Wistron did not pay workers overtime: Karnataka labour department SECTIONS Share Synopsis “Workers have accused the company of not being given wages for overtime work, which is found to be true. We have asked Wistron to share all records related to the work attendance and payment. Action will be taken as per law,” labour commissioner Akram Pasha told. Agencies Of them, 1,343 were permanent employees while 8,490 were hired on contract. BENGALURU: A preliminary enquiry by Karnataka’s labour department has found that Wistron had not paid overtime wages to workers at its Narasapura (Kolar) facility and that the employees were upset that the management had deducted two days’ salary for a couple of months, apparently due to a software glitch. “Workers have accused the company of not being given wages for overtime work, which is found to be true. We have asked Wistron to share all records related to the work attendance and payment. Action will be taken as per the law,” labour commissioner Akram Pasha told ET.