Winfree’s MLW Fusion (Ep. 130) Review 4.28.21 Hey there everyone, it’s time for MLW Fusion so I’m here once again to relay all the happenings. Tonight Marshall Von Erich will battle “Filthy” Tom Lawlor one on one, Ross Von Erich takes on Dominic Garrini, and Bu Ku Dao will try to redeem himself after a less than stellar outing last week when he takes on Hijo de LA Park. Last week was kind of a down episode, let’s see if Fusion can rebound this week. The opening reminds us of the feud between Lawlor and the Von Erich clan. We’ll also get something on El Jefe of Azteca Underground tonight, plus a media event for Myron Reed trying to reclaim the middleweight title from Lio Rush in a few weeks. That sends us to the ring for our first match.