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Told her, its my right as an entertainer. Franken says the claims are categorically not true. All of this coming as members of Congress Today introduce a bipartisan bill that would force arbitration and allow employees of choice to go to court over harassment in the workplace. We, as elected leaders, should be held to a higher standard, not a lower standard and we should fundamentally be having valuing women. Thats where the debate has to go. Michelle franken has been accused by six other women who claim to be groped or forcibly kissed. Thats the live desk. Michelle marsh, back to you. Jonathan thank you. In the last few hours a lawsuit against harvey weinstein. Six women saying the hollywood titan covered up sexual assaults and tha the lawsuit says it was a coalition of companies and people working to hide everything. At least 75 people have come forward detailing accounts of assault and misconduct. Alison this is breaking as time maggie naming the silence breakers as a whole as the 20 Time Magazine naming the silence breakers as a whole as the 2017 person of the year. Nancy Lindsey Mastis has reaction to the selection. Lindsey there are many people in the article and several on the cover. That includes big name celebrities. Taylor swift shared the cover with the time person of the year hashtag. It has gotten 500,000 likes so far. And Alyssa Milano posted a tweet saying lindsey other responses as well and this tweet by time getting a reaction about the anonymous story. If you scroll in it. The anonymous woman is represented by a portion of her arm and people are noticing. Back to you. Alison thank you. You leave your child with a babysitter and you hope he or she is safe. But last night an 11yearold boy was shot by the man in charge of taking care of him. Police are quick to call this an accident. Stephen tschida has an update on the childs condition and just what went wrong here. A horrible story. Stephen very troubling indeed. It happened in this town home night. Police saying its a tragic accident. We have been talking with the police. They tell us that the man is cooperating with them. But the investigation continues. As far as the little boy, still in cit can condition. A frantic scene. An 11yearold boy shot by his male babysitter in a tragic accident. The gun fired when a 33yearold man and former member of the mill tear went to put it military went to put it away. The child struck in uper body. The man who shot him raced with the child to the an joint base andrews. The boy taken to Children National Medical Center in d. C. Where he apparently underwent emergency surgery. Tonight, the child in critical condition. The mother is a neighbor of the babysitter. Today at the townhome where the shooting took place nobody seemed coming or nobody seen coming or going. Once this investigation wraps up the findings will be headed off to the states attorney for review. And possible charges here. That is the latest. Reporting live, stephen tschida, abc7 news. Nancy thank you. Georgia avenue is back open after a crash this morning. The victim identified as 28yearold mario flores. This happened around 2 00 this morning right by hewitt avenue and aspen hill. The other driver is expected to be okay. Alison President Trump says a Government Shutdown could happen saturday and he blames democrats for their stance on immigration reform. The federal government is funded through friday. Meanwhile, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell took to twitter to say with the cooperation of the democrat colleagues congress will pass a shortterm bill before the end of the week. Republicans hold majorities in both chambers. Nancy here is a question for you. If they run out of money do the capitol capitol christmas t . The lighting is tonight. Bill kelly is on the hill with the free lighting forecast. It feels like winter now. Bill it does. Its beginning to look like christmas, feel like christmas. It does we have to start. The tree is going to be lit here in an hour and a half somewhere around there. 5 28 is what they are telling me. Well bring it to you. Were excited to do that on the west front lawn of the capitol. Show you the temperatures. We have clouds out there tonight. Its on the cool side. Bundle up if you are heading out. Temperature is 47 now. The winds are light. We are not dealing with a big wind chill factor. The dew point, the humidity is low tonight. The clouds will stick around throughout the evening hours. They will break a little bit later on. This is what it looks like around the d. C. Metro. Clouds but no feels like 45 in d. C. 39 in baltimore. The numbers will drop once we get clearing out there. The air temperature themselves if we are going to the mid40s for the capitol Christmas Tree lighting at 5 00. That is when the festivities start. The music starts at 4 45 tonight. A festive atmosphere here and we are excited to bring it to you. We are looking at a couple of cold fronts in the weekend. Well break that down in a few minutes. If you want to help, pull this line. Jonathan if you have not seen this video from southern california, its amazing. Not one but a few fires are burning out there. They explode out of control in the afternoon when the santa ana winds kick up. Thousands are evacuated. Some can stand back and watch as the fires consume everything in your path. Some of the homeowners are put in action. We join kristen powers live. That is where evacuees are going and ferrets trying to get rest. This is a horrible situation. You have a number of fires burning. What happened . Reporter yeah, exactly. Firefighters are working hard to try to put out the blaze. But they are struggling because of the winds. As they struggle to put out the flames people here in Evacuation Centers are struggling to cope with a loss. The thomas fire continues to race through ventura county. Flames reaching the pacific ocean. Tearing through neighborhoods on the way. The skyline was red. Tens of thousands of people are forced to drop everything and get out. We left. When i left, i just was not really ready to say goodbye yet. 450 people are huddled inside of the red cross ev fairgrounds. Many of them are still in shot. They are lining the street to drop off blankets and clothes. A little girl dropping off a picture for reassurance. To let them know they will be safe. Outside a grim scene. This is devastating. Especially around the holidays. Its the most wonderful time of the year. Fire crews say the recent number is 50,000 people have been evacuated. A lot of people have not been able to go home. They are holding on to hope to return home they have no idea what to expect but they are hoping they have a home to go to. In ventura county, im kristen powers. Jonathan thank you. Understand but this is worse. Remember northern california, the fire in october. Literally the entire neighborhoods reduced to ashes. We are learning that the insurance claims are reaching 9 billion to the fires alone. That is the number that will continue to go up. Nancy this afternoon President Trump signing a resolution recognizing jerusalem as israels capital. That is sending shockwaves around the world. Richard reeve and we Team Coverage but we begin with serena and the change in u. S. Policy. He made the decision to make jerusalem as the capital of israel he urged peace and said that jerusalem should remain place of worship for christian and muslims. It took seconds to reverse decades of u. S. Policy. President trump declared jerusalem the capital of israel and starting the u. S. Embassy there from tel aviv and said its a recognition of reality. Today we acknowledge the obvious that jerusalem is israels capital. In 1995 a resolution was passed to do just that. They have been waived by the previous american president s due to fears it would spark violence in the region making peace talks impossible. Already various factions called for three days of rage. Jerusalem is sacred ground for the worlds three major religions which is why making it israels capital is controversial. No other country in the world has the embassy in jerusalem. Everyone from arab and european leaders to the pope and Chinas Foreign Ministry warned against the change. I have spoken out against any unilateral measure to jeopardize the prospect of peace for israelis and palestinians. Israel message. There is no peace that doesnt include jerusalem as the capital of the state of israel. A belief that President Trump agreed with. We are no closer to a lasting Peace Agreement between israel and the palestinians. I would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or a better result. The president is heading to the region in the coming days. We will continue to monitor the impact of the decision. Richard reeve continuing the coverage this evening. There are protests around the world and outside the white house. Long time ago. Others are concerned about the security concerns here and abroad. Look at the white house. A lot of folks are showing up to try to get an inkling about what was happening with the announcement. Among the tourists, several Muslim American groups are speaking out. They feel that the president is crossing a line in sand in making the announcement. They have the argument to make jerusalem the capital was damaged. Arab israeli peace damage for many muslims. Jerusalem is the third holiest city. Among those outside the white house is chandler who has family spread out across israel and is concerned about the safety. In israel its a danger, provocation where there will be some on the far right to celebrate this. Yes, of course. Im nervous about the safety of all people in the region. That includes my family. A majority of the Jewish Americans are in favor of naming jerusalem as the capital city. But there are also concerns on that side about violence protest. A complete wrapup at 6 00. Reporting live, richard reeve, abc7 news. Alison thank you. We want to get to breaking news in maryland. Skytrak7 is live over the 355 bridge. This is the one that crosses the river in frederick. Its closed right now because a trash truck apparently struck several overhead support beams on this bridge. And you can see it right there. The truck is still stuck on the bridge. Its unclear when the bridge will reopen. Drivers should use i270 as an alternate. Jonathan the new math. The side of the truck to tell you how tall you are and the bridge tells you how low it is. Alison didnt work out. Jonathan coming up, the tech view to change how you will stream your favorite shows and videos. Plus, the new phase of one of the congressional investigio the 2016 election. All day federal authorities have been rounding up suspects targeting gangs, drugs. Christmas comes early. Still ahead the shopping free for some children in need. The New Friendship they are forging on abc7 alison the House Intelligence Committee interviewed donald trump jr. The president s son denied collusion in another closed door interview with the Senate Judiciary committee. Todays session was voluntary and not under oath. Well, happening across the d. M. V. Right now sweeping by raids by federal agencies. The target, gangs, guns and drugs. Brad bell outside the a. T. F. Headquarters with more. Brad . Brad we are told this is a major operation. We are outside the Washington Field office of the f. B. I. This was a joint operation between the two agencies. Part of an investigation we are told started last spring in an effort to disrupt gangs that are dealing drugs, guns and are involved in violence. We are told arrests have been made over the last several months. Today was the day they really went out in the community to t involved here. We dont know how many are arrested but im told its double digits by sources so that means at least ten. We are told the gangs the bloods, the bloods gang. A person in particular is the kingpin, even someone feared by his own members and we believe he was targeted today. Much of this is secret. We are back at 5 00. Jonathan apple tv lovers rejoice. Prime is available on the apple tv device. Until now the prime users had to find a different ways to about zest shows and movies from amazon. And tech giant google pulling youtube from fire tv. This decision is seen as the retaliation for the sell products competing with the gadgets including the chrome cast, an alternative to fire tv and google home competing against amazon echo. Hopefully the stressful relationship wont increase your stress. There is plenty of it this time of year. Psychologists say the holiday stress makes many people overeat and can lead to increase in blad pressure. They suggest high intensity exercise or medication or yoga to relax. Alison speaking of overeating many of you might have been overeating the mystery oreos. Nabisco offering 50,000 to one person who correctly identified the flavor. We know the flavor is fruity pebbles. Nancy i called it i did. Yaba daba do. Jonathan i thought it was we learn the winners name. Was it you . Nancy i didnt enter it. Jonathan i remember her saying that. Nancy on the record. We are continuing to countdown to the capitol Christmas Tree lighting. Bill kelly is there. With the ear muffs to tell us all we need to know. Bill i dont mess around. I like to be comfortable. If you are bundled up, you are good. There is the tree. Give you more information about the tree in a bit but check out the little guys. See the camera. This is teddy. How old are you, teddy . 4. Bill you want to the air and space museum. Me too bill you are 4 also . You live where . Montana . Right. So do you see the tree there. Did you make ornaments for the tree . What did you you make ornaments . You have everybody watching. Take your finger and point that way. You will see that there. On the tree they made the orangements up there. That ornaments up there. That will be lit at 5 30. The Program Starts at 5 00. We will bring you that in a moment. Talk about what is going on. You can see the clouds. Cool evening. Well continue to have the clouds rolling through the d. M. V. Throughout tonight. They will bring up in the everything hoursment to. Talk about what is going on numbers wise. 47 in d. C. 46 in manassas. The evening breaks down like this. Because we have the clouds, they wont tanks but they will drop. 47 by 7 00. 48 by 9 00. Its chilly and cloudy. Overnight the clouds break and we will go partly cloudy between the we are down near the freezing mark around the region. Tomorrow is looking good. 47 by 3 00 in the afternoon. You need the jacket throughout the day. We should have a fair amount of sunshine. I am loving the thursday forecast. That is looking good. As we check out the extended forecast we have been talking yesterday. First the weekend. Flurries late saturday and sunday because its another cold front sweeping through on friday. The average is 49 this time of year and we are below that. We had a front come through that brought us rainfall. We talk about the different fronts. The next one is late friday and saturday. That will bring potentially a mix mainly to the east and southeast. Right now it does not lock like well get much if anything in the metro. We are keeping an eye on that. We have the next front on tuesday. That will drop temperatures on we are down near the freezing mark for high temperatures. Each time we get cooler. Of course its december. We expect the things. That is below normal. Again, the Tree Lighting coming up. Program at 5 00. They will light it at 5 30. Bring it live the best we can on the big 7. For now, bundle up and go out tonight. Im bill kelly. Back to you. Nancy thank you very much. Still ahead for us at 4 30 beyonce waves in the world of sports and politics. The award she presented that turning heads today next. Mike im mike carterconneen at walmart in northeast washington. Today a hundred lucky kids went on the shopping spree with the d. C. Police officer. Coming up how a teen was shocked by an act of the d. C. Police Foundation Shop with the cop event pairs 100 men and women in uniform with the preselected d. C. Kids. If we are trying to show them we are friends of the young people in the community. At the walmart in northeast washington, the officers and the children wander up and down the aisle. Its cool that the cops volunteer. With the renewed focus o officerinvolved shooting d. C. And nationwide police call the Community Engagement critical to building trust. I think they are the best. They save people. They are helpful. Each child can spend 100 thanks to a 10,000 walmart grant. This is a great day for the police officers, too. Most buy toys or gifts for the families. I want to get something for my little brother. Many of the children go overbudget. Some by a few dollars and others by a lot more. The officers reach in their own pocket to make up the difference. Im glad i was able to be here. Be part of this. 17yearold robertson spent most of his money on gifts and necessities for the family. He was shocked when officers Jeffrey Napper and shondra chipped in extra 250. Police officers are the best. I wasnt a blessing on a day he will never forget. You can brighten up a childs holiday donating toys for tots. The drive does continue online. Just go to wjla. Com. That is the website. Wjla. Com toys. Order by december 13 a week from today to guarantee the toy arrives in time for the marines to come by and pick them up. Coming up, dont ruin the holidays. You have been told before and you have seen the dangers when it comes to the Christmas Trees. But minoras in the 7 on your side holiday alert. Jonathan politics, entertainment and sports colliding in one. Its beyonce tying it together and turning heads last night. The award she presented that everyone is still buzzing about up next. New when i join you at 5 00, bringing a childhood favorite to life. Why the story of a bull who flowers in the library of Congress Today. When youre clocking out. Im the one clocking in. Sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. I can even help with a silent night. Does your bed do that . I dont actually talk, but i can tell you how you slept. Im the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Announcer youre watching abc7 news at 4 00. On your side. Jonathan teenage suicide is one of the toughest topics to discuss. Nancy absolutely. In Montgomery County, two public high schools are facing Montgomery County reporter kevin lewis spoke to a woman trained to spot potential warning signs. It is important to ask their child are you suicidal . Melissa smith is a clinical psychologist at the treatment and the Learning Center in rockville. We sat down with her following two teen suicides in two weeks. The first was a 16yearold girl attending Walt Whitman High School in bethesda. The second a male junior at Walter Johnson high school also in bethesda. The students and the staff left saddened and stunned. Its a pathway. Not just a cliff people arrive at. So there is many factors along the way. It can start as early as late Elementary School the middle school. The pressures include endless social media exposure. Cyber bullying. Expectation to outperform fellow classmates. I will hear from the about college. How much they need to succeed now to be prepared. Parents routinely show their children affection. Avoid dismissing moodiness as the teenage hormones. Tearfulness, agitation, excessive worries. It may seem overconcerned with death. There is discussion about death or research or looking into death. The Montgomery County suicide hotline is active 24 7. So if you or anyone you know needs help call 3017382255. Michelle two arlington teachers accused of smoking marijuana in school hours have to wait until next year to see the judge. The two p. E. Teachers would smoke in their office before classes and they used an air the scheduled hearing today was continued. Taking a look outside. Its cooled off since yesterday. Bundle up if you are heading to the capitol Christmas Tree lighting. Bill kelly is there with the forecast and folks are already showing up out there, bill. Bill they are. There are a loft of people ready. How are you . Do you have cheer, spirit . Excellent stuff. The festivities are kicking off here at 5 00. They will Start Playing the music here. We will get you that. We are in the upper 50s to 60. This is 47 degrees in downtown. We are going 44 currently in chevy chase. 43 at aspen hill. We have 44 in manassas and burke as well as the clouds are out. We had sunshine earlier but its generally overcast around the region. Some of the clouds break up rolling to the everything hours but they are widespread right now around the area. We dont have the rainfall to deal with. That is nice. This is years past. The 54th they are doing this. Many years past that is nasty out with rain and the wind. But not today. If you are going on out bundle up and a good night to get out and enjoy the festive light conditions. It will get cooler making our way to the next couple of days. We have a cold front to talk about coming up. That comes in on friday. We will let you know how it affects your plans. Next week is the real deal. We will talk about that in a little bit. Jonathan the Holiday Season with the family is a special time but it can turn deadly. We show this video every year. So eye opening. Our 7 on your taylor with a safety alert for everybody. Scott to Christmas Trees. One is watered daily and the one on the left bone dry. 150 Christmas Trees catch on fire every year in the United States. It takes a spark. In seconds the dry free fills with flames. The presents gone and maybe your house. The tree dried burst quickly and burnt with the great intensity. Keep it watered every day. Every year it involves from the trees or the candles. If you have an artificial tree buy one with the label that is fire resistant and never burn a candle burning you cant see it. Make sure your family has a fire escape plan and practice it with the kids. 240 holiday related injuries per day occur in november december. Property loss due to holiday fires reach in millions of dollars. Download the abc7 news app to check out the holiday safety tips on the phone. Scott taylor, abc7 news. This afternoon a volkswagen senior manager sentenced to seven years in prison. Half a million vehicles had software to fool emission testing. The undocumented immigrant acquitted in the death of a San Francisco woman charged again at the federal level. He is charged with felony possession of firearm. He was acquitted of murder and Involuntary Manslaughter from the 2502015 shooting. It launched a na over the sanctuary cities. Colin kaepernick is the recipient of the muhammad ali legacy award and beyonce said she was proud and humble told present the award. I accept the award not for myself but on behalf of the people. Michelle the former 49ers quarterback decision to kneel in the National Anthem sparked similar protest by other players. President trump later blasted the nfl over the protest. Nancy you heard the flu shot might not be effective. 7 on your side with how easy it is to spread the virus without knowing you have been infected. I have never seen anything like it. A street sign through the sunroof. Its what the driver says to the officer that has him what do you think . Hey, think ben will like it . E angelic music . Im serious, i never know what to get him. Just tell me you got him fios too. Sigh. Mrs. Layne, fios is a 100 fiberoptic network. That, plus this sick console, hell be like whaaaaaattt. Your new tech is best on the 100 fiber optic network. So get fios. Now just 79. 99 per month with a 2year price guarantee with a 2year agreement. We told you this might be the biggest avocado. Look at it. Why a woman saying she found it on a morning walk. She submitting it for a world record. That is a lot of guacamole. You could just whip in a yummy. How about this . Nativity scenes that usually include donkeys, cows and sheep. But that is what makes the scene different. This one has sharks. Why not . Minnesota what would jesus do . Jonathan hopefully he will lay low. Oh, my. Until the wise men go missing. Michelle Three Wise Men now two. Street sign in card and had no clue. The driver was drunk. She drove eight miles in South Hackensack this weekend with a sign just like this sticking out of the sunroof. She failed two sobriety she didnt even know its there. How do you not know the sign came through flying through your car . I dont know. How this. Ghost ship washes ashore on the west coast. The powerful reminder in the empty boat. Mother natures destructive potential. The flu vaccine is 10 effective this year. Coming up why a local doctor says it could be life saving. And we are on the countdown. Listen in. [music] that is the United States marine band warming it up for the capital Christmas Tree lighting at 5 30. We will go out and listen to them. They sound great michelle we have learned that the flu vaccine may only be 10 effective but its still important to get it. I try to be healthy. Take care of the immune system. That is not enough. According to a specialist. It does not give you influenza. It does not cause the flu. Common myth cleared up but its true that the flu season in australia is over. And the vaccine was only 10 effective. Have we dont know that that strain which occurred in us australia will be the predominant strain in the United States. He says the flu shot protects against multiple strains. The flu shot takes about two weeks to effective. It is important to get it early because the prime flu season is only a few weeks away. Many still avoid it. I usually dont get it. If you dont get the shot washing your hands is still one of the best way to avoid getting sick. We wont know how effective the vaccine is. But the news from australia shows it could be a deadly year. 10 , yeah, its important. In arlington, cheryl conner, abc7 news. Jonathan its easy to get the flu. An infected person can spread it through talking. Coughing is more likely breathing it in. But you can spread the flu a full day before you feel the effects. If you are sick, the advice is to stay home. Its less likely to pick it up from surfaces but it doesnt hurt to wash your hands and tis the season. Nancy absolutely. On the subject of your health, the United Health group scrambling to buy up 5 billion of the Health Clinics across the country. This is a direct response to aetnas purchase by vcs as the health cvs. United health is hoping to control the urgent care and the outpatient surgery centers. Walmart is changing the legal name. Something you height not have noticed. Early next year it will change from Walmart Stores incorporated to walmart incorporated. Officially dropping the hyphen and the word stores to reflect the shift to online business. 190,000s are added in november. Solid. Not the pace for october. This is the Payroll Processor a. D. P. They are expanding a it a healthy pace. Look out for the federal report for november due this friday. After if tsunami a boat washed up ashore. Some of the writing still seen on the paint. Jonathan on this day in 1884 the Washington Monument was topped with the marvel cast and aluminum. Check out the picture. The completed construction of the 555foot obelisk almost five decades after the design was chosen. By code it is to be the tallest structure in the federal city. Nothing can go above the Washington Monument. Nancy very cool. Michelle bill kelly is outside the capitol for the bill this is a great night for it. It feels festive. We have the clouds. We have the band. Listen to that. Theyre doing holiday music. [holiday music] that kicked off five minutes ago. The president s own United States marine band will play some songs then speeches. The folks come out to talk about the Tree Lighting. That will happen at 5 28. The tree will be lit from nightfall to 11 00 through january 1 of next year. It got here on the 27th. That was monday. They decorated it. They are doing the lights of that. The everything forecast tonight wise we are keeping it in the 40s. It will be a nice cool night. Festive. 47 near 5 00. 46 if you are making your way out and about layer up. You are comfortable. You dont have to worry about the wind. Dont worry about the rain around the area. That is nice. Some of the clouds break up through the everything time frame. A future cast. There are the clouds. The models doing a good job to keep it in there throughout the night. We will break them up tomorrow. Call at it partly cloudy sky through the the day. For more clouds the farther east you are. Than farther west. By the afternoon we could see snow flurries over the mountain terrain. We have a few more clouds developing as ad cofront approaching our area on friday. We are watching change getting to friday. We have this paused 4 30 friday everything. You see the blue to the east and the southeast. That is a weather system to keep a close eye on. It should stay east of the area. That could bring snowflakes to maryland to delaware and new jersey. Considerably to the weekend which we talk about in a few minutes. There we are. Back here on the west front lawn of the capital. This will kick off at 5 00. 5 30 is when they will light it up. We will do our best to bring it to you on abc7. Back to you. Jonathan thanks. The redskins secondary is not afraid to make noise before, after and during the game. You will meet the man who has to keep them or try to under control. All the guys are unique in their own way but the same as far as how vocal they are. How he keeps the crew focused once they take the jonathan former virginia standout making a huge impact as the redskins defensive coach. He has hard hitters like ralph norman and brelan who he has working for him. But no work that going to no wonder going to work every day is a pleasure. We have more with the coach of the week. Robert who has a better job than torian gray . Not many. In charge of probably the most Outgoing Group on the redskins. Defensive backs. What is it like coaching those guys day in and day out . They are going to keep going. You have the guys very talkative. Josh is a Big Personality and talkative. But the same as far as how vocal they are. They have had injuries. Both are missing games but they have been able to deliver. What is the toughest thing with the weeks you dont have all the guys healthy . That is the nfl. You have a lot of teams with guys missing. We were no exception. He has the local ties. He played the college ball at virginia tech. Three seasons with the minnesota vikings. You come to work. Day in and day out. With the coach of week, im robert burton. Announcer right now at 5 00 it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. Tonight praise and protest after a three days in and callers for big changes on 66. The proposal to cap prices. Story time with a tough guy at library of congress. The w. W. E. Superstar message holds through a childrens classic. From abc7 news this is a breaking news alert. That news sut of frederick. A troubled bridge over waters. The bridge shutdown because a garage truck damaged beams. The engineers have to analyze the bridge. Tonight u. S. Embassies and warning americans to be worried about potential violent protests. Alison that is as the u. S. Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. Israel is a sovereign nation with the right like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital. Acknowledging this is a fact is a necessary condition for achieving peace. They are already erupting in gaza today as the u. S. Becomes the first country in the world to recognize disputed city as the israel capital. Jonathan and we have a look at whether it will create instability in the region. This is nothing more or less than recognition of reality. President trump announced the u. S. Will move the embassy from tel aviv where its been based for 70 years. The president says he is taking what he considers the next step in the peace process

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