With special achievers in mind This is for the attention of Social Development and Family Services Minister Donna Cox CALYPSONIANS Funny, Valentino, Trini, Gypsy and I were having a pre-concert chat two weeks ago about things carnivalesque when your name surfaced in the conversation. As a result, on their behalf I thank you for handing out grants in the sum of $5,000 last year to artists who, because of the pandemic, could not work in their field of entertainment to provide themselves with funds for their economic survival. Let me also thank you, too, for supporting TUCO’s Special Achievers’ Fund aimed at assisting veteran/aged calypsonians who are either ill or in need of financial care. All calypsonians are happy to note that, arising from press reports from your ministry, singers Baron, Black Stalin, Valentino, Bill Trotman, and Surpriser (now 90 years old), as well as musician Roy Cape, have been assisted financially by you and yours, even though your ministerial cheques have not arrived in their post boxes with the regularity and punctuality that such icons deserve.