CinemaBlend Prodigal Son**.** After the big escape from Claremont on Prodigal Son, it was only a matter of time before Malcolm Bright tracked down Friar Pete, who escaped from the psychiatric hospital with fellow inmates Martin Whitly and Hector. Believe it or not, Friar Peteâs final scene is the reason his death was actually a blessing, at least according to Christian Borle -- who portrayed the manic murderer on the drama series. In his final moments, Friar Pete had a showdown with Malcolm Bright at a bowling alley. As Bright made his way onto the lanes, Friar Pete was merely just enjoying himself, as an escapee does. When confronted by Bright, Friar Pete threw a bowling ball at him, which Bright was thankfully able to dodge before Pete pointed a gun at him. However, Pete was fatally shot by U.S. Marshal Emily Ruiz, who just recently boarded the case and counted on Bright to lead her right to his father. Christian Borle explained to TVLine that although Friar Pete didnât go out in a blaze of glory, he was still excited about the different aspects of the scene and the fact that it saved him from getting too over-the-top as an actor: