Whitmer signs bills banning water shutoffs, allowing virtual meetings by local governments Updated Dec 22, 2020; Posted Dec 22, 2020 Facebook Share LANSING, MI - Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a series a bills late Tuesday, including extensions to March 2021 on banning water shutoffs and allowing local governments to hold virtual meetings. Senate Bill 241 is a moratorium on water shutoffs through March 31, 2021 to assist Michiganders during the COVID-19 pandemic. It would also require public water suppliers to strive to determine which households lack water service and make best efforts to restore it. About 800,000 statewide residents behind on their water bills won’t see their water shut off, according to estimates from the National Resources Defense Council. The Michigan Senate voted 30-8 in favor of it on Dec. 10, while the House approved the bill 96-9 on Dec. 17.