The aftermath of India's Republic Day celebrations in 2024 prompts reflection on historical events surrounding the nation's constitution and independence in 1950 and 1947. Hidden within the annals of history lies the subtle intrusion into ancient India's sandy shores dating back to 1599 when the Portuguese and Dutch held sway over the lucrative spice trade. The story unfolds as British resentment against Dutch price manipulation in 1599 catalysed the formation of The Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies, a company initially established for survival. Over two centuries, the East India Company shrewdly exploited India's vulnerabilities, navigating through diplomatic intricacies, battles, and alliances. By 1858, the British government dismantled the company, bringing India under direct British rule. The East India Company's legacy, tainted by deception, insider trading, and exploitation, led to estimates of a colossal $45 trillion in wealth looted from India. The intricate tale reveals the company's strategic manipulation of India's disunity, ultimately making a fledgling company a master of a nation through cunning and deceit. The narrative serves as a cautionary reminder of the perils of unchecked power and the enduring consequences of colonialism.