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Will L.A. salary contract repeat mistakes from the past? : c
Will L.A. salary contract repeat mistakes from the past? : c
Will L.A. salary contract repeat mistakes from the past?
The package is similar to a 2007 salary deal that contributed to one of the city's biggest budget crises. Former Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa later called that agreement a mistake.
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Los Angeles ,
California ,
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David Green ,
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Councilmember Bob Blumenfield ,
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Antonio Villaraigosa ,
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Parks Department ,
Los Angeles Police Protective League ,
Neighborhood Council Budget ,
Service Employees International Union ,
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City Council ,
Mayor Karen Bass ,
Service Employees International Union Local ,
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass ,
City Hall ,
Irfan Khan ,
Los Angeles Times ,
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa ,
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Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates ,
Administrative Officer Matt Szabo ,
Bob Blumenfield ,
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Los Angeles Police Protective ,
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