Live Updates
HARMONIXDec. 14-17 — Wyndham Garden Hotel Ballroom, 125 Sixth Ave., Kenosha. Holiday concerts. 7 p.m. Dec. 14-16. 1:30 p.m. Dec. 16-17. Tickets ($13-$22) at
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Bradford High School In Kenosha ,
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Reuther Central High School ,
Music ,
Wood ,
Entertainment ,
Astronomy ,
Art ,
Estaurant Industry ,
Nology ,
Ilm Industry ,
Onstruction Industry ,
Ballet ,
Chool Systems ,
Oads And Traffic ,
Architecture ,
Ood Industry ,
Rade ,
Sports ,
Photography ,
Politics ,
Computer Science ,
Iterature ,
He Economy ,
Ransportation ,
Education ,
Religion ,
University ,
Singing ,
Ames And Toys ,
Ociology ,
Oology ,
Ob Market ,
Rtistic Crafts ,
V Broadcasting ,
Theatre ,
History ,
Nstitutions ,
Industry ,
Ospitality Facilities ,
Ity Planning ,
Fashion ,
Botany ,
Agriculture ,
Rafts ,
Usical Instruments ,
Tourism ,
Skiing ,
Jaw ,
Atercraft And Nautical Navigation ,
Motor Vehicles ,
Inance ,
Furniture ,
Medicine ,
Armed Forces ,
Eteorology ,
Ydrography ,
Gardening ,
Olklore ,
Aviation ,
Hristianity ,
Clothing ,
Inguistics ,
Advertising ,
Business ,
Software ,