Author of the article: Dave Brown Publishing date: Dec 23, 2020  â¢Â December 23, 2020  â¢Â 2 minute read  â¢Â New Beginnings, ABI & Stroke Recovery is one of 18 local funded agencies funded by the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton and provides several programs to members who have had a stroke or brain injury. Patricia Myllyoja does Tai Chi at New Beginnings which with other programs offered, improves mobility, balance, fine and gross motor skills, concentration and other cognitive skills while promoting a healthy lifestyle with measurable results. The United Way campaign will end at midnight, Dec. 31, 2020. United Way photo Article content As 2020 draws to a close, the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton has reached almost 90 per cent of this yearâs Needs Target. As of today, the annual campaign is currently at $1,705,000.