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Why the Press Failed on Iraq :
Why the Press Failed on Iraq :
Why the Press Failed on Iraq
How one team of reporters got it right.
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Georgia ,
Afghanistan ,
Tampa ,
Iran ,
Alaska ,
Washington ,
White House ,
District Of Columbia ,
Vietnam ,
Republic Of ,
Anchorage ,
Virginia ,
Oak Ridge ,
Tennessee ,
World Trade Center ,
Syria ,
Fort Benning ,
Kabul ,
Kabol ,
Salman Pak ,
Baghdad ,
Iraq ,
Chatham ,
New Jersey ,
Israel ,
Fort Lewis ,
Libya ,
Turkey ,
Iraqis ,
Afghans ,
Afghan ,
Iraqi ,
Palestinian ,
American ,
Jonathan Salant ,
Clark Hoyt ,
Saddam Hussein ,
Marjorie Taylor Greene ,
Jonathan Landay ,
Ayman Al Zawahiri ,
Farouk Hijazi ,
Jerry Ceppos ,
Joe Galloway ,
Paul Wolfowitz ,
Georgew Bush ,
Ahmed Chalabi ,
Hafez Al Assad ,
Dick Cheney ,
Knight Ridder ,
Tony Ridder ,
Abu Nidal ,
Donald Rumsfeld ,
James Woolsey ,
Warren Strobel ,
The New York Times ,
Shaw Air Force ,
Cracker Barrel ,
Cnn ,
Us Air ,
Mcclatchy Co ,
New York Times ,
Energy Department Oak Ridge National Laboratory ,
Washington Post ,
Iraqi National Congress ,
Gannett ,
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein ,
Wall Street Journal ,
State Department ,
World Trade ,
Tish Wells ,
Operations Command ,
Energy Department ,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory ,
Bronze Star ,
Defense Donald Rumsfeld ,
One Knight Ridder ,
Knight Ridder Washington ,
Fort Bragg ,
Fort Riley ,
Grand Forks ,
Vice President Dick Cheney ,
American Backed Afghan ,
Special Immigrant Visas ,
President Donald Trump ,
Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene ,
Investigative Reporters ,
Bergen Record ,
Chatham Asset Management ,
Knight Ridder Iraq ,