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Why the markets are watching Chile's election : comparemela.
Why the markets are watching Chile's election : comparemela.
Why the markets are watching Chile's election
The presidential race has come down to a contest between two extremists threatening the country’s ability to attract investment and ensuring more turmoil ahead.
Related Keywords
Colombia ,
Alabama ,
United States ,
Chile ,
Santiago ,
Regióetropolitana ,
Brazil ,
Chileans ,
Bloomberg Businessweek ,
Claudia Heiss ,
Rodrigo Cerda ,
Jose Antonio Kast ,
Pamela Figueroa ,
Yasna Provoste ,
Franco Parisi ,
Institute Of Public Affairs ,
University Of Chile ,
University Of Santiago ,
Constitutional Assembly ,
National Congress ,
Finance Minister Rodrigo Cerda ,
Social Development Minister Sebasti ,
Senator Yasna Provoste ,
Public Affairs ,