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Why you should never touch a dead or dying bird : comparemel
Why you should never touch a dead or dying bird : comparemel
Why you should never touch a dead or dying bird
Éanna Ní Lamhna on the threat posed by avian flu, mating soldier beetles and Clare fossils
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Wexford ,
Ireland ,
United Kingdom ,
Meath ,
Roscommon ,
Bass Rock ,
East Lothian ,
Ballynahinch ,
Down ,
New Quay ,
Clare ,
Dublin ,
Corrandulla ,
Galway ,
Irish ,
British ,
Scotland ,
Jim Waldron ,
Arthur Patrick Haworth Moore ,
Colette Cole ,
Queen Anne ,
Fiona Mohr ,
Killian Odonnell ,
Co Meath ,
Co Clare ,
Co Galway ,
Co Roscommon ,
Swan Rescue ,
Myles Long ,
Patrick Haworth Moore ,
Flaggy Shore ,
Nature ,
Eye On Nature ,