When Marriage Disappears: The Retreat from Marriage in Middl

When Marriage Disappears: The Retreat from Marriage in Middle America

In high-rent urban neighborhoods and the prosperous suburbs of the nation’s major cities, divorce is down, marital satisfaction remains high, and non-marital childbearing is still an exotic activity. It is not upscale America but Middle America that is experiencing marital troubles: From small towns in the heartland to working-class suburbs outside the nation’s major cities, divorce, marital dissatisfaction, and non-marital childbearing are on the rise. In a word, marriage is in much better shape among Whole Foods regulars than it is among Wal-Mart shoppers. To fix this problem, our public policies must strengthen the employment opportunities of high school–educated Americans, cultural reforms must seek to reconnect marriage and parenthood for all Americans, and we must try to strengthen religious and civic institutions that lend our lives meaning, purpose, and a regard for our neighbors.

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United States , Jersey , New York , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Hollywood , California , South Africa , Virginia , University Of Virginia , Americans , America , American , Kay Hymowitz , Nicholas Wolfinger , Paul Taylor , William Julius Wilson , Robert Putnam , Barbara Dafoe Whitehead , Sidney Verba , Isabel Sawhill , Gene Roberts , David Pope , Sara Mclanahan , Daniel Patrick Moynihan , Bradford Wilcox , Pew Center , Chuck Donovan Is Senior Research , Senate Finance Committee , Fourth National Incidence Study Of Child Abuse , Pew Research Center , Rutgers University , Department Of Health , National Marriage , Hispanic Center , Yale University , Heritage Foundation , Human Services , Alliance For Better Campaigns , Helen Devos Center , Case For National Action , Washington Post Bureau , New York Times , Brookings Institution , Institute For American , University Of Virginia Under Brad , Whole Foods , Civil Society , Middle America , Marriage Disappears , National Marriage Project , Professor Bradford Wilcox , Barbara Dafoe , Soft Patriarchs , Soul Mates , Marriage Among African Americans , Demographic Trends Project , Better Campaigns , Middle Class , Bad Times Hit , Chuck Donovan , Senior Research Fellow , American Values , Middle American , Middle Americans , United Way , Jersey Shore , General Social Survey , Madison Avenue , Fourth National Incidence Study , Child Abuse , Gary Sandefur , Negro Family , Philadelphia Inquirer , Trends Desk , Voting Rights Act , Demographic Trends Unit , Social Security , Marriage , Rof Bradford Wilcox , Demographic Trends ,

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