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What's in an F-rating: Understanding Nolan's grade with the
What's in an F-rating: Understanding Nolan's grade with the
What's in an F-rating: Understanding Nolan's grade with the NRA - Duluth News Tribune | News, weather, and sports from Duluth, Minnesota
One of the drumbeats coming out of the biennial race to represent Minnesota's 8th Congressional District refers to Democratic incumbent Rick Nolan as "F-rated by the NRA." Despite the 72-year-old congressman being a known hunter and outdoorsman, ...
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Minnesota ,
United States ,
Americans ,
Catherine Mortensen ,
Rick Nolan ,
Stewart Mills ,
Jason Metsa ,
National Rifle Association ,
Congressional District ,
News Tribune ,
Affordable Care Act ,
Congressman Nolan ,
San Bernadino ,
Second Amendment ,
Iron Range ,
Mills Fleet Farm ,
Guns ,
Elections ,
Mills ,
Politics ,
Nolan ,