21/00239/TPO, Maurice James, tree works, West Downs Day Nursery, Romsey Road. Badger Farm Bighton 20/02845/HOU, Mr Down, erection of two-bay garage following demolition of existing outbuildings, Cobbs Farm, Sutton Wood Lane. Bishop's Waltham Colden Common Compton and Shawford 20/02862/FUL, John J O'Neill, replacement detached single dwelling with detached carport and cycle store and associated car parking following the demolition of the existing house, Ty Gwyn, Shepherds Lane. 21/00030/HOU, Mr and Mrs Gibbons, demolish existing store/garage building and replace with new timber clad office/store building, The Down House, Pearson Lane. Crawley 20/02883/LIS, Mr and Mrs Rees, minor alterations to fenestration of new extension approved under 18/00460/LIS, Glenbuck Cottage, Peach Hill Lane.