flavor, and the music was blaring in every corner. >> julian has been cooking all his life, learning his way around the kitchen from his mom and grandma. >> a pot on the table really is what got us all together. the flavors, the smells, the laughs, the normal things that really make family a family. >> and now he's dreamed up a pot of his own. >> a dish that pays tribute to new orleans and his childhood, seafood jambalaya. >> in new orleans cooking really you should be starting with a wood spoon and a cast iron pot. preferably a hot one. >> to start, julian coats the pan with bacon grease. >> just want to grab a little bit more grease out of the bacon. >> next come the onions and sausage. then bell peppers and celery. rice -- >> this is one of the most flavorful rices out there. >> tomato sauce and lobster broth. >> and i will cover the rice, swirl it around a little bit. >> then a sprinkle of cajun spices, some crushed pepper and dried thyme. >> for that earthy flavor. >> and, of course, the fresh seafood. >> these are clams, mussels, scallops, calamari, crawfish and shrimp. this goes all in the pot. >> finally, some more lobster broth. the dish simmers for 8-10 minutes until it's ready to eat. >> you ready? >> ready. whoa. >> the jambalaya is hearty and flavorful with a kick. oh, my goodness. that is so good. >> yeah, i think it's jambalaya. >> very good. a special dish that keeps people coming back for more. a new orleans favorite with julian's new york city flair. >> you still have to take into consideration the palette of new yorkers. i think i've done well of bridging the big easy into the big apple. >> now that's some southern hospitality. for "the dish," i'm carrie drew. >> all right, carrie. now, they're paid to put out fires, but the fdny is heating things up. we're going to take you to the launch party of the new heroes calendar. i understand you know something about this, audrey. >> oh, yeah. i was the lucky one with that assignment on that day. >> yeah. >> it was hot across the tristate area, antwan, temperatures above average yet again. another summer day across the region, and i'll let you know how long the heat is going to continue when the fox 5 news [excited yelling] ah, yes! you can't stop it! aww...your mom liked my post. you're friends with my mother? whoa. another episode? definitely. we all use it differently. so why should we get it all the same way? call time warner cable to get the internet speed you need. are you guys texting each other? whether it's 3 megs or 300 megs. yeah. for the right price. from $14.99 everyday low price internet, to 300 meg ultra-fast internet, we have you covered. even with wifi at home and on the go. plans start at $14.99 per month. call 1-855-want twc to switch today. time warner cable. enjoy better. i'm not sick. i'm not sick. i'm not sick. she's perfectly healthy. cigna covers preventive care. that's having your back. because 100% whole grain oats are incredibly good for you. because they're heart healthy because they're good for kids. and granddads and everyone else in the family. everything we do is because of what really matters most. the goodness of oats and the people we love. >> so some members of the fdny are heating up the pages of a new calendar. ms. penn today takes us inside the 2015 firefighters' calendar. >> just when you thought it couldn't get any hotter in new york city, the fdny has launched their 2016 calendar of heroes. >> it's the official calendar for the new york city fire department that raises money to help promote fire and life safety. >> a search was conducted in all five boroughs. once the smoke cleared, 13 firefighters were selected to help keep your fire burning all year long. the hard rock cafe was the hot place as firefighters signed calendars. and outside the cover boy showed off his apparatus. >> this is 150 truck right here to symbolize the 150th anniversary, 150 years of faithful service of the fdny to the city of new york. >> and the fdny foundation keeps thicks steamy and -- things steamy with life-saving tips. >> anything from cpr to making sure you have batteries in your smoke alarm to winter safety and things of that nature. >> and these men are no strangers to extreme heat. hot temperatures have spread all across new york city this week. that's not unfamiliar territory to new york's bravest, they have their own ways of beating the heat. >> a good, clean diet makes a big difference on your body chemistry. >> spend as much time inside the air air-conditioning as possible. >> i go with a tank top or shirtless, and i wear my gear. >> there's not really much you can do. i didn't wear any understood wear, that's one less layer. >> someone bring me a hose. trigger your alarm by ordering a calendar at fox 5 news. >> did he -- he really did say that. [laughter] >> that -- to date, that was my roughest assignment so far. >> okay. i can see. okay, one less layer, got it. >> yeah. well, you do what you can to keep cool, antwan. the next couple days, folks, it was hot across the city today. the high number in central park hit 89 degrees. we're going to stay above average for the next several days. here are your sunrise and sunset times for tomorrow. i think tonight we're going to see a beautiful sunset, so you want to get out and enjoy it. it's officially august, our average high temperatures will start out in the mid 80s, we'll drop to the upper 70s. that's where we should be for this time of year. overnight lows dropping through the 60s and normally our average rainfall's about four and a quarter inches of rain, and we'll see how that pans out through the next several weeks. temperatures in the 80s across much of the area, 82 towards montauk, bridgeport, you're very warm at 88 degrees, 87 in poughkeepsie, and monticello has dropped down to a more comfortable 75 degrees. we do have a west to northwest wind flow kicking up a little bit of a breeze overnight as well as into tomorrow, so that'll give you some sort of relief even though it'll still be above average with your temperatures. courtesy of high pressure is going to be our dominant weather feature through tomorrow, so we're expecting another day just like today. although we'll see a few high clouds working in towards the afternoon, overall we should stay dry as we go into the second half of our weekend. an area of low pressure is just starting to get its act together across the northern plainings. this is actually going to make its way across to the great lakes region as we grow into monday, and a cold front that's associated with it will give us the chance of scattered showers and storms into beginning of next week. we're going to see the humidity build too, but until then we'll squeeze out one more nice and dry day across the region. temperatures very warm all across the nation, numbers in the 90s through chicago, miami's actually more comfortable with a temperature of only 89 expected tomorrow. heat continues through denver into billings, boise will be 100 tomorrow, 103 in vegas. the west coast feeling good from san francisco to l.a. where temperatures will be in the 70s and 80s. rook at our future cast shows we'll go mostly clear through the overnight hours. tomorrow that's how we'll wake up. plenty of sunshine to start out your sunday. towards the afternoon you could get a few high clouds, but we're not expecting any rain at least for tomorrow. monday a different story, that's when the low pressure starts to make its way towards the area, and so does the cold front. a southwest wind flow will bump up our heat and humidity, and we'll see some spark-up showers and thunderstorms let's say after about noontime on monday, and that's when you want your umbrella handy. thunderstorms especially towards the afternoon, and as we go into the beginning of next week, things should get much quieter across the area as temperatures remain above average for this time of year. here we go on monday once again, showers and thunderstorms popping up across the area, and so have your umbrella handy. tonight not the case. it'll be clear, breezy and dry with nice temperatures, lows dropping into the 50s north and west, 60s across much of the area with low 70s in and around the city. tomorrow mostly sunny by the afternoon, breezy and quite hot as temperatures approach 09 in -- 90 in many locations. the uv index will be very high, waves will be at 2-3 feet, and if you plan on going swimming, take some extra precautions because, like today, the rip current risk will be moderate. as we go into the beginning of next week, 91 for a high on monday with scattered showers and storms with more humidity will make it feel uncomfortable. 85 on wednesday, temperatures slowly starting to go back to more normal readings, so it looks better as we go into the end of the week. >> not terribly bad. >> no. enjoy tomorrow, it's going to be just like today. >> all right. we can do something -- >> yeah. >> okay. all right. apparently there is crying in baseball. hearing that he was about to be traded, mets' shortstop wilmer flores got misty. now, it's rare to see that kind of emotion from professional athletes, but it does hawaii matt king has -- it does happen. matt king has more. >> if you see red eyes, well, there's a reason for it. >> at some point during wednesday's mets/padres game at citi field, new york's 23-year-old shortstop learned the only organization he'd ever played for had just agreed to trade him for milwaukee. >> had gone down the tunnel after his last turn at bat and clearly has been shedding some tears. >> just as the mets refused to take him off the field, crams and commentators refuse to stop showing or talking about the middle infielders bleary eyes much to the disgust of metropolitan fans. >> i've been a met fan for a long time, and i love my mets, but they could have handled that a little better. >> they're working, basically -- >> how do they have phones in the clubhouse? >> for ten years. cannot blame the kid for crying. absolutely not. >> humans cry. athletes are humans. sometimes athletes cry too. >> my team. >> showing some emotional intelligence, showing that you care, showing that it's your home and your family. i don't necessarily think it's such a bad thing. >> reputation president mike paul expressed frustration with whomever leaked the details before all players involve ised passed their physicals. flores was expected to face razzing later in his career, but paul also thought for a kid who signed with the mets from venezuela as a 16-year-old, flores' sniffling might improve his standing in the eyes of humans everywhere. >> it actually takes a strong man to cry. be just the opposite of what we've been taught. and i think the more we have emotional intelligence like that, the better we are overall as human beings. >> basketball players cry. golfers cry. >> out of respect for them, i didn't do any of my funny antics that i normally would do. >> super bowl-winning quarterbacks cry. perhaps the greatest male tennis player ever cries, and now so, too, does apparently the once and future starting shortstop for the metropolitans. i'm matt king, fox 5 news. >> got to say, ryan, i don't know if that was the best way to handle that. i mean, it's going to, of course, get into his head. >> yeah, it was a messy night, and the trade didn't happen, but all's well that ends well. he hit the game-winning walkoff home run last night as still a member of the mets, so that was big. hopefully more dramatics tonight at citi field. the mets get ready to unveil their newest big bat. we'll check in on the mets as they get ready to take on the [african-style music] take my hand to the land take my hand to the land, whoa-oh! (narrator) only one family goes to incredible lengths to make sure your family time never becomes endangered. kalahari resorts. now open in the pocono mountains. book now at oh my gosh, it's the guy from last night. what?! can i jump on your wi-fi? yeah, you can try it. hey! i had a really good time last night. yeah, me too. the only thing is that... the only thing is what? what's the only thing? oh my gosh he's married. he's a kleptomaniac. he's a pyromaniac. he's a total maniac. hey! hey! go back to your wife you sociopath! leave slow internet behind. now get equally fast 100 meg downloads and uploads, only with fios. tea? get out of the past. get fios. call now, or go online. since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighborhood with expert eye care. that was dr. stanley pearle's vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. >> well, mets fans wanted a big bat for the stretch run, and that bat's going to make its debut tonight. 18 home runs and 61 rbis, he's in a mets uniform and will play left field and bat third tonight against if nationals. terry collins talked about the new weapon at his disposal. >> can't write that. you can't -- you guys couldn't come up with that. and you're good. but that's, that's unbelievable. that is just, i mean, can it happen at a better time to a better person and in a bigger situation than that? just we're all so thrilled for him, it's unbelievable. >> and, yes, we are thrilled. that's, obviously, terry collins talking about wilmer flores' heroics last night. yankees, meantime, are in chicago tonight, brian mitchell will take the mound against the white sox. now, in east rutherford, giants' camp is underway, and jason pierre-paul continues to get treatment for his amputated finger away from the team. we've gotten our first look at jpp, and it isn't pretty. pier paul with a heavily-bandages right hand and arm, he also looked to have burns on his left hand as well. moore saying, it's sad, it kills you to see your brother like that. as of now, still no timetable for jpp's return to the team. in golf tiger woods entered the weekend in the hunt for his first tournament win in almost two years. this weekend back in 2013 was the last time tiger won an event. today he began the day three shots off the lead. round three of the quicken loans outside of d.c., unfortunately, he struggled bigtime. here his tee shot completely airmails the green, goes into the hazard. he'd make double bogey, but tiger did provide the shot of the day on the par-3 16th. look at this thing. almost holes it. >> wow. >> two inches from the hole there. kind of drops out of contention, 3-over-par 70. jason merit is tied with kevin chapel for the lead at 14-under-par. big bat for the mets tonight, and we'll see if they can do it again guys against the nationals. >> thanks so much. final look at the weather? >> we're expecting it to be nice and calm tonight with temperatures very mild across the tristate area. tomorrow another beautiful day, a beautiful her day, that is, sunny skies with high temperatures near 90. chances of rain by monday. >> that's going to do it for us, stay tuned because an encore presentation of simone in the city is coming up next. we'll see you at ten. [muted singing throughout] these girls have waited 62 days for this concert tonight. so far i've counted 32 omgs, 75 lols, 13 yolos, and i'm super tired! tweens--fun age, huh? you have places to go. [girls squealing with delight] let us worry about getting you there. bp gasoline with invigorate. fuel the journey. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like my second in command... and my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. and in my castle we only eat chex cereal. chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! you exercise. you choose the salad. occasionally. but staying well - physically, financially, emotionally - its hard on your own. so cigna's got your back, and your knees, 24/7. cigna's there to answer your questions. or when you need some coaching. in sickness and in health, cigna's there, helping you to get well and stay well.

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Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 6 20240622

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over? by simply inhaling the air we breathe, that's how 65 people in the south bronx were sickened with the potentially deadly legionnaires' disease. four of them have died and 55 remain hospitalized. >> that's public, you know, public places, that's very scary at a father. >> reporter: the outbreak was first detected on july 10th after all 17 commercial rooftop ac units were tested in the area, five came back positive for the area. the affected sites are lincoln hospital, concourse plaza, the opera house hotel, verizon office building and the streamlined plastic company. legionnaires' disease is not contagious. health officials suspect people were infected by inhailing the mist given off by infected units. >> once a year inspectors from the city should go around and then that's part of maintenance. >> reporter: symptoms include high fever, coughing, aches, but it is highly treatable if you receive prompt medical attention. officials say the water supply here in the bronx is completely safe. still, many can't help but wonder if an outbreak could happen again. >> we have to walk around. we have to leave, we have to be -- [inaudible] what we cannot do. >> reporter: the four people that died were elderly and had underlying conditions. also susceptible to legionnaires' disease are those with compromised immune systems. again, health officials say if you have any pneumonia-type symptoms, go to the doctor right away. that's the latest from concourse plaza, fox 5 news. antwan, back to you. >> lydia, thank you so much. conflicting reports tonight about the well being of jericho, the brother of cecil the lion. the zimbabwe conservation task force says jericho is feared dead after reports claim he was killed in the south african country, but a british researcher monitoring jericho with a gps device claims he is alive. news broke about the death of 13-year-old cecil, officials say the protected lion was lured out of a zimbabwe national park by an american dentist and his guide and was killed during an illegal hunt last month. today the funeral for bobbi kristina brown was held in georgia, but it didn't keep family members from feuding. we have the latest from new jersey where bobbi kristina will be buried on monday. >> the only child of musicians whitney houston and bobby brown remembered during a private funeral in an atlanta suburb, but the service -- attended by friends, family and celebrities -- was anything but peaceful. a longstanding feud between the two families playing out inside the st. james church when bobby brown's sister yelled at a member of houston's family. she was later removed from the service. bobbi kristina died at hospice last sunday, six months after she was found unresponsive in a bathtub by boyfriend nick gordon who some have accused of contributing to her death. gordon was not allowed at the funeral. it comes nearly three years after whitney houston's hauntingly similar passing. bobbi kristina will be laid to rest next to her mother here at the fairview cemetery in westfield, new jersey. it's expected to be a private ceremony on monday, nevertheless, law enforcement officials here in union county are already preparing for what will likely be a substantial media presence. no park being signs lining the perimeter of the 150-acre cemetery. security also parked at the front gate insuring unwanted visitors like paparazzi can't get an early look at the grave site. >> it's tragically sad. >> downtown westfield not far from the cemetery, people offering sympathies. >> she's a young person who went way too soon. >> i think that it's terrible that her life went the way it did, but she was a child of a famous person, and sometimes doesn't always go as planned. but i think it's, i think it's good that she's, she'll be near her mom now. >> bobbi kristina brown was just 22 years old. dan bow especially, fox 5 news. >> the feds are investigating two drone sightings after kennedy airport after yesterday's near miss involving a delta air lines plane, delta flight 407 from orlando was preparing to land when the pilot spotted a drone just off the right wing just 100 feet below the plane. earlier in the day the faa says the pilot of jetblue flight 1334 also reported seeing a drone. we reached out to both airlines but have not heard anything back just yet. the nypd has released a sketch of a suspect who approached a victim and asked for money, when he said no and walked away, the suspect allegedly grabbed him from behind, choked him and he then passed out before the suspect took off. the victim was treated at the hospital. anyone with information is asked to call police. a teacher from new york has been killed while on a cross-country bike trip for charity. 25-year-old patrick was hit by a car in oklahoma on thursday. the driver admitted she was looking at her cell phone and could face charges. he worked at fordham high school for the arts in the bronx -- through, rather, the teach for america program. he also taught app development at lehman college. the bike trip was raising must be for affordable housing. another possible step in solving the mystery of malaysian airlines flight 370. the wing flap was taken to a military testing facility. experts will analyze it to confirm what many already suspect, that it is, indeed, from the plane. it was found on a french island in the indian ocean this week more than 2,000 miles away from where experts believe the plane went down in march of last year. british police say three of osama bin laden's relatives and their pilot were killed in a plane crash yesterday. officials say the passengers were the mother, sister and brother-in-law of the plane's other than, but neither of their names or relationships to the former al-qaeda leader have been confirmed. authorities say the jet crashed at the site of a car auction near an airfield used by private planes southwest of london. no word on what caused the crash. fiat chrysler's recalling more than 320,000 sedans due to a defect that can cause side airbags to deflate, dodge chargers from the 2011-2014 model years mainly in the united states and canada. the news follows last week's recall of more than 800,000 dodge ram pickup trucks for the same problem. three minor injuries have been linked to the safety issue. tomorrow some verizon workers could actually be going on strike. the company says the union contract covering 39,000 employees in nine states -- including new york -- expires tonight at midnight. union officials say verizon wants workers to pay more for health care and make concessions on their pensions while the unions want more health care and retirement benefits. verizon officials say the effect of a strike on customers should be minimal. well, today the celebration of new york's roadways known as summer streets in the city kicked off. for six hours this morning, no vehicles were allowed on nearly seven miles of roads including park avenue. people were free to walk, bike and use their scooters without having to dodge any cars, and in case you missed out on today's event, summer streets returns next saturday. a great day to be outside to enjoy that, audrey. >> sure was. that water slide was amazing. >> amazing, right? [laughter] >> it's going to be there, actually, next saturday, so you get another chance to actually try it out. it was a hot day across the tristate area once again, a lot of readings in the 80s although we were at 90 degrees in parts of the area like in poughkeepsie. 91 towards newark liberty airport, 90 in belmar, 81 in monticello and out towards long island beaches, temperatures mostly in the middle to upper 80s. right now sitting at 84 in islip, 88 in bridgeport, 86 in central park at the moment, and we're just under 90 out towards newark. still feeling good in belmar, and we're in the upper 70s up towards monticello. these numbers are running a few degrees down from where they were yesterday, but the big difference is in the dew points. it's made things very comfortable across the region, and with readings in the 50s and 60s, it'll feel nice going into the evening, and i think we'll squeeze out one more dry day before the humidity builds across the area. we do have a couple of high, thin clouds rotating through. radar indicates a couple of showers, but i think the air is just too dry for a lot of that to reach the ground, maybe a sprinkle could be possible across the poconos. we have a nice west to northwest wind flow, and we're expecting another day like today as we go into tomorrow. so you can expect plenty of sunshine for your sunday. temperatures once again will be soaring through the 80s, we could be close to 90 in many locations, and it will stay dry, but things changing into next week. all the details coming up. >> all right, audrey, thank you so much. our very own simone boyce has a brand new show coming up. plus, a new report claims cell phones could be dangerous to your health. we'll tell you about it. and you may be an annoying texter and not even know about it. up next, a lesson in texting etiquette, when we come back. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like my second in command... and my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. and in my castle we only eat chex cereal. chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! >> you're watching fox 5 news at 6. >> so this weekend we're celebrating the premarry of simone in the city, a new show hosted by our own simone boyce. you check it out, here's a sneak peek. >> if you think you've seen everything there is to see in coney island, maybe it's time to take a closer look. >> this is coney artwall, right in the heart of coney island. here there are other 30 call walls, beautiful paintings that really capture the flavor of new york city. you could spend hours here just walking through this maze of murals. today i'm hanging out with two of the artists who have painted some of these amazing walls. cheers. >> cheers. >> so what do you call this? >> this is hercules, the crossroads. you see hercules in the middle, he's about to make his choice, you know? he's looking this way, going to a side of virtue and a good life which is also a sweet life. i always paint ice cream characters. for me, ice cream is a nice kind of symbol for life, you know? it's -- we've got limited time here, you know, for sure. until we melt away. but i think especially in the context of coney island and ice cream, we have ice cream vendors, it really plays into what's going on down here. local new yorkers who wouldn't normally come down to coney island want to come down and see this. >> a native from bear age, brooklyn. >> i'm a brooklyn boy, so summertime, brooklyn night, you know, bring you back, reminisce, a little nostalgia. waited to give a little -- i wanted to give a little history, so the textures with all the names is actually celebrities born and raised in brooklyn. this block would be a block that we hung out on and played stickball and, you know, hung out on the stoop and dreamed big about one day making it big. at the end of the day, we represent for one neighborhood, and that's brooklyn. >> cheese. >> nathan's is a coney island institution, but now there are a few more options for grub around here, and that's thanks to smorgasberg popular in brooklyn, queens, now there's a location right in the middle of the coney art walls. looking good. okay, where do we start? >> um, it looks delicious. >> this is great. look at all the different foods, different backgrounds. it's like it's true to the borough and one big melting pot. it's right here in this little yard, you know? >> and remember, you can catch simone's new show saturdays at 10 a.m. and again at 7 p.m., and if you missed it this morning, catch it right after this newscast at 7 tonight. some dragons are getting ready to race in queens, hundreds of dragon boats doing time trials today and tomorrow preparing for next weekend's hong kong boat festival celebrating the year of the ram with multicultural performances and international food. prospect park brooklyn was the place for those looking to adopt a pet. the alliance for nyc's animals hosted their first-ever mega pet adoption event, more than 150 lovable cats and dogs from local shelters and rescue groups all looking for a good home. >> when you're adopting a pet, it's important to know that the adult of the household will be the primary caregiver for the animal. so remember that your children, it's important that they love the animal and that they have good chemistry and get along. >> now, the adoption event had free photo ops for the pets and the owners. tonight new research adds to the debate over cell phones causing brain cancer, a study suggests it goes even further. a ukrainian scientist looked into hundreds of studies. now, he claims the damage can build up over time and lead to brain tumors, parkinsons and alzheimer's disease. he also says using your phone for just 20 minutes a day for five years triples your risk of one type of brain tumor. he recommends using hands-free devices. and when you do use your cell phone, believe it or not, there is an etiquette for texting. many people find too many emojis or messages in all caps just plain annoying. here's more. >> a recent survey by pew research found that among smartphone users, text messaging is the most commonly and widely-used feature, yet so many people are still discovering the nuances of text etiquette. what's your biggest pet peeve? >> when someone doesn't answer after they read it. >> when people put too many emojis. >> misspelling. even with spellcheck, people do not read what they're sending, and it's annoying. >> group texting, for sure. >> an etiquette consultant and the founder of gramercy protocol says there are a few faux pass many of us are making. >> not to text when you're in front of someone else without your permission. we know not to text while driving. >> also as casual as a text could be, it could have significant consequences. >> never write anything you wouldn't want to see on the cover of a national newspaper. >> and in a professional setting, texting has its own unique protocol. >> especially for business, it's helpful to sign your name to a text because sometimes we assume that everyone knows who we are based on the number. >> as for how long a text should be, yes, there's a rule for that too. >> the whole purpose of text, 160 characters, is to be brief. >> then there are those moments when we just aren't sure whether to text or, yes, actually make a phone call. be. >> if you call me, i will call you back. if you text me, i will return with a text. >> of course, you can always follow this guiding principle to help you navigate society's ever-evolving texting quandary: -- >> keep the person that you're talking to as the priority. that's always the focus. >> oh, another thing we may want to add to that list, texting while shooting a news story. sorry about that. reporting from the upper east side, fox 5 news. >> that's interesting. tell me what you think about it. go to antwan fox 5 and tweet me what you think of some of the annoying things when people are texting. now coming up, burning hundreds of calories without moving a muscle. in fact, all you have to do is just freeze for this type of weight loss therapy. why some people are paying to get blasted with icy cold air. also there's this -- >> battling it out at belmont. [laughter] from cleaning manure to feeding the animals, nothing gets in her way. [laughter] it's jan at work, coming up. [african-style music] take my hand to the land take my hand to the land, whoa-oh! (narrator) only one family goes to incredible lengths to bring the thrills, the adventure and the best of africa back home to you. kalahari resorts. now open in the pocono mountains. book now at >> so the last time she got to do the dirty work in a scrap cared in new jersey, and tonight jen is at work raising the stakes at belmont racetrack. horsing around. check this out. [cheers and applause] >> when you think bell month, you think prestige, but behind the scenes -- belmont park has over 3,000 horses -- 2,000 horses which makes for a lot of horse you know what. i met up with fran lawrence from equi cycle. >> what do you device do out here? -- guys do out here? with we pick up the manure, we bring it back to the transfer station, we sort it, make sure it's clean enough to go to compost farms, mushroom farms. >> how much of it comes in every day? >> we take out about eight to inten trailer loads every day. >> that's a lot. what are you going to have me do? >> we need to get this paper, all this garbage out of the manure loads -- >> that's an entire mountain of poop. okay. oh, my god. oh, my god, this is so disgusting. it's actually steaming. that's how fresh it is. oh, it's warm, too, oh, my god, i'm going to die. [laughter] oh, my god! >> taking care of these 2200 stalls and 445 acres of track is far from glamorous. so i'm here at belmont park with tonya, and you're going to teach me how to be a groom today, right? >> yes. we're going to teach you how to brush, give a bath. >> a groom's day begins at four in the morning, and each groom takes care of four horses a day. not only does the job take hard work, it also takes guts. >> grooms get kicked, built, thrown against the wall. it's not always fun. >> our first job was to make sure our horse got brushed and saddled. i never thought i'd be brushing a horse's butt, that's for sure. the grooms never stand behind the horse in case it kicks. at only two years old, this guy weighs just over a thousand pounds which, believe it orbit, is on the small side for a racehorse. >> okay, so there's our guy. he's going to come around the corner, and we're going to lead him out and bathe him. we start at their head. >> yep. now, why do you start with their head? >> well, this area. you're not going to do his head yet, you're going to start here. >> okay. >> and then you're going to work your way through like that. >> okay. this is very similar to washing a car. i mean, these horses are huge. >> you can wipe behind his ears -- yeah. wipe like that. wherever there's sweat. >> horses don't have earwax, do they? >> they get dirt. >> i love this guy. and i think he loved me too, or at least the perfume i was wearing. laugh -- [laughter] how would you grade me, from a to f, hopefully it's not an f, what would you give me? >> i think i'd give you an a for your first time. >> oh, my goodness, hey! i lo it, thank you. [laughter] >> you're welcome. >> at work in belmont park, fox 5 news. >> all right, jen. now, here's a question for you, would you freeze yourself if it meant burning calories? coming up, a look at the city's new beauty trend. and some creative ice cream shops are putting new twists on a classic. all this and more when the news at 6 returns. john is just two weeks away from walking down the aisle with emily. didn't see that one comin'. now we're groomsmen. we're just 475 short miles away from... shenanigans. it's not going to get too crazy. might get a little weird. you have places to go. let us worry about getting you there. bp gasoline with invigorate. fuel the journey. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like my second in command... and my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. and in my castle we only eat chex cereal. chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you' re doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, pyou don' t have to plan around either. it' s the only daily tablet approved to treatr erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats thepfrustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to gopfrequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, x or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. why pause the moment? ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to >> you're watching fox 5 news at 6. >> so take a look at this, because freezing is apparently hot right now. yes, you heard that right. it's called cry yo therapy, and people who do it swear by its health benefits. it's supposed to melt fat as well as boost your energy level, so we sent lisa evers to check it out. >> i'm going to go chill out to the tune of -264 degrees below 0. that's my assignment. can't wait. lindsay lohan is doing it and posting it on instagram. so is mandy moore. and it's supposedly the reason delaware my moore is a timeless beauty -- demimoore is a timeless beauty. many a-listers consider it better than botox and pilates. i had to jump into the cryoclaimer to see for myself. it's very cold. it feels very refreshing. my legs are a little chilly. a three-minute treatment goes for $90. the beauty benefits are the tasty side dish to the me did nag main -- medicinal main course. >> the people who come from, with different inflammatory disorders or problems, and they come out, you know, euphoric, happy, rejuvenated plus beautiful. >> you have to take off all your clothes and jewelry and are given a white robe, gloves, socks and clogs to keep your feet from freezing. my cameraman, alan, dared me to stay longer, and i had to start moving around. i have these mittens especially made in the mountains in poland where it's very, very cold. shortness of breath. i think about 1:30 i'm going to be good. >> you're getting 1:30 right now. >> okay i think i'm good in about -- my legs are starting to feel a little bit numb -- >> come on. >> all right, i'll do 1:45. [laughter] >> joanna says the therapy is an accepted part of many protocols with european doctors who appreciate the science. >> the temperatures are -184 fahrenheit to -264 degrees fahrenheit. when the body's exposed to these temperatures, the cold receptors are sending signal to your brain that you're freezing, and that activates the fight to flight response. >> at about two minutes, my flight response kicked in. lisa evers, fox 5 news. >> how cool was that? laugh just messing with lisa. all right, a new kind of street fair debuted in the meat-packing district without the usual assortment of funnel cakes. pop-up ny hosted a high-end gourmet street fare featuring oysters and south african street food along with upscale designer products and housewares and all the delicious munching was for a good cause. part of the proceeds benefit visiting neighbors, a senior support charity that serves the city's elderly. employees are beating the heat and working overtime to make deliveries. jodi goldberg takes us inside their facility on long island. >> this intricate operation pumps out 3-400 tons of ice on any given day. with the temperature above 90 degrees, the ice company says they're pushing a thousand tons. >> it's double the volume all the way around whether it's production and distribution, everything is double. >> with proper safety gear, the president walked us through the ice-making process. >> once the water reaches the filtration process and it's ready to go into the ice makers, it makes ice within 20 minutes or so. there's several machines that do that. from there it goes into a holding area, the ice gets cured, and from there it gets processed and into a bag of ice. all that is done within minutes. >> from there the bags are wrapped and moved into a 25,000 square foot numbing 20-degree freezer. bound ice is loaded onto trucks by the palette. from their location, it's delivered to stores and businesses throughout the tristate area. during the summer months the facility operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and on weeks like this where the weather is warmer, there could be as many as 100 people working here to meet the high demand. >> it's a whole different mindset, a whole different stress level, you know, work ethic compared to 80, 85 degrees. >> that means dealing with the chaos while keeping their cool n. hicksville, jodi gold persian fox 5 news. >> well, i heard you brought your appetite. coming up, some great cajun cook without even leaving the city. a place with legendary jambalaya in the latest installment of the dish. we'll take you to the scorching hot launch party for the >> now this you have to see. thrill seekers putting on a record-breaking performance in the skies over central illinois. 164 skydivers built the largest-ever vertical sky is diving -- skydiving formation before safely landing in a cornfield. seven planes were used, the sky drivers jumped from about 6,000 feet higher than normal to give them time to get into that formation. now, if you can't make it to the big easy, a restaurant on staten island has got you covered. carrie drew gives us a taste of new orleans in tonight's edition of "the dish." >> the spirit of new orleans on staten island. the chef was inspired to open bye you on bay street after a trip to the big easy. >> it was amazing. the people were so friendly, the restaurants were full and full of flavor, and the music was blaring in every corner. >> julian has been cooking all his life, learning his way around the kitchen from his mom and grandma. >> a pot on the table really is what got us all together. the flavors, the smells, the laughs, the normal things that really make family a family. >> and now he's dreamed up a pot of his own. >> a dish that pays tribute to new orleans and his childhood, seafood jambalaya. >> in new orleans cooking really you should be starting with a wood spoon and a cast iron pot. preferably a hot one. >> to start, julian coats the pan with bacon grease. >> just want to grab a little bit more grease out of the bacon. >> next come the onions and sausage. then bell peppers and celery. rice -- >> this is one of the most flavorful rices out there. >> tomato sauce and lobster broth. >> and i will cover the rice, swirl it around a little bit. >> then a sprinkle of cajun spices, some crushed pepper and dried thyme. >> for that earthy flavor. >> and, of course, the fresh seafood. >> these are clams, mussels, scallops, calamari, crawfish and shrimp. this goes all in the pot. >> finally, some more lobster broth. the dish simmers for 8-10 minutes until it's ready to eat. >> you ready? >> ready. whoa. >> the jambalaya is hearty and flavorful with a kick. oh, my goodness. that is so good. >> yeah, i think it's jambalaya. >> very good. a special dish that keeps people coming back for more. a new orleans favorite with julian's new york city flair. >> you still have to take into consideration the palette of new yorkers. i think i've done well of bridging the big easy into the big apple. >> now that's some southern hospitality. for "the dish," i'm carrie drew. >> all right, carrie. now, they're paid to put out fires, but the fdny is heating things up. we're going to take you to the launch party of the new heroes calendar. i understand you know something about this, audrey. >> oh, yeah. i was the lucky one with that assignment on that day. >> yeah. >> it was hot across the tristate area, antwan, temperatures above average yet again. another summer day across the region, and i'll let you know how long the heat is going to continue when the fox 5 news [excited yelling] ah, yes! you can't stop it! aww...your mom liked my post. you're friends with my mother? 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[laughter] >> that -- to date, that was my roughest assignment so far. >> okay. i can see. okay, one less layer, got it. >> yeah. well, you do what you can to keep cool, antwan. the next couple days, folks, it was hot across the city today. the high number in central park hit 89 degrees. we're going to stay above average for the next several days. here are your sunrise and sunset times for tomorrow. i think tonight we're going to see a beautiful sunset, so you want to get out and enjoy it. it's officially august, our average high temperatures will start out in the mid 80s, we'll drop to the upper 70s. that's where we should be for this time of year. overnight lows dropping through the 60s and normally our average rainfall's about four and a quarter inches of rain, and we'll see how that pans out through the next several weeks. temperatures in the 80s across much of the area, 82 towards montauk, bridgeport, you're very warm at 88 degrees, 87 in poughkeepsie, and monticello has dropped down to a more comfortable 75 degrees. we do have a west to northwest wind flow kicking up a little bit of a breeze overnight as well as into tomorrow, so that'll give you some sort of relief even though it'll still be above average with your temperatures. courtesy of high pressure is going to be our dominant weather feature through tomorrow, so we're expecting another day just like today. although we'll see a few high clouds working in towards the afternoon, overall we should stay dry as we go into the second half of our weekend. an area of low pressure is just starting to get its act together across the northern plainings. this is actually going to make its way across to the great lakes region as we grow into monday, and a cold front that's associated with it will give us the chance of scattered showers and storms into beginning of next week. we're going to see the humidity build too, but until then we'll squeeze out one more nice and dry day across the region. temperatures very warm all across the nation, numbers in the 90s through chicago, miami's actually more comfortable with a temperature of only 89 expected tomorrow. heat continues through denver into billings, boise will be 100 tomorrow, 103 in vegas. the west coast feeling good from san francisco to l.a. where temperatures will be in the 70s and 80s. rook at our future cast shows we'll go mostly clear through the overnight hours. tomorrow that's how we'll wake up. plenty of sunshine to start out your sunday. towards the afternoon you could get a few high clouds, but we're not expecting any rain at least for tomorrow. monday a different story, that's when the low pressure starts to make its way towards the area, and so does the cold front. a southwest wind flow will bump up our heat and humidity, and we'll see some spark-up showers and thunderstorms let's say after about noontime on monday, and that's when you want your umbrella handy. thunderstorms especially towards the afternoon, and as we go into the beginning of next week, things should get much quieter across the area as temperatures remain above average for this time of year. here we go on monday once again, showers and thunderstorms popping up across the area, and so have your umbrella handy. tonight not the case. it'll be clear, breezy and dry with nice temperatures, lows dropping into the 50s north and west, 60s across much of the area with low 70s in and around the city. tomorrow mostly sunny by the afternoon, breezy and quite hot as temperatures approach 09 in -- 90 in many locations. the uv index will be very high, waves will be at 2-3 feet, and if you plan on going swimming, take some extra precautions because, like today, the rip current risk will be moderate. as we go into the beginning of next week, 91 for a high on monday with scattered showers and storms with more humidity will make it feel uncomfortable. 85 on wednesday, temperatures slowly starting to go back to more normal readings, so it looks better as we go into the end of the week. >> not terribly bad. >> no. enjoy tomorrow, it's going to be just like today. >> all right. we can do something -- >> yeah. >> okay. all right. apparently there is crying in baseball. hearing that he was about to be traded, mets' shortstop wilmer flores got misty. now, it's rare to see that kind of emotion from professional athletes, but it does hawaii matt king has -- it does happen. matt king has more. >> if you see red eyes, well, there's a reason for it. >> at some point during wednesday's mets/padres game at citi field, new york's 23-year-old shortstop learned the only organization he'd ever played for had just agreed to trade him for milwaukee. >> had gone down the tunnel after his last turn at bat and clearly has been shedding some tears. >> just as the mets refused to take him off the field, crams and commentators refuse to stop showing or talking about the middle infielders bleary eyes much to the disgust of metropolitan fans. >> i've been a met fan for a long time, and i love my mets, but they could have handled that a little better. >> they're working, basically -- >> how do they have phones in the clubhouse? >> for ten years. cannot blame the kid for crying. absolutely not. >> humans cry. athletes are humans. sometimes athletes cry too. >> my team. >> showing some emotional intelligence, showing that you care, showing that it's your home and your family. i don't necessarily think it's such a bad thing. >> reputation president mike paul expressed frustration with whomever leaked the details before all players involve ised passed their physicals. flores was expected to face razzing later in his career, but paul also thought for a kid who signed with the mets from venezuela as a 16-year-old, flores' sniffling might improve his standing in the eyes of humans everywhere. >> it actually takes a strong man to cry. be just the opposite of what we've been taught. and i think the more we have emotional intelligence like that, the better we are overall as human beings. >> basketball players cry. golfers cry. >> out of respect for them, i didn't do any of my funny antics that i normally would do. >> super bowl-winning quarterbacks cry. perhaps the greatest male tennis player ever cries, and now so, too, does apparently the once and future starting shortstop for the metropolitans. i'm matt king, fox 5 news. >> got to say, ryan, i don't know if that was the best way to handle that. i mean, it's going to, of course, get into his head. >> yeah, it was a messy night, and the trade didn't happen, but all's well that ends well. he hit the game-winning walkoff home run last night as still a member of the mets, so that was big. hopefully more dramatics tonight at citi field. the mets get ready to unveil their newest big bat. we'll check in on the mets as they get ready to take on the [african-style music] take my hand to the land take my hand to the land, whoa-oh! 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[muted singing throughout] these girls have waited 62 days for this concert tonight. so far i've counted 32 omgs, 75 lols, 13 yolos, and i'm super tired! tweens--fun age, huh? you have places to go. 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