By Jul 22, 2021 Known as the group's vocal line, WJSN Dawon and Yeonjung recently appeared on the KBS music program "Immortal Songs," showing their equally impressive vocals and visuals for UJUNG everywhere. Even before the two Cosmic Girls (WJSN) members appeared, the group had enthusiastically invited their fans to come and watch their television appearance through their SNS channels. In the "Immortal Songs" episode, participants had to sing and reinterpret singles from the Top 10 Songs vs Music Bank as a part of the show's Summer Special Episode. The WJSN vocal line performed "Unreasonable Reason" together with DJ Koo (Koo Jun-yeop) and rapper Xitsuh, giving the 90s classic track a trap-party vibe that has sent the judges and audiences vibing with Dawon and Yeonjung nailing the vocals with high energy.