Transcripts For WJLA News 7 At 11 20171230 :

Transcripts For WJLA News 7 At 11 20171230

he was rescued from a freezing ditch. almost.s crying >> now, abc 7 news at 11:00, on your side. jonathan: first, we are on storm watch. it is freezing outside. oncy: bitter cold and snow the way, all adding up to make a new year's one of the coldest in decades. jonathan: we have team covers, including a look at people braving the bone chilling cold, but we start with chief meteorologist bill kelly. how low will it go? into tonight we will be the mid-20's, one of the warmer nights. what we are focusing on this evening is the snow, tracking to the west. that is the blue on the map, the darker shades where it is heavier. most of that to the west and further northwest. a widespread winter weather the area, not the d.c. metro right now. frederick county, washington andty, allegheny county garrett county to the west, that is where the winter weather advisory is currently come in effect tonight right now until noon tomorrow. they will probably take that down earlier. gaithersburg germantown, hagerstown 18. the ground is completely prime for every flake to stick around. not a big snow maker, but potential problems if you are traveling late tonight, early tomorrow morning. the timing and the amounts coming up. jonathan: the drop in temperature just as people are gearing up for the weekend, including new year's celebrations. tim barber continues team coverage, joining us from georgetown with how folks are getting ready to brave the winter weather. when they will just put on hats and mittens. hat absolutely, i have my and mittens, a lot of space on the sidewalks and georgetown. we have seen some brave souls. we have noticed fewer people in georgetown, especially for a friday. smart people went out with that coats, warm hats, and mittens, but the smartest people one could argue stayed home. >> i was grateful. tim: i was hoping for the holidays? >> back and cold. tim: it is so frigid, the district has issued a cold alert. new year's eve could also be in the teens. it will be so cold that the city is opening space in its 17 homeless shelters, where just a few days ago they housed 1500 people when temps hit 19 degrees. >> if you still see people on the street, and location. most areas have little chance of snow saturday, it should not snow on the new year's eve parade. going out new year's? >> definitely, bundling up the best we can, and we will hit the streets. are walking along the sidewalk and see some of the sleeping on the ground this weekend, there is a number on the abc 7 mobile app so you can call and get them some help from the district. tim barber, abc 7 news. jonathan: as we wait for the winter weather, a look at the impact the temperatures are having. sky track 7 was over the potomac river in leesburg. ice is starting to form around whites fairy. pretty soon come if we keep these temperatures, it will be solid. follow the forecast no matter where you are, by downloading the free stormwatch 7 weather app. nancy: fbi raid at a home in sterling, federal agents swarming the home, leaving hours later with boxes of evidence. neighbors are trying to figure out why this happened. tom roussey is speaking with them. what are people saying tonight? hear from some of those neighbors in just a moment, nancy. first, the evidence of the fbi the on this condominium on door, the fbi tightlipped about what they were looking for, but we did learn some things from the neighbors. other law and enforcement removed a lot of things from this condo, after they spent hours raiding it. it is in the chatham green condos in sterling. neighbors describe at least one man and one woman who dressed "middle eastern" living there. they had apparently just moved in, and nobody we talked to knew their names. what was unusual? >> there were always amazon packages at the door. were a large part of what the fbi and other agencies including the lot in county sheriff office removed from the condo. neighbors say the agents arrived in the afternoon and did not leave until about 7:30. >> i just want to know more because it is a relatively quiet neighborhood. tom: neighbors are uneasy not knowing what happened. they have a lot of questions. >> hopefully if we would need to leave they would let us know. the fbi would confirm was when they did this to the door, they were executing a search warrant out of the eastern district of virginia, which is a federal court. we try tonight to look up property taxes and other records for the folks living here, but since they moved here recently, everything we found seem to be out of date. live in sterling, loudoun county, tom roussey, abc 7 news. jonathan: video showing the moments that a car in southeast washington went up in flames. once the fire was out, in the trunk body was found of a woman. now the investigation into who she was and how she got there is underway. anna-lysa gayle has the developments in this case. >> crazy. [horn] >> watch out, it is blowing. anna-lysa: debris is left behind in the sally near adrian street -- in this alley near adrian street in southeast. >> we heard about five or six shots and did not think much of it. anna-lysa: that is where the police say a woman was shot and killed just before 7:30 thursday night before being set on fire in the car. >> in a matter of seconds it was a blaze. anna-lysa: he saw a black car driving away shortly after the fire started. this cell phone video gives an idea how quickly the flames spread as the smoke billowed. so far the police have not identified the victim and no arrests have been made. >> that is pretty evil. do. not thinkanybody could anna-lysa: get to that point anna-lysa gayle anna-lysa:, abc 7 news. an innocent man is dead in wichita, kansas. manys squatting was so made a fake 911 call about a shooting in hostage situation. the police went to the address mentioned in the call and the man came to the door and an officer opened fire, killing him. the police have not said why the officer fired. jonathan: a look inside the bronx apartment building that went up in flames last night, killing 12 people inside, including children. we brought you this as breaking news last night. investigators say this was first floor apartment, and they had done it before according to reports. fire officials say open stairwells acted like chimneys to spread the fire. they stressed if you are getting away from a fire, always close the door behind you so it keeps the fire from spreading. nancy: an important reminder about the dangers of tricking and driving. this is a picture of an alexandria police cruiser after a suspected drunk driver plowed into it. the police caught up with the driver in charge him with dui. the officer was not hurt. if you are celebrating this weekend, washington regional alcohol program will open up a sober ride program, offering $15 in free ride credit so that you do not rake and drive. jonathan: as we count down to 2018, we back at some of the biggest stories in 2017. these are the stories we feel had we showed you six through 10 on new channel 8. now tom roussey counts down the top five. tom: number five, pregnant teacher killed. the beloved wild like high school teacher from olney never showed up the first day of school. of the police came to believe that her boyfriend killed her. they got him to speak at a press conference while the parents played along knowing he was a suspect. the police arrested him after the teacher's body was found in damascus. number four, the women's march. d.c. has seen many protests, but never one quite like this. just one day after president trump's inauguration, hundreds of thousands came out to protest against them. unlike the day before, this protest stayed peaceful. number three, charlottesville violence. it was an ugly day august 13, protests by white nationalists leading to violence. fighting, a man drove a car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing a 32-year-old. a man from ohio is charged with murder. a man apparently driven by hatred of republicans opened fire at the gop practice in alexandria for the congressional baseball game. five people were shot come including capitol hill police officer crystal. asoworker was also injured they and alexandria police got into a shootout with james hodgkinson, who was killed. house majority whip steve scalise was shot and nearly died but has since returned to congress. number one, inauguration violence. protests on inauguration day turned violent and instructive as some smashed windows and let things on fire. d.c. police arrested more than 200 people, but it defense attorneys argued arrested were not violent and the first six on trial were acquitted in december. the january 20 chaos was watched by the world and is our story of the year. tom roussey, abc 7 news. jonathan: if you missed the first half of the countdown, it is on our free abc 7 news app. still ahead, home again. nancy: a family reunited with their four-legged friend just in time for the holidays. look at him! the incredible rescue, next. jonathan: and a life-saving traffic stop by a quick thinking officer. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the final days of wish list are here. hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complimentary first month's payment. jonathan: this is the story that keeps giving. a printeru about error with a lottery game that led to people mistakenly hitting the jackpot, a whole bunch of them. officials in that state say the accidental winnings at up to nearly $20 million. votto officials decided to set aside that prize money. for now, players their winnings as the investigation into the incident continues. can you imagine that youwin, but we made a mistake? nancy: sorry, give me my money. the outcome of the tied virginia house of delegates race will be determined by random drawing next week. it we drawn on thursday to determine the winner of the tied election in southwest virginia. if democrats win, the house will be split 50/50. they willcans win, keep control of the house by one seat. life-savingis was a traffic stop that was caught on -- camera video. camera video. when the officer got to the car, he noticed the driver was red and unable to speak. it turned out he was choking. the officer pulled him out, gave him the heimlich maneuver, and saved his life. nancy: that is remarkable. thanks to a prince george's county firefighter. we showed you this video december 15 of a dog being rescued from a cold road in hyattsville. tim barber spoke to the family about having their best friend back just in time for the holidays. tim: spike the golden retriever loves playing in the yard. earlier this month, spike snuck out for a stroll and got stuck in a culvert. his family was horrified. >> it was heartbreaking that he was missing. tim: a couple days later he saw video of this prince george's county firefighter rescuing a dog and he knew that it was spike. >> just him, you know your dog. you had them 15 years, your whole life. tim: after the rescue, the firefighter said the dog did not have a name tag. so he took the dog, who they had appropriately named river, to the animal shelter. >> almost. tim: he reunited with his family just in time for the holidays. >> i was really happy to know he was ok, that he was fine and safe. i was really happy to see him again. tim: in prince george's county, tim barber. jonathan: he is just chomping on ice. good for him, nice job. the winter blast means that hell has officially frozen over. literally. the town of hell is in michigan, near ann arbor, the real deal. despite the winter wonderland, it is still a hot destination for tourists. the coolest thing about living there is when people ask where you live. bill: that is probably the same every day of the year because it is in that state up north. jonathan: you think? keyes the buc tonight, so i have to say that. 24 at reagan national, gaithersburg 18, manassas 20. a windchill factor, with many spots in the single digits. 10 gaithersburg, manassas no wind. all of these numbers are well below freezing. the surface is well below freezing, so the snow that comes in, all the flicks will be sticking around. should be light, fluffy snow. most likely between 3:00 a.m. and about 9 a.m. as this works across the area. on except foroing the shenandoah and blue ridge right now. looking outside tomorrow morning, might have a little snow. it will not last long. 9:30 most of it is out of here, near baltimore. i the afternoon we have snow bands moving through, more widespread tonight. afternoon. conditions could be dangerous if you are driving around. in terms of the snow, this does not look like a big snow maker, but i expect some accumulations, generally about an inch in the d.c. metro. most of that would be further to the north and further west. we have anywhere between one and nches to the north. there is a winter weather advisory in frederick county, washington county, to the north and west. that is in effect technically until noon tomorrow. tomorrow, 7:00ds a.m., still have the potential of snow on the roads and lingering. 32 by noon, mid 30's the high tomorrow. this is a very cold forecast all the way through new year's eve tomorrow night. teensl be into the the ball drop. monday, only 23 degrees the high. that is nearly a record. the coldest it has ever been for a high temperature on new year's day is 17 degrees in 1918. if that 23 verifies, the last time it would have been colder would be 100 years ago when it was 17. the rest of the seven-day, nowhere near close to normal. jonathan: so close to the record, come on. cold and flu season could be worse than ever. jonathan: 7 on your side with health matters any warning about a bad flu season potentially. cases are spiking across the country earlier than last year. nancy: the flu is now reported in 21 states, twice as many as a week ago. the of the activity is in south and west. doctors are reminding you it is not too late for the flu shot. >> everybody who has had the flu, most of them have not had the flu shot. those who have had the shot, their symptoms are much less. jonathan: experts expect the flu season two peak next month. wash hands and stay away from six people. if you do get the flu, -- wash your hands and stay away from sick people. if you do get the flu, stay away from other people. nancy: you have called me still sound like barry white. jonathan: i do. scott: speaking of sickness and cold, it was a good night for sports indoors. plenty of fastball tonight. the terps went up against in-state foe umbc. and the wizards try to get back on track against houston. "what if" more of the energy we used came from renewable resources? "what if" the electric grid could our grid were less vulnerable and more secure? "what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if" to "what's next." dominion energy. >> local toyota dealers. scott: if you can figure out the wizards, please join me on the desks. this team is a case of jekyll and hyde. a huge victory christmas day against the terrible loss to the hawks, the worst team in the league. who knows what would happen tonight at home against the rockets. second quarter, washington up four. the slam, with authority. wiz led at the half. otto porter had a huge night, draining seven three pointers, including this one, giving the wizards a 20-point lead. . porter is fired up. the wizards bounceback with the victory. college rex, maryland battling umbc. terps struggled mightily without justin jackson in the first half hurry up kevin herder was locked in at the second half, leading all scorers with 20 points. maryland against the 66-45 win,. they will face penn state wednesday. trent williams underwent surgery this morning to correct a knee injury that plagued him the majority of the season. he posted this photo on instagram. the recovery timeline for his injury is reportedly about six months. he could be back on the field by the start of training camp. and it will be a busy day of college basketball tomorrow ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it all starts with a wish. the final days of wish list are here. hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complimentary first month's payment. nancy: cold, cold. jonathan: the last week day forecast of the year. bill: it will be a very cold start. probably 14 days with temperatures below normal. jonathan: jimmy kimmel's next. nancy: have a good night. my wish was a clubhouse, but we call it "the wish house." people visit national parks from all over the world. food tastes better when you don't have to cook it. he was just supposed to be my dog. i don't know why. (vo) we're proud that, on behalf of our owners, the subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars in just ten years. get 0% financing for 63 months on select models. plus we'll donate $250 to charity. [ speaking foreign language ] >> amigo! >> brother, how are you? >> are you ready to host the show, mr. shaquille o'neal? >> yes, i'm ready. >> good. >> all right, i'll see you out there. >> mr. shaquille o'neal, jimmy always give me a piggy back ride to the station. >> are you playing with me? >> no, i'm not a player. i'm a lover. >> all right, let's do it. ready? i got you. go. jump. jump! jump up! all right. >> ouch! faster. faster. >> dicky: from hollywood it's

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , Ann Arbor , Michigan , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Loudoun County , Gaithersburg , Maryland , Capitol Hill , Washington , Eastern District , Wichita , Kansas , Leesburg , Hagerstown , Prince George County , Hollywood , California , Houston , Texas , Ohio , Shenandoah , Frederick County , Baltimore , New Channel , Otto Porter , Umbc Terps , Jimmy Kimmel , Shaquille Oneal , Justin Jackson , Trent Williams , Hyattsville Tim , James Hodgkinson ,

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Transcripts For WJLA News 7 At 11 20171230 :

Transcripts For WJLA News 7 At 11 20171230

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he was rescued from a freezing ditch. almost.s crying >> now, abc 7 news at 11:00, on your side. jonathan: first, we are on storm watch. it is freezing outside. oncy: bitter cold and snow the way, all adding up to make a new year's one of the coldest in decades. jonathan: we have team covers, including a look at people braving the bone chilling cold, but we start with chief meteorologist bill kelly. how low will it go? into tonight we will be the mid-20's, one of the warmer nights. what we are focusing on this evening is the snow, tracking to the west. that is the blue on the map, the darker shades where it is heavier. most of that to the west and further northwest. a widespread winter weather the area, not the d.c. metro right now. frederick county, washington andty, allegheny county garrett county to the west, that is where the winter weather advisory is currently come in effect tonight right now until noon tomorrow. they will probably take that down earlier. gaithersburg germantown, hagerstown 18. the ground is completely prime for every flake to stick around. not a big snow maker, but potential problems if you are traveling late tonight, early tomorrow morning. the timing and the amounts coming up. jonathan: the drop in temperature just as people are gearing up for the weekend, including new year's celebrations. tim barber continues team coverage, joining us from georgetown with how folks are getting ready to brave the winter weather. when they will just put on hats and mittens. hat absolutely, i have my and mittens, a lot of space on the sidewalks and georgetown. we have seen some brave souls. we have noticed fewer people in georgetown, especially for a friday. smart people went out with that coats, warm hats, and mittens, but the smartest people one could argue stayed home. >> i was grateful. tim: i was hoping for the holidays? >> back and cold. tim: it is so frigid, the district has issued a cold alert. new year's eve could also be in the teens. it will be so cold that the city is opening space in its 17 homeless shelters, where just a few days ago they housed 1500 people when temps hit 19 degrees. >> if you still see people on the street, and location. most areas have little chance of snow saturday, it should not snow on the new year's eve parade. going out new year's? >> definitely, bundling up the best we can, and we will hit the streets. are walking along the sidewalk and see some of the sleeping on the ground this weekend, there is a number on the abc 7 mobile app so you can call and get them some help from the district. tim barber, abc 7 news. jonathan: as we wait for the winter weather, a look at the impact the temperatures are having. sky track 7 was over the potomac river in leesburg. ice is starting to form around whites fairy. pretty soon come if we keep these temperatures, it will be solid. follow the forecast no matter where you are, by downloading the free stormwatch 7 weather app. nancy: fbi raid at a home in sterling, federal agents swarming the home, leaving hours later with boxes of evidence. neighbors are trying to figure out why this happened. tom roussey is speaking with them. what are people saying tonight? hear from some of those neighbors in just a moment, nancy. first, the evidence of the fbi the on this condominium on door, the fbi tightlipped about what they were looking for, but we did learn some things from the neighbors. other law and enforcement removed a lot of things from this condo, after they spent hours raiding it. it is in the chatham green condos in sterling. neighbors describe at least one man and one woman who dressed "middle eastern" living there. they had apparently just moved in, and nobody we talked to knew their names. what was unusual? >> there were always amazon packages at the door. were a large part of what the fbi and other agencies including the lot in county sheriff office removed from the condo. neighbors say the agents arrived in the afternoon and did not leave until about 7:30. >> i just want to know more because it is a relatively quiet neighborhood. tom: neighbors are uneasy not knowing what happened. they have a lot of questions. >> hopefully if we would need to leave they would let us know. the fbi would confirm was when they did this to the door, they were executing a search warrant out of the eastern district of virginia, which is a federal court. we try tonight to look up property taxes and other records for the folks living here, but since they moved here recently, everything we found seem to be out of date. live in sterling, loudoun county, tom roussey, abc 7 news. jonathan: video showing the moments that a car in southeast washington went up in flames. once the fire was out, in the trunk body was found of a woman. now the investigation into who she was and how she got there is underway. anna-lysa gayle has the developments in this case. >> crazy. [horn] >> watch out, it is blowing. anna-lysa: debris is left behind in the sally near adrian street -- in this alley near adrian street in southeast. >> we heard about five or six shots and did not think much of it. anna-lysa: that is where the police say a woman was shot and killed just before 7:30 thursday night before being set on fire in the car. >> in a matter of seconds it was a blaze. anna-lysa: he saw a black car driving away shortly after the fire started. this cell phone video gives an idea how quickly the flames spread as the smoke billowed. so far the police have not identified the victim and no arrests have been made. >> that is pretty evil. do. not thinkanybody could anna-lysa: get to that point anna-lysa gayle anna-lysa:, abc 7 news. an innocent man is dead in wichita, kansas. manys squatting was so made a fake 911 call about a shooting in hostage situation. the police went to the address mentioned in the call and the man came to the door and an officer opened fire, killing him. the police have not said why the officer fired. jonathan: a look inside the bronx apartment building that went up in flames last night, killing 12 people inside, including children. we brought you this as breaking news last night. investigators say this was first floor apartment, and they had done it before according to reports. fire officials say open stairwells acted like chimneys to spread the fire. they stressed if you are getting away from a fire, always close the door behind you so it keeps the fire from spreading. nancy: an important reminder about the dangers of tricking and driving. this is a picture of an alexandria police cruiser after a suspected drunk driver plowed into it. the police caught up with the driver in charge him with dui. the officer was not hurt. if you are celebrating this weekend, washington regional alcohol program will open up a sober ride program, offering $15 in free ride credit so that you do not rake and drive. jonathan: as we count down to 2018, we back at some of the biggest stories in 2017. these are the stories we feel had we showed you six through 10 on new channel 8. now tom roussey counts down the top five. tom: number five, pregnant teacher killed. the beloved wild like high school teacher from olney never showed up the first day of school. of the police came to believe that her boyfriend killed her. they got him to speak at a press conference while the parents played along knowing he was a suspect. the police arrested him after the teacher's body was found in damascus. number four, the women's march. d.c. has seen many protests, but never one quite like this. just one day after president trump's inauguration, hundreds of thousands came out to protest against them. unlike the day before, this protest stayed peaceful. number three, charlottesville violence. it was an ugly day august 13, protests by white nationalists leading to violence. fighting, a man drove a car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing a 32-year-old. a man from ohio is charged with murder. a man apparently driven by hatred of republicans opened fire at the gop practice in alexandria for the congressional baseball game. five people were shot come including capitol hill police officer crystal. asoworker was also injured they and alexandria police got into a shootout with james hodgkinson, who was killed. house majority whip steve scalise was shot and nearly died but has since returned to congress. number one, inauguration violence. protests on inauguration day turned violent and instructive as some smashed windows and let things on fire. d.c. police arrested more than 200 people, but it defense attorneys argued arrested were not violent and the first six on trial were acquitted in december. the january 20 chaos was watched by the world and is our story of the year. tom roussey, abc 7 news. jonathan: if you missed the first half of the countdown, it is on our free abc 7 news app. still ahead, home again. nancy: a family reunited with their four-legged friend just in time for the holidays. look at him! the incredible rescue, next. jonathan: and a life-saving traffic stop by a quick thinking officer. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the final days of wish list are here. hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complimentary first month's payment. jonathan: this is the story that keeps giving. a printeru about error with a lottery game that led to people mistakenly hitting the jackpot, a whole bunch of them. officials in that state say the accidental winnings at up to nearly $20 million. votto officials decided to set aside that prize money. for now, players their winnings as the investigation into the incident continues. can you imagine that youwin, but we made a mistake? nancy: sorry, give me my money. the outcome of the tied virginia house of delegates race will be determined by random drawing next week. it we drawn on thursday to determine the winner of the tied election in southwest virginia. if democrats win, the house will be split 50/50. they willcans win, keep control of the house by one seat. life-savingis was a traffic stop that was caught on -- camera video. camera video. when the officer got to the car, he noticed the driver was red and unable to speak. it turned out he was choking. the officer pulled him out, gave him the heimlich maneuver, and saved his life. nancy: that is remarkable. thanks to a prince george's county firefighter. we showed you this video december 15 of a dog being rescued from a cold road in hyattsville. tim barber spoke to the family about having their best friend back just in time for the holidays. tim: spike the golden retriever loves playing in the yard. earlier this month, spike snuck out for a stroll and got stuck in a culvert. his family was horrified. >> it was heartbreaking that he was missing. tim: a couple days later he saw video of this prince george's county firefighter rescuing a dog and he knew that it was spike. >> just him, you know your dog. you had them 15 years, your whole life. tim: after the rescue, the firefighter said the dog did not have a name tag. so he took the dog, who they had appropriately named river, to the animal shelter. >> almost. tim: he reunited with his family just in time for the holidays. >> i was really happy to know he was ok, that he was fine and safe. i was really happy to see him again. tim: in prince george's county, tim barber. jonathan: he is just chomping on ice. good for him, nice job. the winter blast means that hell has officially frozen over. literally. the town of hell is in michigan, near ann arbor, the real deal. despite the winter wonderland, it is still a hot destination for tourists. the coolest thing about living there is when people ask where you live. bill: that is probably the same every day of the year because it is in that state up north. jonathan: you think? keyes the buc tonight, so i have to say that. 24 at reagan national, gaithersburg 18, manassas 20. a windchill factor, with many spots in the single digits. 10 gaithersburg, manassas no wind. all of these numbers are well below freezing. the surface is well below freezing, so the snow that comes in, all the flicks will be sticking around. should be light, fluffy snow. most likely between 3:00 a.m. and about 9 a.m. as this works across the area. on except foroing the shenandoah and blue ridge right now. looking outside tomorrow morning, might have a little snow. it will not last long. 9:30 most of it is out of here, near baltimore. i the afternoon we have snow bands moving through, more widespread tonight. afternoon. conditions could be dangerous if you are driving around. in terms of the snow, this does not look like a big snow maker, but i expect some accumulations, generally about an inch in the d.c. metro. most of that would be further to the north and further west. we have anywhere between one and nches to the north. there is a winter weather advisory in frederick county, washington county, to the north and west. that is in effect technically until noon tomorrow. tomorrow, 7:00ds a.m., still have the potential of snow on the roads and lingering. 32 by noon, mid 30's the high tomorrow. this is a very cold forecast all the way through new year's eve tomorrow night. teensl be into the the ball drop. monday, only 23 degrees the high. that is nearly a record. the coldest it has ever been for a high temperature on new year's day is 17 degrees in 1918. if that 23 verifies, the last time it would have been colder would be 100 years ago when it was 17. the rest of the seven-day, nowhere near close to normal. jonathan: so close to the record, come on. cold and flu season could be worse than ever. jonathan: 7 on your side with health matters any warning about a bad flu season potentially. cases are spiking across the country earlier than last year. nancy: the flu is now reported in 21 states, twice as many as a week ago. the of the activity is in south and west. doctors are reminding you it is not too late for the flu shot. >> everybody who has had the flu, most of them have not had the flu shot. those who have had the shot, their symptoms are much less. jonathan: experts expect the flu season two peak next month. wash hands and stay away from six people. if you do get the flu, -- wash your hands and stay away from sick people. if you do get the flu, stay away from other people. nancy: you have called me still sound like barry white. jonathan: i do. scott: speaking of sickness and cold, it was a good night for sports indoors. plenty of fastball tonight. the terps went up against in-state foe umbc. and the wizards try to get back on track against houston. "what if" more of the energy we used came from renewable resources? "what if" the electric grid could our grid were less vulnerable and more secure? 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